Musical entertainment in the senior group of kindergarten. Summary of musical entertainment in the senior group “Tsvetik-Semitsvetik”


1. Audio recording of “Second string quartet» A.P. Borodin (fragment-1st part).

2. Audio recording of the sound of instruments: violin, viola, cello.

3. Illustration of a string quartet.

4. Portraits of A.P. Borodin and I.A. Krylova.

5. Musical and didactic game “Find out an instrument” (cards according to the number of children with images of instruments: violin, viola, cello; musical house: lower window - cello, middle window - viola, upper window - violin).

6. Planar (prop) instruments.

7. Elements of costumes (hats): donkey, goat, bear, monkey, nightingale.

8. Items for dance improvisation: ribbons, plumes, handkerchiefs, scarves.

(Children enter the hall to the music of A.P. Borodin and sit on chairs.

Musical director: Dear friends! Today in our music room we will get acquainted with the music of the very famous Russian composer Alexander Porfiryevich Borodin

(Shows a portrait of the composer).

We will listen to the musical work “Quartet”. Who has heard the word “quartet” before?

(Children's answers.)

That's right, the quartet is Music band of four musicians. The very word "quartet" Latin means "four".

There are different quartets (from different instruments), there are vocal quartets where two singers sing in high voices, the third - medium, and the fourth - the lowest, bass.

(An illustration of a string quartet is shown.)

Here's a look at the picture. Which quartet is depicted on it?

(Children's answers.)

Yes, there is a string quartet featured here. What instruments do musicians have in their hands? You already know some of them, name them.

Children: Violins.

Musical director: There are two violins in the quartet. Let's listen and remember what a violin sounds like.

(Listening to an audio recording with the sound of a violin.)

Listen, another instrument is playing now. What kind of instrument is this?

Children: Alt.

Musical director: That's right, the Viola is also a violin, only a little larger. Its sound is duller, duller, muffled. Listen to how it sounds.

(Listening to the sound of the viola again.)

You don't know this tool yet. It's called cello. In a string quartet, this is the lowest sounding instrument. Let's listen to his voice.

(Audio recording of the sound of a cello.)

Each of these instruments has its own unique voice. Would you guys like to hear a string quartet? Then sit back and let's go to Magic world music. Listening to “Quartet” by A.P. Borodin.

(Listening to a fragment of the 1st movement of “Second String Quartet” by A.P. Borodin.)

Listen to how softly and tenderly the viola sings; how easily and carefully they pick up the melody of the violin. The cello sang in a low, velvety voice. They seem to be competing with each other - who can sing the melody better and more beautifully.

Did you like this music?

Tell me, if this music was played by one instrument, would it sound better or not?

Did you feel the character of this music? How did it sound? (Light, gentle, melodious, and so on.)

You are right, the music is light, gentle, one might even say transparent. Look. I have them on my table various items which we use in dancing and games: ribbons, handkerchiefs, plumes, scarves. I suggest you choose any of these items that you think will help you convey the character of this work in your movements.

(Dance improvisation of children to music.)

I really liked the way you danced, your movements were smooth, flying, airy - you definitely felt the character of this music. Now, I want to invite you to play.

(A musical-didactic game “Learn the Instrument” will be held.)

Oh, guys, musicians came to visit us. Children enter playing roles from I.A.’s fable. Krylov "Quartet". Yes, these are not ordinary musicians. Who are they, children?

(Children's answers.)

Children are the heroes of the fable “Quartet” by Ivan Andreevich Krylov. Ivan Andreevich himself was an excellent musician and most of all loved to play in a quartet. Let's see what this fable is about.

(A dramatization of I.A. Krylov’s fable “Quartet” is performed.)

Thanks to our artists. They very emotionally conveyed the characters of all the characters in this fable. Tell me, guys, why didn’t our would-be musicians manage to play a quartet?

(Children's answers.)

Of course, every task requires learning, effort and work.

Ours has come to an end musical evening. What new did you learn today? What kind of music did you listen to? What new tools have you been introduced to?

(Music by A.P. Borodin sounds, children leave the hall.)

Description of material: I offer you a script musical entertainment“Flower Glade” for older children (5-6 years old). This material will be useful for teachers and music directors of preschool institutions.

Scenario of musical entertainment for children of the senior group “Flower Glade”

Integration educational areas : “Cognition”, “Communication”, “Socialization”, “Reading” fiction", "Music".

Target: generalization of knowledge about summer flowers.


Educational: to form an idea of ​​summer flowers, consolidate knowledge about summer, learn to establish cause and effect relationships;

Developmental: develop musical and aesthetic perception, observation;

Educational: educate careful attitude to nature, curiosity.

Methodological techniques: conversations with children, reading poetry, game situations.

Yuri Antonov’s song “Don’t pick the flowers” ​​is playing. Children enter the hall and sit down.

Progress of entertainment.


How bright the Earth is at dawn

And everything is wide open for fairy tales.

She is in pearls, in silver,

She is in emeralds, in diamonds.

The silence is broken.

The very first ray of dawn

So, sleep time is over,

All the flowers are waiting for a greeting.

Do you guys like flowers? What flowers do you know?

Musical director. What flowers will I sing to you about now?

The song “Summer Flowers” ​​is performed (music by E. Tilicheeva, lyrics by L. Nekrasova)

Children share their impressions of the song.

Presenter. Listen to how beautiful wildflowers are!

Children read poetry.


Dandelion by the path

In a fluffy hat,

With a long leg.

I found him in the forest

But I won’t take it with me:

I'll just take it in a bouquet,

The wind blows - no hat! (L. Agracheva)

As soon as the sun rises -

The poppy will bloom in the garden.

Cabbage butterfly

It will fall on the flower.

Look - and the flower

Two more petals! (E. Feyerabend)


Unpretentious, inconspicuous,

He shakes his head

Not silver, not copper

Blue bell.

Silent bell -

This little flower

Chimes, overflows

Doesn't blow away in the breeze. (E. Ilyin)

The bumblebee is heavy, striped,

I flew in the garden all day.

He didn't just fly

He was counting flowers in the garden.

He grumbled: “It’s hard work!

After all, there is no count of flowers in the garden!” (E. Feyerabend)

Presenter. It's good when there are no counting colors! This means there are a lot of them and they don’t get torn. They are admired!

I'm talking about that.

That the whole Earth is ours common Home, -

Our good home spacious house. -

We all live in it from birth.

I'm also talking about this,

That we must save our home.

Let's prove that it's not in vain

The Earth hopes for us. (R. Rozhdestvensky)

Presenter. Let's go to a forest clearing, play there, and relax. And we will go there not by train, not by car, but on horseback. Take the reins - and good luck!

(children “jump” on a horse into the forest)

Presenter. And in the forest it’s nice, warm, the birds are singing songs. And the flowers are apparently invisible!!!


Hello white daisy,

Hello, pink porridge!

We'll look at the flowers

Let's sit in the clearing.

Bloomed in our forest

Various flowers:

Poppy, chamomile, cornflowers

Blue eyes.

I took my watering can

And watered the flowers.

Flowers will drink water,

They will grow well!

The boys took the baskets

We ran for mushrooms.

The boys brought it home

Only leaves and pine cones.

Presenter. How many boys brought cones!!! I think we'll play with them.

Game with cones. 1. Relay race with baskets. 2. Game “Clean up the forest”


Don't you guys want to

Can you guess my riddles?

But not only to guess,

And also draw.

“Riddles - drawing games” (children listen to riddles and draw answers)

1. Looks like a wedge,

If you unfold it, damn it. (Umbrella)

2. We all like it,

Without him we cry

And it barely appears.

We look away and hide.

It's too bright

And light and hot! (Sun)

3. Red maiden

Sitting in prison

Spit on the street. (Carrot)

4. Scarlet itself, sugary,

The caftan is green, velvet. (Watermelon)

5. Sisters stand in the rays

golden eye,

White eyelashes. (Daisies)

6. Antoshka is standing

On one leg. (Mushroom)

7. The ball was white,

The wind blew

The ball flew away. (Dandelion)

Presenter. You all know the game “The Sea is Troubled.” And since we are in the forest, in a clearing, we will say: “The grass is swaying,” and we will depict flowers. The most different, the most beautiful!

Imagination game.

(Children move to the music, when the music ends, the children freeze and depict a flower)

Presenter. It's time for us to return to kindergarten. Hold the reins tight and gallop!

("Horse" sounds, music by M. Rauchwerger, children move to the music)

Presenter. What did you like about our trip?

(Children share their impressions)


In parting I want to tell you:

Don't pick flowers, don't pick them,

Let the Earth be elegant.

Entertainment consists of musical numbers which the children prepared for the spring holiday. Musically – didactic games were carried out throughout school year. The hall is decorated with balloons, on the main wall there are paintings depicting musical instruments and multi-colored notes.

Required material:

Musical instruments: spoons, tambourines, maracas, bells, rumbas, metallophones; cardboard image of a house with 5 windows, cards with musical instruments(5 cards), tanagram with musical instruments, 2 easels, magic box.

Musical material: B. Smetana “New Year’s Orchestra”; “Baynovskaya quadrille” arr. M. Iordansky, Russian folk song “In the garden or in the vegetable garden”, Latvian folk melody arr. J. Kepitisa.

Children enter the hall accompanied by calm music and sit on chairs.

(Musical instruments are laid out on tables near each group).

Musical director: Hello guys! I'm very glad to see you! Today's concert is dedicated to musical instruments! Each of us has a house in which we live, in which we feel comfortable and warm, animals also have their own houses, some have a hole, some have a hollow. Guys, where do you think musical sound lives?
Children: Musical sound lives in musical instruments.
Musical director: Right, musical sounds live in musical instruments. And musical instruments begin to sound when musicians play them. A group of musicians who play together is called an orchestra. What orchestras do you know?
Children: Brass, folk, pop, symphonic.
Musical director: Well done, what is the name of the orchestra in which the performers are child musicians?
Children: Children's noise orchestra!
Musical director: Well done, our concert is opened by the children's noise orchestra of the senior group.

The 1st senior group performs “The Cheerful Orchestra” by composer B. Smetana.

Musical director: Guys, I have a magic box, what’s in it, let’s see (he opens the colorfully decorated box and takes out one riddle at a time), these are riddles from a music notebook.


Children: Drum!

2. They hit each other,
And they sing in response
And they shine like two pennies -

3. The instrument plays happily
He has bellows and keyboards.
If he plays even a little,
Everyone will recognize the instrument -... (accordion)

Musical director:

Maracas, maracas,
Make some noise for us now.
We will all dance
Play maracas!

1st middle group performs Russian folk song“In the garden or in the vegetable garden” on maracas

Musical director: I suggest playing with musical instruments.

Musical relay race. "Play the glockenspiel"

2 teams are participating. Metallophones are placed on 2 tables. Children run to the instrument, swipe the stick 2 times and run back.

Musical director:(rings a bell)

Ding-ding-ding, my bell
My melodious bell
Kolokoltsev chime
He is very cheerful.

2nd middle group performs “Latvian folk melody” with bells

Musical director: Guys, each person has his own individual voice, which distinguishes him from others, so each musical instrument has its own individual timbre, its own coloring.
Look, I have a fabulous musical house, in every window there lives a musician, and now we’ll try to guess what musical instrument he plays.

Music game"Musical House"

Musical fragments on various musical instruments are played, children, having determined by ear which instrument is sounding, find its image among the cards and insert it into one of the windows of the house.

Musical director: Guys, I have a problem, someone cut the cards with musical instruments and I don’t understand how to put them back together. Will you help me?

Game "Assemble a tool"

2 easels, cards with musical instruments cut into 4 parts. 2 people go out and collect the tanager with musical instruments.

Musical director: Guys, let's imagine that we are real musicians and show how musicians play various musical instruments.

Plastic song – game “Musicians”

Musical director: Guys, I still have one more riddle in my box.

They eat soup at lunch,
By evening they will “talk”
Wooden girls
Musical sisters.
Play a little too
On beautiful bright ones... (spoons)

Children of the 2nd senior group perform “Baynovskaya quadrille” arr. M. Jordansky.

Musical director: look what I see? These are some unusual musical instruments. Guys, can you tell us about them?

Presentation “Do-it-yourself musical instruments”

Children and their parents created various musical instruments with their own hands. Several children come out and talk about their instrument.

Musical director: Look at this musical instrument, how unusual it is (he approaches a guitar made of cardboard and picks it up), it seems like there’s something in it (opens it, and there’s a sweet prize for the children).

Now we have visited the world of musical instruments, tell me guys: are the instruments different? (Yes), are they all beautiful? (Yes)

Each musical instrument is special and has its own appearance and its unique timbre coloring!

You all performed wonderfully today, and I want to congratulate you all!
Children leave the hall to the music.

List of used literature:

1. Kaplunova I. “Our cheerful orchestra"from the series of the program "Ladushki", St. Petersburg 2013.
2. Komissarova L.N., Kostina E.P. « Visual aids in musical education preschoolers: a manual for teachers and music directors» M.: Education 1986
3. Suvorova T. Rhythmic mosaic part 2, part 4 Toolkit for music directors, Moscow 2001.
4. Zheleznova E. “The locomotive is going, going, going.” Fun lessons for kids" No. 42 CD 2010.


1. Musical instruments: tambourines, drums, bells.

2. Hats of gnomes, mice, cats, soldiers.

Musical material:

1. Shulgina L. “March”.

2. Gladkov G. Fragment from the cartoon “The Bremen Town Musicians”.

3. Schumann. R. "March".

4. Tchaikovsky P.I. From children's album"March wooden soldiers».

5. Sviridov G. “Military March”.

6. Tchaikovsky P.I. March from the ballet "The Nutcracker".

7. Grieg E. “Procession of the Dwarves.”

8. Glinka M.I. "March of Chernomor" from the opera "Ruslan and Lyudmila".

9. Saint-Saens K. Fragment of the “Royal March of the Lions”.

10. Zhilinsky A. Play “Mice”.

First conversation

Musical director: Today we will talk about the march. What kind of music is this?

(Children's answers.)

That's right, it's walking music. The sounds in it are even, clear, they seem to help us walk: one-two, one-two - you are walking to the march while exercising. These are sporty, cheerful marches, such as, for example, the well-known march by composer L. Shulgin. It is festive and solemn. But there are other marches.

Each of you has heard march music more than once. Remember when and where it was.

(Children's answers.)

Yes, that's absolutely right. Marches are heard not only in music classes or physical education. The troops are marching in the parade, and marching music sounds again. The clear sounds of marching can often be heard on radio and television. What about cartoon characters? Remember, for example, how cheerfully the army marches and sings in the cartoon “The Bremen Town Musicians”.

(A fragment of G. Gladkov’s march from the cartoon sounds.)

Today, listening to the music, we will think about how the marches differ from each other. What musical instruments can the march be performed on?

(Children's answers.)

I propose to listen to the march of the composer R. Schumann and name the author.

(Children's answers.)

Right. This is "March" German composer Robert Schumann. The music in it is cheerful and loud. This is how soldiers walk in formation. Do you think these are real, adult soldiers or toy soldiers marching?

(Children's answers.)

Yes, toy soldiers can walk like that too. What march for toy soldiers do you know?

(Children's answers.)

Right. “March of the Wooden Soldiers” by P.I. Tchaikovsky. How does the music of one march differ from the music of another?

(A fragment of a piece of music is performed. Children’s answers.)

The music of Tchaikovsky's march sounds more easily, abruptly, high, ringing sounds. Here you can imagine how little soldiers walk in neat rows with their wooden legs. Listen to how the music sounds in R. Schumann's March? The same light high sounds?

(Children's answers.)

Of course, in this march the music is louder. It’s as if these are soldiers not made of wood, but made of metal.

Let's imagine that our fingers are the legs of toy soldiers. They will cheerfully and clearly march across your knees to the music.

(The “March” by R. Schumann sounds, children imitate the walking of soldiers.)

This march is written for one musical instrument - piano. Now you have shown how the legs of small toy soldiers walk.

You and I have already listened to marches that are performed not by one instrument, but by a whole orchestra, where there are many musical instruments and each of them has its own role. Remember what marches you heard performed by orchestras?

(Children's answers.)

Today we will listen to the music of composer G. Sviridov “Military March”. If you listen carefully, you can imagine soldiers walking past the stands in neat rows, cavalry passing, clopping their hooves, moving heavily military equipment. Let's imagine now that we are at a military parade. Listen carefully to all the changes in the music and try to show with your movements what you heard.

(The “Military March” of G. Sviridov sounds.)

Now a new march will sound for you - a march from the ballet “The Nutcracker” by composer P.I. Tchaikovsky. Let's listen to him.

(An audio recording of the march is played.)

What march does this music remind you of?

(Children's answers.)

Right. The music of this march is festive, cheerful, and childish. It reminds us of “March of the Wooden Soldiers” by P.I. Tchaikovsky. She is just as joyful and loud. Let's imagine New Year's celebration. In the hall, sparkling with lights, stands a brightly dressed Christmas tree. To the sounds of this march, children in carnival costumes enter the hall in a cheerful crowd. Is all the music of this march the same?

(Children's answers.)

That's right, in the middle of the march the music changes. Listen.

(A fragment of a march sounds.)

What do you think the composer wanted to tell us with his music?

(Children's answers.)

Yes you are right. If we listen carefully, we will hear ringing laughter children, and cheerful talk, and games around the Christmas tree. The march melody tells us this perfectly. Tchaikovsky, like a skilled artist, paints us a picture of a sparkling Christmas tree sparkling with multi-colored lights. But now the sounds of the first part of the march are heard again. The New Year tree celebration continues. Now we will also take part in this celebration. Let's take the tambourines and drums in our hands and quietly play along when we hear the music of the first movement. What musical instruments do you think we need to take to play along with the orchestra in the 2nd part of the march - the picture of the sparkling Christmas tree was brighter?

(Children's answers.)

That's right, bells. When you play on them, imagine sparkling lights, stars, snowflakes and the cheerful laughter of children. Then again, as in the first part, tambourines and drums will begin to play.

(An audio recording of the march is played.)

Musical director(sums up the conversation): Today we talked about the march. Listening to music and comparing it, we learned that there are different marches: military, sports, festive and even “toy” ones.

Next time we will continue our conversation about the march and go to fairyland. We will learn a lot more interesting things about the march.

Second conversation

Musical director: Let's continue our conversation about the march. Today we will talk about a fairy tale. Many composers wrote music in fairy tales. This is P.I. Tchaikovsky, and M.P. Mussorgsky, and N.A. Rimsky-Korsakov, and many, many others. We will remember and talk about the fabulous, fabulous-musical work of the Norwegian composer Edvard Grieg. Tell me, what fairy-tale creatures march to the music of E. Grieg?

(Children's answers.)

Of course, gnomes. This procession was depicted in his music by the Norwegian composer Edvard Grieg. His play is called “Procession of the Dwarves.” Norwegian fairy tales often tell of little people living in the forest. They are fast, a little clumsy, skipping. They can be kind, affectionate, but sometimes a little angry. Let's listen to this play again.

(A recording of E. Grieg’s play “Procession of the Dwarves” is played.)

This is a march. But what does it sound like? Do the gnomes walk in even, clear rows?

(Children's answers.)

Yes, the gnomes are passing in front of us in a crowd. The music starts and then gets louder and louder. It’s as if the gnomes are approaching from afar, and now they are already very close. They jump, tumble, run from place to place. The music sounds sometimes faster, sometimes slower, sometimes stops completely, as if gnomes are tumbling on the grass, chasing each other. The music gets louder and louder and then gradually fades away. It was as if the gnomes suddenly stopped when they saw the extraordinary beauty of nature. The green meadow is illuminated by the rays of the sun beating through the foliage. The summer breeze sometimes sways the leaves, a brook quietly, thoughtfully murmurs, as if telling an interesting fairy tale. But then fast-paced music bursts into this silence. It gets louder and louder. It’s as if the gnomes, having admired the beauty of nature, again continue their funny, unusual procession. The music gets louder and louder and ends with a very high chord.

Now I propose to play in the theater. How many of you want to be an artist? Okay, the rest are spectators. The artists will now portray gnomes to the music of E. Grieg “Procession of the Dwarves”.

(An audio recording of the march sounds. Children improvise to the music, imitating the movements of the gnomes.)

Now another march will sound. Listen to it carefully and try to determine which characters are marching to this march.

(The sound of “Chernomor’s March” from M.I. Glinka’s opera “Ruslan and Lyudmila” sounds. Children’s answers.)

That's right, you immediately guessed that the music of this march is unusual, fabulous, magical. An evil wizard, a dwarf with long beard- Chernomor.

The music of the march seems to paint us a picture of this procession. Please note: loud, abrupt sounds with sharp accents at the beginning of the march paint us a portrait of an evil scary wizard. In the middle part the melody is played by bells. They sound high, transparent, ringing and create the impression of magical, fairy-tale music. Then the first movement is repeated again with a sharp, loud sound from the entire orchestra.

We can imagine ourselves as musicians. To do this, let's pick up the bells and listen to the march again. As soon as you hear the sound of bells in the march, play along quietly on your instruments. Let's imagine that we are in a fairy tale.

(The “Chernomor March” sounds. Children play bells.)

Let's continue our conversation about the music for the fairy tale and fairy tale marches. Now two excerpts from musical works will be heard, two musical riddles. Please, while listening to the music, try to convey the character of the animals depicted here with your movements. Try to guess who the composer wanted to show us.

(A fragment of the “Royal March of the Lions” by KSen-Saens is heard. Children’s answers.)

Yes you are right. The first play was written French composer K. Saint-Saensom. It's called "Royal March of the Lions". With your movements you correctly conveyed the character of this formidable beast. The music, written for an orchestra and two pianos, conveys to us with low, measured sounds the proud, important gait of this animal. Sometimes frightening growling sounds are heard in the music. But then the music changes, suddenly high sounds appeared from the piano. And the lion no longer seems so formidable and important to us.

Now listen to different music.

(The play “Mice” by A. Zhilinsky is played.)

You correctly felt that this music conveys to us the movements of small cute animals. They walk carefully on their thin legs, then suddenly quickly run over and freeze, frightened by a random rustle. Of course, these are mice. Musical composition That’s what it’s called “Mice.” It was written by composer A. Zhilinsky. Why did you decide that it was not big animals that were coming, but small, timid mice?

(Children's answers.)

That's right, the melody of this march sounds high, abruptly, then freezing, then quickly rushing forward.

These marches wonderfully convey the character and mood of the heroes. In one - important, proud, stately, and in the other - fussy, timid, fearful. There are no words in these plays, and they are not needed. Music without words sounds very bright and expressive.

Now we'll play theater again. Who wants to be an artist this time? Fine. The rest are spectators. The artists will now come up to me and quietly, in confidence, tell me what march they want to hear. The artists will then move to this music. The audience will try to guess who the artists are portraying, what the march is called and who wrote it.

Galina Prokopyeva
Musical entertainment for the senior group “Merry Journey”

Entertainment for the older group.

« Fun trip»

Leading: Guys, today we will go to something very distant and interesting. journey. The drivers of our magic buses are already ready. You and I will go to the country « cheerful» , to the land of songs, games and riddles. (Slide No. 1) Attention, the traffic light is green, our train is leaving.

Slide No. 2 (children under music"are going" round)

Leading: (Slide No. 3) Attention. Guys, the light is red. We arrived at the station « Merry dance»

Slide No. 4, 5 (Dance « Colorful game» , "Dance of little ducks")

Leading: Well done boys. (Slide No. 6) The green light is on, let's move on. (slide number 7). Red traffic light. We arrived at the riddle station.

I'll ask you guys

Solve my riddles.

1. Red, blue, bright, round,

He is beautiful and elastic,

Jumps, rushes at a gallop

Guess this... (ball) Slide No. 8

2. He is a gray robber,

He has no faith

Everything clicks with fangs,

Who is this? (wolf) Slide No. 9

3. Who is the bully?

More often than not, he gets into fights.

Gets up first in the morning

Doesn't let the boys sleep. (rooster) Slide No. 10

4. Grandfather is sitting

Dressed in 100 fur coats.

Who undresses him?

He sheds tears. (onion) Slide No. 11

5. Two brothers live nearby,

But they don’t see each other. (eyes) Slide No. 12

6. Over the mountains, over the valleys,

He wears a fur coat and a caftan. (ram) Slide No. 13

7. Instead of a tail - a hook,

Instead of a nose there is a snout. (pig) Slide number 14

We arrived at the station called "Magic word". Which Magic word do you say when you ask for something?


Leading: Let's play a game. I tell you what movements you need to do, but you perform them only when I say the magic word - please.

Raise your hands


Sit down


Stand on your toes


Spin around.

(Slide No. 16) Attention, green signal, let's move on. (Slide number 15)

So we have arrived at the last station, which is called the gaming station. What do you think we will do here?

Ball game. (passed over head)

The next game is called "Not really" Everyone answer my questions together.

Can carp get into the ocean? No

Can a blackbird freeze its tail? No

Can a wasp fly to heaven? Yes

Can a badger climb a branch for pine cones? No

Can a sandpiper bite its tongue? No

Can a seal lie on its side all day? Yes

Can a tit live on the roof? Yes

Magic bag:

One two Three,

Who was hiding inside?

Don't yawn, don't yawn,

Answer quickly.

Jump, jump boot

Exit to the meadow

Now jumping, now sideways,

Stomp, stomp your heels.

Leading: So our time with you is over fun trip, it's time to go to group. (Children under music travel by train) (Slide number 15)

Publications on the topic:

Physical education and musical entertainment for children of the senior group “Happy Defender of the Fatherland Day.” Goals: to develop in children a sense of respect for Russian army, love for the Motherland; creating an atmosphere of fun, goodwill, and need.

Summary of an open music lesson for the senior group “Journey to the Musical Kingdom” Goal: develop a sense of rhythm through various types musical activity; introduce new musical instruments and playing techniques.

Summary of a math lesson in the senior group “Happy Journey” Municipal autonomous preschool educational institution"Kindergarten No. 65" Engelssky municipal district Saratov region.

Literary and musical entertainment “Journey through the works of A. S. Pushkin” To the sound of bells, children enter the hall and sit on chairs. In the center of the room on a small table are located: a portrait of the poet and an inkwell.

Musical entertainment for children of the senior group “Journey to the Land of Music” Program content: enrich children's musical experiences; develop the ability to perceive music emotionally; continue to work.

Musical entertainment “Hello, winter-winter” for older children Goal: Creating conditions for children’s self-expression in various types activities: gaming, performing, creative. Tasks: Form.