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Most of us want to look young and attractive for as long as possible. This is especially important for women. The condition of our body is influenced by many factors - from bad habits to an unfavorable environment, and stress primarily affects the face, where the skin is most susceptible to physiological changes. That is why it is best to start taking care of the condition of your facial skin at a young age. At the same time, expensive and complex products are not required: Aevit, available to everyone, is an indispensable drug that contains vitamins that support the beauty and health of not only the skin, but also the entire body. The special advantages of Aevit are the price, which is affordable for everyone, and the unusually high efficiency in rejuvenating the body.

What vitamins does Aevit contain, why do the body need them and how do they work?

Composition of "Aevita"

What makes Aevit a special drug is its composition. There are two vitamins in it: A (retinol) and E (tocopherol). The drug is taken as prescribed by a doctor if there is a shortage of these substances in the body. When they are deficient, the skin becomes dry and gray in color. Vitamin A helps improve the condition of the skin from the inside, as it normalizes the functioning of the body as a whole, in particular the digestive system. Vitamin E promotes the absorption of other elements, including vitamin A.

These substances, of course, are also found in foods, but we do not always receive adequate nutrition, in which the body is replenished with a sufficient amount of necessary vitamins, minerals, etc. “Aevit” contains all of them in the required volume.

Effect of vitamins

Or vitamin A, is an important component for the restoration of epithelial skin cells, which is where its rejuvenating effect lies.

Retinol is also required for the normal functioning of the retina and other processes associated with vision, bone growth and fetal development, and is involved in many biochemical processes in the body.

Hypovitaminosis leads to a number of skin abnormalities - dryness, peeling, dermatitis, diaper rash. also manifests itself in the so-called decrease in vision when moving from a light place to a dark place. In children, in addition, a long-term lack of retinol can lead to a decrease in immunity and, in some cases, to a delay in mental and physical development.

Tocopherol, or vitamin E, is an antioxidant that prevents the formation of harmful substances in the body that can damage cells and tissues. Therefore, it is extremely important in the functioning of the nervous and muscular systems. It also prevents the accumulation of free radicals in the body, prevents oxygen starvation of tissues, and participates in the synthesis of growth hormones and gonadotropins. Together with selenium, it slows down the oxidation of unsaturated fatty acids and prevents the destruction of red blood cells.

Hypovitaminosis occurs infrequently and is most often associated with impaired absorption and lack of plant products in the body. With a lack of tocopherol, the condition of the skin worsens, immunity decreases, and the risk of anemia increases.

Rules for taking "Aevita"

As you can see, a lack of vitamins A and E seriously affects the entire body and negatively affects its condition. And internal problems always affect the appearance - the skin deteriorates, primarily on the face, nails become brittle, brittle, hair grows poorly, becomes weak, dull, and falls out. “Aevit” is designed to restore the balance of vitamins in the body, so it often becomes a real salvation for fading beauty and freshness, provided it is used in accordance with the instructions.

"Aevit" is taken both orally - in the form of capsules, and intramuscularly - in the form of injections. Capsules are taken one per day, regardless of food intake, injections - 1 ml per day. The course of treatment is from 20 to 40 days, then a break is required for 3-6 months, after which the course can be repeated. To avoid the development of hypervitaminosis, do not exceed the recommended dosage or continue the course of treatment longer than the specified period when taking Aevit vitamins.

Indications for use

First of all, the drug is prescribed to those who suffer from a lack of vitamins A and E in the body.

In some cases, the body needs increased consumption of retinol and tocopherol. Sometimes they enter the body in smaller quantities than necessary. This is compensated by taking the drug “Aevit”, for which they take up to 2 capsules orally 3 times a day:

  • after removal of the stomach;
  • with diarrhea;
  • for liver disease;
  • for eye diseases, including night blindness;
  • when the lumen of blood vessels in the extremities narrows.

"Aevit" must be taken if you are an experienced smoker, if you have lost weight quickly (and this has led to disruption of some body functions), or with prolonged stress. In addition, during intake and products, the body requires the vitamins contained in the drug “Aevit”, for which they are taken together with iron supplements.

"Aevit" for skin beauty

The drug actively improves metabolism, as a result of which the vast majority of skin problems are eliminated: inflammation, ulcers and acne are significantly reduced, dryness and flaking disappear. But “Aevit” has a particularly beneficial effect on wrinkles: after several courses of treatment, they become less pronounced, the skin acquires elasticity, and the relief improves.

Vitamin “Aevit” for facial skin can be used both internally and externally - in the form of masks, lotion, or added to the cream you use. This is another option for taking Aevit vitamins in capsules. The instructions do not contain information about external use. But usually (as experts recommend) the contents of 1-2 capsules are enough to wipe your face or add to a cosmetic product. You can use the drug in this way for no longer than a month; then, as the skin gets used to it, the effectiveness will decrease.

"Aevit" for hair

If your hair is brittle, dull, oily, or falling out, then “Aevit” is an ambulance for your hair! It is also indispensable for some scalp diseases. The instructions say nothing about this positive property of the drug, but it has been proven (confirmed by practice) that regular use of Aevita not only maintains the health of the body, but also actively affects the condition of the hair.

It is necessary to take the drug in accordance with the instructions, in extreme cases - in agreement with the doctor - increase the dosage to 2 capsules 2-3 times a day. Tocopherol and retinol in combination help restore skin elasticity and tissue regeneration functions, the roots are strengthened, as a result, hair grows faster and becomes healthier.

"Aevit" can also be used as a mask - when applied, vitamins penetrate directly into the scalp, accelerating and enhancing the effect. To see immediate results - shiny and elastic curls, use the vitamins contained in the Aevit preparation, for which they are added to the shampoo before washing your hair. The disadvantage of this method is that the problem with split ends is not solved.

It is also useful to rub the contents of one or two capsules into the scalp at night and rinse in the morning with hair detergent. Within a month you will notice how much the condition of your hair has improved, how voluminous and voluminous your hair has become.


Since Aevit is a medicinal drug, you should consult a doctor before using it orally or intramuscularly. Like any medicine, Aevit has a number of contraindications that should never be ignored.

First of all, this is undoubtedly an existing hypervitaminosis. In addition, "Aevit" cannot be used for diseases such as thyrotoxicosis, glomerulonephritis, renal failure, some other kidney diseases, as well as cholecystitis, cholelithiasis, hypoprothrombinemia.

Alcoholism is a contraindication for taking the drug.

Contraindications also include:

  • cardiovascular failure;
  • cardiac ischemia;
  • thrombophlebitis;
  • pyelonephritis.

Those who have hypersensitivity or individual intolerance to the components should not take the drug. In this case, Aevit cannot be used externally either.

"Aevit" for pregnant women

According to the latest scientific data, Aevit, previously actively prescribed to expectant mothers, can be dangerous during pregnancy. Previously, it was believed that the drug improves the possibility of conception and prevents early miscarriages. But now it has become clear that the vitamin content in the drug is higher than the norm allowed during pregnancy. And if the permissible dose is exceeded, retinol can lead to pathologies of intrauterine development; tocopherol causes pregnancy complications and provokes late toxicosis.

For the same reason, it is unacceptable to take Aevit vitamins in childhood. However, for children, including for the normal development of the fetus, both vitamins contained in the preparation are required, because their deficiency also leads to problems in the development of the body. To get out of this vicious circle, it is recommended that during pregnancy and children they obtain them from food. Many foods are rich in retinol: greens, vegetables, such as carrots, fermented milk products, tocopherol is present in large quantities in vegetable oil, potatoes, cucumbers and a number of other products.

If Aevit was prescribed before pregnancy, then during pregnancy planning it is better to discontinue the drug, since retinol accumulates in the liver and is excreted from the body within several months, and this process is not accelerated in any way even by cleansing the liver.

If the onset of pregnancy coincides with taking this drug, it is necessary to neutralize its effect and reduce the risk of pathologies that Aevit entails, for which they take folic acid in an increased dose to the maximum (up to 5 mg per day). If there are no contraindications, you should also take Iodomarin. In addition, mandatory ultrasound examination and screening are recommended.

Side effects

Taking Aevita as a fairly strong and effective drug may be accompanied by side effects, such as allergic reactions, abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea. With prolonged use of high doses, cholelithiasis or pancreatitis may develop.

Hypervitaminosis is another side effect of a drug such as Aevit. The composition of vitamins in it and the dose are selected in such a way as to interact most effectively with the body. An overdose of the drug will not give the best result, but it can harm your health, sometimes significantly.

With an excess of vitamin A, lethargy, drowsiness are possible, the patient may complain of headache, dizziness, nausea. Sometimes irritability and increased excitability are observed. Among the negative effects of an overdose of retinol are bleeding gums, dry mouth, peeling of the lips and palms. If vitamin intoxication occurs, then there are complaints of bone pain, vomiting, hyperthermia, increased intraocular pressure, hypertension, severe headache, epigastric pain and other symptoms.

Hypervitaminosis E is rare, most often its symptoms are minor, but if it is taken for a long time at a dose of over 400 units/day, then complaints of blurred vision, headaches and dizziness, nausea, diarrhea, pain in the stomach, over 800 may appear. units/day - thrombophlebitis, thromboembolism, sepsis and other serious pathologies are possible.

Treatment of side effects consists of discontinuation of the drug and symptomatic therapy.

Interaction with other drugs

"Aevit" is often taken together with other medications for various reasons. First of all, you need to inform your doctor about what medications you are already taking. Interaction with some reduces the effectiveness of Aevit or the drug taken with it or even leads to unpleasant consequences. But some, on the contrary, act more effectively under the influence of the vitamins contained in the drug "Aevit", for which they can be prescribed by a doctor together.

Various mineral oils, Colestipol, Kolestyramine reduce the absorption of retinol and tocopherol.

Oral contraceptives promote the accumulation of vitamins in plasma.

When taking Aevita and drugs of the tetracycline group together, the possibility of increasing intracranial pressure increases.

Tocopherol enhances the effect of antioxidants, vitamins A and D, cardiac glycosides, reduces their toxicity, but if the dosage is exceeded, it increases the risk of vitamin A deficiency.

High doses of iron supplements and iron-containing products enhance oxidation processes, as a result of which the body's need for vitamin E increases.


A real salvation for skin, hair, nails is the drug “Aevit”. Its price is low, on average about 40 rubles for a package of 10 capsules and just over a hundred rubles for a package of 30 capsules. It is sold at any pharmacy without a prescription.

"Aevit" has a rejuvenating effect on the body as a whole, and as a result of improving the internal state, positive external changes will not take long to appear.

However, "Aevit" is not a preventative, but a therapeutic agent, so self-medication can lead to dangerous consequences. To avoid hypervitaminosis, it should be used only after consultation with a doctor in a strictly prescribed dosage.

You can also try cosmetics to which Aevit has been added at the factory, such as creams, hygienic lipsticks, etc. And then the effect of using this drug will definitely please you!

The vital activity of the human body cannot be complete without a sufficient amount of vitamins and minerals.

A deficiency of nutrients creates the preconditions for early aging and the development of diseases. The lack of vitamins clearly affects the skin and hair - those structures that women care about most.

Composition and release form of Aevit vitamins

The combined product Aevit has only two components:

  1. Vitamin A (retinol). Needed for bone growth, normal functioning of the visual and reproductive systems. The substance participates in biochemical processes, regulates the division of skin cells and rejuvenates them. During pregnancy, retinol ensures the full development of the embryo.
  2. Vitamin E (alpha tocopherol). The functions of the antioxidant are to prevent the formation of peroxides harmful to cell membranes, improve the functioning of the nervous and muscular systems, and oxidize unsaturated fatty acids. Alpha tocopherol improves oxygen supply to tissues and blood circulation, increases capillary permeability.

Aevit is produced in two forms - capsules for oral use and ampoules with an injection solution. The drug is used to combat hypovitaminosis, which leads to dry and flaky skin, diaper rash, and dermatitis.

Adolescent children need Aevit to strengthen the immune system and prevent delayed physical development.

Hypovitaminosis is a rare occurrence. It is associated with low consumption of plant foods and poor absorption of nutrients. A lack of tocopherol is dangerous due to anemia, premature aging of the skin and deterioration of the immune system.

Indications for use of Aevita

Knowing what abilities Aevit has, it is necessary to understand why women take it.

First of all, the fortified product has high healing properties. It supports the body during frequent stress and colds, replenishes the amount of retinol and alpha-tocopherol. Externally, the benefits of Aevit vitamins are manifested by healthy skin, nails, and hair.

Gynecologists prescribe a multivitamin complex during pregnancy and the postpartum period. In the first case, the drug helps the body cope with the additional load, but expectant mothers should not take Aevit without the knowledge of the doctor. After all, both a deficiency and an excess of vitamins can provoke fetal malformations.

After childbirth, Aevit is prescribed to women to restore the mucous tissue that lines the uterine cavity. The drug is also prescribed for infertility, painful menstruation and to reduce blood loss.

Aevit finds medicinal use in mastopathy. is part of complex therapy. Its tasks are to restore the balance of estrogen and progesterone and improve the condition of the mammary glands.

Other indications for use of Aevit:

  • Cholecystitis.
  • Atherosclerosis
  • Cirrhosis of the liver.
  • Low immunity.
  • Sudden weight loss.
  • Biliary atresia.
  • Tropical sprue.
  • Infectious diseases.
  • Staying under stress for a long time.
  • Peripheral neuropathy.
  • Diseases of the skin and gastrointestinal tract.
  • Necrotizing myopathy.
  • Alcohol addiction, drug addiction, smoking.

Doctors can prescribe Aevit while taking Neomycin, Colestipol and Kolestyramine, as well as while following diets based on increased consumption of polyunsaturated fatty acids.

How to take Aevit correctly

How to take Aevit in capsules and give injections is described in detail in the instructions (attached to the package).

If the doctor has prescribed capsules, they are swallowed whole without chewing. Preventive use involves taking 1 capsule per day for a month. Take the vitamin before or after meals. For medicinal purposes, Aevit is used in double dosage, i.e. 2 times a day. The duration of vitamin therapy is 10–14 days.

Injections with vitamins A and E are given intramuscularly, avoiding the solution getting into the subcutaneous fat layer.

The dosage of Aevita for injection use is equal to 1 ampoule per day (1 ml). The duration of use of the multivitamin complex in this case varies from 3 weeks to 1.5 months.

Aevit is not prescribed to children under 16 years of age. The only exception is one diagnosis – keratosis pilaris. Your doctor will tell you how to take the capsule form of Aevita for this dermatological disease. Typically, treatment involves following an individual regimen, alternating between taking vitamins and taking breaks.

Patients over 16 years of age are considered adults, and their attending physician will also tell them how to take Aevit in different cases. A special feature of Aevit is the refusal to use other products containing retinol during its use. Adults undergo a repeated strengthening course of fortification after six months.

For nicotine addiction and alcoholism, when asked how much Aevit to take, experts answer that standard doses of the vitamin can be taken for 40 days. In advanced cases, an individual treatment regimen is developed that will help a person addicted to bad habits to compensate for the deficiency of nutrients and improve the condition of the body.

An overdose of Aevita is fraught with nausea and vomiting, drowsiness, and dizziness. In severe cases, the body reacts to vitamins with confusion, intoxication, thrombophlebitis, internal hemorrhages, allergies and thyroid dysfunction. If abnormal symptoms are present, treatment should be interrupted and consult a doctor immediately.

Side effects and contraindications to the use of Aevit vitamins

If the body is hypersensitive to retinol and alpha-tocopherol, Aevit may cause side effects. The use of capsules causes allergic reactions on the skin; in the gastrointestinal tract, defecation disorders, nausea, vomiting, and pain in the epigastric region are observed.

Side effects of injections with vitamins A and E can include infiltration and pain at the injection point, and soft tissue calcification. With prolonged use of high doses of Aevit, exacerbation of chronic pancreatitis and cholelithiasis occurs.

Regarding contraindications to the use of Aevit, the instructions say that the use of capsules and ampoules is unacceptable in a number of cases:

  1. Age up to 16 years.
  2. Excess of retinol and alpha-tocopherol in the body.
  3. Hypersensitivity to the combination of vitamins in question.
  4. Chronic heart failure.
  5. Hyperthyroidism.
  6. Chronic glomerulonephritis.

During pregnancy, Aevit vitamins are prescribed to women with caution, so how to take the drug in an “interesting position” must be clarified by a gynecologist.

An excess of retinol and tocopherol in the 1st trimester is dangerous, since from the moment of conception to the 13th week of gestation the formation of the unborn child’s body occurs. Excess vitamins A and E in the mother's body can cause abnormal development of the fetus.

You can drink Aevit while breastfeeding, after consulting with your pediatrician. The main thing is not to exceed the recommended doses.

External use of the Aevit complex

Cosmetologists know that Aevit copes with dry skin, eliminates acne, strengthens nails and heals hair.

The liquid is immediately applied to the desired area of ​​the body. If a vitamin product is mixed with cosmetics (gel, cream, balm), the contents are diluted at the rate of 1 - 3 capsules per 5 - 10 g of auxiliary product.

Let's look at how Aevit is used in cosmetology:

  • In its pure form, Aevit is used for facial skin for 2 weeks. The drug reduces tissue porosity, smoothes wrinkles, makes the skin tightened and free from age spots and acne. To do this, the oil solution is applied to the face daily in an amount of 3 – 5 drops.
  • For nails, Aevit multivitamins are used by mixing the contents of capsules with olive oil. The resulting product is rubbed onto the nails and cuticles. The procedure helps to moisturize, nourish and strengthen nails. The plates do not exfoliate and grow faster. For nail care, the drug is also used in its pure form, rubbing in the oil until completely absorbed by the treated area.
  • Dull and damaged A and E are needed to strengthen the roots and give a healthy shine. The treatment procedure using Aevit is performed on hair at night, rubbing the oil into the scalp with massage movements. In addition, the vitamin complex can be added to regular shampoos and conditioners if they do not contain retinol and tocopherol. The mixture solves the problem of split ends. It is prepared from 3 capsules and cosmetic products, taken as for a one-time hair wash.

Despite the simplicity of the composition and ease of use of Aevit, you should not use this product without consulting your doctor. Aevit is not just vitamins, but a real medicine, and it is impossible to predict how it will manifest itself in the body of a particular person.

Let us add that the price of Aevit depends on the number of capsules in the package, for example, 20 capsules can be bought for 70 - 100 rubles. The cost of 10 capsules of Aevita reaches 40 rubles, a package of 30 capsules costs more than 100 rubles. A prescription is not required for purchase, but you cannot buy Aevit for internal use without a doctor’s prescription.

Vitamins Aevit (capsules, injections) – instructions for use, analogues, reviews, price

Thank you

Aevit is a combination drug containing high dosages vitamins A and E. Aevit normalizes metabolism, neutralizes the harmful effects of free radicals (due to the powerful antioxidant effect of vitamin E), restores blood microcirculation through the capillaries, and also significantly improves tissue resistance to oxygen deficiency.

The vitamin preparation is used in the complex treatment of vascular atherosclerosis, obliterating endarteritis, as well as various nutritional disorders of peripheral tissues (for example, against the background of diabetes mellitus, microcirculation failure, thrombosis, etc.). In addition, Aevit is used to eliminate hypovitaminosis or vitamin deficiency of vitamins A and E. Since the drug contains high dosages of vitamins A and E, it is not intended for prophylactic use (it is used only for treatment).

Release forms and composition of Aevit

Currently, Aevit is available in two dosage forms:
1. Gelatin-coated capsules for oral administration;
2. Oil solution in ampoules for intramuscular injection.

Aevit capsules are available in round or oval shape. Regardless of the shape, the capsules are soft, covered with a gelatin shell, colored in various shades from dark yellow to light brown. The shell must be uniform over the entire surface, without any smudges or contamination. Inside the capsules there is an oily, slightly viscous liquid, colored in various shades of yellow. Capsules are available in packs of 25 and 50 pieces.

The oil solution for intramuscular injection is available in hermetically sealed 1 ml ampoules. The solution is an oily, slightly viscous liquid, light or dark yellow in color. The solution for injection is available in packages of 10 ampoules of 1 ml.

As active ingredients, the injection solution and capsules contain vitamin A in the shape of retinol palmitate And vitamin E as alpha tocopherol acetate. Each capsule contains 100,000 IU of vitamin A and 100 mg of vitamin E. One milliliter of oil solution contains 100 mg of vitamin E and 35 mg of vitamin A (approximately 38,000 IU).

The solution for intramuscular injection as an excipient contains only any vegetable oil - corn, first grade hydrated soybean or refined sunflower, in which vitamins A and E are dissolved. The contents of the capsules are exactly the same oil solution, which, unlike the form for injection, not sterile and enclosed not in an ampoule, but in a gelatin shell. That is why capsules as auxiliary components, as well as an oil solution for injection, contain some type of vegetable oil - corn, soybean or sunflower.

In addition to vegetable oil, auxiliary components in the capsules also include substances used for the production of the gelatin shell, such as:

  • Gelatin;
  • Glycerol;
  • Nipagin;
  • Nipazole;
  • Red dye;
  • Quinoline yellow;
  • Shiny blue;

Therapeutic effects of Aevit

The therapeutic effects of Aevit are due to the high dosages of vitamins A and E included in its composition.

Vitamin A ensures normal vision at dusk or in low light conditions, since it is part of the visual pigments of the retina. With a severe deficiency of vitamin A, a person develops so-called night blindness, the characteristic feature of which is poor vision precisely in low light conditions. Besides, vitamin A takes part in the following processes in the human body:

  • Ensuring normal bone growth;
  • Maintaining the functioning of the genital organs and preserving fertility (vitamin A is necessary for the formation of full-fledged sperm and maturation of eggs);
  • Development of the embryo and placenta during pregnancy;
  • Accelerates the process of formation of epithelial cells, thereby rejuvenating the cell population of the upper layer of the skin, reducing the rate of keratinization and keeping the skin elastic, elastic and smooth;
  • Maintains the integrity of the epithelium of any location.
The properties of vitamin E have not yet been fully studied. However, the available data allow us to conclude that vitamin E is a powerful antioxidant and has the following effects on organs and tissues:
  • Supports the process of protein synthesis;
  • Normalizes the process of formation of new cells of various organs and tissues to replace old or damaged ones;
  • Takes part in the process of tissue respiration;
  • Stabilizes cell membranes;
  • Increases the resistance of red blood cells to damage, thereby preventing their destruction under the influence of various factors;
  • Reduces capillary permeability, preventing edema;
  • Reduces capillary fragility, thereby reducing bleeding and the tendency to form bruises and minor hemorrhages on the skin;
  • Increases tissue resistance to oxygen deficiency;
  • Normalizes fat metabolism;
  • Prevents spontaneous miscarriage (eliminates the threat of miscarriage);
  • Normalizes the functioning of the male sex glands (testicles, prostate, etc.);
  • Helps restore the muscle layer in dystrophies and other muscle diseases;
  • Normalizes metabolism in the myocardium in cardiovascular diseases;
  • Accelerates blood flow in small vessels.
Thus, Aevit improves the condition of blood vessels and skin, as well as the functioning of the gonads in men and women. The drug restores blood microcirculation through the capillaries, thereby normalizing breathing and tissue nutrition, as well as increasing their resistance to oxygen starvation.

That is why the drug is used in the treatment of vascular diseases and for disorders of the nutrition of peripheral tissues (for example, atherosclerosis, endarteritis, trophic ulcers, numbness in the extremities, bleeding and small hemorrhages under the skin, etc.).

Why take Aevit (indications for use)

Aevita capsules and injections are indicated for use for the following conditions or diseases:
1. Vascular atherosclerosis (obliterating);
2. Obliterating endarteritis stages I, II and III, including those complicated by trophic disorders;
3. Increased mental or physical stress;
4. Period of stress;
5. The period of recovery or rehabilitation after a long or serious illness;
6. Asthenic conditions of any origin;
7. Peripheral neuropathy;
8. Necrotizing myopathy;
9. Abetalipoproteinemia;
10. Tissue nutritional disorders;
11. Hypovitaminosis or vitamin deficiency of vitamins A and E;
12. Conditions of increased body need for vitamins A and E, such as:
  • Condition after removal of the stomach;
  • Diarrhea;
  • Steatorrhea;
  • Malabsorption syndrome;
  • Chronic cholestasis;
  • Biliary atresia;
  • Obstructive jaundice;
  • Tropical sprue;
  • Any infectious diseases, including frequent colds;
  • Hemeralopia (night blindness);
  • Xerophthalmia;
  • Keratomalacia;
  • Poor nutrition;
  • Drug, alcohol and tobacco abuse;
  • Hyperthyroidism;
  • A diet rich in omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids;
  • Taking Kolestyramine, Colestipol, mineral oils, Neomycin, or iron-containing products.

Instructions for use

Application of Aevit capsules

Capsules should be swallowed whole, without chewing, biting or opening in any other way, but with a small amount of water (1/4 cup is enough). Capsules are taken regardless of food intake at any time of the day, so Aevit can be taken at the most convenient time for a particular person.

Regardless of the severity of the condition, Aevit must be taken one capsule once a day for 20 to 40 days. Moreover, taking capsules for 30–40 days is recommended only for obliterating endarteritis and nutritional disorders of peripheral tissues, and for all other conditions and diseases, a course of therapy lasting 20–30 days is optimal.

If you need to get a therapeutic effect in a short time, then Aevit can be taken 1 - 2 capsules 2 - 3 times a day for 10 - 14 days.

Courses of therapy with Aevit can be repeated, maintaining intervals between them of 3–6 months. Moreover, an interval of 3–6 months between repeated courses of therapy must be maintained in all cases, regardless of the regimen used (1 capsule per day for 20–40 days or 3–6 capsules per day for 10–14 days).

Application of Aevit oil solution

Aevita solution for any conditions and diseases is administered intramuscularly once a day, 1 ml (1 ampoule) for 20 - 40 days. Repeated courses of therapy are carried out every 3 to 6 months if necessary.

The oil solution is administered only intramuscularly. Injections should be made carefully to prevent the solution from entering the subcutaneous fat layer, skin structures or veins, as this can cause complications.

The need to administer the Aevit oil solution intramuscularly is due to the fact that, firstly, with such use the risk of an allergic reaction is minimal, and secondly, the drug creates a small depot in the muscles, from which it penetrates well into the systemic bloodstream. In the muscle layer, the oil solution is quickly absorbed, since it has an extensive, dense and well-developed network of blood vessels, as a result of which no traces remain of it in a short time after the injection. And in the subcutaneous fat layer or in the skin structures there is not such a number of blood vessels, as a result of which the oil solution remains in the thickness of the tissue for a long time, forming painful seals that can become inflamed and painful. If an oil solution gets into a vein, acute inflammation of the vessel wall or a severe allergic reaction may develop.

Intramuscular injections of Aevit oil solution are performed according to general rules. That is, first the injection site is wiped with a cotton swab moistened with an antiseptic (alcohol, Chlorhexidine, Belasept, etc.), then the ampoule is opened and the solution is drawn into a sterile disposable syringe. The syringe is turned over with the needle up and the wall is tapped with a finger in the direction from the piston to the needle holder so that air bubbles rise up to the surface of the solution. Then, by pressing the plunger, a few drops of the solution are released from the syringe along with air bubbles. After this, the needle is inserted deep into the muscle, holding it at a right angle to the injection site. Then slowly release the solution into the tissue, remove the needle and again treat the injection site with a cotton swab moistened with an antiseptic.

Before administration, the Aevita oil solution must be warmed to body temperature (up to 36 - 37 o C). This can be done by holding the ampoule tightly in your fist and holding it this way for several minutes.

The injection site must be selected in advance, determining where the muscle layer comes closest to the surface of the skin. The optimal areas for intramuscular injections are the following parts of the body:

  • The upper third of the outer part of the shoulder;
  • The upper third of the anterior outer part of the thigh;
  • The anterior upper (above the navel) surface of the abdomen (only for non-obese people);
  • Upper outer quarter of the buttock (only for people who are not overweight).
The optimal areas for intramuscular injections are the shoulder and thigh, since in these parts of the body the muscles come close to the skin even in obese people and, accordingly, the risk of the solution getting into the subcutaneous fatty tissue is minimal.

special instructions

In elderly people (over 65 years of age), Aevit in the form of capsules and intramuscular injections should be used with caution and under close supervision by the attending physician.

Aevit should not be taken in dosages exceeding the recommended ones, as this may lead to acute or chronic overdose, which requires treatment. In addition, in order to avoid an overdose of vitamins A and E, you should not take Aevit simultaneously with other multivitamin complexes.

When deciding to use Aevita in any dosage form, you should remember that the drug contains very high dosages of vitamin A, which are intended exclusively for treatment and not for prevention. Remember that Aevit is not a preventive vitamin complex, like, for example, Vitrum, Centrum, etc.

If you follow a diet high in selenium, you should reduce the dosage of Aevit by 1/3 or even 1/2, since this microelement reduces the body's need for vitamin E.

Vitamin A in high doses has a teratogenic effect (causes fetal deformities), which persists for several months after its withdrawal. Therefore, it is recommended to plan pregnancy no earlier than 6 to 12 months after stopping Aevita. Also, before starting to take Aevita, women need to make sure that they are not pregnant, since the drug can cause fetal deformities.

Aevit in the form of capsules and intramuscular injections should be use with caution if a person has the following diseases or conditions:

  • Decompensated heart failure;
  • Acute or chronic nephritis;
  • Cholelithiasis;
  • Cirrhosis of the liver;
  • Viral hepatitis;
  • Chronic pancreatitis;
  • Thyrotoxicosis;
  • Breastfeeding period;
  • Alcoholism;
  • Hypoprothrombinemia (low levels of prothrombin in the blood).

Use during pregnancy and breastfeeding

Aevit should not be taken during the entire first trimester of pregnancy (until the end of the 13th week of gestation) due to the high risk of developing fetal deformities. In the second and third trimesters of pregnancy, the drug can be taken with caution and only if it is truly necessary for medical reasons.

Aevit should not be used in the form of capsules or intramuscular injections during pregnancy as a prophylactic agent to prevent possible vitamin deficiency, since the drug contains very high doses of vitamins A and E, intended strictly for treatment.


An overdose of Aevit is possible. There are three forms of overdose with Aevit:
  • Acute overdose of vitamin A (develops 6 hours after administration of the drug);
  • Chronic overdose of vitamin A (develops with long-term use of the drug);
  • Acute overdose of vitamin E (develops soon after administration of the drug).
Acute overdose of vitamin A manifests itself in adults with the following symptoms:
  • Lethargy;
  • Diplopia (double vision);
  • Excitement;
  • Confusion;
  • Nausea;
  • Persistent severe vomiting;
  • Diarrhea;
  • Dryness and formation of ulcers on the oral mucosa;
  • Peeling lips;
  • Peeling of the skin (especially on the palms).
Chronic overdose of vitamin A
  • Bone pain;
  • Cracks and dryness of skin and lips;
  • Dryness of the oral mucosa;
  • Pain in the stomach (gastralgia);
  • Vomit;
  • Increased body temperature (hyperthermia);
  • Headache;
  • Photosensitivity (sensitivity to sunlight);
  • Pollakiuria (frequent urination);
  • Nocturia (urination mainly at night);
  • Polyuria (large amounts of urine - more than 2 liters per day);
  • Irritability;
  • Hair loss;
  • Yellow-orange spots on the skin of the palms, soles and nasolabial triangle;
  • Increased intraocular pressure;
  • Oligomenorrhea (scanty menstruation);
  • Portal hypertension (increased pressure in the hepatic portal vein system);
  • Hemolytic anemia;
  • Changes in bone structure visible on x-rays;
  • Teratogenic effect on the fetus (malformations of the urinary system, growth retardation, early closure of bone growth zones).
Acute overdose of vitamin E manifests itself with the following symptoms:
  • Blurred vision;
  • Dizziness;
  • Headache;
  • Nausea;
  • Pain in the stomach (gastralgia);
  • Asthenia;
  • High risk of bleeding;
  • Disorders of thyroid hormone metabolism;
  • Sexual function disorder;
  • Thromboembolism;
  • Necrotizing colitis;
  • Hepatomegaly (enlarged liver);
  • Hyperbilirubinemia (increased concentration of bilirubin in the blood);
  • Kidney failure;
  • Retinal hemorrhages;
  • Hemorrhagic stroke;
  • Hemolysis (destruction of red blood cells).
Treatment of all three types of overdose with Aevit carried out the same way. First of all, the drug is discontinued, then mannitol, glucocorticoid hormones and Vikasol are prescribed. Mannitol is necessary to reduce intracranial pressure and relieve dizziness, headaches, nausea and vomiting. Glucocorticoid hormones are necessary to accelerate the elimination of excess vitamins A and E. Vikasol is necessary to reduce the risk of bleeding and hemorrhage. Mannitol, Vikasol and glucocorticoid hormones must be taken until the condition normalizes. Additionally, symptomatic therapy can be carried out, aimed at maintaining the normal functioning of vital organs and systems.

Impact on the ability to operate machinery

Aevit usually does not impair the ability to control mechanisms, since it does not affect the functioning of the central nervous system. However, while taking Aevit, you must be careful when working with machinery and when performing any activities that require increased concentration and reaction speed, since the vitamin can cause discomfort in the stomach, which, naturally, will negatively affect the ability to control your actions.

Interaction with other drugs

When taken with the following drugs, Aevit may cause the following negative effects:
  • With estrogens (including combined oral contraceptives) and Isotretinoin, the risk of vitamin A overdose increases;
  • With calcium supplements, the risk of developing hypercalcemia (increased levels of calcium in the blood) increases;
  • With tetracycline antibiotics, the risk of increased intracranial pressure increases;
  • With preparations of gold, silver, anticoagulants (Warfarin, Dicumarin, etc.) - the risk of bleeding increases;
  • With Kolestramin, Colestipol, Neomycin and mineral oils - the absorption and assimilation of vitamins A and E is reduced (therefore, an increase in the dose of Aevit may be necessary to obtain the necessary therapeutic effect).
Aevit reduces the severity of the anti-inflammatory effect of glucocorticoid hormones, and also reduces the effect of calcium supplements.

Aevit enhances the effect of the following medications:

  • Drugs for the treatment of epilepsy (Lamotrigine, etc.);
  • Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), for example, Ketorol, Ibuprofen, Nimesulide, etc.;
  • Vitamin D;
  • Cardiac glycosides (Strophanthin, Korglykon, etc.).
The effectiveness of Aevit is reduced when taken simultaneously with alcohol or medications containing ethyl alcohol.

Taking high doses of iron increases the body's need for vitamin E.

Use of Aevit for various purposes (off-label)

Aevit for face

Aevit vitamins are often prescribed by cosmetologists to eliminate a number of facial skin problems. Vitamin E, which is part of the drug, normalizes the process of production of sex hormones, which, of course, has a positive effect on the condition of the skin not only of the face, but also of the entire body, since with a sufficient amount and optimal balance of estrogens, progesterone and testosterone in the body, the skin becomes fresh, healthy and fit. And vitamin A, which is part of Aevita, normalizes the functioning and regeneration processes of epithelial cells, which eliminates dryness, peeling and inflammation of the skin.

Thus, Aevit has a positive effect on the skin not only of the face, but also of the entire body, eliminating inflammatory elements (pimples, blackheads, etc.) and at the same time giving it firmness, elasticity, freshness and a healthy color. In addition, Aevit slows down the aging process of the skin and effectively eliminates fine wrinkles.

In general, Aevit has the following effects on the skin:

  • Normalizes the metabolic process in the skin;
  • Improves the process of skin cell regeneration;
  • Improves tissue resistance to oxygen starvation;
  • Prevents dehydration;
  • Suppresses the proliferation of pathogenic viruses and bacteria on the surface of the skin;
  • Protects the skin from the negative effects of environmental factors;
  • Normalizes microcirculation in the skin;
  • Moisturizes all layers of the skin;
  • Eliminates pigment spots and whitens the skin;
  • Smoothes wrinkles;
  • Provides lifting;
  • Narrows pores;
  • Helps eliminate acne and fade its marks.
Due to these effects on the skin, Aevit is used in the following cases:
  • Problem skin (acne, pimples, comedones, etc.);
  • Excessive sebum production;
  • Aging dry skin;
  • Dermatitis or psoriasis.
For these conditions, Aevit can be used both topically (externally) and internally. At the beginning of treatment, cosmetologists recommend taking Aevit orally in the standard course - 1 capsule once a day for 20 - 30 days. After completing this course of treatment, you can switch to using Aevit externally. If the skin was not very problematic at the time of starting therapy, then it is recommended to immediately use Aevit only externally.

The use of Aevit externally is safe, since in this case only allergic reactions are possible as side effects. Before use, it is recommended to conduct a skin allergy test to avoid having to stop allergic rashes. The test is carried out as follows: the oil from the capsule is applied to the inner surface of the forearm and left for a day. If after 24 hours no signs of allergy appear on the skin of the forearm, then Aevit can be safely used externally, that is, applied to any area of ​​the skin.

Aevit can be applied externally to the skin of the face in various ways, for example, in pure form, mixed with cream or as part of a mask. Let's consider the rules of all three methods of external use of Aevit for the face.

Use of Aevita in its pure form. You need to take a capsule, pierce it with a clean needle, squeeze out the oil and gently apply it to cleansed facial skin, including the area around the eyes. Leave the oil on the skin overnight and wash with warm water in the morning. Thus, Aevit should be applied to the skin of the face daily until improvements appear (the minimum course of application is 10 days), but not longer than 40 days. After just a 15-day course of using Aevita, wrinkles will smooth out and become less noticeable, acne will almost completely disappear, and the overall condition of the skin will significantly improve. When the course of therapy with Aevit is completed, in the future the oil can be applied to the skin once a week to maintain the achieved result.

Application of Aevit as part of a cream. Pierce the Aevita capsule and add 2 - 3 drops of oil to the cream, which will be applied to the face at a time. After thoroughly mixing the composition, apply it to a cleansed face and leave overnight. Similarly, Aevit can be used for as long as desired, since the drug in the cream acts as a prophylactic and not a therapeutic agent.

This means that if it is necessary to cure acne or eliminate other problems on the skin of the face, Aevit should be used in its pure form. And to maintain good skin condition and slow down the aging process, it is optimal to use Aevit as part of a cream.

Application of Aevit with a mask. Masks with Aevit are most effective for smoothing wrinkles and slowing down skin aging, so they are recommended for mature women. To obtain the desired effect, you should add 3-4 drops of Aevita oil from the capsule to any anti-aging mask, mix well and apply the composition to the face. After 20 - 30 minutes, wash off the mask with warm water. Such masks are made 1 – 2 times a week for a long time.

Aevit for hair

The drug Aevit enhances growth, stops hair loss and strengthens hair roots, and also gives it shine and elasticity. Aevit is especially good for treating thin and split ends.

Aevit for hair can be taken orally or applied externally (as on the skin). The drug is taken orally according to the standard regimen - 1 capsule once a day for 20 - 30 days. Aevit is used externally in its pure form or to enrich masks, shampoos and other hair care products.

In its pure form, the oil from the Aevita capsule is poured onto the hair roots and rubbed in thoroughly, massaging the scalp. Leave the oil overnight and wash your hair with shampoo in the morning. This Aevit hair mask can be done every day for a week or 2 times a week for 1.5 months.

To enrich masks, shampoos and other hair care products, Aevit is used as follows: pierce the capsule with a needle and add 3-4 drops of oil to the amount of cosmetic product that will be used at a time. You can constantly add Aevit to various hair care products.

Aevit around the eyes

To reduce existing wrinkles around the eyes and prevent the appearance of new ones, Aevit is recommended to be used in its pure form. That is, you need to pierce the capsule with a needle, apply a small amount of oil to the skin around the eyes and leave it overnight. In the morning, wash with warm water. It is recommended to apply similar Aevita applications to the skin around the eyes 1 – 3 times a week.

Aevit for acne

The drug can be used both for the systemic treatment of a large number of pimples and blackheads on the face, and for the targeted elimination of single inflammatory elements present on the skin. To treat a large number of pimples and blackheads, Aevit must be taken orally or applied pure to the entire face. And to treat isolated rashes, Aevit is applied to them pointwise.

It is necessary to take Aevit orally only if there are acne on the face. In such a situation, the drug is taken 1 capsule 1 time per day for a month. Every six months, the course of treatment with Aevit can be repeated in order to maintain the achieved results and prevent relapse.

If there are only acne on the face, then Aevit is enough to be used externally, that is, simply applied to the skin. To get the maximum effect, apply Aevit to the skin following the following rules:

  • Cleanse the skin with a scrub or exfoliant;
  • Puncture the Aevita capsule, squeeze out the oil from it and apply a thin layer to the skin of the face;
  • Leave the oil overnight and wash with warm water in the morning.
Thus, Aevit is applied to the skin once a day for 15 days in a row. After this, they must take a break for 3–6 months, after which the course of therapy is repeated, if necessary.

If there are single pimples or inflammatory elements on the face or body, the oil from the Aevita capsule should be applied precisely to them only and left for several hours. When the oil is smeared or absorbed into the skin, it is reapplied. In this way, acne is treated until it completely disappears (usually, after treatment with Aevit, acne completely disappears within 1 - 2 days).

Aevit for wrinkles

Aevit for wrinkles is used externally, both in its pure form and as part of creams or masks. In its pure form, the oil from the Aevita capsule is applied to the face, including the area around the eyes, and left overnight, washed in the morning with warm water. To smooth out existing wrinkles and prevent the appearance of new ones, such Aevita applications are done 1 – 2 times a week for a long time. Typically, for a pronounced effect it is necessary to make 8 - 10 applications.

In addition, oil from Aevita capsules can be added to any anti-aging masks in the amount of 3 - 4 drops per amount of product that will be used at a time. Such compositions enriched with Aevit can be used daily for a long period of time.

Side effects

Aevit in the form of capsules and intramuscular injections can provoke the following side effects from various organs and systems:
  • Drowsiness;
  • Lethargy;
  • Headache;
  • Allergic reactions;
  • Short-term increase in body temperature (hyperthermia);
  • Rashes on the skin;
  • Feeling of discomfort in the stomach area;
  • Nausea;
  • Vomit;
  • Diarrhea;
  • Gait disturbance;
  • Pain in the bones, especially in the lower extremities;
  • Increased cerebrospinal fluid pressure (in children);
  • Overdose of vitamins A or E;
  • Exacerbation of cholelithiasis (attack of cholelithiasis);
  • Exacerbation of pancreatitis.
When administering Aevita solution intramuscularly, in addition to the above-mentioned side effects, local reactions may appear, such as pain and hardness in the injection area. If the seal does not resolve for a long time, it may become calcified.

Contraindications for use

Aevit capsules and injections strictly contraindicated for use in the following cases:
  • Age under 14 years (in some CIS countries – under 18 years);
  • The presence of individual hypersensitivity or an allergic reaction to any components of the drug;
  • Hypervitaminosis A and E (acute or chronic overdose of vitamins A and E).
In addition to these absolute contraindications for Aevita capsules and intramuscular injections, there are also relative ones. Relative contraindications mean conditions in which it is not advisable to use Aevit, but if necessary, this can be done with caution and under the supervision of a physician.

So, to relative contraindications The use of Aevit includes the following conditions and diseases:

  • Decompensated heart failure;
  • Cardiosclerosis;
  • Myocardial infarction;
  • High risk of thromboembolism;
  • Increased permeability of blood vessels;
  • Acute or chronic glomerulonephritis or nephritis;
  • Cholecystitis;
  • Cholelithiasis;
  • Cirrhosis of the liver;
  • Viral hepatitis;
  • Chronic pancreatitis;
  • First trimester of pregnancy (up to the 13th week inclusive);
  • Breastfeeding period;
  • Kidney failure;
  • Hypoprothrombinemia (low prothrombin content in the blood);
  • Previous history of sarcoidosis.
In some countries of the former USSR, national Ministries of Health classify some or all relative contraindications for use as absolute, thereby narrowing the scope of practical use of the drug. The most severe restrictions on the use of Aevit are in Kazakhstan, where almost all relative contraindications are classified as absolute. You should be aware of this nuance and not be alarmed when you see different lists of contraindications for use in the instructions approved by the Ministries of Health of different countries.

In the list of absolute contraindications, we included only those conditions for which Aevit really cannot be used under any circumstances. And relative contraindications include all the others, which in the instructions of some countries may be included in both the lists of absolute and relative contraindications.

Aevita's analogs

On the domestic pharmaceutical market there are two drugs analogous to Aevit in terms of active ingredients - Vitaminel and Aevit Mite. These analogue drugs, like Aevit, contain high dosages of vitamins A and E as active components.

Every person knows how beneficial vitamins are for the body, and that one should always strive to provide oneself with these essential components in full. Unfortunately, not everyone can achieve an exhaustive intake of these substances with food; in addition, many diseases and external factors can negatively affect their digestibility and sufficiency. It is not surprising that many are prescribed to take special balanced vitamin complexes, which can contain either a large number of components or several individual ones, for example vitamins A and E, as in the drug Aevit.

Composition and properties of vitamins

Aevit is a vitamin complex, based on the name of which it becomes clear on the basis of which components it is built - vitamins A and E. These substances belong to the group of fat-soluble substances and have a whole list of useful properties:

  • retinol, or vitamin A, takes an important part in the production of enzymes for the normal functioning of the liver, central nervous system, muscle and connective elements. The component is important for the synthesis of deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA), sex hormones, as well as for the processes of renewal of skin tissue and their derivatives, namely hair and nails. The vitamin is also important for the normal functioning of the retina, as well as for the correct development of the embryo in the womb;
  • The functions of vitamin E are not fully understood today. Thus, it is known that the component inhibits the reaction of free radicals, prevents the formation of substances that destroy cell membranes, and normalizes the function of the nervous system and muscle elements. The component also has a positive effect on the speed of regenerative processes.

It has been found that these two vitamin components work best together, which is why this complex is very popular and effective. Taking such a complex allows you to normalize metabolic processes, improve resistance to stressful situations, normalize the production of enzymes, increase the resistance of tissues and organs to a lack of oxygen, and generally improve the condition of the body. In addition to these two vitamin components, the drug contains only excipients and components from which the gelatin capsule is made.

Release form of the drug

The drugs are available in capsule form and in liquid form for injection therapy. Typically, one capsule of the drug contains 100 thousand IU of vitamin A and 0.1 grams of vitamin E. The injection composition (which is also used for external use) in 1 ml consists of 0.035 grams of vitamin A and 0.1 grams of vitamin E. The dosage is often standard, regardless of whether you are holding Aevit Meligen or a product from another manufacturer. Capsules are offered to customers in various packaging, either in blisters or jars, and the injection composition is available in glass ampoules of 10 pieces in cardboard boxes.

What are the benefits of vitamins for women?

Vitamin components can bring not only general, but also targeted benefits. Thus, the complex under consideration will be useful in a number of situations that are relevant only for the fair sex.

During pregnancy and its planning

The benefit of such a complex for the body of the expectant mother depends on the dosage in which the product is taken, because in large quantities the vitamins from the composition accumulate in the tissues, increasing the likelihood of a toxic effect on the developing baby. However, doctors advise some women to use the product, in particular when planning pregnancy. It is usually prescribed to stimulate metabolic processes and generally strengthen the body, since it is necessary to prepare for increased stress during pregnancy (but an important nuance here is that the drug is taken some time before the planned conception, but not during it). During pregnancy itself, Aevit is often used as a tool to improve the functioning of the circulatory system in order to ensure adequate blood flow to the fetus. However, it is worth noting that, taking into account possible side effects, the decision on such therapy can only be made by a doctor, having established a specific dosage of the complex.

For the treatment of mastopathy

The main benefit of the vitamin complex, which is often prescribed in addition to the main therapy drugs, for mastopathy is the normalization of hormonal levels, because disturbances in it are often the primary source of the disease. Also of great importance is the ability of the components of the composition to prevent toxic damage to cells, in particular glandular tissue. As an auxiliary drug, the vitamin complex has a positive effect on the condition of the mammary gland, accelerating the onset of recovery and preventing the development of some dangerous complications.

Benefits of using Aevita for men

The result of taking a vitamin complex by men, first of all, is to improve reproductive function. If for women during pregnancy planning the complex cannot be taken all the time, then for the other half there are no such restrictions. The intake of sufficient amounts of vitamins A and E into the body of the future father is the key to his full fertility. These components are directly involved in the development of male gametes, have a positive effect on sperm motility and keep their membranes in good shape.

Why do they take vitamins: indications for use

The vitamins in question, which are the main drug, are involved in many internal body processes, due to which the list of indications for their use is quite extensive. Thus, Aevit is prescribed for limited nutrition or disturbances in the absorption of vitamins in the digestive system, in particular for the following conditions:

  • diarrhea;
  • problems with the processing of fats in the digestive system and their increased excretion in feces - steatorrhea;
  • Crohn's disease;
  • celiac disease;
  • cirrhosis of the liver;
  • problems with the patency of the biliary tract;
  • restoration of the body after acute and chronic infectious diseases;
  • improper and unbalanced diet, unsaturated with sufficient vitamin elements;
  • prolonged exposure to stress;
  • hyperthyroidism;
  • nicotine, alcohol and drug addiction;
  • pregnancy and breastfeeding period.

The vitamin complex is also used in cosmetology, since vitamins A and E are considered beauty products.

Instructions for use in capsules and ampoules

The benefits and harms of this complex, or rather what exactly its use will result in for a person, depends on the correctness of its use. So, in no case should you exceed the recommended doses, as this can result in significant harm to the body. When taking the complex, it is important to take into account the presence of indications, as well as the level of content of these components in the food consumed.

How to take Aevit for adults

The drug is taken orally, without chewing or dissolving, but simply swallowing. It is important to drink the product with enough water and take it after meals. The duration of the course depends on the nature of the problem and is determined individually. The dosage of the vitamin complex for an adult is one capsule once a day. The average course duration is one month.

How to drink the complex for children

When studying the composition of the vitamin complex, the question involuntarily arises: how to drink Aevit in childhood, if the vitamin content is several times higher than the needs of a growing body? The dosage makes the use of the drug impossible for children, however, after 14 years of age, it can be safely used if indicated according to the recommendations for adults - one capsule per day. In some cases, a doctor may prescribe a complex to a child, but these are individual situations (sometimes a complex is required in the presence of an illness that increases the need for these vitamin elements).

Side effects

In most cases, the drug is well tolerated by patients, especially if the balance of vitamin elements in the body is maintained. Tablets can provoke adverse reactions only in certain situations, and they can manifest themselves as stool disorders, vomiting, abdominal pain, and allergic reactions. If dosages are not observed for a long time, a state of hypervitaminosis develops, which results in headaches, sleep disturbances, increased irritability, and apathy. There will be consequences for the skin of the heels, palms and scalp - the scalp becomes dry, cracks, and hair falls out.

Contraindications to the use of the medicine

A contraindication to the use of the vitamin complex in question is primarily hypersensitivity to the components of its composition. Also, the product should not be used by patients with thyrotoxicosis or chronic circulatory failure. Particular caution in taking the drug requires a history of myocardial infarction and an increased risk of blood clots.

How to apply Aevit externally for the face, hair and nails

The properties of vitamins A and E allow us to consider them essential beauty components. Thus, retinol ensures the normal passage of processes at the cellular level, retains moisture in the skin, increases cellular immunity, increases the protective properties of the epidermis, and also improves blood circulation in small vessels. Vitamin E, in turn, ensures the correct functioning of cells, improves the quality of the skin, removes age spots and stimulates tissue regeneration processes. Aevit is especially useful for the skin around the eyes, because in this area it is very thin and quickly undergoes age-related changes. Not surprisingly, these substances are often used topically to improve skin, hair and nails.

So, use the vitamin complex as follows:

  • for wrinkles around the eyes, prepare a mask from a teaspoon of honey, 5 ml of olive oil and one ampoule of a vitamin complex. The composition is applied to the problem area for a quarter of an hour;
  • for acne and other skin rashes, the composition can be applied in its pure form once a day for one to two weeks;
  • vitamins are often added to the cream to enrich its composition, and are simply used for their intended purpose. A couple of drops of the drug will be enough for one serving;
  • at home you can prepare lip gel by mixing cocoa, coconut, shea butter, a couple of Aevita ampoules and tea tree oil;
  • For hair, I also often use the product in its pure form, applying the contents of several ampoules to the scalp and problem areas, such as split ends. Leave this mask on for several hours, but it’s best to leave it overnight, then simply wash it off with shampoo;
  • You can prepare a mask to stimulate hair growth - mix vitamins with onion juice (one ampoule of the product per tablespoon of fresh product). Apply the mask to the scalp for a third of an hour once a week;
  • To get benefits for nails, Aevit is mixed with hand cream and rubbed into the nail plates once a day. It is not recommended to carry out the procedure in its pure form.

You think,

are these melodies the sounds of the strings?

That sounds , those born in the heart are heard...

R. Gamzatov

Frederic Chopin


Frederic Chopin lived only 39 years - this is very short. He died far from his homeland, but carried his love for it throughout his life.

Chopin died in Paris, and his heart, as he bequeathed, was sent in a vessel to Poland, to Warsaw, where it is still carefully kept in the Church of the Holy Cross, where the words are written on the memorial plaque: “My heart is where mine is.” Motherland"

It was with a polonaise that the owner of the house, paired with the most respected lady, opened the ball. The polonaise's step is sedate and graceful, accompanied by a shallow and smooth squat. on the third beat.

Polonaise in A major

Why do you think this polonaise became the musical symbol of Poland?

The music created an image of a proud, independent, brilliant and majestic Poland.

“WALTZ” is a ballroom dance with smooth rotational movement of couples. WITH we meet waltz quite often in life. Chopin, as a romantic composer, loved this beautiful, exquisite dance and created many waltzes .

In A.S. Pushkin’s novel “Eugene Onegin” the following words are heard about the mazurka:

The Mazurka sounded. It happened

When the mazurka thunder roared,

Everything in the huge hall was shaking,

The parquet cracked under his heel,

The frames shook and rattled...

Why is Chopin's sensitive heart not silent?

As long as Chopin's music plays, in which he expressed all his love for his Motherland, his heart will not be silent!!!

One of the remarkable properties of Chopin's music is its clarity; it seems to come from “heart to heart.”

  • -Solemn Polish dance procession?
  • -A moving jumping Polish dance?
  • Which composer's work have you become familiar with?
  • -With whom and with what dance did the owner of the ball open the ball?
  • -Ballroom dance with smooth rotational movement of couples?