Dancing for children's development. Benefits of Indian dances

When choosing an interesting activity for their child, many parents often choose dancing. Children's dance clubs today are indeed quite popular and in demand, and their number continues to constantly increase. What reasons push mothers and fathers to send their children to a dance school?

The benefits of dancing for a child

Children who practice choreography have a well-developed muscular system, maintain correct posture, do not suffer from scoliosis, and have a beautiful gait. However, dancing is not only a means of prevention - with regular practice, it also promotes spinal alignment.

In addition, the functioning of the lungs and heart improves, blood vessels are strengthened, coordination of movements, motor skills, flexibility and plasticity, and physical endurance are developed. It is important to note that dancing is practically not dangerous for a child compared to gymnastics, acrobatics and other sports.

Dance art stimulates the development of creativity, aesthetic taste and artistry.

Choreography is also an effective tool in improving musical ear and sense of rhythm.

Dancing for children is an excellent means of communication. If your child is introverted and shy, if it is difficult for him to find a common language with his peers, be sure to enroll him in a dance club. In a creative, fun atmosphere, it will be much easier for your son or daughter to communicate with other children and discover their abilities. As a result, the child will become more courageous, liberated and self-confident, and will get rid of complexes.

Choreography classes develop dedication, perseverance and perseverance in a little person. After all, it is not always possible to quickly master new movements. And to get results, you need patience and diligence. The child becomes more collected, disciplined, his memory and concentration improve.

Dancing for a child: at what age is it best to start?

According to choreographers, the most optimal age for starting dance classes is 6-6.5 years. This is especially true for sports dancing, since the child’s body and body must become strong enough to withstand difficult physical activity. If you can’t wait to send your child to a children’s dance club before the age of 6, the following questions will help determine his readiness.

  1. Can the child endure physical activity? How does he prefer to spend his free time: playing active or passive games?
  2. Does he have good coordination and concentration?
  3. Will the child be able to understand the coach’s commands and carry them out?
  4. How well does the baby have a developed memory and ear for music?
  5. Does he himself have a desire to dance?

The choreographic studio must have an excellent reputation. Read reviews on the Internet (preferably not on the dance school’s website), talk to parents of children who already attend this school. Find out the prices, read the institution's documents.

Talk to your child's potential teachers and ask them about the possibility of your presence in one or more classes. As a result, you will have an idea of ​​how choreography lessons usually take place, you will see the behavior of the coach and his attitude towards children.

Find out what rules and schedule the children's dance school has, and check the start and end times of classes.

Be sure to find out in what conditions the training takes place: whether the flooring is of high quality, whether the rooms are warm and how often they are ventilated, what condition the locker room and toilet are in, whether there is a shower.

An important nuance when choosing a dance club is its location. It is better to give preference to those that are located near your home or near your child’s educational institution. Because long trips will tire both you and your child. Among other things, you may not have enough time for such trips, and your baby should attend dance classes regularly.

Consider several choreographic schools at once. If you are fundamentally dissatisfied with any of them, cross it off the list and move on to the next ones. Do not despair! There are quite a lot of dance studios, and you will certainly be able to choose an excellent option with the most suitable conditions.

Ballroom and sports dancing for children

We have already examined in detail the positive impact of dancing on the physical and emotional development of a child. Now let's look at the most popular types of choreographic art for children today - sports and ballroom dancing - and learn about their features and possible disadvantages.

Dancing for a child is one of the most expensive sports. You will have to fork out money not only for the training itself. You need to buy suits and shoes (separately for training and performances), pay for travel to competitions and competitions (if they are held in another city), as well as room and board for the child. Think ahead whether you can handle such costs.

Dancing takes a lot of energy from a child. Therefore, in addition to studying at school, it is better not to burden him with activities in other clubs and sections, otherwise the child will experience severe physical and mental overload.

Ballroom dancing has one significant drawback. Since children dance in pairs, it is not always possible to quickly find a replacement for a partner who has stopped dancing for some reason. Moreover, in ballroom dance studios, as a rule, there are always more girls than boys. Therefore, your daughter may have to dance alone for a while.

If you just can’t decide what to choose - sports or ballroom dancing for a child, there is an excellent option that combines these two types of choreographic art. So, sports ballroom dancing for children, in contrast to ordinary ballroom choreography, includes Latin American and European programs. The child will learn to dance not only the waltz, tango and foxtrot, but will also master the techniques of samba, jive, cha-cha-cha and other fiery dances.

This is the most beneficial type of physical activity. Here creativity and an ear for music are developed, and individual talents are also revealed.

It is difficult to find a more universal club or studio for the formation of a harmonious personality than a dance school for children.
Thanks to the widespread popularity of dance art, there are now many dance schools, the number of which continues to constantly increase.

1. Health benefits

Children who regularly dance do not suffer from spinal curvature, have a more developed muscular system, and can boast of correct posture. Doctors state that no sport is as effective in straightening the spine as dancing.
In addition, dancing gives the right stress to the heart. Dancing has a positive effect on the blood vessels and joints of little dancers. In addition, dancing is practically non-traumatic, unlike, for example, rhythmic gymnastics or sports, so children from the age of 4 can practice it.

2. Communication

Not all children go to kindergarten, but everyone has a need for communication, even the youngest. When children dance, it is easier for them to find a common language. The beautiful music and atmosphere of the dance class brings us together, the fun and work of the teacher bring us together. In addition, dancing liberates. Even if the child is modest and shy, dancing will remove all barriers and make him more courageous and relaxed.

3. Development of a sense of rhythm and musicality

Regular dance classes teach children to understand the rhythm of dance and improve the child’s ear for music. Children dance, and at the same time learn to listen to music and understand it.

4. Development of the inner world

Children's dancing is an excellent tool for the development of a strong and internally beautiful personality, combining grace, musicality, and artistry.
By enjoying choreography, a child improves not only his body and character - he enriches his inner world.

5. Education of personal qualities

In our time, studies have been conducted confirming that children who actively attend dance lessons learn much better than ordinary children and are ahead of them in their development in all respects.
In addition, dancing develops in a little person such qualities as hard work and determination, organization, composure and internal discipline, the ability to concentrate, remember, overcome difficulties, patience and the will to win, the ability to feel a partner, work in an ensemble, sociability and inner liberation.
Performances and competitions, well-choreographed choreography, beautiful costumes will form the children’s aesthetic taste.
And of course, thanks to performances, dance classes give children a taste of success - a feeling that is so important in today’s world.
Based on all of the above, we can conclude that dance classes will allow the child to develop harmoniously in all directions. Therefore, parents should definitely consider training their child in a dance school.
Maryana Chornovil

For adults, dancing is a pleasant way to spend leisure time. Children, when they come to dance, also splash out the accumulated energy and relieve stress, because during the day, children sometimes accumulate no less negativity in their emotional state than adults. In addition, dance classes, according to experts, dance classes bring significant health benefits to children.

The health benefits of dancing for children are undeniable, if only because dancing guarantees proper stress on the heart. Dancing has a positive effect on the blood vessels, muscles and joints of little dancers. In addition, dancing is practically non-traumatic, unlike, for example, rhythmic gymnastics or sports, so children from the age of 4 can practice it.

Dancing will prevent any back problems, including such serious ones as scoliosis. Doctors state that no sport is as effective in straightening the spine as dancing.

Little dancers are guaranteed a beautiful gait. After all, if a child learns to move beautifully in dance, then he will walk beautifully even more so. Regular attendance at a dance school will also develop a sense of rhythm and an ear for music in children, and teach them to understand music.

The psychological health of the baby should not be discounted. Today, parents of many children prefer not to send them to kindergarten, but the need to communicate is inherent in humans by nature. Even if parents are extremely busy and do not have time to take their child to dance classes, it is possible to solve the problem by using the services of a nanny. For example, today you can choose a nanny, and the problem of your child attending a dance class in the center of the capital will be solved. During dance classes, it is not difficult for children to find a common language with their peers. In a dance class, everything brings us together - beautiful music, a common cause, fun and a teacher. In addition, dancing is a great way to liberate even the shyest child. In addition, dancing makes the baby more active and open. A dancing person improves blood flow to the brain, which means a good mood is guaranteed.

Dancing classes from childhood guarantee that the child will have excellent flexibility and a beautiful figure. They will learn to dress elegantly and understand music. All that is necessary to make sure that this is really the case is to bring your child to a dance school.

The passion for dancing is not only a fashionable tradition. First of all, it is an investment in the child’s future, his health, as well as psychological comfort. Constant activity, new, unusual movements contribute to the development of coordination and physical improvement.

The influence of dance on children's development

Dancing is not just a hobby. First of all, dancing gives health, helps relieve fatigue and increases immunity and stamina. Children whose parents send them to appropriate schools quickly and easily find a common language not only with their peers, but also with adults. Dancing can liberate even the shyest child.

  1. The influence of dancing on physical health is very great. Children who engage in this type of creativity increase endurance, strengthen the walls of blood vessels and the heart muscle due to the increased load. Blood circulates faster, which eliminates stagnation, and this helps fight any inflammatory process. As a result, children get sick much less often. Blood saturates all organs, and most importantly, the brain, with oxygen and useful substances, which promotes their development. Dancing helps to harmoniously develop all muscle groups, which has a beneficial effect on the figure.
  2. Dancing also has a very positive effect on psychological development and health. A child who is passionate about this type of art trains his will, learns patience, and is much less likely to experience problems with self-esteem. Dance involves learning beautiful movements, which helps you accept yourself and your body and teaches you how to control it almost perfectly. Lightness, as well as grace of movements, implies the transfer of these qualities into the sphere of communication. The child is liberated, his self-esteem increases, and he becomes much more confident.
  3. Dancing has a great influence on the development of intelligence. Freedom of movement helps improve creative thinking and promotes the ability to improvise and spontaneity. The ability to develop a dance behavior strategy is a whole science that children can quickly and easily master.

Advice for parents who send their child to dance school

  • Before sending your child to a dance studio, be sure to Ask for reviews about this establishment, opening hours and distance from your home. The price per month of classes is also important. Many studios offer a few free first classes. Go to them with your child, watch the trainer, evaluate how he conducts the lesson. The approach to each student, as well as his attitude as a whole to the group, is very important.
  • When you first meet a studio or dance school walk through the rooms to assess their equipment, size, lighting and comfort. The room where children study should be warm, especially the floor, spacious so that children have enough space, and equipped with everything necessary for successful learning.
  • The baby should be given away no earlier than three years so that by this age he already knows how to control his body a little and walk well. It is important that the child is able to understand the teacher’s requirements.
  • No stagnationforcing a child to attend a dance studio. Your wishes in this matter may not coincide. Understand that if the child does not want to, you cannot force him. Remember that your son or daughter will not live your life again and should not at all satisfy someone's unrealized fantasies.
  • If your child attends a dance studio, be sure to follow the recommendations your trainer gives you. This may concern “homework” or routine. Remember that a child who is exposed to additional stress requires proper nutrition.

If you are still thinking about the benefits and harms of dancing, about how dancing affects your health, you can rest assured. Dancing is a great way to positively influence a child’s health. With the help of dancing, the baby will learn to communicate with people, will be able to control his body, develop all the necessary muscles and improve coordination. Dancing has a positive effect on the child’s psychological state, helps to increase self-esteem, as well as self-realization, and adds self-confidence.

Does your child love to dance? Does he take special dance classes?

The benefits of dancing for children

The current young generation needs active leisure more than adults, because preschoolers and teenagers need to burn off excess energy. Dancing is a great way to spend time, because children have the opportunity to master rhythmic and plastic skills. Dance classes help strengthen the body and promote physical development, but most importantly, they relieve the child of accumulated school stress. Thanks to dance lessons, you can get rid of negative emotions and also learn to work in a team. As a result, visiting a dance school can transform your daughter or son not only externally, but also internally.

Why is dancing good for children?

When we talk about any physical activity (and dancing is no exception), we usually mean a positive effect on the body. Dance classes really affect the development of the child, his health and body condition:

  • Correct posture is formed, gait improves;
  • The figure becomes slim and pumped up due to strengthening of muscles;
  • Indicators of flexibility and endurance increase, coordination of movements improves;
  • The spine is strengthened along with the muscle corset, tension in the back disappears;
  • Blood circulation is stabilized, as well as the functioning of joints and blood vessels;
  • Proper breathing is established, thereby maintaining accurate heart function;
  • The overall tone of the body improves.

When discussing the benefits of dancing, we cannot limit ourselves to the effect of general health improvement. It is much more important that classes at a dance school have a positive impact on the psychological state of the child.

  1. Children learn to work and communicate with their peers, they develop communication skills and learn to be true team players.
  2. At the same time, dancing will help develop a child’s motivation for life, strengthen his self-esteem and awaken leadership qualities in him.
  3. Children become relaxed, cheerful, and forget about insecurities and fears. Young dancers learn to be patient with all kinds of failures and continue to move towards success.
  4. Regular participation in training and competitions makes every child disciplined and purposeful.

Any dance style can reveal a child’s potential and awaken dormant talents in him. Children begin to hear and listen to music, understand it and feel rhythmic nuances. Dancing also has a huge impact on the formation of aesthetic taste in adolescents, since students from an early age begin to pay attention to a neat appearance.

Main types of dances for children

If parents have decided to enroll their child in dance classes, the next question that arises is the choice of a specific direction. There are many varieties of dances, each of which has its own nuances and features. Some of the trends are more suitable for shy and romantic children, while others are more suitable for energetic little fashionistas. Therefore, when choosing dances, you should focus on the character of your daughter or son, and also take into account that special clothing may be required for performances. Moreover, some classes may be held in special shoes, which also need to be taken care of in advance.

  • Modern dances. This category includes various fashion trends that are in demand not only in Russia, but also abroad. Modern and contemporary develop the child’s acting skills and add plasticity and flexibility to his body. Professional dancers in these areas often become famous coaches abroad.
  • Breakdancing and hip-hop. These dances came out of the modern direction, but today they are already considered classics of street style. This dance technique is in demand among boys, especially since it requires physical endurance and strength. Hip-hop and breakdancing make students confident, courageous and fashionable. It is worth bringing a child to such an activity at the age of 7-9 years.
  • Ballet. Real dance art can become a vocation for both boys and girls at a very early age - from 4-5 years old. Ballet is the basis for many other dance styles, as it helps to develop discipline and endurance, self-control and perseverance in a child. In addition, you can make a global career in ballet.
  • Jazz funk . This type of dance captivates the audience due to the combination of completely different movements. There is a place for smoothness and sharpness, tenderness and slight aggressiveness. Dance makes the child plastic and flexible, because there are a lot of slides, arches and waves. This is a very creative direction, in which there is room for interesting improvisations. Jazz-funk can become a favorite dance for both girls and boys.
  • Pop and folk dances. This is a very large group of dances associated with active communication in the team. Such dances are almost always popular, so the child will have a great opportunity to make new friends. Another advantage is that such performances are accompanied by theatrical elements, so children can learn acting skills. Pop and folk dance styles will help a child become charismatic and get rid of shyness. It is worth enrolling children in such classes from the age of 4.
  • Ballroom dancing. This is a sports area for working in pairs. Such dances are among the most popular among parents, because they teach how to present oneself, develop grace, and improve communication skills. Ballroom dancing also helps with control of movement and balance, and improves concentration. You can send a child to this direction from the age of 5, but not later than 12 years.
  • Dancing in oriental style. This direction is especially in demand among girls, because it helps to develop plasticity and flexibility. Oriental dancing helps you become feminine and graceful at any age. In addition, such exercises correct the figure, shaping the abs and pumping up the abdominal muscles. Children aged 5-7 years should be enrolled in oriental dancing.


It was already mentioned above that any direction in dance needs appropriate stage attire, as well as costumes for training. Sometimes you may even need additional paraphernalia.

If we talk about bright clothes for competitions, then parents will have to prepare in advance:

  • Latin American dances are obligatory girls' short dresses with a full skirt and a spectacular cutout on the back;
  • Hip-hop and breakdancing - wide pants or shorts, loose T-shirts, tops and shirts;
  • Folk dances are colorful themed costumes with national ornaments;
  • Ballroom dancing - classic outfit;
  • Ballet – snow-white tutu for girls;
  • Oriental dances - a costume with a shiny skirt and sequins.

Dancewear adds confidence and comfort to the child during classes, and also improves his learning progress, because it eliminates stiffness in movements. An outfit for daily activities should be comfortable, durable and of high quality, while a stage costume may well be extravagant and multi-layered.