The best time for exercise. Best time of day to exercise

What days do you think people most often visit gyms and fitness clubs? Monday, Wednesday and Friday are the correct answer to this question. Maybe you also know the right time? Yes, yes, from six to eight o'clock in the evening. According to statistics, it is at this time that about 65-70% of athletes come to training. It’s not surprising, because the working day is ending, which means you can work out your own body. Why does the peak occur on odd days? Here, everyone has their own options: some need to get themselves in order after a hectic weekend, while others want to complement their ruined Monday with a grueling workout in the gym.

But seriously speaking, most people have simply become accustomed to the original schedule of classes and no one is going to change anything radically. Is it necessary? Let's figure it out now.

So, sports have already moved from the category of a thoughtless “rocking chair” and now invariably keep pace with the development of science. Researchers are constantly conducting various experiments so that athletes can improve their results and achieve the goal of “faster, higher, stronger.” Somehow they received an excellent proposal to find out whether there was a best time for training, and they actively began to find out. So let's take a look at what they found out.

Important: in the following note we will talk about various studies that provide data on what time is considered the best for more effective transformation of the body and building sculpted muscles. Let's look at each in order.

Experiments number 1 from the Department of Kinesiology (in Williamsburg, USA)

The essence of the experiment: Researchers recruited 100 trained men in good health to perform a variety of strength exercises daily. Moreover, the strength test was carried out at different times:

  • At 8 cheers;
  • At 12 noon;
  • At 4 o'clock in the afternoon;
  • At 8 pm.

results: The highest muscle performance was achieved in the evening (when fast movements were made). This is explained by the fact that the process of activation of muscle fibers, which contract rapidly, occurs at a time when body temperature is higher. Which also happens in the evening.

Another important detail that the researchers paid attention to was the different levels of hormones (cortisol and testosterone) throughout the day. Testosterone actively takes part in building muscle mass, and cortisol, on the contrary, actively destroys it and promotes intensive fat deposition. Studies have shown that the amount of testosterone in the blood is higher in the morning, but after training it becomes significantly higher. But cortisol in the body is least in the evening (the lowest level is at 7 pm).

Conclusion: The ideal balance for training is high levels of testosterone in the blood compared to low amounts of cortisol. This allows you to build muscle and burn fat more effectively. And this time period occurs in the evening.

Important: Despite the research, do not forget that each body is individual and has its own characteristics of wakefulness and rest at different times of the day. It is due to the chronotype (features of the body’s functioning during the day) that indicators of the activity of physical functions are formed (for example, hormone levels, cognitive functions, body temperature, etc.). Chronotype is the explanation why some people easily wake up early in the morning and feel just fine, while others crawl out of bed and take a heavy dose of coffee before returning to normal.

Final conclusion: as scientific research shows, it is better to exercise in the gym in the evening, but everyone must decide for themselves individually how best and most conveniently to exercise in accordance with their condition and chronotype.

Experiment number 2 from the University of Washington (in the USA)

If you want to know the best time for the most effective workouts, the first thing to determine is your body type.

For endomorphs, whose metabolic process is slow, the ideal time for training is the first half of the day (12 noon). At this time, the body uses existing fat deposits for energy. Ectomorphs with thin bones are best suited for evening workouts, when the body has sufficient caloric reserves for effective training. Mesomorphs can choose both morning and evening workouts. You need to pay more attention to how you feel after classes. In the morning, for example, you may have a lot of energy or, on the contrary, very little energy, so it’s better to focus on your own feelings.

What is the best way to train when you need to build muscle and remove excess fat?

The first thing to do is to include cardiovascular training in your workouts and do them regularly at the same time. Moreover, the break between physical exercise approaches should be no less than 6-8 hours. This requirement is explained very simply - in the process of training with weights, the body's reserves are depleted, and if you add cardio training to this, the body begins to use muscle tissue as fuel, that is, the so-called process of muscle burning occurs.

For example, if your work schedule allows you to go to the gym only in the evenings, then cardio exercises should be performed in the mornings.

Experiment number 3 from Sportsmedicine magazine

Human life is subject to so-called circadian rhythms (cycles of wakefulness and sleep). It is through them that body temperature, metabolism, blood pressure and other physiological indicators are regulated. These rhythms operate 24 hours a day, but they can be changed based on environmental signals. One of these signals is the time of day.

Most rhythms are considered innate, but some can be changed by a person himself, for example, by setting a certain time for training, eating, or getting up in the morning with an alarm clock. That is, the body’s ability to train more effectively will adapt to the time allotted for training. For example, if you constantly worked out in the evenings, and then suddenly decided to switch to morning workouts, then at first the classes will be very sluggish. But don’t worry, circadian rhythms are very flexible and can be adjusted to suit your needs, and this will take no more than one or two months.

So, based on various scientific studies and experiments, the following conclusions were drawn:

  • The best time to exercise (when the human body reaches its highest temperature) is 4-5 hours after lunch;
  • At 12 noon, strength indicators increase by 5%;
  • The best anaerobic performance results (5% increase) are observed in the evening;
  • The body's endurance, including anaerobic, is much higher in the afternoon;
  • The likelihood of getting injured in the gym in the morning is 20% higher than in the evening;
  • Physical activity improves sleep quality (if done 2-3 hours before bedtime).

Now that the research part has come to an end, it’s time to move on to the practical component. Now we will analyze the day in detail and decide what time is best to be active.

Number 1. Hello sun, at 5 am

In the morning, body temperature is very low, especially in girls. And this only means that the most optimal type of exercise for this time is yoga. It helps to relax your joints and makes further training easier, creating the necessary body mood.

Number 2: 7am is the time for cardio.

Early cardio loads will set the background for the rest of the day, making it more effective. After waking up (but still without breakfast), the human body contains a minimal amount of glycogen in the muscles and liver, as well as blood sugar. This is the ideal background for quickly and effectively losing extra pounds. This opinion is confirmed by studies that have proven that fat burning in this state is 300% more effective. It is also important that intense cardio exercise (about 35-40 minutes) improves metabolic processes, which makes it possible to actively burn fat deposits for several hours afterwards.

Number 3. Take up outdoor running or endurance exercise at 3 pm

A long and leisurely jog after lunch (about 1 hour) will allow the heart muscle to pump blood more efficiently, the joints will become more flexible, and the body temperature will rise.

Number 4. Let's ride a bike at 16.30

Excess calories will go away several times faster if you sit behind the wheel of a bicycle. As studies show, at 16.40 body temperature (especially in women) rises to its maximum, muscles become more flexible, and blood viscosity noticeably decreases.

Number 5: It's time for weight training at 5 p.m.

Body temperature during this period of time becomes the highest, which allows you to increase the effectiveness of training (there is less cortisol in the blood, and more testosterone). Also at 5 pm, the human body adjusts to a new energy cycle, and the body receives an additional powerful surge of energy.

Number 6. Shall we swim at 7 pm?

If you want the maximum effect from swimming, then the most effective time for this is between 6 and 8 pm. Reflexes at this time are the best, and the muscles are as flexible as possible.

Number 7: Team play time at 8 p.m.

After work and even rest, the best time comes for team sports. At 8 pm and later it is best to do:

  • Dancing;
  • Football;
  • Volleyball.

After such loads, reaction, flexibility and speed improve, and they will also give energy and positive emotions for the rest of the day.

With this we come to the end of this part and deal with independent determination of time.

We determine for ourselves the ideal time for training.

As a summary of all of the above, I offer several specific recommendations in order to determine your best time to play sports. So, let's begin.

First. Ideal time = whatever is most convenient for you

Each of us depends on some of our own specific circumstances. Study, work, holidays, family, etc. do not always provide the opportunity to fit into the best window for training. Of course, it’s good that you know about the ideal time for studying from a scientific point of view (at 7 pm), but if you physically can’t get to that exact time, don’t worry. And yes, you don’t need to rush to the gym immediately after work, snacking on the road without knowing what. This will not improve your health, but quite the opposite. Remember that after the main activity you need to rest for at least 30 minutes, and eat 1 hour before going to the gym.

Bottom line: adjust your schedule to fit your schedule, and don't stress yourself out trying to hit the scientifically perfect time.

Second. Ideal time = systematic training

If you have determined for yourself the days of the week and the time at which you actively work out in the gym, the body will get used to it over time and show greater efficiency during these periods. It's much better for your results to be consistent and systematic than to constantly search for that perfect time to train.

Third. Perfect timing = rely on your knowledge

About 70% of people cannot be categorically classified as either larks or owls. That is, it turns out that this majority is indifferent in relation to their circadian rhythms. And in order to determine for yourself the best time to play sports, you need to use the data shown in the table below (see figure).

Fourth. Floating chart - no big deal

There are also people who do not work according to a fixed schedule, for example, from 9 to 6. For such cases, it doesn’t hurt to have your own schedule at least a week in advance and fit training days into it. If today, for example, you are sure that you won’t be able to get to the gym, you can train at home or wherever you are now. For such people, there is no need to purchase a gym membership, which includes visiting schedules. It would be much better to pay a one-time fee or even walk around as a hare. Those who work at night are advised to test their body to determine the time when the body most readily “responds” to stress.

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In this article, I will tell you whether there is a best time to train for building muscle / losing weight (burning excess fat), and in general, and if so, what is it.

I’ll say right away that I can’t answer this question - definitely for everyone - (like any normal person), not because I don’t know, but because the question is individual.

Individual, because you need to take into account many individual nuances (circumstances):


  • AT HOME = you can do it either in the MORNING, AFTERNOON or EVENING (in general, whenever you want, depends on other nuances).
  • IN A FITNESS CLUB = it is possible in the MORNING (if the gym is open early), AFTERNOON/EVENING (but depends on other nuances).


  • If it’s far away = then in the morning it’s problematic (but in principle it’s possible, it depends on other nuances);
  • If nearby = then in the morning/afternoon/evening (in general, whenever, depends on other nuances).
  • If you train at home, then this point is not taken into account.


1. If you work like most ordinary people from 8 to 18 = then IN THE MORNING is problematic(but perhaps depends on many other nuances):

  • Do you have a desire to wake up early in the morning and go to the gym to train;
  • Is your gym open this early? if you train at home, then there are no problems;
  • WHAT ARE YOUR GOALS?! If the goal is to build muscle = then read the recommendations below for those who are gaining weight). If the goal is fat burning = then read the recommendations below for those who are losing weight.

2. Therefore, as an option, just train in the EVENING (but, as a rule, as practice shows, many people don’t want to train after work as much as they want, and they find excuses not to do it).

3. If your schedule = MORNING/AFTERNOON/EVENING (which is more convenient, see for yourself, depends on other nuances).


  • Many halls are open from 9.00; = accordingly, in the morning before work (if you, like most people, from 8 to 18) disappear. GOING OUT: only in the evening, after work.
  • If you train at home = then the club schedule is not taken into account.


  • Morning gym memberships usually = CHEAPER;
  • EVENING gym memberships, as a rule, = MORE EXPENSIVE;

For many people, this is also a decisive nuance for training.



Well, I think many people know this (it’s logical). For example, I’m a typical night owl))), accordingly, getting up early in the morning is generally an impossible mission for me, and going to some kind of training is absolutely not worth it. But in the evening it’s the best for me. But, in general, it depends on the goals (read the recommendations below for more details). In general, I think the point is clear.


  • LOSE WEIGHT = it makes sense to do a workout - IN THE MORNING ON AN EAST SCHARK, but not to do strength training with a barbell/dumbbells/simulators, etc. — and CARDIO (for example, running/fast walking, cycling, etc.). And then during the day or evening - strength training. Although you can do strength training + cardio in the morning, in general, more about this in the recommendations below.
  • GAINING MASS = possible both in the morning and during the day and in the evening. The main thing is to follow the recommendations.

I don’t believe in peaks of activity, etc., ala style in the morning at 10-11 o’clock in the morning - we are active (which means we need to train only at this time), and in the evening, for example at 18.00, we are no longer active (you can’t train). Or vice versa. As for me, training at some special time (i.e. according to the clock), because someone said so, well, it’s kind of idiocy...

It is also appropriate to mention the periods when people change their clocks to winter/summer time. So, I’m wondering what the supporters of those who believe in all these peaks/special times will say to this?)))

Well, please explain to me, maybe I really don’t understand something?))) I don’t understand, so you moved the time forward an hour - and then what?! Does your body immediately adjust to an hour ahead because you changed the time? In short, I don’t believe in all this, so my recommendation is very simple:

The most important thing is that you are full of strength and energy before strength training. If you don’t have the strength and energy before strength training, then how will you train? You won't be able to give it your all (to the maximum) as you have to, and the training will not be as effective as it could be. Obviously, if you have strength/energy, you can make the workout effective. Logical and simple. Do you agree? =)

1. Try to always study at the same time. This will allow your body to get used to (adapt) to the loads and adapt to them (even if you have training, for example, at 4 in the morning). When the body gets used to the fact that you have regular workouts at 4 am (this is an example), it will produce energy in time for this hour. This is exactly the case when training is, in any case, more effective than no training, but regular training at the same time is even much more effective.

2. If for some reason you train early in the morning , then before training you should Necessarily provide your body appropriate amount of fuel (food). It’s like a car, before driving a required distance (for example, 100 km) you need to refuel with gasoline, and refuel enough to last for 100 km, because if you refuel, BUT NOT WITH THE APPROPRIATE QUANTITY, you won’t get there and will stall at some point. halfway through the trip. Do you understand? So it is here, only in our case the fuel is not gasoline, but FOOD! And if we don’t eat the required amount of food, I simply won’t be able to cover the energy expenditure that training involves in the first half of the day (morning).

During sleep, our body spends about 1 kilocalorie per kg of body weight per HOUR. For example, if you weigh 80 kg and you sleep for 8 hours, then 80x1x8 = 800 kilocalories. By going for strength training, you will spend (if you do it properly, about 45 minutes-hour) about 400, maybe 500 kcal.

The question arises: can you gain (800+ 400 = 1200) kcal before training?!

If yes, then no problem, train in the morning. If not, then you simply will not cover the energy costs that training involves in the first half of the day (morning). Accordingly, there is no point in hoping for any weight results. Most likely there will be no progress at all, or there will be, but insignificant... That's why this is so important...

Here (when training in the morning) it is also worth taking into account how you ate in the evening and whether you got enough sleep.

3. Evening workouts Unlike morning ones, from the point of view of providing the body with the necessary fuel (energy), for its performance, they are more EFFECTIVE, because during the day we eat a lot, we have at least 3-4 meals, maybe even 5. In each meal carbohydrates + proteins (well, if you do everything scientifically, as it should). So, thanks to this, by the evening (when the workout is planned) our body will have MORE than enough energy to fully train. Accordingly, there are no problems...

Actually for this reason, evening training (well, let’s say around 17-18-19.00) is more preferable (but you can train early in the morning, the main thing is to cover the energy expenditure with the required amount of food, but most people don’t succeed, most don’t know this at all).

I definitely wouldn’t do strength training in the morning on an empty stomach.

But doing strength training IN THE MORNING but not on an empty stomach is POSSIBLE! But, to be honest, I wouldn’t, because in the morning when a person wakes up and doesn’t eat anything, it’s best to do CARDIO. And then at lunch or in the evening strength training. And after it, cardio again)). This will be more effective than doing both STRENGTH AND CARDIO in the morning. BUT IT IS POSSIBLE!

The most important thing, even at the stage of losing weight (burning fat) before strength training, is to take a full meal one hour, consisting of PROTEIN + COMPLEX CARBS + FIBER. Here is the main recommendation.


Post-workout nutrition depends on goals and time, i.e. if you trained in the MORNING and you are in the MASS GAINING phase (your goal is to build muscle), then immediately after training you can drink BCAA amino acids, if they are not there, then just water, and be sure to absorb a copious amount of + COMPLEX (fiber) 30 minutes after strength training by herself). Well, subsequent meals B+U+fiber+water every 2 hours. Before bed, casein prot or. Well, I’m telling you everything briefly, if you need details, then read articles about nutrition on my blog.

If you trained in the EVENING (at 17-18-19-20-21) and you are in the MASS GAIN phase (the goal is to pump up muscles), then I would still recommend you BCAA after training (if they are not there, then water) + 30 minutes after strength training = plenty of protein + complex carbohydrates. And before bed, cottage cheese or casein. prot.

If we are talking about WEIGHT LOSS (BURNING EXCESS FAT), then the recommendations are as follows:

If you trained in the MORNING, then I would not eat any carbohydrates after training in SOON! I would eat only protein + fiber (in small quantities)! Those. after training I would drink BCAA, and then after 30 minutes I would eat some other protein (normal from food, for example, fish, chicken, beef, eggs) + fiber. And then after 2 hours I would make a meal with CARBOHYDRATES (complex) + protein + fiber.

If you trained IN THE EVENING, then I would not eat any carbohydrates AT ALL! Only protein + fiber (in a small amount)! Those. after training I would drink BCAA, and then after 30 minutes I would eat some other protein (normal from food, for example, fish, chicken, beef, eggs) + fiber. And before bed, either cottage cheese or casein protein, and then go to sleep.

You know, I remembered Dmitry Yashankin for some reason)), namely his column - train always and everywhere. In general, those who are in the subject understood everything immediately; those who did not understand, don’t be upset, I’ll explain everything now.

Golden Rule: It’s better to train than not to train)).

What I mean by this is that train when it is more convenient for you to train. If it's convenient for you to train in the morning, train in the morning. Convenient during the day means during the day. Convenient in the evening means in the evening. If you had the desire 🙂 As they say: if you want, you’ll find time, if you don’t want, you’ll find a reason... Well, here’s a 100% hit on target (think about it, maybe this is about you)...

P.s. If it’s about you, then you might find this article on this topic useful: .

However, if your goals are weight gain (muscle pumping) / weight loss = then follow the recommendations that I described in such detail above. This is definitely not to be missed.

Best regards, administrator.

As in life, so in sports, everything should have its time. The best time to train is the most effective in terms of achieving results. If you choose the wrong one, then training will not help you achieve your desired goals. What's the best time to gain weight? When is it better to go to the gym, and when to work out?

All this depends on the goals being pursued. What does a person want: to keep his body in good shape, lose weight or, conversely, gain? It is these goals that determine the best time to train.

Scientific research

Scientists from different countries are constantly conducting all kinds of research related to identifying the most suitable period of time to play sports. And what did they come to?

American researchers stated that the best time to train the body is determined by its body type. People are divided into three main types: If a person belongs to the third type, then he has a very slow metabolism and is more susceptible to gaining extra pounds. For this type of person, the best time to exercise is in the morning. This is from approximately 7 to 10 o'clock. At this time, the body has very little glucose and glycogen, and it is forced to take energy by oxidizing fats.

When a person is an ectomorph, his metabolism is very fast and there is a predisposition to thinness. For this type, the best time for training is in the evening, as the body has enough energy and strength. And he really needs them during training.

People with an average body type are called mesomorphs. Their metabolism is normal. There is no tendency to be overweight or thin. These people are the luckiest, since for them the best time to workout can be any: morning, afternoon and evening. Everything depends only on desire and well-being.

Other scientists from the city of Williamsburg carried out a series of experiments, dividing the day into four periods: 8, 12, 16, 20 hours. At certain times, several participants performed exercises with heavy weights. It should be noted that these people had not previously engaged in sports.

The experiment showed that they were most effective in the evening. This is due to the contraction and work of fast muscle fibers. They are most productive during evening weight training, when body temperature is slightly higher. Another important reason that was identified during this study was testosterone and cortisol levels. The first is responsible for the growth of muscle mass. The second is for destruction.

At rest, testosterone levels are highest in the first half of the day. When training is underway, its level increases significantly more precisely after evening classes. Conclusion: if the goal is to build muscle mass, then it is better to train in the evening.

The best time to exercise to burn fat and promote weight loss is in the morning, as cortisol levels are higher. But it's not that simple. This will be discussed in more detail below.

Early Bird Workout

When a person wakes up very early, for example at 5 o’clock, and feels full of energy, then early training is suitable for him. You just need to take into account the lower body temperature at this time. Ligaments and joints are not very elastic in the morning, so the most active exercises are not the best option. Well, breathing exercises and yoga are excellent choices. Little energy is expended, and the body is charged with strength for the whole day.

From 7 to 9 we burn fat

It is these morning hours that are suitable for burning fat and cardio training. Cortisol levels are high at this time, glycogen is low, and the body takes energy from adipose tissue. It is best to spend no more than 40 minutes at moderate intensity. If a person does not have problems with blood pressure and heart, you can increase the pace and cut the time in half. You need to focus on how you feel, since not everyone can exercise in the morning.

Aerobic exercises - from 15 to 16 hours

At this time, body temperature begins to actively rise and by half past five it reaches its peak. This watch is perfect for active types of fitness, which include cycling, aerobics, dancing and running. They will have a beneficial effect on the fat burning process, and will also help strengthen the respiratory and cardiovascular systems.

High-intensity and strength training - from 17 to 18 hours

This is the best time to train with heavy weights. During these hours you need to go to the gym or do interval and high-intensity training. They require a lot of endurance. In the evening, body temperature is higher, as is the level of the hormone testosterone. All these factors have a positive effect on strength. This increases productivity during training.

Training after 19:00

At this time, body temperature begins to decrease, and bodyflex, yoga, tai chi, and stretching are suitable for the body. They have a calming and healing effect, promote the formation of correct and beautiful posture, strengthen deep muscle layers, develop endurance and flexibility, and also have a positive effect on the psyche.


Considering all of the above, we can say that the best time for training depends on the individual characteristics of the person’s body, as well as his goals. The morning hours are the best for losing weight, and the evening hours for pumping up muscles. Just before you start training, you need to visit a doctor to find out more about your body and make sure that there are no contraindications. And while playing sports, it is important to monitor nutrition and sleep, since the result will appear only with the right approach to all three components. If at least one of the factors is left unattended, then even if you choose the best time of the day for training, you can torture yourself with exercises for a long time, but still end up with excess or, conversely, insufficient weight.

It has long been known that The functioning of the human body directly depends on the time of day– during some hours it works as productively as possible (at this time you can carry out the best workouts for losing weight and gaining muscle mass), while at others it almost completely turns off (this is not fitness time, but sleep and rest time).

Having a good understanding of this topic, you can plan your day wisely and choose the most optimal time for sports. With this approach, you will only conduct truly effective training.

What time can you do the most effective workouts: morning

  • 5-00 - The kidneys stop excreting urine. Waking up at this time, a person feels energetic all day, and can conduct effective strength training for weight loss (this rule applies to both girls and men)
  • 6-00 - pressure rises, heart starts beating faster
  • 7-00 - the body's immunity is significantly enhanced
  • 8-00 - toxic substances are almost completely dehydrated in the liver
  • 9-00 - the heart begins to work better, sensitivity to pain decreases

What time of day can you do the most effective workouts: evening

  • 17-00 - the body’s performance increases, endurance increases significantly. Great time for fitness and heavy strength training
  • 18-00 - the functioning of the nervous system slows down, the pain sensitivity threshold increases
  • 19-00 - blood pressure rises, irritability and short temper appear. At this time, not the best (in terms of effectiveness) workouts come out.
  • 20-00 - maximum daily body weight is observed, reaction improves
  • 21-00 - the ability to remember information improves, the functioning of the nervous system returns to normal. This time is more suitable for learning than for fitness.

Late evening is the best time for training aimed at relaxing the body. The best training program for the evening is yoga, stretching, breathing exercises

Choosing a time for fitness: night

22-00 - the level of leukocytes in the blood increases, body temperature decreases

  • 23-00 - the body is actively preparing for sleep. At this time, it will not be possible to conduct the most effective and efficient training.
  • 24-00 - end of the day. At this time you need to sleep, and not do home workouts for weight loss.
  • 1-00 - sensitivity to pain increases significantly. Shallow sleep
  • 2-00 - internal organs slow down
  • 3-00 - the body rests, pulse and breathing slow down
  • 4-00 – hearing becomes more acute, blood pressure drops very much.
  • Night is not the time for sports.An effective workout program for weight loss should be done during the day or evening.

But don’t focus on the time of day – this is just an additional advantage that allows you to conduct more effective training. If you cannot pay attention to training at the specified time, then play sports in any free minute.The most important thing in any training is regularity.. Train correctly, don't miss classes, and you will succeed. The doctor promises!

When it comes to the best time to exercise, it is important to separate strength training in the gym for the purpose of muscle growth and cardio training for the purpose of losing weight and burning fat. These are fundamentally different activities, implying different metabolic processes - which is why it is extremely difficult for the body.

Workouts for weight loss are aerobic (that is, requiring the cells to consume oxygen), while strength exercises for muscle growth are anaerobic. Cardio's effectiveness for burning fat increases when blood glucose levels are low (which literally forces the body to burn fat reserves), while strength training is not possible under such conditions.

Why is it hard to exercise in the morning?

Strength training early in the morning is much more challenging for most people than training in the afternoon. The main reason for this is that the body simply does not have enough energy in the morning - and blood sugar levels are minimal, and the energy from fat stores cannot be used to perform strength exercises.

Let's say you are doing squats with a barbell - just a minute ago the body did not know about the upcoming load, but now it needs energy. The source of this “fast” energy can be exclusively glycogen reserves from the muscles working in this movement, but not fat depots. In order to get energy from fat, the body will need at least 15-20 minutes.

How to swing correctly in the morning

If you exercise early in the morning without sufficient glycogen stores, your blood sugar levels will drop, making your workout much more difficult and leading to brain fog or even fainting. For a full-fledged strength training for muscle growth, the body needs at least 100-150 g of carbohydrates, stored in the form of glycogen directly in the muscles.

A hearty breakfast an hour and a half before strength training will help saturate your muscles with energy, but in real life, not all athletes have time for such a breakfast. The situation is aggravated by the fact that in order to successfully gain weight at the end of the training, the body again needs calories for closure - or a second breakfast in the case of morning training.

Strength training early in the morning

For strength training early in the morning (especially when there is no time for a hearty breakfast), it is critical to take it immediately after waking up - otherwise the body simply will not have enough energy. By the time you arrive at the gym, carbohydrates from sports nutrition will have already been absorbed and their energy will enter the bloodstream.

However, after finishing your morning strength training, it is still important to have a full breakfast and provide your muscles not only with carbohydrates and proteins, but also with vitamins and minerals. Also remember that it will take about 1-2 weeks for your body to get used to this type of training regimen, and don’t be discouraged if the first few days seem too difficult.

Morning workouts to burn fat

Let us remind you once again that fat burning occurs exclusively when blood glucose levels are low. The reason lies in the fact that insulin, increased by sugar, is necessary for the formation of energy reserves, while the hormone adrenaline is needed to remove this energy from cells (1). In this case, insulin and adrenaline cannot be synthesized by the body at the same time.

For this reason, it is recommended for successful weight loss - in this case, the body first spends glycogen and carbohydrate reserves, reducing insulin levels, and only then adrenaline increases, activating fat burning processes. The good news is that this process happens much faster in the morning.

How to get rid of and remove soft sides? Training strategy and cutting recommendations.

Cardio on an empty stomach

In most cases, immediately after waking up, glycogen reserves in the body are minimal - which is why slow cardio performed in the early morning leads to the fastest weight loss. Moreover, any breakfast (even a protein isolate that does not contain carbohydrates) will force the body to primarily burn the calories of this breakfast, and not fat reserves.

The main rules of morning workouts for weight loss are an empty stomach and the most moderate pace of exercise (running is definitely not recommended) lasting at least 30-40 minutes. Immediately after completing such a fat-burning workout, it is recommended to take 2-3 capsules, while a full breakfast is acceptable no earlier than half an hour later.

Is it possible to train in the evening?

Unfortunately, late evening is the worst time for both strength training and weight loss training. Fat burning training will be ineffective due to the presence of sugar in the blood (glucose levels decrease only 4-5 hours after the last meal), and strength training can cause sleep problems due to overstimulation of the central nervous system.

If you have absolutely no other choice and can only go to the gym in the evening, plan a large meal 2 hours before your evening muscle-building workout, so that only a light dinner is left afterward. Also carefully study the composition of sports nutrition, making sure that it does not contain other stimulants that disrupt sleep.


Morning workouts on an empty stomach are best for weight loss, but before strength training for muscle growth, it is recommended to take a portion of a gainer in the morning. Training late in the evening is the worst option - the presence of glucose in the blood will block fat burning, and general fatigue during the day will not allow you to carry out strength training with maximum impact.

Scientific sources:

  1. The Stubborn Fat Solution, Lyle McDonald,