" TV program “Heroes of Our Time” (NTV) - “About the exploits of ordinary people

A documentary program telling about brave and selfless people who were ready to sacrifice themselves to save the life of another person.

About the program Heroes of Our Time

It doesn’t matter where the people the project talks about work “ Heroes of our time": at the local hospital, fire department, local police or ordinary volunteers. Their faces cannot be found on TV channels or on the pages of newspapers. The heroes of our time are those who, saying goodbye to their own lives, gave the last breath of oxygen to a suffocating child. Who threw themselves into a fire, covering a veteran, or made their way neck-deep in icy water to a village cut off by a flood, and then with frostbitten fingers administered the vaccine to the doomed...

We have no idea about the dedication and courage of those who live next door to us. In the program “Heroes of Our Time,” NTV shows ordinary people to whom hundreds of Russians owe their lives. At a dangerous moment, each of the heroes realized that they could die, but did not doubt their decision for a second, fulfilling their professional duty.

Sergei Shakurov: “We often watch films about heroes who save the world, but real people with real stories are completely different. In our program we want to show what is happening today, now, this minute. We will introduce viewers to people who are on the verge of life and death, and to those who solve this problem. These are doctors, rescuers, representatives of other heroic professions, in a word – heroes of our time!”

NTV project " Heroes of our time"is dedicated to brave and selfless people who were ready to sacrifice themselves to save the life of another person.

It doesn’t matter where they work: in a local hospital, fire department, local police or ordinary volunteers. Their faces cannot be found on TV channels or on the pages of newspapers. The heroes of our time are those who, saying goodbye to their own lives, gave the last breath of oxygen to a suffocating child. Who threw themselves into a fire, covering a veteran, or made their way neck-deep in icy water to a village cut off by a flood, and then with frostbitten fingers administered the vaccine to the doomed...

We have no idea about the dedication and courage of those who live next door to us. Only in the program “Heroes of Our Time” will NTV show ordinary people to whom hundreds of Russians owe their lives. At a dangerous moment, each of the heroes realized that they could die, but did not doubt their decision for a second, fulfilling their professional duty.

The soul and voice of the project “Heroes of Our Time” will be the People’s Artist Sergey Shakurov: “We often watch films about heroes who save the world, but real people with real stories are completely different. In our program we want to show what is happening today, now, this minute. We will introduce viewers to people who are on the verge of life and death, and to those who solve this problem. These are doctors, rescuers, representatives of other heroic professions, in a word - heroes of our time!


I accidentally came across this program last Saturday - I turned on the TV to watch a movie from an external hard drive, but got stuck on “Heroes of Our Time.” This project began just a couple of weeks ago - the NTV channel shot a series of documentaries about cases when people sacrifice their lives to save someone else.

One episode lasts only 45 minutes including advertising. It consists of 3 different stories. This could be a story about the work of firefighters, police officers or traffic police officers. But these are also stories about the help of random passers-by.

Overall, I really like this idea. And the point is not in patriotic education, but in the fact that it is simply necessary to talk about such people! Once upon a time, children dreamed of real exploits - they wanted to catch criminals in the internal affairs bodies, save lives as emergency doctors, or pull grandmothers out of the fire. Modern children, in many ways, dream about new iPhones and wait for the next episode of the next hand-drawn American cartoon to be released. And adults, in many ways, think first of all about money when choosing a job, and not about the benefits for others.

This program once again reminds us that no matter who you work in, there is always room for heroism in this life. Although the stories are devoted mainly to firefighters, police officers and ministers of the Russian Orthodox Church.

The situations described here are different - there was a fire somewhere, and people were trapped on the balcony. Somewhere a child fell into a sewer well, and somewhere a man decided to commit suicide and throw himself off a bridge. It describes both personal tragedies and natural disasters.

The program will talk about each situation and show interviews with victims and their rescuers. Yes, the “heroes” turn out to be too positive, but I don’t see that as a bad thing. Unfortunately, not all situations end well, but the thought still remains: “I did everything right!”

Some might say that the job of an emergency worker is to save lives. Why else talk about this to the whole country? Yes, because in all structures there are people who are sitting on their pants. “Heroes of Our Time” once again reminds us that even if you have a leadership position, no one has canceled working with your hands. And if you are a simple accountant and go about your business, you should not remain indifferent to someone else’s misfortune.


NTV allows you to watch the program on their official website. Here is the link .


Despite the age restrictions, and they seem to be 16+, I believe that the program can be watched by younger children. On the one hand, this project teaches how to behave in emergency situations. On the other hand, it motivates to help others.

A few years ago, near my hometown, a car crashed into a ditch. Passing drivers, instead of trying to help and pull out the passengers, took out their mobile phones and began filming videos. As a result, the car caught fire and the man died.

Don't remain indifferent.