I want to open a dance studio. Advertising for a dance studio: choreographic sketch in the Internet genre

In connecting choreography and online advertising, let's stick to some common features that will help us understand the interconnectedness and explain the complementarity of the processes. Dance training presupposes that the artist has some basic skills. This is a stereotypical picture - a huge hall, a mirrored wall, a choreographic machine and artists practicing mandatory, “school” movements.

  1. Posture and plasticity. To make a resource look presentable on the Internet, it is optimized. The core of requests, like a set of mandatory dance steps, corresponds to the theme. The graphics are like a reflection in a mirror - no frills, harmony between form and content is maintained. This means that excess weight hinders both dancers and photographs. The structure of the site and the plasticity of the body are subordinated to one task - to create for viewers (Internet users) a clear picture of movements, the receptivity of the image. Well, for starters, the design is the cosmetics of the site. Although the joke is often heard that “only ugly people wear makeup,” external aesthetics are essential and designers decorate websites with an artistry that rivals the ritual of applying concert makeup.
  2. Production and debut. The stage at which the dance number acquires a holistic composition, and the performer learns not to be afraid of the audience and, as a result, achieves success. Believe it or not, a choreographic website needs to go the same way - to be formed and appear in full glory to its audience and search resources. This is called search engine promotion. We compare and do. Semantic themes are verified and brought to ideal compliance with user requests (every movement of the artist is verified and polished). Competing specialized sites are analyzed, ways to eliminate conflicts of interest are found, a separate niche is created (the artists master the dance pattern, remember the mise-en-scène, achieve coherence and synchronization of movements). The design of the site is decided in a thematic scheme that is understandable for visitors (the choreographic production carries a verified semantic load). Headings and content of articles are optimized, the text contains useful information (the style of dance is conceptually consistent and corresponds to the genre). The Internet resource is linked to catalogues, promotion is used through reviews, and connections are created with social networks. It already looks like a support group in the hall - parents, friends, classmates or colleagues. Those who have ever gone on stage will understand that this is a “boost.”

Until now, we have covered the basics of advertising for an online dance website. But art does not tolerate monotony, and choreography is able to find genre opportunities to promote its ideas. Let's not forget that this is a form of entertainment art and emphasize the visuals. Moreover, the advertising market shows a tendency to shift the vector towards video.

  • We record and offer master classes on stage movement.
  • We expand the audience of subscribers through groups on social networks with the help of constantly updated content. This direction attracts newcomers with its accessibility and gives an increase in conversion, the transition of users from the category of visitors to the rank of interested clients.
  • Using email newsletters, we promote new offers - genre trends, fashionable dance trends, new forms of classes.

Promotion and promotion of a dance website is as creative an activity as the art of choreography. Become the director of your online resource and he, in turn, will become a reliable assistant, taking on communication and advertising responsibilities.

Dancing is good for health, promotes slimness and well-being, and finally, it is simply a pleasant and interesting activity, so its popularity is growing every day. But to show off an intricate step at a party or at a disco requires not only desire and courage, but also certain skills, and therefore classes in dance classes, schools and studios are very popular. And if you feel like you're ready to start a hot new business, it's time to learn how to open a dance school and make it profitable.

What are we dancing?

First of all, you need to decide what exactly beginner dancers will be taught at your school, that is, decide on the dance direction. It is not at all necessary to choose one thing: the same school can teach classical ballroom dancing, salsa, which is popular today, and oriental dancing. The choice depends on several factors:

  • demand: what exactly your target audience needs, what dances are now in fashion;
  • competition: what existing schools in your city offer students;
  • opportunities: what kind of good teachers do you already have in mind?
  • your personal preferences.

Now another popular trend has appeared, which in terms of mass popularity can compete with the most popular dance genres - “Dancing for everyone”. This is a program that allows those who do not know how to dance at all to learn how to move so as not to feel like a black sheep at parties and clubs. Each dance school usually offers its own unique program “for everyone,” which includes basic elements of the most popular modern trends. It is this direction, with proper popularization and advertising, that attracts the majority of students to dance schools: after all, they can see and feel the result after a few weeks. And many of them continue to attend school after completing such training (as a rule, it lasts no more than 2-3 months), having chosen one of the directions for themselves.

Choosing a room for a dance school

Finding a hall where you can teach dance skills is not so easy, since there are certain requirements for the premises, and quite strict ones:

  • its size must be at least 80 square meters;
  • the classroom must be equipped with a high-quality ventilation and air conditioning system;
  • for dance classes in the hall you need large - the entire wall - mirrors and ballet bars;
  • adjacent premises are required: men's and women's locker rooms, each with an area of ​​15 sq.m. each;
  • showers are needed in locker rooms;
  • one more room - the foyer, where the reception desk will be located;
  • a rest room with upholstered furniture is also needed; its size must be at least 20 square meters. meters.

Similar premises can be found in fitness centers, and you can also look for a suitable room in cultural centers.

A more complex and expensive option is to equip such a hall yourself: purchase a room of suitable size and remodel it according to your needs. But you need to keep in mind that the costs in this case will be considerable: if there has been no dancing in the room before, most likely you will have to change the flooring and equip the hall with mirrors. Together with cosmetic repairs to the remaining premises and possible redevelopment, all this can turn out to be an expensive project.

Choosing a location for a dance school

Not only the technical parameters and interior of the dance school premises are important, but also its location. Moreover, a successful dance studio can be located both in the city center and on its outskirts - in a greasy area; each of them will have its own clients, since both solutions have their own advantages and disadvantages.

School in the city center

Like any enterprise in the center, such a school will be considered more prestigious, and therefore higher prices can be set here. There will be no need to spend a lot on advertising: a bright sign and advertisements on neighboring streets will suffice, and it will be convenient for employees of nearby offices to go to classes immediately after work.

But this arrangement also has its disadvantages. The first and main one is high rent, which will “eat up” a considerable part of the high cost of education. If the city is quite large, then traffic jams may regularly form on the approaches to the center, which will inevitably lead to students or even teachers being late. In addition, those who do not live in the center will most likely prefer a dance studio closer to home.

School in a residential area

If you decide to open a dance studio away from the center, you can count on relatively low rent. Another undoubted plus is that among the visitors there will be more housewives who will prefer to study not in the “busy” evening time, but during the day, when the halls are often empty. Due to this, the hall's traffic will increase. Competition here will not be high - in such areas there are usually few dance schools, but, of course, before choosing a premises, you should make sure that there are no similar establishments nearby.

The disadvantages of this location include a small number of students, especially at first: dance halls on the outskirts are rarely crowded; lower cost of classes than in the center and the need to invest in advertising and conduct various promotions to attract clients.


However, if you have excellent teachers - experienced and knowledgeable, the location of the school and advertising will not be decisive. People come to such a teacher again and again, his classes are recommended to friends, so good dance teachers are the golden fund of your school.

To keep the hall open, you need 4–6 teachers who will work according to schedule. You will also need two cashier administrators working in shifts: they will have to communicate with visitors, answer calls, and sell subscriptions. To maintain order in the premises, you need to hire a cleaner.

We calculate income and expenses

Like any other business, you need to start organizing a dance school with a detailed business plan. One lesson in a dance studio can cost from 250 to 500 rubles (we are talking about groups). Those who need individual lessons with teachers, as a rule, pay more - 700–1000 rubles per hour.

As a rule, each group consists of 10–15 people. The most popular time is in the evening, from 17:00 to 22 or even 23:00. However, morning groups can also be popular, which housewives and people with flexible work schedules are happy to attend. Individual lessons are usually scheduled for the morning.

For a dance studio to pay off and generate income, at least 5 groups need to work there per day.

The costs of opening a dance school-studio may be as follows:

  • Rent - from 50 to 100 thousand rubles, depending on the size of the city and the location of the school. If the rent for premises exceeds this amount, there is a risk that the school may become unprofitable.
  • Costs for employee salaries will be about 120,000 per month. Administrators and cleaners usually have fixed salaries. Dance teachers typically receive a percentage of memberships sold.
  • Equipment costs (mirrors, machines, flooring) – 80–100 thousand rubles. If you take a room that is already equipped for a dance hall, these costs can be avoided.
  • Investments in advertising are about 30 thousand.

Thus, the income of a dance studio can be 100–150 thousand rubles per month, so the funds spent on organizing the business will return quite quickly.

Enterprise registration

To start a dance school, it is enough to register as a When choosing a taxation system, preference should be given to or (if such an opportunity exists). No licenses are required to teach choreography.

If you do not rent a ready-made dance hall with all the necessary permits, but organize and repair your own, you will need to obtain special permits to open a school in it from the city administration, the Fire Department and the SES.

Advertising and promotion

Whether or not to invest in advertising your establishment is a question to which every entrepreneur seeks the answer himself. At first, of course, you will have to do this. Of course, they will bring some of their “own” students after them. But it is necessary to notify the residents of the surrounding area about the opening of the studio; here advertisements and distribution of leaflets in crowded places will be used.

Large-scale advertising on radio or television is needed, perhaps, only if you are offering something exclusive, something that has not yet been seen in the city, and you expect that people from any area will come to you for the “new product.”

You definitely need a dance school website or at least your own pages on city portals: now, increasingly, the question of where to go to study, including dancing, is asked to search engines. And it will be very helpful if information about your studio appears in the top lines of the search.

Another interesting way to attract attention to the project is dance evenings, where students can express themselves and show new skills, and just have fun. Those around you will definitely have a desire to “learn the same way,” and the studio will have new students.

Organizing a dance school is more troublesome than expensive. So for a person who understands dance styles and knows how to work with creative people, this can be an excellent opportunity to organize a profitable business with minimal investment.

  • Directions
  • Registration
  • Room
  • Employees
  • Advertising

Almost all people love to dance, no matter how carefully some try to hide it. This activity is not only enjoyable, but also very useful. Dancing lifts your spirits, improves your physical fitness, has a beneficial effect on your health and, of course, increases your self-esteem. This is why so many people of all ages happily take all kinds of dance classes. If you feel that this particular business idea is close to your spirit, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with current tips on how to open a dance school from scratch and what you can succeed in so that there is a good return on investment.


The most important thing you need to decide on before opening a dance school is the directions. At the same time, you must understand that it is not necessary to settle on any one professional style. Tango, ballroom or sports dancing, salsa, bachata, rumba or lambada - the choice is simply huge and often several different styles are taught in dance schools. The quantity depends on your desire, size of the room and financial capabilities.

Before opening a dance school from scratch, it is important to analyze the following factors:

  • popularity and demand - you need to clearly understand what is in great demand among people at this time. There is fashion for everything, including dancing;
  • staff – if you decide to open a dance school, you will have to hire good teachers for each style. Finding worthy teachers is not as easy as it seems, and if you know dancers of a particular direction, the choice becomes much easier;
  • competitiveness - before opening, be sure to look at what trends are developing in the best dance schools in your city.

Of course, an important factor is your individual tastes and preferences. In any case, you need to do only what you like. Keep in mind that in addition to directions, you should decide on the audience. You can open a dance school for children or adults. There are also certain styles that are taught mainly by women, this can be pole dance (on a pole), GO GO, belly dance and others. Men will be more attracted to hip-hop and breakdancing.


To open a dance school, you will need to register your activities as an individual entrepreneur or LLC. The first version of the document is the most common and easy, the second is better to open if you are not the only co-founder of the dance business. Licensing of this type of activity such as choreography is not required by law.

Depending on where exactly you plan to rent, buy or build premises, you may need additional permits from the State Supervision Authority, the city administration and the SES.


To open your own dance school from scratch, you will, of course, need suitable premises. If you have unlimited financial capabilities, you can build the necessary building, but we will still consider buying or renting. So, when choosing a room for a dance school, pay attention to the following important points:

  1. The dance class must be spacious, namely at least 80 sq.m.
  2. Make sure the room has a strong ventilation system.
  3. In addition to the class itself, there must be two locker rooms for men and women. Each of them has at least two showers and a bathroom.
  4. Set up a space for the administrator and a relaxation area.

An important factor in opening a dance school from scratch will be the choice of location of the premises. You can open a premises either in the city center or in more remote areas. Each of these options has its own advantages and disadvantages. Renting space in the center will be more expensive, and competition will be high. However, you will have to spend less on advertising, and there will immediately be more clients than in residential areas.


Of course, if you want to open a good dance school, you cannot do without staff. One of the most important indicators of any dance establishment will be the presence of professional and competent teachers. The popularity of your school, its profitability, competitiveness and, ultimately, earnings and promotion will depend on this! Remember this and choose only the best teachers with a good reputation, special education and positive reviews.

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In addition to dance teachers, to open a dance school from scratch, you will need two administrators and a cleaner. If you wish, you can hire an accountant, advertising and purchasing manager. Here, too, everything depends on financial capabilities and the need for additional employees.


There are many ways to announce your business to the public. Some of the most popular will be the following:

  1. Creating a group on social networks, your own website.
  2. Distributing flyers on city streets.
  3. Placement of banners, advertising on public transport.
  4. Advertising on television, radio and newspapers.
  5. Advertisements in newspapers about recruitment of groups.

All these measures will help people learn about your dance school and attract potential clients. You may first have to spend a fairly large amount of money on advertising, because... Unfortunately, even in a small town you can’t get by without investments. However, if you do everything correctly, the costs will pay off very quickly, and you will begin to make a profit.

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That's all we wanted to tell you about how to open a dance school from scratch, where to start and how to succeed. We hope that the information was useful and now you are ready to start your own women's business. As a conclusion, we can say one thing - nothing is impossible when you love your job with all your heart. See for yourself!

  • How to choose a good business name
  • How to earn money for a pregnant woman
  • How to open a foreign language school

Running a business like a dance school can become not only a vibrant and interesting lifelong activity, but also a full-fledged commercial project that brings regular income to its owner.

First of all, you need to choose which dance classes will be taught at your school. When choosing dance styles, you should pay attention to modern dances, street styles, and social dances.

Modern dancing- tectonics, go-go, strip-dance, pole-dance, jazz-funk, etc.

Street dancing- break-dance, hip-hop, house, street-dance, etc.

Social dancing- salsa, bachata, reggaeton, rumba, Brazilian zouk, rueda, merengue, etc.

Initially, a dance school can be created either highly specialized (for example, only for paired social dances) or of a wide profile. This depends not so much on the general demand of the population, but on the qualifications of the teachers who will work in your school.

It is better to attract well-known and talented teachers in similar fields and position the school as a specialized one. This, in turn, will increase the average bill, since narrow specialization involves acquiring deeper skills.

The reputation of a school is closely related to the reputation of the teachers working there. Therefore, in order for teachers to be attentive to students in the group and constantly improve the quality of teaching, it is necessary to maintain healthy competition in the team. This is achieved by increasing the percentage of sales when a certain number of people are recruited into the group.

This business plan discusses the opening of a social dance school.

A dance school can be developed in two ways:

  1. The presence of one large center with 2 - 3 halls;
  2. Development of a branch network in different areas of the city.

In the first case, the target audience coverage is somewhat smaller, but there is a significant saving on administrative costs.

However, whatever development path you choose, the first hall should be rented in the city center in close proximity to the metro station and public transport stops.

The full equipment of the dance hall consists of two completely mirrored walls, choreographic machines, musical equipment, air conditioning, and stretching mats. For specific dance styles, additional equipment must be installed. For example, for pole-dance classes you need a pylon (pole). In this example of opening a social dance school, no additional equipment is needed.

The dance school business has a pronounced seasonal nature. As a rule, maximum demand is achieved during the operating period from September to December and from February to May. During the summer months, people prefer to spend more free time outdoors or go on vacation. As a result, demand drops sharply.

In winter, demand also decreases by 20-30% due to long holidays and school/student holidays.

The initial investment amount is 460,000 rubles.

Break-even point is reached in the first month of work.

The payback period is from 8 months.

2. Description of the business, product or service

A dance school is a type of business in the field of additional education and leisure. You provide clients with the opportunity to learn to dance in a specially equipped room under the guidance of an experienced professional. In this case, the level of training and age of the student does not matter. Groups are divided by skill level. However, as a rule, children and elderly people study in separate groups.

The social dance school in question offers lessons in the following areas:


Number of groups

Number of classes per week for one group

Total number of classes per week


The number of groups for each direction is determined depending on the demand for this type of dance and the level of training of the group. As a rule, over time, 3 groups are formed in each direction: beginner, intermediate and senior.

The dance school offers the opportunity to practice both in a group and in individual lessons. The main difference is cost. Individual training costs 2.5-3 times more. For each type of training, you can purchase either a separate lesson or a subscription. The standard membership is valid for one month and includes either 4 or 8 classes. The subscription is personal in nature and applies only to the person for whom it is registered.

You can see the full list of services with costs in the table:

Name of service

Number of classes

Cost, rub.)

Individual lesson

Individual subscription

Group lesson

Subscription for group classes

Universal subscription*

Travel pass**

All subscriptions, except the universal one, apply only to one dance direction and are assigned to a specific teacher. This is a necessary measure to ensure that the group has a constant composition and develops steadily. A universal subscription is an opportunity to attend 8 classes in any field and with any teacher within one month. The only limitation is that the student meets the physical fitness level of the group.

The travel pass is valid for 2 months and applies to one dance direction. The cost of such a subscription is more expensive than a group one, but cheaper than 8 one-time lessons. That is, if a client is forced to go on a business trip due to work, he does not lose his classes, and the school retains the client.

If a student regularly attends classes for a month, he can purchase a subscription for the next month with a 10% discount. If the client brings a friend who buys a subscription, then he (the client) receives a 15% discount.

This flexible payment system allows you to retain clients and increases demand for services.

3. Description of the sales market

Target audience of the dance school

The target audience of a dance school can be very diverse. Everyone loves to dance: children, adults, and even the elderly. Therefore, a more detailed definition of your audience will directly depend on what areas of dance you will develop in your school.

For example, if for such trends as belly-dance or pole-dance the target audience is unmarried girls from 18 to 30 years old. And break-dance classes are mainly attended by young guys aged 15 to 25.

For a social dance school, the target audience will be described as follows:

Men and women aged 20 to 35 years. As a rule, these are already working people who are not married. 80% of dancers are in search of a “soulmate.” In addition, these people are open to communication and well socially adapted. The main purpose of attending dance classes is to take a break from work and home, and plunge into the festive atmosphere. They are loyal to the design and equipment of the hall. For them, the main thing is the communication that occurs within the group. An important criterion for finding a school is location, student population, and regular dance parties.

Based on the described criteria, we can conclude that the main attention in the service should be directed to establishing “friendly” relations with the client. Teachers should devote additional time to activities that promote team bonding, such as weekly parties and organizing retreats. As for the external positioning of the dance school for potential clients, the main advantage will be a friendly, well-organized team consisting of both beginner students and experienced teachers.

Competitor analysis

Competitive advantage of dance school

4. Sales and marketing

5. Production plan

Any entrepreneurial activity must begin with state registration of the organization. When opening a dance school, the best solution would be to register as an individual entrepreneur. The specified OKVED code is 92.34.2. Activities of dance floors, discos, dance schools. The taxation system used is the simplified tax system (6% of income). Since individual entrepreneurs provide services to the public, a cash register is not needed; issuing strict reporting forms (SRF) is sufficient.

After registration, you need to choose a room for the school. The room should consist of a main hall, two dressing rooms - separate for men and women, a bathroom, a reception area, and a staff room. The hall must be at least 50 sq.m., have a rectangular or square shape and smooth walls. Thus, the rented premises must be at least 100 sq.m.

Location selection criteria:

  • City center;
  • Proximity to transport interchanges, metro stations and bus stops;
  • Availability of parking.
  1. Wooden flooring (parquet or laminate);
  2. Large mirrors on the surface of two walls;
  3. Good lighting;
  4. Availability of rugs, water cooler.

A reception desk and 3-4 chairs for clients are installed in the reception area. The locker rooms have benches and lockers for changing clothes. The staff room is equipped with a table, chairs, and a wardrobe. This is a place for teachers to relax.

While you are setting up your work space, you need to start looking for teachers. You can search for them online by browsing the websites of famous dance schools in your city, and then the personal pages of teachers on social networks. You can look for employees at dance forums and festivals, at master classes in areas of interest. However, be prepared for the fact that all experienced, in-demand teachers are already working. You need to not only conduct a market analysis and identify the best dance gurus, but also offer them more favorable terms of cooperation. You will have to use all your organizational skills to create a cohesive team of professionals.

After you have formed a staff, you can begin to conduct the first trial lessons, after which you will sell subscriptions and form the first groups of students. At the same time, distribute information about your school on Internet resources and in printed format.

6. Organizational structure

To start operating a dance studio, you will only need the work of 3 teachers in different areas. In addition, you need to hire an administrator to work with clients. Since the flow of clients will be small at first, the school will be fully operational only in the evenings on weekdays and during the daytime on weekends.

For the team to work well, you need to write down detailed job descriptions for each employee. Before starting work at the school, each employee must pass an exam on knowledge of his job description, as well as the general rules of interaction between employees within the current organizational structure of the school.


The administrator's responsibilities include:

  1. The hall opens half an hour before the start of classes;
  2. Checking the working condition of musical equipment;
  3. Checking the condition of the premises (cleanliness of the room, availability of additional equipment);
  4. Pre-registration of clients for classes;
  5. Maintaining a client base;
  6. Meeting students, familiarizing everyone with the rules of the dance school;
  7. Selling subscriptions and accepting payments;
  8. Recording class attendance, maintaining teacher ratings;
  9. Drawing up a schedule of classes for each month, taking into account the wishes of clients;
  10. Taking calls, consulting on all school services and work schedules;
  11. Looking for new clients;
  12. Cleaning the room after class;
  13. Closing of the dance hall.

Depending on the number of employees in the administrator position, the schedule and rules of operation of your school, the items in the job description will change. However, even before starting work, you must make sure that the applicant for the position is familiar with all the responsibilities, since it is the studio administrator who is the face of your school for each client.

The administrator's salary consists of a fixed and percentage part (7,000 rubles + 3% of the amount of revenue). The administrator's work schedule also depends on the workload of the studio. As a rule, the administrator works from Mon. on Fri. afternoons and full days on Saturdays.


The responsibilities of a dance teacher include:

  1. Timely start of each lesson;
  2. Introducing students to safety precautions at the beginning of each lesson;
  3. Maintaining order in the hall during classes;
  4. Individual approach to each student - monitoring of achievements and consultation on any issue that concerns classes in this area of ​​dance;
  5. Continuous independent professional development in the chosen area of ​​teaching;
  6. Improving reputation and expanding the base of regular students.

The teacher’s salary depends on the number of students in the group and is determined as follows:

Thus, each teacher is personally interested in increasing the number of people in the group and developing the demand for the dance school.

If the teacher himself comes with his own client base, then you can offer him to pay for the rent of the hall (300-500 rubles per hour) and 30% of the proceeds from this teacher’s classes. The teacher's work schedule is flexible. In fact, he is only at school a few hours a week.


Salary fund

Salary fund


Salary per 1 employee (RUB)

The number of employees

Salary Total (RUB)

Head teacher

School administrator


General salary fund

*Note - teacher pay depends on hours of work. In the 1st and 2nd month of work, there are about 7 classes per week per teacher. The maximum rate is 500 rubles/hour.

7. Financial plan

The most expensive part in opening a dance school is the equipment of the dance hall. This expense item accounts for at least 262,000 rubles. The total investment amount is 460,000 rubles.

Investment in opening a dance school

*Note - office expenses, dance parties and other events are considered.

Dance school income

The dance school's income depends on the number of subscriptions sold per month. At the same time, the number of classes may not increase, since initially the groups are only half filled. Then, after the number of students in one group becomes more than 15 people, the next group is formed.

Month of work

Number of subscriptions sold per month

Average price of a monthly subscription

Total income

Total consumption

Rent (sq.m.)