Red nails design. Nail design: manicure with micro glitter and matte dust. Nail modeling or aquarium design.

Every New Year involves innovation in many industries, so nail design in 2016 promises pleasant changes for fashionistas.

Nail design

Fashionable colors and execution techniques nail design change very quickly. Some innovations quickly become classics, while others become obsolete before they become popular. What the style masters were offering for the winter of 2016 was already clear at the fall fashion shows. Those who have not kept up with the news of the fashion world can only study nail design from photos.

(The trend of short nails - bright polish will generally continue in the upcoming season)

(The playful and sexy Pin-up style is losing ground....)

(...and outrageousness in its best manifestations immediately takes up the vacant space.)

Therefore, the most bold combination of colors, according to designers, will most fully reflect inner world fashionistas in the upcoming season.

Pleasant forecasts

Unlike fruitless attempts to predict the weather outside the window, in the world of the fashion industry everything will go according to the stylists' plans.

( years will continue to glorify the well-groomed hands of women and the neatness of manicure.)

(It is recommended to emphasize the classic almond-shaped nail shape with either dark or colorless varnish. Such maximalism will not harm either an evening or a business look.)

Among other ideas on how to decorate your nails in 2016, a new design a la “ oriental tale"stands out especially. Mysterious, mysterious, not fully known East attracts attention bright colors, ornate intricate patterns, strange symbols and hieroglyphs.

(Imitation of gold embroidery on fabric is so luxurious, rich and absolutely oriental! In the intricacies of the lines you can see beautiful flowers or the feathers of marvelous birds.)

(Oriental bazaar! This is a place with a special atmosphere, its own rules and laws. A manicure in this style should be full of color and decorative elements. This is probably the only case when you can simultaneously use rhinestones, sparkles, chains and other decorations, generously seasoning everything bright shade of varnish.)

Creating such a manicure, despite its apparent simplicity - mix everything in one pile - is not as simple as it seems. This kind of nail art is akin to creating a unique seasoning for the main dish: there should be a lot of spices, but each in moderation. Therefore, it is better to apply such richness to your nails under the guidance of an experienced master.

(The theme of oriental wealth will be supported by decorative jewelry imitating precious and semi-precious stones.)

Velvet manicure is another fashionable direction that nail design will go in; there are already new photos and they need some comments.

(The relevance of powder manicure, as it is sometimes called, for winter is undeniable. Microhairs carefully applied to the nail plate create a velvety fluffy coating. For comparison, soft snowdrifts and cozy sweaters suggest themselves. As a result, such nail art looks original)

(The manufacturers of this original coating do not skimp on the colors in the palette. The beginning of the year can be seen in traditional “winter” cold shades, and in the spring move to warm sunny colors.)

(The downside of this design is sometimes called its fear of water. This is not entirely true. It, of course, will not come off as soon as you need to wash your hands. But it will lose its attractiveness until it dries completely. Considering this fact, and due to the originality of the velvet manicure, it should only be done to the exit.)

And for true fans of “warm clothes for nails,” there is a type of nail art using special sand. The designs he made on his nails also have a velvet texture that stands out against the background of the main varnish.

(Sand manicure can be like this...)

(...or cover the entire nail.)

In order to make patterns using this sand, you will need some skill. But even professionals use stencils, so mastering a velvet sand manicure yourself is a doable task.

In addition to the trends described, nail design 2016 (photos from shows confirm this) does not exclude already favorite nail art techniques.

(This is an irreplaceable jacket in all color variations, not just classic version.)

(Moon manicure is a constant competitor to French nail art. It is also not going anywhere in the coming year. The main thing to remember is to be bold in choosing colors in order to stay on trend.)

(White color always maintains its position. Moreover, both independently and in collaboration with black varnish.)

In addition to them, the gloss of gel polishes, the shine of rhinestones and designs on the nails remain with us. But everything needs to be discussed separately.

The most winter manicure

If before today Among all the colors of your nail polish, white was not listed - now you definitely need to get them. Among the many shades of matte, pearlescent and glossy finishes, there is one that will become your favorite. So, what can a white nail design look like?

(You can not invent anything, but simply cover your nails with varnish of the same color. You will get a universal manicure, and if necessary, on such clean slate you can depict everything that the situation requires, funny faces or chaotic patterns of lines. It is not necessary to invite black color to this duet. Ash or silver glitter is for going out, any shade of red is for a date or a party. Combination with blue or blue- a wonderful reference to Gzhel painting, you will get elegant and unusual nail art.)

(Graphic patterns always look good if a minimum of shades are used for their implementation. In addition, such clear designs are in trend. It is not necessary to come up with complex patterns; stripes applied in different directions.)

(The technique of creating a water manicure can be used with any contrasting colors of varnish. You can take neighbors on the spectrum. In the case of white varnish, you can combine an ivory shade with it.)

Parlez vous francais?

Among the first associations that flash through your mind when you mention France, in addition to the Bastille and Eiffel Tower I will definitely remember the French nail design.

A woman can (although it’s quite difficult) not be a fan of Paris, she can not know a word of one of the the most beautiful languages world, you don’t even have to follow fashion shows. But not adopting a French manicure - this simply cannot happen. Don’t think that the modest simplicity of pastel shades, white or colorless varnish is the only embodiment of the French look. Designers have long made it black, red, blue, green and any other color depending on the situation.

(For those who are not yet ready for obvious bright experiments, you can add colors in the same pastel palette. It is better to start with light lilac and violet, and then move on to rich plum shades. And in no case should you lose sight of the lavender color – its use in French manicure is the most logical solution.)

(Bold, bright, organic and modern - this is how you can characterize this French jacket, created in the spirit of the times.)

(This is a practical solution for busy people who, in order to stay fashionable, do right choice in favor of the classics. It is appropriate for any receptions, business meetings, and on vacation it will not stand out from the general image.)

Lunar path

Lunar nail design in 2016 assumes any line of the lunula contour. Triangular is suitable for the brave and daring, curved - for those who prefer the classics, concave - for the original and not afraid to experiment.

(Chocolate and coffee shades are at the peak of popularity. Their use allows you to draw attention to the manicure, as happens with black nail art. But unlike it, brown does not look so radical. It is more noble than rebellious, so for a strict business image will fit perfectly.)

(You can designate a lunula with rhinestones. If such a manicure is not done for a celebration, then it is better not to use bright varnish.)

(A lunar manicure may look like this. When choosing colors, you should follow general rules: either choose contrasting but harmonious shades, or take similar, but different varnishes by 1-2 tones.)

What will decorate short nails?

Lace manicure – trendy for the coming season short nail design.

(Such nail art will indeed require care, but the result will justify the labor costs. In addition to black, it is worth including blue, white and silver in the palette of acceptable shades of this type of manicure.)

(Once you try to create such a color explosion on the occasion of a party, it will be difficult to refuse it. Especially towards the end of winter, when in the midst of cold weather and snowstorms you want to plunge into the atmosphere of a hot summer holiday. Don't give up on creating positive attitude for yourself and others.)

(Short fingers most often have small nail plates, but this is not a reason to exclude shellac nail designs. Very bright shades should be avoided, but delicate lilac polishes will look right without shortening the nail.)

(Again, the pastel range takes the lead. These are more like spring shades for manicure, but why not give up the recommendations a little if the decision will make you more beautiful and charming?)

Brilliant solution

Nail design with gel polish still requires nails middle length. Therefore, most of the tips for manicure using it in 2016 are not prescribed for short nails.

Gel polish has been firmly entrenched in nail art for a long time, if only because its “long service life” was appreciated by many women. For the coming year, stylists recommend burgundy, coral and purple-black.

(For the holidays, you can decorate your nails with themed designs, but the gel polish itself looks solemn. Its exceptional shine does not need any additions.)

(Coral color, if you choose the right shade, suits all women without exception. Age, position and lifestyle do not matter. It goes well with other colors, which means there will be no problems with choosing a wardrobe either. This pink-orange color is equally is relevant both in winter and summer. Therefore, you should safely take it into service.)

Continuing the conversation about glitter in manicure, we cannot ignore nail designs with rhinestones. 2016 will not bring any surprises in this area, unless you remember about oriental nail art, which is very rich in the shine of “precious stones.”

(To stay fashionable, lovers of rhinestones just need to use them in combination with varnish in recommended shades, for example, with such a rich fuchsia color.)

(Or complement them with a delicate powdery manicure.)

(Support the idea of ​​oriental nail art.)

(Use them to make a black manicure.)

Dangerous Red

The favorite color of fatal beauties remains with us. Red, along with all its shades, has not only entered the new year, but is also planning to move into the next one. Nobody disputes this desire, but there are specific trends.

Stylists advise doing a monochromatic manicure with a glossy varnish. Red-brown, wine and plum shades are as close as possible to those found in nature. Another tribute to all things natural did not go unnoticed and red nail design itself fades into the background.

(Moon manicure using this shade will become even more relevant.)

(An unusual jacket with a combination of red and silver will complement the evening look well.)

(Leaving recommendations unfulfilled is a constant tendency among all women. Therefore, forgetting about monochrome, you can make a gradient. And why not dilute it with a predatory animal print?)

Many faces of blue

It has already been mentioned that Blue colour– ideal for winter manicure. But its many shades are gaining popularity as the weather warms up. Therefore, when preparing for spring, we must not forget about blue nail designs.

(In winter we combine bright and rich colors with white.)

(Oriental manicure does not have to be in the form of national patterns. Feathers exotic birds, drawn on the nails, also correspond to the fashion trend of nail art in 2016. And they will be complemented by a piercing blue color.)

(The summer transformation of blue can be like this.)

(So ​​that the gloomy autumn sky with low-hanging clouds does not spoil the mood completely, we dilute the gloomy palette with the shine of the stars, and go to the party.)

In a black, black city...

What can be shocking without black? Surprise and shock in in a good way You can use other shades in manicure, but this color has a huge advantage over other competitors. So how can you impress others in the new year without going overboard? Can choose nail design black from the examples below.

(This is one of the possible compromises. The drama of black is smoothed out by white varnish and rhinestones. But this option is for a holiday, and what is suitable for an everyday look?)

(You need to reduce the presence of black varnish. For example, by disguising it as a lace pattern or a romantic design.)

(Add gold ornament.)

(Or draw abstract painting using it.)

By the way, such artistic splashes are another current novelty of the season. It will turn out stylish, unusual, and certainly such a manicure will be in a single copy.

The Wedding Planner

In the process of wedding hassles, something can be overlooked. But brides take care of their appearance carefully, in advance and with increased zeal. Therefore, those who are about to put the coveted ring on their ring finger in 2016 will definitely ask themselves the question: what wedding nail design will be relevant?

(This time there will be no riot of colors. Designers rely on naturalness. Therefore, the traditional combination of transparent varnish, white and pastel colors will be relevant in the coming season. Corresponding decorative decorations in the form of flowers and bows, as well as rhinestones are not excluded.)

(Trends are trends, but if the bride’s dress and the style of the celebration suggest certain topics, then a different color appears. But the usual lace pattern still remains.)

(A velvet manicure is completely suitable for a wedding. The bride certainly won’t have to deal with household chores, and therefore there will be no opportunity to spoil the spectacular nail art. And it, in turn, will very accurately emphasize the theme of tenderness and warm relationships.)

Art Gallery

Whatever nail design is in fashion, designs are always implied. What is the best way to paint on your nails?

(Remember geometry lessons. Take varnishes of current shades. Create a fantasy on the theme: triangle, rhombus, square.)

Lines of different directions and degrees of curvature should not be neatly drawn on top of the base. It is fashionable to simply draw a few lines on the nail in a deliberately careless manner. This is exactly what the hands of models look like on the spreads of glossy magazines. Apparently, this is another embodiment of the symbiosis of naturalness and shockingness. But any woman can master this nail art on her own.

(In addition to artistic splashes, real paintings are popular, which professionals in beauty salons draw with precision the smallest details.)

Flowers, trees and everything related to the rich and unique flora of our planet are worthy of being reflected in the 2016 manicure. But stylists recommend leaving it until the holiday season, and making the buds themselves less noticeable, drawing them in natural colors.

The gradient remains in demand, but the transition should be made as natural and smooth as possible. The gray color scheme, by the way, unexpectedly takes the lead, including when creating an ombre manicure.

Current nail art for extended nails

In light of the requirements of naturalness female image, artificially creating long nails does not seem relevant. But this manicure has many fans, and they are not going to part with it in the near future. For women who choose nail extensions, it is better to think through the design based on the following recommendations.

They should be made in both shape and color as close as possible to the natural range.

(This is how a manicure on extended nails may look like on the occasion of a wedding or other celebration.)

(Colored French is completely acceptable.)

(And artistic painting is performed mainly on extended nails. Only in this case the master has a “canvas” of the required size.)

When talking about extended nails, we need to mention one very controversial new product for the 2016 season - Bubble nails. The essence of this truly shocking nail art is to apply a thick layer of gel to a short nail. It freezes, forming a ball, which is then decorated by the master. It is difficult to judge the aesthetic component of such a manicure, but many (mostly, of course, young) girls have already acquired it.

(Here is one example of the whimsical imagination of designers. It is difficult to say where the owner of such nails should go. Perhaps to Halloween or similar themed parties. But it is not customary to argue about tastes.)


The coming year will not be boring, when it comes to nail design, that’s for sure. The idea of ​​creating “negative space” remains relevant - this is when unpainted stripes or curly elements remain on the surface of one or several nails, as if a piece was cut off from a whole cake.

Metallic shine nails will remain in both gold and silver designs. Mirror nail art joins them in the trio.

(This design looks impressive and not casual. When done correctly, it looks like a small mirror has been shattered into pieces on the nail.)

A competent combination of several types of manicure is still allowed. As a rule, they combine lunar and French nail art, mixing textures and colors.

Feng Shui adherents know that the ring finger, according to this teaching, is responsible for meetings, love dating And friendly relations. In order to achieve the desired effect, it is highlighted with color, decorative elements, and patterns. There are no clear recommendations here.

It seems that this is all that is currently proposed to be used for nail design. But ahead whole year, and designers will definitely delight women with new manicure ideas.

New nail design photo collection (2 videos)

Nail design: how it all began

Nail design: varieties

Nail design: new items

Nail Design: popular drawings

Nail design: 1 video at the end of the article

Nail design: how it all began

Nail design (Nail Design, Nail Art) can be translated as the art or skill of decorating nails. Nail design has existed in one form or another for quite a long time, but it became widespread in the 20th-21st centuries. One of the most important stages in its mass popularization was the use of acrylic for decoration and nail extensions. The so-called acrylic modeling made a splash in its time. False nails have become available to almost every girl. In the last five years, the beauty industry has stepped even further. Natural beauty has come into fashion, and with it new nail design materials. Now there is a boom in home manicures using lighter and more natural gel polishes. Shellac (gel polish) is a nail coating based on natural resin, cured using ultraviolet light. Shellac has many advantages over acrylic. It applies quickly, has a beautiful appearance, is inexpensive and lasts quite a long time on the nails. At-home nail designs using shellac have become a new trend, replacing thick acrylic nails. The first and still popular nail design is the French manicure for short nails, which, thanks to gel polish, has now received many interpretations. Next fashionable variety Moon manicure (French manicure in reverse) became a popular nail design. The “smile” in it is located not at the bottom, but at the base of the nail.

Today, there are many varieties of nail designs, which for convenience can be divided into several groups: depending on the materials used, the coating/pattern application technology and the accessories used to decorate nails.

Nail design: French manicure

Nail design: moon manicure

Nail design: water manicure

Nail design: 3D varieties

Nail modeling or aquarium design

Quite a complex nail design technology that requires a long and painstaking work. The coating consists of several layers of transparent gel. At each stage of coating, painting or accessories are used. Due to this multi-layering, a 3D effect is created.

It is not uncommon for aquarium nail designs to additionally use flowers and decorations sculpted from acrylic.

Artistic painting

This is one of the most popular technologies for applying decorative coatings today.

For nail design 2016, quick-drying gel polishes are used. Nail designs are applied with a needle, brush or sponge (gradient design).

To create geometric patterns, use special adhesive-based strips or tape. A special type of artistic manicure is water design, where the design is applied to the surface of the water and then transferred to the nails.

Sometimes water manicure is distinguished as a separate type of nail design.

Stamping manicure

Special plates are used to apply designs to nails. Stamping design 2016 is quite simple, the variety of plates allows you to design your nails in an original way, and you can save a lot of time. This manicure looks very impressive.

Stamping design is often used to create a lace wedding manicure, as well as a French manicure.

Photo design (manicure with stickers)

Another type of express nail design that beginner nail art masters love. One or all nails are decorated with special stickers. They mainly use two types of stickers: regular adhesive-based ones and water-based ones, which need to be moistened before application. Photo design is very convenient for home use.

The beauty industry is developing very rapidly, and manicure design is not left behind. Many boutiques and online stores offer the widest range accessories for decorating nails. All kinds of bows, butterflies, flowers, rhinestones and sequins are glued to the nails, making an ordinary manicure more spectacular. Combined When performing a manicure, skilled nail art masters masterfully combine several types of nail designs at once. The result exceeds all expectations. As a rule, the results are very interesting options and manicure ideas.

Aquarium design

Artistic painting

Nail design: water manicure

Stamping manicure Photo design

Nail design using accessories

Nail design: new items (photos and videos)

Latest video about new nail designs:

Of all the variety of nail design options, I would like to highlight a few new items. Varnishes with interesting effects.

First of all, these are varnishes with unusual effects: mirror, cat eye, sugar or cracking (craquelure). There are also “cosmic”, magnetic varnishes and even glow-in-the-dark ones. They are designed for nail designs that you can do yourself without any special skills.

Microbeads or “caviar” manicure

This type of nail design appeared not so long ago, but has already become very popular. Options for decorating nails with microbeads can be very different, the flight of imagination is not limited. Beads are used to cover all nails, one nail, or lay out a pattern.

Transparent glitterNew nail design photo collection (2016)

Glitter itself has been used in nail design for a long time, but the latest fashion trend has become unusual mixes of various manicure techniques. From latest news: a combination of gradient and transparent glitter or covering nails with large glitter in the form of a mosaic.

Rings for fingers and nails

Rings for fingers and nails

A fresh trend in nail design, which consists of complementing the manicure with stylish miniature rings (they are worn on the upper phalanx of the finger). Rings are also used to imitate gold or silver nails. In general, the topic of accessories for nail design is rapidly developing and gaining more and more popularity.

For nail art masters, simple designs on nails are no longer enough; the texture of the coating becomes important, various volumetric compositions are invented, and additional decorative elements are used. An ordinary manicure has become a work of art.

Nail design: sugar effect polish

Nail design: mirror effect polish

Nail design: cracking varnish (craquelure)

Nail design: cat eye polish

Nail design: “space” polish

Nail design: glow in the dark polish

Nail design: “caviar” manicure

Nail design: manicure with glitter

Nail design: how to diversify your manicure with accessories

If you want to get a first-class manicure, then you can’t do without fashion accessories for nails. Conventionally, they can be divided into decorative small forms for spraying (crumbs, dust, microbeads, etc.), various stickers and applications, volumetric decorations (large rhinestones, pearls, volumetric elements), non-standard materials (feathers, fabric) and others. They are attached to wet varnish or special glue.

RhinestonesNew nail design photo collection (2016)

With the help of large rhinestones you can create a chic evening manicure. Smaller stones are used for everyday manicure. Shimmering in the sun, they will draw attention to your hands. In the daytime version of the manicure, rhinestones are not strewn all over the nails, but are only used as accents.

Glitter and confetti

No brilliant manicure is complete without them. Color palette The sequins are wide enough to harmoniously match them with almost any type of manicure. IN Lately Glitter is becoming increasingly popular large sizes in the form of polygons. They are called glitter. It comes in colored and transparent. Colored, as a rule, is used for bright and contrasting nail designs; transparent glitter creates an unusual relief on the surface of the nail and a play of light.

Glitter is a universal material for nail decoration that is compatible with any type of coating used in nail design.


Pearl jewelry is often used for evening or sea manicure.


This is a decoration for creating mosaic nail designs. The shells have a pleasant mother-of-pearl sheen and an unusual shape.


Small transparent balls various colors can be attached to nails in the form of a design or edging. They are often used for lunar manicure (they are used to create a smile), sea and “caviar” manicure.

Nail design: manicure with rhinestones

Nail design: glitter manicure

Nail design: manicure with pearls

Nail design: manicure with shells

Nail design: manicure with bouillons

Jewelry made of metal and plastic Volumetric jewelry

If you don’t have time to paint your nails, but want an original manicure, then voluminous 3D jewelry is definitely your option. By gluing flowers or bows on your nails, you will transform your manicure in an instant. Volumetric gold and silver jewelry can rightfully be called a nail design trend. Experienced craftsmen combine these decorative elements with foiling technology, as well as gold painting acrylic paints. This design looks like a million dollars.

Flat applications

Decorating nails with small figures made from various materials. These can be stars, diamonds, polygons and other shapes. They attach to nails very easily, and the manicure design turns out to be very interesting. Metal and plastic appliques have a similar idea, only the material, shape and cost are different. Plastic jewelry is much cheaper. Metal is usually chosen for evening manicure. Rubber appliques for nail design are an excellent addition to spring or summer manicure. They make manicure brighter and more interesting.

Applications in the form of flowers, hearts, butterflies, emoticons, stars, all kinds of berries and fruits are widespread. These nail decorations are designed for young girls who want to be stylish and original. Materials for spraying. Micro glitter and dust.

These are the smallest particles to create a matte or shiny manicure. In nail design, this type of spraying is quite common. Sparkling microglitters on the tips of the nails or applied in the form of some kind of design look beautiful. Dust is used to give the surface a dull finish. Nail art experts love to use dust or microglitter to create evening, wedding and space manicures.


Want to create the effect of velvet nails? Then for decoration you need to use a material such as flock. In general, velvet nails can be called one of the latest manicure trends. Depending on the chosen shade, the effect may be different, for example, burgundy or dark blue flock will be associated with velvet, and soft pink with plush toy. To work with this airy material for nail design, a special flocking device is usually used.

Very important point. Flock does not lose its appearance when in contact with water, so in addition to beauty, it is also practical.


This material is not often used for nail decoration, because... Its main purpose is to create a marble effect. The name web came from the structure of the material itself, and not the final effect.

In essence, cobwebs are thin threads intertwined with each other, which are applied to the base coat and then secured with a transparent finishing varnish.


Light lace made of fabric is perfect for manicure of almost any stylistic orientation. It is very easy to work with, just fix it with transparent varnish and an elegant, fashionable manicure is ready.


Natural feathers are an unusual version of a nail accessory that is rarely used, but a manicure with them is always very interesting and unusual. Feathers various shades Usually used for oriental style nail designs or animal manicure.

Dry leaves

Another accessory for decorating nails of natural origin. Leaves and dried flowers look perfect in autumn manicure. This natural material is used both when working with gel polish and to create a three-dimensional aquarium design.


Very thin beautiful material for nail decoration. You need to work with it very carefully, preferably with tweezers. Gold and silver mica pieces various shapes lay out abstract designs on nails reminiscent of the texture of decorative stones and minerals. In addition to gold and silver, you can find mica colored in almost any shade.

Nail design: manicure with metal decorations

Nail design: manicure with plastic decorations
Nail design: manicure with voluminous decorations (3D)
Nail design: manicure with micro glitter and matte dust
Nail design: manicure with flock
Nail design: manicure with textile lace
Nail design: manicure with dry leaves
Nail design: manicure with mica

Nail design: manicure with foil

Nail design: manicure with rings

Nail design with gel polish: popular designs (photos)

When it comes to artistic designs and nail designs, no single article is enough to cover them all, so let’s highlight the main types.


The easiest type of nail design to perform. Thanks to this simplicity and conciseness, peas are very popular among beginning nail design artists.


To make this pattern, special sticky strips or tape are used. Striped nail designs can be easily done at home.


Simple and yet interesting guy painting on nails. Zigzags look stylish and original.

Floral designs

Perhaps the most common pattern in nail design. Floral prints will always be popular, because women’s love for flowers will never go away; it lives despite all fashion trends and trends. Floral designs in nail designs are very popular in spring and summer. Depending on the choice of flower and color scheme, a general mood manicure The simplest home flower manicure is a flower made from large and small drops of varnish. You can paint flowers on your nails with a brush or use stickers and appliques with floral prints.

Geometric patterns

All kinds of triangles, squares and diamonds are increasingly used as a basis when creating designs on nails. Depending on the skill and imagination of the master from ordinary geometric shapes You can get a very original and unique pattern.

Cartoon design

It is often done young girls and teenagers. This manicure looks very fancy and bright. It certainly evokes pleasant emotions. Carry out cartoon nail designs using a brush or stickers, depending on who you like.

Oriental ornaments

Oriental manicure is truly noble and beautiful. The mysterious and even fabulous atmosphere of the East has always been attractive and interesting. Bizarre patterns and outlandish natural ornaments remain in demand in nail design today. Essential elements Oriental manicure includes intertwined stems and curls, unusual flowers and a pattern called Indian cucumbers.

Animal prints

As a rule, they are made in natural colors: brown, yellow, beige shades. The most popular animal print in nail design is leopard. Moreover, the leopard print is performed in the most unusual color solutions. Nail imprints in the form of zebra, giraffe or bird feathers are also popular. By the way, real feathers are often used to create the latter.

Ethnic drawings

This unusual and very beautiful style of nail design appeared relatively recently. Ethnic motifs began to be used to create beautiful summer manicures for the 2016 seasons. Moreover, interest in them does not fade at all. Quite possibly these bright drawings will decorate our nails in the summer of 2016.

Artistic painting

Like an artist's painting on your nails! This is always a very delicate and painstaking work of a nail art master, deserving the highest praise.


Abstract drawings are some of the most difficult. They require a creative approach and even some courage from the master, because there is a risk that the drawing will not work out or will be so specific that the client will not like it. But in these drawings there is a certain originality and originality. Abstract design is highest degree skill and creativity in nail design.

Combined designs on nails

With the development of nail design, more and more new forms and types of manicure are appearing. Painting on nails is no exception. It's rare to see anymore simple drawings. Nail design masters always experiment: they mix different designs, complement them with accessories, use various techniques coating in one manicure. Sometimes it turns out very unexpected and cute.

Nail design: collection of ideas (photo)

You can get inspired to create your masterpieces by looking at photos of the work of other nail design masters.

Nail design: manicure using accessories

Nail design: manicure with stickers

Nail design: manicure with feathers

Nail design: French manicure

Nail design: fruit manicure

Nail design: photo collection

Nail design: photo collection

Video: Fashionable Nail Designs with Sand Varnishes

Currently, a beautiful and stylish manicure is integral part image of almost any fashionista) Accordingly, hands should not only be well-groomed, but also stand out with their unique design;) Masters come up with new decorations for the nails of their favorite clients)

How about presenting these same ideas, how to highlight your new-fangled design to your advantage so that everyone gasps) Are you tired of boring photo submissions? Is it always the same? Do you want something new and inspiring?)

Dear readers, we, together with the nail artists of our project, have made for you a selection of fashionable designs and cool photo submissions, with unusual and original attributes) Here are works that can please everyone;)

Multi-colored foil and nail designs with a stunning design in the shape of a real heart will be appreciated by brave girls) The most delicate, just blooming flowers on the nails and a plain manicure with birds are suitable for spring nail design. The key to the success of your manicure: beautiful nails + clear photos of nails.

Kyiv, Ukraine)

Marble manicure. Mmm... how elegant it is and how girls who love experiments like it. Vertical stripes on nails in pastel colors emphasize each other and look stylish, which our fashionistas should appreciate;) Matte manicure has become a trend in 2016 and, along with the new manicure products of 2017, it does not lose its position. How to do beautiful photo nails? See below for 3 cool manicure shots for inspiration.

Uman (Ukraine)

Stylish geometry on nails for brave girls who always want to look spectacular) Beautiful photo presentation of manicure: bright light, all nails are clearly visible, rich shades.

Dnepr (Ukraine)

Nail design in 2017 colors and with decoration in the form of petals and flowers. Looks fascinating, don't you agree? What do you think of the photo backdrop painting? Perfectly complements nail photos and creates a thematic composition :)

Novomoskovsk (Ukraine)

Beautiful nails with bright and colored foil, which looks original together with a non-standard jacket. Plain matte manicure with silver foil and rhinestones. Cool picture nails, well placed handles, a small pendant decorates the photo, giving it completeness. Interesting angle of shooting a manicure.

Lugansk (Ukraine)

Nail design... A truly spring manicure with an emphasis on several nails decorated with flowers. Added some green plants to the frame and got original photo nails :)

Dnepr (Ukraine)

Original nail design in colors sea ​​wave with rhinestones. Coolest photo of nails! Bright, saturated with a cool frame focus. Inspire?)

Sumy (Ukraine)

Solid white manicure with silver foil. Monochrome manicure with geometric design on nails. What is the photo presentation of these works? Delicate manicure with flowers in the frame, unusual angle. Stylish geometry on the nails with a bunch of the same stylish objects in the photo! I want to look at such beautiful manicure photos again and again)) Notice how many details are in the second photo of the nails and how they all harmoniously combine in one photo. scoring frame)

Kyiv, Ukraine)

Lively and green elements for marigold design. It definitely looks great as a decoration for a nude manicure.

Odessa, Ukraine)

Delicate and sophisticated manicure with oval shape nails You look at your nail design in the morning with a hot cup of coffee against the backdrop of a cup of coffee beans and immediately imagine the aroma and taste of this invigorating drink) And the photo presentation... Incredible photos nails! The clarity of the photo, the angles, the cool composition of the elements in the photo - all this turns your manicure photos into masterpieces)

Kyiv, Ukraine)

Black marble on the nails stands out stylishly against the background of a scarlet rose. Spring nude on nails with delicate flowers. Each photo of nails is a whole story: stylish objects in the frame, well-positioned hands.

Kyiv, Ukraine)

Spring manicure design with flowers and rhinestones. Beautiful nails with gradient and French elements. And such beautiful photos of nails)

Severodonetsk (Ukraine)

Monochromatic nail design, in different tones with subtle sprigs of flowers on several nails. There is only one association - paintings! These are whole paintings with cool manicures. You want to look at every photo of your nails, it’s impossible to just quickly scroll through it, don’t you agree? The handles are placed in completely different angles of the manicure photo, which gives each photo freshness and style)

Nikolaev, Ukraine)

Black matte manicure with a black and white panda on the nails :) Beautiful photo presentation of nails, how cool the green colors on the postcard highlight the manicure, right?

Kyiv, Ukraine)

A beautiful combination of a delicate jacket and twigs with flowers on the nails. And just tender photo nails

Chuguev (Ukraine)

A bright monochromatic manicure decorated with a geometric design has not gone out of fashion for many seasons. A nail design with multi-colored metallic foil on a black background will perfectly complement any of your looks;) Explosive manicure photos! Add cool elements to your composition and take original nail photos that your clients will love.

Kyiv, Ukraine)

Nude matte manicure with the most delicate and airy flower on the nail for lovers of nail designs in pastel colors.

Nikolaev, Ukraine)

Sophisticated manicure with a gradient on the nails, a combination of beige and white - a win-win for nail design. Manicure in delicate shades? Let's take bright flower, add juicy green and voila! You are guaranteed a beautiful photo of your nails)

Kyiv, Ukraine)

Black manicure combined with silver and white marigolds with leaves. And also the inspiration for this nail design in the frame)

Nikolaev, Ukraine)

Beautiful nails in pastel colors. And the photos of nails are even more beautiful)

Kyiv, Ukraine)

Nail design with blue confetti... Oh, these charming confetti on the nails! And a delicate but expressive nail design, with multi-colored foil. Cool photos of nails, tell me? Cool trick, cool shooting angles)

Kyiv, Ukraine)

French manicure with an emphasis on several nails in the form of delicate flowers. And of course, a bright attribute in the composition of nail photography)

Kyiv, Ukraine)

A plain manicure with an emphasis on one nail with stripes. And a beautiful photo of nails! Wait, is this by any chance a photo from a glossy magazine??))

Saratov (Russia)

Two-tone nail design with flowers and rhinestones. And flowers, flowers, flowers in the frame)

Zaporozhye (Ukraine)

Monochromatic manicure with geometric nail design. And how cool these bright balls complemented the photo of nails, huh?)

Vishneve (Ukraine)

Delicate nail design with delicate sprigs of flowers. You can’t take your eyes off the juicy bouquet in the composition) Cool shooting angle and traditional: “Beautiful photo of nails”!!! :)

Kyiv, Ukraine)

Foil and metallic colors will become an interesting element of a fashionable nail design made in pastel colors. + add a stylish accessory and a bright color of clothing to the frame - we get cool photo manicure) a couple of hundred likes on social networks are guaranteed.

Zaporozhye (Ukraine)

Colored foil, how beautiful you are on your nails!) We got a clear and bright photo of our nails, very stylish.

Bila Tserkva (Ukraine)

Spring, light and fresh manicure. It can easily be included in the New Manicure 2017 section! Clear, close-up shots of nails for a perfectly done manicure)

Kyiv, Ukraine)

Plain matte manicure in green tones. What gold leaf? Super! The most beautiful photo of nails, cool photo background!)

Krivoy Rog (Ukraine)

French manicure with rhinestones. Cool shot, a beautiful flower as an integral element of manicure)

Yaroslavl (Russia)

Matte manicure with a black cat, beautiful flowers and rhinestones. And also a very, very beautiful photo of nails)

Kharkov, Ukraine)

Bright, original nail design with flowers and hummingbirds. Good shot, all elements of nail design are clearly visible)

Kharkov, Ukraine)

Monochromatic nail design with an accent on one nail and rhinestones. And the spider... How do you like this handsome guy? One of the most original photos of nails!)) Can you imagine how much time it took to create such a composition? Class!)

Kharkov, Ukraine)

Beautiful nails with a soft gradient and a beautiful composition of the manicure photo)

Lviv (Ukraine)

Black manicure with accents on several nails in green tones. A beautiful shot in which the manicure is clearly visible)

Kyiv, Ukraine)

Solid black manicure with pink confetti on the nails. Great photo of nails!

Odessa, Ukraine)

Beautiful design with black stripes that goes well with silver and matte nails. Close, clear frame, stylish photo of nails.

Zaporozhye (Ukraine)

Beautiful nails with incredible peacock design and rhinestones. The most delicate tulips with rhinestones for spring manicure. And of course, a bright and original photo of nails!

Lviv (Ukraine)

Beautiful monochromatic manicure with a stylish design of black glossy and matte stripes. A clear photo and the correct angle allows you to see all the elements of the nail design.

Berdyansk (Ukraine)

Various hearts on nails. Stylish photo nails against a “superwomen” background, which favorably emphasizes well-placed hands.

, Dnepr (Ukraine)

Beautiful marigolds with gold monograms and rhinestones. Impeccable photo presentation of manicure, and a gold watch perfectly complements nail photos.

, Chaplinka (Ukraine)

Plain nude manicure with a stylish accent. An interesting shooting angle against the background of green stems, which favorably emphasizes the fashionable nail design.

, Krivoy Rog (Ukraine)

A bright pink manicure with an accent on several nails with multi-colored foil. And this is just one photo that conveys such brightness; well-placed handles and the shooting angle do their job)

Dnepr (Ukraine)

A stylish French jacket with a gradient is presented very favorably in a photograph with an unusual background)

Kyiv, Ukraine)

Nude manicure with an accent on several nails - “dew drops”. A clear shot of a delicate manicure, and in the background there are flowers that unobtrusively complement the composition.

Dnepr (Ukraine)

White manicure with metallic foil, with an emphasis on several nails in the form of three-dimensional patterns. The correct angle of the hands and shooting angle will make the manicure photo even more sophisticated without any attributes in the frame)

Dnepr (Ukraine)

Take advantage of the ideas of beautiful and mesmerizing nail designs from our masters, and create your own bright and stylish photo presentations)
We wish the craftsmen incredible inspiration this spring, limitless imagination and successful creativity - and everything will work out for you;)
Post examples of your work with new ideas in the comments, we will definitely add the best photo submissions of nails to this article!

Nail design (Nail Design, Nail Art) is one of the trends in contemporary art. This industry has existed for quite a long time and has already conquered the whole world. One of the main points of its development was the use of acrylic nails. At the beginning of the twenty-first century, acrylic modeling became a real discovery for the fair sex and created a sensation. False nails have become available to every girl, which has spurred the development of this industry. For the last few year s this activity stepped far forward. Today, natural beauty is in fashion and it is already more difficult to meet ladies with huge extended nails with sculpting. The girls preferred a simpler manicure using gel polishes.

Today there is great amount varieties of nail designs, which are conventionally divided into groups such as:

  • coating and patterning technology;
  • the use of various materials for the base;
  • use of details for decorating nails.

At the peak of popularity, a wide variety of nail designs allows you to choose a manicure based on own style and image.

Nail design: types

French manicure

The most popular manicure in all corners of our planet can safely be called French. Today it is difficult to find at least one modern girl who would be indifferent to him. Beautiful white tips with a natural base always look elegant.

A huge number of interpretations of this option have appeared. The tips can be made in different colors, have rhinestones or designs.

Double French

An interesting double jacket is extremely popular. This way, not only the tip, but also the hole is painted with color.

This option combines lunar and classic French manicure.

3D nail modeling or aquarium design

A very complex nail design technology that requires some skills and painstaking work. The finished coating has several layers of transparent gel. Plus, each layer shows some kind of design.

Thanks to multi-layering, a 3D effect is achieved. Quite often, all kinds of decorations are used in aquarium design.

Artistic painting

Artistic painting is one of the most popular decorative coating techniques. For these purposes, a special quick-drying gel polish is used. The design can be applied to the nail plate using a sponge, brush or needle.

To create interesting geometric designs, use strips or tape.

Water design is a separate branch artistic painting. Some highlight it as a separate and independent type of nail design.

Stamping manicure

IN in this case Special platinum is used to apply the pattern. Stamping design is not something complicated. With its help you can quickly decorate your nails and create a beautiful design.

This manicure looks very impressive. Quite often, stamping design is used to create elegant lace manicure for weddings.

Express nail design also includes manicure with stickers or, as it is also called, photo design. Beginners love to use it. So the nail plate is decorated with special stickers. There are two types of stickers. The first is the regular adhesive-based type. And the second is water-based stickers, which must be wetted before application.

Photo design is often used at home, because a beautiful manicure can be created in a matter of minutes.


Ombre manicure has captured the hearts of millions of fashionistas today. It attracts attention and looks very original.

The beauty industry is developing at a rapid pace, and manicure design is not left behind. Today there are a huge number of stores and boutiques that offer accessories for these purposes.

These are all kinds of flowers, bows, butterflies, stones, sequins that are glued to the nail plate, making the design more spectacular and bright.


Professional nail art masters skillfully combine several types of nail designs at once. Such a symbiosis can exceed all expectations. The result is an interesting and unusual manicure.

Nail design – Barbie manicure

This look is a glamorous manicure for fashionistas using exclusively bright colors. pink flowers, stones and sparkles.

Black and white design is rightly called one of the most beautiful options. He is able to emphasize good taste and the style of its owner. Besides, this option fits almost any clothing.

Despite the fact that black and white nail design uses only two colors, it never looks boring.

This type appeared relatively recently, but has already managed to win the hearts of millions of girls. Options for decorating nails with microbeads can be different, it all depends on your imagination.

You can lay out all your nails, just one nail, or come up with some kind of design.

Gradient manicure has been delighting fashionistas for several years in a row. With its help you can bring many nail design ideas to life. You can start from the colors that are fashionable in the coming season. So you definitely won't go wrong. The photo shows beautiful options similar gradient manicure.

Deep shine, dazzling shine and noble shades - all this includes a manicure with gold. He always looks great. With this design, every girl will be a real queen.

It is not surprising that it has not yet lost its relevance.

Stylish matte

Matte manicure made a real splash a few seasons ago. It is ideal for ladies who prefer a noble style.

If desired, it can be supplemented with glitter rhinestones. Today there are a lot of ideas with matte manicure.

Beautiful and romantic lace design is perfect for ceremonial events. It is often done by brides. But if desired, it can be adapted to Everyday life. Graceful patterns add special beauty to any look.

Artists achieve marble effect on nails different ways. You can use a bag, water, or paint stains with a brush. It is also possible to use the spraying technique.

It is advisable to try all the above options to achieve the optimal result.

Look at the photo, for the sake of such beauty you can experiment.

Velvet design has come into fashion relatively recently. It’s not difficult to make; just apply a clear varnish to the nail plate and apply flocking powder without waiting for it to dry completely.

You can purchase this coating at any specialized store. Every girl can make a velvet design on her own.

This option is often preferred by young girls who want to stand out from the crowd.

Cartoon nail designs look very bright and interesting.

It is performed using stickers or a brush; it all depends on the level of professionalism of the master.

Using mica

Mica is a thin and very beautiful material, which today is often used to decorate nails. The coating is so thin that it is better to work with it using tweezers. Silver and gold pieces allow you to lay out interesting and unusual drawings. An interesting texture creates a unique effect.

Today you can find mica in almost any color. As a result, you can bring all your most original ideas to life.

With micro glitter and dust

These beautiful tiny particles help create a beautiful matte or shiny manicure. In nail design, such spraying is common. Sparkling microglitters can be applied in any order, it all depends on the author’s idea. Dust allows you to give a slight matte finish to your nails.

Nail art experts use microglitters and dust to create beautiful cosmic and evening manicures.

Casual manicure for every day is chosen by girls who amaze others not with their colorful colors, but with their deep intelligence. In addition, this option goes well with simple clothes. Ideas for beautiful nail designs without unnecessary details can be seen in the photo.

Today it is no longer necessary to grow thick and uncomfortable nails. They are already a thing of the past. Fashion trends brought to us natural features And simple lines. There are many manicure ideas for short nails. This way your nails will not only be beautiful, but also well-groomed.

Nail design at home

Today, going to a salon to see a professional hairdresser is not a cheap pleasure. If you want to do a manicure yourself at home, you can do it without any problems, the main thing is to have a little desire and free time.

To work, it is enough to acquire one varnish with the desired effect.

Today in stores you can find options with unusual inclusions: cat's eye, craquelure, mirror, sugar and much more. There are also “cosmic” and glow-in-the-dark coatings. They are ideal for girls who want to stand out from the crowd.

The photo shows nail designs with mirror, sugar, craquelure, glowing, cat's eye and cosmic effects.


Or gel polish is one of the most popular coatings. It is based on natural resins that are cured using ultraviolet light. This type has a huge number of undeniable advantages. It stays on nails for a long time and does not lose its appearance and does not harm the nail plate.


Nail design (Nail Design, Nail Art) is one of the trends in modern art.

One of the most important directions in the fashion industry is manicure and nail design. Look at our website for the best and most unique selection - “Nail Design Photo Gallery”. Beautiful well-groomed nails are the key good mood and self-confidence. It's no secret that when meeting with strangers or at an interview, a manicurist can tell everything about you. Look at the photo gallery and you will see that nail art is the creation of a work of art from nails.

All types of nail designs

To get an original manicure, you can use the services of a specialist or try to do it yourself, if your imagination and dexterity allow.

This will require varnishes different colors, all kinds of decorative elements - sparkles, beads, dried flowers, rhinestones, foil, etc. There are many styles of manicure - let's look at the most popular ones.

French manicure

The most popular all over the world. Perhaps there is not a single woman indifferent to French manicure. Natural colored nails with crisp white tips are always elegant and beautiful.

There are many varieties of this manicure - the tips are sometimes painted in bright colors, decorated with designs, rhinestones, and so on.

Photos of Leopard Nail Designs

A lot of girls love leopard print - dresses, tights, bags... and manicure is no exception. For a leopard print manicure to turn out beautiful and neat, you don’t have to go to a professional.

Let's try to make it ourselves, because leopard coloring is one of the simplest and easiest. First you need to choose something that is not very bright. base color. We apply it, after it dries we begin to draw the specks.

Specks can be black, white, red and other colors. The main thing is that this color should contrast with the base color.

Stains can be applied with a brush or a regular needle or even a toothpick. They should be applied in a chaotic order. A leopard has no even spots.

There are a lot of options for how to make a leopard manicure - here you can experiment not only with patterns, but also with different shades.

French manicure with leopard design.

French manicure with leopard design

Zebra nail design

Next Fashionable style in “animal print” it’s a zebra.

This is one of the most popular patterns in nail art.

In addition, black and white nail designs look very elegant.

French manicure in “Zebra” style

Barbie manicure - photo

This is, first of all, a glamorous manicure for fashionistas using only bright, rich shades of varnish, lots of sparkles, stones and rhinestones.

You can decorate your manicure however you want and with anything. Your imagination is already at work here. This nail art using rhinestones looks very expensive and glamorous.

Knitted manicure

This type of nail art appeared relatively recently, but has already gained popularity. Very often it is used as a winter manicure.

Black and white nail design - photo

Perhaps this is one of the most beautiful views manicure It always looks elegant and at the same time stylish and luxurious.

Despite the fact that black and white nail designs only use two colors, there are a huge number of options.

Nail art with rhinestones photo

You can make a drawing using rhinestones. They are applied using a thin brush (or toothpick) onto the thick layer of varnish that has just been applied and immersed approximately 1 mm. Next, a fixing varnish is applied.

At the salon, you may be asked to insert rhinestones onto the tip of the plate by making small holes in it. But this procedure is only permissible on artificially extended nails, on which the rhinestones will last a long time.

Caviar manicure photo

For this original beaded manicure we use special type beads Making this nail art is very simple - apply your favorite polish and while it is still wet, sprinkle with beads.

Velvet manicure photo

This design appeared relatively recently and immediately attracted attention. Making it is quite simple - apply a transparent varnish and, without waiting for it to dry, apply flock powder. It is sold in any specialized store, and the choice of colors is simply huge.

This nail art looks very original and elegant. Usually photo design is done on extended nails.

First, you need to print the photographs according to the size of the plates, then cover them with transparent varnish and let them dry. Cut out the photos and place them in a bowl of water for about 5-10 minutes.

Then remove from reverse side photographs all over the paper - so that only a thin film with the photograph should remain. When applying extensions, place the photographic film on the nail and seal with gel or acrylic.

Usually this photo design is done on only two nails.

A well-forgotten past has returned to us - Hollywood stars in the 20s and 30s they shone just like that moon manicure. It looks something like French, but in reverse. All about .

This amazing manicure is done using water. It is in water that drops of different varnishes are diluted using a certain technology and applied to the nails. The result is these unique fancy patterns. Read how to do it here.

This manicure looks very elegant, and you can also do it yourself. Watch the video - how to do a marble manicure.

Design - drawings on nails

A design can be applied to nails in two ways: with a special brush or a needle.

When choosing a needle as the main tool, the varnish should be applied in a thick layer and, while it is still wet, droplets of a different color are applied for the future pattern. Next, we use a needle to connect these droplets according to a certain pattern.

Read all about it here.

Using a brush, you can apply any designs - flowers, geometric patterns, hieroglyphs, landscapes, in general, whatever your heart desires. But this will require a certain skill and artistic ability.

See everything here

Nail design “Smileys”

Such a cool manicure with smiley faces will always cheer you up, and it also looks very original.

Aquarium nail design photo gallery

Aquarium design involves creating a composition in the center of the nails with colored acrylic powder, decorating it with artificial stones, rhinestones, dried flowers, feathers, broths, mica, etc.

An acrylic coating is then applied to create an aquarium effect. The advantage of aquarium design is not only its dazzling beauty, but also that such nails are quite durable.

Chinese painting

Non-standard nail design options

In addition to classical methods, you can also use completely non-standard ones. Here are some examples:

To make drawing easier, special felt-tip pens were invented that have a very original structure: a small container that is filled with varnish, and a thin brush at the end. This is a very convenient device, and it can be cleaned without difficulty - with ordinary nail polish remover.

  1. Apply the varnish and wait until it dries. Next, we glue pre-prepared design templates made from tape onto the nail plates. Apply a second layer of varnish on top, but of a different shade. When it dries, remove the stencils. The drawing is ready!
  2. We apply several varnishes of different tones on top of each other and, until they are dry, apply a silk thread moistened with nail polish remover. Smudges form different color, which looks very impressive.
  3. Sometimes a special manicure foil is used, which is secured with varnish or a glue stick.

A photo printer for printing on nails is an alternative to custom painting. In addition, it is much easier and cheaper to do.

Photo printing is carried out in accordance with modern technology Uni-Nail. At the end of the manicure session, you will be able to select a suitable design directly on the PC monitor, which will be applied using an airbrush. a short time on your nails. You can choose any suitable color scheme, images or photos.

With the help of photo printing you can make your manicure much more beautiful and impressive. So we wish you to experience it for yourself as soon as possible this direction in nail art.

Usually young girls choose bright and colorful colors. Any shade of orange, red, pink and yellow are their favorites.

Eccentric manicure - rainbow colors, variety of stones, non-standard designs, etc. This manicure is chosen by women who prefer an avant-garde style.

Sexy manicure - red polish and its possible shades - from bright red to burgundy - are always appropriate if you want to radiate genuine feminine charms. Bright red is the sexiest and most daring color. He always attracts attention.

Everyday manicure - choose more light colors or classic dark red varnish. French manicure is ideal.

Nail design 2017 - what's new?

Well-groomed nails say a lot about their owner. Even the most perfect look will be ruined by unkempt nails. The fashion for manicure does not stand still and it also has certain trends and innovations. In the spring of 2017, stylists suggest making nails short and rounded or medium-length with a classic almond shape.

A variety of colors are offered. In everyday manicure, nude shades should predominate: soft pink, peach, beige.

White polish looks very impressive and will suit almost any look and outfit. For evening out red, burgundy and dark shades varnishes, it will look somewhat gothic, but mysterious.

Stylists suggest experimenting with nail designs - striped or checkered manicures will be popular, and ombre will also look interesting.

French manicure, slightly modified, will return to fashion this coming spring. The emphasis will be on asymmetry and color. The ends will need to be painted not perfectly evenly, but, say, with a beveled strip, a wave, or two lines. In addition, the base can be, for example, a delicate shade, and the strips themselves can be explosive. bright color or golden.

There can never be too many rhinestones, and stylists suggest using them to decorate nails for special occasions.

Extravagant ladies will be pleasantly surprised, because massive and complex jewelry is coming back into fashion. Applications made of stones, feathers, lace, beads and artificial flowers will allow your creative nature to fully reveal itself and amaze everyone with an unusual vision of manicure.

Of course, there is no need to talk about convenience here; this option is suitable for a photo shoot or some kind of thematic event. In everyday life, it is still better to use the other types of nail art listed above.

A peculiar move that is proposed for the spring of the coming year is incomplete painting of the plate. You can paint only the tips or middle of the nail, leaving the rest of the plate clean, without any base.

The latest trend in fashion world- This is the decoration of the cuticle around the plate. At the same time, of course, she must be well-groomed. Stylists suggest painting it in shiny gold and silver tones; you just need to draw a thin line around the nail and the look is complete. In addition, they suggest making temporary transfer tattoos around the plate; the manicure will look mysterious and exotic.

Photo selection of the most beautiful nail designs

We present to your attention our selection of the most original nail designs - you can choose the appropriate option from among them and try to make it yourself. If you don’t succeed right away, don’t be upset. All comes with experience. Experiment as much as possible and everything will definitely work out!