How to easily draw a cat with a pencil step by step. Preparing for work

Puss in Boots from a favorite fairy tale or beloved domestic cat often become characters in children's drawings. In addition, such pictures, drawn with pencil or paints, can become good decoration children's room. But to get it right draw a cat, let's first learn how to draw a cat like this with a pencil step by step. If you get this cat drawing, you can try drawing your favorite cat or kitten.

1. Let's start drawing a cat with simple contours

To draw a cat more accurately, it is better to learn to do it step by step, doing it in the first steps simple contours. Start the drawing by drawing a circle for the head, and add a little lower another circle for the body, a little bit bigger size. Then draw another circle at the very bottom of the drawing. To make it immediately clear that this is a drawing of a cat, you need to draw two lines of the front paws.

2. Draw the outlines of the paws and ears

To avoid getting “confused” at this step, first draw the outlines of the paws, and then the ears. This is not at all difficult, and now you see that all that remains is to draw the line of the back and we can say that the drawing of the cat has “appeared”.

3. Drawing of a cat. General outline

Start this drawing step by drawing the head. Draw a small circle for the cat's face and extend the outline of the back, drawing it to hind paw. Now all that remains is to draw the outlines of the front paws, and let's move on to the next step.

4. Detailing the drawing

This stage is not difficult, but requires attention as always. Start by carefully removing all unnecessary lines. Now all you have to do is draw the cat’s face in detail. Draw a bottom oval and two symmetrical arcs for the eyes. And also draw a mouth and nose inside the contour of the muzzle, maybe in the form of the letter “X”.

5. The drawing is almost complete

Now that you're almost done draw a cat, add a few more details. It’s not at all difficult to draw two more “arcs” for the eyes, only now in mirror image. The cat's pupils are narrow, like slits, and only when it gets dark do the “slits” open. This is why a cat can easily distinguish objects in the dark. From the eyes, draw two lines for the nose, and all that remains is to draw the claws on the paws. By the way, do you know how many claws a cat has on its front paws? No, not five, but four. But there are five on the hind leg.
Always start drawing with what you think is easier to do. It’s probably not difficult to draw ears, just two lines and the ears are drawn. What else is easy to draw from a cat? Of course, cat whiskers, so draw them. The most difficult thing is to draw the eyes; you need to not make a mistake with the size, make sure that they are on the same line and the same. In addition, you need to make “highlights” in the eyes so that the cat looks like a real one, but this is already at the last step, when you paint the cat.

6. How to draw a cat with a simple pencil

Now that you are completely finished draw a cat, add some shadows to the picture. Shadows will add volume to the picture, and the cat will look more realistic and attractive. To prevent the cat from looking lonely in the drawing, you can draw several objects nearby, for example, “plant” it on the windowsill.

7. Drawing of a cat made on a graphics tablet

I made this drawing on a graphics tablet, however, the cat turned out to be of an indefinite color, but this is exactly the cat that lives in my house. You can color the cat in the color you like best or simply shade the drawing with just a simple soft pencil.

If you have a cat at home, then you know that a cat looks different from a cat. She smaller than a cat, her muzzle is small, and her look is not so impudent. Approximately as in this drawing made on a graphics tablet.

Tigers belong to the family of cats, or rather felines, and before you draw one, try draw a cat. The cat has the same body structure and even its gait is very reminiscent of a tiger’s grace. And sometimes mustachioed cat face, exactly like a tiger, with the same predatory and contemptuous look.

The lion is one of the largest predators in the cat family. It’s not easy to draw, if only because we rarely see a lion, and a cat, although it looks like a lion, is still not a lion. The picture of a lion from the first drawing lesson may not work out, then take a closer look at your cat first and draw it first. Then it will be easier for you to draw a lion.

In this lesson we learn to draw a rabbit. In some ways he is also similar to a cat, although of course there are many differences. But if you were able to draw a cat correctly step by step, then drawing a rabbit will be easier for you.

A kitten is more difficult to draw than an adult cat because it is impossible to make a kitten sit still for even a minute. Therefore, painted pictures of kittens “from nature” are quite rare. The only way to draw a kitten, and a cat too, is only sleeping.

Hi all! In this tutorial I will show you step by step with a pencil and then color it with colored pencils. We will draw a Maine Coon cat.

If this is your first time on the blog site, then the lesson from the course on drawing with colored pencils ““ will be useful to you.

You will need:

  • a blank sheet of paper (it is better not to use White color, and sandy);
  • simple pencil HB;
  • eraser;
  • colour pencils.

Step 1. In order to draw a cat, first you need to sketch out the basic proportions on clean slate paper Divide by simple figures the body and head of the cat, use ovals to indicate the paws and tail, and triangles to indicate the ears. Also highlight the rounded neck and the central line of the muzzle, outline the main facial features. Now you need to check the proportions, make sure that the turned head is positioned correctly. Step 2. Now we need to work out the details. Use an eraser to erase the extra lines. Now draw a few short lines on the face to indicate the direction of the fur growth. Then add lines around the eyes and continue them all the way to the nose. Draw the pupils, they will look like the shape of an American football. Mark the whiskers, white areas on the front legs, and fur texture throughout the body.
Step 3. Using a dark gray color, shade the whites of the eyes and pupils. Then, using short lines and varying pressure from medium to hard, create dark areas on the head and body, following the direction of hair growth. Please note that the hair on the tail is longer than anywhere else, so the strokes should be longer.
Step 4. Now apply the dark pink color to the nose and paw pads. Then add a light layer of dark brown to the head and torso areas. Paint the irises of your eyes with emerald green. Fill the pupils with black, leaving white reflexes on each of them.
Step 5. We continue to color cat. Apply a little jasmine color to some areas of the body, ears, nose and around the mouth. Then apply French gray to areas of the face and body, using short lines and following the direction of hair growth. Using medium pressure, add a layer of chartreuse to the irises, then apply black to the sides of the nose and mouth. Next, I applied the henna color to the paw pads and used short lines of dark gray to highlight the fur on the paws. Then use medium pressure to apply cool gray to the underside of the chin, belly and paws, defining the shadows. I apply stronger pressure on my paws. Apply a layer of burnt amber in short lines over the jasmine on the head and body to deepen the color. Add long strokes of burnt sienna and French gray to the tail, as well as some French gray to the fur inside the ears.

How to draw cat eyes

The shape of a cat's pupil changes depending on the lighting. For example, in the dark the pupils become larger and take on a more rounded shape, as in the example below, while in the light the pupils may appear as tiny vertical slits. When you draw a cat or cat from the front, make sure that the pupils are pointing straight ahead. Also keep in mind that the whites of a cat's eyes are much less visible than a human's, as the cat's pupil covers a much larger area.

Step 6. Apply cool gray to sides necks, making sure that the mustache is not painted over; then apply the same color all over the body to darken the fur. Add small blue specks to the pupil reflexes, and then mix it with white. Next, apply bright yellow over chartreuse to the iris, making the eyes more expressive. Shade the chest and neck areas, and the mustache with a cool light gray to make them stand out more. Apply the same color to the lower abdomen.

After that, look at the drawing from a distance to determine which other areas need more color. For more contrast, add some more burnt sienna to the same areas, and black to the darker areas of the fur. Then use a stiff brush to blend and soften the colors. Do this very carefully, as if you overdo it, you can smear the entire drawing. You shouldn’t shade your eyes; it’s better to leave them clean and glowing.

We have such a beautiful Maine Coon cat. Post your work in the comments or share it on

The article contains instructions and drawing diagrams that will help you draw a kitten, Siamese cat and fold cat, sleeping, in anime style.

A cat is an amazing animal: elegant, graceful, intelligent and cunning. Sometimes she is tenderness itself, sometimes she is a formidable predator with the habits of a born killer.

You can watch a cat’s habits and postures during sleep for hours. And the breeds of this animal are so different! That’s why it’s quite difficult to draw a cat, to display it realistically, without losing details. But why not try?

How to draw a kitten with cute eyes step by step with a pencil for children and beginners?

Drawing a kitten is very pleasant and not very difficult. What should you do first?

IMPORTANT: It is best to start by marking the drawing. You need to decide where the kitten’s head will be, what position the body will be in, how to draw its paws and tail, whether the kitten will walk or lie down.

Marking can be done using simple forms:

  • the head is like a ball flattened at the top and bottom
  • body - like a big bean
  • paws are like sausages
  • tail - curved and tapering towards the end
  • ears - triangles

  1. The next stage is connecting the forms, so that the legs are not drawn separately from the body, but so that they are one with it.
  2. Next you need to draw the natural curves of the kitten’s body and head, and draw the paws.
  3. The next step: drawing the muzzle, again, using preliminary markings. The kitten's eyes and nose will be located at approximately the same level in the drawing. If you look at pictures of cats, they look like a triangle between the inner corners of the eyes and the lower corner of the nose. To make the kitten have cute eyes, you can make them a little larger than the usual size, draw and darken the pupils, leaving highlights at the bottom.

VIDEO: Learning to draw a kitten's face

How to easily and simply draw a kitten according to the cells in a notebook?

Drawing by cells is easy and convenient both for children, who have more than enough such notebooks, and for adults. The advantages are that you do not need to make preliminary contour sketches of the future drawing, it is easier to calculate symmetry, etc.

  1. Draw a kitten's head - this will be the widest place on the paper.
    For example, draw a straight line of 3 cells at the site of the head - the forehead, which goes into the crown. Next, there are 3 squares where the kitten’s “cheeks” will be.
  2. Make stepwise transitions in the drawing of the head; they will add volume and a feeling of fur.
  3. Cells are allocated for large and voluminous eyes and a small nose 1 cell lower than the lower part of the eyes.
  4. The necessary part of the cat’s essence is added to the head – its whiskers.
  5. Ears are drawn using stepped transitions.
  6. They move on to the image of the neck, and with the help of cells they try to make it not straight, but stepped here and there. The body of a kitten is also depicted.
  7. When drawing a ponytail, you need to make it bend beautifully and gracefully.

How to draw a fold-eared kitten?

Scottish and British fold cats have a peculiarity - their ears are bent forward, and do not stick out like other furry cats.

  1. Make two vertical and horizontal lines to determine the symmetry of the head. Horizontal lines They will help you draw the eyes and nose of the kitten, and the vertical ones will help you draw the position of the head; using the lines, you can determine that the kitten’s head is turned to the side.
  2. Draw eyes. They are placed at a distance from each other equal to the volume of each of them.
  3. Below in the middle between the eyes a small nose is drawn.
  4. They make expressive contours of the eyes and leave white highlights on the pupils. Create a cat's eye shape with with the help of the lung lengthening the outer part of the eye.
  5. Draw auxiliary light rounded arrows symmetrically from the nose. They will help you draw fur.
  6. Shade the fur with a pencil. On the top of the head, under the ears, on the “cheeks” and at the bottom of the muzzle, the shading is made thicker, this is how the hair of Scottish Folds grows.
  7. You must not forget to draw long mustaches - whiskers.

VIDEO: How to DRAW a Scottish Fold CAT?

How to draw a Siamese kitten?

U Siamese cats home distinguishing feature- their coloring, so they draw the cat in full height so that all the coloring is visible.

  1. Draw a vertical line, from which there will be lateral symmetry, and several horizontal ones, indicating the head, the extension on the cat’s chest and the place where the paws will be located, that is, the end of the drawing.
  2. The contours of the head are outlined in a circle, and the contours of the chest and bent paws in a sitting kitten position with ovals.
  3. Draw a teardrop-shaped oval between the chest and paws of the cat. In this part, the cat’s front paws will be drawn, on which he rests.
  4. Draw the eyes symmetrically to the first vertical line from which the drawing began.
  5. They begin to draw the body and head of the kitten. On the head in the area of ​​the chin, the lines are narrowed and the nose is drawn, which in Siamese cats is larger and more protruding than in some other breeds. Paws are depicted and the tail is completed.
  6. They begin to do shading in those places where thicker hair grows, these are lines from the nose, on the forehead, under the ears, on the stomach behind the front legs, at the tip of the tail. They also do shading for shading.
  7. Erased auxiliary lines and start coloring the face, ears, paws and tail like Siamese cats.

How to draw a sleeping kitten step by step?

  1. First draw a circle for the head of a sleeping kitten. Markings are made inside the circle that will help draw eyes, nose and mouth.
  2. Semicircular lines outline the eyes, nose, mouth, and also add ears. Lightly outline the kitten's fur with lines. A sleeping kitten's ears are lowered parallel to its head.
  3. A larger oval is drawn behind the head, which will mean a sleeping kitten curled up. Stretch a rounded line forward of the kitten’s muzzle, as if it was covering itself with its tail while sleeping.
  4. Under the fluffy's cheek, draw a paw on which the kitten rests its head.
  5. Erase the auxiliary lines and outline the main ones.
  6. Draw antennae on the muzzle.

Sleeping cat: stages 1-2.

Sleeping cat: stages 3-4.

Sleeping cat: stages 5-6.

Sleeping cat: stages 7-8.

VIDEO: draw a sleeping cat

How to draw an anime kitten?

Anime characters have huge eyes. cartoon characters. As for the kitten, in addition to huge eyes, it should have a head much larger than its body. That's why:

  1. Draw two circles - one larger for the head, the other smaller for the body.
  2. Where the head will be, make a mark, dividing the circle into 4 parts.
  3. Now you should, focusing on the contours, change the shape of the head, expanding the lower part where the fur is located, and finish drawing the kitten’s ears.
  4. Drawing a kitten big eyes using oval lines. Shows the kitten's eyebrows and nose.
  5. In front of the oval indicating the body, the paws are outlined.
  6. The body is rounded and a tail is added.
    They make the eyes of an anime kitten expressive by darkening individual areas and round light highlights inside the pupils.

Anime cat: steps 1-2.

Anime cat: steps 3-4.

Anime cat: steps 5-6.

Anime cat: steps 7-8.

VIDEO: Kitten step by step with pencil

How to draw a kitten's face?

  1. The most simple drawing The kitten's muzzle will become an oval, with triangles-ears above it.
  2. Inside the oval, eyes are depicted symmetrically from the conventional line of the vertical center of the oval.
  3. Below the eyes, between them there is a nose, short rounded top lines extending from it, and under them a dot indicating a mouth.
  4. Draw triangles on the ears and lightly shade them, and also make “bangs” for the kitten with lines.
  5. Draw mustaches.

Drawing for sketching: a tabby cat in pencil.

VIDEO: How to draw a cat with a pencil?

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In this lesson we will show you how to correctly and beautifully draw a kitten with a pencil step by step. We have prepared 12 for you step by step photos video lessons. We are sure that thanks to our lessons you will 100% draw a kitten with your own hands.

How to draw a cute kitten with a pencil step by step for beginners

  • Step 1

    In order to draw it correctly, you need to figure out what it is made of. What, what, what are our kittens made of?.. Naturally, from the head, carcass, paws (4 pcs.) and tail. All shapes are very simple: the body and front legs resemble sausages, the hind legs resemble sausages with lentils attached to the top, the head is a flattened ball, the ears are rounded triangles.

  • Step 2

    Now let's connect the parts together. Naturally, we don’t stupidly put one on top of the other - this is not a Soviet-made toy bear! And the kitten’s paws are not nailed down. They need to be grown. Imagine that you are sculpting it from plasticine - you make a body, a paw, and then top part press it into the body and lubricate the joint with your finger. So it is here. The transition from the body to the paws should be smooth, do not forget that the kitten still has to walk and jump on them! If the muzzle is half turned, then the far ear needs to be turned: it will become narrower, and the inside of the ear will almost not be visible.
    To make the picture look more alive: do not draw with straight lines! Also, don't draw the entire object with one simple arc. Look at the near front leg: it is not straight, not concave or curved, it bends in both directions!

  • Step 3

    Now we draw the eyes and nose. We draw them at the bottom of the head, leaving the kitten more space for brains (his brains will be useful to him in life). We draw the eyes almost at the same level as the nose; in fact, the inner corners of the eyes and the lower corner of the nose form an obtuse triangle. Don't forget that the head is not round, but spherical. That is, it is volumetric, so even with the slightest rotation there will be slight distortion.

  • Step 4

    Draw the pupils following the Caracal tutorial. Carefully draw the nose, eyes, outline the eyebrows and mouth (this way you can make the face more expressive).

  • Step 5

    Now the outline and features of the faces... muzzles! ready. But he shouldn't be bald! This is not a sphinx, this is an ordinary kitten. We need to make it wool. Therefore, before drawing the fur, I erase the clear dark outline of the kitten. Well, I paint the eyes, I like to do it. Dark on top, light arc below, white highlight on top.

  • Step 6

    Now you can make the outline woolen. We draw in place of the old outline of the hair. Carefully draw the tail. Many people like to immediately draw a panicle, so that it is more magnificent and beautiful. In fact, a thin ponytail that tapers towards the end looks much more touching!

  • Step 7

    The most tedious part is shading the kitten with hairs. At the same time, we make sure that the hairs grow in right side, did not continue each other and did not merge. You can make a few stripes on the tail and leave a white breast.

  • Step 8

    Woolen, but flat. It's like it's covered in texture. Ugly. Need to add volume! Add it along the edges of the legs, body, head, using neat semicircular strokes. We shade from the edge to the middle in an arc! Select arcuate stripes. The far paw should be made darker than the near one. You can also put triangular shadows on the paws above the toes and above the nose. We paint over the ears in depth.

  • Step 9

    Now, it’s already beautiful! Now we strengthen all the shadows, because there are few of them yet. If somewhere it turns out to be a very dark place, lighten it with a nag. And along the edges we add random thin hairs to enliven the picture. Don't forget about the mustache: it grows on the muzzle near the nose, on the eyebrows and in the ears. Well, we need to put it on the surface, then a shadow will come to our aid if there is no time or desire to come up with something else

  • Step 10

    From these same simple shapes, by combining them, bending them, you can create various poses. It’s okay if the sketches are sloppy, you can always draw 5 pieces, select the most successful one and redraw it on a clean copy.

Video: how to draw a face with a pencil

How to draw two kittens with a pencil step by step

How to draw a sleeping kitten

How to simply draw a lying kitten

  • Step 1

    In the first stage, we determine the position of the cat’s head and its shape. The head shape of cats varies from a round head, like a Persian cat, to an elongated and angular head, like a Siamese. From the head we draw the skeleton of our cat right up to the tip of the tail. On average, the body length of a cat without a tail is 60 cm, and the length of the tail is 25-35 cm. So we roughly estimated that a third of our line is the cat’s tail.

  • Step 2

    We draw an oval on the fold of the line, which will indicate the chest of the animal. We also draw a circle on the line of the skeleton, marking the hip part of the hind leg with it. On the “future face” of the cat, with a thin, barely noticeable line, we mark a cross, which will later help us draw the eyes, mouth and nose.

  • Step 3

    Draw three legs. Those that we will be able to see. You and I won’t see the fourth one behind the cat’s body. On the cross we will draw beady eyes, a heart-shaped nose and a mouth with a downward curve, as shown in the picture.

  • Step 4

    The most difficult and responsible. We inhaled and held our breath: you need to carefully draw the body and tail using a smooth line, starting from the head. In this case, you need to carefully go around the frame in part of the tail and go around the paws. Hurray, let's breathe out!

  • Step 5

    Well, now we can turn on our imagination: we draw our cat’s ears and fluffy fur on her chest. On the “face” we outline the eyes, nose, and highlight the mouth more clearly.

  • Step 6

    Let's continue to fantasize. Add fur on the back and give the tail a more regular shape. Carefully draw the ears.

  • Step 7

    The cat's motto: "Whiskers, paws and tail - these are my documents." Paws and tail are already there. So, mustache!

  • Step 8

    Well, now you know how to draw a Lying Kitten with a pencil step by step!

Video: how to draw a lying black kitten

How to draw a playing kitten

How to easily draw a kitten with a pencil step by step

How to draw a kitten on a tree

How to draw a cartoon kitten with a pencil step by step

How to draw a small kitten with a simple pencil

Video: drawing a kitten sitting with a pencil

How to draw a fluffy kitten with a simple pencil

Video: drawing a fluffy kitten with a simple pencil

How to draw a fluffy kitten with colored pencils

  • Step 1

    Drawing a sketch

  • Step 2

    Take blue and paint over the eyes, black pupils. Paint over the nose with pink.

  • Step 3

    We paint the eyes with dark blue and white. The nose is burgundy.

  • Step 4

    We begin to shade the muzzle with gray and yellow. We take a pen that does not write and draw it on the place where the antennae should be, then when we completely paint over the fur, the antennae will be realistic and they will not be painted over.

  • Step 5

    Paint the fur with light brown.

  • Step 6

    We take dark brown and continue to shade the fur. We paint over the ears with pink and yellow.

  • Step 7

    Using a pen in the ear, draw the fur in different directions. Paint it with gray and dark brown.

  • Step 8

    We continue to draw white wool with a pen, then paint it with white.

  • Step 9

    Shade the fur with gray and light brown.

  • Step 10

    Add a little yellow and brown.

  • Step 11

    Add dark brown

  • Step 12

    We start shading with black. Add a little blue to the white wool.

How to draw a cute kitten with colored pencils

Video: how to draw a realistic kitten

Top ten most popular drawings among children and adults there is an image of a cat. Let's look at how to draw a cat from a cartoon or your favorite book, how to draw cats in profile and full face, lying down, sitting, in motion. It will take a little patience, attention, and a desire to create and experiment. The schemes proposed below will vary in complexity and will require certain skills and abilities.

Drawing, like other activities (roller skating, music lessons, reading), requires training. Beginning artists should know that:

How to draw a cat with a child 5-8 years old

Children over five years old are good at repeating the actions of an adult. The parent (teacher) explains each element of the diagram slowly, encourages the child, and in difficult moments shows an incomprehensible action in his personal drawing.

Cat made of circles

Sleeping cat.

If young artist has not yet achieved accuracy in drawing figures, they suggest that he use a ruler. Further:

  • draw big circle, but inside it’s small. They try to maintain the proportions 1:2 accordingly;
  • two triangles (ears) are attached to a small circle; inside they represent eyes, a nose (an inverted triangle), and a mouth. Add a mustache;
  • draw on the tail.

Cat sitting with its back.

Two circles are depicted on top of each other (proportions 1:2). Add ears and whiskers to the small circle, and a tail to the large circle. Shade the back, tail, back of the head with a pencil.

How to draw a happy cat

The child is asked to draw the whole cat. Instructions:

  • draw two circles (for the body and head) of different sizes with a dotted line;
  • The small one is circled entirely and two ears are added. The large one is partially outlined (to the small one), two semicircular legs are added;
  • Claws are drawn on the paws, and a tail is added to the body. Draw the face: eyes with pupils, nose, mustache, smile.

There are stripes on the tail and back.

Drawing a sad cat

Let's look at how to draw a cat from a triangle. For this:

  • draw a triangle and divide it in half with a dotted line. Ears are outlined at the top;
  • circle the triangle, while the corners are rounded. Add a nose, mouth;
  • erase the extra dotted line. The eyes, mustache, and front legs are completed.

Two lines are added to each paw. Draw a tail.

Next, they move on to depicting more complex cats.

Let's draw a sitting cat

Realistic cat

The body is drawn in the shape of an oval, stretched vertically. Further:

The cat is being painted different colors, use the hatching technique, so the skin will look more like the real thing.

Cheerful animated cat

First they draw vertical axis symmetry. The following is the diagram:

  • draw the lower part of the cat’s body in the shape of a heart;
  • add a small circle (upper body) and a large round head;
  • indicate eyes, ears, nose, paws;
  • add a smile, a mustache, and an inverted number “3” - this will serve as the basis for the front legs.

Draw the front and hind legs.

Let's look at how to draw a cat sitting in profile.

According to the diagram, draw an oval body and a round head. Add ears, a paw, and the outline of a face. Draw eyes, nose, mouth. Indicate the front legs and tail. Erase auxiliary lines.

How to Draw a Realistic Cat Head

For more experienced drawing lovers, diagrams describing the process of creating a cat's head or an entire animal are suitable.


Using a soft, blunt pencil, add a “fluffy” look to the face. To do this, shading is done in dark places. The frontal part, eye sockets are highlighted, and the pupils are drawn. You can practice and draw a cat’s head in profile (see diagram).

How to draw a cat that sits sideways with its head turned

We start trying with a simple scheme:

Color as desired. As they gain experience, they move on to depicting purebred cats: Himalayan blue, Burmese, longhaired motley. Follow the suggested schemes, use simple pencils different hardness, eraser.

How to draw a cat in motion

A compositional arrangement of the drawing is made on the sheet. For this:

Clarify the details. Get the cat on the move.

Kitten in motion

Step-by-step instruction:

Honing a skill using different schemes, get cats in different angles and movements.