Timur Batrutdinov interview I love young girls. Timur Batrutdinov about life after the show “The Bachelor”, about raising future children and kinship with Kharlamov

Memoriess New Life: Do you think shows like “The Bachelor” are necessary? Or now everyone wants to marry Buzov too. So there won’t be any interesting bachelors left in our country, maybe it will even be sad without them.

Timur Batrutdinov: I think that such shows are definitely needed. The viewer is always interested in simulating a situation that could happen to him, and using the example of other people to observe the consequences of alleged mistakes. Bachelor is a very common status. In the meantime, I’m a bachelor, rest assured that interesting bachelors are not over yet.

Memoriess New Life: What is your opinion about the reality show “Married to Buzov”? Do you think Olya will be able to meet her soulmate on this project?

Timur Batrutdinov: This is the same “Bachelor”, only with Olga. Honestly, I only watched the first two episodes of my season of The Bachelor. Firstly, I knew all the spoilers, and secondly, it was very strange to watch my real self in artificially created conditions. Many events and activities were not broadcast due to timing. For example, my and one of the participants’ parachute jump from a cliff was cool then and it’s a pity that it didn’t go in. I decided not to get upset and not watch. It’s the same with Olga’s project. I've only seen announcements on Instagram and I roughly understand what the show is about. I can say that Olga and I have another common topic for discussion. I worry about her and wish to treat even negative experiences as useful learning material on the path to real happiness. It’s not a fact that Olya will find her happiness on this project. Her heart is still broken from her previous relationship and it will be difficult for her to trust anyone and enter this river again. I know from myself that I am still not in this river.

Memoriess New Life: You have been working on the Comedy Club stage for so many years. What is the secret of your success in this project? What must be done to ensure that the viewer always responds to humor in order to be a sought-after artist?

Timur Batrutdinov: Comedy made me the same way I made him. Before that, there were various attempts to break through, but the Comedy Club turned my life around. By the way, I want to say that Comedy appeared in my life after a long black streak, when I had already begun to give up my attempts to get on TV. Conclusion! Never give up, and yours will never leave you! The humor of today's Comedy is very different from the Comedy of the first issues. We try to constantly keep our finger on the humorous pulse of society in order to fall into the rhythm of its roaring laughter. And our humor is different. In Comedy on TNT - canonical, which we have been growing for 15 years, in HB - hard, trashy and very expensive, thanks to TNT for financing our sick fantasies, in "Awesome Hou" - hard, trashy and inexpensive, based on our improvisation and honest opinion . You need to constantly surprise. As long as you surprise, you are in demand.

Memoriess New Life: In one of your interviews you said that you love solitude. This quality of character somehow does not compare with your stage image of a hooligan and a merry fellow. What other qualities of your character can you surprise?

Timur Batrutdinov: Thank you, I am very pleased that you worked on this interview and read my previous ones. Yes, I am an introvert, and my appearance on stage is an attempt to establish a connection with the outside world. As a result, a split personality happened - on stage I am an extrovert, but in life I remained an introvert. But my natural thirst for discovery and something new periodically pulls me out of my shell. I am a person of fine spiritual organization. I experience negativity a lot, so I try to protect myself from it. Those with whom I immediately find a common language are children and animals. I think I will be a good father and farmer.

Memoriess New Life: They say that comedians have a gloomy and difficult disposition in life, that they give all their gaiety to the stage. What kind of person are you to your loved ones and relatives, to your superiors?

Timur Batrutdinov: I'm kind. My main principle is not to treat people as I would not want them to treat me. I was raised to respect each individual. I believe that there are no bad people: there are offended, mentally crippled or simply ill-mannered. I forgive and understand them. Not to be confused with accept. My character is difficult, but definitely not gloomy. I love my family and my surroundings, and if I’m not in a good mood, I’d rather avoid communication until I get back to normal than spread the toxicity of a bad mood to my loved ones.

Memoriess New Life: You often joke boldly. Sometimes it seems that you have to be not just brave to joke like that, but even desperate. Does it often happen that you feel that your humor oversteps all boundaries? What do you do then?

Timur Batrutdinov: This is about what needs to be done to stay afloat. Do not be afraid. And be prepared for the consequences of your courage. Now the sensitivity of society has become more acute. Everyone began to take offense at the humor. It has become a trend to apologize for making jokes. But any joke is based on a real event and has the only goal - to make you laugh. Don't offend. Meanwhile, we have strict self-censorship, which does not allow us to go beyond the shores. But we love walking along the edge.

Memoriess New Life: What do you do when you're not telling jokes, acting in films, or performing on stage?

Timur Batrutdinov: I'm sleeping. The rest of the time I really want to sleep.

Memoriess New Life: Is there anything in your life that makes you particularly proud?

Timur Batrutdinov: Fresh brain and young soul. I'm interested in what's new and what's next. While this state is with me, it is my main engine in life. Although, after all, the main engine is my family and responsibility towards it.

Memoriess New Life: I would like to hear wishes from the most convinced bachelor of our country for the same bachelors and “bachelorettes” who are reading this interview.

Timur Batrutdinov: Being single is not a death sentence. Don't panic if the ring doesn't appear on your ring finger within the usual time frame. It means you are special or special! Enjoy freedom, gain experience for the sake of your future one and only person. Before you know it, you are already living “happily ever after.”

Timur Batrutdinov is one of the brightest residents Comedy Club, gave comments on some questions of interest to fans, on the topic of his personal life and preferences; during the interview, his mood managed to change several times: from carefree to serious and thoughtful. Timur comes across as a very strong personality, and the story of his career tells it for him. Before becoming the well-known Timur “Kashtan” Batrutdinov, he managed to visit many cities, some countries, was fond of literature at school, entered the St. Petersburg University of Economics and played for the KVN team - “Ungolden Youth”, together with Garik Kharlamov.

Timur, is your success in life the result of luck or hard work?

I rather get lucky than just have my plans come true. Everything in my life is an accident. I came to Moscow to work as an economist by profession. I went to get involved with KVN, creativity, I thought: “The years are taking their toll, there is no stability, but I need to think about the tree, about the house, about the son...” And you know what came of it.

When did you realize that you were lucky?

Once, as a child, I fell into a sewer hatch: we were walking home late at night, I fell behind my father, trotted behind and fell down there. When they pulled me out, I saw that there was a pin in the hatch right in the center, and it was a miracle that I didn’t run into it. Probably at that moment I realized that I have a guardian angel who works tirelessly.

Do you have a degree in economics, have you worked in your specialty?

Yes. An accountant assistant, a merchandiser, a sales representative... I worked a lot of places. When I lived in St. Petersburg, alone, without relatives, like other students, I unloaded bricks and worked part-time as a watchman. Of course, I wanted more money, and if it weren’t for the default, I probably would have become some kind of tycoon.

Do you have a commercial streak?

I think there is. Even now I am confident in my abilities and I know: if I don’t work on television and cinema, I won’t end up on the street. I have good survivability. No matter what difficult conditions I find myself in, I adapt quickly.

Where else were there difficult conditions, except St. Petersburg?

I was in the army and lived there quite well. And when I arrived in Moscow, I also didn’t have anyone I knew – I even registered on a dating site in order to communicate with someone.

So, did you meet?

Well, yes, I met. However, at a certain point, a year ago, my photo was removed from the site. I had been in their database for a long time, but since there was no activity, it was not easy to find me. And then someone found me. And off we go. .But all communication boiled down to the banal “Is it you? Come on! What, you can’t find someone for yourself?”

You had a job in St. Petersburg, friends. How did you decide to come to Moscow, where there was no one and nothing?

For me, the main example in life is my mother: at a serious age she decided to move from the Kaliningrad region to Moscow because she wanted prospects for her children. I realized that it is never too late to change your life. And in general, if you want to change your destiny, change your place of residence.

Do you rule out the possibility that someday you will change your place of residence again?

I don’t rule it out, life is unpredictable. I have no feeling of homeland. Born in the Moscow region, lived in Kazakhstan, Kaliningrad, St. Petersburg, and Moscow. In general, my address is not a house or a street, my address is the Soviet Union.

Do you feel the same way about your profession? You have so many different interests.

I feel the strength to do anything, and over time the excess falls away. Now I'm most interested in cinema. I starred in the TV series “Club” - I really enjoyed the filming process. I have this character trait: it’s interesting to live in different images. I'm completely different. One for parents, another for friends, and a third for girls. But I am an open person, not a hypocrite.

With parents, probably the most real.

Well, I don’t know... I don’t confess many things to my mother. True, only because it protects the nervous system. I love my mother and sister very much. I still can’t wrap my head around the fact that my little sister is already 25 years old and she’s already even older than me, in a sense, she has a family.

Timur, are you not yet ready for a family?

Ripe. And for a long time. But there is some kind of paradox here. I got so used to being alone, I became so demanding that as a result I don’t have a regular girlfriend for a long time. It’s been a long time since my heart beat faster... (thinks)

Maybe it's your frivolous attitude towards girls?

No, I just haven’t met such a person yet. I would like not to date a girl, but to be with her throughout life.

What should she be like to please you?

Well, in addition to the standard requirement - to be divinely beautiful and unrealistically smart - she must be natural. (Smiles)
It is most important. So that we not only have something to talk about, but also something to remain silent about. To make it comfortable to be around.

Many women pay attention to you. What if you're just tired of it?

Here! Unfortunately, they pay attention exclusively to my media personality. In general, many people are starting to demand something. Somehow I don’t want to be demanded, I want to demand it myself.

In general, as a result of such legibility, the image of a hero-lover was assigned to you.

To be honest, I love women very much, sometimes I really feel like a womanizer. Because I don't have a regular girlfriend, I fall[censored] in love with everyone I meet.

Timur, agree, a Comedy Club resident is some kind of undefined profession. Comedian? Artist? Who do you feel like?

Do you have real friends at the Comedy Club?

This is our main secret. We are all real friends there. I somehow got sick and realized that I was needed because I was surrounded by people who cared about me. No matter where it takes us next, comedy club is a milestone, a stage, like a school or an institute.

0 July 14, 2015, 11:40

In just a few days, the main humorous festival of the year, “Week of High Humor,” will begin its work in Sochi. On the eve of this event, the site met with resident Timur Batrutdinov. The agenda included the following questions: what did the festival participants prepare for the audience this year, is it possible to learn how to joke, is it cool to be popular, and how did an economist by training become one of the most popular comedians in the country?

“Are you going to Batrukha?” asked a loud security guard from behind the fence when I tried to enter the territory of the Comedy Club office. “Yeah,” was all I could squeeze out, breaking into a smile. Frankly, at that moment my mood lifted considerably - if the guards here are humorous and friendly, then with Timur it would undoubtedly be easy and fun. And so it happened!

You are just Timur the teleporter - here today, there tomorrow, it’s a problem to catch you. Where are you always in a hurry - touring or filming?

We have just finished touring the Baltic states and Belarus, and the final point of our trip was a stop in Tula. I even have Tula gingerbread with me. I hope that you will stay and taste it later too (smiles).

For some residents Comedy Club are still rude. But at our first meeting you seemed to me very intelligent and even... shy! Black humor, swearing, vulgar jokes - does all this come easy to you?

It seems to me that your information about vulgar and crude humor is outdated. Perhaps he was like that in the early days of the Comedy Club because we were younger and more radical.

But admit it, even now something similar is slipping through.

Yes, maybe sometimes it slips. But if it's funny, then it doesn't matter. I wouldn't say it's gone. Funny! It’s gone in smoking rooms and public toilets, but we still come up with this humor and have been doing this for several days. And if someone doesn’t understand it, then, as they say, it’s a matter of taste and color...

And my relatives, now I’m more interested in the female half of the family, do they watch your performances? How do they generally react to jokes from Comedy? Club? Frankly, my grandmother grimaces when she hears you, but my dad often quotes.

Comedy Club, like any other program, has its own target audience. That's why some people like this humor, but others don't. In general, I think that lately we have seen a devaluation of humor, because a lot of humorous programs have appeared on the screen. On the other hand, this is good - everyone finds something of their own: for grandmother - one thing, for dad - another, for mom - a third, and my sister, perhaps, does not spoil the TV with her attention at all. As for my family, the beautiful female half, they approve of my line of work. Based on this at least - as long as he doesn’t throw bulls at the ceiling in the entrances and doesn’t drink beer with the boys (smiles). Of course, these are all jokes. In fact, they see that I am doing what I love and support me.

Soon you will go to Sochi for the “Week of High Humor” with Comedy Club. Every year the festival grows stronger and gains momentum, which means that, despite the crisis, you will have to surprise the audience! Share some secrets.

I would say that for us, filming each program is reaching a new level, new surprises. Because as soon as we stop surprising the audience, we will become uninteresting, so we are always sitting on a bare wire. If we talk about individual off-site projects, including the festival in Sochi, this is a special responsibility.

Will you have any new duets or unusual numbers at the festival?

We set ourselves the task of making a good, large-scale show. And everything at the festival will be very enchanting. We prepare very carefully for each act, we carry it through and literally bring it into the world, like a child. Therefore, the entire festival program will be exclusive. As for unusual numbers with my participation, any of my appearances on stage with Garik Kharlamov is an unusual number and a new duet. Because we are always different. So fans can safely buy tickets and pack their bags for the “Week of High Humor” with the Comedy Club in Sochi.

Do you spend a lot of time preparing your acts?

A lot of. Even now, things continue to be thought about and changed, and we will also make adjustments in Sochi itself. This is very painstaking work. And inspiration is important! I must say that in the summer the process of coming up with jokes goes better than in the winter. It even happens in our country that just as grandmothers collect the harvest after summer and put jam in jars, so we come up with jokes in the summer, and then gradually distribute them over the following months.

I heard something about testing parties...

Exactly, a few weeks before the “Week of High Humor” we organized so-called testing parties, where we “tested” the material prepared for Sochi. Some jokes were dropped, some were remade.

You have a huge number of performances, how can you avoid becoming monotonous at this pace? Perhaps there are idols, a muse... Where to look for inspiration?

There were idols in childhood, and even then - they have already done something, but to do the same thing... Life inspires with its diversity. Life is our main author. Every day she throws new topics into our humorous firebox.

Is it possible to learn to be funny? You're not the first comedian I've talked to, and they all said, "It's not a given, don't bother!"

This is true. The predisposition is either there or not. Many of our bones, nerves and character traits are formed in deep childhood. But not all comedians become comedians. I mean people who do this for a living. Some of them become accountants or even middle managers and have great success entertaining their colleagues. I was once such a manager. Maybe I didn’t have very good success in sales, but, one might say, they kept me in this place because I was the soul of the team. Do people always understand your jokes or do you sometimes have to laugh a little yourself?

I don't give signs (smiles). It’s just that if I don’t see a reaction, I’ll either push with a word - in humorous language, “I’ll finish”, or I’ll explain what I meant, but in no case will I point out that it was a joke and he didn’t laugh.

Many already knew in childhood which path they would take. Of course, things change over the years, but some people's goals remain the same. What did you dream about and did your expectations come true?

There is a constant internal struggle with the conscious and subconscious. My consciousness once brought me to the Institute of Economics and Finance, but my subconscious, of course, from childhood, drew me to the screen, to the cinema. The creative vein was laid down genetically. My dad is a very creative person. And people have always surrounded me with wit. But, nevertheless, then it was the 1990s, and I chose the profession of economist. True, my subconscious still dragged me to where I wanted to go since childhood. It was at the institute that I got into KVN, from which, in fact, my journey began... As a result, I am a comedian with an economic education (smiles). I read in one of your interviews that you are planning to become a director. How is it going?

I had several attempts to take GITIS by storm. And I have already passed the documents and prepared for the entrance exams, but every time at the time of admission I have some kind of project. Therefore, all this is postponed, postponed... And now I no longer know where all this will lead. I ask myself: “Do I want to be a director? Do I really need it?” In general, a creative person, you understand (smiles). Constant search.

Is it cool to be famous, popular and successful?

This is a certain state. Everything should be in harmony. Sometimes you go to a store with an imaginary dome on your head and only think about how no one will touch you, and then suddenly your popularity kicks in - near the toilet paper section they ask for your autograph or want to take a photo. Then you think: “Why do you need this popularity?” But when a traffic cop stops you (smiles)... Then the thought appears in your head: “It’s cool that you’re popular.”

By the way, remember, at the very beginning of the conversation, Timur offered to treat us to Tula gingerbread? What do you think! Half an hour later, he personally cut the gingerbread and poured tea, talking to us on abstract topics. “Darling” is spinning in my head, and nothing more!

This year, the site will go to the Week of High Humor festival with the Comedy Club in Sochi, where it will not only have a good laugh, and there is no doubt about it, but will also meet other residents, for whom we have already prepared tricky questions.

Photo by Yulia Sidorova

In an interview with Wday, Batrutdinov said that he spends a lot of time on television, so when he was offered to become a participant in the project, he took it as a sign of fate, as if the stars had finally aligned successfully. “After all, I’m a bachelor, I work for TNT, and the project sounds like this: “Bachelor on TNT,” the comedian recalls. - The first thought that flashed through my head at that moment: “Or maybe, indeed, the Universe sent me a chance in the form of a television project.” The most important reason to end your bachelor status is children. I am the successor of the Batrutdinov family, and I have a very big task - to preserve the family of my ancestors. To put it mildly, I am well over 30, so I took the project very seriously. I really want to find that one person who would walk with me through life - hand in hand. I haven’t been in a relationship for a long time, I’m a confirmed bachelor and I want to get rid of this mess as soon as possible.”

On the set of “The Bachelor,” Timur felt very sorry for the girls who had to fight their pride and fears. There was a moment when he could not stand it and asked to make the conditions easier for the participants. “My existing subconscious image of a girl is a brown-eyed brunette. Which means we end up with... a Tatar! You need to ask the Universe how it turned out that three girls from Tatarstan ended up on the project. But then neither the participants knew who the bachelor would be, and I didn’t know who the girls would be and where they would come from. “The Bachelor” is first and foremost a show. Despite this, it is based on real people, real emotions and real experiences, and therefore I was as honest and sincere as possible. I didn’t play, but really worried about everything: I told myself to be natural. Because the way I behave is how the girls will behave with me.”

Every rose ceremony was exciting for the girls.

Initially, Batrutdinov went to the project with the thought that even if he did not find his man among the participants, he would tell himself by his actions that he was ready for a family, that he did not want to be a bachelor anymore. “I want people to understand that Timur Batrutdinov is not only a comedian, but also a deeply thinking and extremely romantic person, which my main profession and the role in which I appear on camera cannot reveal. Yes, I do best with images of fools. But I’m just like everyone else, and there was love at first sight in my life. True, it later turned out that it is inherent only in puberty, when you perceive any sympathy as high feelings. Over the years, your love becomes more and more unapproachable, and after 30 it is difficult for a man to start any kind of relationship.”

Nothing worked out for Timur with the winner of “The Bachelor” Daria Kananukha

If Batrutdinov has a free week at work, he spends it on travel. It happens that he really wants to babysit the children, and if this coincides with several free days, he goes to his nieces, 7-year-old Sofia and 3-year-old Olga. “Now I dream of a son, and he will definitely have a Tatar name. I even wanted to name him Robert, but Pasha Volya and Laysan Utyasheva overtook me and named their baby Robert. Garik Martirosyan advised to name his son Ruslan. Because Ruslan Timurovich Batrutdinov sounds. It sounds!

Now the second wave has begun for Timur - filming has ended and now he is looking at everything that happened from the outside. “I didn’t hear what the girls were saying and I didn’t see how they behave in front of the cameras. That's why The Bachelor sometimes freaks me out. Participating in a reality show is a tremendous experience for me. I don’t regret my participation, but if I could rewind time to the moment when I was offered to participate, I would think again. Because it turned out to be emotionally difficult for me. At one point I caught myself thinking that I was living all this and was very worried. I also realized that reality shows are very difficult for me and this genre is closed to me,” summed up the Comedy Club resident.