The word flower is used in its literal meaning. In this case, Ivan is the name of the flower.

Question: I'm leaning towards blue flower and with surprise I recognize Ivan in him: it is only Ivan left from the former double flower, the well-known Ivan da Marya. In truth, Ivan is not a real (flower). It is made up of very small curly leaves, and its only color is purple, which is why it is called a flower. Only yellow Marya is a real flower with pistils and stamens. It was from Marya that the seeds fell on this autumn earth, so that in the new year they would again cover the earth with Ivans and Maryas. Marya’s case is much more difficult, that’s probably why she fell before Ivan. But I like that Ivan survived the frost and even turned blue. Following the blue flower with your eyes late autumn, I say quietly: - Ivan, Ivan, where is your Marya now? What is the meaning of the word in brackets?


I lean towards the blue flower and with surprise I recognize Ivan in it: it is only Ivan left from the previous double flower, the well-known Ivan da Marya. In truth, Ivan is not a real (flower). It is made up of very small curly leaves, and its only color is purple, which is why it is called a flower. Only yellow Marya is a real flower with pistils and stamens. It was from Marya that the seeds fell on this autumn earth, so that in the new year they would again cover the earth with Ivans and Maryas. Marya’s case is much more difficult, that’s probably why she fell before Ivan. But I like that Ivan survived the frost and even turned blue. Following the blue flower of late autumn with my eyes, I say quietly: “Ivan, Ivan, where is your Marya now?” What is the meaning of the word in brackets?


The word FLOWER is used in its literal meaning. In this case, Ivan is the name of the flower.

Similar questions

It rarely happens that the sun shines for just an hour, but what a joy it is! Then great pleasure brings us a dozen leaves on a willow tree that are already frozen but have survived the storms, or a very small blue flower under our feet.

I lean towards the blue flower and with surprise I recognize Ivan in it: it is only Ivan left from the previous double flower, the well-known Ivan da Marya.

In truth, Ivan is not a real flower. It is made up of very small curly leaves, and its only color is purple, which is why it is called a flower. Only yellow Marya is a real flower with pistils and stamens. It was from Marya that the seeds fell on this autumn earth, so that in the new year they would again cover the earth with Ivans and Maryas. Marya’s case is much more difficult, that’s probably why she fell before Ivan.

But I like that Ivan survived the frost and even turned blue. Following the blue late autumn flower with my eyes, I say quietly:

- Ivan, Ivan, where is your Marya now?


A starry and unusually warm night. In the pre-dawn hour I went out onto the porch, and I could hear only one drop falling from the roof to the ground. At the first light, the fogs swirled, and we found ourselves on the shore of an endless sea.

The precious and most mysterious time is from first light to sunrise, when the patterns of completely leafless trees are just visible: the birches were combed down, the maple and aspen were combed up. I witnessed the birth of frost, how it dried and whitened the old, red grass, and covered the puddles with the thinnest glass.

At sunrise, the structure of that shore appeared in the clouds and hung high in the air. IN sun rays Finally, a lake appeared from the fog. In the translucent fog, everything seemed greatly magnified, a long row of mallards was the front of the advancing army, and a group of swans was like a fairy-tale white-stone city emerging from the water.

One black grouse flying from a roost appeared and undoubtedly important matter and not by chance, because on the other side he was also flying in the same direction, and again, and again. When I arrived there, to the lake swamp, a large flock had already gathered there, a few were sitting on a tree, the majority were running over the hummocks, jumping, and chattering in exactly the same way as in the spring.

Only by the very bright greenness of the winter could one distinguish such a day from an early spring one, and also, perhaps, by oneself, that the spring wine was not fermenting inside you and the joy was not pricking: the joy was now calm, as it happens when something hurts , you are glad that you are sick, and sadly come to your senses: it’s not pain, it’s life itself that has passed.

During this big winter, the lake was completely black in a ring of ice, and every day the ring squeezed the black water stronger and stronger into the white shores. Now the ring disintegrated, the freed water sparkled and rejoiced. Streams rushed from the mountains, rustling like spring. But when the sun was covered with clouds, it turned out that only thanks to its rays the water, the front of the mallards, and the city of swans were visible. The fog covered everything again, even the lake itself disappeared, and for some reason only the structure of the other shore hanging high in the air remained.


The night was clear, starry and moonlit. Severe frost, in the morning everything is white. Geese graze in their places. A new caravan was added, and in total about two hundred began to fly from the lake to the field. Until noon the black grouse were all in the trees and muttering. Then the sky closed and it became dark and cold.

After lunch the sun came out again and it was fine until evening. We rejoiced at our two golden birch trees that survived the general defeat. The wind, however, was from the north, and the lake lay black and fierce. A whole caravan of swans arrived. I heard that swans don’t stay with us for very long, and when it’s so frozen that only a small middle remains and the convoys are already traveling along the winter road straight across the ice, it can be heard at night in the darkness, in silence, like there, in the middle, where... Sometimes they’re talking thickly, you think they’re people, and sometimes they’re swans in an unfrozen center between each other.


Russian language and literary reading

Text 1

Read the first part of the text.

Blue flower of late autumn...

One day we were walking along the road of Ivan and Marya. We reached a fork. Here Ivan says:
- Let's turn left.
And Marya told him:
- No, to the right.
Ivan says:
- To the left.
And Marya has hers:
- To the right.
They are standing at the fork: Ivan is in a purple shirt, and Marya is in a yellow scarf. They stand and argue among themselves:
- Let's turn left.
- Let's turn right.
They say this, but they say nothing from each other.

1. Write a short (2-4 sentences) conclusion to the text.

Read the text to the end.

And so they became an Ivan da Marya flower with one stem for two...
Probably everyone knows this flower. Inconspicuous grass grows along forest edges and lawns, along roadsides and along river banks, gathering thickly and in heaps everywhere. If you look into the swamp, you will meet her there too.
The inflorescences of Ivan-da-Marya have a double color: the flowers are yellow, and the bracts are violet-blue, or even crimson: Marya and Ivan.
Botanists call the plant oak grass.
Ivan da Marya blooms all summer, and no bad weather is afraid of the flower. The sun will dry everything around, other flowers will wither, but this one will be okay. It sticks, like a leech, to the roots of trees and drinks water from them.
Mikhail Prishvin wrote about them this way: “I lean towards the blue flower and with surprise I recognize Ivan in it: this is the only Ivan left from the previous double flower, the well-known Ivan da Marya.
In truth, Ivan is not a real flower. It is made up of very small curly leaves, and its only color is purple, which is why it is called a flower. A real flower with a pistil and stamens is only the yellow Marya. It was from Marya that the seeds fell on this autumn land, so that in the new year they would again cover the earth with Ivans and Maryas... Following with my eyes the blue flower of late autumn, I say quietly: Ivan, Ivan, where is your Marya now?
Bees love this flower: it gives them a lot of honey. But the cattle are not very fond of it - unless when other grasses wither, they will pay attention to it: the milk of cows and goats is bitter from Ivan da Marya. And the seeds of the flower are poisonous.
But here's the mystery. Where there is an anthill, you will certainly meet Ivan-da-Marya, and it grows along the ant paths, as if in a line. Maybe it's ants shady alleys are you satisfied? And why did they fall in love with this flower so much? But the point, it turns out, is this. Ivan da Marya seeds are like bread to ants. The ant drags the seed with its appendage into its dungeon, eats the appendage there, and throws the seed itself away near the hole. In the spring it will sprout. So the Ivan and Maryin Garden rises next to the anthill.
Marianniks have long been revered by sorcerers and healers. Dried flowers were sprinkled on cuts and wounds, and colds were treated with decoctions.

2. Write to which genre the first part of the text to which you wrote the conclusion belongs. Justify your point of view.

3. Underline in the first paragraph of the second part of the text the words and expressions that are characteristic of the scientific style.

4. Why in the words of M. Prishvin is the name of the flower written in capital letters, but in the rest of the text - in lowercase letters? Is this a spelling mistake? Explain your point of view.

5. Underline words that have a suffix -To- : grass, edges, lawns, riddle, minks.

A) Underline words with zero endings: flower, inflorescence, flowers, bracts, blooms, flower, faded, colored.
) Distribute the words into groups, indicate the basis for your actions (the number of lines for dividing into groups is given in excess).

1 option

bracts (group name)
flower (group name)
colored (group name)

Option 2

bracts (group name)
flower (group name)
colored (group name)

Option 3

bracts (group name)
flower (group name)
colored (group name)

Option 4

bracts (group name)
flower (group name)
colored (group name)

Option 5

bracts (group name)
flower (group name)
colored (group name)

6. Write out all the rows homogeneous members sentences, write the words they refer to in brackets. Underline all homogeneous members as members of the sentence.

Inconspicuous grass grows along forest edges and lawns, along roadsides and along river banks, gathering thickly and in heaps everywhere.

The world

1. It is known that in a community connections are formed both between living and inanimate nature, and between living organisms. Prove that there are connections between the Ivan da Marya flower and other living organisms.

A) Choose an example from the text that illustrates the statement. Mark the beginning of the sentence with its serial number (as in the example given).


1. A flower can feed on tree roots. (The icon in the text is 1. )
2. The flower can be feed for livestock. (The icon in the text is 2. )

b) Formulate as many statements as possible yourself. Choose an example from the text that illustrates it. Mark the beginning of the sentence with its serial number.

(The icon in the text is 3.)
(The icon in the text is 4.)
(The icon in the text is 5.)
(The icon in the text is 6.)
(The icon in the text is 7.)

2. The ancient Slavs had many rituals, holidays, and beliefs that were associated with natural phenomena. One of these holidays is Ivan Kupala Day, celebrated on June 24. It was believed that this is the only day when the fern blooms, and whoever sees the blooming fern will be lucky.

A) What natural event is the date of the holiday associated with?
b) Do you believe that you can find a blooming fern?

3. The text says that Ivan-da-Marya was used as a medicinal plant. Give at least four more examples of medicinal plants.


1. Carnations were brought to the flower shop, the number of which is written in a two-digit number. If you make bouquets of 7 flowers each, then one flower will remain extra. If you make bouquets of 9 flowers each, 3 flowers will remain extra. How many carnations did you bring to the store?

2. Ivan and Marya stood at a fork in the road (bold dot) and argued about where to go - right or left. They thought and decided this: Ivan goes in one direction, and Marya in the other. But... it turned out that the road was looped as shown in the picture.

Let's assume that Ivan walks at a speed of 6 km/h, and Marya walks at a speed of 4 km/h. The length of the ring road is 20 km. Suppose that, having met, Ivan and Marya continue moving in the same direction and at the same speed.

A) How many hours after the start of the movement will Ivan and Marya meet for the second time?
b) At what distance from the fork will this happen?

3. 6 ants transferred 360 grains of Ivan da Marya to an anthill in half an hour. How many grains of this flower will 8 ants transport (with the same labor productivity) in 20 minutes?

Literary reading [and Russian language]

In the first task, the coherence, logic, originality, and expressiveness of the text written by the child are assessed.

Total 4 points.

The first part of the text is a fairy tale. There is magic in it: “but from each other - nowhere. So they became an Ivan-da-Marya flower with one stem for two”; it contains a choice of path: “They stand at a fork in the road. They stand and argue among themselves."

Only 5 points.

3. Probably everyone knows this flower. Inconspicuous grass grows along forest edges and lawns, along roadsides and along river banks, gathering thickly and in heaps everywhere. If you look into the swamp, you will meet her there too. U inflorescences Ivan-da-Mary double painting: the flowers are yellow, and bracts violet-blue, or even crimson: Marya and Ivan. Botanists call the plant oak maryannik.

Only 3 points.

4. Sample answer: in the words of M. Prishvin, the name of the flower is written in capital letters, and in the rest of the text - in lowercase letters, because Prishvin refers to the flower as a person, a person, a living creature that has its own name. That's why he writes its name with a capital letter. This is not a spelling mistake.

Total 6 points.

Total – 18 points.

Russian language

5. grass, mystery, minks

For each correctly underlined word - 1 point.

Only 3 points.

6. A) flower, bloomed, inflorescence

For each of the first two words - 1 point, for the third - 2 points.

Total 4 points.

b) 1 option

Word forms : flower, flowers, flower.

Similar words: flower, inflorescence, bracts, blooms, floral, color

Option 2

With prefix: inflorescences, bracts, faded.

Without prefix: flower, flowers, blooms, flower, floral.

Option 3

Nouns: flower, inflorescence, flowers, flower.

Adjectives: bracts, floral.

Verbs: bloomed, blossomed.

Option 4

2 syllables: flower, flowers, flower, blooming, faded.
3 syllables: inflorescences, floral.
4 syllables: bracts.

For each of the first three options for dividing words into groups - 2 points, for the fourth option - 1 point.

Total 7 points.

Total – 11 points.

7. growing, gathering(grass);
(grows) along forest edges and lawns, along roadsides and along river banks;
(gather) thickly, heaped.

For each of any two correctly written words from a series of homogeneous terms (including underlining) - 1 point, for the third - 2 points. Total 4 points.

Total – 18 points.

The world

A) 1. A flower can feed on tree roots.

“Like a leech, it sticks to the roots of trees and drinks water from them.”

2. The flower can be feed for livestock.

“But the cattle are not very kind to them - unless when other grasses wither, they will pay attention to them: the milk of cows and goats is bitter from Ivan da Marya.”

b) 3. Ants feed on the seeds of the plant.

“Ivan da Marya seeds are like bread for ants,” or“An ant drags a seed with an appendage to its dungeon, where it eats the appendage...”

4. Ants are involved in seed dispersal.

“Where there is an anthill, you will certainly meet Ivan-da-Marya, and it grows along the ant paths, as if in a line,” or“The ant drags the seed with its appendage into its dungeon, eats the appendage there, and throws the seed itself away near the hole.
In the spring it will sprout," or“So the Ivan and Maryin Garden rises next to the anthill.”

5. A person uses Ivan-da-Marya for treatment.

“In ancient herbalists, the flower was called scrofulous herb, it was used to treat scrofula, and dried flowers were sprinkled on cuts and wounds, and colds were treated with decoctions.”

A) For each correctly written example from the text - 1.5 points.

Only 3 points.

b) For each correctly formulated statement and a sentence from the text written out as an example for it - 2.5 points.

Total 7.5 points.

Total – 10.5 points.

A) Ivan Kupala Day coincides with the summer solstice.

For the correct answer - 2 points.

b) No, the fern does not bloom.

For the correct answer - 1.5 points.

Total 4 points.

3. Examples of medicinal plants: St. John's wort, nettle, coltsfoot, oregano, thyme, plantain, raspberry, yarrow, etc.

For each correctly named plant - 1 point.

Total 4 points.

Total – 18 points.


1. Solution. We need to find a two-digit number that, when divided by 7, leaves a remainder of 1, and when divided by 9, leaves a remainder of 3. Let’s write everything down double figures, which when divided by 9 gives a remainder of 3:

15 22 29 36 43 50 57
64 71 78 85 92 99.

We choose the same numbers in both sets: there is only one such number - 57.

You can act differently at the second stage: from the first set of numbers, select a number that, when divided by 7, leaves a remainder of 1. (57.)

Answer. 57 carnations were brought to the store.


The task was completed correctly and correct explanations were given – 6 points.
The answer is correct, but the explanations are incomplete or contain inaccuracies – 5 points.
The answer is correct, but there are no explanations or there are errors in them - 4 points.
The approach to the solution is correct, there are explanations, but an error was made in finding the number that gives the required remainder (in one case) - 4 points.
The approach to the solution is correct, but without explanation and an error was made in finding the number that gives the required remainder (in one case) - 3 points.
The approach to the solution is correct, but mistakes were made when finding the number that gives the required remainder (in two cases) - 2 points.
Eat the right approach to a solution, but there is no solution itself – 1 point.

Total 6 points.

2. Solution. Before the first meeting, both need to cover a distance of 20 km, moving towards each other. This is a standard task for oncoming traffic, and the time until the first meeting is found by the following actions:

1. 6 + 4 = 10 km/h (closing speed);

2. 20: 10 = 2 hours (time before the first meeting).

Since Ivan and Marya continue to move after the first meeting, the situation is similar to the original one, and the time until the second meeting will also be 2 hours.
It follows that Ivan and Marya will meet for the second time in 4 hours (question point A).
To answer the question b) note that in 4 hours Ivan will cover 6 · 4 = 24 km. Therefore, the second meeting will take place at a distance of 4 km from the fork (in the direction in which Ivan was moving).

Answer. The second time Ivan and Marya will meet in 4 hours. This will happen at a distance of 4 km from the fork.


Maximum number of points: 3 for each point.

By item A)

The idea was understood correctly (oncoming traffic), but an error was made during the solution - 1 point.
There is no solution or it is incorrect – 0 points.

By item b)

The task was completed correctly and explanations were given - 3 points.
The task was completed correctly, but there are no explanations or they are erroneous - 2 points.
The idea was understood correctly (find the path traveled by someone in 4 hours), but an error was made during the solution - 1 point.
There is no solution or it is incorrect – 0 points.
Total 6 points.

3.Solution. It is convenient to carry out in two stages. At the first stage, we find how many grains one ant will carry in one minute. This can be done in different ways:

First option

1. 360: 6 = 60 (how many grains can be carried by 1 ant in 30 minutes);

2. 60: 30 = 2 (how many grains can be carried by 1 ant in 1 minute).

Second option

1. 360: 30 = 12 (that’s how many grains 6 ants carry in 1 minute);

2. 12: 6 = 2 (how many grains can be carried by 1 ant in 1 minute).

Third option

1. 360: 6: 30 = 2. (two actions combined into one).

At the second stage, we find the answer to the problem question. This can also be done in different ways:

First option

1. 2 8 = 16 (that’s how many grains 8 ants will carry in 1 minute);

2. 16 20 = 320 (the number of grains 8 ants will transport in 20 minutes).

Second option

1. 2 20 = 40 (how many grains will be transferred by 1 ant in 20 minutes);

2. 40 8 = 320 (that’s how many grains 8 ants will carry in 20 minutes).

Third option

1. 2 8 20 = 320. (two actions are combined into one).

Answer. 8 ants will carry 320 Ivan da Marya grains in 20 minutes.


The task was completed correctly and the correct explanations were given – 6 points.
The task was completed correctly, but explanations were not given or they were incorrect – 5 points.
Only part of the task was completed correctly (for example, the productivity of one ant was found), and errors were made in the other part - 4 points.
The approach to the solution was correctly planned (the productivity of one ant was found), the correct actions were chosen, but computational errors were made - ? points.
The approach to the solution was correctly planned (the productivity of one ant was found), but the wrong actions were chosen to implement it - 1 point.
There are only approaches to the solution - 1 point.
There is no solution or it is fundamentally incorrect – 0 points.
Total 6 points.
Total – 18 points

Question: I lean towards the blue flower and with surprise I recognize Ivan in it: this is the only Ivan left from the previous double flower, the well-known Ivan da Marya. In truth, Ivan is not a real (flower). It is made up of very small curly leaves, and its only color is purple, which is why it is called a flower. Only yellow Marya is a real flower with pistils and stamens. It was from Marya that the seeds fell on this autumn earth, so that in the new year they would again cover the earth with Ivans and Maryas. Marya’s case is much more difficult, that’s probably why she fell before Ivan. But I like that Ivan survived the frost and even turned blue. Following the blue flower of late autumn with my eyes, I say quietly: “Ivan, Ivan, where is your Marya now?” What is the meaning of the word in brackets?

I lean towards the blue flower and with surprise I recognize Ivan in it: it is only Ivan left from the previous double flower, the well-known Ivan da Marya. In truth, Ivan is not a real (flower). It is made up of very small curly leaves, and its only color is purple, which is why it is called a flower. Only yellow Marya is a real flower with pistils and stamens. It was from Marya that the seeds fell on this autumn earth, so that in the new year they would again cover the earth with Ivans and Maryas. Marya’s case is much more difficult, that’s probably why she fell before Ivan. But I like that Ivan survived the frost and even turned blue. Following the blue flower of late autumn with my eyes, I say quietly: “Ivan, Ivan, where is your Marya now?” What is the meaning of the word in brackets?


The word FLOWER is used in its literal meaning. In this case, Ivan is the name of the flower.

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