Drawing with kids: a bouquet of flowers. Teaching a child to draw flowers

Very often when drawing you have to depict various flowers. In our lessons we have already taught you how to draw, for example, a rose. Sometimes you need to draw individual flowers, and a bouquet, usually consisting of flowers different types. The art of arranging bouquets of fresh and dried flowers is called “Ikebana”. This trend originated in Japan and has been taught there for a very long time. There are principles in the selection of certain flowers for a composition and bouquet. These include color rules, size rules, scent rules, petal shades, etc. Often bouquets need to be drawn in people’s hands. It's not at all difficult to depict them. Let's try to learn how to draw a beautiful bouquet with a pencil step by step.

Stage 1. The bouquet is usually wrapped at the bottom in beautiful paper. First we will draw this particular part of the bouquet. Draw a wide strapping ribbon. From it down we draw lines of paper that usually cover the stems. Draw beautiful folds. And up from it we also draw paper lines that will directly frame the flowers themselves.

Stage 2. Now let's draw a wide bow, onto which a ribbon is tied, intercepting the bouquet packaging. There are two bow knots on one side and two fluttering ends on the other.

Stage 3. Now on the left we will draw two beautiful flower. They look like daisies. We draw two circles - the cores and the petals extending from them (six pieces each). We show the dots on the cores and the lines of dents on the flower petals.

Stage 4. On the other hand, in a similar way, draw two more exactly the same flowers.

Stage 5. Draw bells behind the daisies. They look out on their legs. Their flowers resemble tulips.

Stage 6. Now between the daisies and bells we will draw several small wild carnation flowers. They also have cores, from which come not rounded, but slightly straightened petals.

Stage 7. We will show thick leaves in all directions from our bouquet. They seem to frame the entire bouquet and give it a complete finish. appearance. These are leaves various shapes peeping out from behind the flowers.

Stage 8. Erase the helper lines, leaving the bouquet itself.

Stage 9. Let's color our magnificent bouquet of wildflowers. Now you look at the picture, and it seems that the aroma of these beautiful summer flowers is in the air.

The desire to pick up a pencil and start painting album sheet lines and contours in order to create the output beautiful drawing, at times covers every person. In this way he tries to express thoughts, internal sensations and his vision of certain objects. On the one hand, this is a fascinating and exciting activity, and on the other hand, it is painstaking work that requires skill and skill. But don’t rush to get upset! Today we will reveal some secrets to you artistic arts and tell you how to draw a bouquet of flowers.

Prelude to drawing

For this you will need: a landscape sheet, a simple pencil, an eraser, colored pencils (optional), enthusiasm and patience.

You can recreate flowers on paper in different ways. The source of ideas can be a fragrant bouquet of flowers standing on the windowsill, or a postcard with their image given to you by friends.

Don’t think about what you will succeed, but just draw, trusting the flight of your imagination. The simplest design is flowers with a round core and rounded petals, but you can try to depict something more complex and unusual.

How to draw a bouquet of flowers step by step

Regardless of what flowers will make up your bouquet, the first strokes of the picture are drawn the same way:

  • Designated general outline bouquet.
  • The buds and stems of flowers are depicted using ovals and lines.
  • Flower cores and petals are drawn. The latter can be drawn in the form of clouds and daisies with rounded ends and a circle in the middle.
  • Buds, large and small leaves are depicted, taking into account the selected bouquet of flowers.

It was step-by-step instruction about how to draw a bouquet of flowers from the simplest category. A successful drawing will give you confidence and inspire you to create a more complex artistic composition.

Draw a bouquet of roses

Blossoming fragrant, velvet roses on paper is a little more difficult than drawing ordinary flowers. But a beautifully designed drawing can be given to a loved one in the same way as real roses. Let's try to draw a bouquet of these beautiful flowers. A rose is generally a flower of five petals, leaves and stems with thorns.

Step-by-step instruction

Step 1. The first step is to draw the stems. To do this, draw two smooth intersecting lines running diagonally along the plane of the sheet. Draw circles at the top points of the stems, thereby indicating the location of the flowers. Use curved lines to recreate the outlines of the leaves on the stems of your roses.

Step 2. Drawing a bouquet of roses is quite simple if you first carefully study the object, “disassembling” it in your mind into its component parts and lines. Having sketched a sketch of the future picture, draw petals inside the circles, designating them with wavy arc lines. The arcs should intersect each other, recreating the effect of petals overlapping each other. Draw one more line parallel to the line of the stems.

Step 3. The sheets need to be drawn with uneven lines with small corners. Draw a central vein on each one. Having finished decorating the leaves, add one at a time to the stems on which they are located. parallel line. Add thorns to the rose stems. Decide for yourself how to draw a bouquet of flowers: as a still life (in black and white) or as a full-fledged color picture.

Step 4. Give the edges of the petals a natural look, making them uneven rather than rounded. On the leaves, draw small veins in the direction from the center line to the edges.

Using an eraser, carefully remove the auxiliary contours of the sketch and unnecessary lines. Then, additionally outline the image with a pencil to give it a finished look. The drawing is ready!

We hope that our tips on how to draw a bouquet of flowers helped you. Don't be upset if the picture doesn't turn out so believable. Drawing requires regular practice, and the more often you pick up a pencil, the more beautiful your “reproductions” will turn out. And who knows, maybe in the future it will turn out that a modern Michelangelo lives inside you!

Usually children draw only simple flowers like daisies; other types of flowers seem complex to them. And parents can’t always shine either artistic abilities. Thanks to these simple step by step diagrams you can explain to your child how to draw flowers - daffodils, tulips, roses, snowdrops and others. Step by step drawing much more effective method than trying to redraw an object from a photograph.

Draw flowers with your child step by step

The first spring flowers are, of course, snowdrops, so the ability to draw them will be useful for anyone.

From simple shapes that a 4-6 year old can draw a picture, a beautiful one emerges tulip. The child will be very proud that he was able to draw one!

Here's another simple option:

Daffodils- yellow favorites of June. To make them look neat and uniform, explain to your child that it is better to first outline a circle in which the petals will need to be written. Then erase the outline of the circle.


Lilies of the valley:

Bells: This option is for older children, as there are a lot of small details.

During the learning process, pay your child's attention to details. different colors: degree of curvature of the stem, shape of leaves and petals, different types inflorescences. Can also accompany drawing small stories or simply information about this or that flower - where it grows, what time it blooms, what its smell is like. - this will help the child quickly remember the names of different colors and learn to distinguish between them.

Learning to draw flowers and teaching this to your child is not difficult at all! Try it and next time your child, instead of the usual colored dots that he used to indicate flowers, will draw a whole flowering meadow!

Do you like flowers? This post will tell you how to draw a bouquet of flowers step by step. Such a bouquet can decorate greeting card, poster, or even become independent painting, pleasing to the eye with the combination bright colors. It may seem that drawing such a bouquet of flowers is difficult, but this is not at all the case - the drawing is quite simple. The main thing is not to rush, and carefully draw all the steps described, and then the bouquet will turn out beautiful even for a novice artist. So let's get down to business.

How to draw a bouquet of flowers step by step

To begin, draw three cores of future flowers. They should be located just above the middle of the paper sheet.

Then, add longer, elongated or rounded petals to the resulting cores. Remember how in childhood we all drew a daisy? At this stage you should have something similar. Draw a petal on top of one of the flowers oval shape with several notches. It will become the basis for the future bud.

Now, you need to add leaves to the bouquet. To do this, to the petals that you drew in previous stage, draw almost the same petals, but with a more pointed shape. Also, add a few broken lines to the bud. Here's what it looks like in the photo:

Then, using several curved vertical lines, draw a stem and long leaves for the bouquet. This step is perhaps the most time-consuming in the entire tutorial. Try to draw slowly, adding one line to the stem, gradually giving the leaves the desired curved shape.

That's all. All that remains is to add a couple more small leaves to the stem of the bouquet to make it look more realistic.

Now you know, how to draw a bouquet of flowers step by step!

Create, draw and enjoy!

I am writing from the left address, I will listen to all opinions - even the most negative ones.
From day one, my husband and I wanted many children and our own home. But fate decreed otherwise. There were no relatives near the house, no help at all, never, my mother gave me one aluminum pan, with the words, “well, that’s enough for you for now, and then we’ll buy it.” To be honest, I’m grateful to my relatives that they were far away, because even From there they shook their nerves and continue not like a child.
We celebrated 10 years of marriage, saved up money for an apartment, and even for 2 years in Moscow you can look on the outskirts - that’s enough... But there are no children.
In short, I’m now in the stage of IVF injections, thank God so far everything is going according to schedule.. I’m injecting myself with FSH (menopur).
This is the preface.
When my husband and I got married, we decided that we would adopt a child in any case, we recently graduated from the School of Education, we had some light papers left...
And then... Against the backdrop of everything... my husband was given an offer that we had been waiting for for 10 years - the USA, the job we dreamed of. they never wanted to stay in the Russian Federation.. because it’s really calmer there (I don’t want to say cooler, no, it can’t be compared as a SUMO wrestler and a BALLERINA)!!!
While the documents are being drawn up and everything is in a heap...
We clearly understand that now is our only chance to adopt a child (children), he is already 40, I am 37. We did not immediately consider guardianship and foster care.
No matter how it sounds, in fact we will be taking the child/children to another country for permanent residence, in fact stealing..
And yesterday a dispute arose... now we are looking at two boys, 4 and 2 years old, brothers, how many children should we take?
I understand my husband well
- “What if you get pregnant and have twins or triplets?”...
On the other hand, I understand all the risks of bearing children.. and God forbid not bearing children.. But I no longer want to live without children.... I no longer want to, not my husband..
How to proceed??
I’ll say right away that feeding and clothing children in the USA costs pennies, food stamps or assistance have not been canceled.. We can immediately buy a house upon arrival.. The most expensive thing is education.. There are also good benefits there, but we are the first to receive them We haven't gotten in for 2 years..
In general, while we are being processed, we live entirely on our own money.. In the case of childbirth, they are free.. and if something urgent happens to the child, this can also be done for free (this is not scary at all). For those who don’t know and haven’t lived there, please don’t give advice on programs from REN TV.
Both my husband and I are at a loss that we won’t be able to handle it physically..
The option to come - try to give birth yourself, then if you come and adopt - NON-EXISTS!! We're leaving once and for all...
I insist on 2 children from the orphanage..
Husband on one...
I hope it's clear..
Thanks in advance everyone.


Vika the Hedgehog

Hello everyone. Today, a colleague told me that we were with a child (he is two years old), last week at an appointment with a pediatrician, further in her words, the Pediatrician examined the child, then began to write out a prescription and said, “Okay, mommy, listen to me, I I’m prescribing this and that medicine for your child to take, in so many quantities. Next, mommy, I’m writing you a direction. Did you understand all my recommendations, mommy? A colleague sits and thinks, she’ll call me mommy again, I’m sure I’ll answer her something. That’s me too. I don’t understand how “mummy” is addressed to unfamiliar women. What’s all the fuss about this word? This word is already everywhere, even on tomato seeds, I saw it in the store today. Of course, no one calls for people to address themselves as “mummy” or “mama,” but and “mommy” sounds kind of sweet, you can just address yourself as “mom.” This means not only about pediatricians, but in general. The word “mommy” itself doesn’t irritate me, it’s a good, affectionate word, but I believe that the address “mommy”, when applied only to one’s mother, or a child can call his mother that way. Of course, no one can forbid some people to address them that way, well I just expressed my opinion. By the way, I read on the Internet that many young mothers don’t like it when people address them with the word “mommy.” The topic is chatty, self-congratulatory


Anna Zhukova

Ladies, the question is up to us to judge. There is discord and dispute in our company, everyone is divided by gender. The reason was an incident in the family of one of her friends: a man (53 years old) proposed to her mother (48 years old).
Both children are already adults and, more or less, independent. There is no need to sit with your grandchildren. Both have normal jobs, which allows them to live without starvation and save for annual leave somewhere in Bulgaria or Prague. They have been dating for five years, the friend’s mother (let it be Lyuda) has her own one-room apartment in the suburbs of Moscow, her boyfriend (let it be Vasya) has a rented one-room apartment within the Moscow Ring Road. And so Lyuda, when asked by Vasya to sign, replied that she was in favor of maintaining the status quo, that is, a guest marriage. They meet in turns, either at his or her place, go to the movies and theaters together, sometimes to cafes and restaurants. It turns out they see each other 2-3-4 times a week.
And Vasya says that he is already tired of traveling back and forth, and would like to build a nest together. For now, Lyuda has a one-room apartment, with the prospect that they will sign their marriage and take out a mortgage and turn this one-room apartment into a shared two-room apartment. They say the mortgage payments will be only a little more than he pays for rent (I don’t know the financial details, but it seems to me that Vasya is lying a little and the mortgage payment will be one and a half to two times more, since he wants a two-room apartment within the Moscow Ring Road).

And so Luda consults with her daughter, and her daughter is all upset, as are her friends: instead of her own apartment, Luda will have a joint mortgage, she will have to get along very well with Prague-Bulgaria, and if something happens, half of this kopeck piece will go to Vasya’s children. And Lyudina personally invested half of it! Plus, she will also have to pay the mortgage from her salary. Vasina alone will not be enough, or at least it will be enough, but then he will have to be fed, watered and clothed at Lyubin’s expense.

In our company, opinions were divided. Men (husbands and boyfriends) say that if she insists on a guest, it means she doesn’t love her and is generally mercantile. And the women are all thoughtful and advise not to rush into exchanging an apartment. Therefore, Lyudina’s daughter advises leaving everything as it is. Vasin’s reason is very well followed here: practically at Lyudin’s expense, he will have his own living space instead of a rented one, plus he will get services, cooking, washing, cleaning, sex whenever he wants and generally full board. In addition, there is a point that is very important for Lyuda: she has a 5-year-old retriever, and Vasya either really has dog phobia, or he is being a fool. In general, he says that if they move in together, then “something will have to be decided” with the dog. At this point, Lyuda said, “Well, I need to think and consult with my daughter,” and Vasya began to put pressure on her: this is your life, not your daughter’s, and as much as you can run back and forth, I can’t live without you, and you can’t live without me. you love less than some dog, and in general, from my point of view, you just threw an ugly hysteria. Lyuda quickly called a taxi (she was at Vasya’s house at the time of the quarrel) and headed off to her place.

I want to know the opinion of the forum. It seems to me alone that Vasya is an eccentric with the letter M and Lyuda needs not only to arrange a guest marriage with him, but in general to tick away. Today his dog doesn’t suit him, but what about tomorrow? Daughter? Grandchildren (who are still in the project, but will certainly be there)?

In general, I will be happy to hear your opinion. Interested parties (Luda and her daughter) will read the comments.


Goat Agatha

inspired by the theme about Vasya-lyus. more precisely, partly about the dog. Is it important for you that your life partner shares your love, not love for animals? If, for example, you are a cat-lover (rat-catcher, snail-catcher), did you ask your chosen one about his attitude? or maybe someone was turned away from the relationship by the chosen one’s hostility towards animals? Or is he a pet lover, but you are the opposite - did this bother you? and if different views, then in the end they got animals or not? does it happen that a non-lover suddenly falls in love? stories are welcome. animal photo too



How do your husbands behave when you feel bad? Do they care? Do you give me medicine to drink? Do they ask what you need? Hugs? Yesterday I felt terribly unwell all day, my tone was increased at work, but I drank some sips and it didn’t go away... in the evening it got worse. But household chores and the child...I really couldn’t leave and go to bed. My husband went to bed earlier, he was tired. And the child was not asleep yet. I asked him to get up so I could put the baby to bed, but he continued to sleep. How is that? I guess I react strongly emotionally... but damn it hurts me when I feel bad, but he can sleep peacefully... I cried all night from both pain and resentment. In response to my requests to get up, he only waved his hand away, half asleep... And this was not the first time. When he wants to sleep, even if he explodes a bomb, he won’t get up. And I really need his care... Maybe at heart I’m still a child, 2000 km from my mother, sometimes I want so much affection, but I don’t have anyone to get it from, I just want to be hugged when it’s difficult and painful, like in childhood, probably... But he still doesn’t understand me. Maybe this is why the man? Lots of letters...maybe the meaning is unclear. But I hope you understand me