Classic literature in the life of modern youth. The influence of fiction on the formation of the ideals of modern Russian youth

The problem of youth in modern literature

The poison of the criminal world is incredibly terrible. Poisoning with this poison is the corruption of everything human in a person. Everyone who comes into contact with this world breathes this foul breath.

Varlam Shalamov.

We know what it means to be decent in the army. Many guys broke down morally after service, especially the intelligent ones.

From a letter to a newspaper.

“I’m sixteen, I embrace the world lovingly...” wrote the young Volgograd poet, who tragically died at the age of 18. I, too, will soon be 18. Sometimes I feel immensity vitality, causeless gaiety and love for the whole world. Why worry when everything is going well in life? Why is it that sometimes a cruel melancholy overwhelms me, nothing makes me happy, life seems meaningless? I noticed that most often this happens when, in reality or in art, I encounter phenomena of injustice, cruelty, and inhumanity that are new to me.

How do most of my peers spend their time? They drive motorcycles until they are stupefied, preventing residents from resting, wandering around the streets, looking for a place to drink, or having fun with fights and outrages at discos. It’s interesting that many of my comrades don’t even think about helping their parents. Sometimes I don’t even have anything to talk about with those with whom I belong to the same generation. But what amazes me most is the cruelty of boys and girls. To everyone: To parents who are not pitied at all; to teachers who are driven to illness; to the weak, who can be bullied endlessly; to animals.

I have thought a lot about where cruelty comes from and why it so often triumphs. Of course, there are many reasons: the wars and revolution of this century, Stalin's camps, through which almost half the country passed, widespread drunkenness and fatherlessness, even the fact that the school gives C grades for nothing, allowing you to idle. And in last years, when the facts of abuse by the authorities became clear, many of us completely lost faith.

But in this essay I would like to talk about two phenomena and times in our society that give rise to cruelty. A lot of people go through the colony, and almost all through the army. Two works about the zone and the army modern literature.

Leonid Gabyshev's novel "Odlyan, or the Air of Freedom" is a story about a teenager, later a young man, Kolya, nicknamed first Flounder, then Eye, later Cunning Eye. In short, this is a story about a world dominated by complete humiliation and violence. “It became unbearable for the eye. The vice squeezed the hand so much that it bent in half: the little finger touched index finger. It seemed that the arm would break, but the flexible bones held out.

Eye, come on, smile. And know: I will slowly squeeze until the bones crack or until you confess.

Okay, Eye, that's enough for now. In the evening we will go with you to the firehouse. I'll put your hand in yours right hand, into the furnace and we’ll wait until you confess.”

The worst thing is that, at the request, he managed the zones (in in this case Kamani) Kolya himself puts his hand in a vice or exposes his head to the blow. Otherwise it will be even worse. You read the novel and understand: a person ends up in a colony, and society stops protecting him. The camp authorities pretend not to notice anything. No, worse, he deliberately uses some of the prisoners (the so-called horns and thieves), who are given benefits and concessions, so that they keep everyone else in order." And the convicts in charge know how to restore order... There are many scenes confirming what has been said in the novel ". Here is one. Kolya's first days in the zone. The major, nicknamed Ryabchik, checks his duty. He asks the guy:

Have you registered?

Kolya was silent. The guys smiled.

“We did it, Comrade Major,” answered the gypsy.

Did you get the pins?

“I got it,” Kolya answered now.

What nickname did you give?

“Flounder,” answered Misha.

What the major and the prisoners smiled at, registration and cards, were brutal beating and humiliation, but the people assigned to oversee the correction of prisoners treat this as a matter of course.

A significant part of the novel consists of similar episodes. Well, perhaps, thanks to the writer, not only the Cunning Eye, but also the reader understands what freedom is.

Sergei Kaledin's story "Stroibat" shows several days in the life of military builders who perform the "honorable duty of Soviet citizens." This is a prefabricated part, a kind of dump, where the “filth” from many construction battalions was collected. Therefore, the morals here are not so different from the zone, and the interests are the same. “In short, we were going to hell, but ended up in heaven. Here is the gate, and on the right, two hundred meters away, is a store. And in the store there is Moldovan powder, seventeen degrees, two twenty liters. Since ten in the morning. Raspberry!”

The law is here: the powerful are always to blame for the powerless! The strong are grandfathers, the weak are salabons. It would seem that the difference is small: he came to the service a year earlier. But it's like skin color or language. Grandfathers may not work, get drunk, or bully first-year children. They must endure everything. Moreover, being separate bosses, the grandfathers give orders like slave owners. “At first, Zhenka decided to give Egorka and Maksimka to Kostya, but then he changed his mind - these two are just plowmen for him. Egorka, in addition to his main work, takes care of Zhenka and Misha Popov: make up the bed, bring rations from the canteen, do small laundry, and Maksimka - Kolya, Edik and Stary." The elders also quickly put things in order here: “Zhenka treated Yegorka right away, he barely struggled. A couple of times he bled him lightly, and for some reason the Chuchmeks are afraid of their own blood. And... I tinkered with Maksimka a little longer...”

The story more than once describes how soldiers drink or inject drugs. The central scene is a grandiose fight between companies. After all the terrible bullying, the characterization of Kostya Karamychev is perceived. For the last eight months he had been working as a loader at a bakery and stealing what he could. He “didn’t dry out” from drunkenness. When, “completely out of luck,” he was caught, company commander Doschinin “offered Kostya a choice: either he starts a case, or Kostya urgently cleans... all four detachment toilets.” He chose the latter, taking, of course, young assistants. During demobilization, this commander gave Kostya the following characterization: “During his service... private Karamychev K.M. proved himself to be an proactive warrior who fulfilled all statutory requirements... morally stable... The characterization was given for presentation to Moscow University ". Well, the intellectual is ready. Lawlessness, as the prisoners say. Now they are preparing military reform. I'm afraid, however, that my peers will not have time to use it. Perhaps soon I too will have to go to serve. Do you really have to live for two years with guys who lack human feelings? No, I'm not afraid of physical deprivation. As the saying goes: “I would be glad to serve, but being served is sickening.”

Both works have been read. They are not very artistic, there are errors against the style and laws of literature. But there are no errors in them against the truth. You trust the writers. And you also believe that if we really want to, there will be less cruelty.

Tags: The problem of youth in modern literature Essay Literature

Last name, first name, patronymic (in full) Smirnova Irina Yurievna

Name of place of work/study MBOU "Novoportovsk boarding school named after L.V. Laptsui"

Name municipality Name settlement village of New Port

Today, in the age of computers, super-smart gadgets, robots, nanotechnologies, one of the main problems is the problem of spiritual, moral, aesthetic and patriotic education youth.

Our society aims young people at success, self-sufficiency, and the ability to earn money. These are the requirements of a market economy. Facilities mass media promote norms modern life instilling in young people that such vices as pride, anger, gluttony, envy, despondency, love of money, and fornication are not sins at all. As a result, in the process of personality formation, we get a consumer person who is absolutely indifferent to other people’s pain, other people’s problems, a person who has suddenly forgotten that no amount of wealth can replace honesty, kindness, and decency. A modern young man, mentally developed, possessing certain scientific knowledge, spiritually and emotionally finds itself at the lowest level.

Main goal school library is the formation of a thinking and feeling, loving and active person, ready for creativity in any area of ​​life. Moral education the younger generation is the primary task of society, since morality is the highest measure of humanity. The school and library should join forces in creating moral values.

As a librarian, I am interested in how emotionally young readers perceive artistic text, how deeply they understand him, whether they empathize with literary heroes. The ability of a reader, and especially a young reader, to experience joy, anger, and sadness is important in a person’s spiritual life. Emotional imagination allows the reader to understand the world of feelings literary heroes, live their lives with them, imagine yourself as any character from a book, break away from reality and experience incredible adventures. Hence the conclusion - reading develops imagination. “The reader lives a thousand lives before he dies. A person who never reads experiences only one” (D. Martin).

Our library often hosts loud readings with stops to answer questions that arose during the reading of a work of art, to discuss the actions of literary characters. And even those guys who don’t like to read become interested in the fate of the characters in the book, with a thirst to know what will happen next, how the plot will end.

Of particular interest are books that tell about the destinies of teenagers like ours. dear readers(Zheleznyakov V.K. “Scarecrow”, Kaverin V. “Two Captains”), books about the Great Patriotic War(Kuznetsov A. “Babi Yar”, Kassil L. “Street youngest son”, Baklanov G. “Forever nineteen years old”, Cherkashin G. “Doll”, etc.) about friendship and love (Shcherbakova G. “You never dreamed of”, Grossman D. “Who would you run with”, Sabitova Dina “Three of yours” name”, Sharon Draper “Hello, let’s talk”), historical stories.

To attract students to reading spiritual and moral literature, book and illustrative exhibitions are held, dedicated to life Sergius of Radonezh, Alexander Nevsky, the great enlighteners Cyril and Methodius. In days Orthodox book review conversations are held in the library, round tables, loud readings of evangelical themes by Russian writers I. S. Shmelyov (“Summer of the Lord”, “Pilgrim”), L. Andreev (“Gostinets”), A. P. Chekhov (“On Strastnaya”), N. S. Leskova ( “Figure”), L. N. Tolstoy (“Candle”), F. M. Dostoevsky (“The Boy at Christ’s Christmas Tree”),

Our library, just like any other, has a collection of Orthodox literature, which is used in exhibition work, When we're talking about about the ethnocultural traditions of the Russian people. And, as you know, the culture of the Russian people is inextricably linked with Orthodoxy. Well known and celebrated by everyone Orthodox holidays: Day of Naum the Gramotnik December 14, January 25 - St. Tatiana's Day, celebrated as Students' Day, May 24 - Memorial Day Equal-to-the-Apostles Cyril and Methodius, aka Day Slavic writing and culture. There are always a number of events held at school for these holidays. These are exhibitions of fiction and Orthodox literature, review conversations, loud readings, quizzes, flash mobs, etc.

The teenage period, according to many teachers and parents, is difficult and critical. A good book can help a teenager understand the system of moral values ​​and ideals, organize his behavior and activities, teach self-control and responsibility for the results of his actions. There are many modern authors, both Russian and foreign writers for teenagers.

Here are some of them: Eduard Verkin “Cloud Regiment”; Olga Gromova “Sugar Baby”; Vladislav Krapivin “On the Night of the Big Tide”; Tamara Kryukova “The Witch”; Mark Levy "Shadow Thief"; Boris Almazov “Look - I’m growing”; Nikolai and Svetlana Ponomarev “Are you afraid of the dark?” and “Photos on the ruins”; Mikhail Samarsky “Rainbow for a Friend”, Evgeny Yelchin “Stalin’s Nose”; Boris Balter's story "Goodbye, boys!" These are books by modern authors about humanity, moral problems, understanding the meaning of life, the experiences of heroes, their struggle for justice and honesty, their nobility, readiness to help their friends and their selflessness.

A children's book should give children hope that everything can be okay, that it is a good choice. The book helps to understand where there is goodness, mercy, compassion, what repentance is and what pride, idleness, anger, envy, and pride are. Find and recommend good book For a teenager, the task of a librarian and literature teacher. Reading parents can also become reading leaders for teenagers, because they can introduce them to reading by personal example.

Over the past two to three years, there has been an increased demand for classic literature not included in the school curriculum. This is Dostoevsky F.M. "The Brothers Karamazov"; Tolstoy L.N., “Anna Karenina”, “Resurrection”; Fadeev “Young Guard”, Shmelev “Summer of the Lord”.

And, of course, the works of Pushkin A.S., Lermontov M.Yu., Gogol N.V., Tolstoy L.N., Dostoevsky F.M., Chekhov A.P., Sholokhov M. - allow the young reader not not only to recognize the past, but also to experience together with the heroes of their books, to form views, feelings, character, awaken a love for beauty, and cultivate readiness to fight for the triumph of goodness and truth.

Modern teenagers prefer to watch a film based on literary works rather than read the work itself, since a lot of time is spent on reading. But those who read the book did not regret the time spent. Here's what guys who read books about the war say:

“Any book about war teaches us to value life, to protect what is most precious, to believe, to hope. We learn about such qualities as kindness, self-sacrifice, and the ability to be friends. Every self-respecting person is obliged to read at least one book about the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945!”

The guys believe that reading books about war is necessary for every person in order to know the history of their country, to know at what price the world in which we all live was paid, in order to remember the heroes of the war and their exploits.

Reading books about war teaches you to be humane even in the most difficult and terrible situations, teaches you to stick to your principles to the end, teaches you to love, believe, hope, teaches people to unite for one thing. great goal-Victory.

Nowadays, it is necessary to read books about the war, especially about the Great Patriotic War, in order to cultivate the spirit of patriotism, pride in one’s country, and most importantly, so that the current generation does not forget thanks to whom it lives on this earth under a peaceful sky. This is not necessarily fiction, but also documentary, reading which allows you to develop your own point of view on current events.

Young people who read and know the traditions, history and culture of their country have high potential for the future of Russia.

Remember, young citizen,

Book - growth vitamin!

The great Russian writer A. M. Gorky wrote: “I owe everything good in life to books.”

Today, more than ever, it is important to introduce children and adolescents to the world of spiritual values ​​of history and culture. Russian classical literature, striving for harmony and the search for the meaning of life, for resolution eternal questions, makes it possible to use the richest material to form a personal culture. For example, rethink the essence human relations and actions are helped by the books “Alive” by B. Mozhaev, “Business as Usual” by V. Belov, “Farewell to Matera” by V. Rasputin. They affirm the ideals of reason, beauty, harmony, and talk about man’s responsibility for every step he takes on earth.

Modern youth need to read, and read the best of the classics, in order to understand themselves, who you are, what you want to achieve. Moral problems of the individual can be traced in the works of such writers as Chingiz Aitmatov, B. Vasiliev, V. Astafiev, V. Rasputin, Yu. Bondarev and many others.

But the most important thing the book gives is wise advice.

Teenager observing thoughts, feelings, experiences and actions literary characters, learns not to make their mistakes in his life, tries to take an example only from positive heroes.

Books teach the younger generation to think, imagine, experience and empathize. Sometimes they just help them have a good time, and sometimes they become irreplaceable friends and advisers. Books teach you how to act correctly in a given situation; they seem to ask their readers to be better and help them navigate life.

Books about outstanding people both our country and other countries of the world. The history of mankind over the millennia of its existence has accumulated a lot of life experience, and it would be nice to study this experience for our children. Series of books “Life wonderful people» will reveal details of the biographies of outstanding personalities.

Reading books about outstanding people helps readers walk the paths of life with dignity, form their character, and achieve their goals. These books are an excellent motivator for those who have encountered obstacles on the way to their dreams. Books cultivate a person’s moral qualities, teach them to think and reason, and help develop their inner world.

  • The book teaches you to think.
  • The book teaches you to speak.
  • The book teaches you to understand people.

I consider Vladimir Vysotsky’s poems “The Ballad of Struggle” to be the best poems dedicated to children’s and teenage reading. Summary ballads in a poem by V. V. Radin:

Books teach children

To all the wisdom of life -

How to be a Human

And be needed by the Fatherland,

And how truth differs from lies

Everyone must be different.

How to fight the enemy

And how to defeat evil.

I would like to end my thoughts with the words of A. M. Gorky: “Love a book, it will make your life easier, it will amicably help you sort out the colorful and stormy confusion of thoughts, feelings, and events. It will teach you to respect people and yourself, it inspires your mind and heart with a feeling of love for the world, for people.”


  1. Spiritual and moral education of children and adolescents in a modern library environment / author. comp. E. M. Zueva. - M.: Russian School Library Association, 2008. - 336 p.
  2. Kagan M.S. Philosophical theory values. - St. Petersburg, 1997.
  3. Komensky Ya. A. On the skillful use of books - the primary tool for the development of natural talents / School Library - 2000. - No. 5 - p.58-62

When making any “behavioral decisions”, a person, as a rule,
focuses on certain life principles, values ​​and ideals learned
them in the process of socialization. Hence the category “ideal” has a deep
social significance. Ideals essentially express universal human
values, organize human life, influence
his spiritual potential and creative activity, act as an indicator
degree of social maturity.
on the formation of ideals and value orientations young man
influenced by many different factors. There is an opinion that in
society information technologies the role of traditional channels
formation of ideals such as family, school, art, including
fiction is gradually losing its meaning, giving way to
place for mass communication channels.
on this, art culture continues to have a significant impact
influence on the inner spiritual world of a person. Arts and literature
are the most important means of self-knowledge, determination of value
guidelines and preferences in which the worldview of a young person is formed
person. Today people continue to look in art for answers to questions about
good and evil, justice and lawlessness, the meaning of life and fate.
person due to his age and psychological characteristics
tend to compare, compare oneself with the heroes of works
art, to transfer to oneself the events taking place on stage and on the screen
or in a book, immerse yourself in a world of illusions created by the author’s imagination
Fiction is of interest in this regard as a special
an art form where artistic image is not static, but acts in
certain time and space, thereby setting behavior patterns in
certain situations. Behind each hero there is a specific picture of the world
. A person often evaluates his actions and actions, sometimes he himself does not
aware of this, comparing them with the values ​​that he adheres to
standard hero. Hence the images created by fiction,
can have a direct impact on a person’s life in one or another
different situation.
Thus, fiction is called upon to perform a number of functions,
allowing people to know the world to experience certain emotions,
get aesthetic pleasure, escape from reality into the world
imagination, enrich yourself with the experience of other people by comparing yourself with
heroes of literary works. However, not all of these functions
are fully implemented.
From here
there is a problem of inconsistency with the role that society assigns
fiction as special type art in progress
formation of moral and aesthetic ideals younger generation, And
real place fiction in the lives of modern youth in
conditions of diversity of channels for transmitting values ​​and ideals.
studying the value orientations of young people, as well as the factors of formation
values ​​and ideals on which young people will build
its future and the future of the entire country, represents a special
research socio-psychological interest.
2010 on the basis of the Department of Sociology of Youth and Youth Policy
Faculty of Sociology of St. Petersburg State University was held empirical study on
topic “The role of fiction in the formation of student ideals
youth of St. Petersburg."
Subject of the study: reading self-esteem of students in St. Petersburg, as well as factors influencing the reading motivation of young people.
A goal was set
- identify the mechanism for the formation of ideals through artistic
literature in the structure various types art and leisure for youth.
Object of study
Students from schools and universities in St. Petersburg spoke (257 respondents).
The age range is presented in three groups: 15-17 years, 18-22 years,
23 years or more. Of these, 103 were boys (40.1%) and 154 girls (59.9%). IN
The survey involved students of various profiles - humanitarian,
technical, natural science.
During the study, the data allows us to assert that modern
young people remain interested in reading: 82.1% of respondents confirmed that
what they like to read. At the same time, a third of respondents (29.7%) read constantly,
every day; more than half of respondents (54.7%) read occasionally
occasionally, not daily; 14.1% read very rarely, no more than once every
week; only 1.6% do not read at all.
in the context of this study, of greatest interest is
fiction from the point of view of its influence on the formation
ideals of youth. The survey results showed that young people show
significant interest in works of fiction. IN
in the system of other types of art, fiction ranks third
place in popularity after music and cinema.
books read in last six months high school students, most often
the works were called school course: “Crime and Punishment” by F.M.
Dostoevsky, “War and Peace” by L.N. Tolstoy, “Fathers and Sons” by I.S.
Turgenev, “The Master and Margarita” by M.A. Bulgakov and others. From works not
included in the program, a large number of works were named
modern foreign writers (Paulo Coelho, Haruki Murakami, Stephanie
Mayer, etc.).
concerns students, they show big interest to works
Russian classical literature. In the list of recently read
half a year of books presents works from school curriculum By
literature (L.N. Tolstoy “War and Peace”, F.M. Dostoevsky “Crime and
punishment", M.A. Bulgakov “The Master and Margarita”, M.Yu. Lermontov "Hero"
of our time”, etc.), which perhaps indicates a desire
students to reread and rethink some of the works of school
course from the point of view of their new personal positions. In the same time
respondents listed non-program works of software
authors (“The Brothers Karamazov” by F.M. Dostoevsky, “In the First Circle” by A.I.
Solzhenitsyn, “Days of the Turbins” by M.A. Bulgakov), which speaks about the preserved
interest in the works of Russian classics.
on the other hand, students show significant interest in works
foreign literature, both classical and modern. The greatest
The following are popular among students:
works: “The Catcher in the Rye” by J. Salinger, “Above the Cuckoo
nest" by K. Kesey, "Three Comrades", "Life on Borrow" by E.M. Remarque et al.
At each age stage, new ones appear in the reading demand of students.
incentives to read, which is explained by the content of the tasks and
requirements that the educational role-playing and in general
life position. This is evidenced by changes in genre
preferences depending on the educational profile. So, for example, students
humanitarian profile show the greatest interest in foreign classics
(54.9%), to Russian classics (52%) and modern foreign literature
(48%), while technical students
prefer, first of all, science fiction (51.1%), adventure
literature (38.6%), fantasy (34.1%) and Russian classics (31.8%). What
concerns students of natural sciences, in contrast to the previous
categories, they put Russian classical literature in first place, and
then adventure literature and science fiction.
young man in age to a greater extent feels connected with
surrounding people, peers and the need to analyze their
actions in accordance with accepted standards. This increases interest in
works of art that make you think about important
moral problems: 52.9% of students noted that they pay
attention to the problems raised in the work for 70% of respondents
It is very important, when reading fiction, to be able to
think about these problems.
It should be noted that young people who spend a significant amount of time reading
fiction, more often demonstrate creative abilities
activities in the field of literature. Table 1 presents the results
correlation analysis, allowing us to assert that there is a connection
between active reading and creative activity: desire and
ability to write essays, poems, stories, essays (coefficient
Pearson correlation r = 0.157, significance level p = 0.05).
The main goal of this study was to identify the mechanism
formation of youth ideals through fiction.
It has been shown that this process occurs indirectly, through
imitation appearance and the hero’s behavior, and in the hidden,
indirect form, through comparison, identification with heroes
literary works and their actions in situations similar to
own life circumstances.

The majority of respondents (71.5%) agreed that “reading
fiction, the young man compares himself with the characters
works and thereby forms his own perfect image" IN
at the same time, 28.5% of respondents believe that creating images and
ideals, fiction does not have an impact, since, according to
in their opinion, the young man forms his ideal image by others
most survey participants (62.6%) are also important when reading
fiction coincidences of life situations, events,
characteristic features heroes with their own. At the same time, 41.4% of respondents
noted that the hero’s behavior can serve as a personal example. results
correlation analysis presented in table. 2 show that
young people for whom the behavior of literary heroes can serve
example, they need a positive hero (a positive
correlation r = 0.196 with significance level p = 0.01). Availability
positive hero in literature is also significant when comparing
own life experience with the experience of the heroes of a literary work
(r = 0.158 with significance level p = 0.05).

the majority of respondents (84.3%) tend to compare their personal
life experience with the experience of heroes of literary works, of which 70.8%
turn to the experience of the heroes of their favorite books when the situation described in
literary work is identical to their own life situation. WITH
on the other hand, 30.1% of respondents believe that no literary
the work cannot help in solving personal problems.
During the survey, some respondents noted that among the things they read
works of art there are those who allowed them
form some life principles, such as “treat people
the way you want to be treated", "a person should strive
for the better, work on yourself, achieving your goal”, “bad experience too
experience”, “attitude towards life as a great miracle”, etc.
Thus, the results of the study allow us to conclude that
Today's youth remain interested in fiction.
In addition, many young people feel the need for positive
heroes who could be guided in certain
life situations. Unfortunately, as the results of the study showed,
modern domestic literature does not provide young people
a sufficient number of such characters who could serve as a model
for imitation. Development issue Russian literature, popularization
works of domestic authors, increasing artistic level
books, stimulating the production and dissemination of socially significant
literature requires attention from the scientific community, the media
information and state institutions in order to determine priority
directions for supporting and developing reading in Russia, including in
St. Petersburg.
A.V. The influence of fiction on the formation of ideals
modern Russian youth // Social Psychology and society.
2014. Volume 5. No. 2. pp. 152–157.
1. Bakhtin M.M. Author and hero: to the philosophical foundations of the humanities. St. Petersburg, 2000.
2. Lisovsky V.T. Spiritual world and value orientations of Russian youth. St. Petersburg, 2000.
3. Sikevich Z.V. Youth culture: pros and cons: notes from a sociologist. L., 1990.
Fiction. Problems historical development,
functioning and interpretation of the text. Sat. scientific tr. Minsk, 2001.

When making any “behavioral decisions,” a person, as a rule, is guided by certain life principles, values ​​and ideals that he learned during the process of socialization. Hence the category “ideal” has deep social meaning. Ideals essentially express human values, organize a person’s life, influence his spiritual potential and creative activity, and act as an indicator of the degree of social maturity.

Today, the formation of ideals and value orientations of a young person is influenced by many different factors. There is an opinion that in the information technology society, the role of traditional channels for the formation of ideals, such as family, school, art, including fiction, is gradually losing its importance, giving way to channels of mass communication.

Despite this, artistic culture continues to have a significant influence on the inner spiritual world of man. Art and literature are the most important means of self-knowledge, determining value guidelines and preferences in which a young person’s worldview is formed. Today, people continue to seek answers in art to questions about good and evil, justice and lawlessness, the meaning of life and fate.

Due to his age and psychological characteristics, it is common for a young man to compare and contrast himself with the heroes of works of art, to transfer to himself the events occurring on stage, on the screen or in a book, to immerse himself in a world of illusions created by the imagination of the author of the work.

Of particular interest in this regard is fiction as a special type of art, where the artistic image is not static, but acts in a certain time and space, thereby setting patterns of behavior in certain situations. Behind each hero there is a specific picture of the world. A person often evaluates his actions and actions, sometimes without realizing it, by comparing them with the values ​​that the standard hero adheres to. Hence, the images created by fiction can have a direct impact on a person’s life in a given situation.

Thus, fiction is called upon to perform a number of functions that allow people to understand the world around them, experience certain emotions, receive aesthetic pleasure, escape from reality into the world of imagination, and enrich themselves with the experience of other people by comparing themselves with the heroes of literary works. However, not all of these functions are fully performed.

This raises the problem of the discrepancy between the role that society assigns to fiction as a special type of art in the process of forming the moral and aesthetic ideals of the younger generation, and the real place of fiction in the life of modern youth in the context of the diversity of channels for transmitting values ​​and ideals.

The problem of studying the value orientations of young people, as well as the factors in the formation of values ​​and ideals on the basis of which young people will build their future and the future of the entire country, is of particular research socio-psychological interest.

In 2010, on the basis of the Department of Sociology of Youth and Youth Policy of the Faculty of Sociology of St. Petersburg State University, an empirical study was conducted on the topic “The role of fiction in the formation of the ideals of student youth in St. Petersburg.”

Subject of study: reading self-esteem of students in St. Petersburg, as well as factors influencing the reading motivation of young people.

Was delivered target- identify the mechanism for the formation of ideals through fiction in the structure of various types of art and leisure for young people.

Object of study Students from schools and universities in St. Petersburg spoke (257 respondents). The age range is presented in three groups: 15-17 years, 18-22 years, 23 years and more. Of these, 103 were boys (40.1%) and 154 girls (59.9%). Students from various fields of study took part in the survey: humanities, technical, and natural sciences.

The data obtained during the study allows us to assert that today’s youth retain an interest in reading: 82.1% of respondents confirmed that they love to read. At the same time, a third of respondents (29.7%) read constantly, every day; more than half of respondents (54.7%) read occasionally, not daily; 14.1% read very rarely, no more than once a week; only 1.6% do not read at all.

In the context of this study, fiction is of greatest interest from the point of view of its influence on the formation of the ideals of young people. The survey results showed that young people show significant interest in works of fiction. In the system of other types of art, fiction ranks third in popularity after music and cinema.

Among the books read over the past six months by high school students, the most frequently cited works were the works of the school course: “Crime and Punishment” by F.M. Dostoevsky, “War and Peace” by L.N. Tolstoy, “Fathers and Sons” by I.S. Turgenev, “The Master and Margarita” by M.A. Bulgakova and others. Among the works not included in the program, a large number of works by modern foreign writers were named (Paulo Coelho, Haruki Murakami, Stephenie Meyer, etc.).

As for students, they show great interest in works of Russian classical literature. The list of books read over the last six months includes works from the school literature curriculum (L.N. Tolstoy “War and Peace”, F.M. Dostoevsky “Crime and Punishment”, M.A. Bulgakov “The Master and Margarita”, M. Y. Lermontov “Hero of Our Time”, etc.), which perhaps indicates the desire of students to reread and rethink some works of the school course from the point of view of their new personal positions. At the same time, respondents listed non-program works by program authors (“The Brothers Karamazov” by F.M. Dostoevsky, “In the First Circle” by A.I. Solzhenitsyn, “Days of the Turbins” by M.A. Bulgakov), which indicates a continued interest in works of Russian classics.

On the other hand, students show significant interest in works of foreign literature, both classical and modern. The following works are most popular among students: “The Catcher in the Rye” by J. Salinger, “Over the Cuckoo’s Nest” by K. Kesey, “Three Comrades”, “Life on Borrow” by E.M. Remarque et al.

At each age stage, new motivations for reading appear in the reading demand of students, which is explained by the content of the tasks and requirements that their educational role and life position in general put before them. This is evidenced by changes in genre preferences depending on the educational profile. For example, students of the humanities show the greatest interest in foreign classics (54.9%), Russian classics (52%) and modern foreign literature (48%), while students of technical specialties prefer, first of all, science fiction (51.1%), adventure literature (38.6%), fantasy (34.1%) and Russian classics (31.8%). As for students of the natural sciences, in contrast to the previous category, they put Russian classical literature in first place, and then adventure literature and fantasy.

With age, a young person increasingly feels his connection with the people around him, his peers, and the need to analyze his actions in accordance with accepted norms. This increases interest in works of fiction that make one think about important moral issues: 52.9% of students noted that they pay attention to the problems raised in the work; for 70% of respondents, it is very important, when reading fiction, to have the opportunity to think about these problems.

It is worth noting that young people who devote a significant part of their time to reading fiction are more likely to demonstrate abilities for creative activity in the field of literature. Table 1 presents the results of a correlation analysis, which suggests that there is a connection between active reading and creative activity: the desire and ability to write compositions, poems, stories, essays (Pearson correlation coefficient r = 0.157, significance level p = 0.05).

However, the main goal of this study was to identify the mechanism for the formation of youth ideals through fiction. It was shown that this process is carried out not directly, through imitation of the hero’s appearance and behavior, but in a hidden, indirect form, through comparison, identification with the heroes of literary works and their actions in situations similar to their own life circumstances.

Table 1. Results of correlation analysis for indicators of reading frequency and creative activity

The majority of respondents (71.5%) agreed that “by reading fiction, a young person compares himself with the heroes of the works and thereby forms his own ideal image.” At the same time, 28.5% of respondents believe that fiction has no influence on the creation of images and ideals, since, in their opinion, a young person forms his ideal image by other means.

For the majority of survey participants (62.6%), when reading fiction, coincidences of life situations, events, and characteristics of the characters with their own are also important. At the same time, 41.4% of respondents noted that the hero’s behavior can serve as a personal example. The results of the correlation analysis are presented in table. 2 show that young people, for whom the behavior of literary heroes can serve as an example, need a positive hero (a positive correlation of r = 0.196 with a significance level of p = 0.01 was revealed). The presence of a positive hero in literature is also significant when comparing one’s own life experience with the experience of the heroes of a literary work (r = 0.158 with a significance level of p = 0.05).

Table 2. Results of correlation analysis for two indicators:

* correlation is significant at the 0.05 level (2-sided);
** correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-sided);
N is the number of pairs of variable values ​​used.

The majority of respondents (84.3%) tend to compare their personal life experience with the experience of the heroes of literary works, of which 70.8% turn to the experience of the heroes of their favorite books when the situation described in the literary work is identical to their own life situation. On the other hand, 30.1% of respondents believe that no literary work cannot help in solving personal problems.

During the survey, some respondents noted that among the works of fiction they had read, there were those that allowed them to form some life principles, such as “treat people the way you want to be treated,” “a person should strive for the best, work over yourself, achieving your goal”, “bad experience is also experience”, “attitude towards life as a great miracle”, etc.

Thus, the results of the study allow us to conclude that today’s youth retain an interest in fiction. In addition, many young people feel the need for goodies, which could be used as a guide in certain life situations. Unfortunately, as the results of the study showed, modern domestic literature does not provide young people with a sufficient number of such characters who could act as role models. The issue of developing domestic literature, popularizing the works of domestic authors, raising the artistic level of books, stimulating the release and distribution of social significant literature requires attention from the scientific community, the media and government institutions in order to determine priority areas for the support and development of reading in Russia, including in St. Petersburg.

Pushkina A.V. The influence of fiction on the formation of ideals of modern Russian youth // Social psychology and society. 2014. Volume 5. No. 2. pp. 152–157.


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The problem of youth in modern literature

The poison of the criminal world is incredibly terrible. Poisoning with this poison is the corruption of everything human in a person. Everyone who comes into contact with this world breathes this foul breath.

Varlam Shalamov.

We know what it means to be decent in the army. Many guys broke down morally after service, especially the intelligent ones.

From a letter to a newspaper.

“I’m sixteen, I embrace the world lovingly...” wrote the young Volgograd poet, who tragically died at the age of 18. I, too, will soon be 18. Sometimes I feel the immensity of vitality, causeless cheerfulness and love for the whole world. Why worry when everything is going well in life? Why is it that sometimes a cruel melancholy overwhelms me, nothing makes me happy, life seems meaningless? I noticed that most often this happens when, in reality or in art, I encounter phenomena of injustice, cruelty, and inhumanity that are new to me.

How do most of my peers spend their time? They drive motorcycles until they are stupefied, preventing residents from resting, wandering around the streets, looking for a place to drink, or having fun with fights and outrages at discos. It’s interesting that many of my comrades don’t even think about helping their parents. Sometimes I don’t even have anything to talk about with those with whom I belong to the same generation. But what amazes me most is the cruelty of boys and girls. To everyone: To parents who are not pitied at all; to teachers who are driven to illness; to the weak, who can be bullied endlessly; to animals.

I have thought a lot about where cruelty comes from and why it so often triumphs. Of course, there are many reasons: the wars and revolution of this century, Stalin’s camps, through which almost half the country passed through, widespread drunkenness and fatherlessness, even the fact that the school gives C grades for nothing, allowing you to do nothing. And in recent years, when facts of abuse by the authorities became clear, many of us completely lost faith.

But in this essay I would like to talk about two phenomena and times in our society that give rise to cruelty. A lot of people go through the colony, and almost all through the army. There are two works of modern literature about the zone and the army.

Leonid Gabyshev's novel "Odlyan, or the Air of Freedom" is a story about a teenager, later a young man, Kolya, nicknamed first Flounder, then Eye, later Cunning Eye. In short, this is a story about a world dominated by complete humiliation and violence. “It became unbearable for the eye. The vice squeezed the hand so much that it bent in half: the little finger touched the index finger. It seemed that the hand would break, but the flexible bones held out.

Eye, come on, smile. And know: I will slowly squeeze until the bones crack or until you confess.

Okay, Eye, that's enough for now. In the evening we will go with you to the firehouse. I’ll put your hand, your right hand, into the firebox and we’ll wait until you confess.”

The worst thing is that, at the request of the zone manager (in this case Kamani), Kolya himself puts his hand in a vice or exposes his head to a blow. Otherwise it will be even worse. You read the novel and understand: a person ends up in a colony, and society stops protecting him. The camp authorities pretend not to notice anything. No, worse, he deliberately uses some of the prisoners (the so-called horns and thieves), who are given benefits and concessions, so that they keep everyone else in order." And the convicts in charge know how to restore order... There are many scenes confirming what has been said in the novel ". Here is one. Kolya's first days in the zone. The major, nicknamed Ryabchik, checks his duty. He asks the guy:

Have you registered?

Kolya was silent. The guys smiled.

“We did it, Comrade Major,” answered the gypsy.

Did you get the pins?

“I got it,” Kolya answered now.

What nickname did you give?

“Flounder,” answered Misha.

What the major smiled at with the prisoners, registration and kirkkas, was a brutal beating and humiliation, but the people assigned to monitor the correction of prisoners take this for granted.

A significant part of the novel consists of similar episodes. Well, perhaps, thanks to the writer, not only the Cunning Eye, but also the reader understands what freedom is.

Sergei Kaledin's story "Stroibat" shows several days in the life of military builders who perform the "honorable duty of Soviet citizens." This is a prefabricated part, a kind of dump, where the “filth” from many construction battalions was collected. Therefore, the morals here are not so different from the zone, and the interests are the same. “In short, we were going to hell, but ended up in heaven. Here is the gate, and on the right, two hundred meters away, is a store. And in the store there is Moldovan powder, seventeen degrees, two twenty liters. Since ten in the morning. Raspberry!”

The law is here: the powerful are always to blame for the powerless! The strong are grandfathers, the weak are salabons. It would seem that the difference is small: he came to the service a year earlier. But it's like skin color or language. Grandfathers may not work, get drunk, or bully first-year children. They must endure everything. Moreover, being separate bosses, the grandfathers give orders like slave owners. “At first, Zhenka decided to give Egorka and Maksimka to Kostya, but then he changed his mind - these two are just plowmen for him. Egorka, in addition to his main work, takes care of Zhenka and Misha Popov: make up the bed, bring rations from the canteen, do small laundry, and Maksimka - Kolya, Edik and Stary." The elders also quickly put things in order here: “Zhenka treated Yegorka right away, he barely struggled. A couple of times he bled him lightly, and for some reason the Chuchmeks are afraid of their own blood. And... I tinkered with Maksimka a little longer...”

The story more than once describes how soldiers drink or inject drugs. The central scene is a grandiose fight between companies. After all the terrible bullying, the characterization of Kostya Karamychev is perceived. For the last eight months he had been working as a loader at a bakery and stealing what he could. He “didn’t dry out” from drunkenness. When, “completely out of luck,” he was caught, company commander Doschinin “offered Kostya a choice: either he starts a case, or Kostya urgently cleans... all four detachment toilets.” He chose the latter, taking, of course, young assistants. During demobilization, this commander gave Kostya the following characterization: “During his service... private Karamychev K.M. proved himself to be an proactive warrior who fulfilled all statutory requirements... morally stable... The characterization was given for presentation to Moscow University ". Well, the intellectual is ready. Lawlessness, as the prisoners say. Now they are preparing military reform. I'm afraid, however, that my peers will not have time to use it. Perhaps soon I too will have to go to serve. Do you really have to live with guys who have no human feelings for two years? No, I'm not afraid of physical deprivation. As the saying goes: “I would be glad to serve, but being served is sickening.”

Both works have been read. They are not very artistic, there are errors against the style and laws of literature. But there are no errors in them against the truth. You trust the writers. And you also believe that if we really want to, there will be less cruelty.