Notes for drawing lessons in the dhow. Summary of a drawing lesson for children of the middle group “At an exhibition of paintings”


Lesson summary on the topic"Funny boa constrictor Gosha» .

(senior group)

Target: continue contribute:

The development of such mental processes How: attention, memory, thinking,

Development of imagination creativity;

Development of perception, spatial orientation, sensorimotor coordination of children;

Development of independence, arbitrariness of behavior;

Educational objectives:

Teach children to carefully apply pencil strokes

Strengthen children's knowledge about technology drawing.

Developmental tasks:

Develop creative imagination, persistent interest in drawing.

Develop color perception, sense of composition.

Improve fine motor skills arms and hands.

Develop shaping abilities.

Educational tasks:

To cultivate an aesthetic attitude to the image through the image of flowers.

Cultivate a sense of beauty.


White paper A4 size, a simple pencil, colored pencils, squares of colored paper 5x5 cm, glue stick.

Progress of the lesson:

TEACHER. Lived in cardboard box pencil. For my short life he never moved from his place, but only lay and dreamed.

And then one day his most cherished wish began to come true.

When Alena was helping her mother clean out the closet, she saw a box, took it, opened it, and the pencil speaks:

Don't stop me from dreaming, girl!

“Stop lying around doing nothing,” says Alena, “let’s better play.”

“But I don’t know how to play, I only know how to dream,” the pencil answered her.

It's okay, I'll teach you.

Alena took a pencil and started paint. And the pencil immediately saw that he was very talented and... let's see what happens?

(The teacher draws a circle on the sheet of paper)

TEACHER. Children, what figure is this?


TEACHER. What can be round?

CHILDREN. Sun, ball, watermelon...

TEACHER. Well done. But this is not the sun, not a ball, not a watermelon.

(A winding line is drawn from the circle on the sheet of paper)

TEACHER. Now, what do you think it is?

CHILDREN. Ball on a string...

TEACHER. Fine. Our pencil has not finished its drawing yet, let's look further.

(On the sheet we draw in parallel "body boa constrictor» )

TEACHER. What is before us now?

CHILDREN. The road to the lake...

TEACHER. What a great fellow you are. But the pencil is not yet completed the picture, he draws eyes...

(Finishing the eyes)

TEACHER. Who does our drawing remind you of?

CHILDREN. A snake, a worm...

TEACHER. It's great how smart you are - this is boa, his name is Gosha. Let's draw his mouth (draw) What is Gosha's mood?

CHILDREN. Joyful, cheerful...

TEACHER. And so that Gosha is always in a good mood, we will give him a multi-colored umbrella. After all, you probably know that snakes do not like the cold; they even crawl onto stumps and warm stones to bask in the sun. (glue pre-prepared cones, creating "umbrella").

So, our Gosha will now always smile at everyone and lift everyone’s spirits. Let's draw a similar Gosha and give it to moms and dads in the evening good mood.


Children draw boa constrictor, paint it, glue cones, forming "umbrella".

In the process of creating a drawing, the teacher conducts physical minute:

Poems about a snake

Once walking through the forest, (walking in place)

I picked mushrooms for future use, (simulate collecting in a basket)

Suddenly crawls out of the grass (make wave-like movements with the body)

I'm wearing a funny lace!

“Why aren’t you watching your step?” (lean forward)

He says, confusing me!

"Who are you?" I ask strictly (we spread our hands)

"You do not know? I am a snake!

I was already scared (hides face in hands)

Suddenly it became very scary

But the lace just laughed (turn around yourself)

And crawled around me.

“The benefits from me are enormous, (we draw wide circle hands)

I'm not harmful at all (we shake our fingers)

And I call myself very modestly - (pat ourselves on the head)

Common boa constrictor!

At the end classes The teacher suggests looking at each other’s drawings, asking each other questions about the boa constrictors.

Publications on the topic:

Summary of educational activities for visual activities (modeling) for children 4–5 years old “Boa constrictor” Abstract of GCD visual arts(modeling) for children 4-5 years old “Boa constrictor” Purpose: To strengthen the ability to roll out a long sausage from plasticine.

Summary of the NOD drawing lesson "Gzhel patterns" in senior group. Goal: - continue to introduce children to Gzhel painting. Tasks:.

Summary of a lesson on non-traditional drawing in the senior group “Dandelions”. Summary of a lesson on non-traditional drawing in the senior group “Dandelions”. Program content: Build drawing skills using.

Summary of a lesson on unconventional drawing in the senior group “Dandelions” Objectives: To develop drawing skills using non-traditional techniques “Drawing with crumpled paper”, “hard brush”. Strengthen children's knowledge.

Summary of a lesson in the senior group on drawing “Painting about summer” using an unconventional drawing technique (printing with palms) Purpose: To teach.




Lesson plan for the subject “Drawing”

Topic: “Proportions and their importance in transmission characteristic features subject"

Developed by: 1st category teacher

Orlova L.A.

Trans-Volga region



Methodological development “Proportions and their importance in conveying the characteristic features of a subject” is a lesson plan on the subject “Drawing” in the first grade of a nursery art school in accordance with the school program.

Explanatory letter

This lesson is designed for children 10-12 years old and is aimed at developing the child’s creative abilities. The teacher introduces children to the concept of proportion of an object, explains the need to observe not only the proportions of the object itself, but also the proportions between objects in a still life, using methods of conversation, explanation, analysis, and demonstration. On final stage It is mandatory to evaluate students’ activities both by the teacher and by the students themselves.

Purpose of the lesson:

Introducing students to the concept of PROPORTIONS and their significance in conveying the characteristic features of a subject. Construction of the jar in compliance with proportions.



    introduce students to the concept of proportion of an object, scale

    systematize and consolidate previously acquired knowledge

    teach to use the sighting method


    Cultivate perseverance, patience and perseverance in achieving goals


    Develop eye, observation, spatial thinking, visual memory

    Develop motor skills of a child's hand

    Develop creative potentials baby

Type of training session: studying, mastering new material.

Working with children is based on mutual cooperation.

When preparing and conducting classes, the following methods are used:

    Verbal - explanation, conversation

    Visual - diagrams

    Practical – demonstration, explanation

Relevance this lesson is that, based on the sighting method, students learn not to sketch, but to construct objects, analyze their shape, position in space and imagine design features items.

Material support:

Full-scale setting (still life against the background of a white sheet or colored monochromatic drapery from one object of simple shape);

Methodological table “Sequence of work”.

Paper (A4 or A3 format), graphite pencil(TM, M, M2).

Board, chalk

Lesson plan:

Stage 1 - Organizing time 2-3 min.


Stage 2 – Introduction 5-7 min.

    Lesson topic message

    Introduction to the purpose of the lesson

    Repetition of covered material

Stage 3 – Studying new material 7-10 min.

    Concept of PROPORTIONS

    Analysis of the form of the proposed item

    Explanation of the procedure for determining the proportions of an object

Stage 4 – Practical work- 15-20 min

    Step-by-step construction of an object with determination of proportions using the sighting method

Stage 5 – Final 5 min

    Analysis of work results


Progress of the lesson:





Stage 1



Hello guys.

I see that you have already prepared for the lesson: you have prepared paper on your easel, you have stocked pencils and erasers. Well done.

Say hello

Preparing for educational activities, creation of a psychological and pedagogical atmosphere

Stage 2


Today we will talk about proportions and their importance in conveying the characteristic features of objects. I will explain to you how to determine the proportions of an object, taking into account its characteristic features, and then you will independently determine the proportions and build this jug.

Let's remember what basic tools we need when working from nature?

What “measuring” tools do we use?

Do we need rulers when drawing?

Previously, we were introduced to the sighting method for determining the height and width of simple geometric shapes. Let’s remember what this method is.

Right. Well done.



Pencils, eraser, paper

Pencil, hand and eye


One or more students demonstrate the essence of the method.

Developing interest in new material.

Repetition of covered material.

Stage 3

Learning new material

When we determined the width simple objects, having only one value - the height of the objects, we determined the PROPORTIONS of the object. Proportions are the magnitude of the ratio of height to width, one part of an object to another. Proportions are the characteristic features of any object that allow you to recognize this object in the image. Proportions can be considered by linear size, by area, by volume, by illumination, by weight, etc.

The concept of proportions is applicable not only in fine arts or architecture, but also in Everyday life, for example in cooking or medicine (preparation of medicines), in construction.

When we draw, we can enlarge or reduce small objects on the depicted plane, but in any case we do it the same way for all objects, i.e. proportionally. If the relationships between parts of objects in a drawing are depicted incorrectly, then neither perfectly rendered chiaroscuro nor correct perspective reduction will give a correct idea of ​​the object. Without enough developed sense proportions, it is impossible to transfer the depicted object from life, and even more so to create an image in the process of creative work.

As we have already said, proportions convey the characteristic features of an object. Let's look at 2 jars. They are a bit similar. Let's analyze their shape. Imagine that each of them consists of already known geometric bodies. Which ones?

Absolutely true, but still they are different. And look at the differences in proportions, one lid is lower and wider, and the second is slightly higher and narrower, the neck of one is shorter than the other. Those. in other words, they have different proportional relationships.


Cylinder - neck and ball

Learning new material.

Analysis of the subject proposed for drawing.

Stage 4

Practical work

Let's move directly to the image of our jug. We begin the image of any object with the layout on the sheet.

How do we arrange our sheet? And why?


Look at the board and tell me how we depict our object in the sheet (several options for the position of the object in the sheet: very small, very large, angular arrangement, correct). Adj. 1

First of all, it is necessary to say that our object is symmetrical. Therefore, we draw an axis of symmetry and set one of the quantities, for example height. Now, using the sighting method, we determine the width, as we did when we built the cylinder. We measure the lid at its widest point. Now we need to determine the proportions of the characteristic features of the lid. This is the height of the neck. The height of the widest part, the width of the bottom. (shown on table phased construction jars).Adj. 2

After the basic proportions are determined, we draw the ellipses.

We clarify the contour of the lid.

The construction of the jar is completed. Is everything clear to everyone?

If it’s clear, then, looking at the sign, we get to work.

Vertically, because the lid is taller than it is wide

Choose the correct option.

Start drawing, implementing practical knowledge.

Implementation of acquired knowledge in the process of practical activities.

Stage 5.


Well, you have built a jug. Let's put the easels in a row and look at the result. I suggest you choose the most accurate drawing.

This concludes our lesson. Thanks to all. Goodbye.

The easels are set aside. Choose better job, discussing and expressing your opinion.

Evaluation of students' work, their self-esteem.


    Educational program according to the drawing.

    N.P. Kosterin “Training drawing”, Moscow, Education, 1980

    N.M. Sokolovskaya " art and its teaching in primary school"4th edition, Moscow, Publishing Center "Academy", 2008

    IN AND. Zhabinsky, A.V. Vintova “Drawing”, Moscow, INFRA-M, 2009

Annex 1

The image is very small

The image is shifted to the lower right corner

The image is very large

Correct placement on the sheet

Appendix 2

1. Determine the position in the sheet, set the height, draw the axis of symmetry

2. Using the sighting method, we determine the main proportions of the lid and outline the characteristic lines

3. Draw ellipses, clarify the contour of the cap

Methodological development open class.

Shchekoturova Natalya Gennadievna, teacher additional education MAUDO TsRTDU city Buguruslan
Subject: My plush friends
Purpose of the lesson: Draw using the foam drawing method.
Educational: teach children to convey in a drawing the image of a toy familiar from childhood; consolidate the ability to depict the shape of parts, their relative size, location, color.
Continue learning to draw large, position the image in accordance with the size of the sheet.
Cognitive: acquaintance with the history of the creation of the toy, expanding the understanding of the world around us.

Educational: develop children's creative imagination, create conditions for the development of creative abilities.
Educating: to cultivate love and thrift for toys and aesthetic taste.
Children's age: 5-7 years.
Equipment: presentation “What types of bears are there?” visual aids with the image of a bear, toys: dog, bear, hare, elephant, kitten;
Literary series: poems about animals, riddles; “The toys ran away” by L. Gerasimov.
Visual range: drawings made by children, illustrations depicting bears, methodological table for step-by-step execution of a drawing in pencil. Music series: listening to a piece of music.
Materials for the lesson:
- children's toys: dog, bear, hare, elephant, kitten;
- album sheet;
- a simple pencil;
- a set of gouache paints;
- 2 pieces of sponge;
- thin brush;
- a glass of water;
- napkin;
1. Organizational moment.
All the children gathered in a circle,
I am your friend and you are my friend.
Let's hold hands tightly,
And let's smile at each other!
- Guys, let's smile at each other so that we can be in a good mood all day.
2. Updating knowledge.
– Guys, today I brought this beautiful box to class. What do you think is in it? (children's answers)
– Your favorite toys are in the box. And this one is the first! (takes out a kitten).
This is a kitten. Do you like him? How do you play with him? (feed, put to bed).
-I wonder what other toys are in this box? (takes out the Bunny). What a beautiful Bunny. Look how long his ears are. What's this about the bunny? (tail, paws).
-Who else was hiding in the box? (takes out a toy elephant). Who is this? He is not at all like other animal toys. Look what his ears are like. Big or small? What do you call an elephant's nose? Do you think the elephant is kind or angry? Why do you think so?
3. Setting the goal of the lesson.

What else is in the box? (takes out Mishka). What do you think the lesson will be about today? (children must name the topic of the lesson). What goal would you set for yourself, what would you like to learn?
- Who is this? Do you like this toy? And why? Is it true, good toy? Why do you like him? Because the bear is soft, warm, big? (It is advisable for children to express themselves independently, and for the teacher to generalize and supplement their statements).
4. Explanation of new material.
- What do you know about bears? (Children's answers)
- Please note: the bear has shiny black... eyes, like beads, and a black shiny... nose, like a button. On the head... ears. Which? That's right, little ones. What about the paws? Yes, big and thick. The bear is also called clubfoot. What do bear cubs like to eat? That's right, honey, raspberries, fish. Do you know a poem about animals? (Reading a poem about animals.)
- Well done! Misha, we love you very much. Let's pet Misha and say that we love him, praise him. (the teacher walks with Mishka to the children, giving him the opportunity to pet him and suggesting phrases for Mishka “I love you”, “Bear is very good”, “Bear is fluffy and kind”, “I will play with you”
- Do you think that if our Mishenka’s paw was really torn off, he would smile? Of course not. But we didn’t offend Mishka? Look, Mishka smiled at us. Let's smile back at him. (Place the toy next to the others).
- And now, I would like to tell you a little about the history of teddy bears and what they are like? (presentation show)
- You have so many new wonderful toys, you won’t be bored. Guys, I would like to reveal one secret: when you go to bed in the evening, the toys come to life and share their impressions of how you played, who was kind, and who threw them, ruffled them. One day when I woke up in the evening, I heard a story about how the toys ran away from the boy Sasha.

The toys ran away
The toys ran away from the boy Sasha:
His groovy, funny little animals.
He often threw them, did not know how to play,
He even managed to break a bear's paw.
And I met them at the circus:
Elegant, funny!
He recognized the artists as his toys.
The little elephant skillfully plays with the ball,
And the little one became the first strongman!
Even though the rope is stretched very high,
An acrobat cat is walking along it.
Bunnies in a stroller are ringing bells,
They command the team of horses themselves!
And then Sasha realized who he had lost!
He begged them all to come home!
- I will love you,
Play with everyone
Don't give your toys as offense!
And in the morning there were little animals on the shelf,
His wind-up funny toys!
They became inseparable friends.
And friend, that's great!
You know it yourself!
L. Gerasimova
- Guys, I think you wouldn’t want your toys to run away from you either. What needs to be done to prevent this from happening?
-Play carefully, do not throw them, put them back in their places.
- Do you know where toys come from in your home?
- From the shop.
- That's right, but first they are made in a toy factory, and then they go to the store where they are bought.
The teacher invites the children to draw a portrait of a teddy bear during class.
- You know, a problem happened, all the brushes were gone, we had nothing to paint with.
- What should I do? (children’s answers)
- Let's draw a foam print in an interesting way.
5. Dynamic pause.
Physical exercise. Now you and I will turn into bears.
The bear crawled out of the den,
Looked around on the threshold, (turns left - right)
He stretched out of sleep - (stretching - arms up)
Spring has come to us again.
To quickly gain strength,
The bear's head was twisting. (head rotation)
He leaned back and forth. (tilts forward and backward)
Here he is walking through the forest,
The bear is looking for roots,
And rotten stumps. (slopes: right hand touch your left foot, then vice versa)
Finally the bear had his fill
And he sat down on a log. (children sit down)
6. Practical part.
(Calm music sounds).
1. Consider the toy, determine the parts of the object, their shape, relative size, location, color (round head, with semicircular ears, oval body with two upper and lower paws, fluffy surface Brown)
2. Draw the outline of the teddy bear with a simple pencil.
3. The teacher’s explanation of the new method images - drawing sponge:
- Guys, if you look at your cubs, you will notice that the outline of the toy is drawn with even, smooth lines, and our cub is actually fluffy, even shaggy. In order for his portrait to look like a real bear cub, we use a depiction method: we will draw with a piece of foam sponge. If you dip a sponge in paint desired color(brown), then lightly press the painted side against the line drawn with a pencil and immediately tear it off the surface, you will get an imprint that will give the line volume and fluffiness. The next print should be placed side by side without leaving free space between the previous and the next. When the outline is ready, fill the space inside with prints.
4. Complete the drawing with details: with a thin brush draw the eyes, nose, mouth of the bear, draw claws on the paws, and if desired, decorate the drawn toy with a bow.
5. If desired, make a bright colored background around the teddy bear in the same way, using another, clean piece of foam rubber.
During the work, the teacher monitors how the children draw: reminds them not to put a lot of paint on the foam rubber, but only lightly touch the surface of the paint so that the print has an air-colored surface; First complete one element to completion, only then proceed to the next.
7. Consolidation of learned material.
-You have got wonderful portraits of cheerful bear cubs that can be inserted into a frame.
- What bears did you meet?
-Who did we draw today?
- In what way?
8. Reflection.
The teacher invites the children to place their drawings on the steps as they themselves evaluate their work.

Presentation on the topic: My plush friends

Continue to introduce children non-traditional techniques drawing.

To consolidate the knowledge that a tree is a living object that breathes, eats, grows; If you are not careful, trees can die.

Develop creative thinking, creative imagination children.

Cultivate accuracy in work.

Maintain interest in learning in various ways images of reality.

Equipment: sheets of paper, simple pencils, watercolor paints, brushes, containers with water, stamps of 2 sizes (cut out in the shape of leaves), green ink in a tray.

Material: riddles about trees, illustrations of trees in different time year, pictures depicting fairy trees.

Progress of a drawing lesson in the senior group:

V. - Children, please listen to the riddle and try to guess it:

It will cheer you up in the spring,

It will cool in summer,

In the fall it will feed

And in winter it will warm you up.

V. - Why do you think the riddle says that a tree makes us happy in the spring?

(After a long winter, thin delicate leaves and flowers appear on the trees - this makes us happy).

V. - Why does the tree get cold in the summer? (In hot weather, everyone enjoys relaxing in the cool shade of trees).

V. - What does it mean that a tree will feed us in the fall? (Apples, plums, pears, nuts - all these are the fruits of trees that both people and animals feast on).

How can a tree keep you warm in winter? (Old diseased trees are cut down for firewood, while squirrels, birds, beetles and other insects hibernate on young and healthy trees).

Do you see how much information one small piece contains? folk riddle. And listen to another riddle:

Riddle about the tree

What is this miracle at the window:

Many arms, but one leg?

V. - Think, one leg is on a tree, what is that? (Trunk). And what is called hands? (Branches)

V. - That's right, children. In fairy tales and cartoons, we can often see trees using their branches as hands. This is because trees are living.

They breathe (after all, all plants need air), feed (they absorb nutrients from the ground with their roots), grow, sometimes even get sick and die. In winter, trees sleep, and in spring they wake up, and then tender leaves appear on the branches.

V. - The winter this year was not very severe, but the trees were still sleeping. Spring will come soon, the trees will bloom with bright leaves. In the meantime, such leaves will grow in our drawings.

Look, what do you see in this picture?

Yes, it shows a tree and a hand in pencil. Are these images similar to each other? (The hand is like the trunk and branches of a tree). I think if I paint over the hand drawing brown paint and add green leaves, you can get a wonderful young tree. We will print the leaves with the stamps that I have prepared for you. Please note they come in two sizes. Closer to the branches we print large leaves, and further, at the edge of the crown - small ones. (The help is accompanied by a partial display.

Independent work of children

Children do test printing on drafts. Then, they begin to work independently.)

Let's hang your work in a corner of nature and admire how good it is spring forest we created with our own hands!