Likhanov Albert Anatolyevich brief biography. Blog archive "VO! circle of books"

And the writer Albert Likhanov shows with his life the path of truth. He always defended justice and tried to act on the side of the light. The life of such an idealist could not be simple, but it turned out to be very interesting and harmonious.

Childhood of a children's writer

In the small town of Kirov, on September 13, 1935, a boy was born - Albert Likhanov. His biography began the same way as that of many other children: school, clubs, books. The boy's family was generally the most ordinary; only one circumstance distinguished its history - among its ancestors there were hereditary nobles who professed Christianity and baptized their children in the church. But the boy learned about these circumstances as an adult, and spent his childhood in the same way as all his peers. After school, Albert entered the journalism department of the Ural University in Sverdlovsk, he felt a desire to write, and journalism seemed to him the right direction in life.

First experiments

Likhanov embarked on the literary path after graduating from university. A graduate of the journalism department in 1958, he returned to Kirov and began working for the Kirovskaya Pravda newspaper. At the same time, a new writer for children and youth appeared on the country's literary field - Albert Likhanov. The stories that he sent to the editors of the magazine “Youth” were received favorably and in 1962 the work “Shagreen Skin” was published. The young author finds his audience - teenagers - and writes quite a lot. His works are distinguished by subtle psychologism, vitality and social acuity.

Professional path

Real literary fame came to the writer in the 70s. At this time, Albert Likhanov became one of the most popular authors for young people, whose biography develops in two directions: he writes and also works in the media. The writer's stories were published in the magazine "Yunost" in the 1970s; he honed his style, becoming a real mature author. In total, the writer has written 106 books to date; they have been published in more than 30 million copies. In 2005, a 20-volume collected works of Albert Likhanov was published. In addition, collected works of the author were published three more times in Russia. Albert Likhanov, whose books have been translated into 34 languages ​​of the world, also achieved international recognition.

As a journalist, Likhanov worked for some time at Komsomolskaya Pravda in Novosibirsk, then he was invited to Moscow, to the very popular magazine Smena, where he would work for 20 years, 13 of them as editor-in-chief. During the years of perestroika, Likhanov became the head of the Children's Fund, which was created on his initiative, and heads it quite successfully to the present day. He was also among the founders of the Research Institute of Childhood, of which he still serves as permanent director.

Literary achievements

The success of a writer is assessed by his works, and Albert Likhanov is no exception, whose books have been read by several generations of young people. His most famous creations are the stories “Clean Pebbles”, “Deception”, “Calvary”, “Good Intentions”, “The Highest Measure”, “Innocent Secrets”, “Flood”, “Nobody”, the trilogy “Good Intentions”, “Russians” boys" - a novel in stories and a novel-duology about the war "Men's School".

Social, rather tough prose is what makes Albert Likhanov stand out. “The Broken Doll” - an acutely social story that shook the country - is a vivid example of the writer’s powerful talent.

Likhanov’s works were repeatedly filmed, for example, the films “Family Circumstances”, “Good Intentions” and “The Supreme Measure” were able to convey the spirit of the writer’s prose and contribute to the education of young people. In total, 8 works of the author were filmed.

For his literary works and social activities, Likhanov repeatedly received awards at various levels; he received 11 different orders, including the Red Banner of Labor, Friendship and “For Services to the Fatherland, III degree,” 8 major prizes and a number of medals.

Social activity

A man with a caring heart - this title was given to Albert Likhanov, whose biography is closely connected with various socially significant activities. He always acted as a defender of children and devoted a lot of time and effort to this. At his insistence, a Children's Fund appeared in the USSR, which to this day carries out a variety of charitable activities.

In 1989, Likhanov was elected People's Deputy of the USSR and he joined the work on the Universal Convention on the Rights of the Child. He also participates in the UN meeting at which this document is adopted. Later, he would make a lot of efforts to ratify the Convention in the USSR.

In addition, Likhanov is active in the Writers' Union, working as secretary and member of the organization's board. He actively supports young writers - for this purpose, a club for young authors “Molodist”, a publishing house for aspiring writers “Dom”, as well as five magazines for children and teenagers have been created. He establishes special awards for teachers and children's libraries.

The writer does a lot for disadvantaged children; on his initiative, the Children's Fund is building several houses for orphans. Several libraries for children and youth have been opened, and special publications for children have been published.

Albert Likhanov also meets with different people who come to him with their troubles. The writer tries to help everyone.

Private life

If there are people with a harmonious destiny, then a striking example is Albert Likhanov, whose biography combines creativity, professional activity, social activity and family life. The writer has a strong rear; his wife Lidiya Aleksandrovna, a former television announcer, shares her husband’s interests and supports him in all his endeavors. They have a son, Dmitry, who followed in his father’s footsteps and became a journalist and writer. True, he chose literature for adults for himself, but in this area he represents his name with dignity. The family lives by common interests, and this is probably one of the secrets of Albert Likhanov’s love of life and optimism.

When the news reports that Albert Likhanov is 80 years old, it’s hard to believe, because he is cheerful and young at heart. He continues to meet with readers, conduct social activities and write; he infects with energy, optimism and faith in people.

The activities of the children's library are inextricably linked with the name of the world-famous talented writer, an amazing person, our contemporary Albert Anatolyevich Likhanov, with the decision of the board of the cultural department of the Belgorod region dated October 5, 2000 to assign the name “Belgorod State Children's Library of A. A. Likhanov” to the library. . This is a great honor, trust and responsibility. Albert Anatolyevich Likhanov is a public figure, academician, honorary professor at a number of Russian universities, including Belgorod, as well as the Japanese Soka University (Tokyo), director of the Research Institute of Childhood.

The biography of Albert Anatolyevich (,) included the turning point historical, tragic events of the era, which he experienced and artistically presented in his works, responding to all events.

From the point of view of the famous writer Konstantin Paustovsky, The very activity of writing forces a person to lead a varied, intense life, intervene in different areas of our reality, meet many people and penetrate into all corners of the country. ...He is not a writer who has not added at least a little vigilance to a person’s vision.

Albert Anatolyevich is distinguished by caring, kind-heartedness, decency and amazing philanthropy. In his work, Albert Likhanov focuses on the troubles, joys, sorrows, achievements, and complexities of the children's and adolescent world, which are often misunderstood, rejected or ignored by adults.

Albert Anatolyevich himself, in the preface to his collected works for children and youth in 15 volumes, writes that even while studying to be a journalist at the university ... I never thought about writing, about literature, considering this activity to be the destiny of celestials. True, I have always loved books. Inaccurate word - loved. I adored them....

For more than fifty years, Albert Likhanov has been writing about children and for children, during which time 106 of his books in 34 languages ​​have been published abroad: in the USA, Spain, Holland, Germany, Italy, France, Japan and other countries. In Russia, the works were published in 30 million copies, individual works, selected works and collected works. In 1985, the publishing house “Young Guard” published Collected Works in 4 volumes. In 2000, Terra publishing house published the Collected Works in 6 volumes. Publishing, educational and cultural center “Childhood. Adolescence. Youth" published in 2005 the "Library "Love and Remember" in 20 books, and in 2010 the Collected Works for Children and Youth by Albert Likhanov in 15 volumes - with color illustrations and large font.

The work of Albert Likhanov was awarded state awards and literary prizes. Albert Likhanov was recognized as Person of the Year in Russia in 2005, 2007 and 2010, in the USA in 2005, and in 2006 he was awarded the world medal “Freedom” - “For his hourly and daily contribution to the world's treasury of goodness." The University of Cambridge (England) included him in the list of 1000 outstanding Europeans of the 21st century. In 2010, he was awarded the International Award Pace (International Peace Prize) in the USA, in 2010, the Biographical Center of Cambridge (England) recognized him as Person of the Year in the field of literature and humanism, and the American Biographical Institute (USA) elected him as its lifelong academician of humanism. In December 2010, the Russian Biographical Institute (Moscow) awarded him the title “Person of the Year 2010” in the “Childhood Protection” category.

For personal merits achieved as a result of his professional activities, Albert Likhanov was awarded the Ludwig Nobel Prize (2014). He was awarded a gold commemorative medal, a special prize, a diploma and a laureate badge.

Albert Likhanov became the laureate of the “Person of the Year - 2017” award in the “Asceticism” category for his active social work in protecting children.

Citizenship USSR USSR→ Russia Russia Occupation novelist, scientist, teacher, public figure Years of creativity 1953 - present Direction critical realism, realism Language of works Russian Awards
Awards Files on Wikimedia Commons


Later, Albert Likhanov is invited to work in Moscow. Then he becomes a long-term employee of the popular youth magazine “Smena” - first as the executive secretary, and then, for more than thirteen years, as the editor-in-chief.

During these years, literary fame came to him. One after another, Yunost publishes his stories.

Returning to Moscow, Likhanov is doing a lot of work to prepare this important document for ratification. The Supreme Soviet of the USSR ratified the Convention, and it came into force on June 13, 1990. Later, all the republics that were part of the USSR, having received the status of independent states, confirmed the legality of the Convention on the Rights of the Child on their territories.

Likhanov also founded and headed the Scientific Research Institute of Childhood, created the literary club “Molodost” for aspiring authors, created the publishing house “Dom”, the magazines “We” for teenagers and “Tram” for kids, and subsequently the magazines “Guiding Star. School reading", "God's World", "Children of Man", "Foreign Novel". Opened the publishing, educational and cultural center “Childhood. Adolescence. Youth". On his initiative, a children's rehabilitation center of the International Association of Children's Funds was created in the Moscow region. In the Belgorod region there is an orphanage in the regional center of Rovenki, built with the financial participation of the Russian Children's Fund and also named after him. In Kirov there is a library for children and youth named after Albert Likhanov. The Albert Likhanov Children's Library operates in the city of Krymsk, Krasnodar Territory, and the Belgorod Regional Children's Library has been given the status of “A. A. Likhanov Library”.

His works have been published in Russia in 30 million copies. Back in 1979, the publishing house “Young Guard” published “Favorites” in 2 volumes. In 1986-1987, the same publishing house published collected works in 4 volumes with a circulation of 150 thousand copies. In 2000, the Terra publishing house published a collection of works in 6 volumes. In 2005, the “Library “Love and Remember” was published in 20 books. And in 2010, “Terra” published a new collection of works in 7 volumes. In the same year, 2010, the publishing, educational and cultural center “Childhood. Adolescence. Youth” published a collection of works for children and youth by Albert Likhanov in 15 volumes with color illustrations and large print. In 2014-2015, the same publishing house released the novel “Russian Boys” in the form of a cycle of 11 large-format and high-quality illustrated books. In 2015, the Knigovek publishing house published collected works in 10 volumes

In the Belgorod region (since 2000) and in the Kirov region (since 2001), annual Likhanov social-literary and literary-pedagogical readings are held, in which many children, parents, teachers, creative intelligentsia, and the public take part. In the Kirov region, the Albert Likhanov Prize was established for librarians of school, children's and rural libraries. For elementary school teachers, he established a prize named after his first teacher, A. N. Teplyashina, who taught him during the war and was awarded two Orders of Lenin. At the initiative of the writer, a memorial plaque was installed for her. 126 books by the writer have been published abroad in Russia in 34 languages.

The first collected works in 4 volumes were published in 1986-87 (“Young Guard”). In 2000 - in 6 volumes (Terra, Moscow). In 2005 - “Albert Likhanov’s Library “Love and Remember”, which included 20 non-standardly designed books (“Childhood. Adolescence. Youth”). In 2010 - a collection of works for children and youth in 15 volumes (“Childhood. Adolescence . Youth") and a collection of works in 7 volumes ("Knigovek") as a supplement to the magazine "Ogonyok".

The period of maturation of Likhanov’s talent can be roughly designated as 1967-1976. At this time, he created such significant works as the novel “Labyrinth”, the stories “Clean Pebbles”, “Deception”, “Solar Eclipse” and others. The theme of the formation of the younger generation becomes the main one in his work. The writer pays special attention to the role of family and school in raising a child and in shaping his character.

Likhanov wrote a number of wonderful works about his wartime childhood. The military theme in the writer’s work acquires special significance and organicity, because it embodies his ideas about life values, about honor, duty, feat, and human dignity. Works about wartime childhood were created by the writer on a life basis - the memory of his childhood. In them, the author conveys the feeling of what he experienced during the Great Patriotic War. Publicism, passion, truthfulness are characteristic features of Likhanov’s style in all literary genres. One of the most dramatic works about wartime childhood is the story “The Last Cold” (). This story, the stories “The Store of Beloved Aids” and “Children’s Library”, the novel “Men’s School”, form a kind of literary cycle about wartime childhood. Likhanov touches on the military theme both in the story “Military Echelon” and in the novel “My General”. In the writer’s books, the author’s personality is felt; it manifests itself primarily in the pathos of his work, in the way he relates to the moral quest of the heroes, to their uncontrollable desire to find themselves, to discover the best in themselves.

1970-1990 - the period of Likhanov’s active writing activity. He publishes works of various genres, addressed to readers of different ages. From reflections on letters from readers, the idea for a book about modern education, “Dramatic Pedagogy: Essays on Conflict Situations” (), was born, which has been translated into many languages. For this book in 1987 A. A. Likhanov was awarded the International Prize named after. Janusz Korczak. The book for teachers “Children without Parents” () is devoted to the problems of raising orphans. Likhanov successfully combines his creativity with active social activities in defense of children.

Albert Likhanov takes an active civic position and fights with the words of the writer and the deeds of the Children's Fund to preserve happiness in the life of every child, for adults to understand the problems of the younger generation.

In the preface to the book “For These Little Ones,” Likhanov states:


  • - “Family Circumstances”, based on the story “Deception”. Director L. Martynyuk, scriptwriter A. Likhanov; Minsk, Belarusfilm.
  • - “My General”, 2-part television film. Director A. Benkendorf, scriptwriter A. Likhanov; Kyiv, Film Studio named after. A. Dovzhenko.
  • - “Good intentions”, based on the story of the same name. Director A. Benkendorf, scriptwriter A. Likhanov; Kyiv, Film Studio named after. A. Dovzhenko.
  • - “Carousel on the Market Square”, based on A. Likhanov’s story “Golgotha”. Directed by N. Istanbul, scripted by A. Likhanov. Moscow, “Mosfilm” (filmed in Slobodsky, Kirov region).
  • - "Team 33". Based on the story “Military Echelon” by A. Likhanov. Director N. Gusarov, scriptwriter V. Chernykh. Sverdlovsk, Sverdlovsk Film Studio.
  • - “The Highest Measure” (in Slovak), based on the story of the same name by A. Likhanov. Bratislava (Slovakia), Slovak Television [ ] .
  • - “The Last Cold”, based on the story of the same name by A. Likhanov. Directors B. Kalymbetov, B. Iskakov, scriptwriters B. Kalymbetov, S. Narymbetov, B. Iskakov. Kazakhstan.


  • Order of Merit for the Fatherland, III degree (2005)
  • Order of Merit for the Fatherland, IV degree (2000) - for services to the state and many years of active social activity
  • Order of Honor (2016)
  • Order of Friendship (2010) - for many years of active social activities and the development of humanitarian cooperation
  • Medal "In Commemoration of the 100th Anniversary of the Birth of Vladimir Ilyich Lenin"
  • Medal "For the construction of the Baikal-Amur Mainline"
  • Medals of the USSR, Armenia and Belarus
  • Order of Honor (Georgia, 1996)
  • Order of Merit, III degree (Ukraine, 2006)
  • Order of Saints Cyril and Methodius, 1st degree (Bulgaria, 2007)
  • Order of Francysk Skaryna (Belarus, 2015)
  • Order of Friendship (South Ossetia, 2010)
  • Order of Honor (South Ossetia, 2015)
  • Prize of the President of the Russian Federation in the field of education (2003) - for the creation of family orphanages
  • Prize of the Government of the Russian Federation in the field of culture (2009) - for the dilogy “Russian Boys” and “Men’s School”
  • State Prize of the RSFSR named after N.K. Krupskaya (1980) - for the novel “My General” and the stories “Deception” and “Solar Eclipse”

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Birthday: 13.09.1935

Zodiac sign: Pig, Virgo ♍

Born on September 13, 1935 in Kirov. Father, Anatoly Nikolaevich, is a mechanic worker, mother, Militsa Alekseevna, is a medical laboratory assistant. The paternal great-grandfather, Mikhail Ivanovich, came from hereditary nobles of the St. Petersburg province, rose to the rank of colonel of the Maloyaroslavsky regiment, retired and settled in Vyatka.

Albert (Gleb) Likhanov was born in Kirov, graduated from school there, and went to Sverdlovsk, where in 1958 he graduated from the journalism department of the Ural State University. Returning to Kirov, he works as a literary staff member for the Kirovskaya Pravda newspaper. In 1960, he becomes not only a witness, but also a participant in the story that formed the basis of the story “Good Intentions.” Editor-in-Chief of the newspaper "Komsomolskoe Plyamya" in Kirov (1961-1964). He left for Western Siberia for two years, where he worked as his own correspondent for the Komsomolskaya Pravda newspaper in Novosibirsk (1964-1966), which was later reflected in the story “Flood”.

While still in Kirov, he tried his hand at literature; his first story, “Shagreen Skin” (1962), was published in the magazine “Youth”. Almost simultaneously, he becomes a participant in the IV All-Union Meeting of Young Writers in the seminar of the classic of children's literature Lev Kassil.

Later, Albert Likhanov is invited to work in Moscow. Then he becomes a long-term employee of the popular youth magazine “Smena” - first as the executive secretary, and then, for more than thirteen years, as the editor-in-chief.

During these years, literary fame came to him. One after another, Yunost publishes his stories.

The Young Guard publishing house publishes Selected Works in 2 volumes (1976), and then the first collected works in 4 volumes (1986-1987).

All the years of his literary formation, A. A. Likhanov interfaced with social activities - he was elected secretary of the Moscow Writers' Union, a member of the Board of the Writers' Union of the USSR and the RSFSR, president of the Association of Literature and Art Workers for Children and Youth of the Union of Soviet Societies for Friendship and Cultural Relations with Foreign Countries (SSOD).

After Likhanov’s letters to the authorities in 1985 and 1987, Decrees of the USSR Government were adopted on assistance to orphans. In 1987, on his initiative, the Soviet Children's Fund named after V.I. Lenin was created, which in 1992 was transformed into the International Association of Children's Funds, and in 1991 the Russian Children's Fund was established. Both of these public organizations are headed by the writer A. A. Likhanov.

In 1989, the writer was elected People's Deputy of the USSR and a member of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR. He is given the opportunity, on behalf of the USSR, to express his attitude towards the draft Universal Convention on the Rights of the Child, to speak at the Third Main Committee of the UN during the final consideration of this draft, and then to participate in the ceremonial session of the General Assembly of the United Nations at the signing of this Convention as the deputy head of the Soviet delegation (head was the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the USSR E. A. Shevardnadze).

Returning to Moscow, Likhanov is doing a lot of work to prepare this important document for ratification. The Supreme Soviet of the USSR ratified the Convention, and it came into force on June 13, 1990. Later, all the republics that were part of the USSR, having received the status of independent states, confirmed the legality of the Convention on the Rights of the Child on their territories.

Likhanov also founded and headed the Scientific Research Institute of Childhood, created the literary club “Molodost” for aspiring authors, created the publishing house “Dom”, the magazines “We” for teenagers and “Tram” for kids, and subsequently the magazines “Guiding Star. School reading", "God's World", "Children of Man", "Foreign Novel". Opened the publishing, educational and cultural center “Childhood. Adolescence. Youth". On his initiative, a children's rehabilitation center of the International Association of Children's Funds was created in the Moscow region. In the Belgorod region there is an orphanage in the regional center of Rovenki, built with the financial participation of the Russian Children's Fund and also named after him. In Kirov there is a library for children and youth named after Albert Likhanov. The Albert Likhanov Children's Library operates in the city of Shakhty, Rostov Region, and the Belgorod Regional Children's Library has been given the status of "A. A. Likhanov's Library".

His works have been published in Russia in 30 million copies. Back in 1979, the publishing house "Young Guard" published "Favorites" in 2 volumes. In 1986-1987, the same publishing house published collected works in 4 volumes with a circulation of 150 thousand copies. In 2000, the Terra publishing house published a collection of works in 6 volumes. In 2005, the “Library “Love and Remember” was published in 20 books. And in 2010, “Terra” published a new collection of works in 7 volumes. In the same year, 2010, the publishing, educational and cultural center “Childhood. Adolescence. Youth” published a collection of works for children and youth by Albert Likhanov in 15 volumes with color illustrations and large print. In 2014-2015, the same publishing house released the novel "Russian Boys" in the form of a cycle of 11 large-format and high-quality illustrated books. In 2015, the publishing house "Knigovek" published collected works in 10 volumes

In the Belgorod region (since 2000) and in the Kirov region (since 2001), annual Likhanov social-literary and literary-pedagogical readings are held, in which many children, parents, teachers, creative intelligentsia, and the public take part. In the Kirov region, the Albert Likhanov Prize was established for librarians of school, children's and rural libraries. For elementary school teachers, he established a prize named after his first teacher, A. N. Teplyashina, who taught him during the war and was awarded two Orders of Lenin. At the initiative of the writer, a memorial plaque was installed for her. 106 books by the writer have been published abroad in Russia in 34 languages.

Corresponding member of the Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of the USSR (1990), academician of the Russian Academy of Education (2001).

Honorary citizen of the city of Kirov, honorary citizen of the Kirov region.


In 1962 he published his first story “Shagreen Skin” in Yunost, and in 1963 he published the historical story “Let there be sunshine!” The main theme of Likhanov’s work is the development of a teenager’s character, the formation of his worldview, and relationships with the adult world: the stories “Stars in September” (1967), “Warm Rain” (1968), the trilogy “Family Circumstances” (the novel “Labyrinth”, 1970, stories “Clean Pebbles”, 1967, “Deception”, 1973), novel for young children “My General” (1975), stories “Calvary”, “Good Intentions”, “The Highest Measure” (1982), book “Dramatic Pedagogy” (1983), a duology of novels in the stories “Russian Boys” and “Men’s School”, the recent stories “Nobody”, “Broken Doll”, “Gatherings” and the “pair portrait” of tragic childhood - the story “The Boy Who Doesn’t Hurt” and "The Girl Who Doesn't Care" (2009).

The first collected works in 4 volumes were published in 1986-87 (“Young Guard”). In 2000 - in 6 volumes (Terra, Moscow). In 2005 - “Albert Likhanov’s Library “Love and Remember”, which included 20 non-standardly designed books (“Childhood. Adolescence. Youth”). In 2010 - a collection of works for children and youth in 15 volumes (“Childhood. Adolescence . Youth") and a collection of works in 7 volumes ("Knigovek") as a supplement to the magazine "Ogonyok".

The period of maturation of Likhanov’s talent can be roughly designated as 1967-1976. At this time, he created such significant works as the novel “Labyrinth”, the stories “Clean Pebbles”, “Deception”, “Solar Eclipse” and others. The theme of the formation of the younger generation becomes the main one in his work. The writer pays special attention to the role of family and school in raising a child and in shaping his character.

Likhanov wrote a number of wonderful works about his wartime childhood. The military theme in the writer’s work acquires special significance and organicity, because it embodies his ideas about life values, about honor, duty, feat, and human dignity. Works about wartime childhood were created by the writer on a life basis - the memory of his childhood. In them, the author conveys the feeling of what he experienced during the Great Patriotic War. Publicism, passion, truthfulness are characteristic features of Likhanov’s style in all literary genres. One of the most dramatic works about wartime childhood is the story “The Last Cold” (1984). This story, the stories “The Store of Beloved Aids” and “Children’s Library”, the novel “Men’s School”, form a kind of literary cycle about wartime childhood. Likhanov touches on the military theme both in the story “Military Echelon” and in the novel “My General”. In the writer’s books, the author’s personality is felt; it manifests itself primarily in the pathos of his work, in the way he relates to the moral quest of the heroes, to their uncontrollable desire to find themselves, to discover the best in themselves.

1970-1990 - the period of Likhanov’s active writing activity. He publishes works of various genres, addressed to readers of different ages. From reflections on letters from readers, the idea for a book about modern education, “Dramatic Pedagogy: Essays on Conflict Situations” (1983), was born, which has been translated into many languages. For this book in 1987 A. A. Likhanov was awarded the International Prize named after. Janusz Korczak. Likhanov successfully combines his creativity with active social activities in defense of children.

Albert Likhanov takes an active civic position as a defender of the moral values ​​and traditions of his Fatherland, therefore he fights with the word of the writer and the deeds of the Children's Fund to preserve happiness in the life of every child, for adults to understand the problems of the younger generation.


  • Confessional awards Order of Merit for the Fatherland, III degree (2005)
  • Order of Merit for the Fatherland, IV degree (2000)
  • Order of Honor (2016)
  • Order of Friendship (2010) - for many years of active social activities and the development of humanitarian cooperation
  • Order of the Red Banner of Labor (1984)
  • Order of the Badge of Honor (1979)
  • Order of Honor (Georgia, 1996)
  • Order of Merit, III degree (Ukraine, 2006)
  • Order of Saints Cyril and Methodius, 1st degree (Bulgaria, 2007)
  • Order of Francis Skaryna (Republic of Belarus, 2015)
  • Order of Friendship (Republic of South Ossetia, 2010)
  • Order of Honor (Republic of South Ossetia, 2015)
  • medals of the USSR, Armenia and Belarus
  • Prize of the President of the Russian Federation in the field of education (2003) - for the creation of family orphanages
  • Prize of the Government of the Russian Federation in the field of culture (2009) - for the dilogy “Russian Boys” and “Men’s School”
  • State Prize of the RSFSR named after N.K. Krupskaya (1980) - for the novel “My General” and the stories “Deception” and “Solar Eclipse”
  • Lenin Komsomol Prize (1976) - for books for children “Music”, “Family Circumstances”, “My General”
  • International J. Korczak Prize (1987) - for the book “Dramatic Pedagogy” (the Prize was donated by the writer to the Polish J. Korczak Foundation)
  • The international medal “Ecce Homo - Gloria Homini” (“Here is Man - Glory to Man”) was presented on March 4, 2013 in Poland at the Warsaw Royal Palace by the outstanding Polish actress Beata Tyszkiewicz and the famous public figure Stanislaw Kowalski, President of the “Hurry with Help” Foundation. The award has number 2, the first medal was awarded quite some time ago to the Minister of Health of Poland, the famous doctor Zbigniew Religa.
  • The Russian Ludwig Nobel Prize (2014) was awarded on March 30, 2014 at the residence of the President of the Russian Federation - the Konstantinovsky Palace in Strelna.


International Maxim Gorky Prize, International Janusz Korczak Prize, French-Japanese Cultural Prize named after V. Hugo (1996), Cyril and Methodius Prize (Bulgaria, 2000), Sakura Prize (Japan, 2001), Oliver Prize (USA, 2005). Prize named after Nikolai Ostrovsky (1982), named after Boris Polevoy (1984), named after Alexander Green (2000), “Prokhorovsky Field” (2003), “Great Literary Prize of Russia” of the SPR and the “Diamonds of Russia” campaign (2002) for the novel “Nobody” "and the story "Broken Doll", prize named after D. Mamin-Sibiryak (2005), named after Vladislav Krapivin (2006), named after N. A. Ostrovsky (2007). Special Prize named after I. A. Bunin “for outstanding contribution to Russian literature for children and youth” (2008).

International Literary Prize named after. Fyodor Dostoevsky (2011), Tallinn; Russian Literary Prize named after. A. I. Herzen (2012) for the volume of social journalism “For these little ones (Letters in Defense of Childhood)”, 5th edition - the writer donated the material part of the prize to the Library for Children and Youth on Orlovskaya Street in Kirov to perpetuate the memory of A. I. Herzen, V. Zhukovsky, M. E. Saltykov-Shchedrin and other wonderful people who were there. On September 27, 2013, at the Republican Drama Theater of the Republic of Bashkortostan, Albert Likhanov, by Decree of the President of Bashkortostan R. Khamitov, was awarded the Russian Literary Aksakov Prize. In December 2013, he was awarded the Golden Knight award - “for outstanding contribution to children's literature.” In July 2015, the All-Russian Prize "Russian Way" named after F.I. Tyutchev was awarded.

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Birthday: 13.09.1935

Zodiac sign: Pig, Virgo ♍

Born on September 13, 1935 in Kirov. Father, Anatoly Nikolaevich, is a mechanic worker, mother, Militsa Alekseevna, is a medical laboratory assistant. The paternal great-grandfather, Mikhail Ivanovich, came from hereditary nobles of the St. Petersburg province, rose to the rank of colonel of the Maloyaroslavsky regiment, retired and settled in Vyatka.

Albert (Gleb) Likhanov was born in Kirov, graduated from school there, and went to Sverdlovsk, where in 1958 he graduated from the journalism department of the Ural State University. Returning to Kirov, he works as a literary staff member for the Kirovskaya Pravda newspaper. In 1960, he becomes not only a witness, but also a participant in the story that formed the basis of the story “Good Intentions.” Editor-in-Chief of the newspaper "Komsomolskoe Plyamya" in Kirov (1961-1964). He left for Western Siberia for two years, where he worked as his own correspondent for the Komsomolskaya Pravda newspaper in Novosibirsk (1964-1966), which was later reflected in the story “Flood”.

While still in Kirov, he tried his hand at literature; his first story, “Shagreen Skin” (1962), was published in the magazine “Youth”. Almost simultaneously, he becomes a participant in the IV All-Union Meeting of Young Writers in the seminar of the classic of children's literature Lev Kassil.

Later, Albert Likhanov is invited to work in Moscow. Then he becomes a long-term employee of the popular youth magazine “Smena” - first as the executive secretary, and then, for more than thirteen years, as the editor-in-chief.

During these years, literary fame came to him. One after another, Yunost publishes his stories.

The Young Guard publishing house publishes Selected Works in 2 volumes (1976), and then the first collected works in 4 volumes (1986-1987).

All the years of his literary formation, A. A. Likhanov interfaced with social activities - he was elected secretary of the Moscow Writers' Union, a member of the Board of the Writers' Union of the USSR and the RSFSR, president of the Association of Literature and Art Workers for Children and Youth of the Union of Soviet Societies for Friendship and Cultural Relations with Foreign Countries (SSOD).

After Likhanov’s letters to the authorities in 1985 and 1987, Decrees of the USSR Government were adopted on assistance to orphans. In 1987, on his initiative, the Soviet Children's Fund named after V.I. Lenin was created, which in 1992 was transformed into the International Association of Children's Funds, and in 1991 the Russian Children's Fund was established. Both of these public organizations are headed by the writer A. A. Likhanov.

In 1989, the writer was elected People's Deputy of the USSR and a member of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR. He is given the opportunity, on behalf of the USSR, to express his attitude towards the draft Universal Convention on the Rights of the Child, to speak at the Third Main Committee of the UN during the final consideration of this draft, and then to participate in the ceremonial session of the General Assembly of the United Nations at the signing of this Convention as the deputy head of the Soviet delegation (head was the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the USSR E. A. Shevardnadze).

Returning to Moscow, Likhanov is doing a lot of work to prepare this important document for ratification. The Supreme Soviet of the USSR ratified the Convention, and it came into force on June 13, 1990. Later, all the republics that were part of the USSR, having received the status of independent states, confirmed the legality of the Convention on the Rights of the Child on their territories.

Likhanov also founded and headed the Scientific Research Institute of Childhood, created the literary club “Molodost” for aspiring authors, created the publishing house “Dom”, the magazines “We” for teenagers and “Tram” for kids, and subsequently the magazines “Guiding Star. School reading", "God's World", "Children of Man", "Foreign Novel". Opened the publishing, educational and cultural center “Childhood. Adolescence. Youth". On his initiative, a children's rehabilitation center of the International Association of Children's Funds was created in the Moscow region. In the Belgorod region there is an orphanage in the regional center of Rovenki, built with the financial participation of the Russian Children's Fund and also named after him. In Kirov there is a library for children and youth named after Albert Likhanov. The Albert Likhanov Children's Library operates in the city of Shakhty, Rostov Region, and the Belgorod Regional Children's Library has been given the status of "A. A. Likhanov's Library".

His works have been published in Russia in 30 million copies. Back in 1979, the publishing house "Young Guard" published "Favorites" in 2 volumes. In 1986-1987, the same publishing house published collected works in 4 volumes with a circulation of 150 thousand copies. In 2000, the Terra publishing house published a collection of works in 6 volumes. In 2005, the “Library “Love and Remember” was published in 20 books. And in 2010, “Terra” published a new collection of works in 7 volumes. In the same year, 2010, the publishing, educational and cultural center “Childhood. Adolescence. Youth” published a collection of works for children and youth by Albert Likhanov in 15 volumes with color illustrations and large print. In 2014-2015, the same publishing house released the novel "Russian Boys" in the form of a cycle of 11 large-format and high-quality illustrated books. In 2015, the publishing house "Knigovek" published collected works in 10 volumes

In the Belgorod region (since 2000) and in the Kirov region (since 2001), annual Likhanov social-literary and literary-pedagogical readings are held, in which many children, parents, teachers, creative intelligentsia, and the public take part. In the Kirov region, the Albert Likhanov Prize was established for librarians of school, children's and rural libraries. For elementary school teachers, he established a prize named after his first teacher, A. N. Teplyashina, who taught him during the war and was awarded two Orders of Lenin. At the initiative of the writer, a memorial plaque was installed for her. 106 books by the writer have been published abroad in Russia in 34 languages.

Corresponding member of the Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of the USSR (1990), academician of the Russian Academy of Education (2001).

Honorary citizen of the city of Kirov, honorary citizen of the Kirov region.


In 1962 he published his first story “Shagreen Skin” in Yunost, and in 1963 he published the historical story “Let there be sunshine!” The main theme of Likhanov’s work is the development of a teenager’s character, the formation of his worldview, and relationships with the adult world: the stories “Stars in September” (1967), “Warm Rain” (1968), the trilogy “Family Circumstances” (the novel “Labyrinth”, 1970, stories “Clean Pebbles”, 1967, “Deception”, 1973), novel for young children “My General” (1975), stories “Calvary”, “Good Intentions”, “The Highest Measure” (1982), book “Dramatic Pedagogy” (1983), a duology of novels in the stories “Russian Boys” and “Men’s School”, the recent stories “Nobody”, “Broken Doll”, “Gatherings” and the “pair portrait” of tragic childhood - the story “The Boy Who Doesn’t Hurt” and "The Girl Who Doesn't Care" (2009).

The first collected works in 4 volumes were published in 1986-87 (“Young Guard”). In 2000 - in 6 volumes (Terra, Moscow). In 2005 - “Albert Likhanov’s Library “Love and Remember”, which included 20 non-standardly designed books (“Childhood. Adolescence. Youth”). In 2010 - a collection of works for children and youth in 15 volumes (“Childhood. Adolescence . Youth") and a collection of works in 7 volumes ("Knigovek") as a supplement to the magazine "Ogonyok".

The period of maturation of Likhanov’s talent can be roughly designated as 1967-1976. At this time, he created such significant works as the novel “Labyrinth”, the stories “Clean Pebbles”, “Deception”, “Solar Eclipse” and others. The theme of the formation of the younger generation becomes the main one in his work. The writer pays special attention to the role of family and school in raising a child and in shaping his character.

Likhanov wrote a number of wonderful works about his wartime childhood. The military theme in the writer’s work acquires special significance and organicity, because it embodies his ideas about life values, about honor, duty, feat, and human dignity. Works about wartime childhood were created by the writer on a life basis - the memory of his childhood. In them, the author conveys the feeling of what he experienced during the Great Patriotic War. Publicism, passion, truthfulness are characteristic features of Likhanov’s style in all literary genres. One of the most dramatic works about wartime childhood is the story “The Last Cold” (1984). This story, the stories “The Store of Beloved Aids” and “Children’s Library”, the novel “Men’s School”, form a kind of literary cycle about wartime childhood. Likhanov touches on the military theme both in the story “Military Echelon” and in the novel “My General”. In the writer’s books, the author’s personality is felt; it manifests itself primarily in the pathos of his work, in the way he relates to the moral quest of the heroes, to their uncontrollable desire to find themselves, to discover the best in themselves.

1970-1990 - the period of Likhanov’s active writing activity. He publishes works of various genres, addressed to readers of different ages. From reflections on letters from readers, the idea for a book about modern education, “Dramatic Pedagogy: Essays on Conflict Situations” (1983), was born, which has been translated into many languages. For this book in 1987 A. A. Likhanov was awarded the International Prize named after. Janusz Korczak. Likhanov successfully combines his creativity with active social activities in defense of children.

Albert Likhanov takes an active civic position as a defender of the moral values ​​and traditions of his Fatherland, therefore he fights with the word of the writer and the deeds of the Children's Fund to preserve happiness in the life of every child, for adults to understand the problems of the younger generation.


  • Confessional awards Order of Merit for the Fatherland, III degree (2005)
  • Order of Merit for the Fatherland, IV degree (2000)
  • Order of Honor (2016)
  • Order of Friendship (2010) - for many years of active social activities and the development of humanitarian cooperation
  • Order of the Red Banner of Labor (1984)
  • Order of the Badge of Honor (1979)
  • Order of Honor (Georgia, 1996)
  • Order of Merit, III degree (Ukraine, 2006)
  • Order of Saints Cyril and Methodius, 1st degree (Bulgaria, 2007)
  • Order of Francis Skaryna (Republic of Belarus, 2015)
  • Order of Friendship (Republic of South Ossetia, 2010)
  • Order of Honor (Republic of South Ossetia, 2015)
  • medals of the USSR, Armenia and Belarus
  • Prize of the President of the Russian Federation in the field of education (2003) - for the creation of family orphanages
  • Prize of the Government of the Russian Federation in the field of culture (2009) - for the dilogy “Russian Boys” and “Men’s School”
  • State Prize of the RSFSR named after N.K. Krupskaya (1980) - for the novel “My General” and the stories “Deception” and “Solar Eclipse”
  • Lenin Komsomol Prize (1976) - for books for children “Music”, “Family Circumstances”, “My General”
  • International J. Korczak Prize (1987) - for the book “Dramatic Pedagogy” (the Prize was donated by the writer to the Polish J. Korczak Foundation)
  • The international medal “Ecce Homo - Gloria Homini” (“Here is Man - Glory to Man”) was presented on March 4, 2013 in Poland at the Warsaw Royal Palace by the outstanding Polish actress Beata Tyszkiewicz and the famous public figure Stanislaw Kowalski, President of the “Hurry with Help” Foundation. The award has number 2, the first medal was awarded quite some time ago to the Minister of Health of Poland, the famous doctor Zbigniew Religa.
  • The Russian Ludwig Nobel Prize (2014) was awarded on March 30, 2014 at the residence of the President of the Russian Federation - the Konstantinovsky Palace in Strelna.


International Maxim Gorky Prize, International Janusz Korczak Prize, French-Japanese Cultural Prize named after V. Hugo (1996), Cyril and Methodius Prize (Bulgaria, 2000), Sakura Prize (Japan, 2001), Oliver Prize (USA, 2005). Prize named after Nikolai Ostrovsky (1982), named after Boris Polevoy (1984), named after Alexander Green (2000), “Prokhorovsky Field” (2003), “Great Literary Prize of Russia” of the SPR and the “Diamonds of Russia” campaign (2002) for the novel “Nobody” "and the story "Broken Doll", prize named after D. Mamin-Sibiryak (2005), named after Vladislav Krapivin (2006), named after N. A. Ostrovsky (2007). Special Prize named after I. A. Bunin “for outstanding contribution to Russian literature for children and youth” (2008).

International Literary Prize named after. Fyodor Dostoevsky (2011), Tallinn; Russian Literary Prize named after. A. I. Herzen (2012) for the volume of social journalism “For these little ones (Letters in Defense of Childhood)”, 5th edition - the writer donated the material part of the prize to the Library for Children and Youth on Orlovskaya Street in Kirov to perpetuate the memory of A. I. Herzen, V. Zhukovsky, M. E. Saltykov-Shchedrin and other wonderful people who were there. On September 27, 2013, at the Republican Drama Theater of the Republic of Bashkortostan, Albert Likhanov, by Decree of the President of Bashkortostan R. Khamitov, was awarded the Russian Literary Aksakov Prize. In December 2013, he was awarded the Golden Knight award - “for outstanding contribution to children's literature.” In July 2015, the All-Russian Prize "Russian Way" named after F.I. Tyutchev was awarded.