An example of an Unified State Exam essay based on the text by E.A. Korenevoy

Victoria Lukomskaya
Essay “My educational philosophy.” Does being a teacher mean loving?

Great Russian teacher Vasily Alexandrovich Sukhomlinsky wrote: « The teacher is, first of all, an ordinary person who loves children. He believes in absolutely everyone, believes that he can become a good person. A man who simply loves to be friends with children, and who genuinely enjoys communicating with them. And he never forgets that he was once like that himself.” These words, in my opinion, best characterize the profession teacher. First of all, only that person can be a teacher, which loves. Loves children, nature, your work, family... The whole world! But above all, he loves children.

It was not by chance that I ended up in this profession. Love for children, the desire to be friends and communicate with them is our family tradition. My mom was teacher, my aunt is a primary school teacher, my sister also became a teacher.

After graduating from school, I already knew exactly who I would be in this life. I perfectly understood and realized what it was to work kindergarten teacher. I always had an example before my eyes - this is my mother, she worked teacher. Kind, affectionate, attentive, she loved and devoted herself completely to her work. I looked at her and I thought: “So I will become the same, and I will be the same love children».

After graduation pedagogical institute, entering the walls of the kindergarten no longer as a guest, but as a future teacher, hearing a children's song from the music room, smelling the smell of freshly baked buns, plunging into the atmosphere of this small world, I realized - this is the place where everything is so familiar to me, close, this is what I want to do all my life.

First set of three year olds. I was terribly afraid and worried whether I could, and whether I would succeed... And I could, and it worked. From the very first days of working with kids, I loved them, happily went to work.

In our kindergarten, all groups are named after flowers. My group is called "Violets". More Maxim Gorky said: “Children are the living flowers of the earth”. And I completely agree with him, I can compare my children to these amazing flowers. They come to the younger group, some from the early development group, some from home, small, small, like violet leaves, and then over the course of four years they grow, gain strength and "bloom", who with what flowers, all so different, beautiful. And we are there all this time, trying to warm them with maternal warmth and affection, to make the kindergarten a second home. After all, flowers require careful treatment, attention, care and love.

Pedagogical activity – creative activity. The teacher must be able to sing, dance, know age and individual characteristics, all developmental techniques and actively use them in activities with children in kindergarten. All this helps teacher successfully lead children from group to group, raise them in development and education from step to step.

The teacher must be patient and friendly, because we have to work not only with children, but also with parents. You need to learn to respect your parents and take their opinions into account. Only through our joint interaction, and this is now the most important requirement of a modern kindergarten, will we be able to contribute to the full development of the child’s capabilities and abilities.

Every day I start with the thought of what new, interesting things I can show and tell my children, what new things I can teach them, how to amaze them. Passionate, interested in everything teacher– this is happiness for a child. Therefore, I do everything to make my children interesting, fun, and comfortable with me. We play, fantasize, write, read a lot, watch, listen to music, draw, sculpt, and do manual labor.

Its purpose pedagogical I consider the maximum development of each child, preserving his uniqueness and revealing his potential abilities. I'm trying educate children are sensitive and attentive, to awaken in them an interest in understanding the world, I teach them to ask many questions and try to find answers to them themselves, to respect old age and adults, to teach them to appreciate and love beauty, love your homeland.

It’s not always possible to achieve everything at once, but over time you learn a lot. In our fast-paced times, we cannot stand still, I am learning, trying to learn and keep up with important events in the field of preschool education, educate yourself and improve your professional status. I am an eternal student, so that together with my children I can explore the world even better, discover new things, create and enjoy these discoveries every time.

I've been working for 15 years now teacher and I think, this is not just my profession, but also my calling, my way of life. Over the years, I have never regretted that my life is spent among children. This profession makes me forget all my problems and sorrows, always feel healthy, energetic and always be in the world of a unique, fairy-tale childhood.

“In any profession, love for it is one of the conditions for success”, wrote Joliot-Curie to Irène. I love my profession and found my calling in it. I - teacher, and I’m also an ordinary person who just loves children.

The main educator of any person is his life experience, but in this concept we must include not only an “external” biography, but also an “internal” biography, inseparable from our assimilation of the experience of humanity through books and the media.
And I would like, albeit belatedly and not comprehensively, to express my deep gratitude to all the people in my life who raised me to love people. If I had not become a teacher, I would probably have worked as a librarian, because this profession involves working not only with books, but also with people.
Probably, I am a person of one passion: I wholeheartedly love the Russian language, I think that I know it quite well and I try to convey my knowledge to people. By the nature of my profession, as a teacher of Russian language and literature, I pass on my knowledge to children. And I thank fate that I was lucky enough to meet people on my life and professional path who helped me choose the right path. These are, of course, my parents. Mom, Nina Ivanovna, a very sensitive and kind woman, taught kindness and attentiveness to people. Father, Alexander Pavlovich, helped to comprehend the world through creativity. He himself was a creative person and developed in me the ability to improvise, create interesting skits, which were staged together with my classmates in front of the village residents.
My abilities, of course, did not go unnoticed by the teachers. During my school years, I participated in various clubs, developing professionally. In the 5th grade in Russian language and literature, I had an amazing teacher - Tamara Mikhailovna Gerasimova, a teacher from God. I can’t express my attitude towards her in any other way. She gave lessons that I still remember to this day. From then on, I was fired up: I would become the same as my teacher. And so she did. Of course, what kind of teacher I am is for my students to judge, but the fact that I love my job and children comes from the heart.
I involuntarily remember Sergius of Radonezh, who, while performing the most difficult work, believed that monks should constantly work, earning their bread. I wouldn’t want them to think wrongly about me: here, they say, he refers to a holy man and puts himself on the same level with him. But, speaking about him, I only meant that I do all the difficult work myself and never shift it to anyone. Both my parents and teachers instilled this in me.
There are different opinions on whether one should follow the path of spiritual improvement alone or together with someone. The path of a lonely soul is the most difficult and, to some extent, the fastest, because the struggle with oneself is always shorter, although more cruel and more complex, especially if there is no support and understanding. And I think that I was very lucky in my life, because I met people who understood me. We complemented and enriched each other.
Why did I suddenly start talking about connecting souls? I think not suddenly. My profession is exactly like this, because the school is staffed by people united by a common goal and common principles. Then you work and live in one breath. I met all sorts of people along the way, but I tried to take only the good from them, and this helped me and is helping me to survive and continue to work.
Life teaches many lessons, some remain in memory, others go unnoticed. Having worked at school for almost 37 years, I tried to pass on only good things to my children, but they also taught me a lot. So I think that if there is still something unspent in me, it means there is a need to continue what I started. And in general: learning from each other is useful! However, to say that I know everything would be, to say the least, stupid, for, as the parable says, “human selfishness darkens not only a person’s eyes, but also his mind.”
Young specialists also came to our school. I remember seeing two pretty girls. I asked who they were. It turned out that there were new teachers: Natalya Yuryevna and Zhamilya Tyulebaevna. I immediately wanted to help them with something: they seemed too young and modest. For some reason I even felt sorry for them. I thought: “If only the current “cool” generation would discourage them from wanting to work with pleasure. Fortunately, my fears did not come true. Of course, it’s difficult to start, but they are coping – and not bad. The girls joined the school community as if they were there. Well done! Keep it up! This means they are in the right place. May success accompany them, and may there always be good people next to them who can help in difficult times.
In such a short period of time, young teachers already call their students assistants, and children call them loved ones - which means that such teachers will become good.
A few years have passed, and Natalya Yurievna has really found a way to the hearts of her students, she works with love and interest. But Zhamilya acquired a different specialty, and that’s good. Why work where it's not interesting?
I often think about whether good, smart, kind, fair, decent teachers who care about children will come to replace us. I want to believe that they will come. And may God give them and all of us the strength and desire to serve our work with honor.


Hello, Galina.
You are thinking about whether young teachers will replace the older generation. Of course they will, but will they stay? The existing practice in universities is not enough to understand and learn how to teach, how to behave and control an audience. After all, students usually do internships in top and good schools, where students study with a good level of knowledge and intelligence, who are adequately and normally disposed towards the teacher. But after graduation, not all young teachers end up in such schools. Therefore, many cannot stand it and leave school. Each new generation is significantly different from the previous one - if 40 years ago the authority of the teacher was unquestionable, now the focus has shifted to the children's team. The teacher not only must treat the child with great respect, he does not have the right to make him a suggestion without negative consequences for himself. As a result, not every teacher manages to learn how to hold a class on his own authority. You need a huge amount of energy, a quick reaction, a subtle knowledge of child psychology, and a young specialist does not and cannot have this. Yes, to be honest, there are many among teachers There are enough people who have worked at school for years who can be called a teacher with a big stretch. Fortunately, there are those for whom teaching is truly a calling.
I would like to bow deeply to such active teachers who, despite everything that is happening to our society and people, continue to conscientiously teach children.

Reflection on the topic “Experience and mistakes” is always relevant - at any age, in any state with any mental orientation. However, any such reflection will certainly be carried out at its own level.

For example, for a small child, at his level, understanding of legal or illegal things occurs. If we consider a typical example situation, we can draw certain conclusions. For example, a mother sends her four-year-old son to the garden to pick carrots; the son returns but brings beets. She begins to say something reproachfully to him, the boy feels discomfort because he “brought something that was not what was asked for,” withdraws into himself and with some sixth sense understands that he made a mistake, but he did not make it out of his own prank or harmfulness .

Regardless of how old a person is, he will treat his mistakes equally - whether he is four years old or forty years old, that is, with the same degree of responsibility. He will equally worry about his mistakes, and the more he makes mistakes, the faster the necessary experience in one or another area of ​​his activity will come to him.

It may well happen that a person repeatedly makes the same mistakes in his life, as if he steps on the same rake, which, by the way, hits him on the head very painfully. This gives rise to a feeling of dissatisfaction with what you are doing, as well as a complaint: “Why did this happen to me again? Why couldn’t I do it differently, since I’ve already done it a thousand times? And so on." There are many reasons for this, one of which is a special character trait when a person is in a hurry to live and does everything quickly due to some circumstances. In other words, he wants what is best, but everything turns out the other way around. This is how V. Shukshin’s hero Chudik behaved (“Why am I like this?”)

Experience, no matter how bitter and sad it may be, brings new rounds to the development of personality. Yes, there remains in the depths of your soul a residue from the fact that you did something wrong or irrationally, but the next time a similar situation happens, you can already be on the safe side and prevent a similar mistake.

Therefore, I would like to advise: do not be afraid of your own mistakes, it is better to smile and move on with your life... until another mistake.

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"I am a teacher"

“...Perhaps our work is not noticeable in appearance,

But I know only one thing - the kids are rushing to our garden,

They're rushing mom in the morning - come on faster, mom, hurry up!

Probably - this is the answer -

More valuable than our labor

Not in the world!

I have been working as a teacher for more than fifteen years and have no regrets. Children are joy, they are the most precious thing we have. There are no other people's children for me, so I treat every child as if it were my own, with maternal care and tenderness. A teacher is a person who enters the life of a child and his family, because parents trust him with the most precious thing they have - their children. There is probably not a single parent in the world who would not worry about their child, about what kind of relationships he will develop with adults, peers, and how he will grow up. It is important for me not to lose this trust, but to strengthen it. It is also very important for me to praise the child once again, even when his successes are very modest. This builds self-confidence in children and makes them want to take the next step.
The highest achievement of my work is the ability to find a common language with children and their parents. When my children grow up and become adults, they will appreciate my efforts. The best reward for my work will be the opportunity for my students to live in harmony with the world around them. I would like to believe that, having received a positive charge in kindergarten, they will confidently enter the future and be able to easily walk through life.
The principle of my work is: “Every child is a successful individual” and I try to create conditions for the development of everyone’s abilities.
Time does not stand still, and we teachers cannot work the “old fashioned” way. New innovative technologies are entering our lives. I try to keep up and put into practice all possible and interesting innovations.
In my work I widely use the method of project activities, using technologies such as: information and communication; health-saving; research; personality-oriented; gaming The design method makes children active. They gain the experience of independence and self-confidence. When new problems arise, the child gets into the habit of independently looking for solutions in any conditions. The peculiarity of any project is that children, parents, and teachers take part in it.
What does it mean to me to be a teacher? – Communicate with children every day, find joy and pleasure in it, think about them, empathize with successes and failures, bear responsibility, love.
A teacher is more than a profession. Being a teacher for me means living. But live in such a way that you are not ashamed of every day you live. Children do not always know how to obey adults, but they are very good at copying them. And a copy of your behavior is forever deposited in the child’s soul and affects his future life. I am responsible for my students.
Being a teacher also means being a unique actor who every day comes up with fascinating stories, like a good wizard, and helps children believe in miracles.
Of course, it’s not easy, but I’m proud of my profession because I dedicate my life to children.

Conference: Modern kindergarten

Organization: MBDOU Kindergarten No. 186

Locality: Republic of Bashkortostan, Ufa

“They say that a heroine is a mother if she has five children. They say you will be awarded a medal if you raise seven children. What can you call a teacher, If she has five times five? A bunch of nice, noisy kids, Naughty girls and boys. What should you call the teacher? Seven times three times heroine-mother

In modern society, big changes are taking place, guidelines are changing, and accents are being rearranged. These changes also affected the preschool education system. The work of preschool educational institutions is based on the use of new curricula and variable programs. At the present stage of development of preschool education, in accordance with federal state educational standards, the goal of educational work is changing - instead of a set of knowledge, abilities, skills, it is proposed to form new qualities of the child (physical, personal, intellectual).

Demands for educators are also increasing. A teacher is not only a profession, it is a vocation, which not every person is marked by, this vocation must be earned, earned through your work, your talent, your desire to constantly change, transform, improve.

We live now, and not in some other time, so the teachers of our team reconsidered their life positions, developed new pedagogical thinking, and took the position of a child in their pedagogical activities.

Factors in the development of a child’s positive emotions in kindergarten are:

- The teacher, his behavior, speech, professional competence.

A neatly dressed teacher who is friendly, speaks in a calm tone, and professionally and competently organizes communication with the child evokes a feeling of trust in the child.

“For a modern child, a modern teacher!” - the slogan of today!

- And who is a “modern educator”?! Does a person who lives by his profession, in which he achieves significant success, receive the predicted result? A creative person who strives to find himself?...

Let us note the unique aspects of the profession:

    The teacher must know and be able to do a lot. The task ahead is not a simple one - to teach a child to perceive and understand everything beautiful in the world; nature, music, poetry.

    The teacher must be able to: sew, craft, play and sing with children. And he needs to read a lot. He must have a good knowledge of children's fiction.

    The teacher not only organizes the work of the children's team as a whole, but also the personal relationships between children. The appearance of the teacher plays an important role in raising children. Pleasant appearance and gentle demeanor attract not only children, but also make a good impression on parents.

    The educator faces a difficult task - as an adult who develops and teaches a child, to understand and feel the children's world, to combine rigor and kindness, respect for the little person and exactingness. Therefore, educators need patience and flexibility of thinking in order to individually and accurately apply knowledge of pedagogy and psychology. The main method in teaching, developing and raising children is play. Wise educators prohibit little and play a lot. After all, children live in play. The teacher’s skill lies in the fact that he knows when to support a timid child, “assigning him as a wolf,” and to teach an aggressive child empathy, “making him a kid.”

    Having noticed the child’s abilities, the educator must not only support the weak shoots of future endeavors, but also convince the parents of the need to develop the child. Here he cannot do without observation, good memory and tact.

The world is changing, children are changing, which, in turn, puts forward new requirements for the qualifications of a teacher.
Educators need to master modern educational technologies, with the help of which they can implement the requirements of new federal state educational standards. These are well-known technologies of problem dialogue, game pedagogical technologies, productive reading technologies, activity technologies, as well as ICT technologies. I recognize that the computer is a powerful new tool for the intellectual and creative development of children, but it must be remembered: it should only complement the teacher, and not replace him.

We must not forget that we are called upon not only to teach the child, but also to keep him healthy. Consequently, the task of raising modern children should be to create a system of work that provides conditions for reducing hyperactivity, relieving anxiety, developing strong-willed qualities, concentration, concentration, maintaining and strengthening the physical health of the child

Practice shows that the presence of knowledge in itself does not determine the success of children’s further education at school; it is much more important for us to teach a child already in kindergarten to obtain and apply it independently. This is the activity approach that underlies state educational standards. By teaching activities in the educational sense, we make learning motivated, we teach the child to independently set a goal and find ways, including means, to achieve it, we help children develop the skills of control and self-control, assessment and self-esteem - this is the task of a modern educator. By preparing children for school, we form in a preschooler the qualities necessary for mastering educational activities - curiosity, initiative, independence, arbitrariness, and creative self-expression of the child.

We choose the forms of work independently, depending on the number of students, on the equipment of the group, on the experience and creative approach of the teacher. So, in the morning, when the pupils are cheerful and full of energy, I provide for the most labor-intensive activities: conversations, observations, looking at albums, didactic games, work assignments. As the children get tired, I include role-playing games, outdoor games, and reading fiction. By alternating different types of children's activities during the day, I ensure their diversity and balance while maintaining the leading role of play; in order to strengthen the health of preschoolers, I pay great attention to physical activity.

We are modern educators, making preschool childhood diverse. This has become the norm for us. We give children the opportunity to realize their individuality. In this case, everyone will not walk in formation, not in step, but at their own pace. It is simply impossible to do otherwise. We understand that children came to us - why-wonders, who should remain why-wonderful. We can talk about different opinions on the assessment of the Federal State Educational Standard, but for us, educators, the main criterion is the satisfaction of the parents. If a child is well-fed and healthy, if he goes to kindergarten with pleasure, if there are activities organized there that attract him, and he tells his parents about something new every day, then this is the highest mark of a professional teacher.

In their professional activities, teachers of our preschool educational institution harmoniously combine and integrate traditional forms of interaction with innovative ones.

We pay special attention to the implementation of educational activities based on active interaction with society and family. In my opinion, it is necessary to widely and en masse involve parents, create conditions for the formation of family values, rapprochement and unity, instilling a sense of tolerance, active cultural and sports leisure. Organize holidays where parents, along with their children, perform various creative tasks.

In our work we plan such forms of work as

    family diagnosis;

    pedagogical education of parents, exchange of experience;

    joint creativity of children and adults;

    joint events with social institutions;

    individual work with parents.

    information communication (email, social network)

We involve parents in participating in the implementation of the program, in creating conditions for the full and timely development of the child in preschool age, so as not to miss the most important period in the development of his personality. Parents of our students are active participants in the educational process, participants in all projects, regardless of what activity dominates them, and not just outside observers.

In my opinion, modern society no longer requires a teacher-performer, but a teacher-researcher, proactive, widely educated, therefore the teachers of our preschool educational institution try to present the material creatively, unconventionally, in a new way, organize pedagogical work in an interesting way, and provide preschool children with the opportunity to express themselves as creative individuals.

So, a modern educator must have the following list of personal and professional qualities

- a clear vision of modern educational objectives;

- value attitude towards the child, culture, creativity;

- support the process of personal development of children, their self-development;

- demonstrate a humane pedagogical position;

- preserve the physical and spiritual development of children;

- be able to carry out pedagogical activities to introduce modern technologies for raising and teaching children;

- ability for self-education and personal growth.