How many children will I have in the future? How to find out how many children there will be

Numerology is a relatively new science, but it originated in ancient times, when numbers appeared in people's lives.

In the process of evolution, society realized that numbers have not only mathematical properties, but also magical ones. Especially the date of birth can determine a person’s fate.

Many people are concerned about a completely natural question - "How many children will I have?". This can be determined by your date of birth.

To do this, you need to add up all the numbers that make up your date of birth., and add to the result the number of children the parents have, including themselves. In this case, it is necessary to take into account everyone - extramarital and from previous marriages, both mother and father.

For example: with a date of birth of January 11 (first month - 1) 1993, and there is one child in the family - you, the calculation will look like this:

1+1+1+1+9+9+3+1=26, 2+6=8. Means, magic number 8 is determining the number of children.


"1" - You are destined to have many children, but it is possible that for this you will have to go through trials - surviving a frozen pregnancy or miscarriage, having an abortion for medical reasons.

Even if at the time of fortune-telling you share the beliefs of child free or prefer a career to establishing a family home, after the birth of offspring you will have to reconsider your views.

It is motherhood that will give you true happiness and the feeling that you have been fulfilled in life. What is important, numerology predicts that all your children will be born from one man, and this will ensure a strong family and well-being.

"2" - There will be one child, but with some effort on your part, perhaps more. Conceiving, bearing and giving birth to your first child will be easy. And with subsequent pregnancies there may be problems due to poor health.

Increased monitoring and assistance from doctors will be required, both during planning and in the future. It is possible that a child born as a result of hard work will be spoiled and cause a lot of trouble.

"3" - How many children you have depends only on you. Most likely, one child will appear in adulthood due to the long-term choice of a partner.

The absence of a reliable man in your life or a combination of circumstances in which you always have to postpone planning for a baby until later will greatly affect the number of children. You can give birth to more than one only if you have a strong desire and go against fate.

The possibility of infertility of the beloved man is not excluded, which can lead to a difficult moral choice - to get a divorce and look for another, to take a child from an orphanage or to turn to the services of a surrogate mother.

"4" - You will have two children of different sexes with a significant age difference. Between their births, 5 to 8 years will pass. But, despite this, brother and sister will love and support each other throughout their lives.

They will also give happiness to parents: the mother will admire the beauty of her daughter, and the father will be happy to pass on his knowledge and skills to his son.

"5" - You will become a mother of many children, and one of the pregnancies will end in the birth of twins or triplets, especially if there have already been such cases in the family. They will also have older or younger brothers and sisters.

There is a high probability that, due to your amorous and fickle nature, children will be born from different fathers and with a large age difference. But this will not have any consequences for their psyche. In your big family, everyone will be happy and friendly with each other.

"6" - Fate promises you three children. The first two pregnancies will be early, before the age of 30. And the third child will happen in adulthood, perhaps even after 40.

It is possible that it will be the fruit of late love and a second marriage. Fortunately, this will not in any way affect his health or the attitude of his older brothers or sisters towards him - their love for the baby will be limitless.

"7" - Your love for yourself and your reluctance to change the usual course of life are so great that you may not give birth to a child. And if he is born, then, unable to give up his goals and freedom, hand him over to his parents or relatives to be raised.

You may have to regret this in later life, when entertainment fades into the background. But no matter how little you invest in your baby, he will still always respond to you with sincere love.

"8" - You will have two children. You will probably think about the third one, but decide not to because of various factors: age, health concerns, disagreements with your husband, unstable financial situation.

Although, with desire and a little determination, you have every opportunity to become a mother of many children. Motherhood will not be a difficult task, pregnancies will be easy, and children will grow up obedient and calm.

"9" - It is possible that you will not be able to give birth to a child, or you will have one conceived through artificial insemination. But you can become a wonderful mother for a baby from an orphanage, and even more than one.

If the result does not meet your expectations, do not despair. After all, we create our own destiny and everything can be changed!

Even before the advent of ultrasound and gynecological offices, women had their own means to find out how many children there would be, and even what gender they would be. Just a method, true and tested by our grandmothers and great-grandmothers, mothers - various ways of fortune-telling “How many children will there be.” You don’t have to believe in them, just have fun, or you can verify the veracity or fallacy of women who find out the number of future children by fortune telling.

Fortune telling “how many children there will be” by hand

You can tell fortunes for children using the lines on your hand. There are different schools of palmistry in the world, and each of them has its own interpretation of the lines and dashes on the palm. It is sometimes very difficult to understand them, so it is better for beginners to use the most accessible options for such fortune telling.

The first way to determine by hand how many children there will be is to find a horizontal line of marriage and love relationships under the little finger. It is located between the little finger and the heart line, running across the entire palm from the index finger. Above the horizontal line of relationships (or lines, since there may be several of them), you can see vertical lines - these are the lines of children. You need to count them and you will find out how many children you can have. Moreover, long lines indicate boys, short lines indicate the possibility of having girls, and a line in the form of a tick means the birth of twins.

Another way to determine how many children you will have is to find the “childish” lines on the Mount of Venus. To do this, you need to find the vertical lines located just below the base of your thumb. Usually these lines are quite clearly visible and are not so difficult to find.

Also pay attention to the Heart Line. It originates between the index and middle fingers and runs horizontally across the entire palm. This line ends with a characteristic herringbone pattern. In order to find out how many children you will have, you need to count the “branches” of this “Christmas tree”.

If you carefully examine your right and left palm, the number of child lines on them may be different. Palmists say that the left hand reflects potential, and the right hand reflects fate. That is, you can have four children, but only give birth to two. Some women are also upset that the number of “childish” lines on the palms of their chosen one is different than theirs. Experts in hand fortune telling say that this may indicate that the man already has children or will have children from other women, or that the man’s potential is greater than the desire or capabilities of his wife in terms of childbearing.

Fortune telling “how many children there will be” using coffee grounds

To tell fortunes about children using coffee grounds, you need to have a fairly developed imagination. Fortune telling begins with a clear formulation of the question to which you want to receive an answer. For example: “I want to know how many children I am destined to have.” Then you should brew coffee. For fortune telling you will need medium or fine ground coffee, a Turk and a cup and saucer. Moreover, you need a cup with smooth white walls and a round bottom. You can choose whether or not to add sugar when making coffee.

Freshly brewed coffee is poured into a cup and drunk in small sips. While drinking coffee, you need to think about the fact that you want to find out “how many children will I have.” For fortune telling, you should not finish two or three sips of the aromatic drink. Now you can begin the fortune telling procedure itself. We ask a question, the answer to which we want to get is “how many children will I have,” and shake the contents of the cup several times clockwise. Then we turn the cup upside down on a saucer and wait 2-3 minutes until the grounds flow down the walls and dry out a little. We turn the cup over and carefully examine the coffee stains on its walls and bottom.

In order to get an answer to the question: “How many children will I have?”, you need to see spots in the cup that are shaped like eggs, or circles with splashes in the middle. How many eggs or circles you manage to see - how many children you will have to give birth to. If you look at a circle of the correct shape, a boy will be born; if you look at an irregular circle, a girl will be born. A sign that looks like a fish also indicates pregnancy. If the fish swims up, the child will be born. If down - termination of pregnancy. And of course, the clear outline of a baby also promises the imminent birth of a child. Moreover, the closer to the handle of the cup the drawing is located, the faster the event will happen. But the drawings located on the bottom predict the distant future, the probability of which is lower than the predictions that you will be able to see on the walls.

How many children will I have: by date of birth

A girl can find out how many children she will have by turning to numerology. The method for determining the number of future children is simple - you just need to add up all the numbers that make up your date of birth and add to it the number of children your parents have. The resulting two-digit number must be added together. The result of the calculations should be a number from 1 to 9. For example: your date of birth is August 2, 1991, you have a sister, and your father has another son from his first marriage. Thus, your parents have only three children with you. We count the sum of numbers: 2+8+1+9+9+1+3=33; 3+3=6. Your magic number is six.

Interpretation of magic numbers:

1 – You have every chance of becoming a mother of many children. Moreover, if you choose family and children over a career, you will definitely become happy and feel like a fully self-realized woman.

2 – You can easily conceive and give birth to your first child, but you may not be able to bear your second child if you are not extremely attentive to your health. You will have to make a lot of efforts to ensure that your second child is born.

3 – You will spend a very long time choosing the man with whom you decide to start a family and have a child. The chance of never meeting your ideal chosen one is very high. Three means late labor and one child. Another option is possible - your chosen one will be infertile and you will have a difficult choice: be with him and remain childless, or look for another life partner.

4 – You will have two children: a boy and a girl. Most likely, there will be a difference of more than 5 years between children.

5 – You are destined to have twins or twins, even triplets are possible, so get ready to become a mother of many children.

6 – You will have three children. You will become a mother the first two times before the age of 30, but you will most likely give birth to a third baby after 40. A third child can also be born from a second marriage.

7 – You are not eager to become a mother, as a result of which you can consciously choose the fate of childfree (free from children). Or give birth to one child, but his grandparents will be involved in raising him.

8 – You are destined to become the mother of two children. You will also be thinking about having a third baby, but you will not decide for financial reasons, or because of fears for your health.

9 – If you manage to give birth to a child, it will most likely be through artificial insemination. However, this disappointing forecast does not at all exclude the possibility of adopting a baby.

Fortune telling using a thread and a needle “how many children there will be”

This method is suitable for young girls; this is how in the old days they found out how many children were destined for them. All you need is a simple needle and a white thread. The material from which the thread is made is not determined; you can use natural or artificial thread. You just need to thread the thread into the eye of the needle, place it at a distance from the palm, holding the tip of the thread (a distance of several fingers). The needle should not touch the palm, otherwise fortune telling will not work.

So, the girl who is being told fortunes should hold her hand straight, and the “fortune teller” should hold a needle on a thread over her hand. At the same time, the needle itself will gradually begin to swing, so you can find out how many children there will be and what gender they will be. The number of swings is the number of children. If the needle “walks” in a circle, it’s a girl, if it goes back and forth, it’s a boy.

Fortune telling “how many children there will be” using stones

This method, like fortune telling by stones, can be tried both during the holiday week (from Christmas to Epiphany), or simply by arranging get-togethers with friends. You need small, round and flat stones, a reservoir of water, a marker and ink. These ingredients will be useful for two types of fortune telling “how many children there will be.” You need to take several stones and write numbers on them with a marker. From one to five, it all depends on how many children you are planning. The larger the family you want, the larger the number, let it be maximum. Write one number on each stone and dip it in water. You can wait until the marker is washed off in the water; whatever number remains is the number of children you will have.

The second method is fortune telling to find out how many and what gender the children will be. Take about 10 stones, write names on them in ink, maybe equally divided - five girls and boys. Now place in a reservoir of water, a vase, basin or bucket, whatever is of a suitable size, so that the stones do not lie one on top of the other. Wait for the ink to begin to dissolve in the water. The names and number of stones will tell you how many children there will be and what gender.

Fortune telling “how many children there will be” on a mother’s wedding ring – or fortune telling on a ring without a stone

Take a suitable ring, it is better to use your mother's wedding ring, which does not contain stones. Also take a thread and a glass, fill it with water, a little more than half. You can also take a jar, it doesn’t matter, the main thing is to concentrate on holding the ring on a thread above the water, without dipping it. Ask, mentally, a question to the ring. Count how many times the ring swings and hits the sides of the container. This will be the number of children.

Fortune telling “how many children there will be” on cards

This method of fortune telling is the most common; this is how they find out how many children there will be, how many marriages, about fate, and so on.

We will need a deck, of course, new, not playing cards. They need to be carefully shuffled; this should be done by a girl who wants to find out the number of her future children. Now slide the deck with your left hand, with the cards facing you, then shuffle again and select nine cards from the deck, face down, so as not to see them first.

Almost every woman at the beginning of her family life thinks: how many children will I have? The question is far from idle, but very natural. Girls internally prepare for childbirth and the subsequent important chores that drag on until they turn gray. They are pleasant and exciting, many consider them the most important in life. Let's look at fortune telling “How many children will there be” using various systems. Experts advise trusting palmistry. If you manage to use your knowledge correctly, the future will not throw up any unpleasant surprises. We will focus on fortune telling by hand first.

Palmistry: subtleties and nuances

Before explaining where the lines of children are on the palm, it is necessary to make preliminary remarks. Fortune telling by hand “How many children will there be” has certain subtleties. We all have two palms. The left line shows the life that we outlined before birth. This can be approached in different ways, but it cannot be denied that there is a divine plan, which is adjusted by the will of the person himself.

What we managed to earn is inscribed on the right palm. Therefore, asking the question: “How many children will I have?” - look at both. The lines for many are seriously different. And the point here is how you managed to influence fate with your decisions and actions. Moreover, the left palm is also adjusted. That is, the present constantly influences not only the future, but also the past, although to a lesser extent. The number of offspring can only be determined at the present moment. For most, the prognosis will remain valid until old age. There are exceptions when the palms change dramatically. But this requires a serious, fateful event. An example would be saving from death or helping to save the lives of a large number of people. Such cases write off karma, change fate, and the like.

Gender issue

Do you think that only girls ask: “How many children will I have?” Men are also interested in the question, but not so obviously. Young people think about this alone, trying not to show their concern to the public. So, on their palms there are also corresponding lines. But their meaning is somewhat different. Men are allowed to scatter their seed. At all times, there were situations when they did not even suspect how many women they impregnated. This is still happening today. Therefore, the young man’s hand contains information not about all possible babies, but only about those in whose upbringing he will take an active part. These include not only biological offspring, but rather those with whom there will be a spiritual connection throughout life. And these may well include the wife’s children from her first marriage, nephews or grandchildren. Young people should take this fact into account when trying to do fortune telling on their own. How many children marriage will give, also look at the left palm.

Where are the descendant lines?

Let's begin the process of fortune telling. Examine your left palm. Under each finger there is a clearly visible bump. Under the little finger is the place that is needed to carry out fortune telling by hand “How many children will there be?” The photo of the palm print (above) shows this area (outlined in red). You need to find it in your place and count the stripes. They will tell you how many offspring a woman can conceive and bear. And for men they foretell the children they will raise. You only need to pay attention to clear stripes. Experts use a print or a magnifying glass. Consider the other palm and compare it with the first. Often, in this simple way, the burden of karma is determined. This factor depends on the difference in bands. It is considered a good omen if there are no differences, that is, the right palm contains the same number of signs as the hand that determines fortune telling. Using the lines, how many children will be born can only be predicted for the current period. Sometimes it is necessary to check the information to see if changes have occurred.

Deciphering the lines

Trying to clarify for myself the question: “How many children will I have?” - don't stop halfway. The palm tells a lot more. So, the gender of the child is shown by the length of the line. A short one indicates girls, a longer one indicates boys. Please note that this factor is extremely individual. You should compare only the lines of your own palm, and not pictures or other people's hands. If you find a “tick”, that is, two stripes converging in one place, expect twins. Their gender is also determined by the length of the lines. The clarity of the marks on the skin indicates the fate of the offspring. If the line stands out well and is not interrupted anywhere, it means that the child’s fate will be happy, he will achieve a lot in life. Weak, barely visible stripes portend poor health or problems. By the way, the broken line indicates the likelihood of a miscarriage.

Are there indications of abortion on the palm?

These marks should be looked for on the right hand. From birth, only health problems are planned, that is, miscarriages in women. Artificial termination of pregnancy is the decision of the failed mother herself. Such signs, despite popular belief, do not exist. The absence of lines in the indicated place indicates karmic problems. And no matter what a person thinks, infertility is a punishment for past sins. It is quite possible to work it out in the current incarnation, then the pattern on the hand will change.

Other methods of fortune telling for children

Note that the method described above is considered the most truthful. Sometimes, however, you have to resort to the help of specialists, since it is impossible to figure it out on your own. But not everyone has the opportunity to find a normal fortune-teller who would honestly conduct fortune-telling. How to find out how many children there will be? This can be done in other ways. It is not necessary to give a lot of money to a dubious specialist. Perform a ceremony with the wedding ring. It receives many rave reviews. People talk about a high percentage of matches. This is how you should do it: tie a thread at least twenty centimeters long to the ring. Take it by the free end in your right hand and lift it higher. Hold the ring itself in your right palm. Pull the thread. Gently release the ring and watch its movements.

Decoding fortune telling

After some, rather short time, the pendulum will begin to swing. If it moves from one side to the other (regardless of the direction), a boy will be born. When the ring makes a circle, it's a girl. When you have clearly established the result, hold the ring in your hand again. Wait a little and release again. This should be done until it finally stops. This behavior indicates the inability to conceive. The results vary: some people can’t wait to stop, while others have a ring that doesn’t want to move. Everything here is individual, as are our destinies. It is recommended to carry out fortune telling in a calm, friendly mood. Anxiety affects the reliability of the results, reducing it. In addition, it is better to guess no more than once a year. It is believed that each subsequent attempt turns out to be more false than the previous one. And this fortune telling only foretells future children. It says nothing about existing ones.

Fortune telling with stones

Finally, here is another way to look into the future. This fortune telling is done with stones. You need to collect ten pieces. Smooth pebbles work well. Write a number on each pebble, including the zero. Fill a bowl or pan with water. Place your stones in the container. Follow the numbers. They will begin to wear off slowly. You can place the container under the tap to create a flow. The very last number that will be clearly visible will predict the number of children. If it is impossible to write anything on the stones, then the numbers are written on small pieces of paper. Glue them to the cobblestones and do everything as described. Wait for the last digit. If you get a zero, don't be upset. This information is also useful for a determined person. Start working on karma. After some time the situation will change. But don’t guess more often than once a year; the results will turn out to be deceptive and incorrect.

Any girl eventually begins to think about children. Unfortunately, today science cannot give an answer in advance to the question of how many children and what gender a potential expectant mother will give birth to. This question has become a real mystery, from which the unknown emanates. But our ancestors knew a way to solve such a riddle - to use fortune telling.

There are a large number of methods of fortune telling for children; for this you do not even need to seek help from fortune tellers. The main methods by which fortune telling for the number of children occurs must be remembered by heart.

Fortune telling using thread and needle

To perform such fortune-telling, you will only need help from a friend, since you should not guess using this method on your own.

Step-by-step method of fortune telling for the number of children:

It is worth remembering that the needle should not touch your skin, as such touching can affect the result and ruin it.

It is very easy to explain such fortune telling. The number of oscillations will indicate how many babies there will be, and their type will indicate the gender. If the needle begins to oscillate left and right, there will be a boy, but if it describes a circle in the process of oscillating, then it is definitely a girl.

Number of children by date of birth

Numerology - This is the most ancient science in the history of all mankind, therefore most fortune telling is associated with numbers. There are several types of numerology methods to understand how many babies and what gender you will have. It is worth considering two of them in more detail.

First method

In order to understand your number, you should find the sum of all the numbers in your date of birth and add to this number the number of children your parents have (that is, the number of brothers and sisters + yourself).

Let's take a closer look. For example, your date of birth is 03/20/1993, you have two sisters and one brother. Thus, your number will be displayed using the following formula: 2+0+0+3+1+9+9+3=27= 2+7=9 (by date), as well as 3+1=4 (by number in family). The result is: 4+9=3

Second method

The result after fortune telling will directly depend not only on your fertile number, but also on the fertile number of your partner. It is for this reason that two dates should be used for fortune telling - your date of birth and the date of birth of your spouse.

For example, your date of birth is December 10, 1985, and your spouse’s is January 15, 1984. As a result of computational operations, your total reproductive number: 1+0+1+2+1+9+8+5=27=9, and your other half: 1+5+0+1+1+9+8+4 =29=11+11+1=2.


  1. If your fertile number is higher than your partner's, then your first child will be a boy.
  2. If your fertile age is lower than your partner's, then your first child will be a girl.
  3. If the reproductive numbers differ by no more than two, then it is almost impossible to understand the sex of the child, since the chance of error is very high.
  4. If such numbers are the same, then your married couple simply will not be able to have a child together.

Fortune telling by stones

If you are interested in knowing how many babies you will have, and whether you will have any at all, then you can ask for help from the stones. The features of fortune telling on stones will be described below. This method is not at all similar to fortune telling by date of birth.

This fortune telling is quite easy and does not require a lot of time. To carry out fortune telling, you should use a basin of water, ten stones and a special marker. Write numbers from zero to ten on the stones with a marker and lower them into the water. Try to arrange the stones on the bottom in such a way that they do not overlap each other.

Over time, the water will erase all the numbers from the stones except one. This figure will indicate the number of heirs you will have in the future.

Tarot cards

Card reading- This is the oldest method of fortune telling. To get a certain prediction, you should use a deck of Tarot cards.

To begin, take a deck of cards in your hands and formulate your question as clearly as possible (for example: “How many children will I have, full name?”). You can ask a question either out loud or to yourself.

Afterwards, take three cards out of the deck of cards and count them from right to left (you can view the meaning of each card both in the deck itself and through an Internet search).

  1. The first card characterizes your past;
  2. The second card is the future;
  3. The third card is the answer to your question itself.

Fortune telling by hand

One who prefers to use palmistry, should familiarize yourself in more detail with determining the number of babies by hand.

To begin, turn your right hand palm up and carefully examine the lines under the little finger. The number of lines will indicate the number of babies the expectant mother has. If the line is long, it will be a boy, and if it is short, it will be a girl.

The severity, clarity and thickness of such a line will indicate the health of the child. The better the line is expressed, the better the baby’s health will be. If it is unclear, there are breaks - the child will be born very weak and susceptible to diseases.

As is clear, the lines in the arm area can change throughout life just like the fate of man itself. By creating dramatic changes in your daily life, you are able to change the fate of your descendants along with this, so it is better to carry out fortune telling several times every five years.

On matches

This fortune telling is quite simple, as it only helps to find out the gender of the unborn child. To carry out fortune telling, you will need a bowl of water and a match.

Fortune telling plan:

It is worth paying attention: if the match does not burn completely on the first try, then there is no need to repeat fortune-telling. The Universe is not ready to answer this question for you right now.

On coins

To carry out fortune telling you need use a handful of coins of the same denomination.

This method cannot tell about the future of children, their health, character, but at the same time it will be quite accurate.

Coffee grounds

This kind of fortune telling is more comfortable and cozy.

Fortune telling for Christmastide

This fortune telling is also quite simple.. To get started, take a small piece of paper and write numbers from one to five on it. Then carefully fold each piece of paper and place it under the pillow. In the morning, immediately after waking up, you need to pull out one of the leaves. He will tell you the number of your children in the future.

On chilly water

Another type of winter Christmas fortune-telling is considered to be freezing water. In the evening you should fill a ladle with cold water. Place the pan outside and carefully examine the ice that has formed in the morning. By the number of pits you can easily understand how many girls you will have, and by the number of tubercles - how many boys.

Question for a child

It is no secret that a small child amazes with his sensitivity and knowledge in some matters. To carry out the simplest fortune telling, it is worth asking about the number of future babies the child has. To do this, you must comply with some conditions: the question should be asked unexpectedly to a boy or girl aged four to six years, without additional preparation. The question should be formulated simply and briefly, for example: “Masha, tell me, how many children will I have?”

The younger the age of the child being asked, the more reliable the answer.

You should choose only one method of fortune telling for yourself and use it only once. This condition cannot be ignored. Otherwise, fate may play a joke on you, and you will never receive a reliable answer to your question.

Many women want to know how many babies they will have, their gender and health indicators. In some cases, a person simply needs to look into the future.

Of course, there is nothing negative in such petty fortune-telling: they cannot harm a person in any way. But there is no need to get carried away and try to find out the fate of the child, as this may not change it for the better.

Attention, TODAY only!

Options for fortune telling for children and their number.

Many of us are trying to look into the future. This is how various fortune telling and signs appeared. With their help, you can find out how many marriages you will have and how many children. Of course, you shouldn’t take fortune telling as a sentence. Some of them have nothing to do with the truth.

There are many options for fortune telling by hand. In general, the whole science is called Palmistry. She is the one who studies the lines on the hand.

Fortune telling options for children:

  • Dashes over the hill of Mercury. This area is located just under the little finger. You need to find the line of love and see how many branches come from it. This will represent the number of children.
  • Another version of popular fortune telling. You need to clench your hand into a fist and see how many folds there are under the little finger. Their number indicates the number of children. In this case, a left-handed person should guess using his left hand, and a right-handed person should use his right hand.
  • Heart line. Small lines resembling a herringbone at the very source of the heart line also indicate the presence of offspring. The number of small serifs visible is the number of babies a person is likely to have.

Numerology is a young science that deals with the influence of numbers on a person’s destiny. Using this science, you need to determine the number of children. To do this, add up all the numbers in the date of birth, and add the number of children in the family. That is, you and your sister or brother.


09/03/1984 date of birth and 2 children in the family, we get 3+9+1+9+8+4=34, then we add 3+4+2=9, that is, your number is 9 (2 at the end is the number of children in the family , considering you)

Decoding numbers:

  • 1 – you will become a mother of many children
  • 2 – you will have only one child
  • 3 – most likely you will have a late marriage and one baby
  • 4 – expect two children at different points in your life
  • 5 – you will become a mother of more than 3 children
  • 6 – expect three children
  • 7 – you may not have children or only one will be born
  • 8 – expect two children
  • 9 – difficulties with conception are possible. You will not have one or will have a baby born through artificial insemination

How to find out: how many children will I have according to numerology?

Numerology is the science that studies numbers. With its help you can predict the number of children. You can watch the video on how to do this.

VIDEO: Number of children according to numerology

To find out the number of children, you can take the simplest test by answering a few questions.

  1. Housing
  • a) You live in an ordinary apartment
  • b) Outside the city in a multi-room apartment
  • c) In a private house
  • d) In a huge mansion with several children's rooms
  1. How many years
  • a) Until 21
  • b) 21-31
  • c) 32-40
  • d) More than 40
  1. Job
  • a) Student
  • b) A specialist with a good income
  • c) A housewife who married successfully
  • d) Unemployed, I live off social benefits
  1. Relationships with kids
  • a) I don’t like them and I only sit with them for money
  • b) Some like it and some don’t
  • c) I adore children and treat this responsibly
  • d) The more children, the better
  1. Family status
  • a) I’m not married and I don’t want to
  • b) Married no children
  • c) Married and has a baby
  • d) Three children, divorced

Decoding mostly answers:

  • a) Don’t rush with children, you’re not ready yet
  • b) If you want, feel free to give birth to children
  • c) You have a good family situation, so you can afford 3 children
  • d) Most likely, you will become a mother of many children

One of the simplest is fortune telling using a pendulum. It will tell you whether you will have children and their gender.


  • Take a needle or ring and thread it through
  • After this, hang the object over your left hand, the pendulum itself should be in your right hand
  • If your homemade device sways from side to side, then a boy will be born soon
  • If it's circular motions, then girl
  • To find out if there will be a second baby, take the pendulum in your left hand and hang it over your right
  • If the needle or ring is level and does not wobble, then there will be no more children.

How can I find out at what age my baby will be born?

If you wish, you can find out not only the gender and number of children, but also at what age you will have them. This is quite easy to do. The video describes in detail fortune telling about the number of children and the age when you will give birth to them.