Paradoxes of a school history course. The most incredible paradoxes in human history

Before you on the blog page (see) is a series of historical short stories about Rus'. This is not the work of a historian. This is a different look at the biography of the country with the help of facts established by professional historians, this is an attempt to see events distant from us through the eyes of our ancestors.

The purpose of the work is to convey to the reader the spirit of a distant time through the method of reconstruction and historical journalism.

The purpose of the work is to remind that there is an ancient land of Russians and Slavs, that the ethnic group of the millennium living on this land has every reason to be proud of its past, and in terms of national identification it is no lower than other peoples.

The authors on whose works the short stories are based are responsible people, not hacks and not historians on call. These are people for whom Russian history is close to their hearts. These are A. Asov, S. Baimukhametov, L. Gumilyov, classics of the Soviet period: A. Artsikhovsky, M. Tikhomirov and many others.

The time machine has two conveyors.

During my life I have seen several states and ideologies in my native country. Today many things are seen differently. And this is what I shared with you differently.

History is a two-way process. The second lived is a thing of the past, and it is already a part of history, and today’s day has long been determined by the works of our ancestors.

Over time, we too will become ancestors. And the history in which our children and grandchildren will live depends on us today, and how they will look at us, and what they will leave to their children and grandchildren in the future.

In ancient times, a philosopher compared History to a river that you cannot enter twice. But from the future it is easy to distort ideas about the past. But this barbarity is also revealed simply, because it is difficult not to notice the contradictions that arise during falsifications; they stick out like shallows on a river. But misinformation still flows through our schools and over our heads. As before, it is not history, but its black PR that controls our consciousness and actions. He dictates options in a choice situation.

The mighty river of History has powerful influxes of misinformation.

Direct falsifications of past events are carried out by interested parties, including abroad, where they study the history of Rus' according to the Catholic “Treatise on the Two Sarmatias”.

State and religious ideologues show us history through magnifying and dispersing glasses. Something is overemphasized, something is diffused until it disappears completely. Even current politics interferes with historiography based on archival data.

Let's change the angle of view.

The desire to know the truth about the society in which you naturally live. It is also natural for historical distortions to appear. This is not someone’s conspiracy, but a completely natural component of life. Inevitable PR accompanies any story. Take our chronicles, or foreign historiography about Rus'. Let’s not forget the saying: “If you don’t lie, you can’t tell a story beautifully.” But. Everything always depends on the angle from which we consider already known facts. And it depends only on the reader himself.

It’s worth taking a different look at past long-known events - and lo and behold, our history takes on completely different shades. The actions of the princes and their motives begin to look new.

What prompted me to write short stories was the downright boorish attitude towards our native history observed everywhere. But history shapes our consciousness, and therefore requires careful treatment without splashing saliva in uncontrollable self-spitting. Honestly, our ancestors did not deserve this, we can be proud of them, if only because we are their descendants and do not consider ourselves idiots, we were born quite adequate and live in our own country. This is not only our merit, but also that of fathers, grandfathers and mothers and grandmothers.

Every person has the right to live in a world created by his labors and his imagination. But you must admit, we breathe the air as it is, and not distorted by distorting mirrors. The world of illusions is beautiful, but it really lives only in the circus.

Everyone thirsts for the truth, but is everyone ready to let it into their home?

Answer yourself the question - are you ready to look at reality as it is?

We have absorbed some knowledge since school, someone even memorized it and suddenly... he saw the real world of the past, which is presented to him by alternativeists like the author of these short stories. How many people can accept this? Of course not. Some will refuse not out of denial of the newly discovered knowledge, but simply because they do not want to revise their previous ideas, so ingrained in their consciousness. This is the paradox of alternative history.

As children, they explained to us what was good and what was bad, they had already decided for us what to decorate, what to denigrate, and with such baggage we moved into adulthood, but here it turned out... Not everyone is ready to change the world painted in our minds with such care into real colors. Even your relatives may not share your joy from a different view of the past. I am already silent about the problems that will arise at school.

My short stories show that there is not only a “correct” school story as an illusion of distorting mirrors, but there is also another that becomes in demand during key periods of life. But for this, it should, at a maximum, be heard during school years, and at a minimum, exist. And she really does exist.

Why do we need alternative history?

What am I talking about? Let me first express my thoughts and then quote a person who studied at MGIMO. Here they studied and are studying history in a different way, so to speak, than in ordinary open universities.

With our anti-PR of our own history, we have firmly fooled not only ourselves, but also the European monarchs. And they fooled us to such an extent that foreigners sincerely believed in these fairy tales and nonsense (though this is their merit too) about our impenetrable stupidity, about “Asianism” and even built a corresponding foreign policy towards Russia. Both the Germans before the Second World War and Napoleon before his conquest of the world, who had read about the Oblomovs and Manilovs, about the Superfluous People and Dostoevsky’s idiots, seriously thought that if only the Russians could be rid of such a power that they themselves hated, the “wild Empire” would fall at the feet of enlightened Europeans.

By the way, this continues today. So Japan and Georgia seriously believe that they can scare a nuclear power by chewing ties or flying over neutral waters.

But we brought much of this upon ourselves, engaged in self-abasement of our own history. The well-known chronicle beginning of the first dynasty alone is worth something. “Our land is rich, but there is no decoration in it. Come and rule over us.” Well, the applicants went to our land to issue their own outfits. And they are still charging. Why be surprised if we ourselves talk and write about our own history as if it were the history of klutzes?

And now I’ll quote MGIMO graduate V. Medinsky: “Stalin, with all his tyrannical and criminal character, turned out to be wiser. He realized in time that it was impossible to win the World War under the banner of the communist idea alone, and brought Alexander Nevsky, Peter I, and the semi-legal Russian Orthodox Church out of Bolshevik oblivion. The country felt the soil under its feet, its native land, the foundation of our heroic history.” And relying on the history of its glorious ancestors, the country survived and won the most terrible war. Patriotism, faith, mysticism, climate, everything was on our side. This is the price of history, which was returned to the people in their hour of trial.

For such cases, the true history is constantly stored in state vaults. And of course, it is far from being a school weapon, which we are all accustomed to; it is the most powerful type of weapon of all known weapons. This is our joker, which will pull the country through in any case. But while it lies in vain, other countries, which still don’t really have a history, like the USA, present with the greatest love their 228 years as heroic, positive and epoch-making. And against this background, it simply becomes a shame for the truly heroic millennia of our heroic ancestors.

The surviving wire broadcasts talk about prostatitis and caries from morning to evening, television broadcasts instructions for gang warfare, and Internet resources are filled with calls for overthrows. But our country has almost drowned in its own blood over the past 100 years. The revolutions that have happened are not enough for us. Those looking for change, take a look at Russian history. There you will find ways in which our sovereigns changed the internal politics of the country and resolved issues with the boyar opposition without revolutions and without firing cannons at the Supreme Council.

The process of creation is impossible if you constantly destroy the heritage of your ancestors.

Therefore, I cannot stay away and write my own historical and journalistic short stories.

Our history has always been beautiful, and let our descendants inherit this.

We are the light of extinct stars,

We are the writing of the gods.

Dazhbog's descendants

We are a series of eras.

Zhivina and Runova, Krasiva and Lozova,

Chervonay and Sinyaya, Great Ordus.

She's beautiful everywhere

And in birch bark and in fairy tales

The Great History of Hyperborea-Rus.


1. V. Medinsky, Myths about Russia, About Russian drunkenness, laziness, roads and fools. Moscow, Olma Media group, 2010 p. 5-9.

2. V. Medinsky, Features of national PR, PR history of Rus' from Rurik to Peter. Moscow, Olma Media group, 2010


Many are familiar with the expression “Rich as Croesus” and “The Glory of Herostratus”.
What events preceded their appearance?
It was a long time ago, many centuries ago. Somehow Androcles, the son of the Athenian king Codrus, wanted to become independent and live in his own city. Codrus agreed with his son, but sent him for advice to the Delphic oracle, whose authority was indisputable: what he said should be fulfilled, based on his predictions. And at that time, specially trained priestesses used the entrails of animals, the flight of birds, the leaves of sacred trees, and lightning strikes to tell fortunes. And the fortune-telling indicated that the city should be built where he would find fire, fish and a boar. Androcles became thoughtful, but gathered his team, they boarded a ship and sailed across the Aegean Sea in search of “signs”. They sailed, sailed and saw a beautiful and a picturesque bay, and on the shore there was a fire: local fishermen were preparing their fish dinner. The ship landed on the shore, they approached the fishermen’s fire, and then suddenly a bush caught fire from a spark from the fire, and a frightened boar jumped out from under it. All the signs coincided: fire, fish, boar! The gods sent them a blessing! “This is where they will build the city,” they decided. But here lived a warlike tribe of Amazon women. Peace had to be made with them and many Amazons married Greek settlers. Young Androcles fell in love with one of them, Ephesia, and named the city Ephesus in honor of his beloved.
This is how a new Greek polis arose in Ionia, located in Asia Minor.
His patron was the goddess Artemis, the patroness of animals, domestic and wild,
healing from illness, giving happiness in marriage. In honor of
The Ephesians built a temple of the virgin goddesses - the Temple of Artemis of Ephesus.

The fate of both the city and the temple was beautiful and dramatic. More than once they were destroyed by invaders: Cimmerians, Persians, Goths. But the Ephesians restored both their city and the sanctuary of their patron goddess Artemis.
Some residents of Ephesus brought him worldwide fame. It is famous for its thinkers, scientists, doctors, historians: Callinus, Anaximander, Hipponax, Heraclitus, Zenodotus of Ephesus, Saranos of Ephesus, Hippocrates, Herodotus of Ephesus wrote his “History” here.

The city has been known since ancient times, but it acquired its greatest prosperity and splendor during the reign of the Lydian
King Croesus, whose wealth was legendary, and it was his enormous fortune that was expressed in the saying “Rich as Croesus.” Croesus conquered the city in 56 BC. Huge amounts of money were invested in the construction of the city, in architecture
which was dominated by the Ionic style, but there was also the influence of Eastern culture.
Therefore, the temple of Artemis was built according to the canons of the Ionic order, on a hill. For the construction of the sanctuary, Croesus, king of Lydia,
invested his personal funds. It took one hundred and twenty years to build the temple
and not only the Ephesians, but the entire Greek world, can be proud of its splendor.
But in the summer of 356 BC. the temple suffered a sad fate - it was burned.
Who was this man who encroached on the shrine of the Greeks?

There lived in the city of Ephesus a young fish and herb merchant, Herostratus. He ate barley cakes in the morning, rolled them into a tube, dipped them in sauce, ate fried meat or fish with his hands, and finished the meal with grapes or vegetables. He went to work, to the market, in a linen tunic or, if it was very hot, he wore a loincloth. He walked barefoot, had a shaved head, and looked around sadly: the seaport that Ephesus was, lived by trade, sea and land caravans converged here. Rich banks were located here. In them it was possible to get a long-term loan at low interest rates. The city had its own coin with the image of a bee. Among the bankers there were famous ones: the banker Hermios, a former slave, became famous in Ionia. The first bankers in Greece were slaves, since banking was considered an indecent occupation among aristocrats.
Hermios was friends with Plato and Aristotle while studying in Athens, where he was sent to study by his former owner, who saw his abilities and ingenuity. Herostratus did not show such abilities and he was dissatisfied with everything: here comes an aristocrat, in a beautiful, almost airy tunic, in multi-colored leather sandals with pearls and gold jewelry on the neck. She does not pay attention to him: barefoot, in a simple chiton, even and with a border, but barefoot, which betrayed his social status. And he is young, handsome, and he will show everyone: he has one idea that will make him famous, cover him with fame. In the meantime, he walks the street past the gymnasiums, past the theater, from where the sounds of flutes and choral singing can be heard. He is also annoyed by the dancing priestesses walking towards the Temple of Artemis. And the Temple itself is a majestic building, built by the architect Khersiphron and his son Metagenes. “The temple took a long time to build, 12 years, but what funds were spent on it over these years? If only I could get at least a little of them!” thought the young merchant. “And it was built by famous architects, also rich citizens.”
And he was also dissatisfied with the fact that after his monetary reform, Croesus replaced electrons consisting of gold and silver with pure gold and silver coins, and they are different: some weigh 872 grams, heavy; others, light, weigh twice as much, but still my hands get tired in the evening. “And how many of those coins will I earn in a day? And the banks keep raking in and raking in money, making money from interest on loans. There is no justice in life, no! But it’s okay, you will still recognize me, hear about me!” Herostrat reassured himself. He just couldn’t come to terms with the idea that he didn’t know the art of oratory, he couldn’t take part in philosophical debates, he couldn’t be significant and famous, he didn’t have a lot of money. He did not know that to the question Croesus asked Solon about the relationship between wealth and happiness, he answered: “No one can be considered happy before his death.”
And Solon knew what he was talking about: he himself came from a merchant family and was engaged in trade, he knew the price of both wealth and happiness, because he was a wise and great reformer.
Croesus entrusted the construction of the temple to the famous architect Hersiphron, and after his death he was replaced by his son Metagenes. Majestic and beautiful was that temple of Artemis of Ephesus - it was the pride of not only the inhabitants of Ephesus, but also of all of Ionia and Greece. And this greatness and glory of the temple haunted Herostratus. And on the night of July 27, 356 BC, taking a jug of resin, he went to the temple of Artemis. He went inside the sanctuary, lit a torch with resin and set fire to the temple. So this crime was committed for the sake of ambition, for the sake of glory.
So we can consider Herostratus the first and most famous PR man in the ancient world.
He was captured, a trial was held and an unexpected decision was made: to execute him, consigning his name to oblivion. But oblivion did not work out: for several decades, according to legend, special heralds went around announcing the order: “Don’t you dare remember the name of the mad Herostratus, who burned the temple of the goddess Artemis out of ambition!” Almost a joke: “Forget the man named Herostratus who set fire Temple of Artemis!
But history is full of paradoxes: for many centuries and many people are haunted by the “laurels of Herostratus”: to achieve fame, to attract attention by any means, even criminal.
What about the Temple of Artemis and Ephesus, what glory awaited them?
Alexander the Great, many people know this name, having defeated the Persians, decided to re-build the sanctuary of Artemis in Ephesus and he entrusted his architect Heirocrates, who in 333 BC, based on the old plan of Hersiphron, began to restore the temple. Its decoration was carried out by famous sculptors: Scopas and Praxiteles. They decorated the temple with their beautiful sculptures. This time, construction lasted several years. The grateful Ephesians commissioned the famous artist Appeles to paint a painting depicting Alexander the Great with lightning in his hand, like Zeus.
Strabo wrote: “After a certain Herostratus burned the temple, the citizens erected another, more beautiful one, collecting women’s jewelry for this purpose, donating their own property
and selling the columns of the former temple.”
This temple of Artemis of Ephesus was called one of the “seven wonders of the world.”
But he too was plundered by the Goths in 263.

But the story of Ephesus and the Temple of Artemis did not end there either: around 346, the last emperor of a unified Roman Empire
Theodosius 1 the Great, fighting against pagan cults, issued decrees prohibiting the worship of pagan gods and visiting pagan
temples and the Temple of Artemis was closed. Then in that place
They built a church, but years later it fell into disrepair.
But there were other decrees of Theodosius the First, unexpected, at least barbaric in essence: to prohibit the study of mathematics, as related to witchcraft and magic, to limit the holding of the Olympic Games. And in 395 the celebrations of the Olympic Games ceased. Common sense betrayed even the famous Greeks.
These are the paradoxes of history.
Indeed: “Sis transit Gloria mundi!”

Historical reference:

Ephesus is one of the 12 cities of Ionian Greece, which arose in the 7th century. BC, a policy on the coast of the Aegean Sea, in Asia Minor, in the territory of modern Turkey.

Kodra - Athenian king, 1O98-1O68. BC.

Androcles is the son of the Athenian king Codrus.

Kallin is the oldest elegiac poet, first half of the 7th century. BC.

Hipponax - Greek satirist - iambigrapher, lived c.53O BC.

Heraclitus - famous ancient Greek philosopher, founder of the original form of dialectics, 544-483. BC, patriarch of Greek philosophy, nicknamed the “dark” and “crying” thinker.

Anaximander - ancient Greek philosopher, introduced the concept of "law", is credited with creating one of the first formulations of the law of conservation of matter, 61O-546. BC.

Parrhasius – painter, second sex. fifth century BC

Zenno of Ephesus - philologist, c. 325- c. 26O. BC.

Soranus of Ephesus - doctor, born about 98 - about 138. BC.

Herodotus of Helicarnassus, "father of history", 484-425 Ogg. BC.

Hippocrates - “father of medicine”, doctor, ca. 46O-373-356. BC.

Croesus - last king of Lydia, a country in Asia Minor, 595-546. BC.

Solon - Athenian politician, reformer, elegiac poet, one of the “seven wise men”, c. 64O -558 BC

Heirocrates - Alexandra Deinocrates, a Greek architect, by order of A. Macedonian, restored the Temple of Artemis in Ephesus.

Hersiphron is an ancient Greek architect, in 55o BC.
Began construction of the Temple of Artemis at Ephesus

Alexander the Great - great commander and conqueror, 356-323. BC.

Plato - ancient Greek philosopher, student of Socrates, 428-424 -
348-347 BC.

Scopas is an ancient Greek sculptor, c. 395-35O BC, lived in Ephesus.

Praxiteles - ancient Greek sculptor, c.39O- c. 336 BC.

Strabo - ancient Greek historian and geographer, c.64-63 – c.28-24. AD

Theodosius 1 the Great - the last emperor of a unified Roman Empire,
346-395 BC.

The school history course is mainly an artistic and figurative description of historical events. High-ranking scholars, textbook authors, are more concerned with the literary style of textbooks than with historical logic. We, school history teachers, have to look for answers to students’ questions ourselves based on missing or contradictory information in textbooks. Even a basic school history course is enough for schoolchildren to understand the main
– history contains more myths than real historical events.

Below we will try to present schoolchildren’s questions on the most vulnerable issues of ancient and medieval history, both foreign and domestic. The main part of the answers to these questions is contained in the New Chronology of G.V. Nosovsky and A.T. Fomenko. We took the liberty of finding our own answer to some questions and proposing our own hypothesis.

The literature used for this work is exclusively school textbooks. In them you will find all the supporting information that raised the students’ questions.

History of the Ancient World and History of the Middle Ages

- Why do we study the mythology of Ancient Greece? If there is Slavic mythology, why don't we study it?

In the textbook (1), the hero of the Trojan War, Achilles, is called a Greek, and Homer calls him a Tauro-Scythian. War, by date textbook, occurred around 1200 BC, and official history dates the Scythians to the 7th century. BC. – 3rd century AD And, accordingly, the Scythians could not take part in the Trojan War. Homer's poems were created in the 8th century. BC. How could Homer know about the Tauro-Scythians? If, after all, the Tauro-Scythians took part in the Trojan War, then what interest did they have in this? It is known that the latter lived in the steppes of the Lower Don and Taurida.
However, it can be assumed that they were mercenaries. This could explain a lot. But this does not fit into the system of official history - neither in time nor in space.

One more detail. The Greeks (Danaans) give the Trojans a wooden statue of a horse. The horse is the sacred animal of the god of the seas Poseidon (2). But neither the Trojans nor the Greeks considered Poseidon their main patron, and they did not fight on horseback. Who then? And again we return to the Tauro-Scythians: they lived in the steppes, bred horses, were nomads, and Poseidon was considered the patron of horse breeding. And to improve the health of horses, they certainly had to be bathed in the river - that’s the connection: water and horse. God's name is Posey-DON, and the Tauro-Scythians lived, as already mentioned, on the DON.
There is another coincidence - this is a trident - a symbol of the power of Poseidon. It is interesting that the ancestral sign of the Varangians Rurikovich was also a trident (here you can clarify: from Rurik to Yaroslav the Wise - a bident, and under Yaroslav a trident appears - again, why?). What sea did the Varangians live across then? Was it the people? Or were they warriors - mercenaries?

One coincidence may be an accident. And in our case, there are many strange and inexplicable, from the point of view of official history, coincidences.
It is known that Greek authors left a lot of information about Scythia. In the lower reaches of the Tanais (Don) River, at its confluence with Meotida (Sea of ​​Azov), the Greeks founded a trading colony - Tanais, dating back to the 7th-6th centuries. BC (3).
If you happen to visit the excavations in Tanais, the first thing that will surprise you is the size of both the settlement itself and the buildings: they are relatively small, and certainly do not reach the status of a city; rather, they are warehouses on the river bank, a warehouse in a small harbor.
And not far from this “warehouse” in the 12th century, the Venetians, with the permission of Byzantium, set up their colony - Tana. And it had the same functions - a trading post. And this is indeed a city: a spacious harbor, blocks of houses - “distances of enormous size.” The heyday of Tana comes later, in the 14th century. In 1395, Tana was destroyed by Timur. The city survived. However, one ambiguity remains: where was medieval Tana located?
At the mouth of the Don there is another, but quite real, city - Azov. It is believed that its history goes back centuries and goes back more than 1000 years. When and by whom the city was founded, official history finds it difficult to answer; there are clearly too many similarities with previous claimants, and (what is especially inconvenient) there is clearly the participation of Russian history here. The city in the 10th-11th centuries. was part of the Russian Tmutarakan principality. The main function of the city is trade (again and again!). Then it was captured by the Polovtsians, received the name Azak, then began to be called Azov. And at the end of the 14th century, the city was destroyed by Timur’s troops (!). The city still has Genuezskaya Street. The multinational composition of the city can also be seen.
The city was controlled by the Tatars. And, according to the Don Cossacks, Azov belonged to them.

Are Tatars and Cossacks the same thing? (4)

And here’s the question: where is this Tanais? When and by whom was it founded?

And again there are too many coincidences. And there is no answer in school textbooks, but A.T. Fomenko’s New Chronology seems to answer these inconvenient questions.
There are also toponymic coincidences associated with the name “TANAIS”.

  1. If you are asked “Where are you from?”, you will answer, for example, “From Rostov”. What if you are from Tana? – TANA-IS.
  2. Poseidon. If you use the Volga "O", then - PoseyDON. And if it is the southern Russian “A”, it will turn out to be Pasei-DAN.
    DAN - TAN.
  3. In our Don region, rural villages are called “stanitsa”. Cossack military delegations to the Tsar, and even earlier, trade caravans with military guards were also called villages. Stopping and wintering places mills.

Trade caravan - where from? From TANy. Those traveling with the caravan are villagers.

But the Cossacks considered Azov-Azak-Tana their capital. It is not surprising that they called themselves “stanitsa”, i.e. those who came from TAN, from the DON. And their stops on the trade and military route were called camps everywhere (Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Hindustan). Azov, as you know, had fairly extensive trade connections.
These toponymic coincidences find an answer, again, not in official history, but in the mathematician A.T. Fomenko.
There is no need to remind about the culture of horse breeding that has developed on the Don since time immemorial. By the way, when were these immemorial times? And why exactly here, on the Don, do we trace this amazing equestrian culture?
Without knowing it, official history gives us food for thought.
In the 8th-4th centuries. BC. Cimmerians live on the Don. The legendary Homer mentions the Cimmerians. This people became famous for their cavalry, distinguished by the maneuverability of mounted combat and the surprise of an attack. Note that in those ancient times there were no other such cavalrymen. It is believed that they were pushed out by the Scythians.

From the 7th century BC. by 3rd century AD Scythians live on the Don and in the Black Sea region. They are also known to be excellent mounted warriors. And we will also make one remark about the Scythians (we will return to it later) - they had an amazing division into social strata - plowmen, warriors and royal Scythians.

From the 7th century BC. 4th century AD the Sauromatians, the ancestors of the Sarmatians, live on these same lands. They actively allied first with the Scythians, then with the Alans. They were driven out of the Don by the Huns in the 4th century. These tribal unions are also distinguished by their high equestrian culture.

In the 10th century, the Pechenegs came to the Don, then the Polovtsians. Both of them either carry out raids or enter into alliances with Russian princes. These peoples also have equestrian culture.
Some wanderers in the 13th century, then Cossacks in the 15th - and again the equestrian culture. It is known that no cavalry had such skills in mounted combat as the Cossacks. Is this a coincidence?

All the mentioned peoples live on the same territory, almost at the same time, all lead a nomadic lifestyle, and possess equally rare and even unique skills for those times.
And then here, excuse me, like a jack-in-the-box, Cossack villages appear out of nowhere, and the villagers are unprecedented horsemen, leading, by the way, a semi-nomadic lifestyle.
Question – Isn’t this one people? Perhaps we are talking about one people - the army, the Cossacks, whose military units each had their own name, for example, the Cimmerians, Scythians, Polovtsians, Varangians, Russians. And they were engaged in war and security professionally, being hired to serve with their ataman-prince (horse-konung), to protect borders, peoples, power, states.

The facts are from official history, and the conclusion is from the new chronology.
The Cossacks, as you know, led a rather ascetic lifestyle, without family, in constant combat readiness. And the Cossack troops were supported by those who hired them for service, for whom the usual thing was not war, but agriculture, for example, or crafts.
In Kievan Rus, the prince and his retinue were engaged in protecting the tribes, and once a year they made a tour of these tribes to collect polyudye - a certain tribute payment for military services.
The Scythians are divided into three social groups: 1-warriors who guard the borders, 2-farmers-plowmen who pay them for protection, and 3-kings, if you will, a caste of rulers.
As is known, Kievan Rus also had its own tribal princes.
Cossacks served the Russian princes and tsars.
A very similar picture emerges. Three different historical times. Three different historical peoples. But - one historical space and the same social organization. Let us add that other similarities are discussed above.
After all, official history cannot answer the question:
Why are there Slavs and Russians in Rus'? Who are they - the Slavs? And who are the Russians? And why is the nationality “Russian” a word – an adjective, and not a noun, like everyone else?
If we use A.T. Fomenko’s chronology, the white spots will disappear. We will see a large military formation - a Cossack horde, divided into tumens - thousands, each had its own name (Scythians, Varangians, Russians, etc.). And they all lived in the same historical time.
Interesting fact. The militarized Ancient Sparta had the same three-layer social structure: warriors, slave farmers (helots) and kings. At its head were two kings, who served as military leaders, judges and priests, as well as a council of elders, called, by the way, GERUSIA (another coincidence that has no explanation in official history). The Spartans considered it unworthy to cultivate the land. War was considered the only respectable occupation for men. (5) This custom existed among the Cossacks until the 18th century.
There is no answer to the question about the amazing similarity of the political organization of the ancient Greek city-policies and Russian cities of the times of Kievan Rus: both the polis and the Russian city are governed by a community - a general meeting, conduct independent foreign policy activities, hire their own army, and create a militia during wars. But there is a time difference between them of at least a thousand years. Where do such coincidences come from?
By the way, the political structure of the Etruscan cities, and then of royal Rome, is very, very reminiscent of the Spartans, and even Novgorod: 300 elders in Rome, and the same number of “golden belts” in Novgorod. The cities of the Etruscans were called spurs and, very possibly, were of Spartan origin. It is known that the Etruscans came to Italy from somewhere in the East.
I wonder why the people are called ETRUSCIANS, and scientists call their state ETRURIA? It would be completely obvious to name the state by the name of the people - ETRUSCIA. But they don't name it. And it's clear why. Then, whether you like it or not, you would have to look for the answer to the question - ARE THESE RUSSIANS? But according to official history, Russians did not exist then, there were not even Slavs yet, just some semi-wild tribes. And the high level of Etruscan culture cannot be denied. Rome, Great Rome was created by the Etruscans. Well, this cannot be correlated with Russian savages.
By the way, the Etruscans used the Greek alphabet, but their language has not yet been deciphered.
By the way, about Rome. Peoples and states, both now and in ancient times, leave a mark on history in the form of products of spiritual and material culture. Let's not talk about the spiritual, let's talk about the material. Material culture is not only buildings and structures, but also some kind of trade item that is well known to the world and brings the main income to the state. Egypt - grain, Greece - crafts and art (vases, statues). What about Rome? What does Rome trade? What is the main product produced? What is the basis of its economy and management system? Don't bother, you won't remember anything, there's nothing.
Outstanding Russian culturologist N.Ya. Danilevsky in 1869 in his work “Russia and Europe” wrote about this: “Cultural activity is completely insignificant: in science, in philosophical thinking, as well as in the arts, with the exception of architecture, Rome does not produce anything original.”
And again the question is: How could such a state exist? There are no analogues to it in history. So maybe he never existed?
To say the least, schoolchildren are perplexed by the military operation of the Carthaginian commander Hannibal in 218-201. BC. against Rome. Try answering these questions:

Why did Hannibal advance on Rome by land? To do this, he needed a huge army, with war elephants to cross the chains of high mountains, covering a path of many hundreds of kilometers. The crossing of the Alps cost him half his army, and some of the elephants died. Having won several minor victories, Hannibal refuses to march on Rome. And why? After fifteen years of war in Italy, without experiencing a single defeat, Hannibal was forced to leave Italy and rush to the defense of Carthage. And in 202 BC. Hannibal was defeated near the city of Zama. This was the only defeat of the great commander.
To walk the entire coast from the south of Spain to the south of Italy, to overcome mountain ranges, to wander around Italy for 15 years, not to try to capture Rome - why, why all this?
And the students themselves give the answer: either Hannibal was not a great commander, or history does not know something, or, at least, does not tell the story.
And in 146 BC. The Romans again destroy Carthage and at the same time, in the same year, Greek Corinth. Both cities were destroyed to the ground, they were razed to the ground, consigning the places where they stood to eternal damnation.
A truly fatal coincidence, isn't it?

And the inquisitive mind of a simple schoolchild, in the absence of historical facts, builds its own versions here.
By the way, on any school map you will find both Carthage and Corinth, although their true location, for obvious reasons, is unknown. Sorry, but the schoolchildren noticed that, to put it mildly, they were not taken seriously.
But the official history still has many such blank spots.

From 98 to 117 AD. Emperor Trajan rules in Rome. A column erected in honor of Trajan's victories on the Danube over the Dacians has survived to this day in Rome.

And curious schoolchildren ask:
Which Trojan (as translated by A.N. Skripov) is mentioned in the Russian “Tale of Igor’s Campaign,” written no earlier than the end of the 12th century? (6) Is this an oral tradition that has been passed on for 1000 years? And why the Russians? Incomprehensible.
The answers from official history only raise new questions in schoolchildren and do not provide direct answers.
Medieval history is also full of surprises.
In the 9th and 10th centuries, Western Europe experienced one of the last waves of migration of peoples. The beginning of population growth in Scandinavia caused a rapid expansion of the northern peoples. They were known to Western Europeans as Vikings or Normans, and to the Slavs as Varangians. (7)

So the students ask:
What caused such rapid population growth in cold Scandinavia?
And - most importantly - has anyone proven that the Varangians are Normans?

It’s somehow strange that everything, without checking facts, historical analysis, checking sources, etc. etc., blindly believe the writer, the author of a literary work under the impressive title “History of the Russian State” N.M. Karamzin.
Our history, as if under a spell, is all structured according to the Tale of Bygone Years and N.M. Karamzin. A step to the left, a step to the right - heresy and fire.

So the children ask:
And in almost 200 years, after Karamzin, what discoveries have been made in history?
If history is a science, it must contain discoveries, changes, dynamics. If not, then history is not a science. As for what modern history is, children will quickly find the answer, and it’s clear what it is.
It’s somehow strange that it has not yet been clarified where the ancestral home of the Slavs is, when, who built Kyiv, who was its first prince, who fought against Constantinople in 860, and much more.
Children are very surprised that there are no answers, there are only voids in their native history. Our historians have too little understanding of the ancient and medieval history of their native country. We know so much about Ancient Greece, Rome, Persia, Egypt. But we don't know anything about ourselves.
Before the adoption of Christianity, Rus' did not know writing, but then somehow it learned to read and write too quickly. This is because I have been able to do this for a long time. Russian fairy tales are full of information about inscriptions carved on stones and inscribed on birch barks. These are the legendary Russian TRAITS and CUTS. This was not the name given to the writing system, but way of writing- on stone or birch bark. And the system is the same as in Greece - an alphabetic syllabary based on Greek, known at that time throughout the Black Sea region. (Isn’t this the language the Etruscans wrote in?)

The significance of the adoption of Christianity for Rus' also raises many questions. This is a very large and separate conversation. And here and now it is not the subject of our discussion.

The Great Road “from the Varangians to the Greeks.” Schoolchildren have a good idea of ​​what the Greeks traded, but history is silent about what the Norman Varangians traded. And the children come up with it themselves. It’s good that textbook authors don’t hear them.

Ancient cities in Greece and Asia have survived to this day, but the Khazar Itil, built in the 8th century, disappeared without a trace. Like the famous, rich, described by European authors, Sarai-Batu, the capital of the Golden Horde, built in the 13th century by Batu Khan. Both cities were somewhere in the lower reaches of the Volga. How could they disappear without a trace? Why is their location unknown?
The Mongol-Tatar army was huge. These darknesses and darknesses must have lived somewhere. Has at least one Mongol-Tatars settlement been found in the lower reaches of the Volga and Don? Over the 240 years of the Mongol-Tatar yoke, they should have left a fairly voluminous cultural layer. But where is he? There are rare nomadic sites along the Volga and Don, and there is not a single one that could be attributed with absolute accuracy to one or another people, but they are all full of traces of the Slavic Russian presence.
It is very difficult to explain to the children the position of Alexander Nevsky, merciless both to the crusaders and to his own people, Saint Alexander Nevsky, an active defender of the interests of the Golden Horde, who brutally suppressed any resistance to the Horde.
As well as the position of Dmitry Donskoy, who won a victory on the Kulikovo field in 1380, but left Moscow before the invasion of Tokhtamysh in 1382.
We will not talk about the sore topics of our history - the location of the Kulikovo field and the authenticity of the battle on Lake Peipsi, again due to the unclear location of the battle.
Think what you want, but by all accounts it turns out that these great people were cowards and political slaves. And this certainly does not correspond to their holy aura of martyrs for the Russian land. If, after all, they were great, then history is telling us something wrong, i.e. again he doesn’t know something. Or doesn't want to know.
By the way, these Mongol-Tatars were excellent horsemen and mastered the art of horse fighting. Exactly like the entire historical population of the Don - Wild Field.
Mongol-Tatar yoke in Rus'. 1240-1480 And only the Vladimir-Suzdal principality is under the yoke. Is this all of Rus'? In 1362, at the Battle of Blue Waters, the southern Russian princes, together with the Lithuanian princes, defeated the Horde and freed themselves from the yoke. Novgorod and Pskov became part of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania and Russia. And only Vladimir remained under the yoke, a very small territory compared to the Principality of Lithuania. And we study only its history, calling it the history of Russia.

Children have a question:

Were the Vladimir and then Moscow princes weaker than the South Russian princes? Why couldn't they fight back the Horde?

Children also have an answer: those who want, look for a way, those who don’t want, look for a reason.
This answer can also be addressed to the authors of textbooks regarding the mythologization of all history.
It turns out to be some kind of strange story - unpatriotic, and even with elements of ethnic hatred.
Believe it or not. This is the story in our textbooks.


There was no need to make them angry

Is it true that on February 23 in pre-revolutionary Russia, some kind of secular holiday was also celebrated annually on a grand scale?

In 1910, at the International Women's Conference in Copenhagen, the famous feminist Clara Zetkin proposed establishing a “day of struggle for your rights.” Like, it would be nice to have a red day on the calendar, on which representatives of the better half of humanity “united as one, united ranks...” would remind the world that they are people too and no worse than men.

Initially, Zetkin fought for granting women the right to vote; later demands appeared to soften labor laws, provide medical care for women in labor and other “social packages.”

The very next year, Frau and Fraulein came out to demonstrate in Germany, Austria-Hungary, Denmark and Switzerland. Then the holiday was celebrated on March 19.

In 1913, Women's Day was celebrated in 8 countries, including Russia. True, feminists were never able to agree on a common date - each country selected it independently - March 2, 9, 12. And only in 1914 was it possible to establish a single Women's Day - it was decided to celebrate it on March 8, then it just fell on Sunday.

And since our country, unlike most of Europe, lived according to the Julian calendar (13 days behind), our International Women’s Day, in Russia it was called “Women’s Day,” fell on February 23. And so it happened.

Is it true that it was on this day that the February Revolution began?

On February 23, 1917, the ladies of Petrograd traditionally went out to demonstrate. The organizer of the thousands-strong march is the Russian Women's Equality League. It's the First World War. This time, women workers rightly protested against the lack of food and queues in stores, and the fact that their husbands and sons were being drafted into the army.

The history of the Red Army's Birthday, and then Defender of the Fatherland Day, turned out to be complicated. Until 1917, this date in the calendar was in Russia the day of the struggle for women's rights.

Then the women were joined by male workers. Strikes began in the city; soldiers of the reserve regiments refused to go to the front. After 9 days, Nicholas II abdicated the throne.

Lenin signed the decree on the creation of the Workers' and Peasants' Red Army (RKKA) on January 15 (January 28, new style) 1918. A Red Army soldier was entitled to a salary of 50 rubles a month (in the tsarist army - 22.5 rubles, although the ruble exchange rate was still different). It was possible to join the Red Army only on the recommendation of military committees, party or trade union organizations.

If the Red Army included entire units (units of the former tsarist army or gangs, for example Kotovsky, Makhno), then a roll-call vote was held and mutual responsibility was introduced.

A year later, on January 10, 1919, the chairman of the Higher Military Inspectorate of the Red Army, Nikolai Podvoisky, sent a note to the Presidium of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee with a proposal to organize a parade on the anniversary of the creation of the Red Army on January 28. But for technical reasons it was possible to organize it only on Sunday, February 23. Moreover, one holiday was already scheduled for this date - Red Gift Day - a collection of gifts for the Red Army soldiers. This date became a military holiday.

The world revolution was not expected...

Nothing good. On February 10, the Soviet delegation, led by Leon Trotsky, interrupted the Brest-Litovsk peace negotiations with representatives of the countries of the Quadruple Alliance (Germany, Austria-Hungary, Turkey and Bulgaria). Trotsky explained this by saying that the proletariat and soldiers of Germany and Austria-Hungary were about to support the world revolution.

A week later, German troops went on the offensive. On the 20th Minsk was captured, on the 21st - Polotsk, on the 24th - Pskov, where the main warehouses of weapons and food were located for the Tsarist Northern Front. And only now Germany is passing on new, even harsher terms of the peace treaty.

On the night of February 24, Lenin's government receives them. Russia pledged to recognize the independence of Courland, Livonia, Estonia (the current Baltic states), Finland and Ukraine, transfer the Anatolian provinces to Turkey (the territories of modern Turkey where Armenians historically lived), demobilize the army, disarm the Baltic and Black Sea fleets, withdraw ships from the Arctic Ocean, provide Germany trade benefits until 1925.

In Soviet times, textbooks wrote that “units of the young Red Guard gave a serious rebuff to the Kaiser’s troops near Pskov and Narva on February 23.” Then everyone suddenly began to claim that there were no battles.

Pskov was defended by the 1st and 2nd Red Army regiments and two companies of Latvian riflemen. The Germans failed to take the city from the raid. In the evening of February 23, they brought up artillery and an armored train. And only after that they broke into the city. During the retreat, the Red Army soldiers managed to blow up warehouses with military explosives - pyroxylin. More than 250 Germans died in the process.

There were red troops in Narva as well. Baltic sailors (a detachment led by the famous Pavel Dybenko deserted from the battlefield), a battalion of the Putilov plant, a company of Hungarian socialists led by Bela Kun and a combined Red Army detachment. Only under the threat of encirclement and complete extermination did the soldiers leave the city on March 4.

It is worth bowing to the heroism of the people who came out to defend, probably, their Motherland, and not some abstract ideas and a handful of Bolsheviks who staged a coup.

Maybe yes. Still, we have a lot connected with this date. True, before the revolution, May 6 (19) was considered the Day of the Russian Army - the Day of St. George - the defender of the Russian Land.

So, let's begin...

On May 2, 1945, 18-year-old announcer Richard Bayer ended the last broadcast of Greater German Radio from an underground studio on the Mazurenallee street in Berlin with the following words:

"The Fuhrer is dead. Long live the Reich!

On the same day, Red Army soldiers entered the Führer's bunker, located under the park and rear of the old Reich Chancellery building on Wilhelmstrasse in Berlin.

Immediately after the capture of the Reich Chancellery, it included the counterintelligence unit SMERSH, specially created on March 29, 1945, whose main task was to determine the whereabouts of Adolf Hitler, alive or dead.

The charred bodies of Goebbels and his wife Magda were found in the shell-cratered park of the Reich Chancellery, but no evidence of the death of Adolf Hitler and Eva Braun was found.

Towards noon, a group of twelve female doctors and their assistants from the military sanitary department of the Red Army entered the bunker. The group commander, who spoke good German, asked electrician Johannes Hentschel, one of the four people remaining in the bunker, a question:

“Where is Adolf Hitler? Where are the clothes? ...

He is able to shock a person with his surprise. Half-truths are also considered a paradox. And, according to Oscar Wilde, paradox is generally the best achievement of man, because absolute truth does not exist at all in our world. In paradoxical events, the truth familiar to a person is destroyed before our eyes and is often ridiculed. The unusual nature of paradoxical statements certainly attracts human attention. Various sciences of our times often use logic as a cognitive tool, which sometimes encounters a paradox. This also affected historical science. And in fact, they occur almost at every step.

There are many reasons for this. Here we can include errors made by scribes during the census of documents, and the loss of primary sources, and not entirely reliable transmission of oral information from ancient times, and even official history distorted to please the rulers. Because of these and many other reasons, completely opposite opinions appeared and theories of alternative history were put forward.

Paradoxes of history of different times

The time period in human history before the invention of writing was called the era of primitive society. Already from these times, some can be noted. After all, no written sources preserved from contemporaries of primitive society could remain from this period.

All material was obtained only with the help of archaeology, ethnology, archaeoastronomy, paleontology, biology, anthropology, palynology, geology. Even all terms, for example, “Neanderthal,” can also be called conditional, and their definition is simply a common subject of discussion.

Between the era of primitive society and the beginning of the Middle Ages there was a period of the Ancient World. Only some information has reached us about the peoples who lived at that time: the Sumerians, Phoenicians, Scythians, Assyrians, Romans, Indians, Chinese, Egyptians, Aztecs, Incas. The Sumerians first developed cuneiform writing. Egypt, India, China and Mesopotamia will stand out among the countries of the Ancient World in the first place.

As for the history of the Middle Ages, the opinions of historians are divided. Some called the end of the Middle Ages the period of the fall of Constantinople, other historians considered the discovery of America the end of the Middle Ages, and others generally called the Reformation of 1517 the end of the Middle Ages. But it was at the end of the Middle Ages that printing was invented, the Battle of Pavia took place, the English Revolution began, and the Thirty Years' War ended. Here you go! The Middle Ages were followed by the New Age period. The term “Modern Time” itself arose after scientists divided history into 3 parts: ancient, middle and modern history. Although the meaning of the term remains conditional. After all, only a few nations simultaneously entered this period.

The end of the New Age period is also not precisely determined. Soviet history claims that this period ended in 1917, and historians of our times insist that the Modern Age came to an end after the First World War. The Modern Period began in 1918 and continues to this day. During this historical period, many military conflicts occur, the USSR develops and stops developing, and various scientific inventions are discovered. And the population grows to seven billion...