Accurate love horoscope for August. Monthly horoscope

Useful tips

If you wanted to improve your personal life, find new partners, fall in love and start a long-term love relationship, August 2017 is one of the most inappropriate months of the year for such plans.

However, the approaching eclipses of the Moon and the Sun may bring some changes to personal life, some may come long-awaited changes, so you shouldn’t expect any negative influence from the planets this month.

Some of you may be experiencing changes in your personal lives that may at first seem not the most favorable, however, their positive consequences can be felt a little later.

If eclipses somehow affect the points of your personal birth charts that are responsible for love, partnership, relationships, it is quite possible that the events of this month could have consequences right up to until the next eclipses, which will take place at the very end January and February 2018.

Most of the month, right up to until August 26, Venus will move through the sign of Cancer, in which she does not feel very comfortable, but also not too tense. With Venus in Cancer, people need love and understanding, they are driven by feelings, they become more sentimental and vulnerable.

Dating these days is very possible, however risks of making a mistake and wishful thinking are very great. You can read more about Venus in the sign of Cancer in the article Love horoscope: How to meet and attract love when Venus is in Cancer?

However, this month Venus will do some very unfortunate aspects, which will be discussed below. These aspects can bring failures in love due to too strong attachments and fixations. This will primarily concern women. They will feel that they are loved less or not loved at all, not given due attention, not appreciated, etc.

Women will demand from men that the latter proved their love to them, and men, due to stubbornness or other reasons, may not give them such an opportunity. As a result, there may be quarrels and misunderstandings between representatives of different sexes.

Important days for love and relationships in August 2017:

The first two weeks of the month can be quite calm and even peaceful if you are talking about relationships and love. Venus in the sign of Cancer will be in harmony with Mercury, which will not yet have time to turn back, but will already slow down its movement 10th of August. A few days before this, you can have serious conversations with representatives of the opposite sex. Here it is more likely that a compromise can be reached.

In a relationship during the period of approx. from 8 to 10 August you can expect peace, partners will treat each other with all tact and diplomacy. August 9 and 10 - This is a good time to make new interesting acquaintances.

August 10-12: Venus will meet in a favorable aspect with Neptune, and this is the aspect of love and strong feelings. It is likely that you will feel something special these days. If you already have a partner, maybe you will look at him or her with more affection. And if you are single, you may find love.

Despite some negative aspects of the Moon these days, it is likely that you will feel good. Now you can confess your love or present your partners with special signs of attention in the form of gifts. Love can push creative people to create something very beautiful that touches the soul.

Second half of the monthless successful, since Venus will only make negative aspects:

August 13-15– Venus opposition to Pluto, change of lunar phase. These days, tension in the love sphere will reach its height. Even the most harmonious relationships can encounter something not so pleasant. There may be breakups, changes in the relationship that may not seem the most pleasant for both parties or for one party in the couple.

These days are dangerous for difficult relationships, relationships on the verge of breaking. If a relationship is stuck at some point and does not want to move further, it can be broken due to some reasons beyond anyone's control. If you have already experienced a breakup, there is no point in trying to restore the relationship now: nothing good will come of it. You cannot step into the same river twice.

August 14-16- Venus square Jupiter. In addition to Pluto, Jupiter will also hit Venus in mid-August, and this will add even more tension. There may be manifestations of jealousy and impatience, dissatisfaction in personal life and behavior of partners. Jupiter is a social planet, so it can also make it difficult for partners to fit into each other’s social circle. These days are extremely unfavorable for dating, starting a new romance, and even dating. It is extremely undesirable to trust the promises of partners now, as you may be deceived.

August 21-24. And finally, this month will culminate with the new moon, which will be near the defeat of Venus by Uranus. Here the probability of a break in the relationship is very high, even if the previous days of the month were not too tense for you. Of course, breakups in this case will mainly occur among those whose relationships cannot be called ideal and harmonious, in whose couples conflict has been brewing for a long time, who cannot change something. You may find out something unpleasant about your partners, or something unexpected will happen to you that could destroy your relationship. In general, these days will be very dangerous for relationships. Remember this!

August, 26th Venus will move into Leo sign and next month it will be very harmonious. If you want to meet love, it’s better not to look for new acquaintances in August, but to wait until September!

Love horoscope: men and women

WOMEN. This month you may be quite vulnerable to all sorts of troubles that may come into your life. You must be prepared for the fact that men may offend you or misunderstand you.

It is dangerous to hang yourself too much on the necks of new acquaintances: this can easily frighten off even the most serious potential partners. Even if you have a strong desire to find love and get married, you should not communicate this right away on the first date. Also this month, women should be wary of violence, including physical and moral. Men will now be more inclined to manipulate your feelings. There may be painful menstrual periods or other problems with women's health.

MEN. During this period, women will be more vulnerable than you men, so remember that they are very easy to offend. Don't take your ladies' moodiness and hysteria too seriously and don't get nervous. If your partners are too touchy and cry for no serious reason, remember that this month it will be very difficult for them to contain their feelings. Manipulation on your part can cause even more negativity in women. Be patient and attentive.

When is the best time to celebrate a wedding in August 2017?

Unlucky month for weddings and wedding celebrations. Remember that near eclipses it is better not to make important decisions at all and don't get married. There are thousands of examples where such marriages fall apart very quickly.

However, if you still want to take a risk, choose the following days according to the lunar calendar: 4 (after 12:30), 5, 6 (before 15:30), 9, 13 (after 14:30), 16, 31 (after 11:30) August 2017.

Read also:

The most bad days this month for love relationships and dating: 7, 8, 11, 12, 14, 15, 18-24, 29 August 2017.

The most lucky days for dating and starting relationships: 2, 3 (after 11:00), 17, 25, 30 August 2017.

The most lucky days for marriage registration: no.

Astrological forecast: love life of zodiac signs in August 2017

♈ Aries love horoscope for August 2017

Eclipse of the Sun in your symbolic 5th house can bring changes to your personal life. During the days of August, many events can be very unexpected and unpredictable, in addition, they can be fatal. In other words, you simply will not be able to change what will happen to you. These can be both good and very stressful events. This is a serious month for checking existing love relationships. It is possible that people from the past will return.

Luck : average

Events in personal life : unexpected changes in relationships.

♉ Love horoscope Taurus for August 2017

Your love life this month will not be particularly stormy; most likely, a familiar routine awaits you. Everything will be familiar and understandable. However, you may learn something new about your old relationship. You may also have meetings with people from the past, but also new meetings, but it is unlikely New acquaintances could develop into something more serious. In the middle of the month, we advise you not to sort things out with your partners. There may be gossip and unpleasant news that may have to do with your love life or relationships in general.

Luck : average.

Events in personal life : frivolous acquaintances, unpleasant news.

♊ Gemini love horoscope for August 2017

Venus will be moving through your house of money this month, so it will mostly affect financial matters rather than your love life. This month you may have some quarrels and misunderstandings with lovers based on money. In important situations, you should not count on financial support from partners.

Luck : low.

Events in personal life : quarrels over money.

♋ Cancer love horoscope for August 2017

This month, Venus will move through your sign of Cancer, which means it will make a connection with your Sun. This is a good time for creative activity, the mood should be good, you will attract the attention of the opposite sex. However, due to the negative aspects of Venus, you are unlikely to have much luck now. The middle of the month can be a rather difficult period for you in an emotional sense: there may be bad feeling, dark thoughts. You may also be tormented by jealousy and mistrust towards your partners. Try not to delve too deeply into these sensations, as they are destructive.

Luck : average.

Events in personal life : dissatisfaction, dissatisfaction in your personal life can ruin relationships.

♌ Leo love horoscope for August 2017

Eclipses on the Leo/Aquarius axis will be felt especially strongly by your sign. However, you will not advertise many of your feelings and emotions, but will hide them. There are likely events in your personal life that could completely change state of affairs. It is possible that an offer may be made to you, or you will move to a new place of residence with your partners. In any case, this month will be quite significant for you and will be remembered for a long time.

Luck : high.

Events in personal life : changes in personal life that will be serious (mostly positive events).

♍ Virgo love horoscope for August 2017

This month, meetings with friends can be quite memorable. Friends can influence the further course of your personal life, for example, they can introduce you to someone, or, conversely, cause a quarrel. Now you shouldn't rely too much on someone's mind when it comes to your personal life and your relationships. If everything is not so smooth with your partners, do not wash your dirty linen in public: it is likely that you will soon make peace, and your friends will subsequently have a negative attitude towards your partners, which will put unpleasant pressure on you.

Luck : average.

Events in personal life : new acquaintances, quarrels with lovers.

♎ Libra love horoscope for August 2017

A lunar eclipse in your symbolic 5th house may bring thoughts of past relationships. If you are in a bad relationship, this month may bring you liberation, it all depends on whether you really want it. New relationships may be less likely to start, so if you are single, you should not look for new dates. You can go on dates, but don't expect to continue the relationship.

Luck : low.

Events in personal life : breakup, news about exes, appearance of people from the past.

♏ Scorpio love horoscope for August 2017

The first half of the month promises to be very successful for you. New acquaintances, romantic relationships and even a pleasant feeling of falling in love await you. This mostly applies to single Scorpios. But if you are already in a relationship, but it doesn't seem very promising to you, it is likely that you will more open to new connections. In the second half of the month, we do not recommend going on vacation with your partners, and you should not start holiday romances. We advise you to solve all your pressing problems in your personal life. until August 12.


Events in personal life : new acquaintances, romantic relationships, falling in love, unsuccessful holiday romances.

♐ Sagittarius love horoscope for August 2017

This month does not promise to be easy in terms of emotions and love experiences. Dissatisfaction with the current state of affairs can cause a quarrel between you and your lovers and partners. There may be quarrels manifestation of jealousy and other negative emotions. Mutual complaints can ruin your relationship. To make this month go smoothly, be prepared for the fact that during the most tense moments of the month you simply should not bring up issues of your relationship.

Luck : low.

Events in personal life : quarrels and disagreements with partners.

♑ Capricorn love horoscope for August 2017

Now communication and relationships will be quite important topic for you. The first half of the month is more successful for starting relationships or sorting things out with existing partners. Give them nice gifts, please them with nice words, etc. There may be more tension in the second half of the month. It all depends on how you behaved first two weeks.

Luck : average.

Events in personal life : increased categoricalness and demandingness can ruin relationships with partners.

♒ Aquarius love horoscope for August 2017

A lunar eclipse in your sign and a solar eclipse in your symbolic house of partnership will include events that may play out not only this month, but also in the next six months. This month promises to bring you very big surprises that can greatly change your personal life. This is especially true for people who already have partners. However, if you are single, notice who fate will encounter you with this month. It is likely that these people will influence us you and will change your life and your worldview.

Luck : average.

Events in personal life : major changes.

♓ Pisces love horoscope for August 2017

Venus's transit through your symbolic house of love can bring both positive and negative events. You have a chance to fall in love and start new romances in the first half of the month, but already after August 12 Be careful: it’s better not to look for new meetings, your lovers and partners may present unpleasant surprises. Your love life can get on your nerves a lot during this period. You shouldn’t be too jealous of your lovers so as not to conflict with them. Women should be wary of aggression from lovers.

Luck : high in the first half of the caruncle, low in the second.

Events in personal life : new acquaintances, falling in love, unpleasant surprises, deterioration of relationships with lovers.

The last month of summer is conducive to romance and love achievements. In order for your feelings to be in place and to be mutual, you need to check the recommendations of the love horoscope. You can express your feelings without fear with the help of a love horoscope. Thanks to astrological knowledge, you can achieve harmony in relationships, strengthen your own union and add a touch of spice to any romantic encounter. Aries Your energy opponent Venus will be in a neutral position all month, which will not interfere with love affairs. The beginning of the month will be marked by the positive influence of your patron, the Sun. The period from August 1 to August 21 is the most successful for the development of romantic relationships. This includes both exciting introductions and taking existing relationships to the next level. The most important thing for Aries is to maintain stability in love. Respect and appreciate your partner. A union built on loyalty and mutual understanding will become a source of joy and happiness. The most favorable time for an open demonstration of feelings will come during the period of decline in negative lunar activity: August 1, 4, 5, 6, 20, 21, 26, 27, 28 and 31. Taurus Taurus risk starting August with scandals and quarrels. The weakened and neutral positions of Venus and the Moon will test your feelings. Paths to compromise will be closed during the period of decline in the positive influence of the Moon: 1st, 4th, 5th, 6th, 20th, 21st, 26th, 27th, 28th and 31st. At this time, you should give up personal initiative and not provoke your partner. Aspects of the patron planets on August 10, 18, 23, 24 can increase sensuality in your union. Don't rush into looking for a new relationship. Lonely Taurus should not make rash decisions and start relationships just to get rid of loneliness. Gemini Gemini may have thoughts about past relationships throughout the month. During a period of weakened position of the patron Venus, you should not break off the existing union for the sake of a fleeting affair: the result is unlikely to live up to your expectations. Destructive solar energy can negatively affect the general condition of representatives of this Sign. From August 1 to August 21, the tendency to jealousy, intrigue and flattery will increase. The main thing for Gemini is to make the union more sensual, brighter and piquant. Successful aspects of Venus and other planets will help you succeed in this on August 9, 10, 18 and 24. Use your natural charm, wit, and don’t skimp on compliments. Cancer The situation of the month is conducive to intrigue, doubt, complicated plots and jealousy. It will not be possible to completely rely on the protection of the Moon. Hesitations may occur among family representatives of this Sign. It is possible that the alliance may crack. The absence of drama and exaggeration of problems will help you protect your relationship. The most favorable days for romantic manifestations, gifts and surprises fall on August 9, 10, 12, 14, 15, 17, 18, 19, 24. The absence of the positive influence of the Moon will increase internal tension 1, 4, 5, 6, 20, 21, 26th, 27th, 28th, 31st. Suspicion at this time is dangerous, especially if it does not have solid ground under its feet. Unfounded claims should be eliminated. Leo August will be indicated for Leo by the positive influence of the patron Sun. The period from the 1st to the 21st will increase charm and natural magnetism. Representatives of this Sign in love should take advantage of good opportunities and choose the right moments for initiative. August 4, 5, 6, 20, 21 and 31 are the most successful times associated with the decline in lunar energy. Your personal qualities will not lose strength at the end of the month, which will help you find time for personal achievements, new exciting acquaintances and love adventures. However, you should be wary of the negative effects of the planets on the 9th, 10th, 14th, 15th, 18th and 19th. Virgo In general, August promises to pass without incident, but you shouldn’t pin much on this month. Your mood and love victories will be inextricably linked with the changeable lunar energy, the protection of which will be strengthened on the 9th, 10th, 14th, 15th, 18th, 19th. During these days of strength, it is best to channel the seething energy into a planned step. Challenge yourself to have a great time with your loved one. In order not to discredit yourself in the eyes of your lover, you need to sensibly assess your own capabilities. The weakened position of the Moon is unfavorable for spontaneous actions and loud words. August 1, 4, 5, 6, 20, 21, 26, 27, 28 and 31 are busy days. Libra The absence of the positive influence of Venus will hinder Libra from bringing newness into relationships. Your energy patron will be in a neutral position all month. But the negative impact of solar energy will contribute to the emergence of disagreements and cooling of feelings. The period from August 1 to August 21 is not the best time to sort things out: you may encounter an aggressive reaction from your partner. Try to set in motion the mechanisms that worked before. Favorable aspects of Venus and the planets on August 9, 10, 12, 18, 21, 23, 24 will help Libra find the key to any heart. Scorpio For representatives of the constellation Scorpio, August will be a favorable month for the manifestation of feelings. The weakened and neutral positions of the antagonists - the Moon and Venus - will not cause unnecessary trouble. For almost the entire month, you will be surrounded by an atmosphere of love and an abundance of feelings. The best time to seal your union by marriage or take another serious step in a relationship is on the 1st, 4th, 5th, 6th, 20th, 21st, 26th, 27th, 28th, 31st. You will have to fight for the right to love and be loved during the period of increased negative influence of the Moon: August 9, 10, 14, 15, 18, 19. At this time, it is worth giving the reins of power to your partner, otherwise there is a risk of incurring the wrath of your loved one. Sagittarius Sagittarians in love will benefit from the positive influence of your ally, the Sun. In a relationship with a loved one, a significant increase in feelings is expected in the period from August 1 to August 21. Astrologers advise weakening the levers of self-control during an exchange of opinions with a partner. In a love union, the mediation of third parties is unsafe, so in August it is advisable not to attach too much importance to the advice of friends and relatives. During the period of the strengthened position of your opponent, the Moon, you should prove your feelings with specific actions. Flirting with other people will cause significant cooling in your couple. Internal tension may increase on August 9, 10, 14, 15, 18, 19. Capricorn In August, Capricorns should not hesitate to take necessary and decisive actions. Love luck will not accompany you throughout the month. The most favorable time for romantic manifestations will be on August 1, 4, 5, 6, 20, 21, 26, 27, 28, 31. The weakened position of your antagonist Moon will not interfere with love victories. A pronounced conflict of interest with a partner can drag on and persist for the entire month. It is not recommended to give preference to superficial feelings. New relationships during the period of negative influence of the planets, August 9, 10, 14, 15, 18, 19, will not bring inner satisfaction. Aquarius Aquarius lovers can become victims of their uncontrollable emotions during the period of negative influence of the Sun. Your antagonist will gain strength in the period from August 1 to August 21, which is why the tendency to jealousy and suspicion will increase. Too fast and stormy relationships at the beginning of the month risk becoming obsolete. A friendly and peaceful union would not hurt you. A good time for dates, acquaintances and strengthening relationships will be indicated by positive aspects of Venus and your patron planets. August 10, 12, 18, 21, 23, 24 are favorable days for starting a serious romance, wedding and moving. Pisces Representatives of the Pisces sign should not expect radical changes in their relationship with their loved one in August. The coming month is more suitable for gaining trust and mutual understanding in the union. Astrologers advise listening and hearing your partner. Try to find out more personal details from the life of your loved one, based on which you can avoid future mistakes. The weak position of your patron Moon will increase the risks of quarrels and internal tension. The paths to harmony in the union will be closed on August 1, 4, 5, 6, 20, 21, 26, 27, 28, 31. The most successful time for new feelings, acquaintances and proposals will come on the 9th, 10th, 14th, 15th, 18th and 19th. Lonely Pisces will be able to arrange their personal life this month.

Useful tips

August 2017 will be a rather significant month for many of us, which will bring changes and some changes to our usual way of life. Perhaps not everyone will notice this right away, but changes will happen, and they are inevitable.

If you have been toying with the idea of get rid of something unnecessary, old, outdated, it is likely that right now you will be able to decide on this. And if you don’t make up your mind, fate may simply put you in strict limits when you no longer have a choice.

August 2017 may be bright and memorable, but alas, love and relationships may not be going through the most favorable days now; family people should especially worry, because family values ​​are now likely to be tested for strength.

"Nervous" eclipses

The second eclipse season 2017 takes place just in August and will begin with a partial lunar eclipse August 7 at 21:11 Moscow time. It can be seen across most of our planet with the exception of the Americas and Greenland.

August 7, as well as days close to it ( August 5-8) are quite important days that will slowly but surely lead us to awareness and acceptance of change. Right now, something will change in your mind, so you should pay special attention to your feelings and emotions, and observe your inner sensations.

Read also:Astrological magic: the influence of eclipses and their use to your advantage

At the everyday level, this may not always be noticeable; many will simply spend these days in normal routine without noticing anything unusual. However, they may well experience strange dreams or have strange premonitions that should not be ignored! Stop and think, maybe it's really time for something discard and throw away from your life?

However, the planet Mars, which is suitable close to the axis of the lunar eclipse August 7th and will make a conjunction with the Sun on this day - this is a sure sign that everything may not go entirely smoothly. Mars will also participate new moon and solar eclipse August 21, when he will already be close to both the Moon and the Sun in the sign of Leo. This is a rather nervous period when peace of mind is likely to be in short supply.

Solar eclipse August 21 at 21:30(action - August 19-22) is a period of crisis for many. If you tried to give up something during the lunar eclipse, now you will see more clearly what came of it or will happen in the future. The total solar eclipse will be visible in North America and parts of South America.

The participation of Mars in this arrangement of eclipses can cause confusion in usual routine life. Events during this period, which can happen suddenly and abruptly, will force people to change plans and cause irritation. Nervous stress can lead to serious health problems!

The eclipse will take place on Leo sign, so it may include issues related to children and lovers. For example, there will be a lot of thoughts about romantic relationships. These days there may be returns of lovers from the past, or you may seriously think about an existing love affair.

ATTENTION! Don't cut rashly, it's worth it now stop and listen to your inner voice and intuition! Control your nerves and emotions, otherwise this may end badly.

It may also happen that you will not particularly feel the effects of eclipses. Moreover, these days what may happen to you is not negative, but very positive events. In this case, you should be happy and proud of yourself, because you are following the right path in life and you don’t need to change anything now!

Important astrological events August 2017

date Event Time (Moscow) Degrees
August 3rd Uranus goes retrograde 08:31 28° ♈ 32’Rx
August 4 Jupiter square Pluto 21:48 17°♎ 32′
17° ♑ 32’Rx
August 7 Full moon. Partial lunar eclipse 21:11 15° ♒ 25′
August 13 Mercury turns retrograde 04:00 11° ♍ 38′ Rx
August 21 New moon. Total solar eclipse 21:30 28° ♌ 53′
25-th of August Saturn becomes direct 15:08 21° ♐ 11’D
August 23 The sun moves into the sign of Virgo 01:20
August, 26th Venus enters the sign Leo 07:30
August 27 Jupiter sextile Saturn 15:15 21°♎ 11′
August 31 Mercury retrograde enters Leo 18:28

A couple of "retrogrades"

Not the most successful days for Mercurians will come around from August 10 to September 7. This is the period when Mercury will be static and retrograde. Mercuryians are people who have the planet Mercury expressed in some way in their birth charts, as well as all Gemini and Virgo it may also be noticeable.

Other people may notice the effects of Mercury retrograde in the form of delays, mistakes, typos, forgetfulness, etc. Although manifestations of Mercury retrograde may be noticeable in them not so much. In any case, to be on the safe side, during the period from August 10 to September 7 do not decide new important matters related to trade, negotiations and documents.

Mercury retrograde in the sign of Cancer can remind you of unresolved matters related to home, family, and family members. You might just have to go back to completing some paperwork related to land, apartment, house or property. It is possible that you may meet people from the past who will come to your house and whom you may not have seen for a long time. Continuing or resuming old activities is good at this time.

August 3rd becomes retrograde planet Uranus. However, this is a slow planet, the retrograde of which cannot particularly indicate any events, since it will be in retrograde for about 5 months! August can be an important period for Aries, who were born April 17-18 any year. There will most likely be noticeable and serious changes in your life!

Important aspects of higher planets

August 4, 2017– Jupiter square Pluto. This aspect is more related to social life and gives indications that some things may happen in society. not the best, at first glance, changes.

This is the case when someone is trying to achieve favor or important position, going over heads. There may be disputes and conflicts over religious, moral and philosophical issues. The protests of fanatics and religious sects may intensify. Someone's credibility can be seriously damaged. Demonstrations and rallies will not bring the desired results. This is not the first aspect between planets in this cycle.

The first took place in November 2016, then at the end March 2017 already in the retrograde motion of Jupiter and, finally, in early August the aspect will be repeated.

This aspect may be associated with the death of some important authority, a great person on whom the fate of other people, a politician, a religious figure, etc. depends or depended. It is during the first formation of the aspect November 25, 2016 Cuban leader dies Fidel Castro.

Generally in religious life and in the life of the church Some changes may occur that for some reason someone may not like. For example , November 21, 2016 years, just before the formation of the aspect, the Pope officially allowed absolution for the sin of abortion. By the way, "Jehovah witnesses" were prohibited on the territory of Russia also during the period of the Jupiter-Pluto square - March 23, 2017.

At the end of March 2017 Protests against corruption at the top of power were organized in dozens of Russian cities. Truckers also struck against the increased tax.

All these events perfectly describe the action of the aspect in practice.

August 27, 2017– Jupiter sextile Saturn. This is a favorable aspect, one might say “chance”. It means that the idea and goals can fit well into existing reality and can become reality. But it’s important to take advantage of the chances!

The favorable aspects of the higher planets are not always as obvious as the negative ones, and yet this period is good for far-reaching plans, for social and political activities. But you will have to work a lot now if you want to achieve something.

Astrological forecast for free

Love and relationships

The position of Venus in the sign of Cancer will indicate that many will be drawn to home comfort and a comfortable life. However, in relationships it won't all be too smooth. If the first half of the month can pass quite calmly, then closer to the middle of the month many will sway from side to side.

Period from 7 to 24 August can be nervous and tense, which can immediately affect loved ones. If you are single, we advise you not to look for new meetings: they may not be the most successful.

Read more about love and relationships in the article. Astrological forecast of love and relationships according to zodiac signs for AUGUST 2017.

Astrological forecast for the month

Business matters

Business life this month should be built on the principle - go on and think about it, but don't start and reorganize. The fact is that the period of eclipses is often associated with changes that happen to people on an internal level, or with changes that are given to us to realize something important. But changes in the area of ​​work and business, when you yourself decide to implement them, for the most part should still be at the level of ideas, and not concrete actions.

In addition, those who have a strong maternal (paternal) beginning will seriously think about procreation, and they will not be stopped by the lack of a permanent partner. This will lead to an increase in the number of IVF and to an increase in demand for surrogacy, and some ladies will choose someone they know with good heredity and a full set of positive qualities as the father and sleep with him just for the sake of conception, without counting on further interaction with this man .

Most of those who already have a soulmate will value amorous relationships very much, will try to make them stronger, and will find something to securely tie their loved one to themselves. True, some obsession is likely due to the desire to constantly be close to those who are dear to them, to participate in everything connected with them. On the one hand, this will help to find new points of contact, common hobbies and interests, but on the other hand, it can cause extreme dissatisfaction among those partners who value their personal space and their independence excessively.

In addition, in some already established couples, quarrels cannot be ruled out due to the fact that ladies will try to arrange love nests, alienate their lovers from friends, make even unofficial relationships more family-like, and for men, personal fulfillment, creativity and receiving some intense impressions that have nothing to do with the amorous sphere.

At the beginning of the month, many will have to carefully think through some plans related to a love partner or finding one, and begin to implement their plans. In mid-August, those who are still free will more often pay attention to those representatives of the opposite sex whom they have known for a long time, and those who are “busy” will try to make relationships with their loved ones more stable. At the end of the month, thanks to some well-calibrated actions, many will have their amorous desires fulfilled.

I would like to remind you that people born from the 1st to the 18th are considered “pure” signs, and the rest are influenced by the previous or next sign - both in personality characteristics and in astrological predictions. And this must be taken into account.

Love horoscope for August for Aries (March 21 – April 20)

In August, single Aries can start a relationship with someone who will not only make them happier, but also bring bright colors, new friends, and some previously unfamiliar sexual practices into their existence. In addition, this person will most likely quickly want to have a common home and children with you. The main thing is that you yourself are ready for such a serious step, and then everything will work out just fine.

If you are already married, then, obviously, you will put your own interests first, move away from your spouse, and try to reduce his (her) psychological dependence on you. And if you can’t do this delicately, then get ready for quarrels, hysterics and insults from your other half.

At the beginning of the month, there is likely to be an event that will unexpectedly change something in your personal life. In mid-August, there may be a desire to test the strength of existing or just maturing relationships. At the end of the month it is worth moderating your selfishness.

Love horoscope for August for Taurus (April 21 – May 20)

Free Taurus in August can become the object of someone's ardent passion. True, you are unlikely to immediately let this person approach you, even if his attention flatters your pride. It is possible that you will first give him a test of the trustworthiness of his intentions, and only if the results satisfy you, will you condescend to him.

If you are already married, then you will try to strengthen family relationships, do something so that your significant other will not leave you. It is also possible to make a conscious decision about procreation. In addition, for some reason you will pay much more reverent attention to your spouse than usual.

At the beginning of the month, the need for love may push you to do something extraordinary. In mid-August, in your personal life you will return to an issue that circumstances previously did not allow you to resolve. At the end of the month, do not stoop to petty quibbles with the person who values ​​you very much.

Love horoscope for August for Gemini (May 21 – June 21)

Free Geminis in August may fall in love with someone who seems exceptional, unusual, and incomprehensible to them. It is likely that this person will be a person famous in narrow or even wide circles, possessing some unique talent or simply a bright, non-standard appearance.

If you are already married, then you will have to adapt in some way to your other half, constantly take into account her (his) needs and principles, and take into account her (his) desires more than your own. Moreover, you most likely will not perceive this as some kind of sacrifice.

At the beginning of the month, you obviously have to demonstrate your feelings to a real or potential partner in some special way. In mid-August, a revaluation of values ​​is possible. At the end of the month, you can take care of your health for the sake of your personal life.

Love horoscope for August for Cancer (June 22 – July 22)

In August, free Cancers may suddenly be drawn to someone who is significantly different from their ideal of attractiveness. It is possible that you will have a strong sympathy for a person who demonstratively denies the value of family and marriage, does not want to commit himself to any obligations, but at the same time is incredibly beautiful and shines in some community that you, deep down, have always wanted to join get in.

If you are already married, then most likely you will be moving to the next level of relationship with your significant other, and perhaps conceiving a child, not planned, but extremely unexpected. In addition, you will become even more attached to your spouse and will demonstrate this very emotionally.

At the beginning of the month, some bright event will turn your personal life upside down. In mid-August, you should not compare current feelings with those you experienced in the past. At the end of the month, for the sake of your loved one, you will change something in the surrounding space.

Love horoscope for August for Leo (July 23 – August 22)

Free Leos can meet their true love in August. There is a high probability that the feelings will be mutual, and for the sake of this person you will give up most of those habits and addictions that previously prevented you from building long-term and reliable amorous relationships.

If you are already married, then, obviously, you realize the value of what you had frivolously dismissed before, you will want to correct some mistakes you made when communicating with your other half, to return what has almost disappeared from the relationship. And you will quite succeed if at some point you do not exchange the opportunity to be with your spouse for an idle meeting with friends.

At the beginning of the month, your readiness for changes in your personal life will attract them to you. In mid-August, correctly set priorities will bring a lot of good. At the end of the month, for the sake of your loved one, you will have to actively work on yourself.

Love horoscope for August for Virgo (August 23 – September 22)

Single Virgos in August may decide to have a love affair with someone who does not give any guarantees. It is possible that you will see prospects in some person and move towards rapprochement, hoping that over time he will want to create a strong alliance with you. Perhaps his work or position in society will play an important role.

If you are already married, then, obviously, you will defend the interests of your significant other, protect her (him) from some troubles, or take into your own hands a situation that this person is not able to cope with due to excessive emotional perception of what is happening.

At the beginning of the month, feelings that you thought were completely alien to you may awaken in you. In mid-August, for the sake of the future, you will most likely return to something from the past. At the end of the month, internal contradictions are likely due to some decision you made; this may have moral and ethical implications.

Love horoscope for August for Libra (September 23 – October 22)

In August, the stars promise free Libra a beautiful romance. It is possible that at some social event you will meet an interesting person who will turn out to be both slightly selfish and very caring, will be drawn to you, will do a lot of good and pleasant things for you, and maybe even turn your life into a fairy tale.

If you are already married, then permanent quarrels are likely between you and your significant other due to the fact that you do not want to spend a month quietly and calmly, but will constantly initiate some kind of entertainment on your territory involving a large number of people . Take care of your spouse's peace.

At the beginning of August, something or someone will literally burst into your life and turn it upside down. In the middle of the month, it is worth considering the old mistakes you made when communicating with representatives of the opposite sex. At the end of August, if you do not make any concessions, you will significantly upset your real or potential partner.

Love horoscope for August for Scorpio (October 23 – November 21)

Free Scorpios in August may feel a strong sexual interest in someone who is unlikely to be considered a suitable partner. It is possible that the person you “want” will either be head over heels in love with someone else, or even be fixated on something that does not allow intimate interaction with members of the opposite sex.

If you are already married, then, obviously, your spouse will insist on something that should increase your responsibility for everything that happens in family life. If you follow your significant other's lead, you will significantly strengthen the relationship and increase your power over this person.

At the beginning of the month, you will most likely experience some unfamiliar feelings. In mid-August you will have to submit to some insurmountable circumstances. At the end of the month you will tempt someone.

Love horoscope for August for Sagittarius (November 22 – December 21)

In August, single Sagittarius may meet someone who will not only become a suitable love partner for them, but will also help them realize their creative potential. It is possible that Fate will bring you together with this person at some spectacular event, or one of your friends will introduce you to him.

If you are already married, then, obviously, you will have to atone for some sins, apologize to your significant other for something, try to be at home more often and regularly fulfill the whims and demands of your spouse. In general, be a good girl and put family first, and not some of your personal desires.

At the beginning of the month, you will either fall in love, or your feelings for your existing love partner will intensify. In mid-August, old mistakes will require urgent correction and quite clear conclusions. At the end of the month, do not allow strangers to interfere with your relationship with someone you care about, and then the amorous connection will become much stronger.

Two eclipses in August will affect all areas of people's lives. What changes in personal life will the last month of summer bring, said astrologer at the AstruS Center for Forecasting and Psychology, Yulia Samodelova.

Changes await Aries in their personal life. But they will not be sharp, suddenly arising. As a rule, these are processes that took more than one day to form. These changes can be both negative and positive. Be prepared for anything.

In the personal life of Taurus, if changes occur, most likely they will be unfavorable. Most likely, mutual understanding with your partner will worsen, and someone will even think about breaking up. On the positive side: some Taurus may suddenly meet a person from the past with whom they were or could be in a relationship. It's worth thinking about the possibilities with it today.


Finding a common language with your significant other has probably never been so difficult for Gemini. And is this soul mate really yours? In a word, there will be much more divorces in couples where one of the partners was born under the sign of Gemini than usual. Typically, representatives of your sign know how to negotiate. But here it either won’t work or you won’t want to.

Cancers will be very charming and attractive to the opposite sex throughout August. Single representatives of this sign will have new acquaintances vying for the role of a partner. There is no point in giving up this acquaintance. It may well lead to the desired result. Just get to know each other better first.

Representatives of the Leo sign will have more than smooth partnerships. Almost everyone who has a partner will have a great rapport. Most likely, this will be due to the fact that you will be doing something together, and such periods really bring people together.

Virgos this month will be attracted to intellectual partners who have common interests with them and with whom there is something to talk about. However, be careful with those who immediately offer to start living together. Such a person may not be who he claims to be.

Your partnerships now largely depend on how interested you are in them. Try not to put pressure on your partner and, especially, not to dictate your will to him. He, of course, will obey, but it will be unpleasant for him.


In partnerships with representatives of the Scorpio sign, everything will be stable. Those who want change will do everything possible to make it happen. But if there is a threat that they will lead to the destruction of existing relationships, first think carefully about whether such a risk is really justified.

If representatives of the Sagittarius sign have problems in personal relationships, then you yourself will be to blame. So try to be more restrained and softer towards your partner. And even if you think that you are right in the dispute, give in. This will avoid unnecessary quarrels.

For single Capricorn men, August is a good time to arrange their personal life. However, all representatives of this sign, regardless of gender and marital status, will be satisfied with their personal life.

Partnerships for many representatives of this sign, and especially for Aquarius women, will develop rapidly. A recent acquaintance can quickly develop into a whirlwind romance, and a small conflict into a quarrel. Be more careful and take control of the situation in your hands.

If you want peace and prosperity in your relationship with your partner, talk to him. Voice your complaints and reasons for dissatisfaction, thank them for their help and understanding. And although Pisces is not the most talkative sign, for the sake of peace in the family you can step over yourself.