The All-Russian Olympiad is our heritage. All-Russian Olympiad "Our Heritage" Knowledge of literary text

KEYS TO SCHOOL TOUR for grades 5-7
Maximum 10 points for each task. Maximum 40 points for the work. Time to write a paper: 30 minutes

3. Large narrative work of fiction with a complex plot:
V. Roman

Capital of Sweden. The famous writer Astrid Lindgren lived in this city:
V. Stockholm

5. An album containing images of various objects (maps, drawings, drawings), serving for educational or practical purposes:
B. Atlas

6. Select the option that shows works written by one author:
G. “Song of the Prophetic Oleg”, “Ruslan and Lyudmila”, “The Tale of the Golden Cockerel”

7. Name of the famous children's book illustrator:
B. Vasnetsov Yu.A.

8. The first printed book in Russia, “The Apostle,” dated 1564, was printed
B. Ivan Fedorov

9. The works of how many foreign writers are indicated in the presented list: “Wild Swans”, “Uncle Fyodor, the Dog and the Cat”, “Kashtanka”, “The Little Humpbacked Horse”, “The Kid and Carlson Who Lives on the Roof”, “Chuk and Huck” "?
B. 2

10. Based on the quote, determine the title of the work: “- Once you shed your skin, you can’t fit into it again. This is the Law of the Jungle, said Kaa.”
V. Mowgli

1. [Download the file to view the link] [Download the file to view the link] to [Download the file to view the link]or: “Books are the key to knowledge”
2. 22
3. IBLIBAOTEC (the first and last letters are moved one letter towards each other)


In the first cell is the product of the numbers in the two previous cells, in the second the sum of the same numbers.
9. Ruslan and Lyudmila, Pushkin


1. Fill out the table. Under each word, write down the corresponding word or its number from the list (1 point for matching):

1. Clay 2. Cuneiform 3. Papyrus 4. Stuffed animals



2. Identify the word by description (2 points):

SCRIPTTORY workshop for copying manuscripts, mainly in monasteries.

3. Fill out the table (2 points for correct completion. Words must be in the correct case and written without errors):
3.1. IN WHAT CENTURY was the Library of Alexandria destroyed?

3.2. Precisely write down the name of the ruler who founded the first public library in ancient Greece.

Points for questions 3.1 and 3.2 can only be obtained if the century is indicated (in a word, not necessarily in a number), if the year is indicated incorrectly. The name Clearchus must be written without errors in the nominative case (with 1 spelling error or wrong case, 1 point for question 3.2)





Which statement is closest to molchalin, in your opinion, and why?

1. D.I. Pisarev: “Molchalin said to himself: “I want to make a career,” and he went along the road that leads to “known degrees”: he went and will no longer turn either to the right or to the left; his mother dies on the side of the road, his beloved woman calls him to the neighboring grove, spit all the light in his eyes to stop his movement, he will continue to walk and get there...”
2. N.V. Gogol: “Molchalin...a wonderful type. This face is aptly captured, silent, low, for now quietly making its way into people, but in which, according to Chatsky, the future Zagoretsky is being prepared.”
3. M.E. Saltykov-Shchedrin: "Oh Molchalins, oh a hundred times! Blessed Molchalins! They silently, slowly crawl from one period of history to another, without throwing the word of fate at anyone, but never rearing on the rack. No one is interested in them, no one wants I don't know if they're doing anything or just sitting and fooling around, no one is in awe or in awe of them... what a wonderful, blessed ideal."
4. P.M. Dostoevsky: “The special cynicism, the special devilishness of Molchalin lies in his ability to immaculately pretend to be a saint. He is precisely the Antichrist.”
5. V. I. Nemirovich-Danchenko wrote: “The modern age has produced a countless number of Molchalins. Almost of all the types of “Woe from Wit”, this is the strongest, the most sticky, the most productive... Molchalin stayed on his feet for three quarters century. Chatsky could not destroy it."

as I joined the boys. The moon has finally risen; I didn’t notice it right away: it was so small and narrow. This moonless night seemed to be as magnificent as before... But many stars, which had recently stood high in the sky, were already leaning towards the dark edge of the earth; everything around was completely quiet, as everything usually only calms down in the morning: everything was sleeping in a deep, motionless, pre-dawn sleep. There was no longer such a strong smell in the air - dampness seemed to be spreading in it again... The summer nights were short!.. The boys' conversation faded away along with the lights... The dogs even dozed; the horses, as far as I could discern, in the slightly faltering, weakly pouring light of the stars, also lay with their heads bowed... Sweet oblivion attacked me; it turned into dormancy. A fresh stream ran across my face. I opened my eyes: the morning was beginning. The dawn had not yet blushed anywhere, but it was already turning white in the east. Everything became visible, although dimly visible, all around. The pale gray sky became lighter, colder, and bluer; the stars blinked with faint light and then disappeared; the earth became damp, the leaves began to sweat, in some places living sounds and voices began to be heard, and the liquid, early breeze had already begun to wander and flutter over the earth. My body responded to him with a light, cheerful trembling. I quickly stood up and approached the boys. They all slept like the dead around the smoldering fire; Pavel alone rose halfway and looked at me intently.

write an essay on the comedy The Inspector General. Topics 1) There is no point in blaming the mirror if the face is crooked. (As the teacher explained to us, it should talk about the order in

city) 2) Appetite comes with eating. (as the teacher explained to us, it should be about Khlestakov and the mayor). We really need your help!!!

URGENTLY, TODAY, WRITE AN ESSAY AND EXPLAIN HOW YOU UNDERSTAND THE WORD “It’s a Pity” IN NO LESS THAN 50 WORDS (1) Early in the morning, when Seryozhka went out to buy bread,

there was not a soul in the yard. (2) There was no one to chat with, so Syroezhkin decided to go to the farthest bakery: maybe he would meet someone or see something interesting. (3) Seryozhka walked slowly under the shady linden trees. (4) From the outside, one might think that he was worried about something and was immersed in his thoughts. (5) But what kind of thoughts are these? (6) So, the game: I want everything around me to be even better, more interesting, more significant. (7) The trees have been planted; yesterday they weren’t there yet. (B) Thin, just sticks, and without leaves. (9) But nothing! (Y) Soon they will gain strength, make noise in the wind... (11) But the bulldozers have piled up a bunch of earth: they are leveling the site. (12) Until the shaft is removed, it’s convenient to hide here. (13) And then, probably, they will plant bushes and put up sports equipment... (14) Below, across the river, you can see the bowl of the stadium. (15) Seryozhka looks at her, but sees not the stadium, but the official walls of the Roman Colosseum. (16) Now he is not a high school student, he is a brave gladiator. (17) He is not wearing pants and a jacket, but forged armor. (18) He must grapple with tigers and lions and hit them with his sword in order to stay alive... (19) No, it would be better if the stadium was not a Colosseum, but a synchrophasotron! (20) Yes, yes, that’s what it is, a synchrophasotron - a round, circus-like mass, inside of which the particles that make up the atomic nucleus rush around. (21) And now Seryozha is not just a student - he is a physicist! (22) So he takes photographic plates and begins to think about what traces are on them... (23) Suddenly a ray of sunlight flashes, and Seryozhka forgets that a minute ago he was a physicist. (24) The walls of the Kremlin darken in the distance, and they are guarded on the high bank by the archer Syroezhkin. (25) A tall old man with a stick is approaching. (26) Yes, this is Ivan the Terrible himself! (27) What order will he give to his warrior? (28) Grozny paused and calmly asked: - (29) Tell me, buddy, how to get to the Million Little Things store? “(ZO) N-I don’t know,” Seryozhka stammered in confusion. - (31) That is, what do I!.. (32) I know! (33) First, constantly straight, then left. “(34) Thank you,” the old man said, not at all surprised. (35) And he went. (Zb) Slowly. (37) Calm down. (38) And not at all like Ivan the Terrible. (39) What a pity. write an essay discussing how you understand “It’s a Pity”

I give 40 points! sooooo necessary

I’m telling you in my own words. I’m in a hurry, that’s why I’m so illiterate
1.Use the given passages to identify the work and the author.
a) I really didn’t like my new life. since childhood he was used to working... he grew up dumb and powerful there, how he drowned the dog: (but I don’t remember the author.
b) he wanted to get up, and two Tatars were sitting on him, twisting his arms back. he rushed and threw the Tatars off of him, and the Trojans jumped off their horses and started beating him... his vision grew dim and he staggered; the Tatars took him off the horse, twisted his hands behind his back, tied his hands in a Tatar knot, and dragged him to the horse.
c) the little boy came to his senses only at the spring, near the same one where he and his grandfather had breakfast the day before. With their mouths pressed together to the cold pond, the dog and the man swallowed the water for a long time. they pushed each other away. raised for min. to the top of their heads to catch their breath, water dripped from their lips, then they stuck to the pond and were unable to tear themselves away.

3. Eliminate unnecessary things from each chain. Explain the principle of constructing chains.
a.wolf and lamb, pig under the oak tree, biter, wolf in the kennel.
B.S.A.Yesenin, A.A.Blok, F.I.Tyutchev, A.P.Chekhov.
V.I.A.Bunin, D.Defoe, A.I.Kuprin, P.P.Bazhov.
fairy tale, epic, story, proverb.

4. match the term and its definition (everything is in the table)
a) description of nature in a literary work 1. epithet
b) consonance of the ends of lines 2. landscape
C) extended statement of one person 3.rhyme
d) artistic definition indicating
some quality and emphasizing its properties 4.monologue

5. Determine the genre (story, fable, poem, fairy tale, epic, chronicle, tale, riddle, proverb) from the given passages.
a) once the old people gather at the market in a large village and think: what should they do? who will cook cabbage soup and porridge for them, who will water and milk the cow, who will give millet to the chickens and drive them to roost?
b) the watchdog was short in stature, but squat and broad-chested. Thanks to his long, slightly curly hair, there was a vague resemblance to a white poodle, but only to a poodle that had not been touched by soap, a comb, or scissors.
c) how unexpected and bright,
in the wet blue sky,
aerial erected arch
in his momentary triumph.
in the middle of a clean field,
at sunset the sun is red,
at sunrise the month is clear
to the heroic outpost
gathered for a marching council
glorious Russian heroes.
e) in summer 6415 (907). Oleg went against the Greeks on horses and ships; and there were 2 thousand ships. and went to Constantinople of the riddles (beginning and end) are mixed up. Restore the riddles by connecting its parts, write the answers.
a) no legs, but walking, running errands.
b) the nuthatch crawls, the larger it becomes
c) the more you get away from her, the house runs down the stairs.
d) the ladder is running into the field, there are no eyes, but it is crying.

Literature Olympiad

Grade 10

Compiled by: Rudaya V.A., teacher of Russian language and literature, MBOU Troitsk Secondary School, Zalarinsky district of Irkutsk region, highest qualification category.

    Knowledge of literary text.

    1. Using quotes that characterize the character, name the character, work, author.

a) “The little coquette noticed at second glance the impression she made on me; she lowered her big blue eyes; I began to talk to her, she answered me without any timidity, like a girl who had seen the world.”

b) “His appearance seemed remarkable to me: he was about forty, average height, thin and broad-shouldered. His black beard showed some gray; the lively big eyes kept darting around. His face had a rather pleasant, but roguish expression. The hair was cut into a circle; he was wearing a tattered overcoat and Tatar trousers.”

c) “Long and thin, with a wide forehead, a flat upward, pointed downward nose, large greenish eyes and drooping sand-colored sideburns, it was enlivened by a calm smile and expressed self-confidence and intelligence.”

"Thin lips…. His dark blond hair, long and thick, did not hide the large bulges of his spacious skull.”

d) “He was so thin, white, his uniform was so new that I immediately guessed that he had recently arrived in the Caucasus... . He was a nice guy... just a little strange....”

e) “People are so-so, neither this nor that, neither in the city of Bogdan, nor in the village of Selifan... in appearance he was a prominent man; His facial features were not devoid of pleasantness, but this pleasantness seemed to have too much sugar in it... He smiled enticingly, was blond, with blue eyes...”

a) “It seems that an unknown force has taken you on its wing, and you are flying, and everything is flying... . Give me an answer, he doesn’t give an answer.”

b) “Really, I thought, my only purpose on earth is to destroy other people’s hopes? Since I have been living and acting, fate has somehow always led me to the outcome of other people’s dramas, as if without me no one could die or despair!”

c) “Whoever you are, O my reader,

Friend, foe, I want to be with you

Parting today like a friend.

Sorry. Why would you follow me

Here I did not look in careless stanzas,

Are they rebellious memories?

Is it a rest from work,

Living pictures, or sharp words,

Or grammatical errors

God grant that in this book you

For fun, for dreams,

For the heart, for magazine hits

Although I could find a grain.

We’ll part for this, forgive me!”

d) “The story itself only plunges you into depression: you teach, you read that a time of disaster has come, a person is unhappy; Now he gathers his strength, works, struggles, endures and labors terribly, everything is preparing clear days. Now they have come - here at least history itself could rest: no, the clouds appeared again, the building collapsed again, again work, work, messing around... . Clear days do not stop, they run - and life continues to flow, everything flows, everything breaks and breaks.”

    1. In what works of Russian drama do these names—characters—appear?

a) Prostakova

b) Starodum

c) Famusov

e) Larisa

g) Anton Skvoznik-Dmukhanovsky

a) “A stream of light ran across my face; The dawn has not yet blushed anywhere; the pale gray sky became lighter, colder, and bluer; the stars blinked with faint light and then disappeared; the ground is damp, the leaves are fogged; and the liquid early breeze had already begun to wander and flutter over the earth, before I had gone two miles, first scarlet, then red, golden streams of young, hot light were pouring all around me ... "

b) “There was a snowstorm outside; the wind howled, the shutters shook and rattled; everything seemed to her a threat and a sad omen... They went down into the garden. The snowstorm did not subside; the wind was blowing towards, as if trying to stop the young criminal.”

c) That sun from the sultry sky

Into the dense forest

Throw a beam - and a miracle is there.

The dew burns like diamonds,

The moss will turn golden.


d) Glorious autumn! Healthy, vigorous

The air invigorates tired forces

Fragile ice on the icy river,

It lies like melting sugar.

Block II.

    Name Russian critics, the titles of their articles and the works to which they are dedicated.

    Which Russian writers and critics are Nekrasov’s lines dedicated to?

a) “Teacher! Before your name

Let me humbly kneel."

b) “He has experienced everything: the St. Petersburg prison,

Information, interrogations, courtesy of gendarmes,

Everything - and the Orenburg steppe,

And her fortress..."

c) “You have never given birth to such a son

And she didn’t take hers back into the depths:

Treasures of spiritual beauty

They were combined in him gracefully.”

d) “It was boiling, burning - and quickly you faded away!

You loved us, you were faithful to friendship -

And we honored you in good time!

Your sad fate is unparalleled;"

e) We went out together... At random

I walked in the darkness of the night

And you... your mind was so bright,

And the eyes were sharp.


Implacable enemy of chains

And a faithful friend of the people!

Drink the holy cup to the bottom -

At the bottom is freedom!

    What Russian literary masterpieces were created far from Russia?

    Which Russian writer of the 19th century traveled around the world? Name the work.

Block III.

    Name the Russian writers who have won the Nobel Prize.

    Name the literary movements and give a definition or reveal their meaning.

    Replace borrowed words with Russian synonyms




    Explain the meaning of the words

a) epithet-

b) comparison-

c) metaphor-

d) hyperbole-

d) allegory-

e) personification-

    Name the poetic meters. Please provide examples if possible.

    What is the difference between a lyrical work and an epic one?

    Which poet, giving his portrait to another poet, made the following inscription: “To a victorious student from a defeated teacher”?

    Where do these words come from: “Hello, young, unfamiliar tribe!”?

    For the word on the left, choose one of the four that would coincide with it in meaning

progressive – (intelligent, advanced, dexterous, backward)

ideal – (fantasy, future, wisdom, perfection)

argument – ​​(argument, agreement, dispute, phrase)

myth – (antiquity, creativity, legend, science)

immoral – (steady, difficult, unpleasant, immoral)

analysis – (facts, analysis, criticism, skill)

standard – (copy, form, basis, sample)

sentimental – (poetic, sensitive, joyful, strange)

effective – (necessary, effective, decisive, special)

morality – (ethics, development, ability, right)

negative – (unsuccessful, false, negative, careless)

10. Write a short poem on any topic of your choice.

Literature Olympiad.

Municipal stage of the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren.

Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug - Ugra.

2011-2012 academic year


Grade 10

  1. Theory of literature. Write a literary criticism article “Oxymoron.” Give examples.

4 points for a correctly completed task

  1. Determine which literary movement the works in each line belong to.

A) “Bakhchisarai Fountain”, “Svetlana”, “Mtsyri”

B) “Felitsa”, “Unorosl”, “Poems of praise to Russia”

B) “Fathers and Sons”, “Eugene Onegin”, “Reflection at the Main Entrance”
1 point for correctly identified literary direction

Total 3 points

  1. History of literature. List the writers - members of the Arzamas literary society.

1 point for correctly identifying the writer’s last name

Total 8 points

  1. Name the writer discussed in this reference:

“Russian writer, poet. Born in 1803 in the village. Ovstug. At the age of 10 he began writing poetry, and at the age of 15 he was elected a member of the Society of Lovers of Russian Literature. He was a famous diplomat, lived for a long time in Western Europe, while being a Slavophile. One of the first publications of his poems took place in Pushkin’s Sovremennik under the title “Poems sent from Germany.”
3 points for correctly identifying the writer’s last name

  1. Literary criticism. Name the author of this statement about N.A. Nekrasov:

“Do you know that you are a poet – and a true poet?”
2 points for correctly identifying the critic's last name

  1. Attribution. ByIn a quotation-characteristic of a literary character, determine his name, the title of the work and the author:

A) I liked his good-natured dark face, marked here and there with rowan berries, at first sight. ... (as I learned later) every day I went hunting with the master, carried his bag, sometimes a gun, noticed where the bird landed, got water, picked strawberries, built huts, ran behind the droshky; Without him, Mr. Polutykin could not take a step. ...was a man of the most cheerful, meek disposition, constantly sang in a low voice, looked carefree in all directions, spoke slightly through his nose, smiling, narrowed his light blue eyes and often took his thin, wedge-shaped beard with his hand. He walked slowly, but with long steps, lightly supporting himself with a long and thin stick.
B) He returned to Russia, tried to live his old life, but could no longer get back into the old rut. Like Russia, he discovered Russia, poisoned, he wandered from place to place; he still traveled, he retained all the habits of a socialite; he could boast of two or three new victories; but he no longer expected anything special either from himself or from others and did nothing. He grew old and gray; sitting in the club in the evenings, being biliously bored, indifferently arguing in single society became a necessity for him - as you know, a bad sign. He, of course, did not even think about marriage. Ten years passed in this way, colorless, fruitless and quickly, terribly quickly.
C) Reality irritated him, frightened him, kept him in constant anxiety, and, perhaps, in order to justify this timidity, his disgust for the present, he always praised the past and what never happened; and the ancient languages ​​that he taught were for him, in essence, the same galoshes and umbrella where he hid from real life.
D) He was a nice guy, just a little strange. For example, he was not tired after a hunt, but if he smelled the wind, he said that he had a cold. Let's knock, he he will tremble and turn pale, although with me he went to hunt a wild boar one on one. Sometimes you won’t get a word out of him for hours at a time, but sometimes when he starts talking, you’ll burst your stomach with laughter... He had a lot of different expensive things. We served together for only a year, but this year was memorable.
D) Fat, taller than usual, broad, with huge red hands, he, as they say, did not know how to enter a salon, but even less knew how to leave it, that is, before leaving, to say something especially pleasant. Besides, he was distracted. Getting up, instead of his hat, he grabbed a triangular hat with a general's plume and held it, tugging at the plume, until the general asked to return it. But all his absent-mindedness and inability to enter the salon and speak in it were redeemed by an expression of good nature, simplicity and modesty.
1 point for correctly identified character's name + title + author's surname

Total 5 points

  1. Determine the name of the author and the title of the work in which these phrases are taken as an epigraph.

A) There is no point in blaming the mirror if your face is crooked.

Popular proverb.

B) Vengeance is mine, and I will repay
B) Oh rus!

O Rus'!
2 points each for correctly identifying the name of the author and the title of the work

Total 6 points

  1. Name the authors of the poetic lines that became aphorisms:

A) There was love without joy, separation will be without sadness.

B) Blessed is he who believes, he is warm in the world!

C) Yes, pitiful is the one whose conscience is unclean.

D) The darker the night, the brighter the stars.

D) Teacher! Before your name, let me humbly kneel.
1 point for correctly identifying the poet’s surname

Total 5 points

  1. Add the names of the characters, and also indicate the author and the work in which they are told:
A) Grigory Alexandrovich

B) Agafya Matveevna

B) Anton Antonich

D) Akaki Akakievich

D) Maria Ivanovna

E) Maxim Maksimych

1 point for correctly identifying the hero’s surname +

Total 6 points

  1. Philological analysis of the text. Perform an analysis of the poem by M.Yu. Lermontov

There are speeches - meaning

Dark or insignificant.

But they don't care

It's impossible to listen.
How full their sounds are

Madness of desire!

They contain tears of separation.

They have the thrill of a date.
Will not meet with an answer

Among the noise of the world

Of flame and light

Born word;
But in the temple, in the middle of the battle

And wherever I will be.

Having heard him I

I recognize it everywhere.
Without finishing the prayer,

I will answer that sound,

And I'll throw myself out of battle

I will meet him.


Total 18 points

Maximum 60 points