Competitions for the 10th anniversary. How to have a fun birthday party at home

All mothers want their child’s anniversary to be interesting and fun, not limited to just a feast. However, not everyone has the opportunity to order a banquet, animation and celebrate the birthday of a 10-year-old child in an entertainment establishment. To celebrate the holiday at home, it is recommended to create your own scenario and play it out with your children.

How to spend a birthday for a 10 year old child:

Organizing a birthday party for a 10-year-old child is not that difficult. The main thing is to adhere to the algorithm of actions. First of all, parents choose the theme of the holiday and its location. Themed parties are a fashionable trend; it’s easy to come up with competitions and play out situations.

Some examples of ideas for a 10 year anniversary:

  1. Pirate Party.
  2. Sea adventures.
  3. Spies.
  4. Wild West.
  5. Superheroes.
  6. The zombie apocalypse.
  7. Princesses.
  8. Military.
  9. Based on your favorite fairy tale or cartoon.
  10. Pajama room.

There are also universal topics where you don’t need to bother searching for attributes.

The second question that parents face is the location. The location is chosen depending on the time of year. For example, if it’s summer outside, then you can have a picnic at the dacha or play a quest game in the yard.

Those who live in an apartment can spend part of the holiday at home, and move part of it to the playground in the yard. The main thing is to arrange the place and determine the banquet area.

What child doesn't love bowling? With a little ingenuity, this game can be organized anywhere in no time.

Number of children – from one.

What will you need?

  • Plastic bottles (it's better to fill them with water) or real skittles.
  • Ball.
  • Tape, rope and other available means that can be used to mark the line.

How to prepare?

We put the pins in a row. We count a certain number of steps from them and lay out the line.

How to play?

The child must stand behind the line and throw the ball at the pins so as to knock down the maximum number of them.

Pros of the game:

Gives children the opportunity to show dexterity and move around.

Catching each other's ribbons

In just a couple of minutes, a hilarious mess is created!

Number of children – from two.

What will you need?

  • Ribbons measuring approximately 1 m or a long belt for each player.
  • Funny music.

How to prepare?

Each player has a ribbon tied on their belt so that the knot is at the back and the tail hangs down.

How to play?

Children catch their friend's ponytail while playing music, but don't let her catch her own ponytail.

Pros of the game:

Super fun, moving.

We create art as a whole team in teams

How can you have a good laugh with your imagination and not turn everything upside down? Easily!

What will you need?

  • 2 sheets of paper.
  • Something to write with – 2 pcs.

How to prepare?

How to play?

  1. One participant from the team comes out and each draws a head on their own sheet at the top of the sheet.
  2. Fold part of the sheet so that the main part of the head is not visible.
  3. A new member from each team comes up and draws the body part below.
  4. The sheet bends in the same way. And so on until the drawing is ready.

Pros of the game:

Quiet but fun. For the creative ones.

Relay art boosts team spirit

To start something like this to raise team spirit? Elementary, and without unnecessary noise!

Number of children – from 6, preferably a pair.

What will you need?

  • 2 sheets of paper.
  • Something to write with – 2 pcs.

How to prepare?

Divide all participants into 2 teams. For each team, put your own piece of paper and pencil.

How to play?

  1. The final goal is to draw an animal.
  2. One participant from the team comes out and each draws only one detail of the drawing on their sheet.
  3. Another participant draws one more detail. And so on, one by one, until the drawing is ready.

Pros of the game:

Gives you the opportunity to fantasize as a united team.

Eat candy on a fishing rod and win the competition

Want to combine snacking with play? No problem.

Number of children – from one.

What will you need?

  • Candies in candy wrappers.
  • Thread or fishing line.
  • Rod. This can be an ordinary pencil.

How to prepare?

We tie a thread onto a stick, and a candy onto the thread.

How to play?

Holding the rod, bring the candy to your mouth, unwrap the candy wrapper without using your hands and eat the candy.

Pros of the game:

Tasty, fun, you can show off your dexterity.

We divide the territory and play with a balloon

Want to get the kids to sit for a while? It's possible.
Number of children – 4 or more, preferably a paired number.

What will you need?

  • Balloon.
  • A chair for every player.
  • Tape or rope for marking.

How to prepare?

We divide the area in half using tape. We place chairs on both sides (equal numbers) at a distance of 1 m from the markings.

How to play?

  1. Participants sit on chairs and should not stand up.
  2. We throw the ball and play like volleyball.
  3. You can't pick it up! On whose territory the ball landed, he lost.

Pros of the game:

Quiet game, but perfect for tricksters!

Try to make me laugh or you'll lose

When you need to defuse the situation, you can make Nesmeyana laugh.

What will you need?

  • A chair, but you can do without it.

How to play?

One participant sits on a chair and looks at everyone. Everyone is trying to make him laugh. Don't tickle! Whoever makes you laugh, sit in his place.

Pros of the game:

Allows you to show resourcefulness, liberates.

Find me in mittens and blindfolded!

Tired of the usual tag and hide and seek? They can easily be combined and made much more interesting.

What will you need?

  • Thick mittens.
  • Shawl or scarf.

How to play?

  1. One participant is blindfolded, puts on mittens and catches other players.
  2. The one who was caught must be recognized blindfolded by touch through the mittens.

Pros of the game:

Develops memory and more.

An interesting game without additional attributes “Yes-no-guessing”

The most interesting game for growing scholars. The main thing is to correctly explain the rules and set the tone of the game.

Number of children – 3 or more.

What will you need?

How to play?

  1. The leader is selected.
  2. Then the topic is determined. For example: transport, animals, cartoon characters.
  3. The presenter makes a wish for an object on the announced topic.
  4. Everyone asks him leading questions, but he can only say “yes” or “no.”
  5. Whoever guesses the hidden word first takes the place of the leader.

Pros of the game:

Develops logic and helps communication.

Junk phone for children aged 4 years and older

A good old game for moms and dads. And for many children it can become a small discovery of how to have fun.

Number of children – 4 or more.

What will you need?

How to play?

  1. The first participant thinks of any word, says it quietly and quickly in the second participant’s ear.
  2. The second also conveys this word to the third.
  3. And so on until the last player who says the word out loud. It can get very funny!

Pros of the game:

Develops hearing, brings participants together, and has fun.

Game “Unraveling a Living Tangle” for children from six years old

Children of this age consider many games to be childish and do not want to play them. But they will definitely like this game.

Number of children – 4 or more.

What will you need?

How to play?

  1. The leader is selected. He turns away.
  2. Everyone else joins hands and forms a circle.
  3. Then they get entangled - they climb over each other, crawl between their legs, pull the person standing opposite them between them - and all this without opening their hands!
  4. The presenter’s task is to unravel this living tangle. In this case, it is naturally impossible to open the hands of the participants in the chain.

Pros of the game:

Develops logic, attention, ingenuity and is fun.

Game for any children's party "Storytellers"

How to surprise growing dreamers? You can suggest making up fairy tales. But not just compose, but do it in the form of a game.

Number of children – 3 or more.

What will you need?

  • Any book, maybe a magazine or even a newspaper.

How to play?

  1. You need to take turns (one sentence per person) to come up with a fairy tale.
  2. To do this, one person, without looking, pokes his finger at the printed text on any of the pages of the book.
  3. The first narrator of the tale must introduce the word that was chosen into his sentence.
  4. The second sentence is invented in exactly the same way by the second narrator.
  5. Then the third and so on.
  6. If there are few children, you can pass the baton around the circle several times.
  7. It should be a fairy tale. How interesting and fun it will be depends on the imagination of the gathered children.

Pros of the game:

Develops imagination. For well-read guys, this is a real chance to show themselves.

Game for children aged six years and above “Catch a Fish”

If the children have been sitting too long and are tired of games that strain their brains, you can switch to a more sporty wave.

Number of children – 3 or more.

What will you need?

  • Jump rope.

How to play?

  1. The leader is selected.
  2. He picks up the rope by one end.
  3. The other end of the rope remains on the ground.
  4. The leader spins around his axis and spins the rope. And everyone should line up in a circle and jump over the rope.
  5. Whoever does not have time and the rope on him gets knocked out is eliminated. And so on until the most persistent remains.

Pros of the game:

Develops quick reactions. In this game you can show your dexterity and endurance.

Air attack using hoop and balls

At first glance, it’s not a child’s game at all! But the children cope just fine!

At the same time, it is quite simple and has a quick outcome. It could be a lot of fun.

The number of children is 4 or more, but a pair is required.

What will you need?

  • Hoops – 1 for two people.
  • Balloons – one for two.

How to prepare?

We put the hoops on the floor.

How to play?

  1. Two people enter each hoop.
  2. Each pair is given a ball.
  3. On command, the ball must be tossed and blown on it, but not touched with your hand or other parts of the body.
  4. The pairs' task is to keep the ball in the air for as long as possible. In this case, you cannot leave the ring.

Pros of the game:

Allows you to show all your sportsmanship and ingenuity. At the same time, it does not require much space indoors. Develops quick reactions. Those who have good breathing can show their class.

Smart clappers for nimble and active children

If you see that there are simply “reactive” children gathered together who cannot really keep up with, you can invite them to show off their speed of reaction.

Plus, at least for a little while, calm them down so that they don’t run.

The number of children is 7 or more, but less is possible, although then it will not be as fun.

What will you need?

  • Cards with numbers - one for each player.

How to prepare?

Each player is given a card. That is, everyone will have their own number.

How to play?

  1. Everyone stands in a circle.
  2. First, let's set the rhythm. To do this, everyone claps together: “one, two” on their palms, “one, two” on their knees, then repeat.
  3. Then one of the children claps his hands and says not “one, two,” but repeats his number twice. For example, “three, three.” When he slaps his knees, he shouts out the number of one of the players: “six, six” and so on. Out of order.
  4. The one whose number is called continues.
  5. The main thing is not to lose your way. Anyone who gets confused or names the number of an eliminated player is eliminated himself.
  6. The most persistent ones win, that is, those who remain only together.

Pros of the game:

Develops attention, calms the most nimble.

Let's play conventions with children under twelve years old

Usually conventions scare teenagers, but this is not the case at all.

If you approach such a game with imagination, you can choose conventions that will be really fun to implement.

Number of children – from 4, but the more, the merrier.

What will you need?

How to prepare?

Everyone stands in line. The leader is opposite, facing the line.

How to play?

  1. The presenter explains the rules to everyone: what number, what convention it means. It is very convenient to take numbers with the same digits. For example: two, twelve, twenty. And then everything depends on the imagination of the presenter. Let two mean action: clap. Twelve means: hands up. Twenty: squat.
  2. So they started: two - clap, twelve - hands up, twenty - crouched down.
  3. Then we pronounce only numbers, and each time faster.
  4. You can change the order: twenty, two, twelve, twelve, twenty, two.
  5. Whoever gets confused and performs an action that is not conventionally implied by the said number is eliminated.
  6. Moreover, while others continue to play, he can distract them by deliberately demonstrating incorrect movements.

Pros of the game:

Replaces boring exercises. Develops attention and speed of reaction.

Give freedom to a prisoner and become a liberator!

When the children are excited, playful and ready to go wild, it’s time to start playing with the prisoner, the guard and the liberators.

The number of children is from 5, but the more, the merrier.

What will you need?

  • Chairs for each participant except one.
  • Shawl or scarf – 1 pc.
  • Ropes for tying hands and feet – 2 pcs.

How to prepare?

One chair is placed in the center of the room. All the other chairs are around them. They choose a prisoner. They put him in the center and tie his hands and feet with ropes. Next, they select a guard and blindfold him. All other participants are liberators. They sit on chairs that form a circle.

How to play?

  1. The guard must guard the prisoner. And the task of the liberators is to untie the ropes on the prisoner’s body and not fall into the hands of the guard.
  2. If the guard catches the liberator in the act, he takes him out of the circle.
  3. The one who frees and is not caught is the winner.
  4. The winner and the guard change places and the game can continue.

Pros of the game:

If you approach the game thoroughly, you can come up with a plan for liberation. This develops both thinking and ingenuity, and dexterity and dexterity too. In short, this is a real team game!

Game with chairs “Right, left, chaos!”

You can continue fooling around without destroying the entire room thanks to the following game.

Number of children – 5 or more.

What will you need?

  • Chairs for each participant.

How to prepare?

The chairs are arranged in a circle so that they stand tightly.

How to play?

  1. A leader is selected and enters the circle.
  2. All other players sit on chairs. One chair, accordingly, remains free.
  3. Next, the presenter gives commands. For example: “To the right!” And everyone moves their butts from chair to chair in the appropriate direction.
  4. The “Left!” command works exactly the same way.
  5. The third team "Chaos!" means that participants must change seats in a chaotic order.
  6. There may be other commands if you think of them.
  7. The presenter’s task is to confuse the participants and have time to take an empty chair himself.
  8. Whoever did not prevent such a maneuver by the leader, that is, allowed him to reach an empty chair, becomes the leader himself and gives out commands.

Pros of the game:

Develops reaction speed, attention, dexterity.

Fun game "Two hands for two"

Number of children – 4 or more, preferably a paired number.

What will you need?

  • Two chairs.
  • Candy wrappers (at least one per person).
  • Sheets of paper - one for two.
  • Shoes with laces - one shoe for two.

How to prepare?

Chairs are placed at the same distance. One of the objects is placed on them (for us - candy, sheets of paper and shoes) in turn. You can come up with your own items and, accordingly, what you need to do with them.

How to play?

  1. Children work in pairs.
  2. Couples line up in two lines.
  3. The first two couples stand at the same distance from the chairs.
  4. The couple should stand in such a way that the partners are looking at each other. Moreover, one person places his right hand on the partner’s shoulder, the other - his left. It turns out that the other hand of both one and the other remains free. That's what they need to work with!
  5. The first task for each pair: go to the chair, take the candies, unwrap them and eat them.
  6. But at the same time, the couple cannot open their “embraces.”
  7. Second task: fold a sheet of paper into an airplane in the same way. Maybe a boat or something.
  8. Third task: tie your shoelaces.
  9. There can be as many tasks as you can think of.

Pros of the game:

Liberates, promotes communication, development of ingenuity. Amusing.

Combat mission to fun music with cards

Shortly before the real day's disco, it would be good to warm up with the following game. Everyone will like it!

For this competition you need to prepare 10 identical pictures for each team of children. And each team will consist of approximately 4 people. The pictures will contain images of the eyes of various creatures, for example, the eyes of a crocodile, human eyes, snake eyes, cat eyes and so on. So, each team of guys receives 10 pictures with images of eyes. Each picture has a small space for a signature. At the command “start”, the teams confer and sign each picture - whose eye it is. The team with the most hits will be the winner.

10 compliments and wishes

Each of the guys in turn makes 10 compliments to the birthday boy (birthday girl) and leaves his 10 wishes. For children who are very smart at this age, this will not be difficult. For example, the birthday boy Sergei receives the following compliments from the first participant: you are strong, cheerful, smart, handsome, kind, talented, brave, active, a gentleman with girls and a loyal friend, and I wish you to study well, play and go for walks more often, grow up to be a real man, become a cool businessman, have a car, buy a house, get a dog, jump with a parachute, eat sweets every day and not get fat, always be cheerful. Then the second participant leaves his compliments and wishes (it’s okay if some words are repeated). And at the end the birthday boy himself will determine the top three compliments and wishes, the authors of which will receive prizes.

Get into the top 10

Each participant receives 10 identical coins. There is a glass with a fairly wide neck at the same distance from each participant. At the leader’s command, the participants begin to throw their coins into their cups. The participant with the most hits will be the winner.

At 10 years old, find the correct answer

The presenter takes turns reading questions from life to the children, in which the symbol of the birthday person's date - 10 - will definitely be present. And the children, using accumulated knowledge or intuition, or at least with the help of hints, answer. For the correct answer, the guest receives 1 point, and whoever has the most points in the end wins.
Examples of questions:
1. Who is on the $10 bill? (Alexander Hamilton);
2. The tenth element in the periodic table. And even if you are not familiar with chemistry, you know this element. Hint - light in the dark. (Neon);
3. A cartoon about a hero who “counted to ten.” (“The little goat who counted to 10”)
4. “Ten” is the largest number on playing cards, is that true?
5. There are 10 commandments that Moses received from the Lord, is this true?
6. The highest height from which people jump in the sport of “diving” is 10m, is this true? And so on.

10 funny fingers

On the table is a large bowl of medium-sized bagels (not too small). At the command “start”, each participant puts bagels on each finger. The participant who can fit the most bagels on their 10 fingers will be the winner and receive a prize.

At 10 years old we know everything

The guys are divided into teams with the same number of participants - approximately 5 people each. Starting with the first team, the guys in a circle (team) name one name from the corresponding category, which the leader will ask. So, the presenter names a category, for example, domestic animals, after which the first team names their animal, for example, goat, then the second team - rooster, then the third - cat, and then again the first team - turkey, then the second team and so on until , until there are 10 items in this category. Then the presenter changes the category (wild animals, mushrooms, fish, and so on). If a team cannot say the words, they lose their point. And at the end of the game, the team with the most points receives the title of winner and a prize.


It's time for the guys to show dexterity and attentiveness, perseverance and accuracy. So, each participant receives 10 identical coins and on the command “start” the guys must place all the coins edge-on, creating a kind of train. The participant who completes the task first will win and receive a prize.

Collect 10 balls

According to the conditions, everything is quite simple, but in reality it is not so easy. There are 10 inflated balloons in front of each participant. At the “start” command, each participant begins to collect balls, placing them on himself, but there is a rule: you cannot place two balls in the same place, that is, one, for example, under the beard, the second in one hand, the third between the legs, the fourth armpit and so on. Half of the participants who complete the task faster advance to the next stage. And the next stage is to burst the collected 10 balloons. And here, again, whoever is faster wins.

Diversity of the world on the 10th letter of the alphabet

The guys are divided into teams with the same number of people. The presenter asks the guys: what is the 10th letter in the alphabet, and the guys answer: of course, “and”. Then the teams receive cards with the same categories, which the guys must quickly fill out. Example of card categories: animal (iguana/ibis), bird (turkey/oriole), flower (iris/fireweed), tree (willow/fig), female name (Irina/Inna), male name (Igor/Ilya), country (India/Iran), cartoon character (Ivan Tsarevich/Ilya Muromets). The team that completes the categories on their card the fastest will be the winner.

Competitions for the birthday of a 10 year old child

A decade is the first serious anniversary for a child. It requires a memorable celebration with good friends. Organize a fun party so that all guests enjoy it and have positive emotions.

It is better to coordinate the entertainment program with the birthday person. Perhaps he has his own specific wishes for games and competitions. These should be considered first.
Don't forget to prepare small souvenirs for all guests. Conduct all competitions with festive musical accompaniment.

Competition "Burst the Ball!"

Required details:

  • thread;
  • balloon.

An exciting and active competition that will make everyone absolutely delighted. A balloon is tied to the foot of each participant with a thread. The exciting music turns on and the guys begin the competition. Within the allotted time, the comrades need to burst the opponent’s balloon.
The game continues until only one player has the ball on his foot. He is declared the winner and receives a symbolic prize

Competition "Taste Quiz"

Required details:

  • fruits;
  • vegetables;
  • plate;
  • dark opaque tape.

The competition participants sit down at the table. Saucers are placed in front of them, containing berries, fruits and vegetables. The contestant must try the treat and guess what he ate.
The one who gives the most correct answers wins.
Tip: Only offer foods that are familiar and have a distinct flavor so that players can easily identify what kind of vegetable or fruit is in front of them.

Competition "Riddles with a trick"

It's time to test the intelligence of the gathered guests and entertain them with fun riddles with a secret.

There lived a dog in Prostokvashino,
And the sailor cat was his friend.
He was a little simple-minded.
What's his name? (Totoshka is correct Sharik).

He rode boldly through the forest,
But the fox ate it.
I just managed to sing, poor thing,
His name is...(Cheburashka - correctly Kolobok).

Traveled around the world,
To find your bride.
A ball was given to help him,
His Name...(Kolobok - correctly Ivan Tsarevich).

After rest, you can move on to active competitions again.

Competition "Feed the Hedgehog"

Required details:

  • 2 foam hedgehog figures;
  • apples;
  • toothpicks;

Competition for speed and ability to work in a team. At one end of the room, 2 hedgehog figures made of foam rubber or polystyrene are placed side by side.
Guests are divided into 2 teams. Each person is given a basket containing 12 apples and 12 toothpicks.
At the presenter’s signal, the first participant takes an apple, strings it on a toothpick and runs to the “hedgehog”. With the other end of a sharp wooden stick, he attaches the fruit to the foam and comes back. The next player starts behind him.
The team that completes the task first wins. All guests are given apples from a satisfied and well-fed “hedgehog” as a reward.

By the age of 10, all children have made friends. Girls at this age usually make friends with girls, and boys with members of the same sex. This should be taken into account when drawing up the competition program. If a company of the same gender gathers, the entertainment should be appropriate.

Competition for boys

Required details:

  • rope or thick rope;
  • chalk or tape.

Boys at the age of 10 are real competitors. They will love this competition of strength and dexterity.
Guests are divided into 2 teams. Draw a line on the floor or delimit the space with tape. The first participants of both groups take the ends of a rope or thick rope in their hands. The rest of the team lines up behind them. At the command of the leader, the guys begin to pull the rope to their side.
Those who step over the line first lose. Be sure to prepare a prize for the winners and symbolic souvenirs for the losers.

Competition for girls

Required details:

  • combs;
  • hairpins;
  • bows;
  • hairspray, hair gel.

Invite a group of girls to compete in hairdressing.
The company is divided into pairs. The first participant sits on a chair, and the second takes on creating a stunning hairstyle for her. All necessary items are used: combs, mirrors, elastic bands, hair sprays and gels, colored mascara.
Then the participants change roles.
No one will leave the home hair salon in a bad mood! At the end of the competition, you can hold a vote among parents for the best hairstyle or give the birthday girl the right to announce the best hairdresser of the day!

Every child looks forward to his birthday. Boys and girls are waiting for the desired gifts, surprises and unstoppable fun at such an important event for them. That is why parents should take care and think about the program of the event in advance. This will make the holiday bright, special and fun. In order for everything to be exactly like this, you should come up with competitions for the child’s birthday. 10 years is a round date, and you need to prepare for it in advance.

How to congratulate a child in an unusual way

In order for your son or daughter to be delighted, you should think through not only the program, but also congratulate your child in an unconventional way. There are a lot of ideas on how to congratulate a child on his 10th birthday in an original way. The following options can be taken into account:

  • Order an animator dressed as your favorite cartoon character, who will arrive at the address on time and present a gift with words of congratulations.
  • Parents can also agree with the postman to bring a long-awaited gift for a boy or girl on his 10th birthday.
  • You can arrange a quest for a child, in which the son or daughter will have to find a gift according to a map drawn by the parents. This option for presenting a gift can be organized both at home and outdoors.
  • A 10-year-old child will love it if the whole class or friends from the creative circle in which he is involved come to congratulate him on his birthday.

These are just some of the options for how to congratulate your child on his birthday in an unusual way. Moms and dads can come up with a lot more ideas, taking into account the character, interests and hobbies of their son or daughter.

What to consider when planning your birthday program

Of course, when thinking about competitions for a 10-year-old child’s birthday, it’s worth taking into account some facts. This is what will help organize the perfect event that your child will remember for many years. The following nuances need to be taken into account:

  • Number of children invited.
  • Season. This is especially important if the celebration of the event takes place outdoors.
  • Age of invited boys and girls.
  • Venue of the event.
  • Hobbies and interests of the hero of the occasion.
  • Birthday wishes.

Moms and dads who take into account all the facts mentioned above will be able to come up with excellent competitions for the birthday of a 10-year-old child and make the holiday unforgettable. Of course, everything needs to be thought through in advance.

Competitions for a 10-year-old child's birthday

Boys and girls will have fun if their parents tell them what games or competitions can be arranged. Fun competitions for a 10-year-old child's birthday can be of different themes. They will probably enjoy competitions in the following genre:

  • marine;
  • adventure;
  • quests;
  • relay races;
  • culinary competitions.

These are just some of the themes that can be taken into account when coming up with competitions and games for a 10-year-old child’s birthday.

Funny competitions for kids

Boys and girls of all ages love to have fun. Therefore, they would be appropriate for a 10-year-old child’s birthday. The following ideas can be taken as a basis:

  • Blow up a balloon without hands. For this competition, children must be divided into two teams. You need to prepare a certain number of balls for each team in advance, taking into account the number of players. Children must, on command, take the balloons into their mouths and begin to inflate them. Fun is guaranteed, because inflating a balloon without using your hands is not so easy. Whistling and puffed-out cheeks will greatly amuse all the guests and the hero of the occasion.
  • Hold the ball suspended without hands. To do this, two teams need to be given a balloon each, and on command, boys and girls must begin to blow upward, trying with all their might to keep the ball suspended.
  • Transfer the egg in a spoon. Each participant is given a spoon with a boiled egg on it. To make it more interesting, you can tell the children that the eggs are raw. In turn, each participant must run a circle around the room and pass the baton to the next one. The winner is the team that completes the task first and never drops the egg from the spoon.

Such fun competitions for the birthday of a 10-year-old child will give a lot of positive emotions and great emotions to the birthday boy and his guests. It is worth taking them into account and including them in the event program.

Little princesses will be happy to take part in competitions created especially for girls. You can take note of the following ideas:

  • Making a postcard from improvised materials. For this competition you need to prepare: whatman paper or sheets of paper, glue, glitter, buttons, beads, bright markers, pencils. On command, the girls, divided into two groups, begin to fantasize and create a card for the birthday girl with their own hands. There will be no losing children in this competition, everyone will be a winner.
  • Balloon competition. The guests of the little birthday girl are divided into two teams. Each person is given ten balloons. At the signal, the guests must begin throwing balls into the opponents' territory. The team that manages to transfer the most inflatable products will win.
  • Dress up the birthday girl. This children's competition for the birthday of a 10-year-old girl is open to all guests. You need to prepare a box with various decorations, clothing, and accessories. These blanks will be used in the future to dress up the birthday girl. It will be more interesting if the guests are divided into two teams and a winner is chosen who will brightly and unusually dress up the hero of the occasion.

Such competitions for the birthday of a 10- or 12-year-old girl will definitely please the guests and will cause a whirlpool of emotions.

Contests for a boy's birthday

Boys have different hobbies from girls. Therefore, a number of games and competitions should be invented for them. As an example, you can take the following competitions for the birthday of a 10-year-old boy:

  • Pirates of the Caribbean. For this competition, in an apartment or other place where a birthday is being held, you need to hide “golden” coins (chocolate ones can be) and the boys, divided into two teams, must find the treasures. Those who collect the most coins will win.
  • Hit the target. Boys are given syringes without a needle or water pistols with liquid inside. A basin or bucket is placed at a distance of several steps, and on command the boys must pour water into the reservoir. The team with the most water in its container will win.
  • Appliances. For this competition you need to prepare forfeits on which the names of household appliances will be written. This could be a vacuum cleaner, a fan, a coffee maker and other items of equipment that are known to everyone. Participants take turns pulling out the forfeit and showing the guests without words what is written on the piece of paper.

The hero of the occasion and his young guests will enjoy such competitions. The main thing is to prepare in advance all the decorations and necessary things that will be useful during the implementation of the entertainment program.

Active competitions for children

Little boys and girls cannot sit still for long. Therefore, mobile competitions must be included in the event program. There are many ideas for such games and relay races. Moms and dads can take the following options as a basis:

  • Catch the birthday boy. The host announces that Baba Yaga just called and said that she would take the hero of the occasion to her place. This can only be avoided if one of the guests catches the birthday boy. To do this, children gather in a circle, and the hero of the occasion becomes the center of the circle. On command, the birthday boy begins to run away, and the guests must catch him. Whoever succeeds in this receives a lifeguard certificate.
  • Dancing. Parents need to learn a few dance moves. All guests and the hero of the occasion must repeat the movements after the host.
  • Run around obstacles. For this competition, you need to place various obstacles in a room or other room. These could be chairs, basins of water, bowls of cereals. The teams' task is to run around all the obstacles as quickly as possible, leaving the playing area as clean as possible.

These active competitions and games will help children have fun and give them a lot of positive emotions.

Calm competitions for kids

When the event comes to an end, the kids are already tired. In this case, quiet games will suit them, which will dilute the festive leisure time. Competitions may be as follows:

  • Congratulations for the birthday boy. The presenter calls the children a letter. All guests in turn must say a word of congratulations starting with this letter. Anyone who does not find the desired wish is eliminated from the game. The child who used his imagination to the last minute is awarded a certificate or a small present.
  • Guess the animal. The presenter voices a few words of associations about some animal. Children must find the answer.
  • Write a congratulations. The children are given small cards on which everyone must write a wish for the birthday boy. All these congratulations are put into an envelope and kept as a keepsake. In 10 years it will be very interesting to read and think about whether the wishes came true or not.

Such competitions will help children have a calm and fun time.

How to make a holiday unusual

In addition to competitions for a children's birthday, you need to come up with something special to make the holiday memorable for a long time. You might be inspired by the following ideas:

  • Order the services of an abstract magician. This professional will help make the holiday truly magical and bright. In addition, children can learn a lot of interesting things from the world of science.
  • Soap bubbles show. It is not necessary to buy professional equipment for making soap bubbles. You just need to buy a children's toy that releases a lot of bubbles at a time. Mom or dad can make a soap disco themselves for their son or daughter.
  • Animators will also make the holiday bright and unusual.
  • In order to diversify the event and make the birthday memorable for a long time, you can take the birthday boy and guests to a playroom with trampolines, where the kids will feel like soaring birds.
  • If your birthday is celebrated at home, then you should use your imagination and decorate the room. Decorations can include paper flowers, balloons, ribbons or accessories selected for a specific theme.

All the ideas mentioned above will help make your birthday special and unusual. And of course, they will give a lot of emotions to the main hero of the occasion.

How to motivate children to participate in competitions

Not all boys and girls will rush to participate in competitions without hesitation. Therefore, you should come up with something unusual so that the kids throw aside their embarrassment. The best motivation for little boys and girls is a present at the end of the competition. As small gifts for guests you can choose:

  • Sweets.
  • Small toys.
  • "Kinder Surprises"
  • Medals, including chocolate.
  • Certificates.

Moms and dads with good imagination will certainly come up with something to surprise and how to please the kids.

Why competitions are so important for children's birthdays

You can simply send the kids to the playroom and give them a chance to let loose. But there is a downside to this solution. The kids will scatter all over the room, and the birthday boy will not be able to fully feel the spirit of celebration. That is why parents should make sure that during the event there are as many competitions and games as possible that will unite the birthday boy with all the friends and comrades invited to the birthday party.