The role of a fairy tale in the life of the reader and its moral values. Essay on the topic “The role of fairy tales in human life

The meaning of fairy tales in human life

Every person has their own first and favorite fairy tale. A fairy tale that we carry in our hearts throughout our lives. And it’s different for everyone. And why? What's here deep meaning?
In every fairy tale we read, we can find, like full list human problems, as well as ways and means of solving them. The subconscious choice of a fairy tale reflects the problems of personal moments in a person’s life, their aspirations and beliefs. The famous American psychologist Eric Berne argued back in the mid-twentieth century that with the help of fairy tales it is even possible to program a child’s future.
Fairy tales are not as simple as they seem at first glance - they are like a multi-layered cake. In childhood, we see the first layer, it is the most understandable, and with age, the deeper meaning of the embedded plan in the fairy tale is revealed to us. And the shorter the fairy tale, the greater the volume of information embedded in it. And in this case, parents need fairy tales no less than their children.
As an example, I propose to analyze the fairy tale “Kolobok”. Everyone, you remember well how the bun runs away from home to see the world. Of course, he has a great sense of adventure. According to characterological characteristics, he is energetic, sociable, quite active, mobile, lively, has good character and a boundless desire to learn something interesting, unknown. Temperament type - rather sanguine.
On his way to unknown adventures, he meets several characters who become a hindrance to him. But Kolobok knows how to negotiate with everyone - even the most negative hero from a fairy tale I was able to convince him to let him go. Over time, already being confident in himself, as a mature personality, the traveler loses his vigilance, his self-confidence and audacity suppresses such psychological processes, like attentiveness and observation - and with the help of deception, he is eaten by the Fox.
This fairy tale plot is found in fairy tales of many peoples of the world. It is instructive because it carries the wisdom of the people, which is passed down through generations from ancestors to future descendants.
What lessons can be learned from this fairy tale and what can a child be taught by telling it:
1) Do not lose your sense of self-control. You can always find a way out of the situation and confront the one who insults you: call your friends for help, show cunning. After all, Kolobok could have been eaten by the Hare if our hero had not cheated: “Come on, I’ll sing you a song!” Or, just run away - that’s what Kolobok did every time, singing a song.
2) Do not trust the first person you meet. Meet in life different people, both friendly and vice versa. Just in case, you always need to be ready for anything, because bad people do not always directly and openly make it clear: “I will eat you!” Most, in relation to you, can act like the cunning Fox, lulling your vigilance with flattery and skillfully played kindness; Therefore, you should be very careful here to guess people's intentions.
3) Choose the right path in life. You should talk about this with your child at the very end. After all, Kolobok was baked for a corresponding purpose, Grandfather and Grandmother pinned their hopes on it, and our naughty hero ruined the lives of both himself and them. Each person has his own abilities, this is a sign of the purpose of everyone in this world. According to these signs and the vocation of the soul, people, as a rule, try to choose a profession, type of activity, occupation. And, of course, having done right choice profession - a person will be able to realize his talents in life, and with his successes bring great benefit to himself, his family and society, and receive from his professional activity also a pleasure. Self-assertion.
As a result:
- Don't rush to refuse. When you are asked to “scrape the bottom of the barrel,” and you know that there is nothing there, scratch it anyway. Grandmother had enough flour for Kolobok...
- Do not leave children unattended. After all, Kolobok is none other than a baby who, as soon as Grandma turned away, jumped off the windowsill and went into the forest!
- Don't forget about your childhood. Why main character fairy tales so recklessly decided on adventures? Probably because he felt rather sad lying on the windowsill alone. Therefore, you should not rush to scold your child for disobedience, but rather remember how you yourself once wanted to feel “adult and independent” as a child, saying: “I myself!”
Recommendations for parents
- Don’t try to replace reading a fairy tale with watching cartoons. Even when you're busy, find time to read with your family or before bed. 15 minutes a day is not enough for a lively, emotional display of a fairy tale by you for your child, but it is very important for its psychological development.
- Before reading an unfamiliar fairy tale to your son or daughter, quickly skim through it. IN modern interpretations you can find, for example: “... and tore him into a thousand small pieces.” This is too much. Therefore, in this case, you can replace this fairy tale with another, or replace some of the actions of the main characters with softer ones that do not reflect manifestations of aggression and various negativism, because the child may form the opinion that only evil and cruelty can be strong and reasonable.
- Children should know and understand that in life there is, in addition to the “external”, an “internal” side (the main educational meaning of the fairy tale). Talk to your child about how he should act correctly in such situations. And even better, if the child has recently done something wrong, then choose an appropriate fairy tale according to this situation, highlighting the instructive and educational moment.

  • Parents
  • Preschool education

Every person has their own first and favorite fairy tale. A fairy tale that we carry in our hearts throughout our lives. And it’s different for everyone. And why? What is the deeper meaning here? In every fairy tale we read, we can find a complete list of human problems, as well as ways and means of solving them. The subconscious choice of a fairy tale reflects the problems of personal moments in a person’s life, their aspirations and beliefs. The famous American psychologist Eric Berne argued back in the mid-twentieth century that with the help of fairy tales it is even possible to program a child’s future. Fairy tales are not as simple as they seem at first glance - they are like a multi-layered cake. In childhood, we see the first layer, it is the most understandable, and with age, the deeper meaning of the embedded plan in the fairy tale is revealed to us. And the shorter the fairy tale, the greater the volume of information embedded in it. And in this case, parents need fairy tales no less than their children. As an example, I propose to analyze the fairy tale “Kolobok”. Everyone, you remember well how the bun runs away from home to see the world. Of course, he has a great sense of adventure. According to characterological characteristics, he is energetic, sociable, quite active, agile, lively, has a good character and a boundless desire to learn something interesting and unknown. Temperament type - rather sanguine. On his way to unknown adventures, he meets several characters who become a hindrance to him. But Kolobok knows how to negotiate with everyone - he was able to convince even the most negative hero from a fairy tale to let him go. Over time, already confident in himself, as a mature personality, the traveler loses his vigilance, his self-confidence and insolence suppresses such psychological processes as attentiveness and observation - and, with the help of deception, he is eaten by the Fox. This fairy tale plot is found in fairy tales of many peoples of the world. It is instructive because it carries the wisdom of the people, which is passed down through generations from ancestors to future descendants. What lessons can be learned from this fairy tale and what can a child be taught by telling it: 1) Do not lose your sense of self-control. You can always find a way out of the situation and confront the one who insults you: call your friends for help, show cunning. After all, Kolobok could have been eaten by the Hare if our hero had not cheated: “Come on, I’ll sing you a song!” Or, just run away - that’s what Kolobok did every time, singing a song. 2) Do not trust the first person you meet. In life you meet different people, both friendly and vice versa. Just in case, you always need to be ready for anything, because bad people do not always directly and openly make it clear: “I will eat you!” Most, in relation to you, can act like the cunning Fox, lulling your vigilance with flattery and skillfully played kindness; Therefore, you should be very careful here to guess people's intentions. 3) Choose the right path in life. You should talk about this with your child at the very end. After all, Kolobok was baked for a corresponding purpose, Grandfather and Grandmother pinned their hopes on it, and our naughty hero ruined the lives of both himself and them. Each person has his own abilities, this is a sign of the purpose of everyone in this world. According to these signs and the vocation of the soul, people, as a rule, try to choose a profession, type of activity, occupation. And, of course, having made the right choice of profession, a person will be able to realize his talents in life, and with his successes bring great benefit to himself, his family and society, and also receive pleasure from his professional activities. Self-assertion. As a result: - Do not rush to refuse. When you are asked to “scrape the bottom of the barrel,” and you know that there is nothing there, scratch it anyway. Grandma had enough flour for Kolobok... - Don’t leave children unattended. After all, Kolobok is none other than a baby who, as soon as Grandma turned away, jumped off the windowsill and went into the forest! - Don't forget about your childhood. Why did the main character of the fairy tale decide to go on an adventure so recklessly? Probably because he felt rather sad lying on the windowsill alone. Therefore, you should not rush to scold your child for disobedience, but rather remember how you yourself once wanted to feel “adult and independent” as a child, saying, at your mother’s request to help: “I myself!” Recommendations for parents - Do not try to replace reading a fairy tale with watching cartoons. Even when you're busy, find time to read with your family or before bed. 15 minutes a day is not enough for a lively, emotional display of a fairy tale by you for your child, but it is very important for its psychological development. - Before reading an unfamiliar fairy tale to your son or daughter, quickly skim through it. In modern interpretations you can find, for example: “... and tore him into a thousand small pieces.” This is too much. Therefore, in this case, you can replace this fairy tale with another, or replace some of the actions of the main characters with softer ones that do not reflect manifestations of aggression and various negativism, because the child may form the opinion that only evil and cruelty can be strong and reasonable. - You shouldn’t read sad bedtime stories to your child. Because it will be hard to imagine what a child might dream about after such a fairy tale. - Children should know and understand that in life there is, in addition to the “external”, an “internal” side (the main educational meaning of the fairy tale). Talk about this with your child, choosing the moment subtly and carefully. Purely for educational purposes, raising the child to what the right thing to do in such situations. And even better, if the child has recently done something wrong, then choose an appropriate fairy tale according to this situation, highlighting the instructive and educational moment.

Every fairy tale teaches something. Even in the worst fairy tale world There is brave hero, who fights with the most powerful and incredible monsters and always defeats them. Wherein heroic deeds he does it to save someone. Various creatures and objects come to his aid. Assistants goodies become wise old men, old women, fantastic creatures, heroes, animals and birds: “Sivka-burka”, “duck with the golden egg”, “wonderful chicken”, etc. And sometimes they come to the rescue inanimate objects: self-assembled tablecloth, walking boots, living or dead water. These creatures or objects return good for good.

A fairy tale has a direct impact on the formation of personality. In our inner world, as in the fairy-tale world, Courage and Cowardice, Greed and Generosity, Pettiness and Generosity, Faith and Rationalism, and other qualities coexist. A fairy tale helps us choose our ideal and hold on to it - at least internally.

People different ages love to read fairy tales. There are fairy tales that will be of interest only to small children, but there are also ones for a wider audience. age category. For example, there are fairy tales for very young children. In them, the little listener learns about the world around him, moving from simple to more complex - through comparisons and relationships. In the fairy tale “The Three Bears,” the relationship between the size of an object and the age of the characters is clearly described, and that for Mashenka what suits her age is Mishutka’s accessories; in “Turnip” we observe the order of characters “from great to small.” These fairy tales teach consistency and develop intelligence.

So we can conclude that a fairy tale plays a huge role in the life of every person. Even in childhood, she teaches us kindness, decency, courage, helps us understand what is good and what is bad, promotes general development intelligence.

Read along with the article “Essay on the topic “The role of fairy tales in human life”:


In the text offered to us for analysis, the famous Russian psychologist and teacher Ilya Konstantinovich Barabash raises the problem of the importance of fairy tales in the life of modern man.

This problem is more relevant today than ever, because plunging into the frantic pace of life modern society, we begin to forget about the beginnings, about what helped us in childhood. We don’t think about the fact that something that served us as a support in life before can serve as a guide now. It was fairy tales that laid in us the moral, aesthetic and moral guidelines that guide us to this day.

In order to draw the reader’s attention to this issue, the writer, firstly, talks about how closely we perceived the problems of the heroes: “We were really happy for Ivan Tsarevich, we felt sorry for Little Muk.” This helped us compare their behavior with ours, draw conclusions and act as the hero of a fairy tale would act. Secondly, the author tells us how cunning defeats strength, and courage defeats meanness. Barabash actually lists some of the lessons we learn from reading fairy tales: “The concept of power is relative.

And if you simply unselfishly help someone, then goodness will definitely return to you.”

The author believes that we should look at life through the prism of a fairy tale, but without falling into the power of fairy-tale characters. In other words, we must be able to use the advice that the fairy tale gave us, without forgetting that we still live in real world, and therefore not always fairy laws they work here.

No wonder this problem discussed in the work of Vladimir Blagov “Freedom for the Serpent Gorynych!” Brother and sister, living in a modern apartment, are not interested in books at all. My brother plays on the computer all day long, my sister leafs through magazines - they are not interested in the fictional world. One day, due to a coincidence, they magically find themselves in a classic Russian fairy tale, where they use exclusively their resourcefulness and courage to save fairy-tale characters, and happily return home.

Having learned courage, valor and honesty during their adventures, they understand that the world of fairy tales is a fascinating environment where everyone can find the answer to any question that concerns them. Since then they began to pay much more attention to books.

Another example is the film The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch and wardrobe" Four children evacuated to London because of the war accidentally find the entrance to a parallel world which is inhabited fairy tale characters. By chance, responsibility for this entire world is placed on their shoulders, and they save it. In the process, each of the children corrects their own major character flaw, and they return back to London as completely different people. Meeting with a fairy tale greatly helped them change their destiny and themselves for the better.

To summarize, we can say that fairy tales really play a very strong role in people's lives. It is not for nothing that the Russian proverb says: “A fairy tale is a treasure of folk wisdom.”

Updated: 2017-05-10

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