Famous people who they are. Outstanding personalities of Russia: list

    People often argue about who was the most influential person in history, and everyone has their own opinion on this matter, because measuring the influence of a person in history is a rather subjective indicator. There are many people who influenced in different ways - these are religious figures, scientists and politicians. Today we will look at just 10 people who were among the most influential people in history.

    1. Jesus Christ

    Christianity is still the largest religion in the world, and approximately a third of the world's population classifies itself as Christian. Therefore, Jesus Christ truly deserves first place in our list of the most influential people in human history.

    2. Sir Isaac Newton

    One of the most influential scientists in history was undoubtedly Sir Isaac Newton, who shaped the face of modern science. He was a teacher, scientist and inventor. He also created the famous laws of motion, and invented the reflecting microscope.

    3. Aristotle

    He is considered one of the three greatest philosophers of all time, the other two being Plato and Socrates, and his teachings spread throughout the world. One of his most famous students was Alexander the Great.

    4. Albert Einstein

    Albert Einstein's theory of relativity shaped the entire understanding of the universe and theories of physics.

    5. Buddha

    The Buddha's teachings have influenced billions of people with the eight principles of ethical living that he developed. He spent his life traveling around the Indian subcontinent.

    6. Confucius

    Confucius was a Chinese philosopher whose thinking influenced many people in the East. Many people still follow his teachings. He is an extremely important part of Chinese history and has been described as a teacher, politician and philosopher.

    7. Archimedes

    Greek mathematician and inventor Archimedes is considered one of the most brilliant minds of all time. Archimedes' principle, which explains why a boat floats, is still taught to schoolchildren.

    8. Alexander the Great

    It is believed that he was one of the greatest military leaders, who was responsible for the spread of Greek culture to much of the then world. He also founded more than twenty great cities, including Alexandria in Egypt.

    9. Appius Claudius Caecus

    Appius Claudius Caecus was the man who established the foundations for the Roman Republic, which eventually became the Roman Empire.

    10. William Shakespeare

    William Shakespeare is a man whom we repeat every day, quoting and not even suspecting that it was he who came up with this phrase or expression. This is amazing, remember how often you say something like this: “all that glitters is not gold”, “a pitiful sight”, “food of the gods”, “all’s well that ends well”. It's all Shakespeare. And of course, the maestro’s most famous phrase: “to be or not to be.”

Who are the most famous people in Russia today? Who are the younger generation and adults targeting? Who is known more today - heroes of the past or contemporaries? Let's try to figure it out.

Famous people

The list of “Famous People of Russia” includes a variety of characters. These are politicians, writers, artists and musicians. Recently, a rating of the most popular Russian personalities was compiled based on search queries on the Internet.

Rating leader

It will not be a surprise to most readers that the most famous person in Russia is the current President, Vladimir Putin.

Born in St. Petersburg. During the Soviet Union, he served in the State Security Committee, in particular he worked in the GDR.

The names of famous people in Russia are well known to everyone. In the case of Putin, this is confirmed by the presidential elections. He has already won this race three times, receiving the support of at least 60 percent of voters who came to the polls.

Before becoming head of state, Putin served as head of the Federal Security Service, and then served as prime minister of the country for six months. Before the New Year 2000, Putin replaced the retired Boris Yeltsin. Before the elections, he served as acting president of the Russian Federation.

Putin is now in his third term in power. Little is known about his personal life. He divorced his wife. He has two daughters, whose identities and whereabouts are not disclosed.

As Prime Minister

The second most popular person was the current Prime Minister, ex-President of Russia Dmitry Anatolyevich Medvedev. He was also rightfully included in the list of “Famous People of the Country of Russia”.

In the early 2000s, he headed the board of directors of one of the largest Russian companies, Gazprom. In 2008 he won the Russian presidential elections.

Most of his activities are remembered for intensifying the fight against corruption, softer policies in the international arena, and the passion of the head of state for modern technologies. It was during his era that the words “innovation” and “gadgets” came into use among Russians.

In 2012, he was replaced in this post by Vladimir Putin, and Medvedev became prime minister and headed the United Russia political party. He remains in these positions to this day. In particular, he oversees the implementation of the largest national projects in the country.

Despite his more restrained foreign policy, it was during his presidency that an armed conflict occurred in Abkhazia between the Russian and Georgian armies. Many dubbed it the Five Day War.

Russian epic novel

Not only our contemporaries were included in the list of “Famous People of Russia”. The dead are also present in it. For example, the writer Leo Tolstoy. This is one of the largest and most popular prose writers and thinkers of the 19th century. And not only in Russia, but throughout the world. His novels are read in different parts of the world.

His uniqueness lies in the fact that during his lifetime he was recognized as the greatest of Russian writers. Tolstoy rightfully bears the title of “famous man of Russia.” Almost all of his novels are still being republished in English.

He is considered one of the founders of a new stage in world realism. He had a strong influence on humanists around the world, as well as on the development of the realist tradition.

His novels and stories have been filmed many times by the most famous directors. For example, just recently another mini-series based on his epic “War and Peace” was released in the United States.

First President of Russia

The list of “Famous People of Russia” always includes the first president, Boris Yeltsin. He came to power in 1991 as a result of the collapse of the Soviet Union.

A native of the Sverdlovsk region, during perestroika he was the personification of the democratic trends that were so popular in the country at that time. In 1991, he was elected the first and only president of the RSFSR.

It is with his name that the changes that have occurred in the country are associated. First of all, this is glasnost, the transition from a planned to a market economy.

Many people have a lot of complaints about his policies. He is blamed for the collapse of the USSR, the war in Chechnya, the unstable economic situation in the country, and rampant banditry and crime. At the same time, experts note that only under Yeltsin did independent media work, the concept of “private property” and the opportunity to conduct business appeared.


People of creative professions are as popular as politicians. Therefore, it is not surprising that the singer Alla Pugacheva was included in the list of “Famous People of Russia of the 21st Century”. Even though her career began long before the new millennium.

At one time, she was the most popular performer on the national stage. Pugacheva’s repertoire includes half a thousand songs. Moreover, they have been translated into dozens of world languages, they are sung by pop singers in different countries of the world.

In addition to the USSR and Russia, Pugacheva’s records and albums were also published in Germany, Poland, Bulgaria and even Japan and South Korea. The total circulation of all discs exceeded a quarter of a billion units.

The name of Alla Pugacheva is well known not only in Russia, but also in the countries of Eastern and Northern Europe. In our country, she was consistently recognized as the most popular singer from the mid-70s to the 90s. And now he does not lose his fame. Even regardless of age. She is already 67 years old.

Pugacheva officially stopped touring in 2010, when she turned 60 years old. At the same time, she continues to appear in public and conduct creative activities. Pugacheva regularly participates in various talk shows as a guest star, expert or jury member.

She is married to the famous master of parody Maxim Galkin. She has two daughters, a son and already three grandchildren.

Voice of the era

The list of "Famous People of Russia" would be incomplete without Vladimir Vysotsky. This famous poet and musician died almost 40 years ago, but his songs are still listened to by both those who found him alive and went to his concerts, and those who were born years after his death.

Vysotsky is a unique poet who managed to write lyrics for all walks of life without exception. He sang about criminals, and about front-line soldiers, and about scientists, and about peasants. Everyone felt that the author knew the most important things about his life and profession. Many were deeply convinced that without being a front-line soldier or a criminal, one could not write such texts. But Vysotsky was not only a poet, but also a wonderful actor, who played in such famous films as “Vertical”, “Dangerous Tours”, “The Meeting Place Cannot Be Changed”.

He performed his songs on stage with an ordinary seven-string guitar. He was also one of the key actors of the Taganka Theater. He played in more than 20 performances, including appearing in the role of Shakespeare's Hamlet.

According to the results of a survey by VTsIOM, he was second only to one person in the list of idols of the last century.

First man in space

The Russians called Yuri Gagarin the idol of the 20th century. The first inhabitant of planet Earth to go into space. Gagarin, who was born shortly before the Great Patriotic War in a small village in the Smolensk region, dreamed of the sky since childhood. He dreamed of becoming a pilot, so he went to study in Saratov.

Soon after this, he entered an experimental program to prepare for the first manned space flight. Of course, several people were preparing; which of them would fly was not known until the very last moment. The lucky ticket fell to Yuri Gagarin.

It launched on a Vostok rocket on April 12, 1961, ushering in the space age for humanity. His flight lasted 108 minutes. After that, he successfully landed near the town of Engels in the Saratov region.

Gagarin instantly became a world celebrity. He was invited abroad, he visited at least 30 countries, and dined with the Queen of Great Britain.

True, he was never destined to fly into space again. But he remained in aviation, testing new aircraft. Tragically died in 1968 while performing training flights on a MiG aircraft. His death became a national mourning throughout the country.

The sun of Russian poetry

When talking about the most famous Russian people, we cannot forget about the 19th century poet Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin. There is not a person in Russia who does not know at least a few of his poems. Pushkin's poetry is taught at school and university, but we can say with confidence that it has not been possible to study him thoroughly until now. There are so many hidden meanings and signs in his poems.

Pushkin is the founder of the Russian literary language. Brought up on French literature and the fairy tales of his nanny Arina Rodionovna, he managed to create the best poetic works, which the Russian language is still proud of.

It must be recognized that the world today looks the way it does, in part, thanks to people who lived in the distant past. These historical figures accomplished great deeds, created immortal masterpieces, and worked for the benefit of science and the prosperity of mankind. That is why they still remain in the memory and hearts of people. It was not easy to choose the most famous, since the list of extraordinary personalities in history is very large: kings, scientists, writers, philosophers, religious and political figures. So don't be upset if you don't see your idol on the list.

The name Johannes Guttenberg is familiar to everyone. This is a German blacksmith, jeweler, printer and publisher who invented the first printing press. The device consisted of adjustable iron molds and a mechanical press. It opened up the possibility of mass book printing. Before Gutenberg's invention, books were copied by hand or printed using woodcuts, which was time-consuming and expensive.

The printing press was a real breakthrough in history, contributing to the further development of the economy and culture of all of Europe. Since the products were cheaper, people “of the people” could afford them. Information began to spread with unprecedented force. The surge in literacy broke the monopoly of the educated elite and strengthened the emerging middle class. The growth of cultural consciousness led to the emergence of proto-nationalism.

Galileo Galilei was an Italian physicist, astronomer and inventor. He made major contributions to the development of that part of physics now called mechanics, including the discovery of the kinematic theory of relativity and the First Law of Mechanics. Galileo also pioneered the science of strength of materials and introduced the concept of “torque of force.” It was thanks to his research that Isaac Newton later came to understand the force of gravity.

It is believed that Galileo invented the telescope, but this is not true. He was the first to publish his observations of astronomical objects through a telescope, which showed many new things, for example, that the Moon has hills, just like the Earth, and Jupiter has its own satellites.

By observing the phases of Venus, Saturn and Jupiter, the scientist confirmed that the planets revolve around the Sun along with the Earth. He also realized that the Sun rotates around its axis. This idea was prompted by his observation of the variability of spots on the surface of the star.

Galileo openly confirmed the theories of Nicolaus Copernicus and Giordano Bruno. Due to the propaganda of the idea of ​​heliocentrism, the Inquisition drew attention to the scientist. At the time, the Church taught that the Earth was frozen and everything in the sky moved around it, and other versions were unacceptable. Galileo had to obey, otherwise the fate of his predecessors would have awaited him.

But the scientist could not remain silent for long, and later described in detail the issue of heliocentrism in his most famous work, “Dialogue on the Two Main World Systems,” for which he was arrested. The Inquisition forced Galileo to recant his beliefs and withdraw his works from publication under threat of execution. The astronomer spent the last 10 years of his life under house arrest.

It’s interesting to know: the church admitted its mistake and rehabilitated Galileo only 4 centuries later – in 1992.

Alexander III of Macedon is one of the most famous and successful commanders in history. Having ascended the throne at the age of 20 after the death of his father, Alexander conquered a huge number of territories in 10 years, including Greece, Persia, Syria, Egypt, Mesopotamia, and created one of the largest empires. Macedonian's plans were to conquer the whole world, but this was not destined to come true.

At the age of 33, the great commander died. The cause of his death is shrouded in mystery. Some are sure that he was killed, others blame alcoholism, but most sources agree that Alexandra was killed by illness.

After his death, the world power created with such difficulty collapsed very quickly. In the struggle for power, the king’s relatives and military leaders simply “killed” each other, and the integrity of the empire was violated. Nevertheless, thanks to Macedon, Greek culture spread throughout Asia. He founded more than 20 cities bearing his name. Some of them flourish to this day, for example, the Egyptian city of Alexandria, which was a key Mediterranean port in ancient times, and is now a metropolis with more than 5 million people.

Napoleon is one of the outstanding rulers of France. He was an ambitious man and a brilliant military leader, which helped him reach such heights. Napoleon's military career began during the Parisian Revolution. At the Siege of Toulon in 1793, second lieutenant Napoleon Boinaparte (as he was then known) developed a strategy that helped defeat the British and drive them out of the port. His services were recognized by the leaders of France, and at the age of 24, Bonaparte was promoted to the position of brigadier general.

In 1796 Napoleon received command of the French army in Italy. Seeing that his countrymen were losing, Bonaparte used special tactics of moving troops around the battlefield to ensure that the French always outnumbered the Austrians. Soon the opponents were defeated, and Napoleon became a national hero. Later, he took the reins of power over all of France: in 1799 he was proclaimed first consul, and 5 years later he was crowned emperor.

During his reign, Napoleon was able to carry out a number of government reforms. One of these reforms was the famous Napoleonic Code, according to the laws of which public positions were no longer assigned on the basis of a person’s origin or religion. This was a big change, because previously high positions were given only to aristocrats, as a result, the people were often ruled by stupid, incompetent people.

Napoleon also helped improve France's economy by building new roads and encouraging business; restored the Catholic Church, but at the same time established freedom of religion.

Bonaparte's power and influence continued to grow. During his 10-year reign, he successfully conquered Spain, Germany, Poland, Austria and Italy, making France the most powerful state in Europe. But the emperor could not defeat Russia - he was defeated in the War of 1812, after which he tried to fight the coalition for a couple of years, but in the end he lost his throne. He was sent into exile on the island of St. Helena to live out the last days of his life.

In this list it was impossible not to mention such an interesting historical figure as Leonardo Da Vinci. Most know him as the greatest artist of all time. His paintings "Mona Lisa" and "The Last Supper" are universally recognized works of art. Leonardo's works are made using a special technique that makes the paintings so realistic that it seems as if people live and breathe in them.

But Da Vinci was not only an artist, but also a scientist, mathematician, engineer, inventor, anatomist, sculptor, architect, botanist, musician, and writer. It looked like he wanted to know everything! He is even credited with the phrase: “Learning never exhausts the mind.”

Leonardo left journals with his philosophical notes, observations, scientific diagrams, and sketches of inventions. In total there are more than 13,000 pages, including drawings of a helicopter, a tank, a calculator, a parachute, a robot, and a telephone. Some of his ideas were realized only hundreds of years later, others remained creative fantasies.

Interesting fact: among Da Vinci's drawings, the drawing of the Vitruvian Man is very popular. This is a depiction of a man with ideal proportions based on the notes of the Roman architect Vitruvius.

To achieve success, Edison worked hard all his life. As a child, he sold fruits and vegetables, at the age of 12 he became a newspaperman at a railway station, and later learned to work as a telegraph operator and operator. As a young man, Thomas's skills as a businessman were developing - he was constantly trying to increase demand for a product or improve a business strategy. Perhaps because of his drive, Edison was able to found 14 companies, including General Electric, which is still one of the largest in the world.

From a very early age, the inventor spent all the money he earned on buying books and conducting experiments. Although Edison did not gain recognition immediately, his inventions subsequently influenced the development of various industries. He developed many devices - a phonograph, a kinetoscope, a magnetic ore separator, an improved high-speed telegraph, a typewriter, a telephone and a long-lasting light bulb.

Thomas Edison was one of the first inventors to apply the principles of mass production and collaboration. He is credited with creating the first industrial research laboratory. In total, about 1,000 patents were issued in Edison's name, for which he is called America's greatest inventor.

Interesting to know: Thomas Edison suggested saying “hello” at the beginning of a telephone conversation.

Abraham Lincoln, the 16th President of the United States, was famous for his honesty, eloquence, extraordinary intelligence and kindness. He grew up in a poor family, and from childhood he abhorred slavery. Perhaps it was precisely because of his simplicity and personal qualities that Abraham was chosen as head of state.

He ruled based on the principle “Government is created for the people.” Lincoln truly made a significant contribution to the formation of the American nation. First, the president managed to unite the South and West of the United States during the most difficult war in American history.

Second, Lincoln's efforts brought an end to slavery. In 1862, he signed the Emancipation Proclamation and later became a leading proponent of the 13th Amendment, which ultimately led to freedom for blacks.

Also during Lincoln's presidency, the country's economy was established, the agrarian problem was solved, a new banking system was founded and the infrastructure system was expanded.

In 1864, Lincoln was elected to second place, but a year later (just 5 days after the end of the war) he was mortally wounded. So he became the first US president to be assassinated. Today Lincoln is a national hero of Americans; he is called one of the country's favorite presidents.

Abraham Lincoln earned the nickname "Honest Abe" at the age of 20, when he worked as a salesman in a department store. He ran several kilometers to return the buyer's change.

Jesus Christ (1 BC – 33 AD)

Most experts agree that the most famous person in human history is Jesus Christ, because he became the founder of the largest religion - Christianity. Just think: there are Christian communities in every country in the world!

He is called the Greatest Man Who Ever Lived. All biblical prophecies about the Messiah were fulfilled in Jesus Christ. While on earth, he performed many miracles: he healed the sick, raised the dead. According to Christians, Jesus is the Son of God, and his martyrdom opened the possibility of forgiveness of sins and reconciliation with the Creator for all people, as well as receiving eternal life.

Of course, there will be those who are skeptical about these claims, and some even doubt its historicity. But even these people cannot deny that faith in Jesus has greatly influenced the last 20 centuries of history. Moreover, the teachings of Christ influence the lives of millions of people to this day. This is very different from any other historical characters. The same Napoleon had power only during his lifetime, but the power of Jesus’ influence did not weaken even after 2000 years! Could a simple man invented by people achieve this?

Famous historical figures

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The names of some people - representatives of a wide variety of professions and activities - are associated in our minds with incredible fame and success. We call them first if we are asked to answer the question of who is the most famous, influential person in economics, art, politics, etc. The most famous people in the world - this list is not subject to final compilation, because each of us has our own priorities and views on life. However, you can't argue with some people's fame.

The most famous people in art


At the dawn of cinema, Charlie Chaplin became its superstar. The comedian's career spanned a total of 80 years.

Chaplin was the founder of his own film studio, a theater and silent film star, one of the creative pillars of silent cinema, the developer of most of the stunts and comic filming techniques, and a witness to the change from the silent era to the sound era. Chaplin twice received an out-of-competition Oscar, and in 1973 the Film Academy posthumously awarded him another statuette with the wording “For making cinema an art.”

Everyone knows the image of Chaplin - a clumsy eccentric in a bowler hat and with a painted mustache. It’s hard to believe that he was completely different without makeup.


Walt Disney is a cult figure like Chaplin, only in animation. As an animation director, Disney directed 111 films with his own hands and produced more than 500 more. It is impossible to imagine childhood without “Snow White”, “Bambi”, “Sleeping Beauty”, these films are so bright, so light and kind they are.

Today, The Walt Disney Company's earnings exceed $30 billion a year, but before founding the studio, Disney received more than 300 refusals, because animation was considered a hopeless area of ​​investment.

Wald Disney and the brainchildren of his employees - Mickey, Donald and Goofy


Marilyn Monroe is an actress, a sex symbol of the era, a woman whose name everyone puts in their personal list of the most interesting, beautiful and mysterious women.

Having entered the film studio as an extra, Monroe made a dizzying career and became the highest paid actress from 1950 until the end of the century. Her films had grossed $200 million by the time she died suddenly in 1962. The legendary blonde acquired condescension towards her own fame and contempt for money, repeating that kisses in Hollywood cost millions, but a soul costs 50 cents.

Most Famous Artist

Vincent Van Gogh is an artist whose influence on the entire world culture was appreciated only after his death. During his lifetime, Van Gogh sold only one painting, and the room where he painted was so cold that he was sometimes forced to light the stove with his paintings.

Van Gogh's 800 paintings, which were ahead of their time in terms of art development, became examples of post-impressionism. The artist spent his whole life trying to copy the child’s style of drawing, and eventually created sincere, spontaneous paintings, the most expensive of which today costs almost $150 million.

Self-portrait of Van Gogh


Unconditionally, the palm in politics should be awarded to the most famous dictator, Adolf Hitler, whose name is involuntarily associated with world evil.

A very talented artist and a good musician could have lived a life completely far from politics, but in his youth he became interested in the political views of nationalists and anti-Semites.

Based on his belief in the special mission of the German nation, Hitler built his own empire and became its head in 1934. Hitler began to seize all of Europe and launched the largest and bloodiest war in human history - World War II. Hitler's main political postulates are reflected in the book Mein Kampf, which became the program document of the Nationalist Party.

The most famous athlete

Michael Jordan is an American basketball player, NBA player, who instilled a love of basketball in most modern athletes. Jordan is not the tallest or the most gifted, but he is the most ambitious and persistent athlete. Expelled from the school basketball league, the young athlete was able to achieve the status of a basketball superstar and, through many years of training, developed a unique style of play.

He is known for ending his sports career and returning three times: the first time at the end of the 1992 Olympics due to moral and physical exhaustion (returned to the NBA in 1995); the second break was in 1999-2001; Jordan returned to professional sports for the third time in September 2001, wanting to transfer all the fees he received to a fund to help victims of the terrorist attack in the United States.

Jordan's accomplishments barely fit on the marble plaque at the United Center.

At times, Jordan played with his tongue involuntarily sticking out, saying that this habit was “in the family”, from his father and older brother, and was an expression of complete passion and concentration on the game.

Literary creativity

They say that a writer must be hungry in order not to relax and create. Perhaps, in this regard, in the “literature” section it is appropriate to mention the name of the writer JK Rowling as a woman recognized as a genius and the highest paid children’s writer. It's hard to believe that the most popular hero, Harry Potter, could not be seen by either readers or audiences in cinemas.

The first book about Harry Potter was rejected by more than 10 publishers, but today the image of the young wizard has turned into a brand, and its creator has become the world's first billionaire writer.

The science

A prominent figure in science, whose scientific research turned the world upside down, is Albert Einstein. The achievements of the theoretical physicist were awarded the Nobel Prize in 1921, and to this day Einstein’s theories about the structure of the universe have not been challenged or supplemented.

Einstein foresaw several major breakthroughs in physics, including the still unrealized possibility of quantum teleportation.


The most famous media person can be considered the American TV presenter and journalist Oprah Winfrey. The personification of a modern talk show and synonymous with a show journalist, the most influential woman for American women, the first black female billionaire, a media mogul with her own studio, publication, and broadcast - this is Winfrey.

She went through a difficult journey from a teenage girl who gave birth at age 13, to the youngest, 17-year-old television reporter and the first black reporter in the state of Nashville, to her own show, which brought her worldwide fame.

The most famous people in the world - they all went through a difficult path, full of failures and hard work, proving by personal example that luck alone is not enough to win and you need to move forward, despite the lack of money, strength, support, even the very desire to live. Their examples inspire or, on the contrary, serve as a counter-example, but the names of famous artists, writers, and leaders will be a symbol of the era for a long time.

The 21st century is defined by technology. In 2000, many were paranoid about the Millennium Problem. This was our fear of losing what technology has given us over the past centuries. But technology is not the only thing that distinguishes the 21st century. It is also characterized by a phase of instability in both political and economic life. But in any case, every era is made interesting by people - those who leave a mark on the history and memory of mankind. Below is our list of the 10 most influential people of the current era.

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Osama bin Laden

Who would have thought that a member of a rich and famous family would become the world's most wanted terrorist? Osama bin Laden changed people's lives in the 21st century. He forced us to rethink the concept of national security. After September 11, 2001, no one can live the way they lived before that date. The level of attention to safety has increased not only in the United States, but also in other countries.

Osama bin Laden is on our list of the 10 most influential people because of his charismatic influence among Islamic radicals. He was able to convince them of the need to attack the United States and other allies.

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Craig Newmark

You would never know Craig Newmark if you saw him on the street. However, this man is behind Craigslist.org, a site that has been called the “newspaper killer.” After college, Newmark worked for IBM. In the 1980s he was a programmer. In 1993, Craig moved to San Francisco, where he later created Craigslist.

What makes Craigslist such a great idea is the concept of an online commune. Here people can exchange information. Over the years, Craigslist has evolved as a designated place for people to post items they want to sell. Craig Newmark is still working on the problem of fighting spammers. He also created the site Craigconnects, which is aimed at charities.

His net income was $400 million in 2010. He is also involved in other ventures, including funding NewAssignment.net, a website that aims to investigate stories published on the Internet.

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Noam Chomsky

Historian, philologist, social critic and political activist, Noam Chomsky made our list of the 10 most influential people of the 21st century because of his knowledge regarding global politics and economics. He is the author of more than 100 books and a former professor at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, ideologically he can be classified as an anarcho-syndicalist and socialist.

He criticizes American foreign policy regarding open markets and dominating the economies of weaker countries. The purpose of his research is to form in people a negative image of imperialism, which is inherent not only in the United States, but also in other countries. He also stated his opposition to international institutions such as the IMF, the World Bank and the GATT.

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Mark Zuckerberg

This is one of the founders of Facebook. He is also a well-known internet entrepreneur and philanthropist. Without graduating from Harvard, he was able to turn the World Wide Web around.

Today, Facebook has billions of profiles around the world. It is used not only as a tool for communication, but also for business. Over the years, Facebook has been changing its algorithms to be more than just a tool for you to connect with your friends. Although some people don't like the changes, Facebook is still the biggest player among other social networks.

As of May 2016, Mark Zuckerberg's net worth reached $51 billion. He was included in Time magazine's list of the most influential people. But, of course, Facebook has its drawbacks, especially with regard to privacy and political issues.

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Tony Blair

Tony Blair served as Prime Minister of Great Britain from 1997 to 2007. He is the only prime minister to be elected for three consecutive terms. Tony Blair is known for his strong response to

threats of terrorism. He ordered British troops to begin hostilities five times during his term of office.

Tony Blair is also known for his ties to George W. Bush after 2001. This extraordinary man was a key player during the 2003 invasion of Iraq. He believed that the world was safer because of this invasion. The militaristic approach to leadership also led to the decline of his political career. With the increasing number of British casualties, Tony Blair was forced to resign as his popularity waned as a result of these events.

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Steve Jobs

Everyone knows the name of this man. This is a cult personality. A renowned innovator and pop culture superstar, he is the face of modern technology.

Why was Steve Jobs included in the list of the 10 most influential people of the 21st century? Because his company, Apple, has revolutionized our daily lives. He was able to introduce technology that changed our habits and daily routines.

Steve Jobs was one of the founders of Apple. He was the owner of the Pixar animation studio. Steve Jobs was known for his ability to create innovations that became a part of everyone's lives. Among the things he invented were the very first personal computer, the iPhone, and the iPad.

But this is not the only legacy he left us. To this day, Apple remains a leader in technology. It is his culture of excellence and innovation that he brought to the company that has made him one of the most influential people in the world.

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Sergey Brin and Larry Page

Sergey Brin and Larry Page founded Google, the largest search engine of our time. Google has changed its approach to information. Brin's fortune is $39 billion, Larry Page's is $36.7 billion.

What has made Google what it is today is its ability to adapt to a changing world. These people were able to update the search engine algorithm so that the order of websites on search result pages changed. In the past, Google's algorithm simply looked at backlinks to rank a website and determine its ranking. Nowadays, there are several factors including social media signals, grammar and backlinks. This has made Google the number one search engine on which you can advertise your website.

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Bill Gates

Bill Gates is known to everyone as the richest man on earth. He is one of the founders of Microsoft. It eventually became the world's largest IT company. Currently, Bill Gates' assets are estimated at $76.4 billion. He is also often criticized for anti-competitive business practices.

The amazing thing is that Bill Gates never forgets to share and help people. He is a very famous philanthropist. His donations include large sums of money for various scientific endeavors. He and his wife created the most powerful charitable foundation. The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation was valued at $34.6 billion. They are the second most generous philanthropists in the US with $28 billion in charitable giving.

Their charitable foundation supports various scientific projects, including the use of genetically modified organisms in agriculture. Another amazing thing that sets Bill Gates apart is his ability to influence people like Mark Zuckerberg and Warren Buffett. Together they signed a pledge in which they pledged to give half of their total assets to charity.

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Vladimir Putin

Vladimir Putin is on this list of the most influential people as he is the only political leader of Russia. Since 1999, he has been the Prime Minister of Russia and from 2012 to the present - the President of Russia. Putin is a very colorful political player. Former KGB agent, Vladimir Putin has a black belt in judo.

During Putin's rule, Russia has significantly improved its economic situation since the early 2000s, which is largely dependent on oil and gas exports. The country has become the 7th largest economy in the world. In addition, thanks to oil reserves, Vladimir Putin was able to fully repay the Soviet Union's debt by 2005.

But since the beginning of 2014, with the annexation of Crimea to the Russian Federation, Vladimir Putin has become an object of concern for many other political leaders. Developed Western countries have imposed sanctions against the regime of Vladimir Putin, considering him a threat to the world. But this fact in no way diminishes the position of the leader of the Russian Federation in his influence in the world.

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Barack Obama

Next on our list of the 10 most influential people is US President Barack Obama. This is the first black US president. Unlike other presidents, Barack Obama's electoral success was significant not only for the African-American community, but for all minorities in the United States. He is also the first American president to be born outside the continental United States.

In 2009, Barack Obama received the Nobel Peace Prize. It faced one of its biggest economic challenges during the 2008 recession. Was able to implement laws that allowed the US economy to recover.

During his term, Osama bin Laden was killed. Re-elected to a second term in 2012, defeating Romney, Barack Obama called for inclusiveness for the LGBT community. He is also the first US president in several decades to normalize relations with Cuba.

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