Presentation on the topic: Presentation "Introducing children to the art of music through the integration of various types of musical and artistic activities using ICT." Integrative quality “Curious, active”


Tchaikovsky Nutcracker composer music

A harmonious combination of mental and physical development, moral purity and aesthetic attitude to life and art are necessary conditions for the formation of an integral personality. The achievement of this lofty goal is greatly facilitated by the correct organization of musical education of children.

The influence of music in the development of children's creative activity is very great. Music, like any other art, can influence the comprehensive development of a child, stimulate moral and aesthetic experiences, lead to a transformation of the environment, and active thinking. Along with fiction, theater, and fine arts, it performs the most important social function.

Preschool childhood- it’s time for the most optimal introduction of the child to the world of beauty.

Older preschoolers already know that music is written by composers; based on previously acquired knowledge and impressions, they can not only answer the question, but also independently characterize a piece of music, understand its means of expression, feel the various shades of mood conveyed by the music, and express their attitude towards songs, plays, their characteristic features.

At this age, children develop an interest in musical literacy, the desire to expressively perform a song, dance, and show creativity becomes more vivid. Children motivate their preferences and show increased interest in improvisation and writing. Forming a child’s personality based on the art of music still remains the core of musical education.

The purpose of this work: in order to introduce children to the art of music, select a piece of music and conduct a lesson with children of senior preschool age.

. Choosing a piece of music for conversation

"The Nutcracker" - Op. 71, ballet by Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky in two acts to a libretto by Marius Petipa based on the fairy tale “The Nutcracker and the Mouse King” by Ernest Hoffmann.

The Nutcracker is good friend and an old acquaintance who has come to visit us more than once, and will come many more times... And everyone knows their own hero, each viewer has their own Nutcracker. Someone remembers and loves this hero from the fairy tale of the same name by Ernst Hoffmann, someone, having seen once, forever remembered the wonderful cartoon, and someone with all their hearts adores the ballet “The Nutcracker”, which they first attended as a child with their parents, and now he he comes to watch “The Nutcracker” with his children. This is a fairy tale with magnificent music by the great Russian composer Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky.

One way or another, the Nutcracker has been familiar to every inhabitant of the Earth since childhood; moreover, he is a symbol of New Year's magic and the mysterious adventures that accompany it. And not only because the Nutcracker fairy tale takes place at Christmas - this story itself is full of wonderful transformations and magical actions.

The ballet “The Nutcracker” was first shown in St. Petersburg in December 1892. The performance “The Nutcracker” immediately won the hearts of the audience. From that moment on, it became a good tradition to organize pre-New Year's performances of the Nutcracker ballet. This performance is attended with pleasure by both children and adults - after all fairy tale, told at Christmas time, is liked by everyone without exception. For each of us, since childhood, there is something very close and dear in this word. To deepen the skill of listening to music, we will introduce the children of the preparatory group to the work of Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky from the ballet “The Nutcracker”. The sheet music for the ballet “The Nutcracker” is presented in the Appendix.

1. About the life and work of Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky

P.I. Tchaikovsky (May 7, 1840 - November 6, 1893) - a brilliant Russian composer, the pride of Russian musical culture.

Born in the working-class village of Votkinsk, in the family of the head of the Kama-Votkinsk mining district, Ilya Petrovich. Tchaikovsky spent only eight childhood years in his native Votkinsk, but memories of this time were always alive in the composer’s soul. My parents’ family loved music, my mother sang well and played the piano, and musical evenings were held in the house. He owed the most powerful musical impressions to the Votkinsk land. “As for the Russian element in my music in general, this is due to the fact that I grew up in the wilderness, from childhood, very early, I was imbued with the inexplicable beauty of the characteristic features of Russian folk music,” noted Pyotr Ilyich.

Tchaikovsky showed his talent for music early: at the age of five he began playing the piano, and three years later he read notes and wrote down his musical impressions. In 1850-1859, at the request of his parents, Tchaikovsky studied at the School of Law, after which he was assigned to serve in the Ministry of Justice. In 1855-1858 he took piano lessons from the then famous pianist R. Kündinger, who, by the way, had a low opinion of the abilities of the future composer. Only in 1861 did Tchaikovsky begin serious studies in music classes Petersburg branch of the Russian musical society. In the fall of 1862, he became a student at the St. Petersburg Conservatory, which was transformed from music classes, from which he graduated with honors in 1865 in the classes of A.G. Rubinstein and N.I. Zaremba, who highly appreciated the student’s talent. At the same time, the first major works were written for symphony orchestra: Overture “Thunderstorm” and Overture in F major, “Character Dances”, cantata for soloists, choir and orchestra on Schiller’s ode “To Joy” ( graduate work), chamber works. After leaving service in May 1863, he began to earn a living by giving lessons.

Author of more than 80 works, incl. ten operas and three ballets. His concertos and other works for piano, seven symphonies, four suites, program symphonic music, ballets " Swan Lake", "Sleeping Beauty", "The Nutcracker" represent an extremely valuable contribution to the world musical culture. In addition to music for adults, he wrote many wonderful musical works for children and youth.

The composer loved to travel, visited different countries and conveyed his impressions in music. He was not only a composer, but also an orchestra conductor, and also taught at the Moscow Conservatory. For the composer’s great contribution to the development of Russian musical art, the Moscow State Conservatory was named after him.

There is a concert hall in Moscow named after him. Once every four years, the International Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky Competition is held in Moscow. All musicians in the world strive to take part in it.

And now we will get acquainted with his work - “The Nutcracker”.

In Tchaikovsky’s ballet “The Nutcracker” there is a surprisingly natural fusion of the expressive and the visual, theatricality and the deepest psychologism. The scene of the growth of the Christmas tree in Act I is accompanied by music of a truly symphonic scale - at first alarming, ghostly, depicting the bustle of mice and strange night visions, it gradually expands, blossoms with a beautiful endlessly unfolding melody. The music subtly embodies everything that happens in the subsequent scene: the shouts of the sentry, the drumming, the military, albeit toy, fanfares, the squeaking of mice, the tension of the fight, and the wonderful transformation of the Nutcracker. The Waltz of Snowflakes perfectly conveys the feeling of cold, the play of moonlight and at the same time the contradictory feelings of the heroine who finds herself in a mysterious magical world. The divertimento of Act II includes various dances: dance of chocolate (brilliant Spanish), coffee (refined and languid oriental), tea (brightly characteristic, rich comic effects Chinese), as well as lively, in the folk spirit, Russian trepak; gracefully stylized dance of shepherdesses; comic dance of Mother Zhigon with children crawling out from under her skirt. The pinnacle of the divertissement is the famous Waltz of the Flowers with its variety of melodies, symphonic development, pomp and solemnity. The dance of the Sugar Plum Fairy is amazingly graceful and subtle. The lyrical culmination of the entire ballet is the adagio (in the original production - the Sugar Plum Fairy and the Prince, now - Clara and the Nutcracker).

. Lesson notes with children of senior preschool age

Target:activation and development creative imagination preschoolers in the process of perceiving musical works.


) Introduce children to the music of Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky from the ballet “The Nutcracker”.

) Acquaintance with the ballet genre through acquaintance with the musical culture of P.I. Tchaikovsky.

) Cultivate a love of music.

) Expand your horizons, cultivate musical and aesthetic taste.

Vocabulary work:composer, ballet, listener, performer, waltz, genre.

Musical materialfrom the ballet “The Nutcracker”: fragments of the ballet “March”, “Waltz of the Flowers”, “Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairy”.

Equipment:portrait of P.I. Tchaikovsky; illustrations for ballet; musical instruments (violin, flute, bell); stereo system, DVD player, computer, multimedia projector, screen, artificial flowers for waltz; A4 posters with the names of instruments and musical works (violin, flute, bell, “Waltz of the Flowers”, “Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairy”, “March”); sketchbooks, watercolor paints, painting brushes.

Preparation of the eventincludes the following:

) Development of the foundations of musical and aesthetic consciousness in previous classes.

) Formation of ideas about the figurative basis of musical works.

) Development of ideas about the primary genres of music and their types.

) Children learn noise musical instruments play "March".

Progress of the lesson:

On the central wall large portrait P.I. Tchaikovsky.

Music teacher:So, today we will go to the magical world of music! Let's get acquainted with the music of the great Russian composer Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky. Guys, who is P.I. Tchaikovsky?

Children's answers.

Music teacher:Right. Let's remember P.I. Tchaikovsky. This is an outstanding Russian composer, known all over the world. He was born in the Urals in the city of Votkinsk on April 25, 1840. His parents loved music very much. Her mother played the piano and sang; there was a mechanical organ in their house. Later, having moved to Moscow, he composed music and studied pedagogical work: taught future pianists and composers. His music pleases and excites, it is always sincere and truthful.

P.I. Tchaikovsky wrote a lot wonderful works. These are the operas: “Mazepa”, “Eugene Onegin”, “The Queen of Spades”; Symphonic works; Ballets “Swan Lake”, “Sleeping Beauty”, “The Nutcracker” and much more.

The word “ballet” comes from the Latin “to dance”, when ballet dancers tell their audience about all the events and relationships of the characters with each other through dance.

Children's answers. Is it possible to dance a fairy tale?

Music teacher:How can you dance? Do you know how many wonderful ballets have been staged based on fairy tales: “The Nutcracker”, “The Sleeping Beauty”, “The Little Humpbacked Horse”, you can’t list them all. Through movement, dancers convey a variety of feelings. And the audience is happy and sad with the characters just as if they had heard them speak.

But, before listening to the piece, please tell me, guys, how should you listen to music?

Children's answers: You need to listen carefully, in silence. You can close your eyes and imagine the picture that is conveyed this work.

Music teacher:You all probably love fairy tales. Especially if the events they talk about take place in New Year's Eve. One of these New Year's tales“The Nutcracker and the Mouse King” was written by the German writer Ernst Hoffmann. And the Russian composer Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky wrote music based on this fairy tale and the result was a wonderful ballet “The Nutcracker”. And it is with excerpts from this ballet that we will get to know you today.

A music teacher tells a fairy tale to a quiet musical background.

This is a fairy tale about the amazing adventures of the girl Marie. The events of this magical ballet take place on New Year's Eve. In ballet, heroes are divided into real and fictional. Masha, her brother, their parents, guests invited to the holiday, an old magician - all this real characters ballet

The clock in the living room struck nine times. The big owl on the clock perked up and flapped its wings. It seems everything is ready. The holiday can begin. - Come in, children! - The Lord's adviser opened the doors wide. A noisy flock of children burst into the room and... froze on the threshold in surprise and delight.

In the middle of the room, a beautiful Christmas tree shone with lights. Sweet nuts, apples and colorful candies grew on its branches, golden and silver balls glowed, magnificent hussars and snow-white horses were ready to rush into the attack at any moment, and elegant dolls watched them with admiring glances.

Then the march broke out, and the owner of the house began distributing gifts.

Snow flakes are flying outside the windows, but the room where the children are gathered is warm and cozy. Everyone happily marches and dances around the decorated Christmas tree.

Hearing. "March" sounds.

Listen carefully and you will be able to determine when boys are marching around the tree and when girls are dancing. The boys' music is indeed written in the rhythm of a real, albeit childish, march. And the girls' music is more graceful and fast-paced.

Music teacher:So, now we have listened to the march from the ballet “The Nutcracker”. Did you like this piece? What can you imagine listening to this music?

Conversation with children based on what they listened to. When listening again, the illustration is dance movements.

A mysterious guest appears in the hall - this is the watchmaker Drosselmeir, the godfather of Marie and her brother Franz. He holds toys in his hands, and among them is a funny doll that can crack nuts - this is the Nutcracker. Marie especially likes the new toy! How happy Marie is! After all, this ball and flowers, and music - everything was for her. And most importantly, next to her was her faithful friend the Nutcracker.

The festive evening ends. The guests are leaving. Marie puts the broken Nutcracker to bed and sadly leaves. But she can’t sleep... She quietly makes her way to the Nutcracker. It seems to Marie that the tree is starting to grow, and the dolls and toys are coming to life.

Music teacher:P. Tchaikovsky wrote about this in his diary: “The Christmas tree begins to grow. The music goes on in an endless crescendo for 48 bars” - such musical term, which denotes sound amplification. Let's listen to how, with the help of the orchestra, before our eyes, a small home Christmas tree turns into a large, gigantic one.

Listening to an excerpt from the ballet “The Nutcracker”, illustrated by the movements of the growth of a Christmas tree.

And now, when the tree has become big, mice suddenly crawl out of all the cracks. The evil mouse army destroys the gingerbread soldiers, and a real war ensues between them and the dolls commanded by the Nutcracker. The battle lasted a long time, Masha did not know how to help, but at one point she takes off her shoe and throws it at the mouse king. The music stops, the Nutcracker turns into a prince, who thanks Marie and invites her to follow him in fairyland. Downloaded will have to go through the winter magical forest. We are listening to this fragment, it is called “Waltz of Snow Flakes”.

Hearing. "Waltz of Snow Flakes."

Music teacher:Tell me, what kind of music does it sound like?

Children's answers.

Music teacher:(the tale is accompanied by a quiet musical background).

Here we are. Konfetenburg is a cheerful, noisy city. The gates of this city are made from macaroons. And nearby is the Candied Fruit Grove, all the trees of which are made from candied fruits. The holiday begins. Coffee, tea, lollipops, shepherdesses and flowers - everyone is dancing. Composer P. Tchaikovsky composed his own music for every resident of Confetenburg. For example, for chocolate - “Spanish dance”, for tea, which appeared in China - “Chinese dance”.

The mistress of the fairy-tale sugar palace also has her own dance. Her name is the Sugar Plum Fairy. The Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairy is distinguished by the unusual sound of the orchestra. When the composer P. Chakovsky was in France, he heard there an unusual musical instrument called a celesta - an instrument that is played by pressing the keys and had a coldish, transparent silvery timbre. Especially for the role of the Sugar Plum Fairy, at the request of P.I. Tchaikovsky, the instrument was brought to Russia. When the celesta sounds in the music of the Sugar Plum Fairy, it seems as if we hear the melodic chiming of bells, the overflow of fountains of sweet drinks, the shine of multi-colored candies and the sparkling of jewelry. She is mysterious and beautiful. Here, listen...

Hearing. "Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairy."

Music teacher:Did you like the piece? What did you imagine?

Children's answers.

There's a knock on the door.

Music teacher:Hey guys, who's knocking on our door?

A flute appears.

Look guys. This musical instrument is called - flute. Listen to how it sounds... We hang the inscription “flute” on the board.

The music teacher plays a couple of notes on the flute and shows it to the children.

There's a knock on the door.

Music teacher:Oh, guys, someone is knocking again...Who could it be??!?...

A violin appears.

Look. This musical instrument is called - violin. We hang the inscription “violin” on the board.

Listen to how different it can sound.

The music teacher demonstrates the violin to the children, and then plays a couple of phrases on it, like “bear” and like “bird.”

The "Waltz of the Flowers" sounds. Children draw Music as they imagine it. Best drawings are posted on the board.

At the end of the lesson, the piece is listened to again.

All drawings are posted on the board. Discussed.

Music teacher:Which composer's work have we met today? Which work did you listen to excerpts from? What did you like most about the lesson?

Children's answers.

Music teacher:So guys. Today we got acquainted with the work of the wonderful composer P.I. Tchaikovsky, now you will take the drawings and leave the hall to the “March”. I hope that you liked his work and that you have gained an interest in the composer’s work and a desire to get to know his music better.

Thanks to all. Goodbye.


So, the main objectives of this event have been achieved:

) educational: introducing the child to the world of art through creativity, fantasy and play experiences, the development of personal expression and individuality in the child.

) educational tasks: education of musical and aesthetic taste; teach children to interact with each other, develop communication skills.

) developmental tasks: developing the ability to build associative analogies between images of reality and sound, plastic, artistic images captured in works of art; development of a sense of rhythm and meter.

The above tasks in the classes were solved in a complex and close relationship, due to the fact that the lesson had plot device- beginning, climax and resolution.

When planning this lesson, we tried to take into account the characteristics and capabilities of children: to show the culture of listening to music and its figurative description, representations, guessing images; ability and desire to improvise dance movements to music; children's love for play.

The following was carried out with the children preparatory work:

methodological material and manuals were selected, and the “My Tchaikovsky” corner was designed;

didactic material has been selected for viewing with children: the albums “The Childhood of P.I. Tchaikovsky”, thematic album “Through the Pages of the Composer’s Works”;

manufactured game material: didactic games “Works of Tchaikovsky - “The Nutcracker”, “The Seasons”, “Children’s Album” (cut-out pictures). These games will help children consolidate the knowledge gained in organized activities in a fun way.

Listening to music and verbally analyzing musical images allows children to learn to identify and differentiate musical sounds.

Including basic drawing in a lesson makes it memorable, and a change in activity is necessary for children, since children, as a rule, do not yet have the necessary patience.

Classes were held in the music room in the morning with children from the preparatory group. The lesson was attended by 10 children, a teacher and a music director. The music room has all the necessary musical and technical support - a musical instrument (clavinova, piano), a music center, a multimedia screen, a computer, a large mirror in which children see themselves and control their musical and rhythmic movements. To conduct classes, the music room is divided into zones:

area for listening - perceiving music and watching videos;

area for musical and motor exercises and games;

drawing area.

This zoning helps children move from one activity to another continuously.

Great importance to solve problems aesthetic development children are assigned to the selection of repertoire. The main criterion for the significance of any work is its content, accessible to children. The strength of the emotional impact of the piece being performed largely depends on how we are able to present it, what we say about it, how we direct the attention of children so that the work reaches their hearts and arouses interest.

In this lesson, music from P.I. Tchaikovsky’s ballet “The Nutcracker” was used. The quality of phonograms and reproductions was high and corresponded to the program objectives and the level of development of the children.

children got acquainted with the life and work of the great Russian composer P.I. Tchaikovsky, with his main works, with the heroes of these works through entertaining material, the use of information, communication and multimedia technologies, as well as through artistic creativity (drawing). In addition, the music teacher performed excellent works by Tchaikovsky on the piano.

The following principles were implemented in the classes:

The principle of comprehensive development. Communication with the art of music is a powerful educational and developmental factor, and in the learning process it is important to select a meaningful, highly artistic repertoire that spiritually elevates and enriches each student. And the more good music he listens to, the more clearly he can draw the line between mediocre performance and a highly artistic work.

The principle from play to consciousness involves modeling a game situation and through play the formation of a conscious attitude towards musical activity, mastering knowledge, skills and abilities. The teacher’s task is to teach the child to consciously analyze musical works, control the sound of the voice, the coherence of playing in the ensemble, and determine its advantages and disadvantages.

The principle of systematicity and consistency is manifested in the gradual complication of the repertoire. A large preliminary work According to the development of perception (listening) of music, children are now able to analyze musical works that are more complex in figurative content.

The following methods and techniques were used:

The explanatory and illustrative method involves explaining and showing musical works in combination with artistic illustrations or graphic images.

The technique of listening to the teacher’s demonstration and analyzing what was heard. The expressive performance of a work by a teacher evokes an emotional response in children. They can describe the music as a whole (bright, fabulous, affectionate);

The technique of inventing a plot and creating a game situation. Using this technique, the performance of any vocal or instrumental work turns into a mini-performance, and the important point here is emotional responsiveness and expressive performance with elements of theatricalization specifically on early stages training; - technique of active listening to music.

This lesson is structured so that types of activities (active and passive) replace each other to ensure the efficiency and interest of children during all classes. So, listening to music was replaced by playing and drawing. When preparing and conducting classes, the music teacher and educator worked closely and interacted with each other, as a result of which the classes turned out to be rich in different types of activities. They acted not only as mentors, but also as direct participants: they sang together with the children, did articulatory gymnastics, played, and communicated with the children in a democratic style. This allowed children to feel equal to adults and to be co-authors of what was happening.

The final result was the knowledge that preschool children showed during the conversation:

ability to express own opinion, analyze, react quickly to what is happening.

acquiring social communication skills with adults.

But the main thing is the emergence of an interest in listening to music and the initiative of children, an independent desire to listen to a piece of music. The children showed a keen interest in what they saw and heard, expressed their opinions, and their emotional reactions were positive. They were given the opportunity to choose - each, in accordance with his personal preferences, independently thought through the artistic image of the music he heard and performed.

I believe that in collaboration with the teacher, we were able to achieve our goals. Such activities have a positive effect on the development of musical and artistic abilities of preschool children.

Thus, purposeful, systematic activities, the development of this lesson, make it possible to effectively realize the possibilities of musical education in preschool children. The implementation of this project showed the importance of initiative and creative direction of the teacher and children.


Gogoberidze A.G. Theory and methods of musical education of preschool children: Textbook. manual / A.G. Gogoberidze, V.A. Derkunskaya. - M.: Publishing center "Academy", 2005. - 320 p.

Zatsepina M.B. Musical education in kindergarten. Program and methodological recommendations / M.B. Zatsepina. - M.: Mosaika-Sintez, 2006. - 96 p.

Music-making for children and adults / Under. ed. Yu.V. Barakhtina. - Novosibirsk: Okarina Publishing House, 2005. - 86 p.

Poznansky A.N. Pyotr Tchaikovsky: Biography. In 2 vols. / A.N. Poznansky. - St. Petersburg: Vita-Nova, 2009. - 1232 p.


March (excerpt)


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  1. Analysis of the situation.
  2. Problem.
  3. Planned results.
  4. Work system.
  5. Diagnostic tools.
  6. Conditions that provide results.
  7. List of sources used.
  8. Application.

Analysis of the situation.

Global transformations are taking place in all areas today social life, including in the field of education. The role of folk education systems is one of the most important issues of pedagogy. The heritage of every nation contains valuable ideas and educational experiences. The preservation and development of the traditions of each people is important for our multinational country. Familiarization with folk traditions ensures the spiritual and moral development of the individual.

How did people live? How did you work and how did you rest? What made them happy and what worried them? What traditions and customs did they observe? How did you decorate your home? How did you dress? What games did the children have? What holidays? To answer these and similar questions means to restore the connection of times, to return lost values. To do this, we need to turn to the origins of Russian folk culture, history of Rus', get in touch with folk art and part of the child’s soul, the beginning that gives rise to personality. In order to instill in children pride in their people, maintain interest in their history and culture, help them to know and respect their past, their origins, the history and culture of their people, the project “Development of Musical - artistic activity through familiarization with the traditions of the peoples of Russia.” The project promotes the development of children’s cognitive abilities, the formation of high morality, fosters love for the Fatherland, respect for ancestors, interest in the original Russian culture, through the development of musical and artistic activities in kindergarten (in accordance with the content of the educational field “Music” of the FGT).


Folk culture is one of the means of moral, cognitive and aesthetic development of children. Currently, for many reasons most of spiritual heritage and objects of material folk culture were lost. Created critical situation, in which we can, after some time, deprive the modern and next generation the most valuable heritage of regional folk artistic culture and thereby completely destroy the spiritual connection of contemporaries with cultural traditions and the creative experience of past generations.

It follows from this that the problem of preserving traditional folk culture becomes important character and solving this problem must begin from preschool age. Already in kindergarten it is necessary to introduce people to folk culture, because it is in preschool age that the formation and development of the child’s personality takes place, and folk traditions educate the future citizen of Russia.

Russia is rich in its traditions, customs, and folk holidays. One of these holidays is the large folk festival at the end of winter, “Maslenitsa,” and direct participation in the holiday leaves a more complete and profound understanding of it. Enables children to understand the depth, breadth and deep meaning this cheerful and a little sad holiday. That’s why the idea arose to hold the Maslenitsa holiday celebration with the help of teachers, parents and children.

Objective of the project: Formation of ideas about folk traditions in children of senior preschool age (Maslenitsa holiday).

Project objectives:

didactic: form an idea of ​​what “traditions” are. To introduce the traditions of the Russian people;

developing: promote the development of interest in history and traditions in people’s lives; develop search activities and creative activity; develop communication skills;

raising: to develop ethnocultural competence of preschool children.

Target audience of the project:

Musical director;

Teachers of middle, senior, preparatory groups;

Parents, children from 5 to 7 years old.

Project type:

by method: creative;

by number of participants: intergroup

by duration: short.

Planned results.

For each of the tasks of musical and artistic activity, it is planned to achieve the following results in children:

- formation of ideas about what “traditions” are, familiarization with the traditions of the Russian people;

Developing interest in history and traditions in people’s lives; development of search activity, creative activity; communication skills;

- education of ethnocultural competence of preschool children.

Work system.

The work of introducing children to Russian folk culture is implemented through the educational field “Music” in accordance with the “Program of education and training in kindergarten” edited by M. A. Vasilyeva, V. V. Gerbova, T. S. Komarova. In addition, I use different technologies by O.L. Knyazeva “Introducing children to the origins of Russian folk culture”, technology of “Elementary music playing with preschoolers” by T. Tyutyunnikov”, technology by M.V. Khazova “Gorenka”, musical and literary developments of the magazine “Musical Palette”, “Folk holidays” by G. Naumenko.

A creative group of kindergarten teachers has developed a long-term plan to familiarize children of senior preschool age with the folk ritual holidays of Russia. For my practical work in this direction, I use:

Developmental environment in kindergarten;

Various types of folklore;

As a result, I spend the holidays.

As a result of work on this problem, methodological recommendations for organizing and conducting national holidays in kindergarten.

Project stages

project stages

activities of teachers

children's activities.

preparatory - organizational stage

1. formation of the problem: what are traditions. where do traditions come from, how and from what are they formed.

1. getting into the problem.

2. search activity about the traditions of the Maslenitsa holiday in your family.

main stage.

project implementation:

accumulation of knowledge;

practical stage.

1. joint planning of activities.

2. organization of activities, assistance in solving assigned tasks.

1. collection of information.

question: “How was Maslenitsa celebrated in Rus'? What is the meaning of the symbols - “Maslenitsa”.

1. practical assistance in systematizing the information received.

2. project implementation.

1.creating a mini museum in a group with a selection of household items, costumes, illustrations, etc. 2. compilation and production of the Maslenitsa calendar.


1. preparation and holding of the theatrical performance “Broad Maslenitsa”.

1. theatrical performance “Broad Maslenitsa” -

2. excursions to the mini museum “Russian Izba”

4. exhibitions of children's works

Project implementation

Program sections

Forms and methods of work


Speech development, familiarity with fiction

Studying pedagogical and fiction literature, Internet sources.

Familiarization with proverbs and sayings about Maslenitsa.

Reading fiction: the story of K. D. Ushinsky “The Mischief of the Old Woman-Winter” G. Skrebitsky “The Four Seasons”; Russian folk tale "The Snow Maiden"; Russian folk tale “About Filya”

Competition of proverbs and sayings, riddles

Design of albums “Proverbs and Sayings”; “Rhyme songs” about Maslenitsa.

Cognitive development

Studying the traditions of Maslenitsa festivities.

Study of folk decorative applied arts.

Conversations about Maslenitsa, folk costumes, dwellings, household items.

NOD “Dear Maslenitsa is our annual guest”

Play activity

Role-playing and didactic games

Production of attributes for games, assistance in their organization

Theatrical activities

Theatricalization folk tales, nursery rhymes, fables, poems - joint creativity of children, teachers and parents of students.

Theatrical performance "Broad Maslenitsa".

Musical activities

Studying folk songs and dances.

Week of Maslenitsa festivities.

Learning folk music games, dances, round dances.

Physical Culture

Study of folk games.

Russians folk games, fun.

Productive activity, drawing

Study of traditional folk crafts, methods and techniques of their production.

Exhibitions of children's creativity;

Work of creative workshops (drawings, crafts).

Working with parents

Participation in the production of the “Broad Maslenitsa” travel folder

Participation in the production of attributes and decorations for the holiday (noise orchestra, costumes)

Participation in a theatrical performance.

Exhibition of creative works.

Tea party with pancakes “Sweet evening”

Involvement in

theatrical performance "Broad Maslenitsa"

Relationship with society

Interaction with the children's library branch No. 13,

With students of Sf SSEU

Excursion to the mini-museum “Russian Izba”.

Performance in the theatrical performance “Broad Maslenitsa”

Intended Product:

For children: creation of a mini-museum “Russian Izba” in a group .

Exhibitions of children's activities during the project implementation.

Final event “Broad Maslenitsa”

For teachers: development of methodological recommendations for organizing national holidays in preschool educational institutions;

broadcast of the project work at stands for parents in kindergarten.

Diagnostic tools.

Main results musically – artistic development and education of pupils are assessed within the framework of monitoring procedures, in which the leading methods will be:

Supervision of children;
- individual conversations (with children, parents);


Various test tools,

Children's self-evaluative judgments.

The diagnostics allowed us to determine the most important directions in the work to create conditions for familiarizing and introducing children to traditional folk culture.
For this purpose, several structural components were identified, the purpose of which was:

  • Determine the level of formation of children’s ideas about folk traditions;
  • Showing interest in the culture and traditions of your people;
  • Having experience in family education, traditions and customs in the family.

Conditions that provide results

To introduce older preschoolers to Russian folk traditions, certain conditions have been created in preschool educational institutions:

Logistics provision of the project:

  • Mini-museum “Russian Izba”.
  • Multifunctional corner “Mumming Corner”, “Privacy Corner”.
  • Fairy tale room, where various types of theaters are located.
  • Audio library with recordings of folk songs and melodies, fairy tales.
  • Selected works of decorative and applied art, paintings and objects folk life with different types of paintings.
  • A plan has been drawn up for organizing and holding national holidays and holidays of the national calendar.
  • A library has been selected with oral folk art, small folklore genres of fiction of the Russian people and different peoples of the world.
  • A card index of folk games has been made, folk toys and national dolls.
  • Summaries of joint activities with children have been compiled.

Personnel composition:

  • Teachers in various areas of activity: musical folklore, folk choreography;

Educational and methodological provision of the project:

“Introducing children to the origins of Russian folk culture” O.A. Knyazeva, M.D. Makhaneva. " Complete encyclopedia life of the Russian people" I. Pankeev, "We live in Russia" N.G. Zelenova, L.E. Osipova (for senior and preparatory groups), “Heritage” by E.V. Solovyova, L.I. Tsarenko, “Heritage” M.Yu. Novitskaya, EOR (presentations, cartoon).

List of sources used

  1. "All year round." Russian agricultural calendar. Moscow, ed. "Pravda", 1991.
  2. "Russian folklore". Moscow, “Fiction”, 1986.
  3. Aksenova Z.F. Sports holidays in kindergarten: A manual for preschool workers. -M.: TC Sfera, 2003.
  4. Baturina G.I., Kuzina T.F. Folk pedagogy in the modern educational process – M.: “School Press” 2003.
  5. Bondarenko Z.O. "Holidays Christian Rus'" Russian folk orthodox calendar: Ref. ed. Kaliningrad: Book. Publishing house, 1993.
  6. Vasilyeva M.A., Gerbova V.V., Komarova T.S. “Methodological recommendations for the Education and Training Program in kindergarten”;
  7. Vasilyeva M.A., Gerbova V.V., Komarova T.S. “Program of education and training in kindergarten”;
  8. Veraksa N.E., Komarova T.S., Antonova A.V., etc. From birth to school.
  9. Daimedina I.P. Let's play, kids M., Enlightenment, 1992
  10. Zatsepina M.B. “Musical education in kindergarten”;
  11. Keneman A.V., Osokina T.I. Children's outdoor games of the USSR: A manual for kindergarten teachers. -M.: Education, 1988.
  12. Melnikova L. I., Zimina A. N. Children's musical folklore in the preschool educational institution Gnom-Press LLC, 2000.
  13. Pavlova P.A., Gorbunova I.V. “Grow up healthy, baby!” Children's health program early age M., 2006
  14. Penzulaeva L.I. Outdoor games and game exercises for children 5-7 years old.-M.: Humanit. publishing center VLADOS, 2001.
  15. Collection edited by V. Dahl in 2 vols. "Proverbs of the Russian people." Moscow, “Fiction”, 1984.
  16. Tikhonova M.V., Smirnova N.S. Red hut St. Petersburg “Childhood-Press” 2000
  17. Encyclopedia of holidays. Author-compiler N.V. Chudakova. Moscow, Publishing House AST-LTD, 1998.


Annex 1.

Plan for Maslenitsa Week events for senior preschool age

Monday – Meeting

Work in the music room

Working while walking

Group work

Interaction with parents

Electronic presentation “Broad Maslenitsa” - introducing children to the meaning and customs of the holiday

Learning Maslenitsa chants (senior preparatory group);

Round dance “Maslenitsa is coming” rn. melody (major, preparatory gr.).

Solemn meeting of Maslenitsa;

Folk outdoor games: “Malechina-Kalechina”, “Carousel”, “Dawn”;

Competition for the best snow figure

Puppet theater “Parsley Comedies”;

Riddles about spring and winter

conversation “What kind of holiday is Maslenitsa?”

Review of the album “Maslenitsa”

Sayings about Maslenitsa

Memorizing the poem “Maslenitsa”

Creating a moving folder on the theme “Broad Maslenitsa”

Reception corner “Maslenitsa Praskovejka”

Tuesday – Flirting

Work in the music room

Work while walking

Group work

Interaction with parents

Learning the song “Winter is already passing” rn. melody; - Competition of ditties “Like during the oil week”;

Round dance games “And I walked in the meadow”, “Bunny, dance”

Sledging. –

Sports and leisure entertainment “Maslenitsa is coming, pancake and honey is coming”

Learning proverbs and sayings about Maslenitsa.

Conversation “How to celebrate Maslenitsa”

Learning Maslenitsa chants

Making Maslenitsa stuffed animals out of straw with the children

Making attributes for the holiday (noise makers, rattles, rustles, tepiks, whistles)

Wednesday is delicious

Work in the music room

Work while walking

Group work

Interaction with parents

Repeat of the song “How winter and spring met”

Round dance game “Shadow, shadow, shadow” r. melody.

Snow drawing competition.

Games – competitions “Tricky Ball”, “Cunning Guys”;

Getting to know the symbolism of pancakes.

Productive activity “Our house is rich in joys” (making grain dolls with children)

Learning the poem “About Maslenitsa”

Listening to the song “Like Maslyanskaya Week”

Sweet evening, tea party with pancakes.

Thursday – Razgulyay

Work in the music room

Work while walking

Group work

Interaction with parents

Folk outdoor games “Burn, Burn, Clear”, “Pots”;

Learning nursery rhymes, sayings, fables;

Dramatization of “How a Man Sold a Cow” by S. Mikhalkov.

Singing Russian folk songs.

Russian folk games “Burners”, “Who is faster on a broom”, “Two frosts”;

Skating down an ice slide.

Relay games “Tug of war”

"Snow Shooting Range"

"Who's Faster on a Broom"

Exhibition of drawings “Winter Revelry”;

Making attributes for holiday decoration (art-decorating pancakes).

Listening to the song “Song for Pancakes”

Production of attributes and crafts for the decoration of the music hall and areas.

Friday – Farewell to Maslenitsa

Work in the music room

Work while walking

Group work

Interaction with parents

Theatrical performance "Broad Maslenitsa"

Theatrical performance "Broad Maslenitsa" on the street.

Cartoon "Maslenitsa".

Conversation: “What have we learned about Maslenitsa”;

Festive event with the participation of parents: “Broad Maslenitsa!”

Appendix 2

Diagnostic card

Musical education.

Can enter into the role of a character, convey his character and behavior using basic means of expression;

Knowledge of the various characters of music;

Knowledge of the peculiarities of Russian dances;

Ability to perform dance movements characteristic of Russian dances;

Ability to dramatize (in round dances, dances, dances);

The ability to come up with movements that reflect the content of the song;

The ability to invent movements, elements of dance movements characteristic of Russian dances;

Ability to play Russian folk musical instruments, know and name them.

Knowledge and ability to play Russian folk games.

High level

average level

low level

High level - 3 points.

Average level - 2 points.

Low level - 1 point.


Continue to develop interest and love for music, musical responsiveness to it.

To form a musical culture based on familiarity with classical, folk and modern music; with the structure of a 2- and 3-part musical work, with the construction of a song. Continue to introduce composers.

Foster a culture of behavior when visiting concert halls and theaters (do not make noise, do not disturb other spectators enjoying music or watching performances).

Continue to introduce genres of musical works (march, dance, song).

Develop musical memory through recognizing melodies from individual fragments of a work (introduction, conclusion, musical phrase).

Improve the skill of distinguishing sounds in height within fifths, the sound of musical instruments (keyboards, percussion and strings: piano, violin, cello, balalaika).

Develop singing skills, the ability to sing with a light sound in the range from “D” of the first octave to “C” of the second octave, take a breath before the start of a song, between musical phrases, pronounce words clearly, start and end a song in a timely manner, emotionally convey the character of the melody, sing moderately , loud and quiet.

Promote skill development solo singing With musical accompaniment and without it.

Promote the manifestation of independence, creative performance of songs of a different nature.

Develop song and musical taste.

Song creativity

Develop the skill of improvising a melody to a given text, composing melodies of a different nature: a tender lullaby, a perky or cheerful march, a smooth waltz, a cheerful dance song.

Musical and rhythmic movements

Develop a sense of rhythm, the ability to convey through movements the character of music, its emotional and figurative content; the ability to freely navigate in space, perform npocTeniririe changes, independently move from moderate to fast or slow tempo, change movements in accordance with musical phrases.

Promote the development of performance skills dance moves(alternately throwing legs forward in a jump; side step with a squat, moving forward, circling; squatting with legs forward).

Introduce children to Russian round dances, dances, as well as dances of other nations.

Continue to develop song dramatization skills; the ability to depict fabulous animals and birds (horse, goat, fox, bear, hare, crane, raven, etc.) in different game situations.

Development of dance and gaming creativity

Develop dance creativity; to develop the ability to invent movements for dances, dances, to compose a dance composition, showing independence in creativity.

Improve the ability to independently come up with movements that reflect the content of the song.

Encourage them to dramatize the content of songs and round dances.

Playing children's musical instruments

Develop the ability to perform simple melodies on children's musical instruments; familiar songs individually and in small groups, while maintaining overall dynamics and tempo.

Develop creativity, encourage children to take active independent action.

Approximate musical repertoire


"March", music. D. Shostakovich; “Lullaby”, “Guy with an accordion”, music. G. Sviridova; "Falling Leaves", music. T. Popatenko, lyrics. E. Avdienko; “March” from the opera “The Love for Three Oranges”, music. S. Prokofiev; "Winter", music. P . Tchaikovsky, lyrics. A. Pleshcheeva; "Autumn

song" (from the cycle "Seasons" P . Tchaikovsky). "Polka", music. D. Lvov-Kompaneyts, lyrics. 3. Petrova; " Mom's holiday", music E. Tilicheeva, lyrics. L. Rumarchuk; “My Russia”, music. G. Struve, lyrics. N. Solovyova; “Who came up with the song?”, music. D. Lvov-Kompaneyts, lyrics. L. Dymova; "Children's polka", music. M. Glinka; "Santa Claus", chuz. N. Eliseeva, lyrics. 3. Alexandrova. "Morning Prayer", "In Church" (from " Children's album"P. Tchaikovsky); "Music", music. G. Struve; "Lark", music. M. Glinka; "Moth", music. S. Maikapara; “Dance of the Birds”, Lullaby”, music. N. Rimsky-Korsakov; Finale of the piano concerto No. 5 (fragments) by L. Beethoven. “Anxious Minute” (from the album “Spillkins” by S. Maykapar); “Repentance”, “Morning”, “Evening” (from the collection “Children’s Music” by S. Prokofiev); “The First Loss” (from “Album for Youth”) by R. Schumann; Piano Sonata Eleventh, 1st movement (fragments), Prelude in A major, Op. 28, No. 7 F. Chopin.


Exercises to develop hearing and voice."Bunny", music. V. Karaseva, lyrics. N. Frenkel; “We sewed boots for the cat for the holiday,” children's song; "Raven", Russian. adv. song, arrangement E. Tilicheeva; "Andrey the Sparrow", Russian. adv. song, arr. Yu. Slonova; “Jingle Bells”, “Accordion”, music. E. Tilicheeva; "Counting", music. I. Arseeva; "Snow-Pearls", music. M. Parkha-ladze, lyrics. M. Plyatskovsky; “Where do finches spend the winter?”, music. E. Zaritskaya, lyrics. L.

Kuklina. “Steam Locomotive”, “Petrushka”, music. V. Karaseva, lyrics. N. Frenkel; “Drums, music. E. Tilicheeva, lyrics. N. Naydenova; “Cloud”, nickname; "Lullaby", music. E. Tilicheeva, lyrics. N. Naydenova; rus. adv. songs and chants.

Songs."Cranes", music. A. Livshits, lyrics. M. Poznanskaya; “Guests have come to us,” music. An. Alexandrova, lyrics. M. Evensen; “Garden round dance”, music. B. Mozhzhevelova, lyrics. N. Passova; "Blue Sled", music. M. Jordansky, lyrics. M. Klokova; "Geese the goose", music. An. Alexandrova, lyrics. G. Boyko; "Fish", music. M. Kraseva, lyrics. M. Klokova. "Chicken", music. E. Tilicheeva, lyrics. M. Dolinova; "Birch", music. E. Tilicheeva, lyrics. P. Voronko; "Lily of the Valley", music. M. Kraseva, lyrics. N. Frenkel; "Spring Song", music. A. Filippenko, lyrics. G Boyko; “Yap-yap”, music. In Gerchik, lyrics. Y. Razumovsky, “Bird House”, music. Yu. Slonova, lyrics. O. Vysotskaya; "Pea", music. V. Karaseva, lyrics. N. Frenkel; "Geese", music. A. Filippenko, lyrics. T. Volgina.

Song creativity

“Lullaby”, Russian. adv. song; "March", music. M. Kraseva; “Dili-dili! Bom! Bom!”, Ukrainian. adv. song, lyrics E. Makshantseva; “Come up with a song”; nursery rhymes, teasers, counting rhymes and other Russian ones.

adv. singing

musical rhythmic movements

Exercises."Little March", music. T. Lomovoy; "Spring", music. E. Gnessina (“Etude”); "Step and Run", music. N. Nadenenko; “Smooth hands”, music. R. Gliere (“Waltz”, fragment); “Who Jumps Better”, music. T. Lomova: “Learn to dance in Russian!”, music. L. Vishkareva (variations on the Russian folk melody “From under the oak, from under the elm”); "Rosinki", music. S. Maikapara; "Ditch", Russian. adv. melody, arr. R. Rustamova.

Exercises with objects."Waltz", music. A. Dvorak; “Exercises with ribbons”, Ukrainian. adv. melody, arr. R. Rustamova; "Gavotte", music. F. Gossec; “Passing a handkerchief”, music. T. Lomovoy; “Exercises with balls”, music. T. Lomovoy; "Waltz", music. F. Burgmuller.

Sketches.“Silent Dance” (theme from variations), music. W. Mozart; "Polka", German. adv. dance; “Sleep and Dance” (“Playing with a Doll”), music. T. Lomovoy; "Aw!" (“Game in the Forest”, music by T. Lomova).

Dancing and dancing."Friendly couples", music. I. Strauss (“Polka”); " Pair dance", music An. Alexandrova (“Polka”); “Invitation”, Russian. adv. melody "Len", arr. M. Rauchwerger; "Fun Dance", music. V. Zolotareva; “Mirror”, “Oh, my hop, hop”, Russian. adv. melodies; "Circular Dance", Russian. adv. melody, arr., S. Razorenova; "Russian Dance", Russian. adv. melody (“Whether in the garden or in the vegetable garden”); “Quadrille with spoons”, Russian. adv. melody, arr. E. Tumanyan; Boys' dance "Chebotukha", Russian. adv. melody.

Characteristic dances.“Matryoshka”, music. B. Mokrousova; "Chebotukha", Russian. adv. melody, arrangement V. Zolotareva; "Dance of the Beads", music. T. Lomovoy; “Dance of Parsley”, Croatian, Nar. melody; "Flappers", music. N. Kiesel-Vatter; "Dance of the Snow Maiden and Snowflakes", music. R Gliera; "Dance of the Dwarves", music.

F. Churchel; "Dance of the Buffoons", music. N. Rimsky-Korsakov; "Dance of Circus Horses", music. M. Kraseva; “The Dance of the Little Bears”, music. M. Kraseva; "Meeting in the forest", music. E. Tilicheeva.

Round dances.“Guests have come to us,” music. An. Alexandrova, lyrics. M, Evensen; “Harvest”, music. A. Filippenko, lyrics. O. Volgina; "New Year's round dance", music. S. Shaidar; "New Year's round dance", music. T. Popatenko; “The New Year is Coming to Us”, music. V. Gerchik, lyrics. 3. Petrova; "Round Dance of Flowers", music. Yu. Slonova; “How our girlfriends went”, “I walk with the vine”, “And I am in the meadow”, “Chernozem Earthling”, Russian. adv. songs, arr. V. Agaronnikova; “Oh yes birch tree”, music. T. Popatenko, lyrics. Zh. Agadzhanova; “Near the river, near the bridge”; “The young woman went for water”, Russian. adv. songs, arr. V, Agafonnikova.

Music games

Games. “Trap”, music. J. Haydn; “We won’t let you out”, music. T. Lomovoy; “Be clever!”, music. N. Ladukhina; “Game with a tambourine”, music. M. Kraseva; “Look for a toy”, “Be clever”, Russian. adv. melody, arr. V. Agafonnikova; “Pilots at the airfield”, music. M. Rauchwerger; “Find yourself a partner”, Latv. melody, arrangement T. Popatenko; “Game with a bell”, music. S. Rzhavskoy; lot and mice", music. T. Lomovoy; "Rattles", music. T. Vilkoreiskaya; take care of the hoop", music. V. Vitlina; “Find a toy”, Latv. adv. song, arr. Frida.

Games With singing.“Cap”, “Oh, little bunny in the Senechka”, “Raven”, Russian Nar. songs; "Zainka", Russian. adv. song, arr. N. Rimsky-Korsakov; “Like thin ice”, Russian. adv. song, arrangement A. Scar; "Raven", Russian. folk melody, arr. E. Tilicheeva; “Two Grouse”, Russian. adv. melody, arrangement V. Agafonnikova; "Vaska the Cat", music. G. Lobachev, lyrics. N. Frenkel; "Hedgehog", music. A. Averina; “Round dance in the forest”, music. M. Iordansky; “Hedgehog and Mice”, music. M. Kraseva, lyrics. M. Klokova; "Flowers", music. N. Bakhutova, folk words.

Musical and didactic games

Development of pitch hearing.“Musical Lotto”, “Steps”, “Where are my kids?”, “Mom and kids”.

Development of a sense of rhythm.“Identify by rhythm”, “Rhythmic stripes”, “Learn to dance”, “Search”.

Development of timbre hearing.“What do I play?”, “ Musical riddles", "Musical House".

Development of diatonic hearing.“Loudly, quietly binge drinking”, “Ringing bells”.

Development of music perception and musical memory.“Be careful”, “Buragino”, “ A music shop", "Seasons", "Our Songs".

staging And musical performances

“Guests have come to us,” music. An. Alexandrova; “Like ours at the gate”, Russian. adv. melody, arr. V, Agafonnikova; “Where have you been, Ivanushka?”, Russian. adv. melody, arr., M. Jordansky; “My Favorite Doll”, author T. Koreeva; “Polyanka” (musical fairy tale game), music by T. Vilkoreiskaya.

Development of dance and gaming creativity

“Cat and Goat”, “I will water, I will water onions”, music. E. Tilicheeva; "Waltz of the Cat", music. V. Zolotareva; free dancing to any dance tunes in an audio recording; “Burn, burn clearly!”, Russian. adv. melody, arr. R. Rustamova; “And I’m in the meadow”, Russian. adv. melody, arr. T. Smirnova.

Playing children's musical instruments

“The Blue Sky”, “Brave Pilot”, music. E. Tilicheeva, lyrics. M. Dolinova; "Don-don", Russian. adv. song, arr., R, Rustamova; “Burn, burn clearly!”, Russian. adv. melody; "The Shepherd", Czech. adv. melody, arr. I. Berkovich; "Cockerel", Russian. adv. song, arr. M. Kraseva; "Watch", music. WITH.

Wolfensohn; “There lived a black ram with our grandmother,” Russian. adv. comic song, arr. V. Agafonnikova,

Planned intermediate results of the Program implementation

Intermediate results of mastering the Program are formulated in accordance with Federal State Requirements (FGT) through revealing the dynamics of the formation of integrative qualities of pupils in each age period of mastering the Program in all areas of child development.

By the age of six, with successful completion of the Program, next level development of the child’s integrative qualities.

Integrative quality “Physically developed,

mastered basic cultural and hygienic skills"

Anthropometric parameters (height, weight) are normal. Masters basic movements in accordance with age. Shows interest in participating in outdoor games and physical exercises.

Shows a desire to participate in games with elements of competition, in relay races.

Uses physical education equipment outside of class (in his free time).

Able to independently perform age-appropriate hygiene procedures.

Observes basic rules of behavior while eating and washing.

Has a basic understanding of the value of health, the benefits of hardening, and the need to observe hygiene rules V Everyday life. Knows the benefits morning exercises, physical exercise.

Has basic understanding of a healthy lifestyle and the dependence of health on proper nutrition.

Begins to demonstrate the ability to take care of his health.

Integrative quality “Curious, active”

Uses various sources of information that contribute to enrichment>. Puppy games (cinema, literature, excursions, etc.).

Shows a steady interest in various types of children's activities: design, visual arts, game.

Shows curiosity and interest in research activities, experimentation, to project activities.

Integrative quality “Emotionally responsive”

Emotionally sensitive to the experiences of close adults, children, characters in fairy tales and stories, cartoons and feature films, puppet shows.

Shows an emotional attitude towards literary work, expresses his attitude towards a specific act of a literary character.

Understands the hidden motives for the behavior of the characters in the work.

Shows sensitivity to artistic expression, feels the rhythm and melody of a poetic text.

Shows aesthetic feelings, emotions, aesthetic taste, aesthetic perception, interest in art.

Integrative quality “Mastered the means of communication and ways of interacting with adults and peers”

Distributes roles before the start of the game and builds his behavior by adhering to the role. Game interaction is accompanied by speech that corresponds both in content and intonation to the role taken.

Speech becomes the main means of communication. The speech that accompanies children's real relationships differs from role-playing speech.

Can compose original and sequentially unfolding stories and tell them to peers and adults.

Uses all parts of speech, actively engages in word creation, uses synonyms and antonyms.

Knows how to share various impressions with the teacher and other children, refers to the source of the information received (television program, story of a loved one, visit to an exhibition, children's performance etc.).

Shows the ability to maintain a conversation, expresses his point of view, agreement or disagreement with a friend’s answer.

Integrative quality “Able to manage one’s behavior and plan one’s actions based on primary value concepts, observing basic generally accepted norms and rules of behavior”

Demonstrates the ability to work collectively and negotiate with peers about who will do what part of the work.

If, when distributing roles in the game, conflicts arise related to the subordination of role behavior, decide controversial issues and resolves conflicts with the help of speech: convinces, proves, explains.

He understands that he needs to take care of the younger ones, help them, protect them. who is weaker?

Can independently or with a little help from an adult evaluate the actions and actions of peers.

Complies with basic generally accepted norms of behavior in kindergarten and on the street.

In everyday life, adults use “polite” words on their own, without prompting from others.

Integrative quality “Able to solve intellectual and personal tasks (problems) appropriate for age”

Possesses basic self-care skills.

Orients himself in the surrounding space, understands the meaning of spatial relationships (above - below, in front - behind, left - right, between, next to, near, etc.).

Able to establish the sequence of various events: what happened earlier (first), what later (then), determine what day it is today, what it was yesterday, what it will be tomorrow.

Able to design according to his own plans.

Able to use simple schematic images to solve simple problems, build according to a diagram, solve labyrinth problems,

Shows figurative anticipation. Based on the spatial arrangement of objects, it can tell what will happen as a result of their interaction.

Able to reason and give adequate causal explanations if the analyzed relationships do not go beyond the limits of his visual experience.

Can independently come up with a short fairy tale on a given topic.

Able to independently find interesting activities for himself.

Integrative quality “having primary ideas about oneself, family, society, state, world and nature”

Knows and states his first and last name, first and patronymic names of his parents. He knows where his parents work and how important their work is to society.

Knows family holidays. Has constant responsibilities at home.

He can talk about his hometown (town, village), name the street where he lives.

Knows that the Russian Federation (Russia) is huge multinational country; that Moscow is the capital of our Motherland. Has an idea of ​​the flag, coat of arms, and the melody of the anthem.

Has an idea about the Russian army, about the years of war, about Victory Day.

Integrative quality “Mastered the universal prerequisites of educational activities”

Has the skills of organized behavior in kindergarten, at home, on the street. Able to accept a memorization task, remembers an adult’s instructions, and can learn a short poem.

Able to retell coherently, consistently and expressively small tales, stories.

Able to retain a simple condition in memory when performing any action.

Able to act with concentration for 15-25 minutes. Shows responsibility for carrying out work assignments. Shows a desire to please adults with good deeds.

Integrative quality “Mastered necessary skills and skills"

The child has developed the skills and abilities necessary to carry out various types of children's activities.

Educational field "Health"

Able to dress and undress quickly, neatly, and keep his closet in order.

Has neatness skills (notices disorder in clothes, eliminates it with a little help from adults).

Basic personal hygiene skills have been developed (brush teeth independently, wash hands before eating; cover mouth and nose with a tissue when coughing and sneezing).

Possesses the simplest skills of behavior while eating, uses a fork and knife.

Has a basic understanding of the components (important components) healthy image life (proper nutrition, movement, sleep) and factors that destroy health.

Knows the importance of daily morning exercises, hardening the body, and maintaining a daily routine for human health.

Educational field "Physical education"

Able to walk and run easily, rhythmically, maintaining correct posture, direction and pace.

Can climb a gymnastic wall (height 2.5 m) with changes in tempo.

Can jump on a soft surface (height 20 cm), jump to a designated place from a height of 30 cm, long jump from a place (at least 80 cm), from a run (at least 100 cm), in high jump from a run (at least 40 cm ), jump over a short and long rope

Can throw objects with the right and left hands at a distance of 5-9 m, at a vertical and horizontal target from a distance of 3-4 m, combine a swing with a throw, throw the ball up onto the ground and catch it with one hand, hit the ball on the spot for at least 10 times, while walking (distance 6 m). Owns a ball school.

Performs static and dynamic balance exercises.

Able to form a column of three or four; align, open in a column, line; make turns right, left, around.

Goes skiing sliding step at a distance of about 2 km; takes care of skis.

Knows how to ride a scooter.

Participates in exercises with elements of sports games: gorodki, badminton, football, hockey.

Can swim (voluntarily).

Educational field "Socialization"

Agrees with partners on what to play, who will be who in the game; obeys the rules of the game.

Able to develop the content of the game depending on the number of children playing.

In didactic games, he evaluates his capabilities and accepts loss without resentment.

Explains the rules of the game to peers.

After watching the performance, he can evaluate the performance of the actor(s), the means used artistic expression and elements decoration productions.

Has several roles in his creative experience, played in performances in kindergarten and home theater. Knows how to design his performance using a variety of materials (attributes, improvised materials, crafts).

Educational field "Labor"

Dresses and undresses independently, dries wet clothes, and takes care of shoes.

Performs the duties of a dining room attendant and sets the table correctly.

Maintains order in the group and in the kindergarten area.

Performs tasks to care for animals and plants in a corner of nature.

Educational field "Security"

Complies with the basic rules of organized behavior in kindergarten.

Observes basic rules of behavior on the street and in transport, basic traffic rules.

Distinguishes and names special types transport (“Ambulance”, “Fire”, “Police”), explains their purpose.

Understands the meaning of traffic lights. Recognizes and names road signs“Pedestrian crossing”, “Children”, “Public transport stop”, “Underground pedestrian crossing”, “Medical aid station”.

Distinguishes between roadways, sidewalks, underground pedestrian crossings, and Zebra crossings.

Knows and follows the basic rules of behavior in nature (ways to safely interact with plants and animals, respect for the environment).

Educational area "Cognition"

Productive (constructive) activity. Able to analyze the structure of a building.

Can plan the stages of creating his own building and find constructive solutions.

Creates buildings according to drawings.

Able to work collectively.

Development of elementary mathematical concepts. Counts (counts) within 10.

Correctly uses cardinal and ordinal numbers (within 10), answers the questions: “How many?”, “Which one?”

Equalizes unequal groups of objects in two ways (removing and adding one).

Compares objects by eye (by length, width, height, thickness); verifies the accuracy of definitions by overlay or application.

Places objects of various sizes (up to 7-10) in ascending and descending order of their length, width, height, thickness.

Expresses in words the location of an object in relation to To yourself, other objects.

Knows some characteristic features of familiar geometric figures (number of angles, sides; equality, inequality of sides).

Calls morning, day, evening, night; has an idea of ​​the changing parts of the day.

Names the current day of the week.

Formation of a holistic picture of the world. Distinguishes and names types of transport, objects that facilitate human work in everyday life

Classifies objects, determines the materials from which they are made.

Knows the name hometown(village), country, its capital.

Names the seasons and notes their features.

Knows about human interaction with nature in different time of the year.

Knows about the importance of the sun, air and water for humans, animals, and plants.

Treats nature with care.

Educational field "Communication"

Can participate in conversation.

Able to evaluate a peer’s answer or statement in a reasoned and friendly manner.

Makes up stories based on the model plot picture, by a set of pictures; consistently, without significant omissions, retells short literary works.

Determines the place of a sound in a word.

Able to select several adjectives for a noun; replace a word with another word with a similar meaning.

Educational field "Reading fiction"

Knows 2-3 program poems (if necessary, remind the child

first lines), 2-3 counting rhymes, 2-3 riddles. Names the genre of the work.

Dramatizes short fairy tales, reads poems based on roles. Calls a loved one

children's writer, favorite fairy tales and stories.

Educational field "Artistic creativity"

Distinguishes between works visual arts(painting, book graphics, folk decorative art, sculpture).

Highlights means of expression in different types of art (shape, color, flavor, composition).

Knows the features of visual materials.

Drawing. Creates images of objects (from nature, from an idea); story images.

Uses a variety of compositional solutions, visual materials.

Uses different colors and shades to create expressive images.

Performs patterns based on folk arts and crafts, years.

Modeling. They sculpt objects of different shapes using learned techniques and methods.

Creates small story compositions, conveying the proportions, poses and movements of the figures.

Creates images based on folk toys.

Application. Depicts objects and creates simple plot compositions using a variety of cutting techniques and tearing paper.

Educational field "Music"

Distinguishes between genres of musical works (march, dance, song); sound of musical instruments (piano, violin).

Distinguishes between high and low sounds (within fifths).

Can sing without tension, smoothly, with an easy sound; pronounce words clearly, start and finish the song in a timely manner; sing accompanied by a musical instrument.

Can move rhythmically in accordance with the character and dynamics of the music.

Knows how to perform dance movements (alternately throwing the legs forward in a jump, half-squatting with the foot on the heel, stepping on the entire foot in place, moving forward and in a circle).

Independently dramatizes the content of songs and round dances; acts without imitating other children.

Can play melodies on a metallophone one at a time and in a small group of children.


to school group (from 6 to 7 years old)

Department of Education of the Novocherkassk City Administration
municipal budgetary preschool educational institution
kindergarten general developmental type No. 12

Introducing children to musical art through the integration of various types of musical and artistic activities using ICT

Prepared by:

Bocharnikova S.V.

Musical director of MBDOU No. 12

year 2013

My idea is to revive musical activity with children, to provide an opportunity to present all its directions more colorfully and clearly.

Therefore, I formulated my pedagogical idea as follows: « Introducing children to the art of music through the integration of various types of musical and artistic activities using information and communication technologies.”

Implementing what I set target:

I highlighted the use of ICT as the main means of introducing children to the art of music a number of tasks:

  • increase the motivational readiness of children for musical and artistic activities, harmoniously combining traditional means of education with the use of ICT;
  • use the integration of educational areas based on musical and artistic activities using ICT;
  • move the emphasis of musical perception from verbal representations to visual images.

In the Federal state requirements published in the order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated November 23, 2009 No. 655principle of integrationput forward as one of the fundamental principles.

Therefore, in my activities I rely on the integration of educational areas highlighted in Order 655, focusing on the educational areas of “Music” and “Artistic Creativity”.

development of musical and artistic activities;
introduction to the art of music.

Essence of the idea: usage information technologies to increase children's motivation in musical development and leads to a number of positive consequences:
. psychologically facilitates the process of learning material by children;
arouses keen interest in the subject of knowledge;
· broadens the general horizons of children;
· the level of use of visual aids in the classroom increases.

Novelty of the idea:
The use of information technologies makes it possible to significantly enrich and qualitatively update the integration process of musical and artistic activity, and increase its efficiency. The range of manifestations of children's creative abilities is expanding.

What is the relevance use of ICT in the educational field “Music”:

There is a development of all types of perception (visual, auditory, sensory); positive motivation for students’ learning is enhanced;

an additional incentive is created for children to study new material, facilitate its perception, and cognitive and speech activity is activated.

The benefits are visible musical activities using ICT:

  • The use of animation and surprise moments makes the learning process interesting and expressive;
  • Children receive approval not only from the teacher, but also from the computer in the form of pictures - riddles, prizes, accompanied by sound design (for example, when performing a rhythmic task in the game “Dressing up the Christmas tree”, Santa Claus shows an approving gesture)
  • A harmonious combination of traditional means with the use of presentations can significantly increase children’s motivation for classes (for example: the best children’s work is on TV)

Use of ICTpromotes the development of integrative qualities: communication, the ability to manage one’s behavior, the ability to solve intellectual and personal problems. In such an integrative quality as “Curious, active”Musical activities using ICT arouse greater activity and keen interest among children.

In “Emotionally Responsive” - the degree of emotional responsiveness and external emotional manifestations increases.

“Having mastered the necessary skills” - performance, creative skills, interest increases

What are the functions of a computer in pedagogical activity music director?

The computer is

Visual material

A tool for preparing texts, musical material, and storing them.

Speech preparation tool.

Source of (educational, musical) information.

To solve the set goals and objectives, I, as a music director, use various educational ICT tools, both in preparation for a music lesson, during the lesson (when explaining new material, learning songs, dances, repetition, to consolidate acquired knowledge), and during entertainment and holidays, on alltypes of musical activities:

  • Emotional perception of music by children
  • Singing
  • Development of hearing and voice (musical and didactic games)
  • Playing children's musical instruments
  • Musical and rhythmic movements

For emotional perceptionmusic: I use a technique such as combining music with animation effects, which contributes to a more emotional perception of musical works by children.

Multimedia illustrations help define the character of musical works.

Animated backgrounds create an emotional positive attitude in children.

For development of rhythmic hearingI use images instead of icons (quadruple durations are large pictures, eighth durations are small ones), which makes children more interested.

For development of pitch hearingI use image-pictures instead of notes, which also attracts children and activates Creative skills.

To develop rhythmic hearing, relying on visual aids promotes the development of imagination and imagery.

IN playing children's musical instrumentsThe presentations and video scores used give children the opportunity to show their creative abilities.

The use of ICT significantly expands the conceptual range of musical topics and makes the specific sound of musical instruments accessible and understandable to children.

At acquaintance with the work of composers, the use of computer programs allowschildren to hear pure professional performance of classical works, to compare what they heard and saw.

The use of ICT makes musical material accessible to perception not only through auditory analyzers, but also through visual and kinesthetic ones. Thus, I put into practice the idea of ​​​​individualizing children's education.

This can be seen in the example symphonic tale“Peter and the Wolf”, where children, using each of their individual basic levels of knowledge, gain knowledge about musical instruments and the sound features of each of them.

For training musical and rhythmic movements and dancing I offer a computer manual - mnemonic tables, with the help of which children can perform various formations or learn dance elements. And as an interesting moment, children look at their creativity from the screen.

In a direction like singing , I offer children video illustrations with animation elements for exercises on the development of voice, singing range, the concept of long and short sounds (“Ladder”, “Merry Droplets”, “Snowflake”, “Where the Bee Flies”, etc.). This makes children more interested and attracted to singing.

Learning songs with children using mnemonics helps them memorize the text faster ( Mnemonics (from the Greek mnemonikon - the art of memorization).A system of special techniques that serve to facilitate memorization, preservation and reproduction of information):for example, “Sun” by music. And seq. A. Yaranova.

Using the inclusion of a video and various creative tasks in the structure of the lesson, I thereby contribute to the development of children’s creativity (taking into account the requirements of SanPin: watching the video no more than 5-7 minutes).

Use of information technology tools:

  • became the basis for the formation of musical taste, development creative potential child and the harmonious development of the individual as a whole.
  • allowed me to make the process of learning and development of a child quite effective: the range, variability, and choice (of aids) expanded.
  • Presenting material in the form of multimedia presentations reduced learning time and freed up children's health resources.

Thus, taking into account the visual-figurative level of thinking of preschoolers, ICT allows me to support and activate their attention. The interactivity of these resources allows the child to “manage” the situation and “influence” it.

Based on the results of my workWith the use of ICT, children's level of emotional perception of music, musical-rhythmic and dance movements, basic playing of children's musical instruments, and singing has increased.

And as a result - improved memory in children, development of thinking, imagination, attention, curiosity.

So, my use of information technology tools made it possible to make the process of learning and development of the child quite effective, and opened up new opportunities for music education not only for the child himself, but also for me.

I have increased my information and professional competence.

The use of ICT in the musical education of preschool children is only a means to achieve the goals and objectives set for the teacher.

At the same time, of course, we should not forget: in the matter of musical education, the most important role remains the role of the music director, who cannot be replaced by any computer!


Internet resources:

Petelina N.V. “The use of information and communication technologies in music lessons in primary school.

Afanasyeva O.V. “Use of ICT in the educational process”

Belyakov E.V. “The concept of ICT and their role in the educational process”

Kruglova L. “Information technologies as part of the cultural and information environment of preschool children.”


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“Introducing children to the art of music through the integration of various types of musical and artistic activities using ICT” Bocharnikova S.V. Music director of MBDOU d/s No. 12 of Novocherkassk Education Department of the Administration of the city of Novocherkassk municipal budgetary preschool educational institution general developmental kindergarten No. 12

My pedagogical idea: My idea is to revive musical activity with children, to provide an opportunity to present all its directions more colorfully and clearly. It sounds like this: “Introducing children to the art of music through the integration of various types of musical and artistic activities using ICT.” Goal: use ICT as the main means of introducing children to the art of music.

The main objectives are:

Validity of the idea of ​​​​using ICT In the Federal state requirements published in the order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated November 23, 2009 No. 655, the principle of integration is put forward as one of the fundamental principles. The content of the educational field "Music" is aimed at achieving the goal of developing children's musicality, the ability to emotionally perceive music through solving the following tasks: development of musical and artistic activities; introduction to the art of music. The essence of the idea: the use of information technology increases the motivation of children's learning and leads to a number of positive consequences: . psychologically facilitates the process of learning material by children; . arouses keen interest in the subject of knowledge; · broadens the general horizons of children; · the level of use of visual aids in the classroom increases; Novelty of the idea: The use of information technology makes it possible to significantly enrich, qualitatively update the integration process, and increase its efficiency. The range of manifestations of children's creative abilities is expanding.

Relevance of the pedagogical idea 1 2 3 4 When using ICT, all types of perception (visual, auditory, sensory) develop

Benefits of music activities using ICT

The use of ICT promotes the development of integrative qualities: communication, the ability to manage one’s behavior, the ability to solve intellectual and personal problems ICT

A tool for preparing speeches A tool for preparing texts, musical material, their storage Computer functions in the pedagogical activities of a music director Source of educational, music information Visual material

Use of ICT by type of activity Emotional perception of music by children Musical and didactic games Musical and rhythmic movements Singing Playing children's musical instruments Possibilities of using ICT in the musical education of preschool children.

Combining music with animation effects improves children's emotional perception of music

Multimedia illustrations help define the character of musical works

Animated backgrounds create an emotional positive mood

To develop rhythmic hearing, I use images instead of icons (quadruple durations are large pictures, eighths are small ones)), which contributes to the children’s greater interest. Models for the development of rhythmic hearing. Task: Clap rhythm formulas or play them on children's musical instruments

When playing children's musical instruments, presentations and video scores provide an opportunity to show creativity. The use of ICT significantly expands the conceptual range of musical topics and makes the specific sound of musical instruments accessible and understandable to children.

When getting to know the works of composers, the use of computer programs allows children to hear pure professional performances of classical works and compare what they hear and see. Examining a multimedia portrait Listening to a composer's work Watching video illustrations to works Mussorgsky M.P. Prokofiev S.S.

The use of ICT makes musical material accessible to perception not only through auditory analyzers, but also through visual and kinesthetic ones. Thus, I put into practice the idea of ​​​​individualizing children's education. This can be seen in the example of the symphonic fairy tale “Peter and the Wolf”, where children, using each of their individual basic levels of knowledge, gain knowledge about musical instruments and the sound features of each of them. Violin Clarinet Horn Timpani Cello

In mastering musical and rhythmic movements I use: Schemes of dance movements Photographs, videos of children’s performances

In this direction, such as singing, I offer children videos - illustrations with animation elements for exercises on the development of the voice, singing range, the concept of long and short sounds. (“Ladder”, “Merry Droplets”, “Snowflake”, “Where the Bee Flies”, etc.) This makes children more interested and attracted to singing. “Snowflake” - draw with your voice, sing along with the movement of the snowflake “Musical ladder” To develop your singing range.

By incorporating a video and creative tasks into the structure of the lesson, I thereby contribute to the development of children’s creativity (taking into account the requirements of SanPin: watching a video for no more than 5-7 minutes) 1. Musical greeting 2. Watching a video 3. Answering questions 4. Creative task ( draw drops of rain on musical instruments, rustling leaves, etc.), didactic game (“The fourth odd one”, find an extra musical instrument, complete the drawing of the musical instrument, etc.) 5. Music game, playing in an orchestra of children's musical instruments

Use of information technology tools: Thus, taking into account the visual-figurative level of thinking of preschoolers, ICT allows me to support and activate their attention. The interactivity of these resources allows the child to “manage” the situation and “influence” it.

Dynamics of development of musical abilities Diagnostic tools: K.V. Tarasova 2010-2011 2009-2010

The use of ICT in the musical education of preschool children is only a means to achieve the goals and objectives set for the teacher. The leading role in musical education will always remain with the music director!

Source of information: Background pictures: Photo: from the archive of S.V. Bocharnikova.

Thank you for your attention!