“Methodological development “Development of creative abilities in the lessons of solfeggio and musical literature. Development of creative abilities in the lessons of solfeggio and musical literature

Usage creative tasks in music lessons.

The task of creative development of schoolchildren is to purposefully and systematically develop the necessary abilities: original, creative thinking, imagination, emotional responsiveness; and also to form the need for creativity and communication with art. The teacher should help the student to understand the feelings and thoughts of the author, to master the language of art as a means of expressing his own attitude to certain aspects of life.

Children's creativity is inexhaustible. The role of the teacher is to create an atmosphere of absence of fear, to awaken fantasy in him, to strengthen the creative freedom inherent in age and self-confidence.

For disclosure creativity For children, I use active forms and methods: conversations, games, competitions, search experiments, creative tasks, etc.

Creative tasks in music lessons contribute to the overall creative development of the individual, which, in turn, fosters responsiveness, artistic imagination, figurative-associative thinking, activates memory, observation, intuition, forms inner world child, affects the thinking, speech, imagination, activity of the child. Creative tasks make it possible to rely widely on the subjective experience of the child and are quite consonant with the concept of LOO (personally oriented learning).

In order for creative tasks to be of a developmental nature, to contribute to education, training, they must be applied in a problematic form. It is important to create search situations conducive to an independent search for answers and ways of activity. Like any creativity, the creativity of children cannot be limited only by the process of creation. It certainly requires communication about what has been created, that is, its execution and perception.

Students elementary school they can themselves (and with their parents at home) compose poems or a story about the music they heard at the lesson, draw a picture for it, pick up poems by famous poets. When going through the topic of folk music, the guys compose jokes, ditties on given topics.

Reception "Find the missing word."

So, we ask the children to find a word that would complement the list of adjacent ones to confirm the keyword (for example, in the fifth grade, the first topic of the semester is “What would happen to music if there were no literature?”).

Romance is ... and music (literature).

Ballet is… dance and music (literature).

Opera is ... ... music, dance, theater (literature, art or applied).

This assignment can be done either orally or in writing. It actively contributes to the development of thinking in the process of searching for associative links.

Another technique aimed at the same process is "find an unnecessary word."

Students are invited to find the superfluous from a number of logically interconnected words, in this task they also need to combine both educational material, and creative activity aimed at developing associative thinking.

So, for example, in the same fifth grade, the second topic of the semester is called: “What would happen to literature if there was no music?”

Students are offered a chain of musical words that would disappear from literary works if there were no music. When the teacher lists these words, the students are given the condition: raise their hand or say the word “no” in case of a “mistake” by the teacher:

Song, note, piano, plastic, conductor, string, string, orchestra, etc.

Reception visual improvisation.

The musical impressions of children can be supported by children's fine art - drawings on the plots of musical works, modeling characters from plasticine musical fairy tales, design of programs and posters of concerts, drawing technique - I hear, I see, I draw.

In music lessons, from the first grade, students are often given the task of drawing a piece they hear. It is very important which visual images music evoked in a small listener, what a child cannot yet express in words, he can show in a drawing. The drawing technique is very useful in analyzing and diagnosing a student. The developed version of the drawing technique is used from the first grade to the eighth. creative work allow you to see the ability to draw, i.e. work creatively, compare drawings by color, and therefore more accurately determine the emotional attitude to what is heard and depicted.

A) The color of the picture plays a huge role. Dark tones, cold (dark brown, blue, etc.) are considered a manifestation of negative emotions, i.e. negative attitude to the depicted, light, warm colors (yellow, red, etc.) are considered a manifestation of positive emotions, i.e. positive attitude towards what is depicted.

B) Thoroughness and accuracy of the details of the drawing - with positive attitude, with a negative one, it is drawn deliberately carelessly.

C) Creative or formal attitude to the drawing: the dynamism of the drawing, the freedom of composition of the drawing, the presence of a plot, its completeness. The creative attitude to the drawing is determined by the presence of the above characteristics. It indicates a positive emotional attitude towards the depicted. The absence of these characteristics indicates a negative attitude towards the depicted.

Guys love it very much work with cards:

Image of instruments (when listening to a play, the guys determine sounding instrument and write its name).

Cards of images (music is cheerful - "the sun is smiling", music is sad - "the sun is sad").

When playing, the guys raise the desired card.

For children in grades 5-8 can be applied in the classroom project method.

Projects were created: newspaper " Contemporary performers", collage "Favorite songs". With the help of media technologies, the music lesson becomes more colorful and informative! There is only one task - to draw the children's attention to a piece of music, hear and discuss their impressions with them, creatively beat them, for example: show pantomime, draw a picture - impression, arrange a game "Pros and cons", where each team defends either a positive or a critical view of the piece heard.

A variant of the "Kaleidoscope" of creative tasks for working with an instrumental work.

As an artistic image, we chose the musical work of G.V. Sviridov "Autumn" from the musical illustrations for the story of A.S. Pushkin "The Snowstorm".

The children were offered the following kaleidoscope of creative tasks:

looking at the portrait of Sviridov to tell about him.

listen to a piano piece

choose from the provided poems, the most appropriate to the nature of this work

rhythmic recitation to the selected poem, its voicing.

compare piano performance and orchestral performance.

draw four rectangles, label them "Winter", "Spring", "Autumn", "Summer". Color each rectangle with one color that best suits this time of year. Or use not just one color, but combinations different colors. Looking at the pictures, sing "winter", "summer", "spring", "autumn" tunes.

choose the instruments that you heard when sounding “Autumn”, explain why you chose these instruments.

choose from the proposed pictures, the most appropriate to the musical language of the work in question.

compose a rhythmic accompaniment to the piece.

compare this work with the work of G.V. Sviridov "Spring".

recall and name the composers who wrote works about the seasons.

Analysis of the work on the work of G.V. Sviridov "Autumn"

At the beginning of the lesson, the children were asked to look at the portrait of the composer and talk about him. The teacher carefully offered leading questions that helped the children express their thoughts. “Children, here is a portrait of a man in front of you, but we don’t know who he is, what his name is, who he was by profession, at what time he lived ...”. The children immediately answer that this person is a composer, since they are in a music lesson and it is not difficult to guess about this. For clothes, hair, appearance we determine that the composer lives in our time. Further, it is proposed to fantasize about his life, what it was, difficult or carefree and joyful. Almost all children imagine the life of a composer difficult and bitter - this is due to their previous experience of meeting composers (Beethoven, Mozart). It is proposed to get acquainted with the composer, give his name and support the children that all their guesses were correct. We say that the composer was very fond of nature and wrote many works under the influence of natural phenomena.

Children are invited to color four rectangles in accordance with the seasons, with those combinations of colors that, in their opinion, most fully reflect the mood of a particular season. The following colors mainly prevailed: winter - white or white-blue, spring - green, blue, summer - bright combinations of green, red, yellow, autumn - yellow, red.

Further, it was proposed to listen to Sviridov's work "Autumn" in piano presentation. Determine his character. All children noted that the work of a sad, dreary, sad character. The teacher asks the children to name the piece. Most of the children gave the answer - "Autumn", explaining that the melody resembles the fall of leaves from the trees, nature's farewell to the blooming and warm summer.

The next task was to look at the instruments (see Appendix No. 8) and say which ones they would choose for this piece if it sounded in an orchestral performance. The children chose the following instruments: harp, violin, flute, cello, triangle.

Then it is proposed to listen to the orchestral performance. Children animatedly perceived that the timbres of instruments sounded, from those that they named. We encourage the children that the thoughts of the composer and the children coincided. "You and I have also been in the role of a composer." We say that not only many composers turned to the image of autumn in their works, but also many poets and artists dedicated their creations to this season.

Poems are read (see Appendix No. 6), and the children are invited to choose the work of Sviridov that best suits the character. All children, without exception, chose N. Gumilyov's poem "Autumn Song". The children noted that the poem also has a dreary, farewell mood.

It is suggested that the next task is to look at your image of autumn in color, and compare whether it corresponds to the listened work. The whole class chooses the most successful color combinations.

We find out that it turns out that autumn can be different, this is evidenced by the fact that we depicted it in different ways, but how the artists depicted it, let's choose the most suitable landscape for G. Sviridov's work "Autumn" (see Appendix No. 7). The opinions of the children were divided between the landscapes of I.I. Levitan and V.D. Polenov " Golden autumn". But most of the children chose the painting by I.I. Levitan. The children explained their choice by the fact that soft colors prevail in Levitan's landscape, which convey sadness and melancholy.

Next, the children are invited to try to convey the nature of the work with plastic hand movements. The children's movements were dominated by smooth downward swaying movements that convey the fall of leaves from trees.

As homework, the children were asked to remember the composers and their works, which depict pictures of nature. Many children remembered the composer E. Grieg and his work “Morning”, as they recently got acquainted with him at music lessons, several people called the work of A. Vivaldi “The Seasons”.

We see that children are easily involved in the process of working on one work, if it proceeds in this way. Children are constantly creative search, are involved in different types of activities, and on the basis of this work alone, work is underway in several areas. Working on funds musical expressiveness, their relationship with the personality of the composer and with life in general, these are active methods of syntonation with color, word, gesture, comparison with works different types arts, getting used to the position of a composer, an artist. Children develop creative imagination, an unlimited flight of fantasy is observed, while the role of the teacher is limited, he is not an informer, he is in the position of a regulator who directs the reasoning and thoughts of children along the right path, not fettering them in freedom, but only helping their expression.


Russian music - folk and composer

To deepen and consolidate the material covered, as well as to reveal the creative abilities of students on the topic: “Russian music - folk and composer”, I use the following tasks:

Draw an illustration for any Russian folk song or work by Russian composers

draw color associations

Pick up or compose ditties

Craft noise instruments

Come up with movements for an ornamental round dance

Write an essay on the topic: “How do I feel about Russian folk music?”

Compiling and solving crossword puzzles

Execution of test tasks

Tasks for comparison (general and difference)

Compliance tasks, etc.

Examples of creative tasks.


draw color associations for sound folk instruments- balalaika, spoons, accordion, rattles, flute, noise boxes, orchestra of folk instruments.

Exercise(preparation for the final lesson on the section) - research work:

Theme: Russian folk instruments

1 group - gusli, balalaika

Group 2 - flute, horn, zhaleyka

Group 3 - rattles, spoons

4 group - button accordion, accordion

What it is?

The history of the emergence of tools.

Pick up or compose riddles, poems.

Issue work in the form of an abstract, album, booklet (optional).

The goals and objectives of the creative task: the formation of the ability to independently obtain information, the ability to conduct research; deepening students' ideas about Russian folk instruments; instill interest in the subject through the implementation of search activities.

The task "Collect a word"

Pick a word and explain what it means.

Card 1

Card 2

Card 3

Task "Comparison"

Compare musical instruments according to the picture by setting:

A) common features(musical instruments, strings)

b) difference (balalaika - plucked string, violin - bowed string; each instrument has its own timbre; external signs - shape, location in relation to the body of the performer during the game)

Cards -

1. violin - balalaika

2. harp - harp

3. pipe - horn

4. spoons - drum

Exercise « Superfluous word»

Cards -

a) violin, flute, horn, trumpet, piano

b) waltz, lady, hymn, kamarinskaya, polka

c) pianist, trumpeter, flutist, composer, guitar player

d) balalaika, spoons, rattles, saxophone, accordion

d) lullabies pop, gaming, labor, ritual


Russian genres folk songs»

1. With their calm movement, soft play of sounds, these songs seem to caress, lull.

2. This genre of Russian folk song is flourishing at the present time; any phenomenon of modernity finds a quick response in it.

3. In the old days, these songs were sung at any moment when there was a need to pour out one's soul, one's feelings.

4. The main content of this genre of songs is an appeal to nature, birds, animals, singing them is usually simple.

5. These songs accompanied and displayed the hard work of peasants and workers.

6. Important events life was accompanied by rituals. What are the names of the songs that sound during the ceremony.

7. These are usually narrative songs. They glorify the defenders of the Motherland, reflect the events associated with the struggle of the Russian people for freedom.

Make your own crossword puzzle on the topic: "Genres of Russian folk songs."


1. A piece of music performed by an instrument-soloist accompanied by an orchestra -

a) a concert

b) cantata

2. The form of a piece of music in which there is a theme and its changes -

a) tripartite

b) variations

3. How to call "folk art" in one word -

a) folklore

b) win

c) chant

4. A rather large piece of music that is performed by a symphony orchestra -

a) cantata

b) symphony

5. What is the name of the solemn song that glorifies the greatness, the power of their country; a song that is a symbol of the state, as well as a flag, coat of arms -

Music quiz. Learn a familiar musical theme from the works of W. A. ​​Mozart: the title of the work part, action part, theme, section tonality tempo 1 Symphony 40 IV h. GP g-mollAllegro assai 2 Sonata 11 I h. A-durAndante grazioso 3 "The Marriage of Figaro" I d.I d. Cherubino Aria Es-durAllegro vivace 4 Symphony 40 I ch.I PP B-durAllegro molto 5 Sonata 11 III ch. ch. SE Es-durAndante 7 "The Marriage of Figaro" I d.I d. Aria of Figaro C-durVivace 8 "Requiem" VII ch. "The Marriage of Figaro" OvertureZP A-durPresto

Through the pages of the biography of W. A. ​​Mozart. Choose and write down the dates corresponding to the events of the composer’s life of 1756 1756 G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G Yl: The Wedding of Figaro In Vienna Birth with a Hydan family of a court musician Rupture with the Archbishop Collusu, Moving to Vienna Symphony 40 in Vienna Appointment as court composer of Emperor Joseph II in Vienna Acquaintance with Beethoven in Vienna Marriage to Constance Weber Composing the opera "The Magic Flute", "Requiem", death of the composer Rewarding with the Order of the Golden Spur Concert tour of Europe with his father and sister for 3 years

Through the pages of the opera "The Marriage of Figaro" Find out the aria of the hero of the opera from the notes, sign in Russian initial words, put key signs, fill in the table: hero of the opera act number voice tone tempo

Countries and languages ​​according to the pages of "The Marriage of Figaro" question answer What is the name of Beaumarchais's comedy, which formed the basis of the plot of the opera? What language is this comedy written in? What language is the opera's libretto in? In which country does the opera take place? In what country was the creator of the opera, Mozart, born and lived? What is the native language of the composer? Who translated the text of the opera into Russian in 1875?

Complete the titles of W. A. ​​Mozart's operas Abduction from ……………………………………. Don …………………………………………………..…. All of them …………………………………………….… Imaginary …………………………………………..….. Director ……………… …………………………… Mercy ……………………………………….. Magic ………………………………………… Bastien and …… ……………………………………..

Write in what classical musical forms the studied compositions of W. A. ​​Mozart are written? musical forms of the work of W. A. ​​Mozart Simple two private form Simple three-part form Complex three-part form Rondo form Variation form Sonata form

Determine by ear the musical form of one of the parts of W. A. ​​Mozart’s sonata ………………………………………………….. (the rondo of the sonatina in C major performed by the teacher sounds twice) * * * Answer the questions: 1) In what key does the side part of the exposition sound? sonata form, if in the reprise it is written in A major?) In what key does the final part of the exposition of the D minor sonata sound? ………

Give short answers to the questions: What composition did Mozart dedicate to Haydn? In what compositions studied is the meter 6/8? What countries did Mozart visit? What languages ​​did you speak? What instruments did he play? Who is the author of the little tragedy "Mozart and Salieri"? Who composed opera of the same name? What is the name of the affair with Mozart by D. Weiss?

Give brief answers to the questions: Who composed the orchestral suite "Mozartiana" in 1887? Name the genre of comic opera in the 18th century. in Austria and Germany? Name the genres of Italian operas of the 17th-18th centuries. V. (serious and comic) What does "double composition" mean? symphony orchestra? What instrument (string - bowed) is not in a string quartet? What Italian dance do the themes of the sonata A-dur I part and Susanna's aria from the IV act of the opera remind of?

The current situation in our modern life is such that the main conditions are the rapid pace of development, the dominance in the means mass media advertising, entertainment and game programs; and, as a result, the consumer position and passivity of the younger generation. A large number of potential music consumers are not particularly concerned with improving their musical culture and satisfy their musical and emotional needs with music of low artistic quality. The school, directly, must respond to the ongoing changes and take into account these conditions, making certain adjustments to the educational process. To help in resolving this issue is one of the tasks of a teacher of musical literature. It is musical literature that occupies special place in the course of teaching theoretical disciplines in the music school. This subject contributes to the formation of students' historical, stylistic, creative and individual ideas in art.
In recent years, a dangerous trend has been revealed to reduce interest in the study of musical literature. In the author's opinion, the main reasons for this situation were: in many music schools, musical literature occupies a secondary place among academic disciplines; no exam at the end of this course.
Educators tried to stop the alienation of students from cognitive work in various ways. So-called "non-standard lessons" were developed, having main goal, excitation and retention of students' interest in educational work. The opinions of teachers on “non-standard lessons” differ: some see them as progress, the right step in the conditions of a modern school, while others consider such lessons a dangerous violation of pedagogical principles, a forced retreat of teachers under the pressure of lazy students.
Currently, new techniques found in the process of many years of work of many teachers cannot be presented as established norms; constant rethinking and updating of forms and methods of work are required. Each teacher in the process of his activity makes his own adjustments to the traditions existing in teaching. It is quite obvious that there cannot be a standard single type of lesson for performing complex learning tasks, with stages set once and for all and their sequence. A creative approach to the methodology of teaching musical literature is a characteristic feature of the work of modern teachers.
regular shapes academic work used in the classroom of musical literature (lectures, conversations, practical work, tests), do not allow the formation of an active-cognitive position of the student, since he is always in the state of the student. In this regard, it is relevant to develop and use non-traditional forms learning, the meaning of which is not only in the effect of novelty and originality, is a powerful incentive for gaining knowledge.
The author offers his point of view on this problem based on their own teaching experience.
An important task of improving the quality of education is the search for such forms and methods of organization educational process to ensure maximum efficiency. The successful solution of this problem is facilitated by the use of a game approach: lessons-competitions, lessons-competitions, lessons-games, etc. One of the tasks of such lessons is to create a psychological environment of emotional upsurge and activity, in which knowledge is naturally and easily discovered. Students, while retaining pleasant impressions, comprehend the science of communication. Very often such lessons, applied as The final stage work, are the happiest experience of every student.
As experience has shown, playing in the classroom in musical literature significantly activates the cognitive activity of students, allows you to create an environment in which they can show their special knowledge and abilities. The game has a stimulating effect on the course of the educational process, forms in students the desire for self-education, develops practical skills.
The main advantages of the game method are as follows:
  • the complexity of the formation of knowledge, skills and abilities is ensured;
  • the process of acquiring knowledge becomes active;
  • students gain experience, make mistakes and correct them without incurring significant moral costs;
  • development of desire and ability to act independently.
Game activity the child was studied by many domestic psychologists (Vygotsky L.S., Elkonin, A.N. Leontiev). Scientists believe that in the game the child realizes desires that in reality - practical activities often not feasible. It is in the game that unconscious desires and needs are satisfied. But the game should have an educational and cognitive function and implement certain goals and objectives.
G. Tarasov notes that the most important task of the teacher is to give the game purposefulness through the assimilation of the theme of the program.
E. Grosse, D. Elkonin, G. Neuhaus - scientists and musicians talk about two positive aspects of gaming activity:
  • perception of social experience;
  • actualization of individual experience.
And they note that the game every time acts as a phenomenon that is born in this moment as a process full of surprises, novelty and therefore attractive to its participants.
L.S. Vygotsky calls this process a “meeting” of the social and the individual, which can only occur in the imagination, only under the influence of emotions, and only in a figurative form. It is this process that appears in the minds of students as something “magic”, amazing, wonderful. He, obviously, reveals the secret of the special attraction of gaming activity for students.
But we should not forget that the game is not entertainment at all, but a serious, exciting, interesting activity that requires the full participation of students. Of course, a joke, humor, a smile are quite natural for the creative atmosphere of the lesson. However, many humorous things in music, in accordance with the nature of educational, didactic tasks, may also require intense, serious efforts from students: attentive listening to music, the ability to give a deep and convincing characterization, and active reflection on it. A musical game for children is a serious activity: both in terms of the nature of the tasks and results of this activity, and in terms of the significance of this activity as a whole for the child's personality.
The game provides continuity musical development students at various stages of learning. In the studies of psychologists, age-specific features associated with a change in the positions of children in a learning situation are sufficiently defined. At the same time, in each class, the game retains its originality in accordance with age characteristics students and the increasing level of their musical and aesthetic training.
According to the target orientation, game forms can be classified into three main types.
1. Story games;
2. Role playing;
3. Competition games.

Comparative characteristics of traditional and non-traditional forms of work

traditional forms
Non-traditional forms
Direction of study
Subject-oriented to the assimilation of a certain amount of knowledge, skills, abilities
Personally focused on motivation, the level of preparation of each student, the development of his abilities and the enrichment of personal experience
Bringing everyone to the same result
The development of each personality of the student, depending on its needs
Learning principles
Visibility, accessibility, from simple to complex, consistency, etc.
Activity, problematic, systematic, modularity
The nature of the relationship between the participants
The subject of the activity is the teacher, the object is the students
The subjects of interaction are the teacher and students
Student activity
Reproducing knowledge

The proposed types of games can be interpenetrating, interconnected.
Each teacher can invent and apply many such games and their variants in their work. Children like them, arouse their constant interest, are fun and interesting. Allows you to develop skills in a live and direct form independent thinking and creativity, broaden their horizons.
The proposed material was developed for the final lessons in musical literature for students in grades 4-5. Each of the blocks of the lesson is aimed at identifying certain signs of a successful learning activities. Tasks involve a combination of individual, group, frontal forms of work in oral and written form. Let's consider some of them.

I. Theoretical warm-up.
A number of questions (10-15) are presented to the attention of students, which determine the assimilation of musical theoretical material and serve as a means of psychological looseness of children. The nature of the questions is very important, they should have a high level of "informativeness", and at the same time be short (ie designed for a short answer). Some questions are formulated in an entertaining way and require a certain ingenuity.
Sample set of questions.
4th grade.
1. Which of the Russian composers is also known as a scientist-chemist, the author of more than forty scientific works?
2. What geometric figure has become a musical instrument?
3. What opera by M.I. Glinka, written based on the fairy tale by A.S. Pushkin, which takes place in Kievan Rus?
4. Which country is proud musical works his national composer E. Grieg?
5. What instrument did Sadko, the hero of a famous fairy tale, use?
6. In the orchestra of folk instruments, this instrument performs the same role as the violin in the symphony. What tool are we talking about?
7. Initially, among the Slavs, she was a positive deity, the guardian of the clan and traditions, children, and during the period of Christianity, this pagan goddess was given evil, demonic features, endowed with an ugly appearance and an evil character. Who are we talking about?
8. What is the name of the introduction to the opera?
9. What is a "tuning fork"?
10. What is the name of the ballet by S.S. Prokofiev, based on the fairy tale of the same name by Ch. Perrault?
5th grade
1. The hero of which ballad of M. Glinka is Napoleon?
2. Remember the names of choral and singing voices.
3. The muses of what romance, created for the glory of " wonderful moment love", became mother and daughter - Anna and Ekaterina Kern? Do you know that fate wanted the composer to love his daughter with the same strong love that the poet loved his mother. Who are they?
4. Name the names of the composers in chronological order:
Prokofiev, Tchaikovsky, Mozart, Varlamov, Schubert, Glinka.
5. What ballad by I. Goethe served as the program of the eponymous
symphonic scherzo French composer P. Duke?
6. Where do these lines come from. Who is the author of the text?
Between heaven and earth My song, fly with a prayer
The song is distributed, Quietly, at one o'clock in the night.
With a non-original stream Into the grove with a quiet foot
Louder, louder it pours... You come, my friend.
7. What part of S. Prokofiev's cantata "Alexander Nevsky" is the only solo number in this work? What voice is it written for?
8. What is the name of the singing of a choir or ensemble without musical accompaniment?
9. What is the name of the main service of the Orthodox, Catholic Church?
10. What is "vocalise"?

II. Teamwork.
Students are divided into two groups, each team receives an envelope with a task. A series of proposed questions determines the knowledge of musical and theoretical terms, the creative heritage of composers, musical material. It is this block that to a greater extent indicates the need intersubject communications not only the disciplines of the music course, but also the educational schools. For example, to complete these tasks, skills are required: intonation and auditory analysis, piano proficiency, knowledge historical dates, literary works.

4th grade
1 . Group correctly (by elements) musical speech, by groups of instruments, etc.).
2. Establish possible logical connections:


Wind harp

Harmonica song

Domra Orchestra

Singer polyphony
Choir organ

3. Correlate the portrait with the name of the composer;

  • fragment of his biography;
  • a fragment of the history of the creation of the work;
  • a fragment of the work itself (perform solfegging or on an instrument)

4. Choose among the drawings of musical instruments those that depict:
  • wind;
  • strings;
  • drums;
  • Russian folk instruments;
  • symphony orchestra instruments, etc.

5th grade
1. Musical message. IN musical example, made up of
several topics:
  • perform (solfeggio, piano);
  • mark the boundaries, name the works;

2. Portrait row.
From the proposed series of portraits of composers, find the author
musical message.
3. creative heritage composer (author of a musical message).
Epoch, country, creativity.
4. Significant dates.

1840 1812
1242 1791
  • P.I. Tchaikovsky was born
  • Start of the Patriotic War
  • Year of death of W.A. Mozart
  • M.I. Glinka was born
  • Battle on the Ice.

III. Music quiz.
This task allows you to evaluate the long-term musical and auditory memory of students, knowledge of the works provided for by the program. For each number, a certain score is set, the completeness of the answer is taken into account. Whenever possible, the numbers are presented in video playback or live performance. It is possible to attract students, perform pre-prepared numbers (a musical message to a friend).

IV. Horizon.
This is the final stage of the lesson and does not require binding to the topic of the lesson. This is a block that allows you to reveal the musical horizons and the depth of knowledge in the history and theory of music.

Sample list of questions.

1. Contemporaries of which composers were: S. Eisenstein, E. Kern, M. Fogl, D. Guichardi, A. Salieri, etc.
2. Since 1958 young musicians different countries are going to Moscow international competition name...
3. Russian virtuoso balalaika player, creator of the first domestic orchestra of folk instruments.
4. Russian artist, author of portraits of M. Mussorgsky, M. Glinka.
5. Name of the International Television Competition for Young Musicians.
6. Our musical city. Issues related to the musical life of the native city

  • When was the symphony orchestra... of the philharmonic organized?
  • Who is leading the orchestra?
  • Name the soloists of the Philharmonic?
  • What event happened...etc.

Wide application in the pedagogical practice of the author found the so-called travel lessons And lessons - practical exercises. For example, the final lesson in the 4th grade of the second quarter is a trip to the City of Music. Each student imagines himself as some kind of instrument in the city of music and events unfold according to the scenario invented by the students themselves (with the help of a teacher). The guys also play the role of correspondents, whose main task is to interview the instruments. And write it down at home. And in the future, you can arrange a competition for best article.
Lesson - a practical lesson is a comprehensive analysis of the work, which is carried out in several stages. For this task is selected relatively small work(necessarily a whole, not a fragment) with clearly distinguishable boundaries of the musical form.
Students listen to music several times.
  • first listening: it is proposed to get acquainted with the music, to feel the main mood, character, to hear if it changes throughout the play.
  • second audition: determine the form, draw a table in accordance with the musical form.
  • third audition: determine the means of musical expression used by the composer to create the character, mood of the music, enter them in the table.
  • final audition: filling in the table and describing how the musical images in this work.
The task allows you to reveal a lot: students' knowledge of musical forms, means of expression and their range possible changes, the ability to isolate these changes by ear. But the most important thing is final stage tasks when all structural changes in the musical fabric should become the basis for describing the artistic musical image.
Means of musical expression









Students are invited to use a set of character traits (artistic moods) according to V. Razhnikov, which will help to more accurately feel and realize the psychological qualities of each mood, its character, emotional peculiarity.
It should be noted that the above forms of work are not basic and should not replace traditional types of work.

1. V. Razhnikov. Guide to the diary of creative development. M., 2000
2. A. Podlasy. Pedagogy. M.: 1998
3. Yu. Lyakh. Prospects for the development of the discipline of musical literature in the Children's Music School of the Children's Art School.//Collection methodical works for teachers of music school., Abakan 2003
4. About Karavskaya. Music connoisseurs. Novosibirsk 2000
5. Development of creative abilities of students in the lessons of "Musical Literature". Omsk 1988
6. G. Panova. Activation of mental activity in music lessons.
7. N. Suslova. Musical Olympiad.
8. V. Petrushin. Musical psychology. M., 1997
9. V. Razhnikov Dialogues about musical pedagogy. M., 2000
10. G. Tarasova. Psychology of artistic play.

General concepts, genres, forms, program visual music

1. Which king performed solo parts in ballets _______________________________

2. What was created in Paris in 1661 _____________________________________________

3. When the minuet began to be danced in Russia _____________________________________________

4. Which country was the trendsetter of dance fashion in the 17th century _________________

5. Who became the "king of the waltz" __________________________________________________________

6. Under what king was the "Academy of Dance" created in France _____________________

7. Part of what complex genres of the 18th century did the minuet _______________________________

8. What was the name of the first ensemble of violinists of Louis 14. __________________________

9. Which dance was the predecessor of the waltz ____________________________________

10. What were the names of the public meetings established by the decree of Peter I in 1718.

11. In which country did the polka dance originate ____________________________________

12. The creators of the "Viennese waltz" were ... _______________________________________________ 13. What movement in the dance is a symbol of the sun ________________________________

14. Who in the 17th century in France headed the "Royal Academy of Music" _______________ 15. In which country do chardash and verbunkos dance ____________________________________

16. What does the word “genre” mean in French ____________________________

17. In which country was E. Grieg born __________________________

18. In what century did ballet separate from opera and become an independent type of musical and theatrical art _______________________

20. What country and when did it become the birthplace of opera, name the first operas _________________

21. Name the dances in 6/8 time _________________________________________________

22. What is a "corps de ballet" _____________________________________________________________

24. Explain the word "ballet" ____________________________________________________________ 25. What are "secondary genres" _________________________________________________

26. What "secondary" genres arose in the 18th century ____________________________________ 27. What is "pantomime" ______________________________________________________________
28. What is an overture, where does it sound and what is it intended for ____________________

29. Name an outstanding choreographer, a contemporary of Pushkin _______________________

30. What is a libretto _____________________________________________________________

31. When and where was E. Grieg born _________________________________________________

32. Who wrote the music for Goethe's play "Egmont" _____________________________________

33. What types of art are combined in ballet performance ___________________________


34. Name the first opera buffa, its author, when and where the performance took place _______________

35. What works are musical stage works: _________________________


36. What dramatic plays have gained popularity thanks to music _______________

37. Name the first classical Russian opera, its creator and the date of the premiere ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

38. When and where was the "Royal Academy of Dance" founded __________________________


40. When and where did the first operas appear, what were they called _____________________________

41. What is opera buffa, what subjects were written for these operas ___________________________

42. When was the ballet school opened in Moscow _____________________________________

43. Who is Solveig ____________________________________________________________

44. Which composer became the founder of Russian classical ballet


45. What is opera seria, what plots were written for these operas _____________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________

46. ​​Which composer became the founder of Norwegian classical music


47. In what play by Grieg does the music shock the listeners with the power of grief and pain of loss


48. In which countries did Grieg give concerts _____________________________________________


49. What images are shown in Beethoven's Egmont Overture _____________________________
50. What does the word "pastoral" mean ("pastoral", "pastoral") ___________________

51. What are the characteristic stable features of the march ___________________________________

52. List the pieces from the first suite "Peer Gynt": _________________________________

53. What are the characteristic stable features of the march ___________________________________

54. In what play does Grieg “draw” a landscape of his native nature ______________________________

55. Which composer became the founder of Norwegian classical music ________


56. How many suites were composed from the music for Ibsen's drama "Peer Gynt" _______________

57. What shape does the old one have french dance"Minuet" _______________________

58. Name two types of simple 2-part form. ___________________________

59. Write the formula of a simple 3rd private form _________________________________

60. What can be a reprise in 3 private form. ____________________________________________________________________________

61. What is the name of the period in which 8, 16, 32 cycles ___________________________________

62. Translate the inscription "Da capo all fine" ____________________________________________

63. What does the word "Rondo" mean?

64. What is a "refrain" _______________________________________________________________

65. What is a "cadence" _______________________________________________________________

66. Write the formula for a simple 2-part reprise form. _______________________________________________________________________________

67. Write the formula for a simple 2-part non-reprise form. _____________________________________________________________________________

68. Write the rondo formula ____________________________________________________

69. What is variational form _____________________________________
70. How does a complex 3-part form differ from a simple _____________________________


71. What are they called musical themes in rondos, sounding between refrains ______________

72. What is the name of the period in which 7, 9, 10 cycles ___________________________________

73. What are the main expressive means for depicting movement. _____________________________________________________________________________

74. What is "program visual music". _________________________________

75. What can music represent. __________________________________________________


76. What can be depicted in music with the help of rhythm and tempo _________________________

77. What expressive means can depict the space _____________________________________________________________________________

78. Name a few examples of programmatic visual music _________________
79. List the types of marches ____________________________________________________

80. In which songs are real events intertwined with a fairy tale _______________________


Questions on Russian musical literature

1. Introduced into Russian opera music the principle of continuous musical development.


2. What was the name of Dargomyzhsky's first opera based on the plot of Victor's novel

Hugo "Notre Dame Cathedral" ____________________________________________

3. Which fragment of the opera "Eugene Onegin" was Tchaikovsky's favorite?

It was with him that he began to create opera music? ___________________________________


4. Refused his inheritance in favor of the peasants? __________________________________

5. He sang heroic and heroic traits of the Russian character in music _________________ 6. Captured ancient Russian rituals in his operas? _______________________________

7. In what genre was the opera "Eugene Onegin" written? _________________________________

8. Composed an opera about the patriotic deed of a Russian peasant? ________________________

9. The name of the work of R.-Korsakov, which has a pronounced oriental character?


10. Who discovered the socially accusatory theme in Russian music? ______________________

11. This cycle piano pieces Written under the impression of the work of a friend of the composer, a well-known artist. Name:

A) names of the artist and composer ______________________________________________

B). name of the cycle of plays _______________________________________________________________

12. Who suggested to Borodin the idea and plot of the opera "Prince Igor"? _______________________

13. What play by Glinka was the beginning of the birth of the Russian symphony school?


14. How many symphonies did Tchaikovsky write? What is the name of the last one?

15. What operas by other composers did R.-Korsakov finish? ___________________________



16. What is the name of the first Russian fabulous-epic opera?


17. Name of the 2nd symphony of Borodin _______________________________________________

18. The first of the Russian composers, depicting the Russian people, divided it into 2 classes


19. What choral technique did Mussorgsky use for the first time in one of his operas? The name of this opera? _________________________________________________________________________

20. "Orchestral sorcerer" ________________________________________________________

21. Introduces something new into music means of expression- recitative? ________________________

22. Which of the Russian composers lived his short life in loneliness, poverty, illness and misunderstanding of his work? ______________________________________________

23. Have you been fond of chemistry, natural science, music since childhood? ____________________________

24. Initially had a legal profession? ___________________________________________

25. Who has the basis of music - a wide, songlike plastic melody? ____________________

26. To whom a serf nanny instilled a love for Russian folk songs, and for an orchestra

Music - the musicians of the fortress orchestra? _______________________________________

27. First began to compose string quartets(in Russian music)? ______________________ 28. Did you have an ear for color and music? ____________________________________________

29. About whom it is said: “He recreated in his music the whole ocean of Russian people, life, character -

Terov, relationships, misfortune, unbearable burden, humiliation ”(V. Stasov)


30. What is the name of the first Russian opera in the nature of a psychological everyday musical

31. What is literary basis opera "Prince Igor"


32. Who said these words: “Music is my soul!” or “The people create music, and we, the com-

Positors, we only record and arrange it”? __________________________________

33. How many operas did R.-Korsakov write? Which? _______________________________________




34. Was he the first to write romances and songs of a satirical nature (for the Iskra magazine)?


35. "Singers" of the heavy share of the Russian people (3 people: composer, poet, artist):


36. Founder of the genre of Russian lyrical opera? _______________________________

37. Founder of Russian classical music ___________________________________

38. Was an officer of the Preobrazhensky Regiment? __________________________________________

39. Did you study with A.G. Rubinshtein? ____________________________________________________

40. Who was friends with Sechenov, Botkin, Mendeleev? _______________________________

41. Founder of the symphonic fairy tale genre? ___________________________________

42. Who (Russian composer) music has a lyrical-dramatic character?


43. What is the main idea of ​​the opera "Boris Godunov"? ___________________________


44. Founder of the genre of Russian historical and everyday opera? _____________________________

45. Was friends with Pushkin. Delvig, Zhukovsky. Puppeteer? _______________________

46. ​​Composer, doctor, chemist, major public figure ___________________

47. "Great teacher of musical truth." Who? ___________________________

48. Name Glinka's romance dedicated to the discovery of the first railway in Russia?


49. How many operas did Tchaikovsky write? Which? _______________________________________




50. Guilty soldiers were taken to the performance of what opera by a Russian composer?

51. In what operas by R.-Korsakov does the image of Ivan the Terrible appear? _____________________


52. Traveled a lot in foreign countries, was familiar with Brahms. Grieg, Saint-Saens (rus.

Composer) __________________________________________________________________

53. What was the original name of Glinka's opera "Ivan Susanin"?


54. Who wrote accusatory romances, gloomy and tragic in sound?


55. Under the influence of what events R. Korsakov arranged for a symphony orchestra

Burlatskaya song "Dubinushka"? _______________________________________________

56. He loved the waltz very much and introduced it into all genres of his work _______________________

57. To whom are the works "Waltz-Fantasy" and the romance "I remember a wonderful moment" dedicated?

58. What is the name of the big one, climactic scene 2nd act of the opera "Prince Igor"?


59. Composer, doctor, chemist, major public figure ___________________.

60. "Great teacher of musical truth." Who? ___________________________


Questions on foreign musical literature

  1. Having passed a serious exam, he received the title of honorary member of the Bologna Philharmonic Academy, professor, and he was then 14 years old? ________________________________________________________________________
  2. Is it possible to dance to the music of Chopin's waltzes? _______________________ Why? ________________________________________________________________
  3. What is the difference between a sonata and a symphony (structure, performance)? ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
  4. . His work was recognized during his lifetime. IN last way saw him off

20 thousandth crowd of fans? _______________________________________

  1. What distinguishes the hero of Schubert's songs from the hero of Beethoven's works? What caused this difference? _______________________________________________________________


  1. What Mozart's music is based on the development of second intonation?

Where else can you find this intonation in Mozart? ___________________________


  1. Served as bandmaster for thirty years for the wealthy Hungarian prince Esterhazy? ____________________________
  2. Had a versatile talent: a brilliant composer, organist, harpsichordist and virtuoso violinist, an unsurpassed improviser?________________________
  3. The German composer decided to embody the grandiose idea of ​​the universal brotherhood of mankind. To realize this extremely difficult task, he used means of expression unusual for the chosen genre. This symphony is performed by an enlarged symphony orchestra and a choir singing lines from Schiller's ode at the end.

"For joy" call:

A). This work _________________________________________________

10. The first representative of romanticism in music? ________________________________

11. At the age of 19 he went on a concert tour and could no longer return to his homeland -

Poland? _______________________________________________________________

12. What is a suite? What are the components of a dance suite?




  1. One Austrian composer In the 18th century, a major operatic reformer wrote a comic opera in which he sang of a man of the third estate, showed his lively mind, love of life, and willingness to fight for his rights. The composer managed to create bright, lively characters of the characters by musical means, to convey their state of mind.


A). name of the opera

IN). literary source_________________________________

  1. What founder artistic style was Haydn in music?


  1. In 1822 one Viennese composer composed a symphony that heralded the beginning new era in symphonic music. It is considered to be the first Western European lyric-romantic symphony. It has a lot of unusual: new form buildings

(only 2 parts), intimate poetic character, sad thoughtfulness and inner

Niy psychological drama.


A). name of the symphony

B). its tonality

  1. The composer said: “I will grab fate by the throat and not let it crush me!” ________________________________________________________________________
  2. "The Piano Poet". Who is this?_______________________________________________
  3. J.S. Bach was a representative of what artistic style in music?


  1. Musical thoughts visited him day and night. He even slept with glasses so he could wake up quickly and record his musical dreams. _____________________________
  2. As a child, he had a beautiful voice, so he sang in the church choir of St. Stephen's Cathedral in Vienna? ________________________
  3. He was buried in a common grave at the Vienna cemetery, among other human rabble: criminals, beggars, homeless people. The exact place of burial is unknown ______________________________________________________________
  4. According to the last wish of the composer, after his death, his heart was sent to his homeland in a special vessel, where is it kept to this day? ____________________
  5. The young pianist at first frightened, and then conquered Vienna with an unusual manner of playing: very stormy, loud, expressive __________________________________
  6. What is polyphony? What are the polyphonic genres? _______________________


  1. Nothing could break this musician: lack of money, illness, loneliness and even complete deafness Who is this!
  2. One composer of the 19th century wrote 9 symphonies, but did not hear a single one during his lifetime, wrote 22 sonatas for piano, but only 3 were published, composed 604 songs, but only 174 were published, and none of his operas was accepted for production. Who is this unfortunate composer?___________ _________________________
  3. In Paris, in the artistic salon, he was considered a "star" of the first magnitude among no less bright "stars": writers - Balzac, Musset, Heine, Mickiewicz, composers - Liszt, Bellini, etc. _____________________________________
  4. He entered the history of music as the "father" of the symphony and quartet genres _______________
  5. At the age of 6 he was already a virtuoso and began concert activity at home and abroad? ________________________
  6. Was he a representative of an ancient and very musical family? ___________________
  7. What is a chapel? ___________________________________________________________


  1. Which composers worked as bandmasters? _____________________________


  1. Living in a foreign land, he was very homesick for his homeland, so he often turned to national melodies. This is how his polonaises and mazurkas were born. Who is this? ________________________________________________________________________
  2. The father demanded that his son follow in his footsteps, i.e. Became a school teacher
  3. Born in the Austrian city of Salzburg, lived a short but very bright life? _________________________________
  4. When (in what centuries) and where did L. Beethoven live ____________________________________


  1. Which composer piano music is distinguished by a pronounced everyday character, simplicity and intelligibility for perception and performance, melodiousness and expressiveness? __________________________________________________
  2. Did you lay the foundation for the composition of a symphony orchestra? ______________________

How many groups? __________________

What tools are included? ______________________________________________



  1. had a large, friendly musical family. Playing music in free time

Together? ____________________________

  1. In which Beethoven symphony is there a main theme that dominates throughout the entire 1st movement? ________________________________________________
  2. What is a nocturne? Who wrote them? __________________________________________


  1. .Acquainted with a new musical instrument - "pianoforte", the composer and brilliant performer immediately appreciated its merits and was the first to play it. Who is this man?_____________________________________________________
  2. Blind at the end of life? _____________________________
  3. During a trip to Italy, he attended a church service, and then from memory he recorded the most complex polyphonic work, which was considered the property of the church and was performed only once a year, name:

A). where did it happen?

B). what was performed in the church once a year

C). who wrote down this work from memory ___________________

  1. . Who wrote 11 symphonic program overtures? ("Egmont", "Coriolanus", "Leonora") ____________________________
  2. Founder of Austrian classical opera?_____________________________

a) the name of the opera

B). its genre affiliation

IN). what language was it sung in?

  1. Whose three sons became composers?________________
  2. In what two of his compositions does Schubert tell a peculiar musical story about love, betrayal, social inequality and tragic loneliness? __________________________________________________________________________
  3. In what genre did Mozart's reforming talent manifest itself most clearly? ___________________________________________
  4. What musical genres did Chopin transform greatly, turning them into virtuoso concert pieces? _______________________________________________________________
  5. Sometimes he was very free to take the traditional forms of the sonata and symphonic cycles, breaking the sequence of parts, musical themes introducing new themes. For example: he called the 3rd part of the symphony “scherzo”, not “minuet”.

A). Who is this composer?

B). why did he do this?

53 What new form was born in the era of classicism? Her features?





54 What is "HTK"? How is this work built? _____________________________

55 What musical instruments did Schubert play?____________________________
56. What is cavatina ____________________________________________________________

57. She was born in the south of Europe. Her name means "in the open air". Now with one, then

From the other street in the evenings her sounds are heard. Who is she? ________________________

58. What work was called "symphony with candles" __________________

59. Say in Latin the word "fiction" _______________________________________

60. What is the pseudonym of Emanuele Conegliano, the author of the libretto of the most popular operas

Mozart. ________________________________________________________


Music material for the quiz

1. Agapkin. March "Farewell of the Slav"

2. Albinoni. Adagio in G minor

3. Anonymous. Gregorian chant, 9th century

4. Bach. Toccata and Fugue in D Minor

5. Beethoven. Symphony No. 5, intro. and ch.p. 1 hour

6. Beethoven. Symphony No. 5, vib. p. 1h.

7. Beethoven. Sonata No. 8, intro. 1 hour

8. Beethoven. Sonata No. 8, Ch.p. 1 hour

9. Beethoven. Sonata No. 8, 3h.

10. Beethoven. Egmont Overture

11. Borodin. Opera "Prince Igor" - choir "Glory to the Red Sun"

12. Borodin. Opera "Prince Igor" - Prince Igor's aria "Oh give me, give me freedom"

13. Wagner. Ride of the Valkyries

14. Haydn. Symphony No. 103, 1 hour, intro.

15. Haydn. Symphony No. 103, 1 hour, ch. P.

16. Glinka. Opera "Ivan Susanin" - polonaise, 2d.

17. Glinka. Opera "Ivan Susanin" - Krakowiak, 2d.

18. Glinka. Opera "Ivan Susanin" - mazurka, 2d.

19. Glinka. Opera "Ivan Susanin" - Vanya's song "How Mother Was Killed..."

20. Glinka. Opera "Ivan Susanin" - Susanin's aria, 4d.

21. Glinka. Opera "Ivan Susanin" - choir "Glory"

22. Glinka. Op. "Ruslan and Lyudmila" - overture

23. Glinka. Op. "Ruslan and Ludmila" - Ludmila's cavatina

24. Glinka. Op. "Ruslan and Lyudmila" - Farlaf's rondo

25. Glinka. Op. "Ruslan and Lyudmila" - the march of Chernomor

26. Glinka. passing song

27. Glinka. lark

28. Glinka. I remember a wonderful moment

29. Glinka. Kamarinskaya

30. Glinka. waltz fantasy

31. Glitch. Op. "Orpheus and Eurydice" - flute melody

32. Glitch. Op. "Orpheus and Eurydice" - choir of the Furies

33. Grieg. "Peer Gynt" - "Morning"

34. Grieg. "Peer Gynt" - "The Death of Oze"

35. Grieg. "Peer Gynt" - "Anitra's Dance"

36. Grieg. "Peer Gynt" - "In the Hall of the Mountain King"

37. Grieg. "Peer Gynt" - "Solveig's Song"

38. Gregorian chants (2)

39. Debussy. "Puppet Cakewalk"

40. Pity. Round dance tune

41. Janequin. "Birdsong"

42. Lyadov. "Baba Yaga"

43. Lyadov. "Kikimora"

44.Macho. Mass - "Sanctus"

45. Mendelssohn. Wedding March

46. ​​Mozart. Symphony No. 40 - 1 hour, Ch.p.

47. Mozart. Symphony No. 40 - 4 hours, Ch.p.

48. Mozart. Op. "The Marriage of Figaro" - overture

49. Mozart. Op. "The Wedding of Figaro" - Figaro's aria "The frisky boy ..."

50.Mozart. Requiem - No. 7 "Lacrimoso"

51. Mussorgsky. "Pictures at an Exhibition" - "Walk"

52. Mussorgsky. "Pictures at an Exhibition" - "The Limoges Market"

53. Mussorgsky. "Pictures at an Exhibition" - "Hut on Chicken Legs"

54. Mussorgsky. Op. " Sorochinskaya Fair» - hopak

55. Mussorgsky. Op. "Boris Godunov" - chorus "Oh, how glory to the red sun in the sky"

56. Mussorgsky. Op. "Boris Godunov" - Varlaam's song "Like in the city ..."

57. Mussorgsky. Op. "Boris Godunov" - Boris' monologue "I have reached the highest power ..."

58. Organum ( ancient form chants)

59. Purcell. Op. "Dido and Aeneas" - Dido's aria

60. Prokofiev. "Peter and the Wolf" - final march

61. R-Korsakov. Op. "Snow Maiden" - introduction

62. R-Korsakov. Op. "Snegurochka" - songs and dances of birds

63. R-Korsakov. Op. "Snegurochka" - 3rd song by Lel

64. R-Korsakov. Op. "The Tale of Tsar Saltan" - "Three Miracles" (squirrel)

65. R-Korsakov. Op. "The Tale of Tsar Saltan" - "Flight of the Bumblebee"

66. R-Korsakov. "Scheherazade" - 1 hour.

67. Saint-Saens. "Carnival of the Animals" - "Kangaroo"

68. Saint-Saens. "Carnival of the Animals" - "Elephant"

69. Saint-Saens. "Carnival of the Animals" - "Swan"

70. Vogelweide. knight's song

71. Khachaturian. Lezginka from the ballet Gayane

72. Tchaikovsky. " children's album» - «Kamarinskaya»

73. Tchaikovsky. Ballet "The Nutcracker" - March

74. Tchaikovsky. Ballet "The Nutcracker" - Chinese dance "Tea"

75. Tchaikovsky. Ballet "The Nutcracker" - Dance of the Shepherds

76. Tchaikovsky. Ballet "The Nutcracker" - Russian dance "Trepak"

77. Tchaikovsky. Ballet "The Nutcracker" - Dance of the Dragee Fairy

78. Tchaikovsky. Ballet "The Nutcracker" - Waltz of the Flowers

79. Tchaikovsky. Op. "Eugene Onegin" - Lensky's arioso "I love you ..."

80. Tchaikovsky. Op. "Eugene Onegin" - Onegin's aria "If only life ..."

81. Tchaikovsky. Op. "Eugene Onegin" - Lensky's aria "Where, where have you gone ..."

82. Chopin. Waltz cis-moll

83. Chopin. Etude No. 12 c-moll "Revolutionary"build and sing with resolution:

B6/4, D7, umVII7, M6, uv4

3. Sing from sight and analyze No. 292

4. What chord is called a seventh chord?

What are the introductory seventh chords?

B I L E T No. 2

1. In the key of D-dur build and sing:

A). harmonic scale;

B). newts with resolution;

T6 - S5/3 - D2 - T6 - D4/3 - T5/3 - VII7 - D6/5 - T5/3

2. From the sound "mi"

D2, М6/4, umVII7, uv2, uv4

3. Analyze and sing from sheet No. 283

4. Characteristic intervals

B I L E T No. 3

1. In the key of h-moll build and sing:

A). natural range;

B). all reduced intervals;

IN). harmonic sequence:

T6 - D4/3 - t5/3 ​​- umVII7 - D6/5 - t5/3 ​​- s6/4 - D6 - t5/3

2. From the sound "fa" build, determine the key, resolve and sing:

Um5/3, D4/3, VII7, ch4, um5

3. Analyze and sing from sheet No. 296

4. What is "chromatism", "modulation", "deviation"?

B I L E T No. 4

1. In the key of Es-dur build and sing:

A). harmonic scale;

IN). harmonic sequence:

T6 - D4/3 - T5/3 - VII7 - D6/5 - T5/3 - S6/4 - D6 - T5/3

2. From the sound "re" build, determine the key, resolve and sing:

SW5/3, M6, umVII7, B6, SW4

3. Analyze and sing from sheet No. 323

4. Tell all about newts.

B I L E T No. 5

1. In the key of E-dur build and sing:

A). harmonic scale;

B). newts;

IN). harmonic sequence:

T6 - S5/3 - D2 - T6 - T5/3 - VII7 - D6/5 - T5/3

2. From the sound "re" build, determine the key, resolve and sing:

B6, umVII7, D2, SW4, Ch5.

3. Analyze and sing from sheet No. 316

4. Frets of the folk muse

B I L E T No. 6

1. In the key of c-moll build and sing:

A). natural range;

B). all extended intervals;

IN). harmonic sequence:

T6 - s5/3 - D2 - t6 - D4/3 - t5/3 ​​- umVII7 - D6/5 - t5/3

2. From the sound "mi" build, determine the key, resolve and sing:

М6/4, D4/3, VII7, um5, m3

3. Analyze and sing from sheet No. 294

4. Related keys

B I L E T No. 7

1. In the key of f-moll build and sing:

A). melodic scale;

B). characteristic intervals;

IN). harmonic sequence:

T5/3 - mindVII7 - D6/5 - t5/3 ​​- t6 - s5/3 - D2 - t6

2. From the sound "fa" build, determine the key, resolve and sing:

D4/3, um5/3, M6/4, ch4, uv2

3. Analyze and sing from sheet No. 289

size 4. Types of sizes.

B I L E T No. 8

1. In the key of E-dur build and sing:

A). harmonic scale;

B). characteristic intervals;

IN). harmonic sequence:

T5/3 – VII7 – D6/5 – T5/3 – T6 – S5/3 – D2 – T6

2. From the sound "mi" build, determine the key, resolve and sing:

B6, D4/3, umVII7, b3, sv4

3. Analyze and sing from sheet No. 317

4. Intervals. Name all diminished and enlarged intervals.

B I L E T No. 9

1. In the key of fis-moll build and sing:

A). natural range;

B). newts with resolution;

IN). harmonic sequence:

T5/3 - s6 - t6/4 - D7 - t5/3 ​​- umVII7 - D6/5 - t5/3

2. From the sound "to" build, determine the key, resolve and sing:

VII7, М6/4, D2, М6, b2

3. Analyze and sing from sheet No. 325

4. Anharmonism. List all enharmonic equal keys.

B I L E T No. 10

1. In the key of Des-dur build and sing:

A). harmonic scale;

B). all extended intervals;

IN). harmonic sequence:

T5/3 - S6 - T6/4 - D7 - T5/3 - VII7 - D6/5 - T5/3

2. From the sound "si" build, determine the key, resolve and sing:

D7, М6/4, SW5/3, CH5, SW4

3. Analyze and sing from sheet No. 281

4. Fret. Key. Gamma. List all major scales in fifth


Developed by: head of the theoretical MO T.V. Volkova