Drawing on the theme of the best day of summer. Drawing for children on the theme: Summer

The summer drawing can be the culmination of the past summer holidays and family travel season.

It allows you to recall in your memory all the most significant events of days filled with sunlight and save them for the future, transferring them to a piece of paper.

Questions for conversation in a lesson on the topic “Summer”

In order to make it easier for children to spill out their memories onto the space of a white sheet of paper, they need to be configured accordingly, to open a channel to the source of imagination and creativity. Therefore, before we begin the actual drawing process, we conduct a focused conversation, during which we look for answers to auxiliary questions:

  • Did the kids enjoy their summer holiday?
  • Where does summer feel best - in the apartment or on the street? In the city or in nature?
  • What natural phenomena indicate that it is summer outside?
  • How can you tell from the plants that it’s summer outside? Which plants have become the real symbol of summer?
  • How do you remember this summer - fine, warm, or rainy, cloudy?
  • Which days did you like best – sunny or rainy?
  • What did you do when it was raining outside? Did you enjoy it?
  • What event do you remember most?
  • What colors would you like to depict a memorable event?
  • Which colors are happy and which are sad?
  • What colors best reflect the colors of a sultry sunny day? (We gradually lead the children to the definition of warm and cold shades).

How to conduct a lesson on the topic “Summer Drawing”?

Having smoothly guided the kids to think about the upcoming work, we give them a few basic ideas to start the creative process.

  • Let's discuss where to start our drawing. (By defining what exactly we will try to depict).
  • Many kids will want to depict nature. We tell you that such a picture will be called a landscape, and in French this word means “country” or “terrain.”
  • We are thinking about where we will start filling the space of the white sheet. (From drawing the horizon line). We think in which case the horizon line should be lower (if we want to draw a lot of sky) or higher (if the main goal is to draw what is located on the ground). We explain that the horizon line is drawn thinly, with a simple pencil, and then erased.
  • We are thinking about whether it is necessary to depict the sun, and if so, in what ways can this be done.
  • We ask if someone will paint the forest. Usually there are a lot of such people in the group. Then we conduct a small master class on drawing trees: we gradually lead the kids to the fact that trees become thinner as they move up their trunk, that their branches are also thicker and more powerful at the bottom than at the top. We examine several ways to depict the deciduous crown and silhouettes of coniferous trees.
  • Let's find out if someone will draw flowers. We think about how best to do this, remember that some flowers have a center and petals, and some do not. We recall the stylized image of flowers, explain to the children what the concept “stylized” means.
  • We discuss how animals can be depicted - realistically or stylized. Children are very fond of stylized drawings; they manage to convey well the main characteristic features of the depicted object.
  • For inspiration, we show the kids several reproductions of summer images by famous artists. We discuss how the master managed to convey the atmosphere of a summer day, how he distributed objects on his canvas, what colors he used, and what special techniques he uses in his work.
  • Let's turn on some nice light classical music and begin the creative process. As we work, we approach the children and tell them if something is not working out for them.
  • At the end of the lesson, we make sure to arrange an impromptu gallery, asking each child to tell about their painting and give it a name. We suggest doing a series of similar works yourself in order to preserve a more complete picture of the past summer days.

Children's drawings: ideas for inspiration

Children's drawing summer is always rainbow colors, positive energy and piercing sincerity.

Such a painting will not just decorate the room, it will fill the surrounding space with its positivity, attract attention to itself and create a benevolent atmosphere in the house.

How to draw summer: ideas, art techniques, step-by-step instructions and pictures for drawing.

Summer is the time when you can forget about textbooks for a while, and finally do what your soul dreams of: run around and have fun with friends, swim in the pond, see your family, soak up the gentle sun. Children's drawings on the theme of summer are very different, but they all exude warmth and kindness.

What can you draw on the theme of summer for children?

  • Summer is the time to relax by the sea, with white sand, seagulls and a warm wind that blows in your face

  • But if you haven’t been to the sea, then the picture depicting an inflatable pool also looks very attractive

Lollipops, a swimming pool, a ball game - a wonderful summer vacation!
  • Even in summer it’s nice to relax near the river

  • In the summer, kids who live in the city can go to the village and get to know the animals better. The author who painted the following work liked the red cat. It seems that the cat is about to reach out with his paw for the butterfly, but, of course, he won’t catch it.

  • Some children will drink fresh milk in the summer and be able to pet a calf

  • In summer, meadows and fields are constantly changing, sometimes they are yellow when dandelions bloom, sometimes they are white when fluff begins to fly from them, sometimes they are multi-colored when forbs bloom.

How to draw summer nature step by step with pencil and paints?

In paintings depicting summer you can see trees and bushes in lush greenery. Let's try to figure out how to draw them. To make such a drawing you will need gouache and a black pencil. In addition, this painting uses three different drawing techniques at once, so by completing this work, children and adults will be able to improve their skills in fine art.

The picture has a deciduous tree, birch and bushes, we will draw summer step by step and show you how to draw each element.

How to draw a tree?

First you need to draw a thick tree trunk with a thick brush, and then gradually paint the branches extending from it with a thin brush.

When the trunk is dry, dip your brush in green paint and paint on the leaves. This is not difficult to do: just touch the brush to a sheet of paper and apply a little pressure.

How to draw a white birch tree with green foliage?

Let's try to draw a birch using the technique of applying gouache on wet paper:

1. Dip the brush into water, and then wet the place on the sheet where the design will be

2. Take green gouache and draw the outline of the tree crown with it

3. When the drawing is dry, take white gouache and draw the trunk with it

4. Wait until the white gouache dries too. After this, take a black pencil or felt-tip pen, circle the tree trunk and draw stripes

5. To make the birch tree look more natural, take dark green paint and paint leaf dots

6. Take a black pencil or felt-tip pen and outline the crown of the drawn birch tree with a wavy line

You can make a whole grove from birch trees painted using this technique. Experiment with colors, make the crown dark and individual leaves light, use gradient coloring, in which some parts of the crown will be darker, others lighter.

How to draw a bush?

To make this drawing, we use the third technique, namely, drawing with a sponge. So, first you need to randomly draw the outline of the bush with a pencil. And after that, paint it with light green paint using a brush.

When the first layer of paint has dried, you need to take a sponge, dip it in dark green paint and apply a second layer of paint with light touches.

When the gouache applied with a sponge has dried, take brown paint and paint first the trunk, and then the thin branches.

If you add small leaves with a brush, the bush will appear more lush and voluminous.

How to draw summer in the village?

Many children go to visit relatives in the village during the summer holidays. That’s why such village houses appear every now and then in the drawings “How I Spent My Summer.”

To create such a drawing you will have to work hard: you will need to make markings using a ruler and draw the textures of stone and wood. To work you will need:

  • Simple pencil
  • Ruler
  • Colour pencils

They will make this job easy! Let's start by drawing a house. How to do this is shown in the picture below.

It is very easy to construct a drawing according to this scheme; you will notice that the first picture consists exclusively of simple geometric shapes, rectangles and isosceles triangles. Additional lines appear in the second picture. The third one already has rounded details. And in the last, fourth, image there is already the texture of the stone.

How to draw building materials is shown in the figure above: in total for this work we need two textures: the texture of stone and the texture of wood. When all the small details are drawn, you can start coloring the house with pencils.

House for the drawing “How I spent my summer”

But don’t forget that in our final picture there is also a fence. And it covers part of the house. Therefore, before picking up colored pencils, we create the outline of the hedge.

At first, only thin strokes are drawn that indicate where the boards will be, and then rectangles are built around them - this makes it easier to predict in advance what the fence will ultimately look like. Add other details of the landscape: trees, river, path, bridge. As a result, uncolored, our drawing will look like this:

How to draw a summer landscape step by step with pencil and paints?

Not everyone gets to go to the countryside in the summer, so pictures on the topic “How I spent my summer” sometimes include city high-rise buildings. We'll tell you how to draw them too. The easiest way to start drawing a high-rise building is with geometric shapes. Please note that if you want to depict not only the facade of the house, but also one of its side walls, then the rectangles will be irregular. This can be clearly seen in the first picture.

The fourth picture shows how to draw windows of different shapes. If you have made your choice, transfer them to the facade of your drawn house, and the drawing can be decorated with paints or pencils.

How to draw summer with a pencil step by step for beginners and children?

The sea is another traditional summer holiday destination. And so that kids and those who don’t know how to draw can draw a seascape, we offer a simple diagram.

Drawing “How I spent my summer” - vacation at sea

The finished drawing will look like this:

How to draw a girl Summer?

Summer is sometimes depicted as a girl walking through green meadows. The background for such a drawing can be any summer landscape depicting nature. And step-by-step instructions on how to draw a girl can be found or. Animals are sometimes drawn near the girl symbolizing summer: a puppy or forest animals. Drawing “Summer by the stream”

If you want to draw summer with felt-tip pens, a drawing like the one in the picture below will suit you.

Drawing "Summer Vacation"

In summer there is a lot to do in the garden and vegetable garden.

How to draw a picture for children - how did I spend my summer?

Probably the most interesting drawings with the theme “How I spent my summer” are created by the children themselves, so entrust this task to them.

And although it’s already autumn, memories of summer are still vivid – thanks to the wonderful drawings of our competitors.

Diana Shilova is a regular participant in our competitions. She drew her “summer” using arms and legs. It turned out very interesting!

The mother of a five-year-old girl, Vasilisa, writes:

Despite her young age, my daughter has extraordinary abilities; she loves to draw, cut out and create. Her own bangs, a huge number of socks and tights, ownerless rags and handkerchiefs, in short, it’s impossible to list everything, have already suffered at the hands of Vasilisa. I try to direct my daughter’s energy in the right direction; I do a lot of extra crafts and drawings with her.

In the summer, my daughter and I were in the Volga region, where we swam and ate fresh ripe berries and fruits. When I asked Vasilisa: “What do you remember most about your grandmother?”, my daughter answered: “Apples.” That’s why our summer drawing is simply called “Apples.”

First, Vasilisa drew the fruits on paper, then transferred them to thin felt, cut them out and glued them onto a felt napkin. Butterflies are also cut out of napkins. Now, in St. Petersburg, we will admire the picture and remember the hot Volga summer.

Pupils of kindergarten No. 1518 prepared an entire exhibition of drawings.

Emelyanov Egor, 6 years old. "Duck Family"

Novikova Dasha, 6 years old. "Ah, summer!"

Kotlyar Alisa, 6 years old. "Summer for Mom"

Hamid Adela, 5 years old. "Summer in the Park"

Summer means flowers, butterflies, bright blue skies and green grass. This is exactly the picture we will draw today. From this drawing you can make a postcard.

Necessary materials:

  • A sheet of white paper;
  • Colored pencils in yellow, orange, red, pink, dark green, light green and blue. The pink color can be replaced with purple, then you get a real rainbow;
  • Thin black marker;
  • A simple pencil (preferably soft 3B);
  • Eraser.

First, use a simple pencil to mark where the flowers will be located. The lines should be very light, barely noticeable. The shape of the flower fits into an oval. Place the ovals at the bottom of the sheet, at different angles to the edges of the paper and to each other.

In the upper part, make room for the butterfly; use light lines to determine its size and direction of flight.

If you connect the corners of the wings of any butterfly with lines, you get a trapezoid. Therefore, you need to start drawing a butterfly with this figure. Having outlined its contours, divide the trapezoid with a line approximately in the middle. From the corners to the center of the trapezoid, round off the shape of the wings. Label the body and head.

Now you need to draw the flowers. In the middle of each planned oval you need to make smaller ovals.

From these small ovals, draw diverging lines separating the petals.

Round the petals without disturbing the intended shape of the flower.

Using light lines, mark the location of several leaves. They should be located in different directions. First, draw the middle line of the sheet, then two lines from the tip with a corner. Draw the leaves, rounding the lines.

Carefully trace the resulting outlines of flowers, leaves and butterflies with a marker. Try to keep the lines smooth.

Take a blue pencil. Using transparent lines, sketch out the horizon line approximately in the middle of the sheet, as well as the lines of the hills below. Use light strokes to tint the sky. Start tinting from the upper corners of the sheet towards the horizon line, gradually loosening the pressure.

From the horizon line it is also very easy, using loose strokes with a gradual weakening of pressure, indicate the distance with the hills.

Use a yellow pencil to color the butterfly's wings. This should be done in small strokes with even pressure. Do not press the pencil too hard, it is better to cross-hatch in one place several times until you achieve the desired tone.

Paint the body of the butterfly orange, and use a marker to draw small details: spots and black corners on the wings, eyes and antennae.

Now it's time to do the flowers. Use a yellow pencil to shade out the centers.

Then start tinting the petals. To make the tinting look neat, outline and color each petal separately. The strokes should be small and the pressure on the pencil should be even.

Our drawing shows a red, orange and pink flower. But you can come up with another combination.

Color the leaves this way: one half of the leaf is dark green, and the other half is light green.

Finish the drawing by working out the details with a marker. In the middle of the flowers, apply several dots, draw veins on the leaves.

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Drawing on the theme of Summer for primary schoolchildren

Children are very fond of drawing!
Let's look at summer through the eyes of a child:
Who will we see? Let's see a baby elephant
Which slowly passes across the sky
And it turns into something...
We will also see a mermaid by the river,
Who came fishing this morning.
It doesn’t matter that it’s a neighbor, Alenka,
We look at summer through the eyes of a child.
And in the thicket of the forest we will see a mushroom,
And a sip of happiness from that stream,
Let's get carried away with the moth... Quietly!
We look at summer through the eyes of a child...
And the rain is a joy for us, because there is a hole in the sky
And someone is pouring water on us for laughs...

And it became clear that it could take so long
Let us look at summer through the eyes of a child...
(Author Anna Grushevskaya)

Summer is fun Martynenko Natalia
Butterflies are flying
The nightingales are singing.
Pigeons are walking
And they drink from a puddle.
No, not all of course
But I do not care,
Summer has come!
I love him!
I will catch butterflies in a net!
I will feed the pigeons from my hands!
It's summer, mom, let me out!
Let's walk in the park together!
I don't care, mom
Even if "No"
The main thing is that we are nearby!
There is no more happiness!
(Author Sebila Dzhabragimova)

Tseyser Eva

View of the Burla River in Ilyinka Polyakov Danila

Summer flowers are beautiful and joyful Nemchenko Ksenia

Our whole family is going on a trip Rogalsky Veniamin

In the summer I admire the beauty of nature and watch insects Grits Anna

We are at sea. Only in the summer can you have so much fun Gavrikova Daria

Summer and a fairy tale are great Kiseleva Olga

View of the evening forest Tovmasyan Arusik