Quest for elementary school "visiting a fairy tale." Quest game for children of the preparatory group “Journey to a fairyland”

Alime Selemetova
Quest game in senior group"On the roads of fairy tales"





quest - game for older group

"By fairy tale roads»

Prepared by the teacher:

Selemetova Alime Rustemovna

Play for preschoolers is a way of learning about the environment; games have great pedagogical value - they develop children’s ingenuity, endurance, self-control, sense of humor, and organization.”

N. K. Krupskaya

Games take the most important place in a child's life.

Quest is an adventure game in which you need to solve problems to advance through the story. The point is that, as a rule, there is a certain goal, which can be reached by consistently solving riddles. Each riddle is the key to the next point and the next task. And the tasks can be the most different: active, creative, intellectual. Games are built on communication interaction between players. Without communicating with other players it is impossible to achieve individual goals, which stimulates communication and serves in a good way to unite the players. Immersion in the atmosphere of the game would be incomplete without unexpected encounters. Quest is an adventure game that requires the player to solve mental problems to advance through the plot, which implies the activity of each participant. This is a game that simultaneously uses the participants' intellect, their physical abilities and imagination. In the game you need to be resourceful, train your own memory and attentiveness, show ingenuity and intelligence. Quests help them cope well with team building, help them establish successful interaction in a team, to feel and form mutual assistance, division of responsibilities and interchangeability, and, if necessary, learn to mobilize without panic and very quickly solve non-standard tasks that ordinary life participants were unlikely to encounter. In every quest For children, elements of education and relaxation must be combined.


Comprehensive development of children in various areas (physical, cognitive and social-communicative);


creating a positive emotional mood;

development of social and communicative qualities through

collective decision common tasks;

solving problem situations;

ability to perform various game tasks;

broadening one's horizons;

development logical thinking, fantasy, imagination;

vocabulary enrichment;

instilling in children an interest in reading;

fostering respect for fairy tales, a feeling of admiration, belief in miracles;

improvement of movement coordination;

fostering a sense of camaraderie and mutual assistance.


Drawn map to Baba Yaga's hut;

- "magic" chest;

Audio recording fairy tales, songs from cartoons "Crocodile Gena", « flying ship» , "Little Red Riding Hood", "Leopold the Cat";

Portrait of Carlson;

- "swamp" and Princess Frog;

Green oak, scientist cat;

Doll Baba Yaga, hut on chicken legs;


Hello guys. I am Alime Rustemovna Selemetova. Guys, look, guests came to us today, let's smile at them and let's say hello: "Hello!"

All the children gathered in a circle.

I am your friend and you are my friend!

Let's hold hands together

And let's smile at each other.

Today I want to invite you to go on a journey with me. Ready?

(children's answers)

(Baba Yaga laughs)

Baba Yaga:

Hello, hello, my freckled ones. Why are you quiet? They were probably very happy to see me. Do you even know who I am? That's right, Baba Yaga. Where am I from? (from fairy tales) It is truth too. Do you love fairy tales? Do you know many of them? Fine….

Today I was asked (as the smartest and most beautiful) guide you through fairy tale roads. But these roads are not easy. You will have to very try, remember a lot fairy tales, answer tricky questions, help fairy-tale heroes . And for this you will receive a surprise at the end of the journey from me: magic book.

- To fairy tale to get there and not get lost, you, iris, need to solve riddles.


Well, what's up guys? Ready to go to fairy tale? Aren't you scared? Well done!

(children's answers)

Baba Yaga:

Guardian of the gate - two from the casket, identical in appearance. Only now they are afraid to show themselves to you, so they have become invisible and are standing here next to me, waiting for their turn. But they haven’t lost their voices, so listen carefully and guess correctly. For correct guesses I will give you hint: map with route.

(recording of riddles is turned on)

Almost became the mole's wife

And a mustachioed beetle!

I flew with the swallow

High under the clouds. (Thumbelina)

The granddaughter went to her grandmother,

I brought the pies to her.

The gray wolf was watching her,

Deceived and swallowed! (Little Red Riding Hood)

It was baked from flour,

It was freezing at the window.

Ran away from my grandparents

And he became lunch for the fox. (Kolobok)

Gobbling up rolls,

A guy was riding on a stove.

Rode around the village

And he married the princess. (Emelya)

Stands in front of the forest,

And it smokes from a crooked pipe.

There Yaga - the forest grandmother -

He yawns sweetly on the stove. (A hut on chicken legs)

(magical music sounds)

Baba Yaga:

So you have completed the first task, my yachts. I'll tell you secret: It was Vasilisa the Wise who sent me to you so that I could test you, and if I don’t like you, then I’ll lose my cards hands: I love some, my berries, to plant on a shovel, and to plant in the oven. Well have mine hint

(gives the card)


Guys, let's look at the map. Well, let's go on a trip? But first you need to check your readiness for it.

Exercise “We have good posture.”

We have good posture - (Stand up straight, arms along your body.)

We brought our shoulder blades together - (Bring your shoulder blades together. Put your hands to your belt. - 2 times)

We walk on our toes - (Turn around on your toes)

We'll walk on our heels. – (Turn to reverse side on the heels)

We are cheerful and cheerful, we begin our journey.

Our path is not close: We will go through a meadow, a field, through a dense forest.

(Regular walking in pairs).

Here we are in nature. Let's look around with binoculars - how beautiful it is here. (Turns head left and right).

Which one then Fresh air. Need to breathe

(Take a few deep breaths in and out).

Here road walks through a meadow with mown grass.

(Walking alternately : sometimes on the toes, sometimes on the heels).

Look, the grass here hasn’t been mowed yet, it’s very tall.

(Walking with high hip lift).

We almost reached the forest, but huge bushes grew in our way. We need to jump over them and we will find ourselves in the forest. Here we are in the forest.

We find the task “Whose things are these?”

Baba Yaga:

- Let's see how you can recognize one bully whom I bewitched for bragging and disrespect for senior: You see, he comes up with nicknames for decent people.

(On the board there is a poster with a drawn Carlson, decorated with Dunno’s hat, Baba Yaga’s nose, Cheburashka’s ears, Leopold the Cat’s bow, Puss in Boots’ boots, with a basket from Little Red Riding Hood)


-The task is: you need to remove one item at a time, guessing it based on my stories and songs fairy-tale heroes.

1) “The miller had three sons, and when he died he left them only a mill, a donkey and a cat. ”

- From what fairy tales read passage? ("Puss in Boots")

– What thing helped Puss in Boots perform heroic deeds? (boots)

(The teacher removes boots from the poster)

2) Cheburashka’s song is playing.

– Which hero sang this song to himself? (Cheburashka)

– What is Cheburashka famous for? (ears)

(The teacher removes the ears from the poster)

3) The song of Leopold the Cat “If you are kind” is playing

- And who is this kind one? (Leopold the Cat)

- Well, by what item of clothing can you always recognize Leopold the Cat? (by bow)

(The teacher removes the bow from the poster)

4) The song of Little Red Riding Hood is playing

– The girl sang in the dark forest:

- I’ll bring some pies for grandma!

The hat is like a raspberry!

Perhaps this is Malvina? (No, this is Little Red Riding Hood)

- And what item is here from Little Red Riding Hood? (basket)

(The teacher removes the basket from the poster)

5) Baba Yaga:

“And this hero, if he starts singing, it will be bad for everyone.” I’ve been saying for a long time that a bear stepped on his ear! That's why I'd rather talk about him I'll tell you:

- In one fabulous There were short people living in the city. They were called shorties because they were very small. One kid was the most famous, and they called him that because he didn’t know anything.

- Can you guess who it is? (Dunno).

– And the most outstanding part of his clothing? (hat)

(The teacher takes his hat off the poster)

6) A verse of ditties from Babok-Yozhek sounds.

- This is one of my favorites... Answer, who is singing? (Grandmothers-Hedgehogs)

– What gives us such grace and beauty? (nose)

(The teacher removes the nose from the poster)


- So, who did we get?

Baba Yaga:

The Kid has known him for a long time,

He flew into his window. (Carlson)

– What is Carlson missing? (propeller)

(The teacher attaches the propeller)


And you coped with this test, my attentive ones.

And we meet a bear.

We put our hands behind our heads

And we waddle.

(Walking on the outer sides of the feet)

Bunnies jump quickly in the field

It's a lot of fun in the wild.

We imitate the bunnies

Fidgety kids.

(Jumping on two legs while moving forward).

Ahead from behind a bush

The red fox is watching.

We'll outwit the fox

Let's run on our toes.

(Easy running).

There is a pond in front of us.

Where have we ended up? What is this?

(children's answers)

Yes, guys, we have come to the swamp. Look, frog. What Russian folk music do you think? fairy tales this frog? (Princess Frog).

Baba Yaga: The frog princess has prepared a task for you.

A game "Find your fairy tale» .

The teacher reads the task:

Here are illustrations from Russian folk fairy tales. Now I will give you cards with images of heroes fairy tales. Name them. Be careful!

(Kids are playing).

We're walking, we're walking

We raise our hands higher

We don't lower our heads.

Oh, a stream flows on our way.

A stream runs in the forest,

And he’s in a hurry somewhere.

Faster and faster

Glug-glug-glug - the water is gurgling.

(Jumping from island to island).

(Children approach the oak tree).


What kind of tree is this?

(children's answers)

Let's come up to see who's waiting for us here.

(Children go to a tree, a learned cat sits on an oak tree and reads a poem).

Cat: “At Lukomorye green oak,

Golden chain on the oak tree

Day and night the cat is a scientist

Everything goes round and round in a chain..."


Guys, how interesting. This is a scientist cat.

Cat: Mrr! Yes, I am a learned cat, but where are you from and where are you going?

(Children's answers).

Cat: Mrr! A the road there is long, it’s good to rest before it. Sit down on the grass and relax a little, and I’ll sing you a song I'll tell you a fairy tale.

(The children sit in the clearing, and the cat sings the Russian folk lullaby “Bayu-bayushki, bayu”).

Educator: No, no, we can’t fall asleep, we have a lot of tasks ahead.

Cat: Well, then complete my task.

Educator: What, cat?

D/game « Fairytale lotto»


Come on guys, I'll read out the first word of the title fairy tales, and you guess the full name fairy tales.


Children: (The Snow Queen)


Children: (The Scarlet Flower)


Children: (Zayushkina's hut)

Children: (Ugly duck)


Children:(Little Red Riding Hood)


Children: (Tom Thumb)

Children: (Dr. Aibolit)

Cat: Okay, you completed the task, well done! You can continue on your way.

We are now walking up the hill,

Let's spread our wings.

We breathe evenly, deeply,

We walk straight and easy.

(Walking up the stairs).

We reach an intersection.


You and I have reached an intersection, there is a sign on a pole. Let's We'll see: "You'll go left - beautiful toy you will find", “If you go to the right, you will part with your friend”, “If you go straight, you will do a good deed”.

Baba Yaga:

Guys, which one do you suggest choosing? the road? Why?


I have Magic wand. If it lights up, it means you have chosen the right path. (stick lights up). You have chosen the right one the road.

(We reach Baba Yaga's hut)

Baba Yaga:

And Vanyushka is sitting in my house; the swan geese brought him to me. He was walking alone along the roadway roads. You can walk around road? If you want to free him, you need to complete my tasks. Do you agree?

A game "Confusion"


It is necessary to remember and give the correct names fairy tales. Let me read it guys...

1. "Sister Alyonushka and brother Nikitushka";

2. "Ivan Tsarevich and the Green Wolf";

3. "At the dog's command";

4. "The Wolf and the Seven Tiger Cubs";

5. "Pashenka and the Bear";

6. "Geese-Crows".


Well done, you did it!

Baba Yaga:

Well, you have to! Did not expect! You are truly brave and dexterous! Certainly! We were delighted! We won old woman and happy! You are young, strong, dexterous, and I old, unfortunate Granny - Yagusya!

You have completed all the tasks, I will let the boy go, I hope, road he won’t walk alone, much less play there.

Get my magic book.

(Baba Yaga gives a magic book)


Thank you, Babushka Yaga. You and I had a lot of fun and interesting time. Well, we guys are returning to kindergarten.

Alla Krasikova
Entertainment scenario “Quest based on Russian folk tales” for seniors preschool age

Teacher GBOU school 1130

Krasikova Alla Nikolaevna

Entertainment for older preschool children:

« Quest on Russian folk tales»

Tasks: Reinforce content knowledge Russians folk tales , Develop logical thinking, visual-motor coordination, ability to navigate the terrain.

Characters: Guide (group teacher, Baba Yaga, group children.

Attributes: Envelope with a letter; Baba Yaga costume; picture of an apple, according to the number of children; air balloons, by the number of children; puzzles with fairy tales"Kolobok", "Turnip", "Swan geese", "Chicken Ryaba", "Teremok"; diagram with drawings of all of the above fairy tales and with a picture of Baba Yaga; big Stone; chest with a lock; a note with riddles about a stone, a letter; Colored chalk; candy wrappers; basket of sweets; empty boxes, three different keys.

Children receive a letter from a woman Yagi: "Dear Guys! Koschey the Immortal was angry that fairy tales good always defeats evil and stole fairy tales so that everyone will forget them. Help out. Leave the garden into the dark forest, look for Baba Yaga. She will tell you how to find fairy tales

The guys get ready and go out onto the playground. They meet Baba Yaga there.

Educator: Baba Yaga, hello! The guys in the group received a letter. It says they are missing fairy tales. What Koschey the Immortal stole them, and what can you do for us? tell me where to go, Where look for fairy tales.

Baba Yaga: Fu-fu-fu, who came to me, not invited, not invited? Fu-fu-fu, I feel it smells like Russian spirit. Can I give you suggest, Where look for fairy tales, but just play blind man's buff with me first. If you win, I’ll tell you, and if you lose, I’ll fry it and eat it. Well, do you agree?

Baba Yaga is blindfolded and spun around. She tries to catch the guys, but she fails.

Baba Yaga: Oh, they killed grandma, you pranksters. But I can’t show you the way, otherwise Koshey will instantly turn me into an underwater snake.

Teacher and children: What should we do, where should we go? Help us out, Grandma Beauty!

Baba Yaga: Okay, let's shoot. If you guess the riddle, I'll give it to you hint:

Brother and sister

Great misfortune

But they will not be denied help

Magic stove,

Milk river,

And an apple tree, on a difficult road.

(fairy tale Geese - Swans)

Baba Yaga: That's right, guys! Here you are first found a fairy tale, - gives the children a card with a picture fairy tales. - In this fairy tale and the first clue. Go look for an apple tree. And I won't tell you anything more.

The children and the teacher find an apple tree with pictures of apples attached to it. Children pick apples and find a picture with another fairy tale"Teremok" And hint written in apple: “In the grass, you look at your feet, a vessel with clue you are looking for».

Children are looking for bottles in the clearing. They contain puzzle pieces. The guys have to put the puzzle together and find out the next fairy tale"Kolobok". In one of the bottles clue"Miracle Tree". The guys must find a tree hung with balls. They remove the balls and in some of them they find new puzzle pieces with fairy tale"Turnip" and the drawing that prompts which direction to go (stairs, and on it a box with a key).

The children move to the entrance to the kindergarten and find a staircase on which there are many boxes. Keys are hidden in some boxes, picture with fairy tale"Chicken Ryaba" and bookmarks - tips where to go further:

The mountains are full of it.

He often falls to the bottom

The gorge has steep cliffs.

It is hard, small, big.

It comes in different shapes.

He is being removed from the road.


A paper bird lies on the table,

I write the address on the white wing.

paper bird

He will rush to his friend.


Educator prompts that we need to find a stone with a letter and invites the children to look for it near the walls of the kindergarten. Children walk around the kindergarten and find a stone on which written:

If you go to the left, you will lose your horse.

If you go straight, you will find candy.

If you go to the right, you will find treasure in the sandbox.

Arrows are drawn from the stone in three directions. If children choose the path leading to candy, they find a basket full of empty candy wrappers. If they choose the path to the sandbox, they find a sandbox with scoops. They start digging in the sand and find a locked chest. When thinking about how to open a chest, children remember the keys found in the boxes. Of the three keys, only one fits. The children open the chest and discover a diagram showing all fairy tales, which they found, but in one "window" The diagram shows Baba Yaga. The children and their teacher conclude that they need to return to Baba Yaga on their playground.

Baba Yaga: Well, my dears, have you come? A fairy tales Have you found all your friends?

Children show Baba Yaga a diagram with fairy tales.

Baba Yaga: How did you find the way, How collected fairy tales?

The children remember the route they took.

Baba Yaga: Well done, guys. All fairy tales found. Then Koshcheev’s death came, well, I’ll reward you for that (Charms).

Woman do magic, grandfather do magic,

Eight on the side are not yours.

Gray fog, evaporate!

Mountain of candy, appear!

He treats the children and says goodbye to them.

Publications on the topic:

Scenario of the literary quiz “Based on Russian folk tales” for children of senior preschool age“Literary quiz on Russian folk tales” for children of senior preschool age at MDOU combined kindergarten No. 46.

Summary of an integrated lesson for the middle group “Journey through Russian folk tales” Summary of the integrated lesson for middle group kindergarten “Journey through Russian folk tales” (lesson with elements of mathematics.

Card file of physical exercises for Russian folk tales for younger preschoolers"Kolobok" Kolobok, kolobok, warm and ruddy (tilts to the right, left) Jump and hop, jump and hop, our friend has started (jumping and running.

Abstract of OOD on communication for children of senior preschool age “Journey through Russian folk tales” Summary of the organized educational activities on communication for children of senior preschool age on the topic: “Travel through Russians.

Summary of the lesson “Acquaintance with Russian folk costume” for children of senior preschool age Getting to know Russian folk costume Purpose: to give an idea of ​​the history and features of the Russian national costume. Shape.

Balashova Oksana Viktorovna
Job title: teacher
Educational institution: MDOU No. 8 "Cherry"
Locality: Rtishchevo, Saratov region
Name of material: abstract
Subject: quest game "On the roads of fairy tales"
Publication date: 03.05.2017
Chapter: preschool education

Municipal preschool educational institution « Kindergarten No. 8 “Cherry”, Rtishchevo, Saratov region. Summary of the quest - a game for the older group
"On the roads of fairy tales."
Prepared by teacher: Balashova O.V. 2016
Relevance: Play for preschoolers is a way of understanding the environment; games have great pedagogical value - they develop children’s ingenuity, endurance, self-control, sense of humor, and organization.”

N.K. Krupskaya Games occupy the most important place in a child’s life. Quest is an adventure game in which you need to solve problems to advance through the plot. The point is that, as a rule, there is a certain goal that can be reached by consistently solving riddles. Each riddle is the key to the next point and the next task. And the tasks can be very different: active, creative, intellectual. Games are built on communication interaction between players. Without communicating with other players it is impossible to achieve individual goals, which stimulates communication and serves as a good way to unite the players. Immersion in the atmosphere of the game would be incomplete without unexpected encounters. A quest is an adventure game that requires the player to solve mental problems to advance through the plot, and implies the activity of each participant. This is a game that simultaneously uses the participants' intellect, their physical abilities and imagination. In the game you need to be resourceful, train your own memory and attentiveness, show ingenuity and intelligence. Quests help to establish successful interaction in a team, to experience and form mutual assistance, division of responsibilities and interchangeability, and, if necessary, learn to mobilize without panic and very quickly solve non-standard problems that participants are unlikely to encounter in ordinary life. Every game for children necessarily combines elements of education and relaxation.
 Comprehensive development of children in various areas (physical, cognitive and social-communicative);
Progress of the game: Presenter (enters in a Baba Yaga costume): - I smell, I smell, I smell the human spirit. Hello, hello, my freckled ones. Why are you quiet? They were probably very happy to see me. Do you even know who I am? That's right, Baba Yaga. Where am I from? (from a fairy tale) That’s also true. Do you like fairy tales? Do you know many of them? Fine…. Today I was asked (as the smartest and most beautiful) to take you along the roads of fairy tales. But these roads are not easy. You will have to try very hard, remember a lot of fairy tales, answer tricky questions, and help fairy-tale characters. And for this you will receive a surprise from me at the end of the journey: a magic book. – In order to get into the fairy tale and not get lost, you, killer whales, need to guess the riddles of the Guardian of the Gate - two from the casket, identical in appearance. Only they are afraid to show themselves to you, so they have become invisible and are standing here next to me, waiting for their turn. But they haven’t lost their voices, so listen carefully and guess correctly. For correct guesses, I will give you a hint: a map with a route. (The recording of riddles starts) *** I almost became the wife of a mole and a mustachioed beetle! Together with the swallow she flew high under the clouds. (Thumbelina) *** The granddaughter went to her grandmother and brought her some pies. The gray wolf was watching her, deceived her and swallowed her! (Little Red Riding Hood) It was baked from flour, It was cold on the window. He ran away from his grandmother and grandfather, and he became lunch for the fox. (Kolobok) While eating rolls, a guy rode on the stove. He rode around the village and married the princess. (Emelya) He stands in front of the forest, and smokes with a crooked pipe.
There Yaga - the forest grandmother - yawns sweetly on the stove. (Hut on chicken legs) (Magic music sounds) - So you have completed the first task, my yachts. I’ll tell you a secret: it was Vasilisa the Wise who sent me to you so that I could test you, and if I don’t like you, then the cards are in my hands: I love some, my berries, to plant on a shovel, and to plant in the oven... .Well, take my hint (gives the card). Let's look at the map. Guys, do you like to travel? Then you and I will go on a journey, but first we need to check your readiness for it. Exercise “We have good posture.” We have good posture - Stand up straight, arms along the body. We brought our shoulder blades together - Bring our shoulder blades together. (Put your hands to your belt). - 2 times. We walk on our toes - Turn around on your toes. We'll walk on our heels. - Turn in the opposite direction on your heels. We are cheerful and cheerful, we begin our journey. Our path is not close: we will go through a meadow, a field, through a dense forest. (Regular walking in pairs). Here we are in nature. Let's look around with binoculars - how beautiful it is here. (Turns the head left and right). And what fresh air. You need to breathe (Take a few deep breaths in and out). Here the road goes through a meadow with mown grass. (Walking alternately: now on your toes, now on your heels). Look, the grass here hasn’t been mowed yet, it’s very tall. (Walking with a high hip lift). We almost reached the forest, but huge bushes grew in our way. We need to jump over them and we will find ourselves in the forest. Here we are in the forest. Finding a task
“Whose things are these?”
- Let's see how you can
recognize one bully
, whom I bewitched for bragging and disrespect for elders: he, you see, comes up with nicknames for decent people. (On the board there is a poster with a drawn Carlson, decorated with Dunno’s hat, Baba Yaga’s nose, Cheburashka’s ears, Leopold the Cat’s bow, Puss in Boots’ boots, with a basket from Little Red Riding Hood)
The task is this: you need to remove one object at a time, guessing it from my stories and songs of fairy-tale characters. 1) “The miller had three sons, and when he died he left them only a mill, a donkey and a cat.” – Which fairy tale did you read the excerpt from? (“Puss in Boots”) – What thing helped Puss in Boots perform heroic deeds? (boots) (Baba Yaga removes boots from the poster) 2) Cheburashka’s song plays. – Which hero sang this song to himself? (Cheburashka) - What is Cheburashka famous for? (with ears) (Baba Yaga removes the ears from the poster) 3) The song of Cat Leopold “If you are kind” is playing - And who is this kind one, my sweeties? (Leopold the Cat) - Well, by what item of clothing can you always recognize Leopold the Cat? (by bow) (Baba Yaga removes the bow from the poster) 4) The song of Little Red Riding Hood sounds - The girl sang in the dark forest: - I’ll bring pies to my grandmother! The hat is like a raspberry! Perhaps this is Malvina? (No, this is Little Red Riding Hood) - And what object is here from Little Red Riding Hood? (basket) (Baba Yaga removes the basket from the poster) 5) - And this hero, if he starts singing, it will be bad for everyone. I’ve been saying for a long time that a bear stepped on his ear! Therefore, I’d better tell you about him: – In one fairytale city the short ones lived. They were called shorties because they were very small. One kid was the most famous, and they called him that because he didn’t know anything. - Can you guess who it is? (Dunno). – And the most outstanding part of his clothing? (hat) (Baba Yaga takes off her hat from the poster) 6) A verse of ditties from Babok-Yozhek sounds. - This is one of my favorites... Answer, who is singing? (Grandmothers-Hedgehogs)
– What gives us such grace and beauty? (nose) (Baba Yaga removes the nose from the poster) - So, who did we get? The Kid has known him for a long time, He flew into his window. (Carlson) – What is Carlson missing? (propeller) (Baba Yaga attaches the propeller) And you coped with this test, my attentive ones. It will continue like this, and I will remain completely hungry... We walk further through the forest and we meet a bear. We put our hands behind our heads and waddle. (Walking on the outer sides of the feet) Bunnies jump quickly in the field. It’s very fun in the wild. We imitate the little bunnies. Fidgety children. (Jumping on two legs while moving forward). A red fox is looking out from behind a bush ahead. We'll outwit the fox and run on our toes. (Easy running). Again we go further. There is a pond in front of us. Where have we ended up? What is this? (children's answers) Yes, guys, we came to the swamp. Look, frog. What Russian folk tale do you think this frog is from? (Princess Frog).
Baba Yaga:
The frog princess has prepared a task for you.
Game "Find


fairy tale."
Here are illustrations from Russian folk tales. Name them. Now I will give you cards with images of fairy tale heroes. While the music is playing, you are walking. The music stops, go to the illustration of the fairy tale from which your hero is from. Be careful! (Kids are playing). We walk, we walk, We raise our hands higher, We don’t lower our heads. - Oh, a stream is flowing on our way. A stream runs in the forest, and it is in a hurry somewhere. Faster and faster, Glug-glug-glug - the water is gurgling. (Jumping from island to island). (Children approach the oak tree).
Baba Yaga:
What kind of tree is this? (children's answers) Let's come up to see who is waiting for us here. (Children go to a tree; a learned cat sits on an oak tree and reads a poem).
“Near Lukomorye there is a green oak tree, There is a golden chain on that oak tree, And day and night, the learned cat All walks around the chain...”
Baba Yaga:
Guys, how interesting. This is a scientist cat.
Mrr! Yes, I am a learned cat, but where are you from and where are you going? (Children's answers).
Mrr! But the road there is not long, it is useful to rest before it. Sit down on the grass and rest a little, and I’ll sing you a song or tell you a fairy tale. (The children sit in the clearing, and the cat sings the Russian folk lullaby “Bayu-bayushki, bayu”).

No, no, we can’t fall asleep, we have a lot of tasks ahead.
Well, then complete my task.
What, cat?
d/game "Fairytale Lotto"

I say the first word of the fairy tale title, and you guess the full name of the fairy tale. Snowy... Children: (Snow Queen) Scarlet... Children: (Scarlet Flower) Zayushkina... Children: (Zayushkina's Hut) Ugly... Children: (Ugly Duckling) Red... Children: (Little Red Riding Hood) Boy. .. Children: (Little Thumb Boy) Doctor... Children: (Doctor Aibolit) Tiny... Children: (Little Khavroshechka)
Okay, you completed the task, well done! You can continue on your way. We are now walking up the hill, spreading our wings. We breathe evenly, deeply, We walk straight and easy. (Walking up the stairs). We reach an intersection.
Baba Yaga:
You and I have reached an intersection, there are signs on the pillars. Let's read them: “If you go to the left, you will find a beautiful toy,” “If you go to the right, you will separate from your friend,” “If you go straight, you will do a good deed.”
Baba Yaga: R
Fuck, which road do you suggest choosing? Why? I have
there is a magic wand. If it lights up, it means you have chosen the right path. (the stick lights up). You have chosen the right road. We reach Baba Yaga's hut.
Baba Yaga:
And Vanyushka is sitting in my house, the swan geese brought him to me. He was walking alone along the roadway. Can I walk along the road? If you want to free him, you need to complete my tasks. Do you agree?
Game "Confusion".
It is necessary to remember and give the correct names of fairy tales. 1. “Sister Alyonushka and brother Nikitushka”; 2. “Ivan Tsarevich and the Green Wolf”; 3. “At the dog’s command”; 4. “The Wolf and the Seven Tiger Cubs”; 5. “Pashenka and the Bear”; 6. "Geese-crows." Well done, you did it! And now I will test you, how strong and dexterous you are.
(They play the game "Baba - Yozhka").

Baba Yaga
: Well, of course! Did not expect! You are truly brave and dexterous! Well, you will never win the last competition with me.
(Game "Tug of War").

Baba Yaga
: Certainly! We were delighted! We defeated the old woman and are happy! You are young, strong, dexterous, and I am old, unfortunate Granny - Yagusya!

You have completed all the tasks, take the boy, I hope he will not walk along the road alone, much less play there. Get my magic book. Baba Yaga gives a magic book, and in it there are sweets and treats for children. We return to kindergarten.

Summer camp event. Scenario

Scenario. Game-travel through the “Land of Fairy Tales” Evseychik Inna Nikolaevna, teacher of Russian language and literature Stakhanov Secondary comprehensive school
I - III stages No. 32, Irmino. Description: this development intended for teachers and teacher-organizers for organizing summer leisure in school camps or holiday camps. Tasks offered different types
, which contributes to the development of logic, attention, observation, and interest in literature. Children of all ages can take part in the game. Target:
organize leisure time for students, cultivate interest in literature.
- develop memory, observation, intelligence, and speech of students;
- teach children to act unitedly and in an organized manner;
- cultivate a sense of collectivism and camaraderie, interest in literature and reading in general. Equipment:
illustrations for fairy tales, illustrations with modes of transport, route sheets, costumes for the “owners” of destinations (fairy tale grandmother, postman, scientist, musician, art critic, Ole Lukoile). Preliminary preparation:
reading fairy tales, conversations on fairy tales, determining the location of the game (destination: library, museum - if there is one, office, on the site, etc.), preparing route sheets, appointing and training personnel for the game.
Conditions of the game: while moving from point to point, the guys in the squad hold hands.
Progress of the event Dear Guys! Today is an unusual day for us - we will go on a journey through the “Land of Fairy Tales”. Let's visit different countries oh, oh different authors, let's meet with different heroes famous fairy tales. Competitions await you interesting questions, tasks and meetings. And now I want to introduce you to our guest of honor - Fairytale Grandma.
(Enter "Grandma's Fairy Tale")
Grandmother is a fairy tale. Good afternoon, dear children, listeners and readers of fairy tales! How many of you have gathered here. I am very glad to see you all and gladly invite you to the “Land of Fairy Tales”. But first you have to choose what type of transport you would like to travel by (shows illustrations of transport). And, having chosen the transport, appoint a captain, crew commander, chief engineer, driver...

(Teams choose transport for travel and a team captain)
Progress of the event Well, now the Fairy Tale Grandma will give each team a route sheet along which you will travel. It lists the destinations you should visit. But you need to follow only according to the route sheet. (The order of destinations for different units is changed so that there are no two units at the same point at the same time)

(The fairy tale grandmother hands the team captains route sheets)
Grandmother is a fairy tale. If a fairy tale knocks on the door,
Hurry up and let her in
Because a fairy tale is a bird:
If you scare me a little, you won’t be able to find it.
You follow her to the threshold,
And she’s not there...
Only thousands of roads
Scattered around the world.
Which way will she go?
Where will she show up?
Should she swim or walk?
Or rush from where,
Only where a fairy tale should be,
A miracle will happen there...
She has a supply of miracles
And always ready
Every time for all of us
Golden word! (Sergey Ostrovoy)
Progress of the event Guys! We wish you a good trip and good achievements in him. And Grandma the Fairy Tale and I will be waiting for your return.
Grandmother is a fairy tale. IN bon voyage, boys and girls!

(Teams are sent along the specified route)
Author's street.
Assessment conditions: For each correctly found match - 1 point. The maximum number is 16. (Sample answers: B – 1 – b)
Storyteller. Greetings to you, young readers and lovers of fairy tales on Avtorskaya Street. Wonderful authors from different countries live here. To continue the journey, you need to use arrows to establish the connection: author - portrait - fairy tale.

(Answers: G-1-b, A-2-c, B-3-a, B-4-e, Z-5-g, Z-6-g, E-7-d, D-8-h.)
(The team is given a card with a task - see the picture. The team completes the task and the Storyteller indicates the result in the route sheet).
Storyteller. Well done boys. You have completed the task and can continue on your way. Good luck!
Fairy mail
Assessment conditions: for a correctly named hero - 1 point, for the name of a fairy tale - 1 point. Maximum – 14 points.
Postman. Glad to see you, Dear friends. I was waiting for helpers. We received many telegrams at our post office, but all of them were unsigned. I want you to help me determine who sent these telegrams.
(Gives the team a bag with telegrams and the guys read the telegram and name the hero of the fairy tale who sent it, and his address (fairy tale). Then the postman notes the result on the route sheet).
Telegram texts:
- “Sorry, I can’t come because I handed over my boots for repairs...” (Puss in Boots)
- “We can’t meet. An egg breaks - the grandfather cries and the woman cries. Must calm down..." (Rock hen)
- “I found myself in an unpleasant situation. I float on a water lily leaf along the river. I want to get rid of the nasty toad. I will be back later". (Thumbelina)
- “I can’t leave my post. You have to go right, left and guard the oak with fairy tales.” (Cat scientist)
- “So he shot an arrow that it flew away in an unknown direction. Busy looking for her." (Ivan Tsarevich)
- “I was in such a hurry to leave the ball that I lost my shoe. I’m waiting, maybe they’ll return it.” (Cinderella)

- “I offended my mother. I definitely have to find her and ask for forgiveness. When I find and earn forgiveness, I will arrive immediately.” (Boy Star)
Postman. You correctly named the heroes of fairy tales. I hope that we will wait for them. And I wish you easy road on your further journey.
Intellectual Quarter.
Assessment conditions: for each correct answer - 1 point, for each correct explanation - 1 point. The maximum number is 10 points.

Scientist. Hello guys!
I'm a scientist,
Your enthusiastic people have been waiting for you.
I have prepared tasks for you,
To test your logic and knowledge.
I think your mind can handle it
I can tell you what is superfluous and why.
Get to work quickly,
Decide everything together.
Exercise: find the odd one out and explain why.
1.A. S. Pushkin, S. Marshak, R. Kipling, K. Chukovsky. (R. Kipling is superfluous, since all writers are Russian, except R. Kipling).
2. " Ugly duck", "Cinderella", " The Snow Queen", "Wild Swans". (The extra one is “Cinderella”, written by C. Perrault, and the rest of the fairy tales by H. H. Andersen)
3. Stepmother, mouse, swallow, mole. (The extra one is the stepmother. She is not the heroine of the fairy tale “Thumbelina”)
4. “Puss in Boots”, “Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs”, “Vasilisa the Beautiful”, “Axe Porridge”. (The extra one is “Porridge from an Axe,” since all fairy tales are fairy tales, but this one is everyday).
5. “Kolobok”, “The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish”, “Crane and Heron”, “ Ivan the peasant son and miracle Yudo." (The extra one is “The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish”, since this tale is the author’s, and the rest are folk)
Scientist. You guys are great -
We completed the task.
All ends were cut off
Demonstrating both logic and knowledge.
I wish you from the bottom of my heart,
So that you don’t know troubles along the way
And we won.
Good luck on your trip.
Art Gallery.
Assessment conditions: you need to put together four illustrations in 3 minutes and name which fairy tale they are for; for time – 4 points (if you did it in time), 5 points (if you did it earlier), 3 or less (if you didn’t invest in time); 1 point for each correctly assembled illustration and one point for the name of the fairy tale. The maximum number of points is 13.
Art critic. I am extremely glad to welcome you to our temple of art. But we had a problem - I can’t present you all the paintings, because recently robbers got into our gallery and cut the paintings into pieces. To find out what paintings were, you need to restore them.


("The beauty and the Beast")

("Alice in Wonderland")

("Aladdin's Lamp")
(Gives the team several envelopes with illustrations for fairy tales cut into pieces - the illustrations are offered below, and they can be cut arbitrarily. The guys must put the pictures together as quickly as possible and name the fairy tale. Time is taken into account when setting the result)
Art critic. Well done boys. You saved our gallery. Now other children will be able to see these pictures. Thanks for the help. I wish you success.
(Notes the result in the route sheet)
Music salon
Assessment conditions: for each correctly guessed melody - 1 point and for each performed excerpt from a song - 1 point. There are five melodies in total: the total number of points is 10.

Musician(musical director). Hello guys! Our music salon always welcomes guests, true connoisseurs of music and singing.
What is a song?
This true friend.
The song is joy
Loud laughter around,
A thousand melodies, voices in the surf...
There's nothing in the world
More wonderful music
Because music is always with you!
You love musical cartoons and films based on fairy tales. Many of the songs are probably familiar to you. Many have become favorites. And many of you even like to sing yourself. I suggest you play the game “Guess the melody”. I will play a few notes of the melody, and you must name what movie or cartoon this song is from and sing a few lines.
(Songs: Cinderella “Stand in a circle”, princess Zabava “But I don’t want, I don’t want by law...” from the cartoon “The Flying Ship”, song Bremen Town Musicians, the song of Tortilla Turtle from “Buratino”, the song of the squirrel from “The Tale of Tsar Saltan” and others.
Note: the director can choose songs at his discretion; you can play them on musical instrument or listen to the audio recording; there should be no more than five melodies.)

Musician. Hooray! On a narrow path
They meet sometimes
Poem with music
Like a couple in the spring...
And sometimes, dear ones,
Then they merge
They are in eternal understanding,
Like - air, bread, water.
They sing more wonderfully
They sound even brighter
And, becoming a good song -
They will make people happy! (Vadim Semernin)
Guys, live with music in your soul. Let her make you happy.
Boulevard of Secrets
Assessment conditions: for each correct answer - 1 point, if you put in the time; additional 2 points if completed faster; maximum number – 6 points.
Ole Lukoile. They say that there is no such thing as a fairy tale...
Don't believe it! Who told you that?
The one who has grown up completely forgets
As he once dreamed of as a child.
They say that there are no miracles in the world.
They're lying! Believe me, miracles happen!
The main thing is to believe in them, like children,
And they will visit you immediately. (Marina Loksina)
Welcome to the Boulevard of Secrets.
(Takes out a big one multicolored envelope)
There's a secret hidden in this envelope,
Having declassified it, they must give an answer.
Your captain will help you with this:
Try to find out what it will show.
Your team leader will be a mime, and your answers will show how good he is. Having taken a picture out of the envelope, you need to use gestures and movements to show what is depicted on it. And the team must name the object. One picture – 30 seconds.
(Pictures in the envelope: 1)magic wand

2)magic mirror

3) sword-kladinets

4) walking boots

Quest based on fairy tales. Script for children

Quest is absolutely new form both educational and entertainment programs, which allows children to completely immerse themselves in what is happening, because what could be more exciting than a good game?
Is it new? What about our old “Cossack Robbers”? Isn’t this how the game beloved by the older generation unfolded? What about treasure hunting in pirate games? It is important that, based on the above, we can teach our children more successfully using new and old technologies!
And also, if you carefully study oral folk art, ALL folk tales are written according to the principles of a linear quest: if Ivanushka does not fulfill three conditions, he will not find Vasilisa...

Quest based on the fairy tale “Turnip”

, which contributes to the development of logic, attention, observation, and interest in literature. Children of all ages can take part in the game. instill interest in folk art, to fairy tales. Development of children's communication skills and ability to work in a team.
organize leisure time for students, cultivate interest in literature.
Educational. To promote the formation of the ability to apply acquired knowledge in non-standard practical problems.
Educational. Bring children together, give them pleasure, promote group bonding and organization.
Grandfather, Grandmother, Granddaughter, Bug, Murka, Mouse
The heroes of the fairy tale gathered to pull the turnip. But grandfather is old - he forgot where he sowed the turnip... Accordingly, we need to find it and this is what our little heroes will have to do.
Grandfather reveals to the children the secret that every fairy tale hero has a piece of the map. By collecting the map you can find the place where the turnip grew! And sends the kids to grandma!
Station No. 1 Babka
The grandmother was very happy about the children and she had a task in store for the young helpers. She prepared riddles about vegetables for them.
I was born to glory
The head is white and curly.
Who loves cabbage soup -
Look for me in them. (cabbage)

She's hiding from the sun
Under a bush in a deep hole,
Brown is not a bear,
In a hole - but not a mouse.

For the curly tuft
I dragged the fox out of the hole.
To the touch - very smooth,
It tastes like sweet sugar.
The kids did a great job. Grandma handed them a piece of map and the kids moved on.

Station No. 2 Granddaughter
The granddaughter loves to dress up, and she asked the guys to decorate her earrings with berries. Here the guys did their best with the help of plasticine and decorated the earrings for the Granddaughter with various berries: currants, strawberries, etc. The granddaughter, delighted, gave away the next piece of the card.
The guys followed to the next station.

Station No. 3 Zhuchka and Murka
The third piece of the map is kept by the dog and cat! They give the children the task of playing cat and mouse. Here we will need a small bell and something to blindfold.
Children played this game for a long time! We had fun catching each other!!
Having played enough, the kids get the third piece of the card and run to the mouse.

Station No. 4 Myshka
The mouse hid the card in her supplies. The mouse asks you to help her sort out the grain (put aside the pasta and leave the buckwheat)! There, at the bottom of Myshkin's reserves, the guys found the last piece of the map.
Having combined all the found pieces of the map, the guys went in search of the turnip planted by their grandfather.
The turnip was found, and of course, little surprises for the children were hidden along with the turnip!
Thus, by conducting classes in the form of a quest game, traveling through stations, you can diversify your activities, and even spending them on a walk, we turn an ordinary day into an exciting adventure.
The quest makes it possible to include activity and project tasks as riddles, which allows participants to independently acquire new knowledge.
Quest as a universal gaming technology allows for a short time unobtrusively involve players in various types children's activities.
There is no doubt that when a child grows up, he will behave in his own way. professional activity the same way he behaved in the game as a child: plan, predict, achieve results and improve his physical and moral qualities.
Those. Quest games are one of the interesting means aimed at self-education and self-development of a child as a creative, physically healthy person with an active cognitive position. Which is the main requirement of the Federal State Educational Standard for Education.

1. the federal law RF "On education in Russian Federation", N 273-FZ dated December 29, 2012
2. Polat E.S., Bukharkina M.Yu., Moiseeva M.V., Petrov A.E. New pedagogical and information Technology in the education system / Proc. aid for students ped. universities and higher education systems qualified ped. personnel / ed. E. S. Polat - M.: Publishing Center "Academy", 2001.
3. Collection of Russian folk tales.
4. Osyak S.A., Sultanbekova S.S., Zakharova T.V., Yakovleva E.N., Lobanova O.B., Plekhanova E.M. Educational quest – modern interactive technology // Contemporary issues science and education. – 2015. – No. 1-2.;