How to learn to dance street dances: technique and instructions. How to learn street dancing without leaving home

How to learn to dance Street dance?

Dancing is accessible to people of all ages and social classes. With this type of art you can always show your feelings, express love, passion, despondency, freedom. There are permanent dances - classics of all times. But over time, new styles appear, new movements that help you dance differently. Street dancing has become very popular today. How to learn to dance street dances, let's see together.

First steps to learning

Every major city has dance schools. If you find a place where they teach street dancing, don't rush to go there. Why? These dances have different directions, so it's best to figure out which style you prefer first. There is a lot of information on this topic. You'll be surprised how diverse the spectrum is dance moves. But how can you learn to street dance if you don’t have any special skills? Don't worry, you will have them over time if you learn to feel freedom.

Yes, it is the spirit of freedom and the ability to control your body that is the basis of street dancing.

Home school

It is absolutely possible to learn street dancing at home. There's nothing complicated about it. Moreover, your time is saved, you deprive yourself of embarrassment in front of strangers, you devote as much time to yourself as no dance teacher would. The financial side also does not suffer. You will be surprised that with such savings you have awakened the brilliant dancer within you. Now only efficiency and desire will show what you are capable of. For training, take ready-made interactive lessons. They will help you master basic technique dancing.

Dance video lessons

About 10 years ago, many people never dreamed of video lessons for beginners. They could not imagine that a video would help a person learn how to street dance. The dancers themselves performing on the street were called hooligans, and no one could have thought that one day they would teach others, and even online. Today everything has changed. It is now not uncommon to see dancers on the street, and video lessons have become available with the help of the Internet. Among the mass of proposed lessons, preference is given to specialized video schools. Only street dance professionals teach there.

So, if you decide to master the most popular and in-demand dance style, find a video on the Internet teaching street dancing and watch one lesson. Try to repeat any elements to feel freedom of movement and learn the capabilities of your own body. After this, choose which direction of this dance style interests you most, and begin to learn individual movements.

As an example:

I want to dance, teach me!

In addition to one statement: “I want to learn how to street dance,” you also need a great desire and patience, because before you start learning, you need to look different styles of this art, choose one. Regularly hone the same movements, bringing their execution to perfection, repeat even simple movements after the trainer in video lessons.

If we are talking about famous dance- tectonics, then use special exercises to develop the plasticity of your body. Feel the music! Develop a sense of rhythm, distinguish between strong and weak share. Learn to perceive music so you can improvise.

The type of dance - Tut - basically contains movements characteristic of the inhabitants Ancient Egypt. The dancers clearly change positions, perform many movements at right angles, keep their hands as straight as possible, and keep their heads at the same level. Look through the illustrations of ancient Egyptian rulers and you will see the essence of this dance. Arms lowered or raised with hands bent parallel to the ground, and a characteristic turn of the torso.

As for the clothes of street dancers, they do not have a special style, since there are more than twenty varieties of such dance. It doesn't even matter what color it is. The main thing in clothing is that it does not restrict movement. A formal suit, a hoodie, wide jeans with sneakers and a dress for oriental dance are acceptable.

Stick to it good graphics training, and you will succeed!

Everyone can dance, regardless of age and physique. But, many people from going to dance studios holds tightness. They think that their awkward movements will be discussed and laughed at.

Situations, of course, are different. But if a person is timid, then there is still a way out. You can learn how to street dance on your own. We'll look at how to do this in this article.

Where to begin?

You have decided to learn street dancing at home. Start like this:

  • choose suitable clothes. Since this is dancing for the streets, you can wear something light and cheerful. You are studying at home, but you need a dance costume to get ready and start practicing the full program;
  • stop being ashamed of yourself. To do this, do dance movements in front of the mirror - only it sees you;
  • for street dancing the main thing is to be able to improvise, knowing basic movements;
  • find suitable music.

You need to practice regularly if you want to get results. Make a schedule for yourself and be sure to follow it.

Where do you get the right dance elements from? Read articles on the topic, ask your friends. You can find out how to learn how to street dance by watching the video lessons offered below.

Follow the dancers, repeat the training several times a week. You will not notice how you will move better, stiffness and embarrassment will disappear. Imagine how you can surprise your friends and loved ones.


Street dances are also different. With video lessons you can master several directions and then learn to dance.

Try to learn how to dance tectonic:

  • you will become more flexible;
  • learn to feel the rhythm;
  • you can improvise.

But Tut is a little more difficult to learn:

  • frequent change of dance techniques;
  • many elements are performed at right angles;
  • arms in a straight position;
  • The head must be kept in one position.

You can see how the elements are performed in the video and photo.

When choosing any street dance, do not forget about clothes. The main thing is that you feel comfortable in it. These could be jeans, loose trousers, light T-shirts, hoodies. Wear sneakers or sneakers on your feet.

With constant practice, you can hone the technique of basic movements to high level. Start dancing and soon you will feel how your body gradually begins to obey. You will learn not only to listen to music, but also to feel its rhythm.

Just dance

When you just start learning something new, the first days everything seems difficult and unattainable. Never quit after the first lessons, be more persistent.

Modern street dancing gives complete freedom of movement. You will feel how the activity will completely captivate you. You will want to dance not only at home, but in a club or at a party. Don't doubt yourself, believe - everything will work out.

  1. Always practice in the room you chose for training. This way the room will be associated with classes.
  2. You shouldn't dance until you feel powerless. Take mandatory breaks.
  3. Follow the trainer's instructions on the video, try not just to repeat the movements, but to perform them correctly.
  4. When the basic ones run out dance lessons, try to combine all the learned movements yourself. The result may surprise you.
  5. If you can't keep up with the trainer, then stop the video. It's okay, do everything slower, but correctly.
  6. When choosing from types of street dances, see what best suits your temperament. Watch several videos to make the right choice.
  7. Don't forget about proper nutrition. This physical exercise, so nutrition has a big impact on how you feel during exercise.
  8. Don't be shy to show emotions while dancing. You are at home and there is no one to be embarrassed about.

Video lessons

We all want something. Some want to see Machu Picchu with their own eyes, some want to get a dog, and some want to learn to dance. Sometimes such dreams, due to lack of time, money or laziness, gradually become unrealistic. If your problem is: “I want to learn to dance, but I don’t know where to start,” then this article is just for you! So let's get straight to the point!

First you should familiarize yourself with simple techniques How to start dancing lessons from scratch.

Conquer your fears

“I’m too clumsy and fat to dance”, “I’m no longer young to be flexible”, “Everyone will watch me twitch ridiculously to the music”, “What a shame it would be if I pressed someone’s leg!” etc.

Sounds familiar? Then the first step towards a dance future is to write all your fears on a piece of paper and throw it in the trash!
Remember: There is no age, height or build that is unsuitable for dancing. You just need to choose a rhythm in which you will be comfortable moving - that is, choose a dance direction. And if you really need dance classes, let them bring you only confidence and joy.

And the risk of stepping on a foot is the same typical danger for a dancer as getting an electric shock for electricians. But the consequences are incomparable. It's okay if one day someone steps on your foot.

If this is no longer scary, move on to the next stage.

Start moving

To learn to dance, starting to move independently at the first stage will be quite enough.

If the beginning is for you, as in famous saying, it’s still “hard trouble”, you can master the style at home. A computer and a mirror will be your faithful assistants in this matter.

The algorithm is simple: we find a video lesson on the Internet in the chosen direction, turn it on and try to repeat it. The reflection will tell you what is already working and what still needs to be corrected.

It will also be useful to improvise. Turn on your favorite music and move the way you like. You don’t have to look in the mirror, because the process itself is important.

pros homeschooling: you train in your usual conditions at a comfortable pace of mastering the material. Whenever you want and as much as you want. No one is looking at you, which provides psychological comfort for the newcomer.

A significant disadvantage here is the lack of control from an experienced trainer. Difficulties in mastering complex movements and tricks (for example, during breakdancing lessons) often arise. also involves a lot of complex movements, which you are unlikely to be able to study on your own. Plus another minus - the possibility of harming your health by performing movements incorrectly on your own and incorrectly distributing the load on joints and muscles. But home dancing lessons for beginners in order to give themselves confidence are quite acceptable and will undoubtedly be useful.

Sign up for a dance school

Whether you like it or not, you will eventually run out of options. self-study. You will need the help of experienced choreographers or simply want new horizons. That’s when the question “Where can I learn to dance?” will become relevant.

Almost everyone loves to listen to music. Taste can be very diverse. But some people like not only to listen to it, but also to move to it. Many people also enjoy watching street dancers move. There's something attractive about it. Therefore, you can try to start dancing yourself. To achieve good result, will have to spend certain time, train a lot. However, the most elementary, basic movements can be mastered fairly quickly without special training.

Modern dances have become accessible to people from different social strata, different ages etc. This type of art is considered one of the most widespread and accessible. Through dancing you can express your own feelings. Eat classical dancing, and there are modern ones. Street dancing is one of them. They are steadily gaining more and more popularity. There are many interesting movements, styles and everything else. Learning to street dance is quite possible.

How to learn to street dance: technique and instructions

In almost all major cities There are special dance schools that will probably have a street dance class. Typically, such dances have a variety of directions, which may differ in style, movement characteristics and other specific aspects. Therefore, before going to a dance school, it is advisable to carefully understand everything.

The range of modern dance moves is truly amazing. Over time you will be able to master them most. A responsible approach to exercise will certainly allow you to feel freedom of movement. This fact, together with the ability to master own body represent a kind of basis for street dancing.

It is quite possible to learn street dancing at home. There is practically nothing complicated here. At the same time, it becomes possible to save a lot of time. Also, you won’t have to speak in front of the public for the first time, because many people are embarrassed in front of strangers, whom they will certainly have to meet in dance school. The budget will not suffer either. Overall, this results in all-round savings. If you are not lazy, you can awaken the real street dancer within you. Efficiency and full dedication can demonstrate all their abilities. You can take interactive lessons for learning. It's easy to find on the Internet a large number of the most different lessons in video format, who can begin to master basic dance techniques.

Until relatively recently, there was no such proliferation of the Internet and everything connected with it. But now there are a considerable number of interesting opportunities for independent learning using the Internet.

Today you can see dancers on the street very often. But videos with them as training videos have become very widespread and accessible on the Internet. You can give preference to lessons from both street dance enthusiasts and specialized schools. Usually you can see street dance professionals there.

It’s easy to devote a little time to master this popular dance style.

It’s easy to take a little time to master this popular dance style. You need to search the vast global network for training videos and watch them. You need to try to repeat any elements that are demonstrated there in order to fully experience all the specifics of such dances and freedom of movement. Thanks to all this, a person will be able to learn the capabilities of his body. After this, you can begin to directly select the direction, dance style that will attract the most.

  1. The first thing you need to do is choose comfortable clothes that will make you feel comfortable and free. It should not hinder movements. The best option for such a case may be sports trousers loose-fitting or leggings that stretch well. You can wear a hoodie, T-shirt or something similar on top. A lot depends on shoes, because they are considered the key to comfort. You need to choose really comfortable shoes that will fit perfectly on your feet. You can wear sneakers or sports sneakers. The main criterion for choosing clothes in in this case is not attractiveness, but comfort.

Clothes for street dancing should not restrict movement

The dance room should be spacious and have mirrors.

Carefully follow the dancer's movements

Bring your movements to automaticity

It’s hard to overestimate the role of regular training with maximum impact. Only with this approach will it be possible to obtain the desired result. The more time you spend training, the better the result will be. But everything must be done in moderation, because excessive fatigue can ruin your efforts.

You need to take short breaks during training. During them, you can relax and qualitatively analyze your successes.

Constant practice allows you to learn to dance well

When learning street dancing begins, you need to realize that almost everything depends on the person himself. Not enough simple desire learn to dance, because without effort you will not be able to achieve anything. You need to mentally prepare yourself for the fact that at first everything will not be very easy. There may be problems with flexibility and coordination, but regular training will help you develop everything at the proper level. If something doesn’t work out, don’t be upset or worry. Constant practice will allow you to learn how to dance well. You need to train at least several times a week.

  1. It is important to create a study schedule that is easy to get used to. The same training time will allow you to achieve results faster.
  2. If you have problems with a specific movement, it would be rational to watch another video. Perhaps it will be demonstrated there more clearly, from a different angle.
  3. Practicing in front of a mirror helps minimize the number of mistakes.
  4. It is advisable to supplement the diet with healthy foods, such as vegetables and fruits. Thanks to proper nutrition can be done physical fitness It's better to get an extra boost of energy. You also need to drink enough liquid.
  5. There's no need to be afraid to be emotional while dancing because that's what it's all about.

Learning street dancing can give results. Dancing allows you to keep yourself in optimal shape, it brings pleasure and positive emotions.

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Dancing allows all people to express themselves, it gives great mood, charge you with positivity for the whole day. Almost everyone dreams of dancing excellently, at least for themselves, and not in order to participate in some competitions. Street dancing especially attracts the attention of young people today. They do not always include very complex movements; you can easily learn many of the basic movements in these areas at home. You would really like to dance beautifully at a party or in a club, then learn. The main thing in this matter is to devote time to dancing and repeat the movements until they become automatic. Don’t take on everything at once, learn several movements every day, and add more movements every day. Your muscles will become strong, you will be the center of attention at any party. Dancing will help develop your sense of rhythm, plasticity, and flexibility. Before dancing, it would be nice to do a simple warm-up and stretching, which will help you perform the movements.

No matter how old you are, you can learn how to do some movements from videos. It’s worth emphasizing right away that you don’t have to grab everything at once. Master a few movements and repeat only them. Then gradually start adding movements. It is popular to dance go-go, break, hip-hop, and belly dance today. Never doubt yourself and remember that becoming a star on any dance floor is easy. You will have to learn how to do both stretching and warm-up. Then the body will obey better. You won’t do the splits right away, but if you sit on the floor and stretch your hands to the tips of your toes, if you stretch in a half-split, remember how you did a bridge at school, then gradually you will bring your body to the desired state.

You can try dancing in completely different directions. You're not going to participate in dance competitions, you just want to learn how to move beautifully and modernly different music. Many girls would like to master the elements of striptease. Here you need excellent stretching, strong muscles, it is still better to attend strip plastic lessons. But among the basic movements one can note slow rocking, hip movements from side to side, light squats with graceful rises from them, smooth body movements.

Go allows you to relax. You can simply enjoy the music and move to any music. Movements in go combine the movements of different dance styles, you improvise. There is house, Latin, tectonic, and hip-hop. For go you need to learn how to dance the basic movements of all types of dances that are popular. Hip-hop represents a serious dance culture. The style is energetic. Legs and body work. But this dance requires a good physical training, and you will learn basic movements at home by watching the video. Break can be lower and upper. This dance will require serious preparation. While executing an element, you need to fix the element. In tectonics, movements are associated more with the hands. In this case, the hips are also involved. Drum and bass consists of improvisation. There is also alternation of heels and toes, swinging legs, as well as crossing legs. The dancers also perform turns, which seem to occur in the air.

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