Pop technology in social studies lessons. Interactive teaching methods

The POPS formula is one of the ways to construct statements.
1. The relevance of using this technique in lessons
2. The essence of the technique

4. Examples of use
5. Risks
6. Conclusion
1. When answering a question in class, students most often begin their answer with the words “” or even
answer in one word, but this is not enough for a school graduate, the requirements of the new Federal State Educational Standard
generations are that the student must be able to build conclusions, justify them and make
conclusions. And therefore, the relevance of this topic increases due to the inability to construct a statement,
justify it and draw conclusions.
2. The POPS formula is an interactive methodological technique that allows you to correctly build
statement, this technique is most often used when reflecting the student’s knowledge.
This method gives the student the opportunity to express his thoughts on a particular topic and do so
very quickly, which is the most important thing in our time.
3. Technology for constructing a statement using the POPS formula
The letters themselves tell you how to construct a statement:
P – position (your point of view). Word markers: I believe that..., In my opinion,...., I suppose
What…. and etc.
O – justification (explanation). Word markers: Because...
P – example (facts that prove a point of view). Word markers: I can prove this with an example:
for example … .
C – consequence (conclusion). Word markers: Based on this, I conclude that..., We can conclude... ,
Hence … .
4. Now let’s try to put this technology into action:
Physics lesson: “Electromagnetic induction” 9th grade.
Michael Faraday. Diary entry: “Convert magnetism into electricity.”
P I believe that Michael Faraday made an important discovery in physics for humanity,
Oh because the “transformation” of magnetism into electricity has greatly simplified human life,
I can prove this using the example of a hydroelectric power station, which operates on the principle of the phenomenon
electromagnetic induction.
C – based on this we can conclude that thanks to the discovery of the connection between magnetic phenomena and
electric, human life has reached a new level.

Risks: Students can make false statements, here the team (class) will come to your aid,
after listening to several statements supported by justification and examples and collectively choose the right one
Group work

P - I believe that friction is useful,
Oh - because without him we couldn't move,
P - for example, the movement of a pedestrian or car,
C – and therefore if there were no friction, then everyone would feel bad.

P - I believe that simple mechanisms help a person,
O - because they can easily push large loads,
P - I can prove this using the example of the action of the lever that the Egyptians used during construction
C - therefore, simple mechanisms simplify human physical labor.

P I believe that group work helps students develop communication skills
O Because this work is based on communication and interaction between students
P For example, when distributing responsibilities in a group, mutual understanding is formed, the ability
listening to each other, which is a communication skill
C – therefore, group work can develop the student’s communication skills.

P – I agree with the words of the author of the quote
O – because the process of learning is the process of student activity
P – this can easily be proven with an example: the student learned the multiplication table, that’s one thing, the student applied
multiplication table in solving the problem and acquired the skill of working with it
Therefore, any teaching should be based on the student’s activities.
Question 5: Is personal-centered learning based on the principle of variability?
P I believe that personally oriented learning is based on the principle of variability
O Since the teacher creates a variety of content and forms of the educational process
P I can prove this using the example of developing multi-level independent and test work

C Therefore, Personally-Centered Learning gives the student the opportunity to choose
Question 1: Is friction useful?
I think friction is good
Because without him we couldn't move,
For example, pedestrian or car traffic,
And therefore, if there were no friction, then everyone would feel bad.
Question 2: Do simple mechanisms make life easier?
I believe that simple mechanisms help a person,
Because they can easily push large loads,

I can prove this by the example of the action of the lever that the Egyptians used when
construction of the pyramids,
Therefore, simple mechanisms simplify human physical labor.
Question 3: Does group work develop communication skills in students?
I believe that group work helps shape students
communication skills
Because this work is built on communication and interaction between students
For example, when distributing responsibilities in a group, mutual understanding is formed,
the ability to listen to each other, which is a communication skill
Therefore, group work can develop communication skills in
Question 4: The only path leading to knowledge is activity” B. Shaw

1. History lesson on the topic “Russia in the second half of the 19th century.”

In my opinion, the abolition of serfdom in Russia was inevitable.

Because it hindered the development of all spheres of society.

There are striking examples as proof. Firstly, Russia lagged significantly behind other world powers in terms of the standard of living of the population. Secondly, Russia shamefully lost the Crimean War.

Thus, I conclude that this reform was vitally needed. She played a big role in the history of Russia, giving a powerful impetus to great transformations in the 60s of the 19th century.

2. Fragment of an essay about a statement by J. Jaurès.

“Revolution is a barbaric way of progress” (J. Jaurès).

I agree with Jean Jaurès. A way of developing society that is based on violence and has tragic consequences for its people cannot be civilized.

Because, firstly, the natural course of history is disrupted. And secondly, revolutions bring terrible death, doom peoples to fratricidal wars, and ruin destinies. And often they don’t end in a few days.

As an example, it is enough to recall 5 years of rule as a result of the Great French Revolution or 72 years of people’s lives as a result of the October Revolution in Russia. Also impressive are the discoveries and methods of revolutionary eras - the guillotine, repressions that claimed many lives. But in the end, after any revolution, society returns in its development back to the stage that was forcibly interrupted.

Therefore, Jaurès is certainly right. Humanity must choose an evolutionary path of development for itself. And social progress through violence is characteristic only of barbarians, but not of a society striving for the ideas of democracy and peace.

1. Choice of statement

Choosing statements for an essay, you must be sure that

You know the basic concepts of the basic science to which it relates;

Clearly understand the meaning of the statement;

You can express your own opinion (fully or partially agree with the statement or refute it);

You know the social science terms necessary to competently substantiate a personal position at a theoretical level (the terms and concepts used must clearly correspond to the topic of the essay and not go beyond it);

You will be able to give examples from social practice, history, literature, as well as personal life experience to confirm your own opinion.

2. Definition of the problem of the statement
To formulate the problem more clearly, we offer a list of possible problem formulations that occur most often:

Main problems of basic social sciences and humanities

Philosophy The relationship between matter and consciousness. Family relationships. Family structure and functions, patterns of family behavior. Interaction of the institution of law with other social institutions.

After formulating the problem, you must indicate relevance of the problem in modern conditions. To do this, you can use cliche phrases:
This problem is relevant in the conditions...

...globalization of social relations;

...formation of a unified information, educational, economic space;

...exacerbation of global problems of our time;

...the special controversial nature of scientific discoveries and inventions;

...development of international integration;

...modern market economy;

...development and overcoming the global economic crisis;

...strict differentiation of society;

...the open social structure of modern society;

...formation of the rule of law;

...overcoming the spiritual and moral crisis;

...dialogue of cultures;

...the need to preserve one's own identity and traditional spiritual values.

To the problem it is necessary come back periodically throughout the essay writing process. This is necessary in order to correctly reveal its content, and also not to accidentally go beyond the scope of the problem and not get carried away by reasoning that is not related to the meaning of this statement (this is one of the most common mistakes in many exam essays).

3. Formulation of the main idea of ​​the statement
Next, you need to reveal the meaning of the statement, but you should not repeat the statement verbatim. In this case, you can use the following cliches:

“The meaning of this statement is that...”

4. Determining your position on the statement
Here you can agree with the author completely, Can partially, refuting a certain part of the statement, or argue with the author, expressing the opposite opinion. In this case, you can use cliche phrases:

“I beg to differ with the author’s opinion that...”

“Partly, I share the author’s point of view regarding..., but with... I can’t agree”

“Have you ever thought about the fact that...?”

5-6. Argumentation of your own opinion
Next, you should justify your own opinion on this issue. To do this, you need to select arguments (evidence), that is, remember the basic terms and theoretical positions.
Argumentation must be carried out at two levels:
1. Theoretical level- its basis is social science knowledge (concepts, terms, contradictions, directions of scientific thought, relationships, as well as the opinions of scientists and thinkers).
2. Empirical level- There are two options here:
a) using examples from history, literature and events in society;
b) appeal to personal experience.

When selecting facts, examples from public life and personal social experience, mentally answer the following questions:
1. Do they confirm my opinion?
2. Could they be interpreted differently?
3. Do they contradict the thesis I expressed?
4. Are they persuasive?
The proposed form will make it possible to strictly control the adequacy of the arguments presented and will prevent “going off topic”.

7. Conclusion
Finally, you need to formulate a conclusion. The conclusion should not coincide verbatim with the judgment given for justification: it brings together in one or two sentences, the main ideas of the arguments and summarizes the reasoning, confirming the correctness or incorrectness of the judgment that was the topic of the essay.
To formulate a problematic conclusion, cliche phrases can be used:
“Thus, we can conclude...”
“To summarize, I would like to note that...”

Essay format

It must be remembered that an essay is a small composition characterized by semantic unity. Therefore, a coherent text is compiled, linking words are used attention is paid competent writing of social science terms.
Essay text is desirable break into paragraphs, each of which will express a separate thought. In this case, the red line must be observed.
The finished essay must be analyzed for compliance with the criteria used to evaluate the work (see above).

Besides, additional advantage the essay is included in it

Brief information about the author of the statement (for example, “an outstanding French philosopher-educator”, “a great Russian thinker of the Silver Age”, “a famous existentialist philosopher”, “the founder of an idealistic movement in philosophy”, etc.);

Descriptions of different points of view on a problem or different approaches to solving it;

Indications of the polysemy of the concepts and terms used with justification for the meaning in which they are used in the essay;

Indications of alternative solutions to the problem.

Requirements for graduate work

With all the variety of approaches to the technology of writing essays in social studies, a number of requirements can be identified that in any case must be met:

2) correspondence of the content of the essay to the stated problem;

3) highlighting and revealing in the essay the main aspects of the problem pointed out by the author of the statement;

4) aspects of the problem must be disclosed in a given scientific context;

5) a clear definition of the student’s position, his attitude to the problem, to the opinion of the author of the statement;

6) justification of one’s own position at the theoretical level;

7) reinforcement of the above theoretical provisions with meaningful facts of social life, social behavior, personal experience;

8) the logic of the graduate’s reasoning;

9) absence of social science (essential, terminological) and other (factual, logical, ethical) errors;

10) compliance of the essay with the requirements of the genre and the norms of the Russian language.

TO volume of social studies essay there are no strict requirements. It depends on many factors: the complexity of the topic, the student’s level of preparation, the graduate’s mindset, and the availability of time. The main attention is paid to the quality of work, adequacy and completeness of the problem.

Main mistakes and shortcomings in graduates’ works

Analysis of graduates' work allows us to identify some typical mistakes that are made at various stages of essay writing.

When formulating the problem and the meaning of the author’s statement:

1) On the one hand, misunderstanding and inability to isolate the problem of the statement is associated with a lack of knowledge of the basic science to which the quotation relates, and on the other hand, with an attempt to fit into known problems discussed in lessons in previously written, read, that is, ready-made essay.

2) The inability to formulate a problem is often associated with a lack of developed vocabulary and terminology in basic social sciences.

3) The inability to formulate the meaning of the author’s statement is associated with a misunderstanding or incorrect understanding of its content, and a lack of necessary social science knowledge.

4) Substitution of the problem with the author's position - due to the fact that the student does not see the difference between them. The problem is the topic of the author's discussion. It is always broad and includes several opinions and positions, often completely opposite to each other. The essence or meaning of the author's statement is his personal answer to the question posed, one of several existing in science or social thought.

When expressing and arguing your own position:

1. The lack of arguments is due to the student’s ignorance or ignorance of the requirements for an essay in social studies and its structure.

2. The graduate’s argument only repeats the statement.

3. Errors in operations with concepts: unjustified expansion or narrowing of the meaning of the concept in question, substitution of concepts.

4. Errors in working with information caused by the inability to analyze social experience. Often, the examples given by graduates are weakly related to the position under consideration (the connection is either not traceable or is superficial and does not reflect essential points).

5. Uncritical perception of social information from media reports and the Internet. As a result, unverified facts, unfounded or provocative statements, and biased assessments are often used by graduates as evidence in essays.

6. The predominance of a one-sided view of social phenomena, the inability to identify and build cause-and-effect relationships.

For convenience, you can make a table with the main ideas in your draft, for example:

Examples for working with expressions

1. Quote “A person has freedom of choice, for otherwise advice, admonitions, edifications, rewards and punishments would be meaningless.”
(F. Aquinas)
The problem of conscious regulation of people's behavior is relevant in the conditions of modern society, characterized by increasing interdependence and interconnection of people with each other. 3. The meaning of the statement
Thomas Aquinas considers the main manifestation of the consciousness of human behavior to be the ability of a person to determine his behavior in accordance with his personal free choice. The author is confident that only in this case should he be held responsible for his actions, only then do social sanctions make sense and are able to influence the individual.
Methods of conscious regulation of human behavior. Freedom and responsibility in human behavior. The limits within which the choice is made. The role of social sanctions in the formation of a certain type of behavior of people in society. 5. Examples
1. Quote 1. A soldier executing an order is not responsible for his actions if he is on duty, since he does not have freedom of choice. 2. An insane mentally ill person, due to a mental disorder, is not able to make an informed choice of behavior, therefore the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation does not consider him as a subject of a crime and does not provide for his criminal liability.
“Nature creates man, but society develops and shapes him.” (V.G. Belinsky)
The problem of conscious regulation of people's behavior is relevant in the conditions of modern society, characterized by increasing interdependence and interconnection of people with each other. The author argues that man has a dual essence, which includes a biological basis and a social component. Belinsky defines the leading role of society in the formation of personality.
4. For argumentation at a theoretical level, it is necessary to reveal theses and concepts: Man is a living organism, biological needs, biologically inherited traits. The concept of socialization, its stages, mechanisms, directions. Agents of socialization. The role of social control in the formation of personality.
Methods of conscious regulation of human behavior. Freedom and responsibility in human behavior. The limits within which the choice is made. The role of social sanctions in the formation of a certain type of behavior of people in society. 1. A person’s long-term lack of sleep destroys his ability for cognitive activity, adequate behavior, and self-control. 2. Facts of the existence of Mowgli children.
1. Quote “Where great sages have power, their subjects do not notice their existence.”
“Nature creates man, but society develops and shapes him.” (Lao Tzu)
The problem of conscious regulation of people's behavior is relevant in the conditions of modern society, characterized by increasing interdependence and interconnection of people with each other. The problem of the nature of the relationship between the state and citizens, the degree of legitimacy of state power is relevant in the conditions of modern political processes taking place in the world.
4. For argumentation at a theoretical level, it is necessary to reveal theses and concepts: The author argues that the degree of respect and willingness of the population to obey state power depend primarily on the personal qualities of the rulers, their professionalism, means and methods of influencing society.
Methods of conscious regulation of human behavior. Freedom and responsibility in human behavior. The limits within which the choice is made. The role of social sanctions in the formation of a certain type of behavior of people in society. What qualities do rulers – great sages – have? Under what conditions does state power not irritate society? The state must express the interests of the entire society so that there are no oppressed. It must implement the principle of social justice. The predominant method should be persuasion rather than coercion. The moral character of rulers, their dedication to their cause, strict adherence to the law.
1. Quote 1. Implementation of the idea of ​​social partnership in modern Sweden, Denmark, Austria, based on the consent and mutual responsibility of business, government, and employees. Denmark has the highest taxes in the world, and the inhabitants of this country consider themselves the happiest people. 2. The opposite example is fascist Germany: Hitler’s discriminatory, aggressive policies led to a split in German society, numerous casualties and the collapse of the state, which placed a heavy burden on the shoulders of ordinary citizens.
“Nature creates man, but society develops and shapes him.” “One man’s freedom ends where another man’s freedom begins.”
The problem of conscious regulation of people's behavior is relevant in the conditions of modern society, characterized by increasing interdependence and interconnection of people with each other. (M. Bakunin)
4. For argumentation at a theoretical level, it is necessary to reveal theses and concepts: The problem of individual freedom in society is relevant in the context of the formation of a rule of law state.
Methods of conscious regulation of human behavior. Freedom and responsibility in human behavior. The limits within which the choice is made. The role of social sanctions in the formation of a certain type of behavior of people in society. 1. The right to listen to loud music and engage in creativity (the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation introduces a restriction until 23.00) should not interfere with the exercise of the right to rest of other people. 2. The freedom of an entrepreneur in the field of food production is limited by the requirements of compliance with certain sanitary standards established by law.
1. Quote “Culture is the inevitable path of man and humanity.”
“Nature creates man, but society develops and shapes him.” (N. Berdyaev)
The problem of conscious regulation of people's behavior is relevant in the conditions of modern society, characterized by increasing interdependence and interconnection of people with each other. The problem of culture as a set of means and methods of transforming the world by man and all the results of this transformation. OR The problem of spiritual culture as a way to realize the creative needs and abilities of a person. The aspect of cultural continuity as a way of preserving and developing humanity.
4. For argumentation at a theoretical level, it is necessary to reveal theses and concepts: The author argues that society cannot exist without creating culture.
Methods of conscious regulation of human behavior. Freedom and responsibility in human behavior. The limits within which the choice is made. The role of social sanctions in the formation of a certain type of behavior of people in society. The concept of culture in the broad and narrow sense of the word. Types of culture: individual, collective. Typology of culture: folk, mass, elite. The problem of dialogue of cultures. The role of culture in the formation of an individual's personality.
| 1. A schoolgirl writes poetry, is engaged in painting - she makes her contribution to culture. 2. Manifestations of youth subcultures (emo, goths, punks).

next lecture ==>

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Topic: POPS oral response formula Purpose: to familiarize students with the POPS formula and teach how to apply it. POPS formula This interactive technique, amazing in its potential, aimed at student reflection, was created by law professor David McCoid-Mason from South Africa. In English it is written as follows: PRES-formula (Position-Reason-Explanation or Example-Summary). It was translated into Russian by Arkady Gutnikov, vice-president of the association “For Civic Education”, first vice-rector of the St. Petersburg Institute of Law.

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P - position O - explanation (or justification) P - example C - consequence (or judgment) But this technique would not be technologically advanced, would not have completeness, if we had not proposed the beginning of sentences. Four points of the POPS formula:

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Shchennikova Natalya. Grade 10. I believe that the abolition of serfdom in Russia was inevitable. P Because it hampered the development of all spheres of society. A I can prove by example that Russia was significantly behind other countries in terms of living standards. Russia shamefully lost the Crimean War. P Based on this, I conclude that this reform played a huge role in the history of Russia and gave a powerful impetus to the great transformations of the 1860s. C Example. (on the topic “Russia in the second half of the 19th century”)

  • · Brainstorm-- a flow of questions and answers, or proposals and ideas on a given topic, in which the analysis of correctness/incorrectness is carried out after the assault. Read more about brainstorming in class.
  • · Clusters , comparison charts, puzzles-- search for keywords and issues on a specific mini-topic.
  • · Interactive lesson using audio and video materials, ICT. For example, online tests, working with electronic textbooks, training programs, educational sites.
  • · Round table (discussion, debate)-- a group type of method that involves students’ collective discussion of problems, proposals, ideas, opinions and a joint search for a solution.
  • · Business games(including role-playing, imitation, hole) is a fairly popular method that can be used even in elementary school. During the game, students play the roles of participants in a particular situation, trying on different professions.
  • · Aquarium- one of the varieties of business games, reminiscent of a reality show. In this case, the given situation is played out by 2-3 participants. The rest observe from the sidelines and analyze not only the actions of the participants, but also the options and ideas they propose.
  • · Project method-- independent development by students of a project on the topic and its defense.
  • · BarCamp, or anti-conference. The method was suggested by webmaster Tim O'Reilly. Its essence is that everyone becomes not only a participant, but also an organizer of the conference. All participants come up with new ideas, presentations, and proposals on a given topic. Next comes a search for the most interesting ideas and their general discussion.

POPS formula, developed by law professor David McCoid-Mason from South Africa, is an interactive feedback technique. Its components allow you to analyze a learning problem and consolidate the material covered. Unlike the test form of control, which often involves randomness, intuition, or even luck, this formula more clearly reveals existing gaps in students’ knowledge, and in essence.

This technique can be an excellent tool for building a discussion. It allows you to build your speech briefly, concisely, argumentatively, with all the relevant conclusions, which, of course, arouses interest among classmates and encourages them to engage in a business dispute.

The POPS formula also becomes indispensable when preparing a responsible and “expensive” essay in terms of obtaining points when writing part C9 of the Unified State Exam in social studies. Having mastered its essence, graduates will be able to cope with such a task much easier.

The structure of the POPS formula contains 4 important components, which represent the decoding of the first letters of this abbreviation and are necessary elements for constructing the text.

  • · P- position. It is necessary to express your own opinion on a given problem. To do this, you can use the following formulations: “I believe that...”, “In my opinion, this problem deserves / does not deserve attention”, “I agree with...”.
  • · ABOUT- justification, explanation of your position. Here you need to provide all possible arguments to support your opinion. The answer must be reasoned and not empty words. It should touch on points from the course or topic studied, define definitions and concepts. The main question in this block is why do you think so? This means that you should start revealing it with the words “Because...” or “Since...”.
  • · P- examples. For clarity and to confirm the understanding of your words, you must provide facts, and there must be at least three of them. This point reveals the students’ ability to prove the correctness of their position in practice. As examples, you can use your own experience, even far-fetched, as well as knowledge from a history or social studies course. The main thing is that they are convincing. The figures of speech used in this step are “For example...”, “I can prove this with an example...”.
  • · WITH- consequence (judgment or inference). This block is final; it contains your final conclusions confirming the position expressed. The beginning of the sentences in it can be like this: “Thus...”, “To summarize...”, “Therefore...”, “Based on what has been said, I conclude that...”.

In such a speech, consisting of two to four sentences, you clearly state your position, present only one argument, but it is correctly formulated and illustrated, and in the conclusion you confirm the correctness of your judgment. At the same time, you do not have the opportunity to utter empty phrases and streamlined expressions. A speech using the POPS formula is convenient to use not only in a situation where the time allotted for discussion is limited, but also when the teacher’s task is to teach the student to answer to the point, without using vague phrases and unclear judgments. It is also advisable to invite students to create a POPS formula that refutes one already proposed by someone else. interactive pop formula example

The POPS formula method correlates well with tasks that require the student to try himself in the role of a teacher. The ability to highlight the most characteristic features of the phenomenon, process, structure being studied, as well as to apply the acquired knowledge to solve a new problem is especially important these days, when students do not have sufficient reading and vocabulary. Students often do not set out to identify cause-and-effect relationships, that is, the emphasis is shifted from logical thinking to algorithmic thinking.

As we know, “Knowledge of some principles easily compensates for ignorance of some facts.” But modern young people mainly draw knowledge from the Internet, which provides knowledge of only individual facts. That is, they know a lot of facts but do not know the mechanisms, principles, connections. Under these conditions, the teacher does not have the right to be only a source of information, but must be a navigator, indicating goals and destinations. Must set the right vector, set priorities, form needs, and a hierarchy of motives. All this is achievable mainly through interactive teaching methods that form educational and cognitive competence, and subsequently professional competence.

"POPS - formula"

To manage an effective educational process, we need constant feedback from students: how did they learn the new educational material, what problems arose? You won’t be limited to just homework surveys for the next lesson. Carrying out frequent independent work is also impractical. Any control of knowledge should be perceived by the teacher not as a “punishing sword” for the student, but as material for monitoring the effectiveness of the educational process. And not everything can be measured by the number of points, when we need, for example, to track the level of analytical, logical thinking or how the educational task of the lesson was completed. We need technological tools that could allow for prompt monitoring of the quality of information received by students and create optimal conditions for reflection. e xii of students.

There are very few technological and effective techniques aimed at creative application of accumulated knowledge. Therefore, they are extremely valuable in the daily practice of a teacher.

"POPS formula"

This interactive technique, amazing in its potential, is aimed at reflexive e for students, created by law professor David McCoid-Mason from South Africa. In English it is written as follows: PRES-formula (Position-Reason-Explanation or Example-Summary). It was translated into Russian by Arkady Gutnikov, vice-president of the association “For Civic Education”, first vice-rector of the St. Petersburg Institute of Law.

As a result of the translation, the abbreviation POPS was obtained. The value of this technological technique lies in the fact that it allows students to briefly and comprehensively express their own position on the topic they have studied.

The teacher needs to know how well the class has mastered the new material. Surveys, independent work, and tests either take a lot of time or do not always allow one to assess how fluent the student is in the material and how consciously he or she has perceived it.

Methodology "POPS-formula"

POPS formula - students are asked to write four


reflecting the following four points of POPS - formulas:

P – position

O – explanation (or justification)

P - example

C – consequence (or judgment)

The first of the sentences (position) must begin with the words:

"I believe that…".

Second sentence (explanation, justification of your position)

begins with the words:

"Because …".

Third sentence (focused on the ability to prove the truth

its position in practice) begins with the words:

“I can prove this with an example...”

And finally, the fourth sentence (consequence, judgment, conclusions)

begins with the words:

“Based on this, I conclude that...”

Thus, we get a unique opportunity in a matter of minutes to receive concise information about the degree of “immersion” of the student in the material, about the degree of understanding of the ongoing processes, about his moral assessment of this or that event, phenomenon, fact.

And most importantly, we invite students to express their own opinion, their own position.