Tarot card layout according to desire. Fortune telling by wish - simple and truthful

Never before has it been as easy to tell your wish as it is now. The question naturally arises: “Why”?

  1. Firstly, this fortune telling, or rather, this request is very easy to implement. After all, there are a huge number of master classes on how to tell fortunes. By searching the Internet, you can find not only videos, but also text algorithms, following which you will very quickly master the layouts that answer your request.
  2. Secondly, today there are a lot of Internet resources, thanks to which you can get an answer online. Go to any site you come across or, on the contrary, any site you like and guess.
  3. And finally, thirdly, you can tell your wish using any fortune-telling and magical tools.

The questioner always has a choice of what exactly to tell fortunes on, however, not everyone knows about the opportunity to choose.

The Mogura site is a real variety of fortune-telling, it is a pleasant variety, which once tried, it will be very difficult for a person to refuse it later. But let's look at the fortune telling options in more detail:

  • - Zodiac Solitaire - it will answer your most intimate and important question: Will my wish come true?
  • - Yes-No fortune telling is the most accessible fortune telling, at the same time, it is the most laconic and simple.
  • - Berendey's solitaire is not just fortune telling, but a fairy tale, which it became possible to touch thanks to Mogura.
  • - Goldfish Solitaire - she and only she knows the answer to your question.
  • - Catherine’s fortune telling is a chic Oracle, with the help of which you will find out whether your wish will come true?

Thus, our dears, you have the opportunity to choose, you have the opportunity to receive the most accurate answers and all of them are free!

Goldfish Solitaire

A fish swam to him and asked: “What do you want, elder?” Who among us has not dreamed of such an assistant? Of course, rescuing drowning people is the work of the drowning people themselves, but sometimes you want to have a cherished dream and, of course, find out whether your wish will come true, for example, with the help of fortune telling "Goldfish"

Arrow of Fate

Surely you have been familiar with the fairy tale about the frog princess since childhood. The same arrow that changed the fate of the main characters of the fairy tale is found in numerous legends of almost every nation. There is something mysterious and mystical in the flight of an arrow - it is not a bird or a stone. Obedient to the will of the shooter, she always follows the intended goal without turning aside. Our online fortune telling is also the hand of fate, which helps everyone take their own path, make the right decision and receive the wise support of higher powers.

Catherine's fortune telling

In Russia, everyone, young and old, tells fortunes, and not just on Christmastide. On long winter evenings, peasants, aristocrats, and even emperors loved to tell fortunes. The Catherine Solitaire game presented on our website was once very popular during the reign of Catherine II.

Card fortune telling (yes and no)

Wherever you are, what issues you have solved, no matter what you have planned - you can ask whether it will come true or not from the most ordinary card layout on the Mogura website. An advisor proven by time and generations.

Since ancient times, people have wanted to know their destiny. How will tomorrow go? Will you be lucky in love? Will next year be successful? In ancient times, fortune telling for the future was as common an activity as going online is now for us. Cards, dice, colors and many other paraphernalia were used for fortune telling. Today we offer you wish fortune telling online to find out everything about the future.

What is online fortune telling for wish fulfillment?

Another second and you will find yourself in the amazing world of wish fulfillment, which was developed by professional fortune tellers, experts on runes and ancient Tarot cards, and card solitaire experts. You don't need to light candles, send a photo of yourself, or walk under the moonlight. Fortune telling is absolutely free and gives a 99% correct answer. Are you ready to find out your fate?

If yes, then close your eyes and imagine the desire you are waiting for to come true. Clearly formulate the question, visualize it and boldly throw the dice (the “Start fortune telling” sign).

Roll the dice

After 2 seconds you will receive an answer to the question:

  1. The wish will come true very soon.
  2. It will come true, but a little later.
  3. It won't come true.

Or maybe everything will turn out differently? It is impossible to predict the answer of our magic dice, because it is individual for each person. Virtual fortune telling for the fulfillment of a wish does not easily give dry answers “yes” or “no”, depriving you of the right to choose. Fortune telling pushes you, brings clarity, and going towards your dream is your happy path, filled with experience, sweet anticipation and achievement of your intended goal.

Will the expected come true or not? Now this question no longer worries you, you know whether it is worth going towards the goal, or whether it is pointless. We invite you to plunge into the world of your secret or open desires. Look into the future with magic dice cubes that never deceive and give the most truthful answer.

The background of fortune telling with bones, or all about card predictions

There are many divination technologies: using coffee grounds and melted wax, when Gin or other signs were looked for in a blurred image. Fate can be seen in a mirror or ball of fate, read it in a book, simply by wishing for the page and line number.

Fortune telling with cards probably appeared with the invention of the first card deck. Of course, these were still primitive drawings, and the decks were used for games. But only enlightened and naturally gifted people knew that in their hands, cards turn into messengers of the future and predict the most accurate development of events.

Today you can tell fortunes for your wish to come true for free on the Astrog website. For example, card games “Golden Fish”, “Yes-No”, “Four Kings” and others. The principle of these online fortune telling on cards is simple: each card and its suit has its own meaning. So, for example, an ace of hearts in fortune telling is good news from afar, and an ace of clubs denotes a friend, and ace of spades means sad news.

Remember that for fortune telling on a real deck, you need “unplayed” cards, that is, a new deck. Cards on which “Fool” or “Preference” were played lose their true power.

A simple way of card fortune telling

The simplest way to wish is fortune telling using the 36 cards of a standard gaming deck. Make a wish, if you can’t concentrate, then write it down with a pen on paper. After this, shuffle the deck and pull out a card. The red card represents luck and success, while the black card represents pipe dreams.

History of bone divination

Fortune telling with bones is as old as the world; generations of people have resorted to it, and dice are found even during excavations in the territories of disappeared cultures.

The use of bones, as we have already understood, is rooted in sorcery and fortune telling. Initially, parts of the sheep's spine called astragalus were used for these purposes. This part of the spine has a relief surface, it was convenient to throw it and, what is important, it was convenient to interpret meanings from it.

In each culture, such ancient bones were made using a special technology: symbols were carved on them, patterns were painted with red and black natural paint. The latter option is the great-grandfather of modern dice, which are made of plastic and wood is also used.

Surprisingly, fortune telling with dice according to desire gave truthful answers. But the person who made this wish had to throw the dice. If an outsider is guessing, then you should put the cubes in a glass, shake them and throw them on a table or other flat surface to get an accurate result.

Plunge into the world of your desires and find out the most accurate answer using online dice divination!

With the help of cards you can find out whether your wish will come true and with what probability. Fortune telling on a wish using playing cards is carried out with a new deck of cards that have not yet been played or guessed on.

Preparing for fortune telling

To receive an answer from the universe, you need to prepare: sit comfortably in a calm environment, turn off your phone and focus on your desire. It's better to guess alone.

For any fortune telling, the cards are first carefully shuffled, all the time thinking about your desire. Then, holding the deck in your right hand, you need to move the top part with your left hand towards you. Now we can guess.

Fortune telling by 1 card

They take any card from the deck - its suit and meaning will answer the cherished question.

It happens that one of the cards falls out of the deck during shuffling as if by itself - it will become the long-awaited answer.

What do the cards mean?

  • Clubs. All cards of this suit indicate the minimum probability of getting what you want.
  • Hearts. Ace - achieving the goal. King, queen, jack - it is very possible that you will get what you want. Numerical cards - you will have to work hard to achieve your cherished goal.
  • Peaks. Ace - your dream is impossible. Number cards – low probability of wish fulfillment.
  • Diamonds. Any cards of this suit mean that achieving your cherished goal will be difficult and troublesome.

Fortune telling on columns of cards

The cards are laid out one at a time in two columns of 18 cards, face down. The right column is removed, and the left one is laid out again in two piles of 9 cards. The right column is removed again and two piles of 4 cards are laid out. One card will be extra - it is the answer to the question. It is believed that if a card of the suit “tambourine” or “hearts” remains, the wish will come true.

Fortune telling using pairs of cards

Place cards in a row one after another, removing paired ones. The principle is this: if paired cards fall next to each other, one or two later (for example, two queens, two sevens, etc.), the second of them is removed to the side.

If you manage to remove all the cards, your wish will definitely come true. If the cards remain, don’t wait for your dream to come true.

Fortune telling with one card

Simple fortune telling using playing cards based on wishes. You need to choose one card from the deck - completely randomly.

What do the cards mean?

  • Ace, king - the wish will come true;
  • Queen, Jack - your dream will come true if you make an effort or find a person who will help.

Fortune telling "4 Aces"

The cards are laid out face down, one at a time, in 4 piles of 9 cards each. Then they look for aces.

Cards are removed from each packet in turn until an ace is dropped. They look at the card that follows the ace: if it is an ace again, it is added to the previous one. All other cards are set aside. Only the first aces from each pile and the aces that come immediately after the first are involved in fortune telling - all other aces do not matter.

The result of fortune telling is assessed by the number of valid aces:

  • 1 – there is no hope for the dream to come true;
  • 2 – the wish will come true, but not soon;
  • 3 – the wish will come true quite soon;
  • 4 – you will undoubtedly get what you want.

Fortune telling using 5 identical cards

They choose aces and lay them out in a row, making a wish on 1 of them. Then, under the aces, one card is laid out in rows one below the other. If under the selected ace 5 cards appear in a row, and all of them are of the same suit, your dream will come true.

Complex fortune telling “8 wishes”

You will need 2 complete new decks of 52 cards - a total of 108 cards, from which a common deck is prepared. Then lay out 8 cards face up in a row. Each card is a separate desire; it is better to write them down in order to remember them accurately.

  • In the 1st row there are 8 wish cards.
  • The 2nd row is initially left empty.
  • 3rd row. The cards are placed one by one under the cards of the 1st row. Then the cards from the 1st and 3rd rows are compared: cards that go in ascending order are transferred to the 2nd row. For example, a “ten” is transferred to the “nine” in the 1st row, a “seven” to the “six”, a “two” to the ace, etc. The remaining cards are set aside - they will no longer be needed.
  • 4th row. Open 8 cards and compare them with the cards of the 2nd row - similarly move the cards upward in increasing order.
  • Lay out the rest of the rows in the same way.

If at least one vertical row turns out to be complete, for example, from the “ten” in the 1st row to the “ace” in the last, the wish will undoubtedly come true.

Fortune telling "Three packs"

A deck of 36 cards is prepared, the cards are laid out one after another in 3 packs of 12 cards each. Only 3 cards from each pile are involved in fortune telling. The bottom ones form the top row, the top ones form the middle row, any card from the middle of the pack forms the closing bottom row.

The result of fortune telling is assessed by which cards come out the most.

What do the cards mean?

  • All aces or a combination of 2 aces and 2 any pictures - get what you want.
  • In any row (vertical, horizontal) all cards are less than “8” - you should not hope for your wish to come true.
  • There are all the pictures and various small cards - you shouldn’t expect anything special from life.
  • 4 jacks - all efforts will be useless.
  • 4 ladies - your relationship with a loved one is under threat.
  • 4 kings - quick success awaits.
  • 3 aces + 1 picture - indicate the presence of strong enemies.
  • 2 aces + 2 pictures and cards with numbers mean the spouse’s infidelity.
  • 1 ace, 1 picture and other small cards - a warning about possible troubles in the family.

The result of any fortune telling is not a final verdict, but a simple probability of events.

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Sometimes you really want to look into the future to find out whether your wish will come true or not. We will teach you how to tell fortunes!

To find answers to your questions and find out whether fate will help you fulfill your cherished dream, it is not at all necessary to have special sacred and secret knowledge. Simple and accessible wish fortune telling can help us with this.

How to tell a wish

Anyone can tell their wish. However, in order for fortune telling to be truly accurate, it is necessary to prepare for it. First of all, you need to choose the right time. The full moon is best suited for these purposes. But you should guess before sunset, and not at night. Since the night is more suitable for rituals and ceremonies, rather than fortune telling.

When to make a wish

The day of the week also matters.

  1. On Monday you can guess for absolutely any desire.
  2. On Tuesday and Friday you should look for answers to complex, serious and love questions.
  3. On Wednesday, make wishes related to business, work and study.
  4. Thursday is associated with material well-being, so you can ask fate if it will give you a million.
  5. On Saturday and Sunday, fortune telling is not accepted.

The meaning of the days of the week in fortune telling

Monday is a universal day when you can ask any question, especially regarding personal development.

Tuesday is favorable for receiving answers to questions about whether what you want will come true.

Wednesday is a suitable day for fortune telling if you are interested in issues of study, career and any development at work.

Thursday - it’s worth asking questions about money. Repaying loans, repaying debts, receiving bonuses, etc.

Friday - you can ask the Universe about love moments, intimate relationships.

Fortune telling to make dreams come true should be carried out on Monday. On issues of conflicts and health, it is worth making fortunes on Tuesdays. The appeal to the Universe on Friday must be sincere in order to receive what is planned.

Fortune telling by wish. Methods

Try to take fortune telling seriously. Clear your thoughts, focus on desire, create a calm atmosphere. Fortune telling by wish is usually carried out using cards, books, candles, coins, etc.

Fortune telling using a book

Fortune telling using a book is one of the easiest ways. It also has a beautiful magical name - bibliomancy. For fortune telling, take any book and make a wish. Now, without opening the book, think of any page and line number. After that, open the book, find the intended page and line, read it. This will be the answer. By the meaning of this line you can understand whether the wish will come true or not.

Fortune telling using cards

An equally popular method of fortune telling is cards. To do this, you don’t need to go to a fortune teller or learn complex layouts, because there are simple fortune telling based on your wishes on cards. The easiest way is to make a wish and shuffle the deck, concentrating on what you want. Now draw a card from the deck. If the suit is red, then the wish will come true, but if it is black, it will not.

Fortune telling on cards can also be done as follows. Shuffle a large deck of cards and place 15 cards, suit up, in a single row, discarding the aces. Then lay out 2 more rows of 15 cards. If all the aces come out during the reading, then the wish will come true.

Fortune telling using coins

You can tell your wish using coins, but it is best to use old coins. They will be happy to reveal all the secrets to you if you take fortune telling seriously. Take a handful of coins in your palms, make a wish and throw them up. Count the number of coins that land tails and heads up. If more coins land on heads, then the wish will come true, but if more coins land on tails, then the wish will not come true.

Here's another fun way to tell your wish using coins. You will need three coins of different sizes. Write your wish on 3 pieces of paper, wrap one coin in each and put it under your pillow. In the morning, pull out the first piece of paper you come across with your left hand. If you come across the biggest coin, your wish will come true. The middle coin indicates that the wish will come true, but not soon. And if you come across a small coin, your wish is not destined to come true.

Fortune telling using a mirror

A very interesting fortune telling can be done using a mirror. Light a candle and apply wax to the round mirror. Write a wish on the wax with charcoal and put the mirror in a cool place. After a couple of hours, thoroughly spray the mirror with cold water. If the inscription disappears, the wish will not come true.

Fortune telling with dice

Lately, fortune telling with dice has become very popular. After making a wish, put two dice in a cup, mix and throw on the table. At the same time, hold the cup with your left hand and rotate the dice counterclockwise. Now look at the combinations that came out.

If you roll 2-1, 6-6, 3-2, 5-5, 4-3, 6-4, your wish will definitely come true.

If 6-5, 4-1, 6-1, 5-1, 3-3, 5-2, 4-4 are likely to come true, fate gives many chances.

And if you roll 6-3, 2-2, 6-2, 5-4, 1-1, 5-4, 4-2, 5-3, 3-1, alas, your wish will not come true.

What fortune telling do you know? Write to us!

Fortune telling by wish can answer all the exciting questions about the planned business. Will your wish come true? How soon? If it doesn't come true, why? Cards can answer all these questions.

To tell your wish, you will need a deck of 36 cards. Take the cards in your hands, shuffle them and make a wish. Then remove some of the cards with your left hand and place them at the bottom of the deck. Now you can start fortune telling.

Start laying out the deck face down in a row of 9 cards. When you run out of cards, open the top cards of the resulting pile and remove those that match the value. The cards that lie under them need to be opened and also see if there are matching cards in the row. Cards of equal value must be removed to the very bottom row. If all the cards have been removed in pairs and there is nothing left in the laid out deck, then the wish will come true. If there are cards left, then the plan is not destined to come true.

If you are not satisfied with the outcome of the first fortune telling, or you want to receive a more detailed answer, you can use the following fortune telling.

Take the cards and start shuffling them. During the process, think about your desire. Your intuition should tell you when to stop. Pull any card from the deck, its meaning will tell you whether the wish will come true or not.

The meaning of the cards in this fortune telling is as follows:

  • 10, 9, 8, 7, 6 - there is a high probability that your wish will come true.
  • Jack, Queen, King - your wish will come true, expect outside help.
  • Ace - your wish will come true very soon.
  • 10, 9, 8, 7, 6 - the wish will come true, but you need to make an effort for this.
  • Jack, Queen, King - your wish will come true, but problems may arise in the process of achieving your plans.
  • Ace - the wish will come true, but not right away. Be patient.
  • 10, 9, 8, 7, 6 – the probability that the wish will come true is very small.
  • Jack, Queen, King - there are almost no chances.
  • Ace - the wish will not come true.
  • 10, 9, 8, 7, 6 - the wish will not come true due to your wrong actions.
  • Jack, Queen, King - your wish will not come true, since you will have many rivals and ill-wishers along the way.
  • Ace - the wish will never come true.

Eat another quick way to find out whether the plan will come true. To do this you need to take your card. It is very easy to determine. If you are single (not married), then your card is the queen of diamonds (king of diamonds), if you are married, your card is the queen of hearts (king of hearts), if you are an elderly person, then your card will be the queen of clubs ( king of clubs). Take the deck, mix it well, make a wish and start laying out three cards in front of you. When your card comes up in one of the threes, look at what two cards came out with it. If the suits are black, the wish will not come true, if the suits are red, it will come true, if both are light and dark, then there is a chance that your wish will come true, but this requires some effort.

Exists another simple wish fortune telling. Take a deck of cards, shuffle it thoroughly and place 15 cards face down in a row. If there are aces among them, they need to be put aside. After this, shuffle all the cards again, shuffle them and lay out 15 cards again. Set aside all the aces. The third time you need to do the same. If after three hands all the aces come out, then the wish will come true; if not, then the wish is not destined to come true.

All these fortune telling are not recommended to be used too often, otherwise the cards will begin to lie. It is also worth remembering that the deck should only be used for fortune telling. If she has ever been used in a game, she will never tell the truth. In addition, if you like fortune telling with cards, then you should definitely know that no one else should touch fortune telling cards except you. This is the only way to get an accurate prediction. Useful article? Then be sure to put

03.12.2013 14:07

Fortune telling on cards will help you find out the truth about your lover and the future of the relationship. Simple and...