Polish writer of the 20th century. Prominent musicians of Poland

Polish literature originated back in the distant 12th century. from chronicles and annals and has been constantly evolving since then. For today literary heritage Poland is huge, and Polish writers and poets are known throughout the world. We have prepared 10 popular books Polish authors of different genres and eras that are worth reading.

1. “With Fire and Sword” Henryk Sienkiewicz

("Ogniem i mieczem" Henryk Sienkiewicz)

“The Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth was devastated, and Ukraine was devastated. Wolves howled on the ruins of cities; a recently flourishing land turned into a gigantic tomb.”

"With Fire and Sword" is the first part historical trilogy, which also includes the books “The Flood” and “Pan Volodyovsky”. The novel was written in 1884-1888. The book describes the events of the Ukrainian-Polish war of 1648 - 1657 under the leadership of Bohdan Khmelnytsky. However, the main storyline is the love story of Jan Skshetuski and Elena Kurtsevich.

The famous Polish director Jerzy Hoffman, based on the novel, made a film of the same name, in which the main role was played by the Ukrainian actor Bogdan Stupka.

2. "Dziady" Adam Mickiewicz

("Dziady" Adam Mickiewicz)

"Dziady" is a poem by one of greatest poets Poland by Adam Mickiewicz, written around 1822-1823. As the author himself writes, dzyady is an ancient folk ritual during which the dead are remembered. It is based on the pagan cult of ancestors (grandfathers), which the church tried in vain to eradicate. People began to hold dzyads secretly, at night in cemeteries and abandoned houses. They called upon restless souls with the hope of helping them find eternal peace.

3. “Loneliness on the Internet” Janusz Wisniewski

("S@motność w sieci" Janusz Leon Wiśniewski)

"Of all that is eternal, love has the shortest life"

"Loneliness on the Internet" is the first novel by today's popular Polish writer Janusz Wisniewski, published in 2001. The events of the novel take place in the mid-90s. The main characters of the book meet on the Internet. They communicate, fall in love, live part of their lives through online correspondence, and only then meet in Paris, where they face various challenges.

4. "Solaris" Stanislav Lem

("Solaris" Stanislaw Lem)

This fantasy novel famous Polish science fiction writer Stanislaw Lem, which was first published in 1961. Solaris is an exoplanet (that is, a planet that drifts in outer space). The novel takes place in the distant future. Dr. Chris Kelvin arrives on this planet, concerned psychological state members of the expedition at the research station on Solaris. Stanislaw Lem's novel shook up the world of fantasy and had a significant impact on the development of this literary genre. The book has been translated into more than thirty languages. Three films were made based on it.

5. “The Barbarian in the Garden” Zbigniew Herbert

("Barbarzyńca w ogrodzie" Zbigniew Herbert)

Zbigniew Herbert is a famous Polish poet and playwright, born in 1924 in Lviv and lived here until 1944, from where he left for Krakow. The owner of many literary awards, Knight of the Order of the White Eagle - Poland's highest award.

The collection of poems "Barbarian in the Garden" was written in 1958-1960 and is dedicated to European culture. Here you will find a description of the masterpieces of Paleolithic mural painting in the Lascaux cave, visit the Roman ancient monuments architecture and Gothic temples, see the fall of the Templars and get to know creativity Italian artist Piero della Francesca.

6. "Emperor" Ryszard Kapuscinski

("Cesarz" Ryszard Kapuściński)

World bestseller. Ryszard Kapuscinski's book "The Emperor" is a story-report written based on real events. The work describes the life of the last emperor of Ethiopia, Haile Sellasie I, who reigned from 1930-1975 and was killed by revolutionaries. The author, without any embellishment, exposes the intrigues in the imperial court, the struggle for power, meanness, fear, greed - what remained behind the scenes of Haile's reign.

7. "Lviv Mathematical School" Mariusz Urbanek

("Lwowska szkoła matematyczna" Mariusz Urbanek)

Stefan Banach, Vladislav Orlich, Hugo Steinhaus, Stanislav Ulyam, Mark Katz, Hermann Auerbach and many other scientists created the so-called school of mathematics in Lviv during the interwar years. This was a group of mathematicians who met together in the "Scottish Cafe" in Lvov during 1918 - 1941, where they discussed various mathematical problems and made many discoveries. These were outstanding scientists whose fates developed differently during the war years. Their scientific activity, great discoveries and stormy personal life, which in most cases ended with Nazi bullets, is described in his novel by Mariusz Urbanek.

8. "Cinnamon Stores" by Bruno Schultz

("Sklepy cynamonowe" Bruno Schulz)

Bruno Schulz - Polish writer and artist of Ukrainian-Jewish origin, born and lived in Drohobych (1892 - 1942), died in the Gestapo. One of his most famous works is the collection of short stories "Cinnamon Shops", published in 1933 in Warsaw. The stories describe events from the life of a simple merchant family living in a small Galician town, in which you can easily recognize the author’s hometown - Drohobych. The story is told on behalf of young guy and the reader has the opportunity to look at the world through his eyes.

9. “Galicians” Stanislav Alexander Novak

("Galicyanie" Stanislaw Aleksander Nowak)

"The Galicians" is another Polish novel with a historical theme. It covers events from 1812 to 1915, which mainly take place in the Galician village of Zaborow near Rzeszow. Actually, the villagers are the main characters of the novel, whose fates are determined by the tragic pages of history, because the 19th and early 20th centuries are replete with wars and uprisings. At different times, Austrian, Russian, French and Polish troops passed through the village.

"Galicians" is an extraordinary story in which joy is combined with sadness, and life is constantly struggling with death. Colorful characters, descriptions of historical realities, and, above all, living language, with its inherent dialectisms, allow you to feel the atmosphere of Galicia in the 19th century.

10. “Mother Leaves” Tadeusz Ruzewicz

("Matka odchodzi" Tadeusz Różewicz)

Tadeusz Ruzewicz is one of the most famous contemporary Polish writers in the world, winner of numerous awards, honorary doctor of many Polish universities. One of his many works is the poetry collection “Mother Leaves,” published in 1999, for which the author received a Nike award (prestigious Polish literary prize, which is awarded for the most significant Polish book of the year) in 2000.

This is a kind of memory book that reflects the spiritual relationship between son and mother.

Poland, a great country whose history contains a large number outstanding people who have made a significant contribution to the development of society, science, religion, politics and creativity throughout the world. Our portal has tried to collect the names of all these people, and add a brief description of their contribution.

Politicians, statesmen and national heroesPoland

Lech Walesa - one of the most prominent presidents of Poland

John Paul II (1920-2005). The most famous Pole in the whole world, Pope John Paul II, was born in the Polish town of Wadowice. His real name is Karol Jozef Wojtyla. He was elected head of the Catholic Church in 1978. For the first time in four hundred and forty-five years of this post, the Pope was not an Italian, but John Paul II, a Pole. He carried out internal reforms of the church and changed the image of the Vatican in the eyes of the international community. Likewise, John Paul II made many pilgrimages around the world with thousands of believers. He constantly kept in touch with representatives of other faiths.

The first president of post-war Poland who was not a communist, he also founded the Polish Solidarity movement. Lech Walesa played an important role in the breakdown of the post-war order in Europe and the end of the Cold War. This puts him on the same level as such famous personalities as: John Paul II and Mikhail Gorbachev

Zbigniew Brzezinski. He was born in 1928, in the city of Warsaw, from 1977 to 1981 he served as a security consultant to the President of the United States. In 1981, he was awarded the Medal of Freedom for his participation in the normalization of US-China relations, for his involvement in American security policy and his active defense of human rights.

Joseph Pilsudski. He is undoubtedly the most important personality in the first half of the twentieth century. At least twice, the activities of Joseph Pilsudski influenced the fate of European citizens. In 1918 Poland won independence, and in 1920 it resisted the expansion of Bolshevism in Western Europe.

Tadeusz Mazowiecki. He was the commander-in-chief of the national uprising to defend the Constitution and the sovereignty of the Polish state in 1794. During the fighting at Saratoga for American independence, Tadeusz Kosciuszko distinguished himself with his engineering and military talent.

Kazimir Pulaski. He was the leader of the “lordly conference” and defended Jasnaya Gora. During the American Revolutionary War, he was a cavalry leader on the side of George Washington. He died due to serious injuries received in the battle near Savannah.

Richard Kuklinski. A colonel who served in the National Polish Army, who decided to cooperate with CIA intelligence for NATO. There are suggestions that during the Cold War he managed to transfer thirty-five thousand pages of secret documents to the CIA. These documents concerned the USSR plans to use nuclear weapons. As well as the introduction of martial law in Poland.

Eminent KingsPoland

Boleslaw the Brave - first king of Poland

Son of the Czech princess Dubrava and Meshka I. After his father died, he expelled his second wife and her sons from the country. When the kingdoms united, he tried to ascend the throne. To do this, he entered into diplomatic relations with the Vatican and the German Empire. In 999, thanks to Boleslav the Brave, Bishop Adalbert was canonized, who died a painful death. The first archbishopric was established in the year 1000 in the city of Gniezno, and a congress was held there, which had a huge political significance, even Emperor Otto III was there.

Casimir the Great. During the reign of Casimir the Great, Poland had both territorial and economic power. The following generations nicknamed him “The Great” because they valued his participation in the establishment of the political system in Poland. There is even a saying dedicated to Casimir the Great, it goes like this: “he accepted Poland as wooden, but left it as stone.”

Jan Sobieski. He achieved fame due to the fact that he proved himself to be a seasoned military commander-in-chief and an excellent strategist during the war against Turkey.

Stanislav August Poniatowski. Stanislav ascended the throne in 1764, he came from a family of magnates. Patron of art and science. He was also one of the founders of the Constitution.

Prominent writers and poetsPoland

Adam Mickiewicz - world famous Polish singer

The era of romanticism in Poland began, after the publication of the book, by the Polish folk singer"Ballads and Romances" in 1822. Famous Drama“Grandfathers” assigned Poland a special role as a liberator of nations, whose martyrdom is comparable only to the martyrdom of Jesus Christ.

Witold Gombrowicz. Created "Ferdydurke" and others in 1937 satirical works. main topic The playwright's creativity lay in the imperfection of human nature.

Henryk Sienkiewicz. The prose writer who wrote “Quo Vadis”, books that were translated into many languages ​​and even filmed, he became the owner Nobel Prize in the field of literature. The formation of his work was influenced by the fact that the author had a Catholic worldview. His numerous works have been translated into fifty languages.

Czeslaw Milosz. A versatile personality who is a poet, writer, translator and literary critic. In 1980 he was awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature. The poetry of Czeslaw Miłosz is filled with autobiographical themes and memories of emigration.

Wieslawa Szymborska. The woman is a poet and translator. In 1996 she was awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature. Wieslawa's first works were in the style of socialist realism. Szymborska wrote, filled with pessimism, discussions about the future of humanity, in an ironic form.

Richard Kapustinsky. Journalist and writer, loved to travel and recorded reports from different countries, such as: Latin America, Asia, Africa. From his many works, such as “Heban,” one can see that it was Africa that was close to the writer’s heart.

Prominent musiciansPoland

Frederic Chopin is a Polish composer whose music is loved all over the world.

Brilliant musician of the nineteenth century. Most spent his life in Paris. The composer worked during the period of romanticism. He innovated the world piano music. Frederic Chopin has an exceptionally expressive style, which was reflected first in two piano concertos.

Krzysztof Penderecki. He is an honorary member of many universities, winner and recipient of many awards at famous music competitions. Also in 2000, at the Cannes festival, Krzysztof received the award for best composer.

Henryk Nikolai Gurecki. Became the first composer of classical music. His works are very popular, and the recorded symphony number three has sold more than a thousand copies.

Stanislav Monyushko. Considered the father of Polish opera. His operatic creations lifted the spirit of the Polish people during the division of the country.

Witold Lutoslawski. One of most important musicians twentieth century. He was born in 1913, in the city of Warsaw. Witold Lutosławski's musical talent arose from his youth.

Witold Preisner. Became the most famous creator music for films. World fame brought it to him musical composition for the film “Decalogue” and “ Double life Veronica." He also won numerous music awards, such as the Silver Bear and others.

Urszula Dudziak. The vocalist accounted for ex-wife Mikhail Urbanyak, who was a jazz musician. She was more popular in the USA than in Poland. Urszula Dudziak began her career in the fifties, quickly becoming a popular jazz performer. In the sixties and seventies, after her overseas trips, she later lived in New York.

Barbara Trzetshelevska. This singer is also known as Basya. In the seventies, after moving to the UK, she gained international popularity. Matt Bianco worked as a vocalist in the group. Her first album was released in 1987. Most of her songs became British hits. Despite this, in Poland he remains almost unknown.

Outstanding discoverers, inventors, scientistsPoland

Nicolaus Copernicus is the founder of modern astronomy, whose discoveries were ahead of their time

Became the creator of modern astronomy. He was born in 1473 in the city of Toruń. He became famous thanks to his works on the rotation of celestial bodies, in which he presented the heliocentric theory, which gave direction to all subsequent research.

Marie Curie-Skłodowska. Discovered the radioactive chemical element radium. Which was a huge step in the development of atomic physics. The woman had great drive and determination. She was completely devoted to science. She died due to an illness caused by contact with a radioactive element.

Jan Heveliusz. The astronomer from the city of Gdansk was famous in the seventeenth century. He studied the movement of comets. He became the creator of a catalog of stars and compiled the first map of the surface of the moon. Therefore, one crater of the moon is named after him.

Henryk Arctowski. A great scientist and oceanologist, explored Antarctica. They named after him a certain effect that he studied, emerging clouds of ice, consisting of crystals, it is called the “Astrvsky arc”

Ernst Malinovsky. He created a section of the railway that connects the territory of Peru with the Antarctic coast. Ernst Malinovsky also took part in the development of science.

Casimir Funk. Famous, Polish origin, biochemist. He studied in Berlin, and later began his research activities in different centers of science, Paris, Berlin and London. During the First World War, he moved to the United States and already received citizenship in 1920. Vitamin B1 was derived from rice bran, namely by Casimir Funk. The scientist also investigated the causes of various diseases, ulcers, cancer and diabetes. He was the creator of new medicines.

Ludwig Zamenhof. Born in Bialystok and was a Jew of Polish origin. The most famous doctor and linguist. He created an artificial international language Esperanto. According to his plans, this language was supposed to connect people of different nationalities. Nowadays, more than eight million people speak Esperanto.

Korczak Ziulkowski. The architect was an American of Polish descent. He didn't study anywhere artistic skill, therefore he was considered a self-taught sculptor. In his youth, experimenting, he created sculptures from stone and wood. When the Mount Rushmore monument was created in 1939, Korczak Ziulkowski also took part in it.

Outstanding athletes of Poland

Dariusz Michalczewski - outstanding boxer, Polish tiger

Irina Shevinska. From eighteen to thirty-four years of life, lasted sports career Irina, she had many victories. Taking part in the Olympic Games, she won seven medals, three of which were gold. She set the world record more than five times and became the first woman to break the record at distances of one hundred, two hundred and four hundred meters.

Andrzej Golota. The most famous Polish boxer, who received one hundred and eleven victories in Europe. In 1988 he was awarded bronze medals. Participated in fights with the strongest boxers in the world.

Adam Malysh. Famous Polish ski jumping athlete. In Harrachov, he won a gold medal in the ski flying competition. In Sapporo, Salt Lake City, Trondheim, Holmenkolen and Falne, he became a ski jumping champion. Won the World Cup twice. Thanks to Adam Malysh, ski jumping has become almost a national sport.

Casimir Deyna. Also known by his nickname “Rogal” (pretzel). Became the most famous Polish footballer of all time thanks to his spectacular goals.

Robert Kozeniowski. The most famous athlete in the whole world in race walking. He won four Olympic gold medals, in Atlanta, Sydney and Athens.

Zbigniew Boniek. Talented Polish football player. He started his career at twenty years old. They scored twenty-four goals in eighty meetings. In 1980, after finishing his football career, he became an entrepreneur. He is the vice-president of the Polish Football Union, also a coach of the Polish National Representation.

An athlete who has set numerous records in boxing. His career began in the city of Gdansk. In 1999 he became a sports coach. Dariusz Michalczewski has an unusual and slightly aggressive fighting style, which is why he took the pseudonym “Tiger”.

Famous film figures from Poland

Joanna Patsula is a world-famous Polish actress.

Roman Polyansky. A very famous Polish engineer. Oscar winner. There were many tragedies in his life, which could not but affect his works. He miraculously managed to survive in the Warsaw ghetto.

Andrzej Wajda. Famous cinema that beautifully filmed Polish literature. In 2003 he won an Oscar.

Krzysztof Kieszlowski. Started with creation documentaries, in which he filmed the life of communist Poland, and images of individual people.

Janusz Kaminski. He is an American cinematographer and director of Polish origin. In 2000, he directed the film Lost Souls for the first time. In 1993 he collaborated with Steven Spielberg. He won the British Academy Film Award (BAFTA) and many others.

Krystyna Yanda. The most famous Polish actress. She starred in films by Andrzej Wajda. Gained fame thanks to films with political directions, which were created during the thaw period. Now she performs in the theater and is also a stage director for performances.

Jerzy Skolimowski. Original director of Eastern Europe. Studied at the Film Institute in Lodz. Tried myself in British world film. Jerzy Skolimowski's films raise weighty themes, imbued with his unusual imagination, which has given him worldwide critical acclaim.

Andrzej Severin. Film and theater actor. He studied at the Warsaw Actor's School. He starred in such films as “Slaves” and “The Promised Land”. Later he began his career in Paris. Starred in leading role, in the French film Don Juan.

Isabella Scorupco. She was born in Bialystok, actress and fashion model. When I was a little girl I moved with my mother to Sweden. At the age of seventeen, director Staffan Hildebrand noticed her and cast her in a film called “Nobody Loves Like Us,” the girl became a teen idol. She traveled a lot, tried herself as a singer, and worked as a fashion model. But then she returned to filming again and played a role in more than one film, for example: “With Fire and Sword,” “The Limits of Endurance,” “Lords of Fire” and others.

Famous actress of Polish origin. In 1981, she had to move to the United States of America. There her career as an actress and fashion model began. Ioanna Patsula works with popular Hollywood directors. She starred in such productions as “The Kiss”, “Gorky Park” and others.

As for literature, the Poles actually have something to be proud of: the Nobel Prize has been awarded to authors from this country four times! But, even without knowing the names of the laureates, we can say with confidence that the name Henryk Sienkiewicz is still heard by fans historical novel. The film adaptation of the works of this outstanding writer has inspired more than one heart to start reading, because no matter how well the director conveys the writer’s idea, the reader’s imagination does it incomparably better!

Getting to know Polish poetry and prose opens the soul of an amazing people who were able to survive the Swedish flood, the assertiveness of the Germans, and the pressure of Muscovy, despite the greedy desire of the invaders to enslave the free spirit and dignity of the proud successors of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth!

Loneliness on the Internet

Janusz Leon Wisniewski wrote his debut novel “Loneliness on the Internet” during a difficult period of divorce from his wife. The book became a kind of pillow for the outpouring of emotions that overwhelmed the soul. And as happens quite often in the writing world, it was the flurry of worries that helped to reveal the talent that was hidden in the depths of the essence of a doctor in the field of chemistry. The novel describes the virtual love story of Yakub and his nameless acquaintance. If real life main characters takes place in the material world, then the manifestation of the most strong feelings and the development of romantic relationships – in the Internet space. A date in Paris is a consequence of communication on the Internet. Life outside the computer tests the strength of the relationship between Jakub and the object of his love. In 2006, the novel, which became a bestseller, was released as a film.

The Witcher

Andrzej Sapkowski, author of the Witcher series of novels, prefers to work in the popular fantasy genre. He wrote his first work at the age of about forty, but this did not prevent him, however, from gaining recognition not only in home country, but also far beyond. Geralt of Rivia, who is the main character of the Witcher saga series, hunts monsters in order to protect the lives of ordinary people from the danger that threatens them, thus earning his living. Geralt’s unusual data, which sets him apart from other fighters, is a consequence of mutations. There is also a place for love in the novel: Ciri, the young princess of the kingdom of Cintra, the betrothed of the witcher, needs the protection and patronage of Geralt, because the prophecy says that the child born from her will receive incredible power and authority. But the girl knows how to stand up for herself: wielding a sword and knowing magical secrets are Ciri’s hidden resources.


Despite the fact that Tatar and Belarusian blood flows in Henryk Sienkiewicz’s veins, tremulous love to Poland and the Poles can be traced in each of his works; the historical novel “The Crusaders” was no exception. This book was first published in 1900, when the author turned 54 years old. In addition to its highly artistic value, the novel “Crusaders” pursues specific political goals. The development of events takes place against the background of the hostility of the Crusader Order towards the Poles: the parallel between the Middle Ages and the events of the time the work was written is obvious. The love of the Polish knight Zbyszko from Bogdanets for the beautiful noblewoman Danusa becomes the root cause of his hatred of the Teutons, who killed the girl’s mother. The oath of vengeance is the starting point of numerous and cruel tests of strength of a bright feeling.


Before becoming a book, this social and everyday novel, authored by Polish prose writer Boleslaw Prus, was published in a newspaper for two years. In the center of the work is the life and love of Stanislav Vokulsky, who, thanks to his hard work and abilities, and subsequently his deep feeling for the aristocrat Isabella, goes up the social ladder from the very bottom to the very top. However high society, represented by the girl’s father, is contemptuous of the upstart, although he is not at all ashamed to use the capital acquired by the former sexual partner for his own purposes. Boleslav Prus contrasts the nobility and breadth of soul of the “trader” Vokulsky with the low soul of Kazek Starsky, with whom Isabella’s relatives predict a worthy match for her. Because of a rash and frivolous statement, a flirtatious aristocrat loses Vokulsky’s love forever: the game is over, the “doll” has finally realized its role...


After successful publication in three Polish newspapers in 1886, Henryk Sienkiewicz's novel was published in book form. The name of the three-volume book was given by the Swedish invasion of the territory of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, the consequences of which historians and eyewitnesses compared with catastrophic horrors water element. By an amazing coincidence, the fate of the beautiful Olenka is miraculously intertwined with the fate of the daring cornet Andrzej Kmicic. Naturally, a spark runs between the young people. Dissolute and eccentric character The gentleman and future groom of the blue-eyed lady pushes him to commit a thoughtless crime, which becomes an insurmountable obstacle to their love. The desire to atone for his guilt and the desire to regain Olenka’s favor prompt Andrzej to stand up for the defense of his Fatherland. The gullible and impetuous young man is misled, and he ends up on the Swedish side, thereby losing his last hope of returning to his beloved’s favor. Only a real feeling, in spite of all the machinations, acquires the strength of tempered iron from going through trials: the young man has to prove his loyalty to the Fatherland and his beloved with his blood...

With fire and sword

The year of publication of the magazine version of the historical novel “With Fire and Sword”, which belongs to the talent of Henryk Sienkiewicz, coincides with the year of publication of this work in book form - 1884. We can say that this genre has acquired another outstanding author, because the subsequent work of the Polish writer proved his worth in this area fiction. Love relationship between the young officer Jan Skshetuski and Princess Helena fall during turbulent times - the period of the Cossack rebellion against the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth under the leadership of Bohdan Zinovy ​​​​Khmelnitsky. Although the Pole’s feelings find a response in Elena’s heart, the second admirer, Cossack Lieutenant Colonel Bohun, builds all sorts of intrigues on the way to unite the lovers.


Vladislav Reymont received the Nobel Prize at the age of 57 precisely for his novel “Men,” thereby once again proving that everything ingenious is simple. Rural life and the life of peasants was very close to Vladislav Reymont, perhaps this was the reason for his ability to convey on paper the whole gamut of shades of peasant character. The events of the novel directly depend on the change of seasons: the work is divided into four parts, in accordance with the seasons. Vivid images of characters, living language of narration and heartfelt love for ordinary people do not leave even the most callous reader indifferent. According to all the rules of the genre, the plot of "Men" is tied to love story– a forbidden passion between Yagna Pachest and her stepson Antek Boryna.

Kamo is coming

The historical novel by Henryk Sienkiewicz “Kamo khryadeshi” was created by the author over the course of two years. World fame The work had an unconditional influence on the awarding of the Nobel Prize to the Polish writer in 1905. Although in this novel Henryk Sienkiewicz departs from the traditional description of the historical events of his homeland, patriotic devotion can be traced even here: one of the main heroines of “Kamo Gryadeshi” is the royal daughter from the barbarian tribe of Lygians, the ancestors of modern Poles, who was named Lygia in the house of her adoptive family, pledged to the Romans. The eccentric patrician Marcus Vinicius falls in love with this sophisticated beauty, not suspecting that Lygia worships the mysterious Christian God. Even the cruel Roman Empire led by Nero falls before the new teaching, because love is stronger than hatred, and purity is higher than immorality! The depraved heart of the young man can no longer resist the depth of the faith of the martyrs, and the barrier between the Roman and the Lygian, erected by pagan prejudices, turns into rubble...

Pan Tadeusz

Adam Mickiewicz's epic poem, which he wrote over two years, is his largest work. The author, with pedantic precision, conveys in rhymed lines the life of Polish society on the eve of Napoleon's invasion of Russian territory. The description of the gentry's pastime is conveyed in such detail that Mickiewicz's contemporaries considered the poem "Pan Tadeusz" a source of encyclopedic knowledge. The love between Tadeusz and Zosia, which grows and strengthens against the backdrop of patriotic feelings and military events, ultimately finds a happy and beautiful ending.


The Polish poet and playwright Stanislaw Wyspianski wrote the play “The Wedding” under the impression of his friend’s wedding, which he happened to attend. In this work, the author not only ironizes about the morals of his contemporaries, but also predicts the realization of the dream of a free and independent Poland, despite the failure and philistine vulgarity of the intelligentsia exalted above the people. Fantastic characters mixed with real representatives of Polish society endow the play with allegorical symbolism.

In the desert and in the forest

Henryk Sienkiewicz also revealed himself as a youth writer in the adventure story “In the Desert and Forest.” The events of the work develop in Egypt, where at this time the construction of the Suez Canal is taking place, designed to unite two seas - the Red and the Mediterranean. Two widowed father-engineers are working on the project - the Pole Vladislav and the Englishman George, their children become the cause and consequence of the development of events when, by a whim of fate, they find themselves hostage by the Arabs. Stas and Nel are left alone with their misfortune and are forced to look for a way out of the current circumstances, relying only on their ingenuity, but the jungle, animals, and metamorphoses of capricious nature await them, even the ubiquitous slave traders are not averse to grabbing the “tidbit”...


Stanislaw Lem is perhaps the most famous Polish science fiction writer. His novel Solaris, published in 1961, still excites the minds and hearts of readers with its mystery and unpredictability of the plot. In the depths of the Universe there is a planet where the only living inhabitant is the ocean, capable of thinking and acting. The study of this intelligent object comes to a standstill due to the inaccessibility of the language of the ocean to human understanding, and only Dr. Chris Kelvin is still trying to find points of contact with a liquid substance that has the insane ability to materialize the most intimate human memories...

Polish writers may not be so well known to Russian readers. However, the classical layer of literature of this country is very original and especially dramatic. Perhaps this is due to tragic fate of the Polish people, many centuries of conquest and division of lands, with the Nazi invasion, the destruction of the country and its difficult restoration from the ruins.

However, Polish writers are also known to us on the other hand, as the brightest representatives of such popular genres as science fiction and ironic detective. Let's talk about the most notable Polish writers of the 20th and 21st centuries, whose fame went beyond the borders of their native country.

Sienkiewicz Henryk

At the end of the 19th century, Sienkiewicz became the most famous Polish writer. Books by Polish writers are not often awarded major world prizes, but in 1905 Sienkiewicz received one for his entire literary work.

One of his most famous works is the historical saga “With Fire and Sword,” which tells about the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth. In 1894, he wrote his next landmark work, Quo Vadis, in the Russian translation “Kamo Gryadeshi”. This novel about the Roman Empire secures Sienkiewicz's fame as a master of the historical genre in literature. To this day, this novel remains very popular and is translated into various languages. His next work was the novel “Crusaders” about the attacks of the Teutonic Order on Poland.

With the outbreak of World War I, Sienkiewicz went to Switzerland, where he died in 1916 and was buried there. Later his remains were reburied in Warsaw.

Lem Stanislav

The Polish futurist writer is familiar to the whole world. His pen includes such famous works, like “Solaris”, “Eden”, “Voice of the Lord” and others.

He was born in 1921 in the city of Lviv, which was then Polish. During the German occupation, he miraculously escaped the ghetto thanks to fake documents. After the end of World War II, he moved to Krakow under the repatriation program, where he studied to become a doctor. In 46, Lem published his first story, and already in 51 his debut novel “Astronauts” was published, which instantly made him famous.

All the writer’s work can be divided into several groups. One is serious works in the spirit science fiction. The other was written by him as a satirical writer. These are grotesque works such as “Cyberiad” and “Peace on Earth”.

Gombrowicz Witold

This is a Polish playwright from the 50s-60s of the 20th century. His first major novel, “Ferdydurka,” created a great resonance. He forever divided the literary world of Poland into fans and critics of his work, among whom were other Polish writers.

A month before the start of World War II, Gombrowicz sails on a boat to Argentina, where he experiences the terrible years of the war in exile. After the end of hostilities, the writer realizes that his work has been forgotten at home, but it is not easy to gain fame abroad either. Only in the mid-50s did his old works begin to be reprinted in Poland.

In the 60s, popularity returned to him, largely thanks to the new novels “Cosmos” and “Pornography”, which were published in France. In the history of world literature, Witold Gombrowicz remained a master of words and a philosopher, who more than once entered into an argument with history.

Vishnevsky Janusz

Few contemporary Polish writers are as famous in the world as Janusz Wisniewski. Despite the fact that he now lives in Frankfurt am Main, his works are always colored by the unique charm of Polish prose, its drama and lyricism.

Vishnevsky’s debut novel “Loneliness on the Internet” about virtual love literally blew up the world. For three years the book was a bestseller, it was filmed and translated into many languages.

Khmelevskaya Ioanna

The works of Mrs. Khmelevskaya are not considered to be high true literature, and it is not surprising, since her genre is - However, one cannot deny her fame. Khmelevskaya’s books became so popular not only because of the intrigue and clever twists detective stories, but also the charm of its heroes. The main character of many books is copied from the author - brave, ironic, smart, gambling, Mrs. Joanna did not leave anyone indifferent. Khmelevskaya copied the rest from her friends, relatives and colleagues. By the will of her imagination, many became victims or criminals and, as they later noted with a laugh, could not get rid of the imposed image.

Her own life gave her a lot of stories - romance novels, dizzying meetings, travel and much less pleasant events of the Second World War, the occupation of Warsaw, the difficult economic fate of the country. All this brought into her books that living language and sharp humor that spread far beyond the borders of her native country.

The Ukrainian classic of literature wrote in one of his poems that one should learn both one’s own and that of others. These words of Taras Shevchenko should be taken not so much as a general parting word, but as specific advice to everyone who is studying a foreign language today.

To successfully enter another cultural space you need not only to speak the language, but also to know the heritage of this country. Therefore, "Rozmovlai" selected the names of the best contemporary Polish writers. If you accidentally remember the works of these authors, you will immediately enter the close circle of friends of any Pole.

Soul-chilling riddles

If you like books that increase the adrenaline rush, and the brain is actively looking for a solution, then modern Polish literature replete with a number of reputable names.

Marek Krajewski- the writer’s work combines elements of black detective and horror. The novel "Śmierć w Breslau" has already been translated into 18 languages, and was published in 2016 A new book author called "Mock".

Zygmunt Miłoszewski- the most bright name in the world of the Polish detective. Horror "Domofon", a series of novels about Commissioner Szacki "Uwikłanie", "Ziarno prawdy", thriller "Bezcenny" and many other novels await the reader on the bookshelves.

Katarzyna Bonda- the writer introduced a new type of hero into the Polish detective story. Hubert Meyer, a police psychologist who helps solve criminal cases, has become a favorite character of the modern Polish reader. This character appears in the novels "Sprawa Niny Frank", "Tylko martwi nie kłamią" and "Florystce", as well as occasionally in "Okularnik".

Remigiusz Mróz- the novel “Rewizja” stands out for its multidimensionality, because it forces you to solve more than one riddle. In 2016, the writer became a laureate of the leading Polish prize for the novel “Kasacja”.

About feelings and relationships

If detective stories are not your thing, you can easily find authors who create more sensual literature. Polish writers of this genre will not only delight you with high-quality texts, but will also enchant you with their varied stories.

Janusz L. Wiśniewski- the author stands out with an interesting look at the feelings between a man and a woman. Our readers know the writer thanks to the novel "Samotność w sieci", but why not read good book in original. In 2016, a new novel “Udręki braku pożądania” was published.

Krystyna Mirek- The books of this writer are special in that they always have a happy ending. We recommend the novel “Hunting for Butterflies” - a smile after reading is guaranteed!

Or maybe we can dream up?

If you love science fiction or fantasy, then Polish authors have proven themselves to the maximum in this area. Books of this genre have long gone beyond the borders of Poland, and we're talking about not only about the iconic Stanislaw Lem.

Andrzej Sapkowski- it is this writer who is today an authority in the world of Polish science fiction. Andrzej Sapkowski is the creator of the Witcher character, based on which films, comics and computer games have been created. The writer’s work is rich, but you can start with “Wiedźmin”, “Krew elfów”, “Sezon burz”.

Andrzej Pilipiuk- author of a series of satirical and mystical stories about Jakeb Wendrovich, which captivated readers around the world. Andrzej is considered the creator of the social-satirical trend in Polish science fiction. We recommend "Czarownik Iwanow", but you should also pay attention to the 2016 book "Konan destylator".

Jacek Piekara- the work of this writer is popular among readers and is recognized among literary critics. It’s worth starting your acquaintance with the debut story “Wszystkie twarze szatana”, also don’t miss “Labirynt”, “Łowcy dusz”, etc.

These are just a few interesting authors of modern Poland. "Rozmovlyai" recommends it, as you will not only have a good time reading their works, but you will also be able to easily find mutual language with the Poles! "Rozmovlyai" guarantees! For anyone who plans to connect their life with literature, we recommend