Sisters from the fairy tale Cinderella. “The Glass Slipper” by Charles Perrault and Pierre de Harmancourt is the gentlest form of a fairy tale

The story of a young girl called Cinderella helps children believe in the best outcome of any event. Despite its fairly advanced age, there is still no loss of interest in the fairy tale: cartoons are drawn based on it, films and films are made. And some creative personalities They even come up with a continuation of the young girl’s story.

But throughout all these years, young and adult readers have been haunted by the question: who wrote Cinderella? It is known that the fairy tale exists in more than a hundred versions. Moreover, only a few of them have an author, while most take their roots in oral folk art, folklore and even in the tales of the times of the pharaohs of Ancient Egypt.

Who wrote "Cinderella"?

  • Egyptian papyri. This is one of the very first versions of the tale. It is unknown who wrote Cinderella from Greece. One thing is clear: the ancient Egyptian Rhodopis and everyone famous Cinderella The only similarities are the loss of a shoe and subsequent marriage to a man of blue blood.
  • Retelling Italian storyteller D. Basile. His "Cinderella" was written long before known variant, created by Charles Perrault. Zezolla Basile was born 61 years before Perrault's The Crystal Slipper, in 1636.
  • Who wrote "Cinderella" and "Little Red Riding Hood"? If you pose the question in this way, naming several works at the same time, you can give a precise answer: the author of both works is Charles Perrault and his son Pierre. Storytellers wrote the story about the good stepdaughter in 1697.
  • The Brothers Grimm created the image of an oppressed stepdaughter, who is closest to nature of all her analogues. In the fairy tale, the role of the fairy is played by a hazel tree planted by a girl on her mother’s grave, and a white bird. The version seen by Grimm storytellers is a little scary. There is a lot of blood in it: the sisters cut off parts of the body (heel and toes) to put on the shoes. And in the end the pigeons pecked out their eyes.

To be honest, children don’t really care who wrote Cinderella. They do not ask this question, because for them the main thing is the culmination of the action. And she is always alone: ​​the girl becomes the prince’s bride.

Greek version of Cinderella: Rhodopis and Phodoris

It is believed that Rhodopis (according to other sources, Phodoris) was the progenitor of all stories about Cinderella.

However, even this version does not have a single storyline. According to one of them, Rhodopis is a Greek slave who was kidnapped by pirates as a child. The owner who bought the girl gave her elegant gilded sandals. One day, while swimming in the river, she lost them: they were dragged away by a falcon. He turned out to be a god. Horus took the Rhodopis sandals to the pharaoh himself, who ordered a search for the owner of this lovely little shoe.

The second version says that Fodoris is an Egyptian prostitute. The rest of the story is not much different from what was previously mentioned, only instead of a falcon there is an eagle.

The searches in both cases ended in weddings.

Bloodthirsty Zezolla Giambattista Basile

Who wrote "Cinderella" - a fairy tale that inspires girls to work hard and be obedient? If the question is put this way, then Giambattista Basile has nothing to do with writing a story about a girl.

It is not difficult to explain this statement. Zezolla, straight out of the pages of Basile's tale, is frighteningly bloodthirsty. In cahoots with the nanny, she broke her stepmother’s neck with her own hands. After committing the murder, Zezolla marries his father to the nanny. And only then, after this wedding, the king falls in love with her. Here a plot similar to other versions begins: the loss of a shoe (pianella), the search for a beloved through trying it on for every woman in the state and, finally, finding love. Only Cinderella Giambattista was not eager to marry the young prince and struggled with this in every possible way.

“The Glass Slipper” by Charles Perrault and Pierre de Harmancourt is the gentlest form of a fairy tale

The most gentle and child-friendly tale is the version dated 1697. Therefore, if you ask your parents: “Who wrote “Cinderella”? - they will answer with one voice: “Charles Perrault.” And, without pretense, we can say that they are undoubtedly right. The fact that Charles Perrault is not the first to retell the story of the poor girl is not important. The important thing is that it was he who created the children's version, which is not scary to read to a child at night.

The main merit of the French storyteller is adaptation to children's worldview. He introduced new, modern attributes for those realities: carriage, coachmen, godmother, but transferred them from real world in magical. The carriage is an enchanted pumpkin; godmother - fairy sorceress. And the shoe is transformed into a subtle crystal frame.

A kind magical atmosphere reigns in Charles Perrault's fairy tale. It tells the story of a poor but honest girl. After the death of her mother, the father remarried an evil woman who, along with her orders, brings two daughters into the house. Cinderella became a servant in her own house, but she followed all the instructions of her stepmother and sisters meekly and humbly. Having got to the ball with the help of her fairy godmother, Cinderella loses her glass slipper. Evil stepmother and daughters prevent the two from reuniting loving hearts, but without bloodthirsty scenes (like Basile). Having become a princess, Cinderella shows kindness to the women who oppress her and contributes to the development of their personal lives.

Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm. Film adaptation: “Three Nuts for Cinderella”

The fairy tale as edited by the Brothers Grimm is a little scary and shocking. The step-sisters mutilate their legs for the sake of a lucrative groom, and then are left without eyes thanks to Cinderella’s faithful assistants - the pigeons.

But there are also positive sides to it. There is a clear connection here with the deceased mother. In the fairy tale of the Brothers Grimm, it is she who helps her daughter cope with all adversity: this cannot be denied, since a hazel tree grew on her grave. A white bird can also be called a symbol and prototype of a mother.

In Czechoslovakia, based on the fairy tale by Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm, the film “Three Nuts for Cinderella” was shot. What is so attractive about this adaptation? There are no bloody episodes from the original.

Russian contribution to the history of young Zamarashka

Some intellectuals call the author of the work we are considering Russian writer Soviet period Evgeny Schwartz. This theory is the most unrealistic. After all, he lived and worked long after the fairy tale appeared. However, if we consider the girl's name, maybe he became the first. After all, thanks to him, his Cinderella became an ordinary Trash.

Charles Perrault and Pierre de Armancourt. Father or Son: Who Wrote Cinderella?

Fairy tale " glass slipper“The writers have still not fully studied it, since they do not know which author to give the copyright to it: the son, whose name was printed on the first editions of “Tales of My Mother Goose,” or the father, who wrote mainly in lyrical poetic language. In 1697, the first version of the collection was published. The name of the creator was on the title: Pierre de Armancourt. The authorship of the son of Charles Perrault was assigned until 1724.

Why was his name mixed with mud after the storyteller's death? And the name of his son has sunk into oblivion? And who really is the author of everything famous fairy tale? Sergei Boyko is trying to answer these questions. He devoted an entire book to studying this phenomenon: “ Wonderland Pierre and Charles Perrault." Boyko believes that the original authorship belongs to Charles Perrault. However, he composed fairy tales exclusively in poetic form. They acquired their modern prosaic appearance thanks to the efforts of his son Pierre. Therefore, we can say that father and son are equal co-authors of the works.

Walt Disney: a new vision of an old fairy tale

Stray fairy tale plot entrenched not only on the pages of books and in the memory of admirers, but also on hundreds of meters of cinematographic film. We can say that the progenitor of Disney's Cinderella was none other than Charles Perrault. After all, we have already touched upon the issues of creating a fairy tale more than once: when, where, and most importantly, who?

“Cinderella” and “Puss in Boots” were written by the French storyteller Charles Perrault (and his son Pierre). Therefore, it is not difficult to assume that the Disney girl is French by birth.

For the first time Cinderella finds her modern features in 1950. The main character of the cartoon became one of the main official princesses of Walt Disney. Just like the folklore ancestor, Disney's Cinderella is a wandering character, but does not lose her kindness and honesty.

She appears in several animated films: “Cinderella” (main story), “Dreams Come True” (continued), “ Evil spell" It also often becomes episodic character: “Sofia the First.” The heroine was also featured in the leading roles in the Once Upon a Time series.

Based on the foregoing, we can conclude that the origins of the girl are still hidden under a veil of secrecy. How to answer the question of who wrote “Cinderella”? The author (though in this matter it is more important for adults than for children) depends on which version you are interested in: fairy-tale, children's or bloodthirsty fantasy.

Different peoples of the world.

The earliest known version of the tale is found on Egyptian papyri. The main character of the tale is a girl named Rhodopis, born in Greece. She was kidnapped by pirates who took her to Egypt, where she was sold into slavery. The owner bought her elegant gold-plated leather sandals. While Rhodopis was bathing in the river, a falcon (this falcon was the god Horus) stole her sandal and took it to the pharaoh. The sandal was so small and elegant that the pharaoh immediately launched a nationwide manhunt. When he found Rhodopis - Cinderella - he immediately married her.

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The plot as revised by Charles Perrault (1697)

King small country, a widower with a daughter from his first marriage, a lovely and kind girl, married an arrogant and evil lady with two daughters, similar to their mother in everything. The father “obeyed his own in everything” new wife" The stepmother forces her stepdaughter to live in the attic, sleep on a straw bed and do the most difficult and dirty work. After work, the girl usually relaxes, sitting on a box of ash near the fireplace, so the sisters nicknamed her Cinderella. Stepsisters Cinderella bathes in luxury, and she meekly endures their ridicule.

In the 15th and 16th centuries The fur trade was in its heyday. Harvesting furs was not an easy task back then: one had to make long and dangerous journeys to Nordic countries; Because of this, furs were extremely valuable. In those days, as now, high prices only increased demand: after all, vanity knows no barriers. In France, as well as in other countries, the wearing of furs was a privilege established by royal decree for the nobility, and this explains why the ermine appears so often on ancient coats of arms; Some rare furs, such as vair, which, without a doubt, is nothing more than royal sable, had the right to be worn only by kings, dukes and nobles holding certain positions. A distinction was made between vair, consisting of small skins, and vair, consisting of large skins; this word has already fallen out of use for a hundred years and has been forgotten to such an extent by everyone that even in countless reprints of Perrault’s Fairy Tales about Cinderella’s famous slipper, which was originally, apparently, from a small vair, it is now said that it is crystal (verre).

Subsequently, this version became widespread, but not everyone shared this point of view. For example, in the work of Anatole France “The Book of My Friend” (chapter “Talk about fairy tales") the following dialogue takes place between the characters:

Laura. It is wrong to say that Cinderella had glass slippers. It is impossible to imagine shoes made of the same material as the decanter. Shoes lined with squirrel fur are more acceptable, but it’s still not very smart to take a girl to the ball in such shoes. In fur shoes, Cinderella's feet would look like furry pigeon feet. You have to be crazy about dancing to dance in fur slippers. But all girls are like this: even if they had lead soles, they would still dance.

Raymond. Cousin, I warned you: beware of common sense. Cinderella was shod not in fur, but in crystal shoes, transparent, like Saint-Gobain glass, like the waters of a spring, like rhinestone. You know she had magic shoes, and that says it all.

It was also pointed out that even if folk version fairy tale slippers were not made of glass, then this image could have appeared in the fairy tale not as a result of an error (by the author or publishers), since Perrault could have created the image of glass slippers quite deliberately. For example, the writer Claude Maitre pointed out symbolic meaning glass:

Glass was not chosen by chance. There is something here similar to the idea of ​​luminous transparency, which is the opposite of the dirty face at the beginning of the tale. At the same time, glass is created by fire, it is a natural substance that is completely transformed by ashes... and to some extent, this glass can be a symbol of the fact that a human being can, like God himself, create a world that is also a world light and transparency. At the end of the story, Cinderella, the bride of Ashes, becomes the bride of the Sun.

Paul Delarue was also a supporter of the version about glass rather than fur slippers:

From a symbolic point of view, as opposed to a prosaic approach, glass is ideal. Glass is a common symbol of virginity. It is fragile and can only be broken once.

It is also indicated that glass slippers are worn by the heroines of fairy tales, presumably created before the appearance of Perrault’s book, and in those countries where there are no homonyms, due to which it is possible to confuse fur and glass. For example, in a Scottish tale that appears to be older than Perrault's version, a magical black lamb gives a girl glass slippers. Glass slippers are also mentioned in Irish fairy tales.

Adaptations and film adaptations

Based on the French fairy tale, numerous gaming and cartoons, both direct adaptations and complete reinterpretations using individual elements plot.

In 1817 Italian composer Gioachino Rossini wrote a play of the same name based on the French version of the tale, and in 1899 another version of the opera premiered French composer Jules Massenet.

In 1945, the premiere of Sergei Prokofiev's ballet to a libretto by Nikolai Volkov took place.

In 2000, the film Cinderella was released in the UK, directed by Beben Kidron, where Cinderella was played by Marcella Plunkett. The film is based on the original classic fairy tale about Cinderella, but the location has been moved to modern world, full of modern fashionable clothes and new technologies. A similar modernization of the plot in the Russian film “

Charles Perrault, the Brothers Grimm and Evgeny Schwartz - incorrect answers. Knowing this, can you then answer who wrote Cinderella?

Fairy tale history

Of course, it would be easier to answer that Cinderella, known to everyone almost from the cradle, was invented by Charles Perrault. After all, he wrote his fairy tale back in 1697, that is, more than 300 years ago. And everything that is ancient is where we look for the author. At least that’s how it happened, and that’s how people think. Well, our grandmothers told us about Cinderella performed either by that same Charles Perrault, or... well, of course, by the Brothers Grimm.

Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm were just born in 1785 and 1786, respectively. And they themselves grew up on the fairy tale of Cinderella as interpreted by Charles Perrault. And when they matured, they gathered the most famous folk tales German people and released it under the title “Fairy Tales of the Brothers Grimm.” This is where the second version was born.

And the third one walks and wanders among intellectuals who seem to believe that before the 20th century nothing existed at all and fairy tales were not “written”, and Cinderella was invented by Evgeniy Schwartz when he wrote famous play. But this, of course, is a joke. Schwartz is mentioned more because he contributed specifically to the Soviet Cinderella. Let me remind you that during the translation Turgenev called Cinderella (Cendrillon or Cinderella) Zamarashka.

Classic "tramp plot"

Actually, who wrote Cinderella? It was not even invented by the German people, as the Brothers Grimm believed when describing German folklore. The Cinderella story is a classic one. wandering plot", there are thousands of variations and in the center there is always a beautiful, honest, kind, naive Cinderella, no matter what you call her: CINDERELLA (modern), Cinderella (outdated original), Sondrien (French), Aschenpute (German) or Cinderella (Hollywood- Disney" English).

Country: USSR

Cinderella - Yanina Zheimo

For several generations Soviet people Yanina Zheimo will forever remain the first and only Cinderella. And it doesn’t matter that the performer of this role was already 37 years old at the time of filming: firstly, this is not visible at all on the screen, and secondly, in real fairy-tale heroines no age. “My appearance determined my role: all my life I have played teenage girls.” It’s interesting that Zheimo’s daughter at that time was almost the same age as her heroine.

They say that the actress was chosen by Evgeniy Schwartz himself (the author of the play “Cinderella”, on which the film was based). He preferred Yanina to a young ballerina who was protected by big bosses. And all because the author saw his heroine not as a porcelain doll, not as a tremulous ingenue, but as a confident, persistent young lady with a strong character.

The film was released immediately after the war and had an effect on the Soviet audience, similar to that, how Dior’s New Look collection was received (also, by the way, in 1947). It seemed that at such a time there was no time for romance - but it was fairy tales that people wanted. Our “Cinderella” was shown in France, Austria, Japan, Sweden and Finland - and was a success everywhere.

Our "Cinderella" was shown in France, Austria, Japan, Sweden and Finland - everywhere it was a success. Yanina Zheimo and Alexey Konsovsky (still from the film). Photo: Fotobank

Shoes: made from plexiglass. And the actress’s leg, like her heroine’s, was miniature - size 31!

Quote:“It’s very harmful not to go to the ball, especially when you deserve it.”


Country: USA

Walt Disney was a famous perfectionist, but Cinderella stands apart in his work. The cartoon was filmed over the course of six years (if the audience didn’t like it, Disney would have stopped making feature films altogether). By the way, he created a short version of “Cinderella” in 1922, before he came up with Mickey Mouse.

Disney was inexhaustible in his inventions and for “Cinderella” he came up with a special technique: he copied each character from a real actress or actor. So, main character It’s no coincidence that she looks like Ingrid Bergman: at that time she was the director’s favorite actress. True, it was not possible to agree on dubbing with Bergman. For this, Disney engaged 20-year-old Eileen Woods - he chose her from 400 other applicants.

Disney's "Cinderella" was drawn based on the appearance of actress Ingrid Bergman

Shoes: they are, of course, beautiful, but they have interesting feature. After one of the shoes breaks, Cinderella exchanges it for the one she had in her apron and puts it on the same foot she was going to put on first. This is not an unfortunate omission of the artists, but real fact: in the Middle Ages, when the fairy tale about Cinderella appeared, shoes were sewn using the same pattern for both the right and left feet.

Quote: « Royal Ball? I think it will be monstrously stupid, very, very boring... and inexpressibly wonderful!


Country: Czechoslovakia/GDR

Cinderella - Libushe Shafrankova

Both in the USSR to Yanina Zheimo, and in the rest of the Eastern Bloc countries a real Cinderella Libuše Šafrankova was considered. We also know this film very well - thanks to “Aunt Valya Leontyeva” and her program “Visiting a Fairy Tale.” Here the role of the fairy godmother is given to three nuts - in the last of them,

by the way, it's lying wedding gift. Well, there are differences in trifles: the stepmother has only one daughter, but Cinderella rides a horse and shoots beautifully. The film was supposed to be shot in the summer, but the preparatory period was delayed. When the director finally started filming, winter arrived - surprisingly snowy and cold. Later, it was the winter landscape that created a special atmosphere for the film. Libuše Šafrankova recalled that all the actors were terribly cold: their costumes were not at all suitable for sub-zero temperatures. The artist created them in medieval fashion, inspired by Bruegel’s paintings. Now these dresses and camisoles are in the museum of the Barrandov film studio.

In Germany, the film “Three Nuts...” became a traditional Christmas hit, just like ours “The Irony of Fate...”.

In the film “Three Nuts for Cinderella,” the heroine wore tapestry slippers rather than glass slippers. Libuše Šafrankova and Pavel Travnicek (still from the film)

Shoes: they were created by Theodor Pištek, an Oscar winner for the costumes for the film Amadeus. The shoes were not crystal, but made of tapestry fabric. There are only three pairs of heels of different heights: to make it comfortable to run down slippery stairs and jump on a horse.

Quote:“Here are three riddles. The face is dirty with ash, but not a chimney sweep. A hat with a feather, but not a hunter. A dress with a train, embroidered in silver, but not a princess.” - “It’s a pity that it’s not a princess...”


Country: USSR

Cinderella was voiced by Tatyana Shabelnikova

Masterpiece Soviet animation, to some extent avant-garde: for the first time the background was made of velvet colored paper, which could be bought in the stores “Shkolnik” and “ Child's world" In addition to the incredibly beautiful characters, what is memorable, of course, is the song based on the poems of Genrikh Sapgir, as well as the refrain “never... forever.”

This is perhaps the most modest and most defenseless Cinderella of all presented here: she has neither the strength nor the desire to stand up for herself. She is not very friendly with animals, unlike the Disney version - at least not to such an extent that she communicates with them on equal terms. A wedding with a handsome prince becomes her only chance to get out of vicious circle“Chop wood—clean pots—plant forty rose bushes.” And what would feminists say?

The most touching Cinderella of all time in the 1979 cartoon

Shoes: they are not the point.

Quote:“Where did we live, how did we live, smiling and sad?<…>We only know that this is a miracle, and it happened to us.”


Country: USA

Cinderella - Drew Barrymore

The action of the tale is transferred to the 16th century, to France. At the same time, Cinderella (her name is Danielle in the film) is friends with Leonardo da Vinci - Europe is small! Suffice it to say that the “portrait” of Cinderella was based on Leonardo da Vinci’s drawing “La Scapigliata”. And, I must say, it is quite consistent.

The film was shot in France, in several beautiful chateaus, and the main character wore outfits made according to sketches of medieval fashionistas. At the same time, in the film it sounds quite contemporary music- for example, hits of the rock group Texas.

Prince Henry was played by the handsome young Dougray Scott. Jonny Lee Miller and - we honestly don’t understand why they were so scared - turned down this role before him.

Cinderella Danielle in the movie "History" eternal love» is friends with Leonardo da Vinci and looks like the girl from his painting “La Scapigliata”. Drew Barrymore and Patrick Godfrey (still from the film)

Shoes: The crystal pair that Daniella wears was designed by Salvatore Ferragamo.

Quote:“A bird may love a fish, but where should they live?!”


Country: USA

Cinderella - Lily James

The modern version of the fairy tale was filmed with emphasized care for the original. This was done on purpose: so that children, spoiled by social networks and gadgets, remember what a real miracle and belief in magic are.

A large-scale casting was announced for the role of Cinderella. The first and main contender was (Hermione Granger from the Harry Potter films). She refused, which she later regretted - however, very soon we will see the girl in the role of another classic Disney beauty, in the full-length version of Beauty and the Beast.

Lily James is a very young actress (by the way, she is currently starring in the television series “War and Peace”, in the role, of course, of Natasha Rostova). What she liked most was the fitting scene. ball gown sky blue color. Oscar-winning costume designer Sandy Powell created a masterpiece from ten layers of fine silk, each with a different shade of blue. As Lily herself said: “When I first put on this dress, I felt both excited and scared. How did I live before this?! These are the feelings Cinderella should experience when going to the ball.”

The dress for the new, just released Cinderella is a real designer masterpiece. Actress Lily James, wearing it for the first time, exclaimed: “How did I live before this?!”

And we also wonder if Cate Blanchett ( evil stepmother) to challenge the title of the performer of the role of “the most charming Disney scoundrel.” At least her heroine is just as beautiful and, as it turns out closer to the end, nothing human is alien to her.

Shoes: several specially for the film premiere famous designers shoes created their own versions of the glass slipper. Sandra Choi, creative director brand Jimmy Choo, came up with a magical pair with a blooming flower on the toe. Artists from the Stuart Weitzman brand - transparent ankle boots studded with crystals. But the most unusual option, in our opinion, was demonstrated by Jerome Rousseau - and it’s not a matter of murderous thin stiletto heel, which, according to the plan, should add drama to the shoes, and in... a strap around the ankle. How can you lose such a shoe?!

As for those glass slippers small size, in which Lily James runs (one of them is brutally smashed by her stepmother on the door frame), they were created in collaboration with the Swarovski brand. The artist took as a basis shoes from 1890 with 12-centimeter heels, which she found in one of the English museums. “Given that the shoes are made of crystal, it’s not at all clear how to walk in them. But I made it so that in the end even a child can run in these shoes,” Powell said.

Quote:“Would you like to grab something to eat after you finish work?” - “Yes, stepmother.” - “You don’t have to call me that. "Madame" would be better."

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