Jackie Chan birthday boy: biography of an outstanding actor with numerous talents. Filmography: films starring Jackie Chan

In fact, his name is Chen Gangsheng, or Chan Kongsan - transcriptions are different. Zhen was born in Hong Kong, his parents fled there from China from political persecution: dad was a secret agent of the Kuomintang party, and when the communists won, he had to hide from them. There is evidence that my mother, in turn, traded in opium - an extremely interesting family, in a word. But in Hong Kong I had to start everything from scratch, there was no money. Dad became a cook at the French embassy, ​​mom became a maid.

The son was actively engaged in kung fu - his father taught him, because the boy was running around the house like crazy, he had to put his energy somewhere. From elementary school he was expelled - he studied poorly! And the parents were generally forced to move to Canberra, Australia - for the same political reasons. There, dad generally went to work at the US Embassy, ​​also as a cook. And he left his son ... at home. At school Peking Opera, that under the Chinese theater academy. There, in addition to acting skills, martial arts taught!

The beginning of a film career

Jackie Chan became close with the guys from the school, with whom he founded the Three Brothers show group together. He got into the crowd in a number of films, including some with Bruce Lee. And since the Chinese opera lost its popularity and it was pointless to work in the specialty, it remained to choose between physical labor and the work of a stuntman - Chan could do nothing more. But a string of roles stretched from the stuntman - in " The Little Tiger from Kwantung", for example, he played under the pseudonym Chan Yunlong.

Photo: pinterest

Life in Australia

At some point, he moved to his parents in order to still get an education. At Dixon College he was given a normal high school education at an accelerated pace. At the construction site where he worked part-time, he was nicknamed Jackie, as he was the partner of a more experienced builder named Jack. Life in Australia did not please the newly minted Jackie at all, but thanks to stunt tricks, Chan got the opportunity to return to Hong Kong and start playing in a serious movie.

World fame

Photo: pinterest

"Jackie Chan's stunt team", created in 1983, brought the actor the Taurus World Stunt Academy Award and a solid team for filming. Success in America came in the nineties, after the Showdown in the Bronx. For example, the MTV Movie Awards! And "Rush Hour" with Chris Tucker did become a film "for the whole world", perhaps the highest grossing of the year. In the zero returned to Hong Kong, where they went immensely successful films. In 2012, he came to Cannes for the film festival and said that he would no longer deal with action movies: it's time to start taking care of your body!

Jackie Chan and other art

He released as many as twenty albums - singing in Mandarin, Taiwanese, Cantonese, English language And even in Japanese! He sang, among other things, the official song of preparation for the Summer Olympic Games 2008. By the way, he wrote four autobiographical books! And yes, he does make clothes. And cookies. And chocolate.

Photo: pinterest

And not so long ago, the actor became. It is wonderful that at his age he really, having begun to “take care of the body”, allows himself the joys of life! So many summers!

Genius appears immediately. Even before he was born, Jackie showed how unusual he was. The mother was pregnant with him for almost 12 months until she went to the doctor, who performed a caesarean section on her. Jackie's weight at birth was 5 kilograms 400 grams.

Jackie Chan's real name is Chan Kong Sang. However, as he says, his father was a spy of sorts and changed the family name. And thus, Jackie's real name is Fon Si Lung.

It's no secret that after the birth, the parents wanted to sell little Jackie to the British obstetrician who delivered the baby. Jackie himself says that if he were still sold, then now he would most likely live in the UK, speak English and would not know Chinese. And maybe a doctor.

Jackie's childhood nickname was Big Nose. Once angry school teacher broke his nose with a cane, after this incident they began to call him that.

Despite the fact that Jackie is Chinese, he can write and read Chinese poorly. At his house on bookshelves there are CDs, film magazines, video cassettes, but very few books. And all because there were almost no classes in grammar and reading at the Peking Opera School, and if there were, the guys did not listen to anything and went about their business. Already in adulthood Jackie is learning Chinese and, in parallel, English.

Jackie is the only person in the Hong Kong film industry who has wrested independence from the triads.
In 1976, Jackie underwent eye augmentation surgery. It happened during the filming of The Drunken Master. Performing a trick, he unsuccessfully fell off the table to the floor and injured his eye. At the hospital, they sewed him up with electricity (Jackie said: "No needles"). And when the eye healed, it turned out to be wider than the other. And then the doctor advised me to do cosmetic surgery.

Jackie's training takes 3 hours daily and includes: jogging - 3-5 miles (8 kilometers), push-ups, sit-ups, weight lifting (for each part of the body) and the development of basic martial arts movements. However, he does not follow any diet, he eats everything. He loves fish and vegetables, he tries not to eat meat, because he knows that the next day he will have to run 20 minutes longer.

The three main rules that Jackie adheres to in his films are as follows: play only characters who have become such by chance, under the influence of unforeseen circumstances; there must be someone in the film who needs his protection: a girl, a child, or old man; and most importantly - in all adaptations, he must remain himself, that is, small, fidgety and funny.

Jackie always works only with his stunt team, which he organized in 1985 after the filming of Police Story, when so many stuntmen working with him were injured, and none of them wanted to work with him anymore. Now he employs 16 stuntmen who, after 10-15 years of work, become martial arts directors. Jackie personally trains the healthy and pays for the treatment of those who are out of action and completely trusts his guys.

Jackie is an incredible workaholic. Before performing any trick, of course, he is scared, but as soon as he hears the word: “Motor!”, He forgets about everything. And when the trick works, he is ready to sing with happiness, even if he is injured.

Jackie isn't that brave. When performing stunts, he is often very scared (remember at least “Police Story”). But the worst thing in Jackie's life is hospitals, doctors, and especially injections. He is very afraid of them. He is not afraid of breaking his arm or leg, but as soon as he thinks that after that he needs to go to the hospital, he becomes terrified. And, getting into the hospital, Jackie does not pay attention to anything. He is only interested in three things: what happened, how serious it is, and what will be done with him next.

No insurance company takes on such a risk as insuring Jackie Chan.

When filming films in Hong Kong, residents of the city send a commission that checks Jackie for honesty.
There is no violence in Jackie's films, erotic scenes, swearing appears only where it is comical and there is almost no blood. He is proud of this and says that many children and women watch his films, so he cannot and does not want to afford it.

Jackie sleeps 4-5 hours a day.

Jackie has appeared in nearly 80 films as an actor, 11 as a stuntman, 15 as a director and 11 as a producer.

Jackie never tells his mom, now in her 80s, that something happened to him. So it was in 1985, when Jackie received his most serious injury. However, while he was in the hospital, rumors reached his mother. Jackie tried to assure her that all the talk about the hospital was a publicity stunt, but her mother did not fall for it and asked to see the spam. “I showed her a completely different place, she believed and still does not know the truth,” Jackie laughs.

Jackie considers Police Story to be his best films, and Meteor Killer and Kill with Scheme to be his worst.

The only Asian honored to be molded for the Museum wax figures Madame Tussauds - Jackie Chan. However, he asked to be blinded not in some kind of combat pose, but in an ordinary, friendly one. Firstly, Wax Jackie it will be difficult to stand, for example, on one leg for several centuries, and, secondly, people will be afraid to approach him.

Jackie is the owner of a modeling agency called Jackie's Angels, an animal activist, a partner in the Planet Hollywood restaurant chain, an honorary doctorate from several universities, an authorized representative of the Hong Kong Tourism Association, an organizer of charity events, including annual car races, an honorary a citizen of Seoul, he built several large cultural centers in Hong Kong, participated in a demonstration against video pirates, the popular drink in Hong Kong "Bobo Tea" bears the label "Jackie Chan Product" and much, much more.

Jackie pays great attention to charity. At first, he simply donated gifts and money to boarding schools and orphanages, and then created the Jackie Chan Foundation, adopted 10 orphans, took care of 50 Chinese children living abroad, supported several university scholarships, paid for the treatment of several children who were sick cancer, funds Jackie Chan Hospital, and donates to the Kung Fu School Foundation.

The name Jackie is associated not only with the fact that he is the only actor who performs all the stunts without doubles and does almost all the work on the set, but also that during the filming he set one record, which is still held in the Guinness Book of Records . On the set of Dragon Lord, Jackie had to kick a small ball into a two-inch target from a distance of 6 meters by kicking. This 3-second scene took 1600 takes and 2 days of filming.

In May 1995, Jackie received the MTV Award for Achievement in World Cinema. The unusual thing was that Jackie got the award only thanks to Quentin Tarantino, who refused to host the ceremony if two conditions were not met. Award for creative contribution in cinema art will be awarded to Jackie Chan, and the award will be presented to him by Quentin himself.

It's no secret for fans that Jackie Chan is not only an actor, but also a singer. He has 10 albums to his credit. But few people know that his favorite song is "Ocean Deep". Jackie says he likes slow songs because they give him a chance to practice his English.

IN free time Jackie enjoys hunting, fishing, bowling and gambling. And for him it doesn’t matter what it is: mahjong, billiards, dominoes or something else. The main thing is passion and play. Once, while playing dominoes, he bet 120,000 Hong Kong dollars. It was in the seventies, and the amount was 3 monthly payments for his apartment. But Jackie's biggest passion is cars.

Jackie is a good housekeeper. And he teaches this to the youth of today. He does not have a servant, he does all the housework himself, he washes his socks and underwear. Leaving the hotel, he certainly takes the remaining soap, wraps it in a bathing cap and takes it with him.

In November 1999, Jackie had a second child - an illegitimate daughter from the former "Miss Asia - 90" Helen Ng. Jackie publicly confessed and repented of his deed and said that, no matter what, he loves his wife and son more than anyone in the world.

Jackie is a temperamental person. This can be seen at least from the fact that he cannot talk calmly about himself, about his films and tricks. During the presentation of his thoughts, he actively gesticulates and pronounces sounds, such as: “Ki-y-ya” and “Pah-pah-pah”.

Jackie Chan's favorite actor and idol is Buster Keaton. He borrowed many of the tricks of this American comedian for his films. One of the most memorable is the jump from the clock tower in the movie Project A.

In Russia, Jackie was 2 times. The first one was in January-February 1996. Here he filmed several episodes of the film "First Strike". Filming took place on Red Square and in Krylatskoye. The second time Jackie came to Moscow on October 16, 2000, just for a day, as part of the promotional tour of the film "Shanghai Noon".

On Jackie's first visit to Russia, he really liked our markets. They are huge and have a lot of interesting things. But most of all he was impressed by the barn locks, which he bought a whole bunch, and now they are stored in his office.

Jackie Chan does not drink not only alcoholic beverages, but also coffee. He also doesn't smoke.

Jackie owns a small, Hollywood-sized house in Beverly Hills, which he bought in 1998 for $3 million. The house has 4 bedrooms, 4 fireplaces, a huge garage and a swimming pool.

Jackie loves and respects her fans and fans very much and always listens to their opinion.

Jackie's height is 172.5 centimeters.

Jackie Chan's motto: "There is no fear, there are no understudies, there are no equals either."

Jackie wants to be remembered even after he stops acting. But not as a guy who could swing his leg cool, but as they remember Buster Keaton or Fred Astaire to be respected just like them. And if a small reference to the name of Jackie Chan appears in some encyclopedia, that will be enough for him.

Jackie Chan's office is located at 145 International The Jackie Chan Group, Waterloo Road, Loon Tong, Hong Kong.

Jackie, having achieved almost everything he dreamed of, wishes himself only good health. And we wholeheartedly join him ...

Today celebrates birthdayJackie Chan- O one of the biggest action stars of the 20th century. His talent and diligence have earned him unquestioned authority, and his films, thanks to fearless and innovative tricks, attract the attention of a huge number of viewers year after year. But what do we know about it? amazing person? Paying tribute to the idol of childhood, I decided to study his biography, where I found a lot of interesting things.


This period of his biography could easily be based on the scenario of some crime movie. Judge for yourself. His father was a spy who had worked closely with the Chinese government since the pre-war years. MotherJackieshe worked in the theater, and in her free time she traded in opium. And that's how, it would seem, these people were far from each other in status, but somehow they still managed to fall in love and start a family. By the time of the meeting, both had a bad relationship experience behind them: the spy dad was already the father of two sons, the drug dealer mother raised two daughters. well andJackiebecame their first joint child. By the way, at birth he received the nameChang Kong-sang, which means "born in Hong Kong".

The new citizen of the Celestial Empire was not born at the most prosperous time: these were the first years of the establishment of the communist regime and the family was experiencing enormous financial difficulties. At first a newborn Jackie even wanted to sell some doctor for $26 but the deal did not go through.

In search of work, the parents went to Australia by placing his boy in a Hong Kong boarding school. Classes there began early in the morning and lasted, at intervals, until late at night. In breaks Jackie began to study acrobatics and martial arts. Disobedience was severely punished. According to the memories Jackie, he was beaten almost every day and it was considered the norm. How it was considered normal to devote more time to physical training than to writing and reading: literacy among Jackie limped heavily.

But success in martial arts began to open unexpected doors for him quite early. While still a student, he landed his first film role. By the time of release in 1971 There were already several small, but still roles behind him. Soon he was noticed Bruce Lee and invited to his films "Enter the Dragon" And "Fist of fury".

After death bruce lee, his agent tried to blind out Jackie new invincible screen hero, but Jackie such a proposal did not suit him - he was not at all interested in serious roles. He dreamed of becoming an action comedy star.


By the early eighties Jackie became real star. The star, which, because of his unprecedented tricks, no company undertook to insure. Burning for a short time chan amassed his own troupe of stuntmen, which he led, taking up the independent development of all sorts of unimaginable frills. In which case, he took on all the expenses for the treatment of himself and his wards: a kind of director himself, and his own insurance. But the complexity and danger of tricks were not enough for him. He didn't just want to film something ticklish, he wanted to film it perfectly. And in pursuit of the ideal Jackie was ready to take take after take until the film was exactly what he wanted. The patience of his colleagues can be envied: during the filming of the picture "Dragon Lord" chan filmed the same scene 2.900 once. Kilometers of film and endless hours of rehearsals and takes for the sake of one scene!

This approach has been introduced in Guinness book of records: Jackie is the owner of two diplomas, including largest number movie stunts. No other actor and/or stuntman has done as many jumps and falls as Chan has done. According to rough estimates, their number is close to 1,000. And this figure, apparently, is somewhat underestimated, if we take into account the fact that Jackie has played in more than 100 films.


Looking at his tricks, the viewer, on the one hand, is constantly breathtaking, and on the other, the impression is invariably created that Jackie everything is given with ease and fearlessness. However, even such a unique specialist made mistakes. And literal. And one of these once nearly cost him his life.

It was on the set of famous "Armor of God". The film crew arrived at Yugoslavia where they filmed the episode during which Jackie jumped from wall to tree. He did not like the first take, of course!, and it was decided to make a new one. Unfortunately, during the repeated jump, the branch that the actor grabbed, could not stand it, crunched with a crash and Jackie flew down, straight to the rocks. From high 12 meters. He didn't have any safety wire. As there was no trampoline or net at the bottom.

When half dead chan was in the hospital, it turned out that he had a severe head injury. His skull was fractured and a piece of bone entered the brain tissue. After the operation, a plate permanently settled in his head, and his hearing in one ear fell dramatically.

Perhaps a tragic incident that almost cost Jackie life could have been avoided. The fact is that chan started filming immediately after an air flight, after which he did not properly recover.

By the way, the fatal fall can be viewed starting from 2:19 :

Another stunt that almost crippled the actor was an extreme descent into mall in film "Police Story".

According to the plot Jackie chased the villain, who inexorably broke away from him. To cut the path chan jumps on a long pole, stretching from the fourth to the first floor. Filming took place in a real store, generously decorated with some kind of garlands. Due to the rush, the filming crew did not take into account what happened during the jump. Cut off by the flying down Jackie wires and light bulbs began to spark and scatter profusely.

In the end, when Jackie landed, his hands were not only cut up, but received second-degree burns. By the way, the landing was also not very soft: the actor dislocated his pelvis and injured two vertebrae:

The total number of his fractures and dislocations is incalculable: even Chan himself cannot name the exact figure. He only broke his nose three times.


At first 80s Jackie dares to conquer Hollywood. Alas, published with an interval of several years "Patron" And "Brawl at Battle Creek" did not have the same success as the films Jackie at home. And it was a complete surprise for him.

Part of the problem lay in very poor English Jackie. Partly - in creative disagreements with American directors, who insisted that chan fought with fists and knees, as he did Bruce Lee. Jackie he insisted on the prevalence of acrobatics and the use of improvised objects as means of protection.

It took more 10 years before Jackie conquered the American film market. Starting from the middle ’90 th come out "Showdown in the Bronx", "Peak hour", "Shanghai Afternoon", which collected excellent box office and became successful franchises.

Nevertheless, Jackie admitted that American humor is alien to him. For example, "Peak hour" he disliked, and starred in the sequels only because of the fee:

Even if I worked with such geniuses as George Lucas or Steven Spielerg, I would not have achieved popularity in Hollywood. Remember Jurassic Park. Now try to remember the names of the actors who starred there. The viewer remembers only dinosaurs and the name of the director. But in Asia, everyone comes to see Jackie Chan in a Jackie Chan movie. It doesn't matter what the plot or title is. Only Jackie Chan can do that!


During his long film career chan tried on many "cinema" professions: he wrote scripts, made films based on them, was a screenwriter, producer and stunt director. But not by militants alone. During his long screen career Jackie wrote down the order 20 music albums. Moreover, starting from 1980 The end credits of almost every one of his Hong Kong films were accompanied by his own song. singing talent Jackie even noted the studio Disney. When did the cartoon come out on Chinese screens "Mulan", exactly Jackie recorded the title song "I'll Make a Man Out of You", which he performed, in addition to Chinese, in Mandarin and Cantonese:

Well, if you really voice complete list crafts mastered by Jackie Chan, then best example there will be a movie "Chinese Zodiac". In it, Chan performed in the following roles: scriptwriter, actor, director, producer, art director, stunt coordinator, stuntman, title song performer. In total, Jackie was assigned 15 positions and responsibilities in the estimate.

PS: His films are a real treasure for fans of martial arts stories. But what made his films special, firmly pushing the films of other colleagues in the genre into the background? Why are his paintings reviewed with such interest again and again? In addition to unattainable professionalism and creativity in staging stunts and fights, each of his films is distinguished by a huge number of scenes verified to the millimeter and filmed in long takes, served by a large static general plan. This approach is very costly, because requires exhausting rehearsals. But this approach, without big plans, editing, gluing, cables and chromakey makes us empathize with our beloved drunken master again and again with bated breath.

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The example of Jackie Chan shows that even a boy from a poor family can achieve great success without so much talent as diligence and love for what he does. Films with Chan motivated many to enroll in martial arts courses - he did not become the new Bruce Lee in cinema, but invented and took his unique place in the history of world cinema.

Childhood and youth

Jackie Chan's parents were born in China, but were forced to flee because of civil war. So they ended up in Hong Kong, where they found work service personnel at the residence of a French diplomat. Jackie was born in 1954, and six years later his parents moved again, this time to Australia.

Even when they lived in Hong Kong, Jackie was sent to the Beijing Opera School at the Institute of Opera Research. At first glance, it’s a stupid idea, but it was there that the boy was first shown how to properly control the body, because little jackie even then he was interested in kung fu, and also gave the basics of stage training.

First steps in the world of cinema

Jackie Chan began his film career when he was eight: at first he was taken only to extras and to episodic roles. Thus, the boy got on the set of several opera films, as well as in the film "Big and Little Wong Tin Bar" - where he played the child of the main character.

As a young man, Jackie Chan has already starred in films, using his martial arts skills, in particular, on the same site with Bruce Lee. Enter the Dragon and Fist of Fury are the films where they appeared together.

Jackie Chan is one of seven boys who later became famous actors, starting their careers around Bruce Lee. They are called "The Lucky Seven".

In 1976, Jackie's family again changes their place of residence - this time they move to Canberra, where Jackie enters Dickson College, and then does not find anything more interesting for himself and goes to work at a construction site.

Actor and stuntman

Back on film set Jackie Chan is no longer only an actor - he is taken as a stuntman, because he knows how to perform complex acrobatic stunts, is brilliant in kung fu and is familiar with the basics of playing on stage.

But already in the mid-70s, Jackie begins to play serious roles, and then - to shoot pictures on his own.

He comes up with new genre in cinema - a comedy in which the main emphasis is on the elements martial art. After all, earlier kung fu techniques and fights could only be seen in action movies. Over time, Jackie Chan will become something of a monopoly in this genre - he is almost the only one who agrees to play everything on his own: from a role to a complex, and sometimes life-threatening stunt.

Such a passion to risk life often ended in fractures. It is difficult to find at least one "living" place on his body. Jackie became famous not only for his ability to do dangerous tricks, but also to get dozens of fractures. He had broken ribs, broken legs, fingers, ankles, nose, neck, pelvic dislocations were the most innocuous injury on this list. Such cases played with him bad joke: many insurance companies simply refused to provide their services to him - such a client brought only losses.

In 1986, Chan almost died during the filming of the film Armor of God due to an unsuccessful stunt. After that, he lay in the hospital for a long time, and the doctors did not give accurate forecasts whether he will survive.

The first breakthrough in the cinema was the picture "The Snake in the Shadow of the Eagle", 1978. Although Jackie didn’t shoot it, he was only an actor there, but the director gave the go-ahead - Chan could come up with different tricks himself.

Completely made Jackie Chan famous actor the film "The Drunken Master", where he played folk hero all the Chinese of Wong Feihong. The idea of ​​the film seemed very interesting to many, and the duet of Yuen Xu Tien, who at that time was already in years, and the young Jackie Chan really liked the audience, critics also spoke positively about it.

US breakthrough

In the early 80s, Chan thought that it was time to work as a stuntman not alone, so he created his own group of specialists with various tricks. With them, he will shoot more than one of his films.

At the same time, Jackie Chan decided to break into the American film market. And the beginning turned out to be very successful - already in 1995, MTV, the favorite channel of American youth, presented him with a special award - for common achievements in cinema.

But the real breakthrough in the States was the film Showdown in the Bronx. After him, the audience with a bang took the following film works of Chan: "Thunderbolt" and "First Strike".

Jackie Chan begins to cooperate with American film studios, and three years later the famous film "Rush Hour" is released. The picture collects millions of dollars in the very first weekend and becomes one of the highest grossing that year. The audience liked the duet of "Eastern" Jackie Chan and dark-skinned Chris Tucker so much that two more parts of "Rush Hour" will soon be released, which are becoming no less popular than the first. General fees three films has long exceeded one billion dollars. By the way, they say that now there are talks about the continuation of the story.

Looking for another Jackie Chan

But playing the same story in different settings Jackie Chan starts to get bored, so he is looking for new opportunities to make an interesting movie with elements of kung fu. Thus, in 1999, the romantic film "Magnificent" was released, in 2000 - the fun action movie "Shanghai Noon" with Owen Wilson. Chan also tries his hand at costume films such as Around the World in 80 Days.

After that, in Hollywood for Jackie, a not very successful period came - several films in a row failed at the box office. So he returns to Hong Kong to start work on films that will open new stage in his film career.

In New Police Story, Jackie plays an alcoholic old cop who dreams of getting revenge on the bad guys for the deaths of close friends. In "30,000,000 Baby" he is already a crook, with a stolen child in his arms. In the fantasy film The Myth, Chan played two main characters at once: an archaeologist and a legendary Chinese commander.

Many fans among children and adults received the animated series "The Adventures of Jack Chan", released in 2000. A total of five seasons were released - a total of 95 episodes.

In 2011, Jackie Chan starred in the film The Fall of the Last Empire - the film became the 100th in his track record.

Not cinema alone: ​​singer and philanthropist

Jackie Chan sings very well. He sings songs in Mandarin and Cantonese Chinese. In action films with his participation, these compositions are sometimes the title ones, although in film distribution in America and the USA they are most often replaced with more understandable English-language compositions.

Jackie Chan has recorded and released over 20 albums. general speech it's about a hundred songs.

In addition, Chan has recently been a UNICEF Goodwill Ambassador, he is responsible for helping victims of natural Disasters and is also an animal rights advocate.

In 2003, he donated over HK$4 million to UNICEF.

In 2006, he publicly announced that he bequeathed half of everything he earned after his death to charity.

The name of Jackie Chan is immortalized on the Avenue of Stars in Hollywood and on a similar one in Hong Kong.

  • Jackie Chan has an honorary doctorate from a university in Cambodia.
  • Chan is a Buddhist.
  • Before becoming known by his own name, Jackie used many aliases. First given to him by his mother was the nickname Pao Pao ("cannonball"). Then, in the opera school, Chan was called Yuen Luo after his teacher. Until 1976, he was known as Chen Yuen Long. Then, while working at a construction site, he received the name Jackie from his Australian comrades. He was also called Xing Long ("little dragon"). He also starred under the pseudonyms Yuan Lung Chan, Lung Chen, Long Cheng, Wellson Chin, Baseball Bat.
  • Jackie Chan for all creative biography starred in negative roles only five times, as he was afraid that the image negative character"stick" to it.

Titles and awards

  • In 2016, Jackie Chan received an Academy Award for his contribution to cinema.
  • He is a Commander of the Order of the British Empire.


  • "Jackie Chan. I'm happy"
  • "Jackie Chan Chronicles"