Musical and literary composition we observe traffic rules, we help the traffic police. Scenario of the literary and musical composition of the Yuid propaganda team

Scenario UID 2017


Campaign posters, Dunno hat, ball, book

The band takes the stage to the music

1st YuIDovets: Hello, drivers and pedestrians, adults and children, boys and girls!

You are welcomed by the team of UID of the Nikolaev school (all together) “SIGNAL”!!!

2nd YuIDovets: What is UID?

3rd YuIDovets: Everyone knows! UID by right

From the capital to the village.
Not a game and not fun
Very important things.

4th YuIDovets: The first law of the YID activist: (together)" You know yourself - teach another!

Toddlers and even adults
To all who meet along the way
Through a difficult intersection
We'll help you move.

They perform a song to the motive of the song from the cartoon "Plasticine Crow"

Song about traffic rules

one a simple fairy tale,

Or maybe not a fairy tale

And maybe we ruled

We want to tell you.

We all remember them from childhood,

Or maybe not since childhood,

And maybe from the cradle

But we will remember

One simple boy

Or maybe a girl

Decided on the road

Play a little.

But suddenly a car is driving

Maybe not a car

Maybe a foreign car

Steep swept

The child was scared

Of course I got lost

And the ball rolled away

And right under the tram.

Don't run, don't jump

Don't stand, don't yawn

And on the road

You better not play

2nd YuIDovets: For example, pedestrians, walk only on the sidewalk, adhering to right side.

3rd YuIDovets: Seething in motion pavement:

Cars are running, trams are hurrying.

Everyone be true to the rule -

Keep Right.

4th YuIDovets: Walk on the sidewalk large groups and you can not stop, as this delays the movement of other pedestrians.

1st YuIDovets: It's easy to explain

Whether you are young or old:

The road is for transport,

Sidewalk for you!

2nd YuIDovets: It is necessary to cross the street only in those places where there is a footpath or crossing signs.

3rd YuIDovets: Go across the street there, pedestrian,

Where is the sign indicated to you "transition"!

4th YuIDovets: When crossing a two-way street, first look to the left, and when you reach the middle, look to the right.

1st YuIDovets: Where do you need to cross the street?

Remember the simple rule:

With attention to the left, first look

Look to the right later.

2nd YuIDovets: Do not cross the road in front of nearby traffic, remember that traffic cannot be stopped immediately.

3rd YuIDovets: It is foolish to think: “Somehow

I'll skip the tram line"

Never forget,

What's faster than you tram!

4th YuIDovets: Get in and out of the tram, trolleybus and bus only at the bus stop. It is necessary to bypass the stopped tram in front, and the bus behind.

1st YuIDovets: When you get off the tram platform, don't forget

Look to the right: is the path safe?

Tram you do not go around the back,

You can get hit by an oncoming tram.

(Everyone leaves. Dunno appears, he walks, hitting the ball on the floor)

Dunno: My cheerful ringing ball,

Where did you run off to?

Red, yellow, blue -

Don't chase you!

1st YuIDovets : (takes the ball from Dunno)

On the road, children

Don't play these games.

You can run without looking back

In the yard and on the site.

Dunno: Well, now it's all clear to me

I better go back

And I read a little.

(pulls out a book)

1st YuIDovets: Hey Dunno, wait!

The case will end sadly

There may be a lot of trouble.

After all, the road is not a reading room

And no place for conversation!

1st YuIDovets: Do not forget,

These important rules.

2nd YuIDovets: The Security Inspectorate made them for a reason.

Together: Observe! Teach! Watch out! And know!

In books, on the radio, on the Internet!

Lots of useful and important information

Each of you will come in handy someday.

We believe in your wisdom

And in your business too

Keep your lives


final song:

Cars rush, every day adding their run,

But realizing the threat, a person sounds the alarm!

A special squad appears in the world,

Traffic inspectors from the little guys!

YIDovtsy walk the planet,

With the traffic police for 40 years,

Children themselves stand guard over life,

Let the green light burn for them!

There is no more worthy mission in the world,

Detachments replenishing every year,

YIDovtsy walk the planet,

Active and responsible people!

Literary musical composition according to the rules traffic for older children preschool age"From the life of a traffic light"

Yakimova Irina Vladimirovna, teacher additional education for theatrical activities MADOU "Kindergarten No. 107 of a general developmental type", Syktyvkar, Komi Republic
On modern streets, the number of cars is increasing every day, which means that, unfortunately, the number of accidents is also increasing. Therefore, today the issue of teaching children the rules of the road has become even more relevant and acute. Children should learn these rules as effectively as possible for their age. The first assistants in this are, of course, parents and preschool teachers. educational institutions. It’s good when this happens during a holiday or entertainment that kids love very much.
I offer a literary and musical composition for children of senior preschool age. It can be useful for teachers working with preschool children, and is included in the scenario of a holiday or entertainment in kindergarten dedicated to the rules of the road.
Target- to form the skills of conscious use of knowledge of the rules of the road in Everyday life; bring to the attention of children what a violation of traffic rules can lead to.
1. Consolidate children's knowledge of traffic signals, deepen knowledge of the rules of behavior on the street;
2. Promote the development of caution, self-preservation, prudence on the roads;
3. Cultivate attention and concentration, a sense of responsibility.
Region Integration:"Socialization", "Communication", "Cognition", "Reading fiction", "Music".
Preliminary work:
- selection of children to participate in the composition;
- distribution of words for learning at home with parents;
- staging work (first individually, then with everyone together) to coordinate their actions with the actions of partners in the composition, the ability to use space, to develop intonation expressiveness speech;
- selection of music;
- preparation of costumes:
girls - red skirts, vests, satin ribbons, white blouses;
the boy is wearing a black suit;
traffic light boy - black trousers, turtleneck, blue cap, foam rubber traffic light;
- preparation of attributes: models of cars, bus, rubber ball, foam rubber cucumber, tomato and lemon.
Performers- children of the preparatory group for school (2 girls and 2 boys).
The hall is decorated with illustrations of houses, pedestrian crossings, road signs, traffic lights, toy cars.
The soundtrack of the song “It is still unknown who invented the traffic light” sounds (lyrics by L. Rubalskaya, music by L. Chinareva), children come out.

At the transition strip
On the side of the road
Beast three-eyed, one-legged,
An unknown breed
With multicolored eyes
Talks to us (L. Yakhnin)
Kohl blinking traffic light
Like a red tomato (shows a tomato)
It means that everyone must stand.

Yellow light - wait
Yellow light like a lemon (shows a lemon).
"Get ready!" he says.

The world has finally changed
He looks like a cucumber (shows cucumber)
When the green light is on -
The path is clear! The path is open!

This is how he talks
Our familiar traffic light.
The traffic light comes out to the music.

Traffic light.
All my life I've been standing on the corner
I'm very bored alone
I always blink my eyes
I open, I close.

This is how I stand at the crossroads
And I look at the road.
And something from my life
I will show and tell you.

Soundtrack sounds.
Traffic light.
Once upon a time on Kalanchevka,
At a known stop.
An argument broke out between two friends
Which of the two is braver?
Petya jumped on the bandwagon,
Not afraid to get into trouble.
And after driving a little,
Likho jumped off on the run.
Sergei (2nd).
What's this!
Sergei noticed.

Sergei (2nd).
Also my hero!
And, nodding casually to Petya,
The ball drove across the pavement.
Petya, carried away by the dispute,
He ran after the other.
Oncoming traffic indignantly
Brakes screeched.

Traffic light.
Of course you want to know
How did their argument end?
Do not rush, wait -
The dispute is not over yet.

Petya is terribly excited,
Sergey argues hotly with him.
Two friends are in the hospital
Find out who is braver (A. Gangov)

February was as warm as April
It suddenly got cold
And then another snowstorm
Dropped it on the sidewalk.
The blue bus is gliding.
No wonder the driver is worried -
Guys - schoolchildren in a crowd
They run across the street.
One fell, another fell
Haste is no help:
One hand rubs the back of the head,
The other winces in pain.

Traffic light.
The driver took trouble away from them
(This doesn't always happen)...
On the pavement to play pranks on the ice,
Of course, it is forbidden (I. Lishkevich)
Children change places to the music.

Big brother on the boulevard
Updates the scooter.
The younger brother couldn't resist
And he ran down the street.
He flies forward so soon
What does not see the traffic light ...
Here without a brake, alone,
He got into traffic.
This is true! - the naughty stumbled,
Turned up under the car
But the driver was skillful,
The boy's legs are intact.

Traffic light.
Stayed alive this time
Tears roll from the eyes ... (N. Konchalovskaya)
Children change places to the music.
Lived in one apartment
One sports boy
And he lived in an apartment with him
One soccer ball.

Nice new leather
And all so well-groomed!
He famously jumped and flew,
He argued with height
And then one day - the day has come -
I thought he was cool...
Soared like a bird a new ball
Hitting the leg
And, forgetting the football match,
He jumped into the road

Nice new leather
And all so well-groomed!
He runs along the road,
It flies almost like the wind.
The car overtakes the ball -
One, two, three... (phonogram "The car slows down on the road")

But soon the game was over
fun ball,
And under the wheels he fell
Simple "Moskvich" ...
Lived in one apartment
One sports boy
And on his side in the corner lay
One soccer ball...
Unhappy, old, leathery
And all so shrunk!... (A. Usachev)
Traffic light.
Having finished the story,
I want, my friend, to tell you:
Be careful on the road
Then, believe me, there will be no trouble.

Should respect each other
Driver with pedestrian
Should not interfere with each other -
Be polite people! (A. Sidorova)
We give the guys a warning -
Learn the traffic rules now!
So that parents do not worry every day,
So that drivers are calm behind the wheel!
General bow to the song "Rules of the road"


We will sing ditties to you
You help us
If we lie a little,
You do not scold us!

Petya rode on a moped,
Didn't look who was driving nearby
Petya treats a fracture,
Scrap moped.

We went to the transition with Seva,
We looked to the left
It's good that you looked
Otherwise, they wouldn't sing here.

Seryozha went to school somehow,
Drank from the throat of Pepsi-Cola,
He did not look at the cars,
And now he wears a splint.

There was a dancer running a red light
Rushed to the ballet...
He's in the PeDeDe hospital.
Teaches instead of padede.

We have two troubles in Russia,
Not strangers, but their own,
And why did they fall
On the traffic police inspector?


The house is walking down the street
Everyone is lucky to work.
Not on thin chicken legs,
And rubber boots. (Bus).

Amazing wagon.
Judge for yourself.
Rails in the air, and he
Holds them with his hands. (Trolleybus).

Poem by Y. Pishumov:

G the garden in which
We live with you
can rightly be compared
With primer
ABC of the streets
Prospects, roads.
The city gives us
Lesson all the time.
Here is the alphabet
Over your head
The signs are posted
Along the bridge.
ABC of the city
Always remember
So that it doesn't happen
You're in trouble.

Zebra lives in Africa
Very striped.
Drinking water, chewing grass
Wants to frolic
And on our street
Here at the crossroads
Just like a zebra. Just right-
Transition to stripes.

Song about traffic rules

Once upon a time there was a black cat around the corner,
He was afraid to walk on a bright day,
This song today is about
How difficult it is to be a black cat.

They say no luck

Only the black cat is unlucky.

And the road is always a mile away,
The cat had to go around
'Cause cars are all around
They run right through at times!

They say no luck
If a black cat crosses the road,
In the meantime, on the contrary, but in the meantime, on the contrary,
A black cat demands protection from us.


Host: Good afternoon, dear viewers! On air hot ten best songs dedicated to road traffic ... On the 10th place is Philip Kirkorov with the song "My Only" about his next broken car. Well, remember? There are also such words: “In this broken mirror, bending over the fragments ...” Well, and so on ... In 9th place is the music teacher of school No. 48, which offers a new method of learning song lyrics using road signs.
(One sings and the rest show road signs).
Let them run clumsily ("Children")
puddle walkers, ("drawbridge")
and the water on the asphalt is a river, (“Pool or beach”)
And it is not clear to passers-by ("Movement to the right or to the left")
on this bad day, ("Car Wash")
why am i so funny. ("Other hazards")
And I play the harmonica ("Beeping is prohibited")
in front of passers-by, ("Pedestrian crossing")
Unfortunately, the birthday ("Food Point")
only once a year ... ("Dead end")

Another version of the same song:

Words from the song Road sign

Presenter: On the 8th place is the song of the Kirov customs officers.

Wide is my native land
There are many forests, fields and rivers in it,
I don't know any other country like this
Where people love Volvo so much. (Repeat two lines).

Presenter: In 7th place is the song of a car enthusiast who was stolen from a car left under the window.

So it is necessary, everyone says, So it is necessary, it's his own fault.
I forgot about her and left under the window,
And finally lost.
So it should be - I overlooked it, so I should be out of work.
My steering wheel in mighty hands is squeezed by someone else,
And I feel like a stranger, a stranger, a stranger ...

Wait, rain, rain, I left her behind
And now I have ahead of the rain, rain ...

Moderator: Yes, how many times have they told the world, but everything is not for the future ... Another problem is the condition of our roads. No wonder the traffic police is actively changing to a Russian SUV. And not in vain. About this song, which is in 6th place.
(song to the motive "Chasing")
The hijackers in the Mercedes are flying out of town,
And again potholes knock on the bottom,
DPS flies behind them in the field,
They will catch up, they will catch up, they will catch up, they will catch up with the Mercedes,
On our roads, of course, they will catch up with the Mercedes.

Presenter: In 5th place is the song of the cadets high school Traffic police "Whistle - a delicate matter."

The whistle is a delicate matter, Petruha,
Whistle like a capricious old woman
The whistle is a delicate matter, Petruha, Eh!
Comrade Putin, not even a fly will fly past us,
No one in the car will fly past us under the fly.

Presenter: In 4th place, the teacher of life safety of school No. - with the song "Movement". Due to the great educational importance of this song, we give it with interlinear sign language translation. Turn on the running line, please.
(one sings, the rest show spoken words or phrases with gestures and body movements)

Don't think about moving down.
When the time comes, you'll understand.
Road science is not easy,
From the first law to the last.
Every inspector has a whistle
At the crossroads with a wand, he is like a magician,
But you learn the rules by heart.
Movement, movement, movement... Movement.

Host: In 3rd place is the appeal of the inhabitants of Kirov to the city authorities so that the story with the lamps turned off for several months does not repeat itself again.

Black nights, scary nights
The nights are dark and dangerous
How I fear you, how I fear you
I know I'm not going home at a good hour ...
Turned off the light, apparently for debts,
And the driver can't see a damn thing
How I love illuminated days
How I fear you black nights ...

Leading: In the 2nd place, traffic police officers who were hiding around the corner and detained a violator of traffic rules who did not stop at the Stop sign.

Stop sign, we came around the corner
Stop sign, you took on a lot
Now it's too late to make excuses
Look at these stars
Look at these stars
Perhaps you are seeing them for the first time. (taken under the arms).

Moderator: Of course, you understood that a lot of what was said today was a joke, but there is some truth in every joke. But we are well aware that the road is a very serious thing, so our final song is in 1st place.

SONG (to the motive of singing "What is autumn")

What are the rules of motion, this is a very complex science,
And we all learn it not for entertainment, but to save each other from trouble.
(line repeat)
Everyone should know the rules, follow them very accurately,
We will never break them, and trouble will recede.
We will be calmer everywhere if the traffic police are nearby,
But you yourself know the rules

Always do them!

(last line of recitative, each word after a pause)

Presentation on traffic rules (poems for electronic presentation)

(on the school photo screen)

Our school is in a busy place,
She is in the city center
Big trails are crowded
Surrounded on three sides.

We will show you the way
How to cross the road!

(photo of a traffic light on the screen)

There is a traffic light near the school,
He is not for fun,
Going on the road in the morning
Don't forget about him!

You cross the avenue
Green light only!

(on screen transition with button)
If you pressed the button
Don't go on the road
A green signal
Be sure to wait!

Let there be no cars around
Don't run red lights!

(arbitrary road on the screen)
Before moving on
Look left, look right
Assess the situation
And then go ahead.

(crossing sign on screen)
Look at this sign
It's not just worth it
Don't yawn on the road
And don't forget the sign!

(on the screen there is an intersection near the school)
Going is not easy
busy intersection,
And not in vain here for a long time
Traffic lights installed!

(on the screen transition on Karl Marx street)
Dangerous mass of complexities
We have on Karl Marx,
But you are also waiting here

(on the screen is a woman who crosses the road in the wrong place)
Dear aunt,
Well, where are you going?
Here the path to the "zebra" is not long,
It's only forty meters here!

(on the screen a scene on the road)

Look at the crossroads
Here is a car, there is a teenager!
Yellow light is not general light:
No one is moving!"

(village road on screen)
Going on a long journey
Be more careful!
Even on the forest path
Do not interfere with caution!

See also on our website the scenario of the fairy tale according to the traffic rules "Teremok".

musical performance
according to the rules of the road
for children 5 - 8 years old


Directed by:
Paramonova Nadezhda Anatolyevna, music teacher of MKOU Malyshevskaya secondary secondary school № 3
Kvashnina Irina Vladimirovna, teacher-organizer of MKOU Malyshev secondary school No. 3

Malyshevsky urban district, Sverdlovsk region

Material archive - 265mb
(All materials are presented on the site, except for scanned pages musical accompaniment)

List of materials:

1. Scenario of the musical performance "We will firmly know the rules of the road"
2. Notes of musical accompaniment
3. Video and photo materials of the performance
4. Memo of a young pedestrian


Musical performance according to the rules of the road for children 5 - 8 years old

The purpose of the event: Development in children of sustainable skills of safe behavior on the streets and roads through leisure activities.

1. Expand children's understanding of the rules of behavior on the street.
2. To activate the attention of children to the observance of the rules of the road through the use of forms of dramatization and games.
3. Development of children's creative abilities.

Date: March 23, 2012, at 16.00, venue: MKOU MDOU No. 48 "The Seagull", May 4, 2012, at 16.00, venue: MKOU MDOU No. 51 "Rodnichok".

Event organizer: school inspector for the prevention of DDTT Kvashnina Irina Vladimirovna and music teacher Paramonova Nadezhda Anatolyevna

Musical director: music teacher Paramonova Nadezhda Anatolyevna

Teaching aids and TCO:
road signs, posters on traffic rules, memos on traffic rules, synthesizer, music center

Hall decoration: fabrics, road signs, posters, name of the holiday

Props: traffic police inspector's cap, baton, screen, puppets in strollers, whistle, steering wheel, doctor's costumes, Pinocchio, Malvina, Traffic Light, Storyteller, outdoor training crossroads, signs on racks.

Literature: Gorbina E.V., Mikhailova M.A. "Hello school! Hello song! musical performances for children/Artist Kurov V.N. - Yaroslavl: Academy of Development: Academy of Holding, 2003. - 128 pages.

Characters students of grade 3A:
Storyteller - Oskolkov Nikita
Pinocchio: Pervushina Valeria
Malvina: Gordienko Maria
Girls-"moms" - Zakharova Anastasia, Biryucheva-Yurkovskaya Alena
Girl - Marusik Daria
Traffic light - Mikhail Mironov
Chauffeur - Kotov Timofey
Doctor - Payusova Maria

Performance script

Teacher (goes to the center of the hall).
Hello my friends
We are from school number 3.
Let's take a serious topic today.
Today we will see a big problem.
And to everyone's surprise
Let's show the show!
According to traffic rules
Watch the performance!

The storyteller appears and sings.
Storyteller (music A).
I am a gray-haired storyteller
Our agreement is:
Who doesn't know the rules
disappears from the story.
Road signs
All are very good.
Both adults and children
They must be respected.

Continues without musical accompaniment, says.
Everyone knows that without rules
Can't live without road
All we need is on the roads
Be prudent.
We'll see how a hero
Misbehaved: sometimes
He forgot his lessons
Didn't recognize the rules
And bad behavior
It only brought grief.

The storyteller leaves, Pinocchio runs out.

Scene 1
Pinocchio (sings; music B),
I am the well-known Pinocchio,
I'm always friends with the guys.
But among the road signs
I don't make friends.
I love to mess around so much
Run through a red light
And on the roadway even
I can walk freely.
I wasn't raised
They didn't read the rules to me.
I don't look at the signs
Wherever you want, I go.

Continues without musical accompaniment.

Now it's time for my lesson:
Strictly Malvina ordered
Know the rules by heart.

Music B sounds. Malvina appears to the music, looks at her watch.

Now the lesson has already begun (looks around),
Pinocchio lost...
He was late for the start
It is evident, as always, overslept.
(Turns to children.)
Ah, friends, what to do with him?

Can we forgive him?

How much can we forgive?
He can be lazy
Irresponsible, bad.
What if trouble happens to him?

To the music (intro to the song), Pinocchio runs in and sits down at the table.
Look, it's come...
He entered the class without apologizing.
(Turns to the audience.)
There is no excuse for being late!
After all, traffic
It's important for kids to know
Everyone will agree with this.
(Turns to Pinocchio.)
I present you with a task...

Pinocchio (interrupting).
I know everything in advance
I'll guess the solution.

This sign is like this:
He is a pedestrian assistant
Let's go with the doll together
We make our way to this place.

Shows a pedestrian crossing sign.
Pinocchio thinks. Then he turns to the children.

Hey guys, tell me.
Give me this sign.
Children suggest.
Yes, I know in advance -
" Crosswalk ".

So listen to the second
You are not an easy task - (shows the sign "Food Point"):
Here is a fork, here is a spoon,
Refueled a little
They also fed the dog.
We say "thank you" sign.

Pinocchio. (addressing the children).
Hey bro, don't let me down
Pinocchio tell me.
Children suggest.
I will show my knowledge
It will be - "Food Point".

I heard everything, my friend
You haven't learned your lesson.

I do not want to study,
I like to be lazy!
Pinocchio, what a tone!
I ask you to get out!
Or... I'd rather leave
Not to hear nonsense...

With an indignant look, Malvina leaves.
I do not want to study,
I like to be lazy!
(Repeats several times.)
I will find my pipe
And I'll go out into the street... Runs away
Scene 2

Girls-“mothers” with strollers come out. Sing a song, music G.

We rock our daughters
We gently sing the song: -
Take a pacifier in your mouth
Strongly, daughter, sleep.
Let your mother dream
Waking up too early
I will guard your dream
Sweet sweet sing.
Bye, bye, bye-bye.

Pinocchio is marching to the music of D, blowing a pipe. The mothers are outraged.

Pinocchio (addressing the audience).
mommy mommy houses
Washed all pots
And went for a walk in the yard,
Rock your kids.
(Crankly.) Well, I want to blow,
I want to sing a song.
First mom.
Pinocchio, shut up!
Pinocchio, don't scream!
You play the flute
Like you don't know the rules
What signals are prohibited here!

Pinocchio (dancing).
There is no such rule!

Second mother (draws Pinocchio's attention to the sign).
Sound signaling is prohibited!
Remember this sign always!

Don't let me blow here
Don't let the boy sing.
Eh! I'll have to leave
I don't want to pay the fine...

Pinocchio leaves, "moms" with strollers leave.

Pinocchio runs out.
What is this track?
I'll stay a little.
Here I will read the inscription,
What is written - I know. (Is reading.)
I didn't understand anything
I forgot the letters, friends!

To the music of E, a girl enters.
Girl (singing).
That's the sign! I don't believe my eyes.
What is the battery for?
Does it help with movement?
steam heating?

Pinocchio (addressing the girl).
What are you singing about here?

Will you solve the riddle?

I'll try, come on
Sing the song again.
The girl sings the same song.
I remember that I taught
But, to be honest, I forgot.

Pinocchio, remember.

There are road signs on the table, the girl points to them.
Here, choose from the signs!

Pinocchio (shows one of the signs to the children, turning to them for help)

No, this sign is called ... (they say the name of the sign shown).

Pinocchio (shows the next sign).

Children. No, this sign is called...

The game is repeated several times.

Hey! Guys help me out
You solve the riddle.
The girl continues to show signs, the children choose the right one.
The girl praises the children and leaves.

To the music of J, a traffic light appears.

Traffic light (referring to Pinocchio).
I'm a traffic light
Here and now - your teacher.
To help you get through
This path is dangerous
I light up day and night
Green, yellow, red.

Pinocchio is distracted, does not listen.
Traffic light.
Here is the green light on:
“Come on,” he says.
Yellow light gives advice
Wait a little.
The red light will tell you:
"No!" Restrained and strict.

He notices that Pinocchio does not listen to him. Addresses with reproach to Pinocchio.
Traffic light.
If you don't learn the lesson
You're in trouble, my friend.

Pinocchio (looking lazily at the traffic light).
How angrily he speaks!
Well, which one is on fire now? (Turns away.)
What is yellow to me, what is red to me ...
Ah, what a beautiful day! (Doing a favor.)
Well, let's say a red light.
There is no restriction for me!
I want to fool around a little
I'll run across the road!

A phonogram sounds with a recording of the noise of the movement of cars along the carriageway of the street.
A child, depicting a car, runs out: a steering wheel in his hand, a hat with a silhouette on his head
cars. The “machine” touches Pinocchio, who pretends that he hit and hurts.
The driver runs up to the "Hospital" sign.

Help is needed
And find a hospital.
This sign will show us
Way-way to the doctors. (Calling.)
Zero three! Zero three!
Pinocchio suffered,
Ran a red light.

A child appears dressed as a doctor. He has a first aid kit in his hand. Doctor comes quickly
to Pinocchio, opens the first-aid kit, listens to the victim. Then, together with the driver, he leads
Pinocchio to the sign "Hospital" and seated him on a bench.

Doctor (referring to Pinocchio)
Road rules -
All friends are reliable,
If I knew them by heart,
Didn't make it here mate.

Pinocchio (rubbing his leg). Oh, how it hurts, it hurts me...

I sympathize with you
I know that you will be obedient
And don't forget the lesson!

Pinocchio. I will become all the rules
study diligently,
Road rules
I will definitely know!

Teacher (addressing the audience). And you guys often repeat the rules of the road
movement? And I suggest you play. All questions can only be answered with “yes” or “no”.
And Pinocchio will help us!

Fast in the city is a very ride.
Do you know the rules of the movement?

There is a red light at the traffic light.
Can you walk across the street?

Well, the green is on gentlemen.
Can you walk across the street?

You got on the bus, you did not take a ticket.
Is that how it's supposed to be done?

An old woman in very advanced years
Will you give up your seat on the bus?

Got behind the wheel, pedal
Always remember the rules
Out on the road
Only from 14?

Another put on the frame,
And rushed the bike
It's clear to us, guys, with you -
So can you ride?

All the guys are pedestrians
Remember, friends, always:
All traffic lights
Will we perform?
(music A), the Storyteller appears.

A sad story happened to the hero,
You all saw what trouble happened to him.
He doesn't need to imitate.
Let's all talk about it together. (Addresses the participants in the performance.)
As for traffic rules
There is a proposal to sing a song.

The song sounds (music 3).

Storyteller. Pedestrian crossing ahead
Always follow the rules on it.
The traffic light is showing the way.
Don't forget to look at him.
If the red light is on,
It means: be careful, my friend,
And do not rush to walk across the road,
Stay where you are and lead by example.
Even if the yellow light is on
Still, there is no way across the road.
The yellow light is on and you need to know that
Get ready and wait patiently.
We see: the green light is burning,
So, the path across the road is open to us.
Everyone needs to know the rules of the road.
We will repeat them, my friend, more often.

Teacher: Today at our holiday there are inspectors for the promotion of road safety Serdyukova Elena Viktorovna and Kholkina Natalya Vladimirovna. Let's invite them to the stage.

Teacher: Dear children, we have prepared a memo for you - coloring pages so that you always remember the rules of the road (reminder).

Teacher: And at the end of our speech, let me introduce you to our actors.