Eremeev is the illegitimate son of Spartak Mishulin. Video: Timur Eremeev proved that he is the son of Spartak Mishulin

Actor Timur Eremeev announced to the whole country that he is the illegitimate son of Spartak Mishulin, that his mother allegedly gave birth to the married People's Artist of the RSFSR back in 1983. Timur Eremeev shared his childhood memories of his father on the air of the “Let Them Talk” program; Spartak Mishulin’s legitimate daughter, Karina, also attended this talk show. The young woman really didn’t like the fact that her dad might have some children besides her, because she is sure that Spartak Mishulin was faithful to his wife. But having studied the biography of this artist, having read the interviews that his daughter previously gave, it becomes clear to me that before his marriage, Spartak Mishulin played tricks on women, be healthy, was a famous ladies' man, but what can I say, he officially got married only at the age of 44, and his daughter was born when he was already 53! Could a ladies' man and ladies' man suddenly quit at the age of 44 and be content with one single woman? long years? Of course he could, but not necessarily. As you know, at the time when Spartak Mishulin met his future wife Valentina, he was already engaged to another woman; moreover, he invited Valyusha to become his mistress, since he could not cancel the wedding, but the proud girl refused. Mishulin assured her that he would quickly get married, and then divorce and would be inseparable from his new wife. His fiancee Elena was also not a particularly faithful friend; to Mishulin’s delight, she started an affair with his fellow actor Vladimir Dolinsky, but maybe Spartak himself asked his friend about this? However, after Elena found herself in the same bed with Dolinsky (and this was on the very first night of their acquaintance - such passion overwhelmed them), it became clear that there could be no talk of any marriage for Spartak Mishulin, so after some then for six months the well-known Carlson returned to his adored little girl Valentina, who, by the way, is twenty years younger than him. And he met Timur’s mother somewhere at the same time, or rather during the period of his love affairs, that is, when he was not yet bound by strong bonds of marriage. See for yourself, he married Valentina in 1972, and in 1970 he first met high school student Tatyana. By this time, he may not have known Valentina yet, but he was probably engaged to Elena. That is, this guy could not immediately become an exemplary monogamous man - he rushed between three fires. But perhaps he pushed as hard as he could and finally made up his mind. By the way, he met Timur’s mother while he was filming the film “Property of the Republic.” I specifically watched this film to understand what Spartak Mishulin was like at that time.

And here’s what I’ll tell you, despite the fact that at that time Spartak Mishulin was 44 years old, he looked dignified, a slender, impressive, very interesting-looking man, he played Ilya Spiridonovich Tarakanov, manager of the estate of Prince Tikhvinsky, in other words, negative hero, the main villain. Spartak Mishulin wore a frock coat, a white shirt and black glasses throughout the film, only at the end of the drama he took them off the bridge of his nose. A beard, a mustache, it’s clear that schoolgirl Tatyana didn’t immediately rush into his arms, but she could easily be stunned, she took his phone number, she was a theatergoer, and he asked her to marry. An experienced womanizer, he could have been a sailor and quit, but there were many common topics for conversation, and then, what remorse? For many years they were just friends! Quite a life story. And before Tatyana personally met Spartak Mishulin, of course, she had already seen him for four years in the TV show “Zucchini “13 Chairs,” which thundered throughout the country, and there this actor is very good-looking! If you don't believe me, watch the first episodes!That is, what the friends of the deceased tried to convince us of on the talk show “Let Them Talk”, that allegedly Spartak Mishulin was almost a monogamous man, is, of course, not the truth. Women loved him, there were a ton of fans, and they couldn’t all disappear overnight after he got married.

What’s also surprising is that Spartak Mishulin himself was illegitimate, and his mother gave him up to a baby home at the age of one month. And only by miracle, two years later, he ended up in the family of his uncle, the fact is that it was he who gave him this rare name- Spartak. And then one day my uncle's wife, passing by orphanage, I heard the teacher constantly calling out to a certain naughty child by the name of Spartak! It immediately became clear to the aunt that this was most likely her nephew, and without hesitation, she did everything to take the baby from the orphanage. And so the years pass, in 2017, Karina Mishulina, on the air of the “Let Them Talk” program, calls her possible brother a bastard - in her opinion, this is a decent word, because it is in Ozhegov’s dictionary. That is, her father is not a bastard, but another person born out of wedlock can be called a bastard. In addition, Karina Mishulina wonders how her father could fall in love with Timur’s sixteen-year-old mother. While she herself, being fifteen years old, dated a man who was 30 years older than her! She just deceived him and said that she was sixteen. Another fact from the life of Madame Mishulina, at the institute she got pregnant from a certain guy who did not want to marry her, and what did the unfortunate pregnant woman do? She went for an abortion and took her dad with her, who tried to dissuade her as best he could from a rash act, but still agreed with her daughter’s arguments and, in the end, humbly waited until they brought her from the abortion clinic.

Karina Mishulina herself is married for the third time, about her two last husbands She says that her dad sent them to her from heaven. Well, I can just imagine this picture, Spartak Mishulin sitting there on the clouds and thinking, who should he send to his beloved daughter this time? The main thing is to find a good man to care for and cherish his daughter. Well, if they separate in a couple of years, you can send her someone else, there are many candidates, here in heaven it’s still clearly visible - with whom Karina will ultimately get along better.

How will this whole story end? Wait and see. Both sides of the flared conflict can only wish endurance and patience. And yet, you shouldn’t idealize anyone too much, people tend to do nasty, base things, and some people are never ashamed of what they’ve done!

This baby photo Timur Eremeev, on it he is with his mother Tatyana. Also attached is one of Spartak Mishulin’s telegrams.

In this photo you see little Spartak Mishulin with his mother. This woman gave up her illegitimate son V Orphanage, since she completely lacked maternal instinct, the baby was later taken from the government place by her own uncle.

Spartak Mishulin with his half-sister and brother.

In this photo, Spartak’s wife Mishulina, whom he adores, Valentina.

And that was little Karina Mishulina.

Spartak Mishulin kisses his wife.

And this is the young mother of Timur Eremeev, once, during a train trip with her beloved, she made a sketch of him on a pack of cigarettes.

Spartak Mishulin was a handsome man in his youth, and it was not for nothing that women lusted after him.

And again Karina Mishulina.

In this photo, Spartak Mishulin and Timur Eremeev.

Childhood photo of Timur Eremeev.

Wife of Timur Eremeev.

Timur Eremeev with his grandmother.

Little Timur Eremeev.

Karina Mishulina with her parents.

Karina with dad.

Name: Timur Eremeev

Age: 35 years

Activity: theater and film actor

Family status: married

Timur Eremeev: biography

Timur Eremeev is a theater and film actor. Despite his age - the guy is already 34 years old - he has not yet managed to exchange even two dozen film works. The love of the young viewer fell upon Timur after the release recent seasons series "", and strengthened with the showing of the spin-off "". This fall, the actor attracted the attention of Russians thanks to the scandalous statement that he is the son.

Childhood and youth

The birthplace of the young TV star is Korolev, near Moscow, where the future actor was born and graduated from 9th grade. The boy lived in a wooden two-story building without running water, in the area of ​​the 1st May factory, an institution where his mother worked as an engineer.

According to Eremeev, he gave him the name main character books "Timur and his team". WITH early childhood the boy wrote poems and songs, combined classes at a regular school with studies at the music school, and also dreamed of the stage. This desire led him to the capital after 9th grade: Timur continued to receive secondary education at school No. 232, in a theater class at the Shchepkinsky School.

Having received his matriculation certificate, the young man entered the second year of this cradle of actors. But a year later he joined the ranks of students at the Institute of Humanitarian Education and information technologies(IGUMO), taking a course with the People's Artist of the Russian Federation. Timur also managed to be in the “army” - the guy completed his military service as part of the troupe of the Central academic theater Russian Army, he still works there.


Timur Eremeev’s film debut took place in 2004, in the TV series “ Unequal marriage“, and in 2007 the actor got an episode in the film “Nostalgia for the Future.” Then creative biography films with minor roles were replenished, as well as the film “ALSIB. Secret Route”, TV series “Unequal Marriage”, “Moscow. Three stations" and "Farewell, my love!"

In 2015, viewers began to recognize Timur on the streets thanks to his role as receptionist Yegor in the fun TV series “Kitchen,” which broke all imaginable ratings records. And a year later, in the image of the same character, he joined the cast of the spin-off “Kitchen” - “Hotel Eleon”. Company on film set he was made up, and others popular actors.

Egor - funny character with a dark past: he served time in prison for theft, but enjoys authority among management. Mikhail Dzhekovich (), manager of the Eleon Hotel, uses Egor for delicate purposes, for example, if he needs to penetrate somewhere, open something, or obtain the necessary information.

Timur said about his role in the series:

“Being a receptionist is a fairly routine job, if you look at it from the point of view of life, not from a movie. When I first read that my hero is a receptionist, I immediately began to think about what features to give him so that he would become interesting to the audience.”

Personal life

Personal life of Timur for a long time hid from prying eyes. But now he pleases with photographs with scenes of a family idyll on his page in "Instagram".

Timur Eremeev with his wife Olga and daughter Nika

Eremeev and his wife Olga are raising their daughter Nika, who recently turned one year old.

Timur Eremeev now

In 2017, two more works appeared in Eremeev’s filmography - small roles in the comedy “Call DiCaprio” and the detective series “Unknown”.

In addition, at the end of September, Timur published a photo on Instagram in which he holds a hotel room sign in his teeth asking not to disturb. The photo was captioned: “Good afternoon! Coming soon!”, thereby announcing the release of the third season of the series “Hotel Eleon”. However, the premiere date is not disclosed. In addition to filming films and acting in the theater, Eremeev acts as a presenter at events.


At the beginning of autumn, a scandal broke out involving Timur Eremeev. The actor, in an article in the magazine “Caravan of Stories,” stated that he was the illegitimate son of Spartak Mishulin, People’s Artist of the RSFSR. The parents allegedly met in 1971, in Vologda - the mother’s homeland and the location of the filming of the film “Property of the Republic”. The relationship that began lasted for many years, my mother even went on tour with her lover.

Timur remembers meeting his famous father - the boy was 5 years old when he got behind the scenes of the Satire Theater, where Spartak Vasilyevich served. After that, I often came to the theater with my mother, and after the performances the three of us went for a walk.

Eremeev had never advertised his relationship before, even his grandmother had no idea, although in her little grandson she saw a resemblance to the star of Soviet screens. As evidence, Timur provided a photograph of him and his father in the guise of Carlson behind the scenes of the theater. IN home I also keep a cigarette pack on which my mother drew Mishulin when she was traveling with him on the train.

The daughter was so outraged by the statement Soviet actor, that, having accused her possible brother of slander, she filed a lawsuit demanding an apology, refutation of information and compensation for moral damage. Until now, the woman was considered the only heir of Spartak Vasilyevich.

“I do not refuse a single word, I am ready to answer for all my words. How can the story of my life offend and offend anyone at all?

Viewers of the show doubted the veracity of Timur's words. The fact is that Karina practically lived in the theater from early childhood and sooner or later would have crossed paths with her new brother. But that did not happen.

Tatyana Eremeeva virtually supported her son - the talk show showed an interview in which the woman opens up about her relationship with Mishulin. The face of Timur’s mother was not filmed, but the host of “Let Them Talk” tried to convince the audience of the sincerity of Tatyana’s words - they say that she cried during filming.

To dot the i’s, according to tradition, a DNA test was carried out on the program. The material was Mishulin’s hat, which was kept by the Eremeevs. According to the test result, Timur Eremeev is indeed the biological son of Spartak Mishulin.


  • 2004 – “Unequal Marriage”
  • 2007 – “Nostalgia for the Future”
  • 2007 – “Matchmaker”
  • 2012 – “Moscow. Three stations"
  • 2012 – “ALSIB. Secret route"
  • 2013 – “LJ”
  • 2013 – “Big Feelings”
  • 2014 – “Farewell, my love!”
  • 2015 – “This is love”
  • 2015 – “Kitchen”
  • 2016 – “Hotel “Eleon”
  • 2017 – “Call DiCaprio!”
  • 2017 – “Unknown”

Timur Eremeev. Photo: frame from the program “Let Them Talk”

For quite some time, Russian television viewers have been watching the serious drama unfolding in the family of the famous Soviet artist Spartak Mishulin.

Earlier, theater and film actor Timur Eremeev said that Mishulin was the illegitimate son. The actor’s daughter, Karina Mishulina, and his wife, Valentina Konstantinovna, believe that this is not true. The women presented arguments confirming that the actor could no longer have children. To protect the honor and dignity of their father and husband, the women filed a corresponding application with the judicial authorities. Eremeev, meanwhile, did a relationship test.

Timur’s mother, Tatyana Anatolyevna, also spoke about her relationship with Mishulin. He presented her with expensive gifts and sent telegrams from different cities where he was on tour.

Karina and Timur Eremeev came to the conclusion that it was necessary to do a DNA test, the results of which would resolve their dispute. The daughter found the material for research on Mishulin’s suit.

Eremeev also explained that he did not intend to make a show on this story, to create a fuss around himself. He doesn't need that kind of fame. I just wanted to tell everyone the truth.

A specialist who conducted a study of Mishulin’s clothing appeared on air. He explained in detail how the research was carried out, and also confirmed that the obtained biomaterial belonged to Mishulin. The experts were able to obtain all the chromosomes from the submitted material.

Eremeeva came to the studio for the first time. Previously, she did not want to show her face and gave interviews only with her back to the camera. The woman said that the relationship with the actor lasted 35 years. Spartak told Tatyana that he told some people about their connection. Tatyana believes that his wife, Valentina Konstantinovna, probably knew about their relationship, but is hiding it now. She also added that she did not want Timur to bear his father’s middle name. If the test confirms the relationship, Timur will still not change his last name.

The host of the program, Dmitry Borisov, opened the envelope with the results of the test, which was carried out for a whole month. Everyone froze in anticipation. The defender explained that she had received two statements - one from Karina, the other from Timur. Borisov began to voice the contents of the document.

So, Dmitry voiced his answer to main question: is Eremeev Timur Sergeevich the biological son of Mishulin Spartak Vasilievich? The probability of a positive answer is 99.9999 percent. The biomaterial studied showed the following figures.

Dmitry Borisov announced the results of the DNA test. Photo: frame from the program “Let Them Talk”

Karina Mishulina and her husband were behind the scenes all this time. The woman is very sad that such a show has been inflated around her family. In her opinion, Timur could personally approach her and find out this situation, but he chose to announce this to the whole country, gaining wild popularity.

Mishulina did not want to go on stage because she considers herself superfluous at this holiday. The actress has her own opinion on this matter. She is ashamed that the name of the great Soviet actor was so disgraced. In addition, her mother was involved in this story. Why it was necessary to announce this connection to everyone is unclear to the actress. The whole country is laughing at Eremeeva today - she shouldn’t have appeared on the show. Speaking about this, Karina could barely hold back her tears.

Mishulina also questions the results of the examination. She has information according to which only 95% coincided with the studied biomaterial, which means there is a possibility that Eremeev is lying. The presenter said that this point would be discussed in next issue TV show.

Timur Eremeev is an aspiring theater and film actor who has played in 13 films. Most famous works with his participation - “Hotel “Eleon”, as well as “Kitchen”. The guy gained particular popularity after exclusive interview to the glossy publication “Caravan of Stories”, where he stated that he was the son of Spartak Mishulin.

The childhood of a “famous” boy

Timur was born in the fall of 1983 in town near Moscow Korolev. Eremeev was raised by his mother Tatyana, who works at a local enterprise as an engineer. The boy learned about his possible biological father when he was 5 years old. The future artist was named after literary character books "Timur and his team".

Timur Eremeev as a child with his mother

Since childhood, Eremeev was fond of reading, writing poems and songs. From the tenth grade he studied in the theater class of a specialized school at the Shchepkinsky School. After graduation, Timur was transferred to the second course of “Slivers” in the workshop of V.P. Seleznev. The following year, he already studied at IGOIT on the course of Vladimir Korenev.

Then Timur was drafted into the ranks Russian army. He served as part of the TsATRA troupe, where he later remained to work. There he played in 20 performances.

Cinematic debut

First role young actor took place in the multi-part film “Unequal Marriage” in 2004, where he played young man one of the main characters. The next role went to Eremeev 3 years later in the film “Nostalgia for the Future.” For eight years, Timur had to play exclusively minor, unnoticed characters in films such as “The Matchmaker”, “Moscow. Three Stations”, “LJ”, “Big Feelings”, “Farewell Beloved”.

Timur Eremeev in the series "This is Love"

In 2015, the premiere of the humorous culinary series “Kitchen” took place, in which Eremeev played a guy named Egor. It was after this role that the artist gained fame, people began to recognize him and ask him to take pictures.

Timur Eremeev on the set of the series "Hotel Eleon"

A new wave of popularity overtook Timur in 2016-2017, after the release of the top-rated sitcom Hotel Eleon, where he played a lovelorn receptionist. In 2018, two films will be released with Eremeev’s participation: “Call DiCaprio” and “New Man.”

PR or sincere feelings

At 34 years old, Timur Eremeev is married to a girl, Olga, and has a one-year-old daughter, Nika. IN social network The aspiring actor actively shares Instagram family photos. In his free time from filming, the guy spends time in the company of close friends and relatives.

Timur Eremeev with his wife and daughter

In the fall of 2017, the person of Timur Eremeev found himself at the center of a scandal. The newly minted host of the “Let Them Talk” program took on the task of covering this event – Dmitry Borisov . The program was called “Son or Impostor,” due to the fact that the actor called himself the son of the legend of Soviet theater and cinema, Spartak Mishulin. Such a statement seemed absurd for the biological daughter of a people's artist Karina Mishulina.

Timur Eremeev and Karina Mishulina in the program “Let Them Talk”

The woman filed a lawsuit against Eremeev’s pseudo-brother, whom she called a fraudster and a scoundrel. She is completely sure that there is no relationship between Timur and her father. In two episodes of the show “Let Them Talk,” the host and viewers persuaded Karina to take a DNA test. In the third program, the girl finally agreed to this, donated blood and brought a Spartacus stage costume, from which they also took biological material for research.

Throughout all episodes of the talk show, Eremeev was actively supported by the studio audience, as well as famous people. The guy brought a stack of telegrams addressed to his mother by Spartak Mishulin. At detailed analysis Timur's lawyers established that the dates from these documents coincide with the tour cities legendary artist. If Eremeev nevertheless slandered Karina’s family, namely her father, he will be punished for this and will pay an impressive amount of money as moral damages.

Timur Eremeev is very similar to his alleged father Spartak Mishulin

At the end of the third broadcast, it turned out that Spartak Mishulin was a loving man. So, suddenly there were more potential heirs of the eminent artist, who, like Timur, claim kinship with Spartak. At the end of November, the results of DNA analysis for the Y chromosome of Eremeev and Mishulin will be ready, they will be announced by Dmitry Borisov in live the next issue of “Let Them Talk.”

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Many Internet users were outraged by their daughter’s behavior famous actor. They shared their impressions and condemned her for similar statements And negative reaction in relation to Timur, who wants to achieve the truth. Many found obvious similarities in the appearance of the alleged son and father, and also admired the restraint that Eremeev demonstrated. However, Karina herself believed that she was a victim of bullying. In her opinion, the comments appear from fake accounts, and therefore she suspects that the “brother” himself is involved in this.

A little later, Mishulina announced the amount she plans to sue from the offenders. She insisted that her father had been slandered.

Photo: Still from the program

“This is a classic lawsuit for the protection of honor, dignity and business reputation. The plaintiff asks for a refutation of the disseminated information, as well as to stop the dissemination in the media, for example, on the Internet, where there are still articles that say that Eremeev - illegitimate son. Karina also demands compensation for moral damage. Currently, she is claiming an amount of one million rubles from the defendants,” the plaintiff’s lawyer told StarHit.

In one of the episodes, Karina talked about how some time ago she was offered to start a similar “duck” with a story about her alleged brother in order to increase her popularity as an actress. However, Karina insisted that she flatly refused to exploit the name of her late father for the sake of PR. Many assumed that Timur wanted to receive a share of the inheritance. The young actor denied such speculation and insisted: he wants his daughter to know about her grandfather, because she did not have a chance to see him in person.

A little later, Karina made a statement and revealed family secret- the fact is that after her birth, Spartak Vasilyevich could not have children.

Photo: Still from the program

After some time, Mishulina finally decided to do a DNA test to put an end to unfounded statements and assumptions. She found Carlson's suit, which her father wore in the theater. Laboratory technicians were able to find samples suitable for examination.

“Moreover, my father’s Y chromosome (the sex chromosome that contains the gene that determines male gender) was found on the suit. The Y chromosome is passed on through the male line. Father and son must have the same chromosome,” explained Karina.

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For a long time, Timur’s mother Tatyana Eremeeva refused to show her face and come to the studio of the “Let Them Talk” program. However, her photograph was shown to the widow and daughter of Spartak Vasilyevich - they recognized her as the concierge who had worked in their house for two years. Karina expressed the opinion that her father would definitely have given the woman he loved a more prestigious job.

Also, the widow and daughter came to the conclusion that Timur and his mother did not know Mishulin at all. They noticed that the alleged relatives are confused about the details when talking about the famous father. As it turned out, Spartak Vasilyevich had other illegitimate children. Karina knows some of them personally and does not dislike them.

Photo: Still from the program

Tatyana Anatolyevna said that Spartak Vasilyevich always communicated with his son and helped them financially. According to the woman, famous actor I didn’t skimp on gifts for the child.

Almost a month later, the results of the DNA test were announced in the “Let Them Talk” program.

“The answer to the question whether Timur Sergeevich Eremeev can be the son of a male person, based on the props belonging to Spartak Vasilievich Mishulin. The probability that he is a biological son is 99.9999%,” said TV presenter Dmitry Borisov.

Many were confident that Timur was actually the son of Spartak Vasilyevich. However, Karina doubts the reliability of the result and intends to further defend her position.

“The announced results of the DNA test, from which it follows that Spartak Mishulin is my dad, did not come as a big surprise to me. Of course, there was excitement simply because the cost of someone's mistake was extremely high. But unconditional trust in the laboratory, which, by the way, was chosen by my sister, and world-class specialists under the leadership of Pavel Leonidovich Ivanov allowed me to be sure that the examination would confirm my words about my relationship with Mishulin,” Eremeev told StarHit.