When is Russian Language Day celebrated? International Russian Language Day

Russian Language Day has been celebrated by the entire Russian-speaking world since 2011. Now, on June 6, they not only remember the anniversary of the birth of A.S. Pushkin, but also share knowledge about the means of communication that he created - the literary Russian language. How not to turn this undertaking into a formality?

Who celebrates All-Russian Russian Language Day

First of all, this is a holiday for literature teachers. They have stopped calling teachers of Russian language and literature that way now, which is a pity. This is the entire writing fraternity, friends and enemies with “Glavred”, “Advego” and “Orfogramka” (online programs that edit text). These are library workers, quiet fighters against narrow-mindedness. These are writers, engineers of human souls. These are journalists, soldiers of the pen. These are poets, God's pipes.

On this day they have a lot of troubles: many events that they want to attend. These include performances by student theaters, original songs of bards around the fire, and games with words in the library. Moreover, you need to take part in the debate after the speech of the philologist researcher on the modern understanding of the word “impartiality.”

But they are not the only ones who are attracted by Russian Language Day. Readers have not yet disappeared like mastodons - those who cannot imagine their life without a book. Who writes letters to relatives, not SMS messages. Who composes congratulatory poems themselves, and does not buy a suitable postcard in a store.

Who loves Russian language

Once in a television program, A. Rosenbaum used a rare word, almost never seen anymore, preserved only in the dialect of a few localities that are considered to be the outback. The presenter immediately responded: “Why did you say that?” Maestro's answer: “I love the Russian language.”

Yes, a word in the wrong case can hurt the ear. Declension of indeclinable verbs blows your mind. Checkmate kills on the spot. But a rare phraseological unit, an elegant turn of phrase, a successful pun delights a true connoisseur of language.

Such a person considers Russian Language Day a personal holiday. In the morning he turns on the recording of the song “My Coffee and My Agreement”, then listens to M. M. Zhvanetsky’s miniature about the Russian language teacher B. E. Dukker and takes a volume of Teffi.

But such lovers are one in a million. The majority are cannibals Ellochka, who manage to live their whole lives with a vocabulary of 30 words. Pushkin - 20,000, and here - 30. Cool. What to do?

All-Russian lesson “Russian Language Day”

There are several thematic lessons conducted in schools that greatly influence young hearts. This is an All-Russian reserve lesson, an environmental lesson, life safety lessons, kindness, peace. Now there is an All-Russian lesson dedicated to Russian Language Day. Prepare for it in advance.

A tournament may be announced at school, including various tasks for the children: linguistic games, charades and similar activities with words. For each class, the level of academic knowledge acquired is taken into account, so the options become more complicated for high school age.

On the day of the event, the general assembly tells about the creation of this holiday, rewards the winners of the tournament and coordinates actions. The children go to their classes, where the teacher conducts a lesson on “Russian Language Day.”

The lesson program is entirely the product of the teacher’s creativity. In some schools, this day was dedicated to a famous literary figure and they talked about him. In others, they played interesting games with words, and somewhere they read poems by Russian poets.

How to teach a lesson

A lesson dedicated to Russian Language Day can be combined. This way the kids will gain valuable knowledge and won’t be bored. In addition, the participation of as many students as possible in the tasks will only increase interest in the event.

The beginning of the lesson is a five-minute viewing of a selection of films where catchphrases are heard. Then discuss with students the phrases of famous writers that have entered folklore as proverbs.

Then the teacher gives an idea of ​​parlor games with words, explains the rules of the game "burime", explains the origin (from the French bouts-rimes, which means “rhyming ends”). You can give examples of the creations of Pushkin, who loved this game very much and composed it masterfully.

A small task - to write a Burima according to given rhymes - can be offered to students by dividing the class into two or three groups. The most successful ones are then published in the school wall newspaper.

Rhymes can be taken from the works of M.Yu. Lermontov, A.S. Pushkina, S.A. Yesenina.

Events dedicated to the holiday

On the day of the holiday, they remember the game of Ivan Klimenko, who proposed the “Russian word game” and which is now played by the whole world. Of course, schoolchildren will not play a real virtual game. But you can make their task easier by creating a simple version, like Erudite. This version of the game can be offered to both junior and senior schoolchildren.

This crossword puzzle is solved on the board, and on the teacher’s table the children take the missing cards with letters. After using the letter, the card is returned to the teacher and exits the game. During the compilation process, linguistic disputes are inevitable about which word can be inserted into a crossword puzzle. It is very educational and broadens your horizons.

Capable, creatively gifted children can delight with pantomime. The task contains a description of famous writers: appearance, some works, character of the characters. The tasks are written on cards. The person presenting the pantomime chooses one of those proposed and tries, without using speech, to convey information to the guessers.

Antonyms and synonyms are another option for playing with words. Game scheme: the leader thinks of a word, for example, “loyalty.” He says: “My antonym is betrayal, my synonym is devotion.” Participants guess the word. The game requires task cards.

With such events, students will remember Russian Language Day for a long time. Successful burims that amaze with their complexity and beauty of phraseological units will enter the students’ vocabulary. This will achieve the goal of popularizing the Russian language.

Event plan

To hold a holiday, the level of preparation of students should be taken into account. Junior classes can participate by drawing themed pictures. The secondary school is able to perform poems. High school students can prepare a theater production.

Elementary School:

  • Drawing competition “Illustration for a work by a Russian writer.”
  • Competition of poems by Russian poets.

High school:

  • Sketch “Russian pun” in the stand-up genre.
  • KVN “Untranslatable pun” based on phraseological units.

Senior classes:

  • Reading competition “Living Pictures” based on the works of A.P. Chekhov.
  • Literary and musical scene based on the work of M.A. Bulgakov “The White Guard”.
  • Dispute “Russian language in the 21st century”.
  • Songs of bards - poems to music.

A costume ball of literary characters will end the day. At the ball there is a costume competition: each participant reads a riddle quatrain about himself. Mazurka, waltz, minuet sound. Demonstration performances of dancers.

The evening ends with the awarding of winners, certificates and valuable gifts. The photographer captures individual moments, then everyone sees his photo review in the school wall newspaper.

Winner's reward ceremony

Without encouragement, it will not be possible to conduct worthy competitions. Praise means a lot to a child, especially at school. Certificates of honor “The smartest”, “The most well-read”, “The best illustrator” are an inexpensive award, but very important for the one who received it.

For the participants of the performance, a tea party is suitable as a prize: a cake with the inscription “To the Actors”. This can be organized by parents in the cafeteria. At the table, individual episodes of the performance will be recalled, and the guys will “let off steam.”

Pantomime is an original genre, the best gift is a photo of the stage process. The photographer could be an enthusiastic high school student. You can make a quick printout on paper from a digital device - and you will get an excellent memory of your school time.

If you use your imagination, everything will go great. Children love it when you work with them. Therefore, do not let the holiday take its course and do not turn it into a boring repetition of the rules of the Russian language. And they will remember the school with gratitude in the future.

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And all over the world, June 6 is celebrated as International Russian Language Day. This holiday was established by the UN Department of Public Affairs. According to the UN, about 250 million people on the planet speak Russian. Not Chinese, of course, but the quantity is impressive.

This day is incredibly important for the Russian language. Exactly Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin was born on June 6, which is given credit for the emergence of the modern Russian language, which we use at the moment. Pushkin is a favorite Russian writer, so there is no need to explain why it was decided to make Russian Language Day on June 6, his birthday. Simply because Pushkin is our everything.

Russian Language Day is a holiday in Russia, which celebrated on June 6. The holiday is dedicated to the Russian language and is celebrated not only in Russia, but also at the international level. In 2018 it falls on Wednesday.

The holiday was established by the UN in 2010. In the Russian Federation, Russian Language Day was established in 2011. It was decided to make the date of the celebration the birthday of Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin, the great Russian poet, playwright and prose writer. It is worth noting that on the same day, June 6, “Pushkin Day in Russia” is celebrated - a holiday dedicated to the memory of the poet.

Russian Language Day is celebrated both in Russia and in other countries of the world. Traditionally, this day includes concerts, readings of works by Pushkin and other great poets and writers, and theatrical performances. Also on this day many museums open their doors. Educational institutions host thematic conferences, lectures, and Olympiads related to the Russian language.

Every year on June 6, Russia celebrates Pushkin Day of Russia (Russian Language Day)

And all over the world, June 6 is celebrated as International Russian Language Day. This holiday was established by the UN Department of Public Affairs. According to the UN, about 250 million people on the planet speak Russian. Not Chinese, of course, but the quantity is impressive.

This day is incredibly important for the Russian language. It was on June 6 that Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin was born, who is credited with the emergence of the modern Russian language, which we use at the moment. Pushkin is a favorite Russian writer, so there is no need to explain why it was decided to make Russian Language Day on June 6, his birthday. Simply because Pushkin is our everything.

...No, all of me will not die - the soul is in the treasured lyre

My ashes will survive and decay will escape -

And I will be glorious as long as I am in the sublunary world

At least one piit will be alive.

Rumors about me will spread throughout Great Rus',

And every tongue that is in it will call me,

And the proud grandson of the Slavs, and the Finn, and now wild

Tunguz, and friend of the steppes Kalmyk.

And for a long time I will be so kind to the people,

That I awakened good feelings with my lyre,

That in my cruel age I glorified freedom

And he called for mercy for the fallen...

At the proposal of the UN Department of Public Relations, one of the official languages ​​of the organization received its own separate holiday. Thus, on June 6, International Russian Language Day is celebrated all over the world. According to the UN, about 250 million people on the planet speak Russian. Not Chinese, of course, but the quantity is impressive.

June 6

This day is incredibly important for the Russian language. It was on June 6 that Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin was born, who is credited with the emergence of the modern Russian language, which we use at the moment. Pushkin is a favorite Russian writer, so there is no need to explain why it was decided to make Russian Language Day on June 6, his birthday. Simply because Pushkin is our everything.

Spread of the Russian language

Our language is one of the largest in the world and is considered the first among all Slavic languages. Therefore, when Russian language day comes, it is celebrated by both residents of Russia and Russian-speaking immigrants in countries around the world. Moreover, Russian is considered the most widely spoken language in Europe based on geographical characteristics. If the total number of people who speak Russian is 250 million, then the number of those for whom Russian is their native language is about 150 million. Naturally, the Russian language has official status in Russia, as well as in a number of countries of the former USSR.


Foreign cosmonauts embarking on a flight as part of Russian crews must, according to instructions, learn Russian. On June 6, Russian speech is heard both in orbit and on Earth. Numerous forums and meetings dedicated to language are held within the UN, and Russia Days are held in various countries around the world, during which Russian films, plays are shown, or scientific conferences dedicated to the Russian language are held.

This completely new holiday is celebrated in Russia on June 6th. This decision was made in 2011, and is due to the fact that it was on this day that the great Pushkin was born. Calling our poet the founder of the modern Russian language, we are not lying at all. Paying a well-deserved tribute to this man, June 6th celebrates two related holidays.

150 million people on planet Earth are considered Russian-speaking and another 100 million speak it as a second language. Russian is the most widespread Slavic language, moreover, it is also the most widespread European language, if you look from a geographical point of view. It is also a language that astronauts who want to go to the International Space Station must study! On this day, various concerts are held, including Slavic folk music, festivals, exhibitions and competitions.

Picking a date is not a toy -
On this day Pushkin was born.
Every Russian knows this
He respects his language.

Glorious, strong and mighty,
Sometimes it's burning -
Our pride for centuries.
Happy birthday of the language!

How beautiful the Russian language is!
How powerful! How big!
Of course there is no better one -
Any Russian poet has proven this.
How picturesque
And varied
How amazing
How beautiful!
Today, you will remember for centuries,
Day of the glorious Russian language!

Congratulations on Russian Language Day and I would like to wish that there are always necessary and important words with which you can express any emotions, feelings, hopes and desires. May our mighty one live forever, may no one be able to desecrate or tarnish the great Russian language.

great and mighty
Our favorite language.
He is being taught today
Chinese and Tajik.

Alexander Pushkin himself
I wrote poems on it,
But the rules, of course,
Its not that easy.

And everyone to whom he is dear,
I want to congratulate you.
Let him prosper
It flies to all corners.

Let through generations
It grows stronger and lives.
Let him not know oblivion,
He will never die!

Happy Russian Language Day
Today I congratulate you,
Worldwide understanding
I wish the language.

I wish that Russian speech
Sounded in every country
So that the firm Russian word
It was valued all over the world.

Congratulations to everyone who writes,
Knows, loves, says,
Well, maybe I just heard
About our great language!

On Sasha Pushkin's birthday,
Whose poems sound like music,
Along with culture and arts
We celebrate language day.

Let's celebrate the holiday with the whole world.
May it be long lasting
Let there be an interlocutor
On this holiday of Russian speech.

Russian Language Day -
Holiday of all Russia,
The honor of our people,
The valor of the Russian people!

Our native language, beloved,
We got used to it since childhood,
We are the memory of our ancestors
We won't give it to anyone.

Let's take care of our pride
We'll pass it on to the children.
Our great, mighty language,
He is invincible in the world!

Celebrating Language Day
And today we congratulate
Everyone who knows Russian,
Writes and reads correctly.

Express yourself carefully
Precise, concise and clear:
Say what you want
But you love your language.

We will tell you in Russian,
Believe our words
What is powerful, beautiful, great
Our best language!

On this holiday of Russian speech
And native language
May you have a simple, carefree life,
Let the river flow with happiness

Spreads wider
Well, Russian is our language
Remains the best in the world
And more powerful than others!

How great and beautiful our Russian language is,
Century after century, having only gained strength,
He penetrated our lives from infancy,
Absorbed with mother's milk.

We are proud that we speak one
The language that was spoken in the past
Pushkin, Lermontov, Repin, Bryullov,
Those who, like us, were proud of him.

We want to congratulate you today, friends,
Happy day of the great Russian word,
Happy Mother's Only Language Day,
Glorifying him again and again.

The issue of the relevance of studying, preserving traditions and the infallibility of the Russian language in our country has been supported for many decades. Russian Language Day first began to be celebrated in the 60s. By the eighties, it began to be held annually, but the dates, as a rule, coincided with the anniversary celebrations of writers, and it did not have the status of a public holiday.

Nationwide love for the Russian word

Interest in the history of the native word arose en masse during the time of the struggle against general illiteracy. Along with mastering writing, students were taught to hear the richness of the vocabulary of the Russian language and the melodiousness of poetic syllables. People absorbed knowledge, learned to read and write, first by listening and then independently reading the literary works of Russian classics. In Soviet times, the love for the native language in our country was all-consuming, and it did not matter to people which day of the Russian language was considered a holiday. To write illiterately, not to be able to quote A. S. Pushkin, not to recognize the style of M. Gorky - it was simply shameful.

Even during the hard times of war, literature teachers organized themed holidays dedicated to the words of Russian writers and poets. People, exhausted by war and famine, listened with trepidation to the voices of the readers, forgetting for a while about the horrors of reality. The power of influence of the Russian word on the stamina and courage of the soldiers was great. And in the traveling duffel bags of many soldiers, well-read volumes of Russian classics were carefully kept.

The beginning of the annual celebrations of Russian literature

The Russian language acquired the status of the state language in the 21st century. But the first attempts to legitimize and give special significance to this event were made back in 1996 on the territory of Crimea. The question was not only about the scale of the celebration, but it was also decided on which days of the month Russian Language Day would be especially noticeable for society. This year, the Crimean Russian community came up with a proposal to establish such a holiday as the Day of Protection of the Russian Language. In order to attract everyone's attention, they decided to celebrate it in June - the month dedicated to the memory of A. Pushkin.

Russian Language Day: history of celebration

Already in 1997, on the initiative of defenders of the native literary language, on the occasion of the 200th anniversary of A. Pushkin, June 6 was first declared the Day of Russian Poetry, and since that time the holiday has been celebrated annually. Magnificent events dedicated to this date were held not only in our country, but also in many other countries, attracting new, young listeners to the ranks of lovers of Russian poetry. The all-Russian status of the holiday allowed wordsmiths to draw public attention to the problems of preserving the purity of the Russian language.

Ten years of discussions about the need to develop interest in language among young people were required to make a significant government decision. In 2007, an article entitled “Let there be a Day!” appeared on the pages of the Parliamentary Newspaper. Its author, I. Klimenko, can be called the herald of the idea. It must be said that this call was not heard immediately. At first, the slogan “Russian language in every home” served as the reason for the opening of a new annual literature festival - “The Great Russian Word”. In its second year, the festival acquired international status.

Russian language outside the Motherland

In 2010, the idea of ​​​​establishing days of languages ​​of international importance was supported by the UN Assembly, defining dates for the celebrations of French, Chinese, English, Russian, Spanish and Arabic. A year later, the President of the Russian Federation officially declared Russian Language Day. No one doubted the month of celebration - June.

From now on, June 6, the date of glorification of Russian poetry throughout the world is usually celebrated as Russian Language Day. It is held as part of an international program aimed at expanding the boundaries of the multilingual space and supporting the equal importance of the six languages ​​recognized as official by the UN.

Popularization of the Russian word in modern society

Nowadays, Russian is recognized as one of the most popular languages ​​in the world. In terms of distribution, it ranks fourth after English, Chinese and Spanish. Interest in our language is constantly growing, primarily due to Russian cultural heritage. It is this factor that always determines the degree of mutual understanding between people of different nations.

Today, the desire of foreigners to read our classics in the original is no longer surprising. Economic and business areas of cooperation with Russia are a strong motivation for foreigners to learn Russian. In this regard, in recent years in many countries around the world the number of educational programs that included Russian literature has sharply increased. According to statistics, today almost 200 million people outside Russia study the language of L. Tolstoy and A. Pushkin, and the birthday of the Russian language is celebrated in many parts of our planet.

The holiday of Russian literature is a special event in our country

After several years, the Birthday of the Russian language in our country has become a grandiose event, and the scale of the celebrations is only increasing. The language of A. Pushkin, recognized as the “golden measure” of classical Russian literature, serves as the leitmotif of the entire holiday. As before, thousands of people come to the Pushkin Mountains to once again enjoy the sounds of music and poetry. It is difficult to fit all the planned events into one day, so festive performances are held here throughout the month. Programs and dates of performances are planned in advance, and concert venues are filled with both famous and young poets, musicians and actors.

The name of the Russian poet, the brilliant A. Pushkin, not only unites lovers of literature around him, but also continuously expands the boundaries of the use of the Russian word. His “poetry of reality” and fairy tales, despite the difficulty of translation, attract readers all over the world, of all ages and nationalities.

Such an annual event as Russian Language Day has today become evidence of the consolidation of Russian-speaking people around the world, the connection of generations and the strengthening of citizenship among young people.