Personal life family children Elina Mazur. Tsymbalyuk Romanovskaya led a double life, secretly visiting her lover

The whole country continues to follow the drama in the family of Armen Dzhigarkhanyan. In the new episode of the program “Andrey Malakhov. Live” gave the floor to the former representative of Vitalina Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya, Elina Mazur. Late last year, she suddenly spoke out against the pianist. Elina publicly accused Vitalina of lying and stated that she deliberately decided to leave Armen Borisovich with nothing.

In a recent episode of Andrei Malakhov’s program, Mazur explained the reasons for her action. After Elina “exposed” Vitalina, many were outraged by the brunette’s statements, suspecting her of meanness. It seemed that just recently Mazur was fighting for the honor of her friend, but suddenly everything changed.

“I realized that I was surrounded by complete lies that were hopeless. It was something incredible, I had to break free. This was hard for me. In general, Vitalina Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya is a story invented from beginning to end,” the woman said on the air of the program.

According to Elina, she helped Vitalina develop a behavior strategy. The woman claims that she wants to understand the current situation. The last time Mazur spoke with Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya was on the phone. After that, Vitalina sent her an SMS, to which she did not respond.

“A lot of things in Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya’s presentation were invented by me. For example, Vitalina suffered from mental illness. According to the mother, there was some kind of disorder. Lidia Ivanovna (the pianist’s parent – ​​Note) wanted to present this in such a way that it escalated. This was said in a private conversation. We were just drawing up a plan,” Mazur shared. “Then I did what I believed in at that time. I believed in holy love, in the fact that the person [Vitalina] truly dedicated himself to service.”

Experts doubted the veracity of Elina’s words. Andrei Malakhov noted that she made a very serious statement about Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya’s mental state. Psychologist Elizaveta Zhestkova commented on Mazur’s words.

“I don’t believe a single word Elina says. She began her speech by saying that she was very worried. But she is a completely calm, cool, self-confident woman who has a high intelligence. A bright woman is doing her own PR. Let's bring everything into one pile, now also psychiatry. I, of course, was not Vitalina’s doctor and I don’t know whether she ever saw a psychiatrist or not. But purely outwardly, I don’t find any sign of a mental disorder in her,” says the specialist.

Guests of the program stated that Elina has no evidence of Vitalina’s illness. “You are using all the participants in the dark. For example, no one can refute or confirm this conversation,” one of those present at the filming addressed Mazur. “Naturally,” she did not argue.

As Elina Mazur stated, she is the author of the story about the long-term romance of Vitalina and Armen Borisovich. “I came up with the story about a 16-year relationship. Natasha Korneeva and I are the creators of Vitalina Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya. She has been with Armen Borisovich since 2008,” the woman said.

Journalist and former employee of the Dzhigarkhanyan Theater Natalya Korneeva, who once introduced Elina to Vitalina, was also present in the TV show studio. According to the woman, Elina knew Tatyana Vlasova. However, Mazur denied such words.

“I regret that I turned to Elina, I am very ashamed of Vitalina. I have already asked her forgiveness for being so deceived in a person. Once upon a time, Elina and I worked seriously in the field of environmental protection. I didn't even think that she might be lying. I learned from Shepelev on the detector that she is not a lawyer,” Korneeva said.

The latest news has left the Moscow elite in a state of shock, because Vitalina Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya and Elina Mazur turned out to be even more inventive than they were prescribed in the past. The story of Dzhigarkhanyan’s divorce is taking on new colors, and, apparently, we shouldn’t expect its completion just yet.

The show performed by Vitalina Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya and Elina Mazur forced the whole country to follow the latest news about the unfolding events. Despite the fact that in November 2017, the new wife’s relationship with Dzhigarkhanyan seemed to end in divorce, the lawyers are in no hurry to put an end to it. Vitalina's representative tried to appeal the court's decision by filing an appeal, but failed. True, Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya does not plan to stop trying to get at least a small part of the inheritance of the famous artist.

In the fall of 2015, Armen Dzhigarkhanyan shocked the general public with the news of a divorce. Having lived side by side with Tatyana Vlasova since 1967, the 80-year-old artist fell in love with the young homewrecker. The chosen one of the elderly master was a pianist who worked in his theater for 7 years - Vitalina Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya. And in February 2016, the wedding of the newly-made couple was announced. For a year and a half everything was fine. The young wife took the place of the director of the theater owned by the master and oversaw Dzhigarkhanyan’s numerous projects.

Fact! At the same time, the young wife constantly persuaded the man, who was in his 8th decade, to have a child through artificial insemination.

But in October 2017, Vitalina announced the disappearance of her famous husband, which began one of the most scandalous stories in recent times. Andrey Malakhov live on air “Let them talk!” was able to find a man in one of the clinics in Moscow. The details of what happened shocked many.

It turned out that since the disappearance of Armen Borisovich Dzhigarkhanyan, he lost all his savings in his accounts, housing, and even awards stolen by his wife. Moreover, in the office of Elina Mazur, who actively helped the young pianist ensure a comfortable old age, a new will of the master was discovered, naturally transferring all his property to his new wife.

After the investigation, it was also discovered that during the management of the theater, Vitalina Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya, with the help of Elina Mazur, her parents and other accomplices, stole more than 80 million rubles from the state budget. According to the documents, the funds were spent on renovations of the premises, which never began. All participants in the high-profile scam face long prison sentences.

The scammers' plan

Elina Mazur, previously known under the name Galkina, and Vitalina Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya, the latest news about their fraudulent relationship is being actively discussed by the Moscow elite, met thanks to journalist Elena Korneeva. Upset by the troubles in her personal life, Dzhikhanyan’s wife shared with an enterprising friend the details of controversial issues with her husband. And after that, she entered into an agreement with Elina Mazur for the provision of certain services and issued a power of attorney for the swindler.

Elina Mazur immediately set a condition: payment for Vitalina Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya’s services must be made immediately, then the latest news about the divorce will become more profitable and interesting. Otherwise, the deal will not take place. Wanting to quickly take action and significantly fray her ex-husband’s nerves, Vitalina transferred a round sum to Mazur’s account. And inspired by the desire to do “good” deeds, Elina immediately moved on to fulfilling the tasks assigned to her.

Immediately after transferring the money, Mazur took on another interesting case. She asked Vitalina to rely on her experience and play the main role in the minute-by-minute performance. Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya was required to put on the mask of a caring and confused wife, who is with a spouse who has gone crazy.

And then, having issued guardianship over him, amidst all the fuss, it will be enough to re-register all of Armen Dzhigarkhanyan’s property and accounts in his name. All other details, including the study of Vitalina’s behavior under new circumstances and documentary subtleties, were taken care of by Mazur.

If you play, then to the end

But when the story almost came to a successful conclusion, Elina Mazur suddenly realized that she could extract more money from the people’s artist and his friend and decided to portray nobility. But none of the participants in the flaring up scam could believe in such lofty motives of the famous fraudster in certain circles. The public and participants in the scandalous divorce, which was planned by Mazur and Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya, believe that the news about the changes in the former’s behavior have a different reason.

Elina played too hard, taking on a person with great fame, so her business companion threatened to expose her. This is what prompted Mazur to change her behavior and portray herself as a repentant righteous woman. But even here they did not believe her, deciding that the fraud specialist had smelled more interesting prey.

Another version says that Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya, who gained access to the accounts, decided not to pay Elina Mazur the required interest. This could lead to serious offense on the part of an experienced fraudster who took risks for the sake of a decent amount. And it’s unlikely that Elina Galkina acted alone. Perhaps she needed to give a percentage to her accomplices who took part in the incident while remaining in the shadows. Wanting to get out of the current situation with minimal losses, the swindler decided to play a last but effective role.

Important! At the moment, Mazur not only changed the manner of playing the game, but also, judging by the information that covered the latest events, decided to ruin the already terrible reputation of Vitalina Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya. Elina said that her accomplice got too carried away, confusing the written script with reality.

At the moment, Armen Dzhigarkhanyan’s friend decided to take the situation into his own Armenian hands, deciding to intervene in the current situation. Arthur Soghomonyan demanded that Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya return all real estate and money in her accounts to her ex-husband. To do this, Vitalina must rewrite the received property in the name of Soghomonyan, who, protecting the interests of his friend, will dispose of them based on new turns of events.

Citizens of Russia and the post-Soviet space learned about the existence of Elina Mazur after a family and property scandal broke out in the family of the People's Artist of the USSR.

The woman who sided with the artist's ex-wife, a pianist, gained scandalous fame. Fans of the famous actor and lovers of “fried” became interested in her biography and personality.

In the biography of the woman, who in a month changed her role as lawyer and defender of Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya to her accuser, there are many blank spots. According to unconfirmed reports, even the surname Mazur is a fiction. There is talk on social networks that Elina Viktorovna’s real name is Galkina. Perhaps she became Mazur through marriage.

The woman indicates her year of birth as 1976, but meticulous Internet users name it as 1965, June 20. Allegedly, this data was preserved on the website “Russian Encyclopedia of Candidates” when Elina Mazur ran in the elections of deputies of the Strogino Municipal Assembly in Moscow.

Mazur’s birthplace, according to unconfirmed reports, is Rzhev.

No information can be found about Elina Mazur’s family and parents. In an interview, the woman mentioned that she has a sister, a Doctor of Law. But a relative or cousin is unknown.


There are no pages for Elina Mazur on Instagram or Facebook. Users claim that the woman deleted her accounts when the scandal with Armen Dzhigarkhanyan broke out.

Journalists found out that Elina Mazur does not have a legal education. However, she herself does not insist on this: she talks about higher economic education, but does not indicate the name of the university from which she received her diploma.

Elina Mazur speaks vaguely about her type of activity. If you believe her, she worked as a realtor and “solved the problems of people of art,” both housing and personal.

When a woman is called a “professional family problem solver,” she does not deny it. According to Elina Mazur, the acquaintance with Armen Borisovich’s wife took place at the request of the press secretary of the Moscow Drama Theater Natalya Korneeva in October 2017.

Elina Mazur is credited with co-founding several commercial companies in the capital.

On the “Actually” program, unsightly facts from Mazur’s biography surfaced. Former employees of Elina came to the program and spoke about a network of brothels disguised as massage parlors, allegedly owned by a woman. According to them, Elina Mazur is a pimp. She ran brothels in which she installed surveillance cameras. She used camera footage to blackmail wealthy clients.

The faces of the girls who spoke about their former boss were hidden by masks, but the truthfulness of the words was confirmed by a polygraph.

Elina Mazur denies the words of the program guests, calling them slander and revenge from enemies.

Personal life

Elina Mazur does not talk about family, husband and children. All we know is that the woman has a daughter. According to Mazur, the girl received a law degree and works at the Academy of the Prosecutor General’s Office.

With her daughter, Elina Viktorovna arrived for the first meeting with Vitalina Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya, when she was informed about the abduction of Dzhigarkhanyan. But Elina Mazur’s daughter, after listening to the story of the artist’s wife, did not believe Vitalina and avoided solving her problem.

Elina Mazur now

Vitalina Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya entrusted Mazur to conduct business in October 2017, signing a general power of attorney with her and allowing her, as an official representative, to make statements on her behalf.

On the “Actually” program on Channel One in December 2017, Elina Mazur shocked those present in the studio and television viewers with a loud revelation. The representative of the artist’s wife admitted that together with Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya she had been leading the whole country by the nose. But she didn’t want to deceive people and slander Armen Borisovich, because she herself turned out to be a victim of a “swindler and swindler.”

Elina Mazur claims that “eyes were opened” when Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya said about her famous husband: "When will he die". Then the woman realized that Vitalina was using her to take possession of the master’s property.

According to other information, Elina Mazur found out the truth about her ward after a call to investigators who had “serious questions” for her. During the interrogation, the woman realized that she had slandered and accused a decent person of non-existent sins.

The stream of revelations and revelations caused a storm of indignation among the star’s fans.

Vitalina Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya refuted the words of the ex-representative of the company in the December (2017) edition of “Live,” explaining Mazur’s anger by the termination of the cooperation agreement.

The actor, who was present at Malakhov’s show, shared his assumption about the conspiracy of Elina Mazur and Dzhigarkhanyan’s wife, and predicted the development of the plot for “another 100 episodes.”

Elina Mazur repented of the accusations she brought against Dzhigarkhanyan and admitted that she helped her ex-wife “sculpt the image of an obnoxious tyrant” by whitening Vitalina. Mazur taught her to lie and explained how to get her husband’s apartments and money.

Elina Mazur’s scandalous revelations continued in 2018: the woman appeared on the air of the “New Russian Sensations” show, where she added fuel to the dying fire.

Vitalina’s ex-representative told new details of Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya’s fraud: about the fictitious pregnancy and the “preservation” that Vitalina went to in Georgia, about her departure to Germany and the conspiracy in which she became an unwitting participant.

In a new series of the project “New Russian Sensations” at the end of January 2018, the former defender, who taught her ward to lie and dodge, spoke about interrogation by the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation and testifying against Dzhigarkhanyan’s ex-wife.

Elina Mazur went over to the camp of Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya’s former enemies and agreed to cooperate with the artist’s lawyer Evgeny Parfenov, giving all the trump cards up the famous blonde’s sleeve.

Journalist Tatyana Khoroshilova contributed to the “global exposure” of the 2017-2018 scam. After the investigation, Tatyana posted in “

The divorce proceedings of the famous Armen Dzhigarkhanyan have already become the talk of the town, overshadowing events of a different nature for several months now. Meanwhile, there is no need to talk about the end of the scandalous story at this stage, since Tsymbalyuk Romanovskaya again fell into the circle of events associated with her marriage and subsequent divorce. And in this case we are talking about the fact that the ex-girlfriend of Armen Borisovich’s ex-wife decided to talk about what she was talking about Tsymbalyuk Romanovskaya Wikipedia will never tell. After all, here we are talking about Vitalina having a secret lover, to whom the woman went to Georgia.

According to Elina Mazur's statement, Vitalina Tsymbalyuk Romanovskaya even before the start of the divorce proceedings, she had an intimate relationship with a man named Ilya. For romantic meetings with him, the woman went to resorts in Georgia, camouflaging these trips with the need to improve her health. At the same time, Mazur puts emphasis on the fact that this man positioned himself as a very rich entrepreneur, and things were allegedly already heading towards an engagement. This same fact explains Mazur's explanation for the fact that Tsymbalyuk Romanovskaya latest several weeks before her divorce from Dzhigarkhanyan, she tried to create all the conditions to quickly throw off the shackles of marriage.

Tsymbalyuk Romanovskaya latest news

If you monitor the information space for Tsymbalyuk Romanovskaya latest news, then you can find information that the secret relationship between the ex-wife of the People's Artist and her lover has been going on for quite a long time. The same information is confirmed by Elina Mazur, who notes that after one of her trips to Georgia, Vitalina introduced her friend to her lover. Meanwhile, herself Tsymbalyuk Romanovskaya, latest news which is not described in the most attractive light, completely refutes information of a similar nature, while claiming that in her life she loved the only man - Armen Borisovich.

Against the background of these statements, correspondents of our news agency note that you can love only one person, but sleep with a large number of other people. If we take into account the fact that the woman’s alleged lover was a very influential and rich man, then for Vitalina Tsymbalyuk Romanovskaya relationships of a sexual nature, with the aim of achieving mercantile goals, can be a very real event. And in this case, information of the order that the couple had even already scheduled the wedding day, which was supposed to take place in France, can hardly be called a fictitious fact. Although the fact that it is not possible to verify information of this level, while Vitalina Tsymbalyuk Romanovskaya latest has been under recognizance not to leave for a week, then this information may well seem to have been taken for granted.

What's really going on?

Correspondents of our news agency decided to check first-hand information about the rich lover of Dzhigarkhanyan’s ex-wife and tried to contact the man. However, we were never able to establish a connection with Vitalina’s supposed future husband, while we received information that he completely denies the fact of not only the relationship, but also the acquaintance with the woman. And this despite the fact that Mazur talks about Vitalina Tsymbalyuk Romanovskaya news in the same vein that only the beginning of a high-profile trial against the woman thwarted her grandiose plans. In addition, Elina claims that she has irrefutable evidence that Vitalina carefully planned her divorce from Armen Borisovich in advance in order to get the actor’s property and money.

As he talks about Vitalina Tsymbalyuk Romanovskaya Wikipedia, just the other day, by a court decision, a woman was deprived of real estate and money. Information of a similar nature was also confirmed by the lawyer of Armen Borisovich’s ex-wife Larisa Shirokova. The woman herself categorically rejects any accusations against her, insisting that her main desire is to restore normal relations with her ex-husband. And this despite the fact that Armen Borisovich himself does not take any active action on this issue. Moreover, quite recently Tsymbalyuk Romanovskaya was surprised to learn that “gave” Dzhigarkhanyan an elite apartment, which again did not become a reason for Vitalina to abandon her intentions to finally resolve this protracted situation.


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The attack on the woman occurred on Wednesday, December 13. The very next day, Elina Mazur came to Andrei Malakhov’s studio. She shared the story of the incident with viewers of the program. According to Mazur, she received a call from an unknown person who introduced himself as an investigator at the Ostankino police station.


“He asked me to come at Soghomonyan’s request and take with me documents confirming my authority in relation to Vitalina. I looked at the list of employees and found a person with that last name,” Elina said. When Mazur arrived at the meeting place, several men approached her and demanded that the woman get into their car.

"Nothing was said to me out loud. When I asked to introduce myself, they showed me identification that I could not read. I refused to follow them into the car, so they twisted my hands and hit me with a rubber baton. They beat me, pushing me into the car. My driver remained blocked in the car. I screamed, but the people who were passing by didn’t stop. The police didn’t come,” said Elina Mazur. According to some reports, doctors diagnosed the victim with broken ribs.

The attackers stole the woman’s power of attorney drawn up by Vitalina Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya. The document allowed Mazur to be the official representative of Armen Dzhigarkhanyan’s ex-wife.

Note that not all studio guests believed Mazur’s chilling story. Actress Regina Myannik, one of the program's experts, doubted the veracity of her words. The artist believes that a person whose ribs were broken and severely beaten the day before looks different. Indignant Mazur denied Myannik’s accusations. The woman stated that doctors installed prostheses in her spine.