Biography of the rapper pharaoh. Lyrics (lyrics) Pharaoh

Today we will tell you who Gleb Mironov is - Pharaoh. How old is this young man, it’s easy to calculate if you know that he was born in 1996, on January 30th. Originally from Moscow. Our hero is a cloud rap artist. Is former member by the Grindhouse team. Currently, he is the leader of an association called Dead Dynasty. Also participates in YungRussia.


Pharaoh - rapper Gleb Mironov ( real name Golubin) played professional football from the age of 6 to 13. He played in the Dynamo, CSKA and Lokomotiv clubs." From 2002 to 2013 he studied at gymnasium No. 1409. After graduating, he became a student at Moscow State University. Chose the Faculty of Journalism. Pharaoh (Gleb Mironov) formed his musical tastes under the influence of Snoop Dogg, Rammstein, and T.I. The young man made his first recordings in the studio of his friends. Note that as a rapper Pharaoh (Gleb Mironov) first took part in the Grindhouse team. Our hero's first recording is the composition Cadillac. The song was recorded in 2013.

The musician’s first fame came when in 2014 he released a video called “Nothing Has Changed.” Following this work, the mixtape “Wadget” appeared. Pharaoh is a member of the creative association Dead Dynasty. The project participates in the YungRussia movement. The latter was created by Boulevard Depo, a musician from Ufa. In the summer of 2015, a mixtape called Dolor was released.

Many critics called the musician a mixture of Kurt Cobain and Justin Bieber. They noted that there was nothing worthwhile in his work. At the same time, it was emphasized that similar works are in maximum demand and relevant exclusively among young people. Soon appeared collaboration i61 and Pharaoh. It was called Rage Mode. Musician i61 participates in the Ufa association DOPECLUB. Rage Mode was included in the list of twenty best albums 2015 according to the version of the Rap portal.

Our hero caught new wave success in 2015. At that time, an active discussion began on the Internet about the videos for the singles Champagne Squirt and Black Siemens. In 2016, a single of the same name appeared from the Phosphor mixtape. Thus this work was announced. In May of the same year, a second composition entitled “Let's Stay Home” appeared.

Soon the musician announced that the new album would contain 18 songs, and he the performance will take place in June. However, the mixtape did not appear in the said month. In July, the rapper himself, as well as several members of the Dead Dynasty association, made a statement that due to technical problems the release had to be postponed for a certain time.


Pharaoh (Gleb Mironov) recorded the compositions “Wadget” and Phlora in 2014. In 2015, Dolor was published. Phosphor was created in 2016. Among the joint releases, the works of Paywall, Rage Mode and Plaksheri should be noted.


Pharaoh (Gleb Mironov) in 2014 delighted fans with the clips “Nothing Has Changed” and “In the Zone.” In 2016, videos by Black Siemens, Champagne Squirt, “Idol”, LIQUID DEATH, RUSTRELL, 1-800-SIEMENSIXONE were released. In 2016, the videos “Phosphorus” and “Let’s Stay Home” were created.

Here are some interesting facts about Pharaoh. He has used various aliases in the past, including The Silent, Castro and ColdSiemens.

The musician's father's name is Gennady. He is one of the leaders of a company specializing in sports marketing. Our hero's mother's name is Elena. In addition, the musician has younger brother named Herman. He was born in 2003. Gleb grew up in Izmailovo, this is an eastern administrative District city ​​of Moscow.

Gleb Golubin, known as rapper Pharaoh, responded to his ex-girlfriend - 19-year-old model, daughter of the famous Russian tennis player Yevgeny Kafelnikov, Alesya. Previously, she told Tatler about the performer.

The girl said that she came across Pharaoh’s song, signed up on Instagram, and that’s how the conversation began. Alesya's father was categorically against it. The girl did not despair - she packed her things and moved to her lover. Her father responded by blocking her cards and taking away the driver.

For three weeks I lived in euphoria; I didn’t need drugs. At the event I met Arkady Novikov and his wife. I wanted to write to Nikita (former young man. - Note ed.), they say, I saw your parents. Gleb saw the text message, the girl said.

Then Pharaoh asked Alesya to pack her things and leave. She called it the final blow and said she went to the bathroom and cut her hand down to the bone. “Then I remember in flashes: the ambulance, Gleb’s parents, the doctors, they sewed up my hand without anesthesia, and I was enjoying myself,” the girl said.

Users were divided in their opinions. Someone supports Pharaoh and accuses Alesya of lying.

Others are sure that no one forced Alesya to use drugs. It was her personal decision.

There were also those who sided with Kafelnikova. They noted that the girl had already gone through a lot.

Fast news today

The couple came together to the premiere of the film “The Illusion of Love”

The new lover of the daughter of the famous tennis player, rapper Pharaoh, despite his 20 years, has already managed to break several girls’ hearts

It seems that after Alesya Kafelnikova turned 18, she rightfully allowed herself to be a bad girl. And choose boyfriends from the “bad boy” category. That's new lover The daughter of a famous tennis player, rapper Pharaoh, despite his 20 years, has already managed to break several girls’ hearts and even admit that he wrote some songs under the influence of drugs. But Lesya seems to like it. First, the model posted a video in which Pharaoh, aka Gleb Golubin, sorry, licks a girl. Next came their joint photo, in which Gleb tenderly kisses a blonde with the caption: “I think I found the ying to my yang” [“I think I found the yin to my yang”].

And yesterday the couple went out together for the premiere of the film “The Illusion of Love” at the Moscow cinema, where they tenderly hugged and kissed throughout the film.

However, not everyone is delighted with this novel. Fans of the young rapper began to write on Lesya’s page: “You shouldn’t be with her... can’t you find an ordinary girl? Without showing off, without any requests... Natasha is better!

Natasha Melnikova is one of Pharaoh’s former girls. Besides her, there was also Ekaterina Kishchuk, then still an aspiring singer. And now Katya is the lead singer of the Serebro group.

i think i found the ying to my yang

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What attracts such beautiful girls to Gleb? A rich spiritual world?!

It is known that the future rapper Pharaoh was born in Moscow, in the Izmailovo district. The father worked in a management position in one of the companies, and dreamed of his son playing football professionally. From the age of six he was sent to the sports section; the talented young man was invited to play for the teams CSKA, Dynamo, and Lokomotiv. But, unfortunately for the coaches, the parents insisted on stopping the classes. His father really wanted Gleb to become a football player, but after the young man almost received a serious injury in one of the matches, his father decided that he should leave the sport. At the age of 15, Golubin first appeared on television, starring in a series about football referees on the NTV Plus television channel. And a little later, he became interested in hip-hop and began collaborating with the group Grindhouse, gaining fame for the song “They want something from me.” Studying at the Faculty of Journalism of Moscow State University.

Pharaoh - extraordinary and bright personality, which has won love and recognition among trap fans, cloud rap and trillwave music throughout the post-Soviet space. The musician chose to perform under a nickname. In this regard, many fans are interested in the name rapper Pharaoh. This article provides not only the personal details of the performer, but also information about his life.

Life path

Pharaoh is a Russian rapper whose biography is interesting and very eventful. Golubin Gleb Gennadievich - this is his real name. He was born on January 30, 1996 in Moscow (Izmailovo). My father worked in a management position in one of the companies specializing in sports marketing. Gleb Golubin became the first-born in the family. Later, mother Elena gave birth to a second child in 2003 - a boy, German.

Gleb played football from the age of six. The father was very proud that his son was involved in sports and wanted the boy to have a corresponding career. The young man trained hard several times a week and dreamed of the future of an outstanding football player. IN free time the boy loved to play on the console. Gleb himself could not even think at that time that ten years later he would become known as the Russian rapper Pharaoh.

Not long ago, our hero gave an extensive interview to the online publication “Snob”. Pharaoh is a Russian rapper who told the general public that he school years listened to Kid Cudi. It's about about a hip-hop artist popular in the West at that time. He also said that other performers who influenced him in childhood and adolescence were Snoop Dogg, Eminem, 50-cent and some others.

Gleb went to gymnasium No. 1409 from 2002 to 2013. During this period, the passion for football reached its apotheosis - the talented young man was invited to play for the teams CSKA, Dynamo, and Lokomotiv. But, unfortunately for the coaches, the parents insisted on stopping the classes. His father really wanted Gleb to become a football player, but after the young man almost received a serious injury in one of the matches (he was lucky and escaped with scratches), dad decided that he should leave the sport.


Gleb was very worried about this. Fortunately, the father allowed the boy to act as an arbitrator (judge) for children's teams. Thus, Gleb was allowed to somehow continue to play his favorite sport. At the age of 15, our hero first appeared on television - he appeared in a film dedicated to football referees on the NTV Plus television channel. At this moment the young man had more free time. He not only begins to devote himself to his studies, but also takes a renewed interest in hip-hop. It was at this moment that the future Russian rapper Pharaoh recorded his first track. At the time of this work he was 16 years old. In the same year, Gleb goes to the USA and lives there alone for 6 months. The young man is especially imbued with American hip-hop underground culture.


Pharaoh is a Russian rapper who admitted in interviews that the idea to read cloud rap came to him during another session of using marijuana with his girlfriend. They listened to recordings of the band Raider Klan and noticed that the style of recitative performance was very reminiscent of “sounds from the underworld.” Then this manner of performance seemed truly revolutionary and very interesting to Pharaoh.

In 2013, Gleb managed to enroll in the Faculty of Journalism at Moscow State University. At the same time, he began his collaboration with the hip-hop group Grindhouse and gained fame for the song “They Want Something from Me.” At the very end of the year, the Russian rapper Pharaoh was invited to his friends’ studio, where he recorded an interesting track Cadillac for a common mixtape called “Wadget”, which was released in 2014. The team created video clips for many singles.


The composition “Nothing Has Changed” created a real sensation. Fans of cloud rap positively noted the unusual style of the video for this song. It featured an aesthetic very similar to Californian artist Bones. The Russian rapper Pharaoh himself denied rumors that he was inspired by the work of a Western musician, although he admitted that in his youth he listened to his album Th@ Kid. So it is unknown whether it was just a coincidence or whether our hero really adopted some of the “tricks” from the American. In the summer of 2014, Pharaoh released another mixtape - Phlora. It received average reviews from critics, but was loved by fans.


The video clip Black Siemens, released in February 2015, brought enormous fame to Pharaoh. In the video, Gleb, dressed in a Tommy Hilfiger hoodie, reads a rap on a snowy wasteland with a very funny chorus, which included the onomatopoeia “Sker-sker-sker”. This all happens against the backdrop of a Lincoln car, which the performer rented specifically for this video. The clip itself and the “sker” sounds from the chorus quickly became Internet memes. The video received several million views. In the summer of the same year, Pharaoh released his third mixtape, Dolor (translated from Latin as “pain”). On July 22, a video was shot for this track.


In April 2016, a video clip for the song “Phosphorus” was released, where the Russian rapper Pharaoh decides to use a new extravagant performance technique - screaming. In May, the hip-hop artist once again delights his fans with a new music video to the track “Let's Stay Home.” Both tracks were included on the Phosphor album. It was released in mid-July.

Gleb collaborates with such influential rappers as JEEMBO, Scryptonite, Thomas Mraz, LSP and many others. Pharaoh has gained the love of rap connoisseurs and critics thanks to his unique image, interesting manner of performance and the atmosphere of hardened nihilism that characterizes his lyrics. Note that our hero is involved in the unification of YungRussia. In 2016, a video was created for the song “Let's Stay Home.”

Yesterday (18) and her new boyfriend, rapper Pharaoh(20), " The illusion of love" in the movie theaters " Moscow"and all secular photographers. In general, the relationship has been officially confirmed, and we have collected everything you need to know about Pharaoh (in case you haven’t heard anything about him).

Brief information

Pharaoh creative pseudonym Gleba Golubina. The young man is a fourth-year full-time student at the Faculty of Journalism at Moscow State University.


From 6 to 13 years old, Gleb played football professionally and played for clubs " Locomotive», « CSKA" And " Dynamo" Having entered the university, Golubin often played ball with his classmates, and when he suddenly became a famous rapper, he almost stopped appearing at the university. But during the session, when Gleb does come to take exams, first-year students willingly take pictures with him.

Carier start

The first portion of fame came to Pharaoh in February 2014, when the video for the song “Nothing Has Changed” was released. In 2015, two more videos appeared on the Internet: Black Siemens And Champagne Squirt. The latter, however, was removed from YouTube, but he managed to get as many as 10 million views! Pharaoh gained wide fame thanks to the Internet and social networks, where his clips instantly spread. Gleb does not have a producer - he is his own director and part-time leader creative association Dead Dynasty, which was created by a rapper from Ufa Boulevard Depot.

Critics about Pharaoh

According to music critics, Pharaoh is a kind of mixture (22) and Kurt Cobain. Like, from Bieber - youth and popularity, and from Cobain - audacity and nihilism. In short, Gleb - new hero of our time among Russian youth.

Business card

The strange "skrrt skrrt" sounds he keeps making in the song. Black Siemens. Gleb himself says that he made the same sounds Bruce Lee when I was doing the tricks.


The most popular songs Pharaoh- This Black Siemens, « Five minutes ago" And Champagne Squirt.


In the summer of 2016, Gleb surprised the guests with street art in Gorky Park and appeared on stage during a break between performances by other musicians. Needless to say, the audience was delighted? And in general, at all his performances there is nowhere for the apple to fall - everyone dances, jumps and sings along.

Personal life

Pharaoh and his ex-girlfriend Katya

Gleb’s personal life was stormy (before he met Alesya, of course), but ex-girlfriends little is known about the singer. One of them was Katya Kishchuk– now she is the lead singer of the group Serebro.