Night at the museum when. How the "Night of Museums" will take place in the Russian capital

Hello friends! Today we will talk about an event that is interesting not only to guests of the capital, but also to local residents: the legendary Night at the Museum is approaching in Moscow. Museums will be open, as always, in the morning, but the most interesting things will begin after 18:00.

Night of Museums 2017 year will pass May 20. Official start nights - at 18:00. From now on, admission is free and opening hours are until 24:00.

What will happen?

It's not just a boring walk through the cool halls. There will be musical performances, special programs, performances, excursions and unforgettable lectures. We recommend visiting because the main museums of Moscow have been preparing for this event for a long time.

Yes, one more thing: the program has an age limit. It’s better to go to the website - it says where you can go with children, and where it’s better only for adults.

The program includes a lot exhibition centers. It’s impossible to list everything, but the classifications are as follows:

  • Art;
  • Technical;
  • Applied arts;
  • Theatre, literature, music;
  • Exhibitions;
  • The history of homeland;
  • Folk art.

International Museum Day

Started celebrating in 1977 different cities peace. Every year more and more people join the festival different museums. Museum Day is celebrated in mid-May on a day off. In many cities around the world doors famous museums and exhibition centers are open for night visits.

Night walks through exhibitions have become fashionable relatively recently. But they've already captured the whole world. Finally, the tradition has reached Russia.

The date was moved to the first nearest day off - May 20. The holiday was established by the Government. But our Government has not decided that cultural centers must work for free. Special program takes place on the initiative of the city museums themselves.

Some will make entry completely free, while for others free visits will start only from 18:00. The price is symbolic. It's Saturday, so you can make a whole raid around the city and visit several interesting places.

Practice shows that most museums open their doors on May holidays. Muscovites and tourists can go to their favorite exhibitions for free. We think this is a great idea.

The international campaign is aimed at attracting young people. This is not just a boring walk among antiquities, but a whole event. Imagine - all evening or even night, high spirits reign. The guides depart from the standard program and tell you something exciting.

Moscow has been holding such an event for 8 years already, people are looking forward to next year to visit again more museums. also welcomes everyone who wants to take a walk and listen to a guide.

Which museums are participating in the promotion?

This is only a part of the museums, the very best, as they say:

Both cultural centers and theaters will take part in the event. The entire program has already been published on official page Nights at the Museum. The most inquisitive tourists can already buy tickets to Moscow.

Official page

Be sure to go, something really interesting is planned for 2017. Share your impressions of the night museum outing with us! By the way, if you already visited the Night of Museums last year, write to us how it went, what did you remember?

This year 2017, the “Night of Museums” event will take place again in Moscow. This time it will be held on the night of May 20-21. The uniqueness of this event is that guests can stay in museums, exhibition halls, galleries, and art spaces until late. On this day, or rather evening, you don’t have to think about the fact that it’s time for you to leave: the staff will be only too happy if you stay for a long time and watch the entire thoroughly prepared program.

As usual, well-known state museums take part in the project - the Tretyakov Gallery, showroom"Manege" and popular art spaces - center contemporary art"Winzavod", design center "Artplay", design factory "Flacon" and many others. Each of the venues publishes an announcement of the upcoming series of events in advance, so that future guests have the opportunity to decide what they want to see and what to attend. As a rule, all participants in this iconic and long-awaited “Night” prepare something special: they come up with original scripts and concepts within given topic, organize quests and master classes, film screenings, readings, lectures, quizzes, performances musical groups and famous lecturers. It turns out that every guest can find something that lies in his area of ​​interest.

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List of participants in the “Night of Museums 2017” event in Moscow (May 20-21)

This year 2017 is the Year of Ecology in Russia. Numerous events are dedicated to this very topic, and “Night of Museums 2017” was no exception. Museum teams, together with invited speakers, will discuss protection issues with guests environment, in the course of a productive dialogue, they will find out how each of us can help improve the environmental situation, and what all kinds of socio-cultural institutions should do to achieve the same goal.

Museum space for understanding this problem is perhaps the best place: thanks to the special atmosphere, the analysis of such a serious topic will be more like a discussion of a certain social project to which everyone is related. And, quite possibly, this will bear fruit. Participants in the Night of Museums will show their guests performances, installations, and films that reflect environmental themes in one way or another.

You can find the current program of events for “Museum Nights 2017” in Moscow on the official website of the project.

Program of the VIII regional event “Night at the Museum”

On the night of May 20-21, the VIII regional action“Night at the Museum”, which in 2017 is dedicated to the Year of Ecology in Russia, as well as the 100th anniversary October revolution. Every year the number of sites that show interest in this global event is growing. In 2017, over fifty cultural institutions will join the action.

On this night, the Yegoryevsk History and Art Museum invites guests to a series of excursions around the local exhibition, which can be listened to for free. There will also be a scientific quest, an exhibition and sale of paintings, open lessons and competitions. There will be a screening in the museum courtyard theatrical production with the participation of actors from the Kolomna theater "Pilgrim".

The museum and exhibition complex "Prince's Dvor" in the Pavlovo-Posad district this time decided to organize an unusual gastronomic festival - "Eggfest" with tastings and culinary training. In addition, here guests will be allowed to ride on original Russian attractions, will be invited to stroll around the fair and, of course, appreciate the permanent and temporary exhibitions of the museum.

Every year, the A.P. Chekhov Museum-Reserve “Melikhovo” surprises guests of the “Night of Museums” with something new and extraordinary. On May 20, the estate will turn into a kingdom of art: the entire territory will be involved in the event. First, those who come will find themselves in the music room, where they will hear the legendary works of P. I. Tchaikovsky performed live. Then everyone will move to the courtyard to spend time watching the movie "Joker" on fresh air. By the way, this film was created last year, and its plots are based on the content of Chekhov’s stories.

The Muranovo Estate Museum has taken the gastronomic theme as its main theme, which is popular today: here guests will try a variety of dishes, after which they will go to see the exhibitions, which will be presented that night in an unusual format. The event is called " A new game familiar objects”: guests will see the museum’s collection in original lighting.

Perhaps one of the most high-profile events the upcoming "Night" will happen in Museum and exhibition complex"New Jerusalem". Here they will put it on display for all to see unique paintings Isaac Levitan. The canvases were specially brought here from fourteen museums in Russia. The opening of the exhibition is scheduled for 18:00.

“Night of Museums”: the birth of a tradition

“Night of Museums” is a great opportunity to establish professional connections and contacts. The atmosphere of this event encourages creativity, openness, empowerment and embodiment of ideas. On this night, the city comes alive, passionate discussions, enthusiastic exclamations and inspiring conversations are heard everywhere.

Thus, today “Night of Museums” is one of the largest and most successful events in the cultural sphere of life in our society. How did it all begin and how did a modest event become a global tradition of a mass nature? Moscow became one of two cities (along with) that for the first time allowed the atmosphere of the “Night of Museums” into its numerous museums. Today, the scale of this event in our capital is growing from year to year: if for the first time only a few museums took part in it, this year the number of sites is expected to reach hundreds. What can we say about the number of visitors! Already in the debut year of 2007, thousands of people were glad to become a direct participant in the “Night”, and in last time, in 2013, their number was more than one hundred thousand.

To the surprise of the organizers, the event caused a stir among the townspeople and was ultimately received with delight by the public. The special romance that reigns in museums when the sun sets and artificial lighting turns on has done its job: people fell in love with the exhibitions and felt the importance cultural heritage and immediately began an active discussion about what the Long Night would be like next year. And the museum directorates unanimously decided that they would develop specially for this event original programs. The pioneer of this event is the capital of Germany, Berlin, whose administration in 1997 decided to take extreme measures in an attempt to increase the interest of citizens in the culture of their city and people. Captivated by their own affairs and nightly amusements in clubs and bars, the Germans, especially young people, for the most part knew nothing at all about the museums and attractions of Berlin. When it became clear that any tourist could tell much more about this, the authorities decided to extend the opening hours one-time cultural sites until late in the evening and organize the so-called “Long Night of Museums”.

“Night of Museums” is an extraordinary event. On the one hand, it unites people around to the globe, because the number of participating countries has long been stable at several dozen. On the other hand, perhaps no other event so well introduces people to history, to cultural values of his people. All the charm and uniqueness of “Night” lies in these two remarkable features. To miss this event means to miss something from your life, perhaps subtle, but very important. This is how this initially not too pretentious event became an annual tradition in the German capital. A little later, inspiration from the “Night of Museums” overtook the French, who organized a very similar event - “Spring of Museums”. Only a few years later, when the whole of Europe got excited about the idea of ​​​​making this event officially international, “Night of Museums” received its final name and a precisely formulated date - the third Saturday of May. On the same day, “International Museum Day” has been celebrated since 1977.

This year the “Night at the Museum” event will take place on May 20 and 21, its motto is “Time of Discovery.” In the capital alone, about 200 cultural institutions, public and private, prepared their events.

Main trend recent years: This time they decided to include queues at the museum in the entertainment program. Musicians and theater performers will travel around the city and perform next to the longest lines.

Another innovation of the festival will be “ secret places» – small city museums with special events, creative meetings and excursions, which Alexander Kibovsky, head of the capital’s department of culture, called for attention.

Visitors are also invited to act as guides themselves by recording a short video (up to 90 seconds) about their favorite exhibit, exhibition or the museum itself and posting it on social networks with the event hashtags #night of museums 2017, #culturalarf, #I am a tour guide and with the museum hashtag.

The map of Night at the Museum events can be viewed on the official website of the event in Moscow and throughout the country, and we, in turn, have selected some worthy visits.

Pushkinsky really hopes for experts and volunteers

Pushkin Museum im. A.S. Pushkin, Moscow

Just like last year, Pushkin Museum is ready to receive its most erudite fans without a queue - from 18:00 an online test about the history of the museum and currently ongoing exhibitions will be available via the link. If you answer all the questions correctly, you will be able to enter the museum not only for free, like “regular” visitors from 18:00, but also bypass general queue(the museum will be open until 23:00). For those who have already visited the museum, the Club of Young Art Critics has compiled a quest “Pushkin Revived”, which can be completed by downloading the IZI Travel application (download links for iOS and Microsoft), where an audio guide around the museum town is also available.

Using another application - Artefact (download links for iOS and Android) - you can find out additional facts about the impressionist collection in the Gallery of European and American Art of the 19th-20th centuries and about the exhibits of the Egyptian Hall in the main building.

The Hermitage dedicated the current “Night of Museums” to the figure of Peter I

State Hermitage Museum, St. Petersburg

This year’s program is dedicated to the life and work of Peter I. It will be open until 23:00 Winter Palace Peter's, where you can take a theatrical tour about the history of the building and see the personal belongings of the first Russian emperor. Show times and cost of visiting can be found on the museum’s website.

Events in the Hermitage’s “Old Village” storage facility will immerse visitors in the atmosphere of 18th-century France. Ensemble early music will perform arias from Charles Hubert Gervais' opera Hypermnestra, which the Tsar heard at the Palais Royal in 1717, and guests will be able to take part in the game Jeu de Mail, a French version of cricket popular among the aristocracy, and test their knowledge of Russian and French art in the lotto “Eras and Styles”. Detailed information can be found .

IN Jewish Museum and the Tolerance Center will premiere the play

Jewish Museum and Tolerance Center, Moscow

The premiere of the play-encyclopedia “Community” about art world 1917-1930s, accompanying the second part of the exhibition “On demand. Collections of Russian avant-garde from regional museums." The three-hour performance will show both key and less visible artists of the Russian avant-garde, their relationships and life in the difficult conditions of the new country.

The idea of ​​the play belonged to director Alisa Kretova and playwright Andrei Stadnikov, and the play was staged jointly with Dmitry Brusnikin's Workshop. The exhibition itself can be visited for free, and closer to midnight an interactive tour will begin in the Schneerson Library “ Everyday life on the pages of Jewish books”, during which guests will immerse themselves in the realities Jewish life XIX century. Registration for events and schedule is on the website.

IRRI will start “Night at the Museum” before anyone else

Institute of Russian realistic art, Moscow

“Night at the Museum” at IRRI will start right in the morning: admission to the exhibition will be free from 11:00, and the first free one of the day starts at 13:00 sightseeing tour according to the main exhibition and the “Stories” exhibition, updated less than six months ago, dedicated to the history of works by Igor Grabar, Alexander Deineka, Yuri Pimenov, Arkady Plastov and other artists from the museum’s collection.

At 17:00 architects children's club“Horses on the Balcony” will hold a master class “I am a museum exhibit” for young guests and their parents; its participants will be able to feel like works of art at the exhibition.

By the evening, the quest play “Theater Manufactory” will take place throughout the entire territory of the former cotton-printing manufactory of Emil Tsindel, where IRRI is located, and by taking part in it, guests will be able to learn a lot of new things about industrial buildings. And at 22:00 in the main square of the factory you can watch fireworks and drink champagne.

At 19:00 an open discussion about the device will begin at IRRI modern museums with the participation of the Spanish architect Antonio Ortiz, whose bureau Cruz y Ortiz Arquitectos was involved in the reconstruction of the Rijksmuseum in Amsterdam. Full program and registration details can be found on the museum website.

I made the Summer Garden in St. Petersburg my own main theme-ecology

Summer Garden, St. Petersburg

Since 2017 has been declared the Year of Ecology, events in Summer Garden. On excursions, which will be conducted by employees of the Russian Museum, visitors will learn about how the garden has changed throughout its history, and in the late afternoon under musical accompaniment The fountains will be launched - you can see them until 23:00.

The Museum of Moscow has planned to hold a “Night at the Museum” in several directions at once

Museum of Moscow, Moscow

The Museum of Moscow has thoroughly prepared for the “Night”: for this occasion, caretakers will be dressed in uniforms specially designed by designer Igor Chapurin, and museum staff on the Garden Ring will give free tours of the exhibitions “The World of Soviet Photographer Boris Kosarev”, “History and Architecture of the Proviantskie Complex” shops”, “History of medieval Moscow” and “Moscow. Fashion and revolution."

For those who are more interested in studying the history of the city in game form, it is proposed to take part in the “Mysteries of Ancient Moscow” quest, and travel lovers will be able to move from Moscow to Paris and New York to multimedia project“Sounds of the City”, in which they will perform musical works, which became the symbol of these cities. Anyone can feel like a teenager during the “Vasyabegi” performance, which will take place at the museum in the evening.

The branch of the Museum of Moscow at the Old English Court will play medieval music, guests will learn about weapons of the 16th-17th centuries and play ancient board and outdoor games.

The Museum of the History of Lefortovo will host excursions dedicated to the history of the German settlement and the region, and it’s worth going to the Vlahernskoye-Kuzminki estate to take part in folk festivals with round dances.

At Garage, Night at the Museum will coincide with a book fair

Garage Museum of Contemporary Art, Moscow

At Garage, “Night at the Museum” this year coincided with the second Garage Art Book Fair, in which 40 foreign and domestic publishing houses will take part. On Saturday the fair will be open until midnight and entry will be free. More information about the fair's events can be found on the museum's website.

In addition, the Garage youth team prepared an interactive quest-trip based on archival materials on the history of modern Russian art. Its participants will plunge into the atmosphere of a new artistic environment emerging after the collapse of the USSR (registration via the link).

The second special “night” event will be “Unprincipled Readings. Museum version" is a project at the intersection of theater and literature, popularizing modern Russian prose. This time in summer cinema texts united by the theme of the museum will be read on the Arts Square. The event will be free, but you must register in time.

During Night at the Museum, two new exhibitions will open at once. "Hudprom Congo: painting for the people" called upon show the history of Congolese art since the beginning of the reign of Mobutu Sese Seko, that is, since the mid-1960s, shortly after Congo's independence from Belgium. The second exhibition is dedicated to different parties the works of two poets of the Soviet literary underground - Igor Kholin and Genrikh Sapgir.

Multimedia Art Museum will premiere a film about fashionable Kentridge

Multimedia Art Museum, Moscow

The main event at MAMM will be the world premiere of the film “William Kentridge, Triumphs and Defeats,” directed by Italian director Giovanni Troilo. The film tells about the artist's work on a 550-meter mural on a wall along the Tiber embankment.

Kentridge depicted a procession of 90 real and fictional characters Roman history using coal dust, huge stencils and water cannons. Due to the fragility of the materials, his work will be weathered within a few years. You can register for the session using this link.

The program of the Bakhrushin Museum will revolve around art Silver Age

Theater Museum named after. A.A.Bakhrushina, Moscow

There will be evening excursions around the main building on Paveletskaya dedicated to the Bakhrushin family, the development of theater in Russia and the pseudo-Gothic mansion of Alexei Bakhrushin, where the museum is now located.

At the same time, a musical and poetry evening will be held in the mansion, dedicated to creativity Marina Tsvetaeva, followed by a piano concert for the 100th anniversary of the Russian Revolution, will perform works by Sergei Rachmaninoff, Alexander Scriabin, Dmitry Shostakovich and other composers.

The evening will end with a grotesque parody based on Nikolai Evreinov’s play “The School of Etoiles,” which will be performed for visitors by members of the amateur theater “Motiv.” For a detailed schedule of events, see the link.

There will also be something to see in the branches of the museum. In the house-museum of Alexander Ostrovsky on Malaya Ordynka, schoolchildren will be taught the basics of creating theatrical costumes at the “Young Scenographer” master class, and everyone will be told about merchant life second half of the 19th century century ().

IN former estate actress Maria Ermolova on Tverskoy Boulevard There will also be excursions, where they will read Silver Age poetry, sing romances and play Anton Chekhov’s joke play “The Bear” (program).

The museum-apartment of Vsevolod Meyerhold will turn into a cinema: a film about Meyerhold’s play “Masquerade” of 1917, an improvisation film by actor Sergei Dreyden on the themes of the works of Nikolai Gogol and a documentary film “In the Footsteps of Masquerade”, dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the premiere of the play, will be shown here. drama by Mikhail Lermontov (schedule).

In the New Tretyakov Gallery, the festival program is dedicated to the “Thaw” exhibition, and a permanent exhibition will be free in the building on Lavrushinsky Lane

Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow

The night at the New Tretyakov Gallery (the name of the museum building on Krymsky Val) will be marked by a thaw in honor of the exhibition of the same name. Literally everything will be subordinated to this topic. entertainment, right down to food.

An international food court based on VI will open in the museum courtyard World Festival youth and students of 1957, where they will have the opportunity to try the national dishes of the countries participating in the festival, and in the evening they will also dance the foxtrot, jive and lipsey under the guidance of professional dancers. The actors of the Theater of Nations are responsible for the musical component; they will perform songs by Eduard Khil, Muslim Magomayev, Valentina Tolkunova and other stars Soviet stage as part of the Farce Major Concert.

As always, museum volunteers will conduct express tours of the exhibition. Other program details are available at

Night lectures and film screenings, stargazing and foxtrot master classes are the most interesting events“Nights of Museums - 2017” in Moscow in the selection of the portal “Culture.RF”.

"Night of Museums" at the Tretyakov Gallery

The State Tretyakov Gallery has prepared a varied program at several venues. The main building will host an exhibition dedicated to the muses of artists of the XX - beginning of the XXI century: Valentin Serov, Ilya Repin, Mikhail Nesterov, Konstantin Korovin and others. The Tretyakov Gallery on Krymsky Val will host a master class on foxtrot, lipsey and jive to the accompaniment of thaw songs performed by actors from the Theater of Nations. Also, everyone will be able to attend meetings with collectors at the Museum-Apartment of Apollinary Vasnetsov, the House-Museum of Viktor Vasnetsov and the Museum-Workshop of Anna Golubkina.

“Night of Museums” at the Multimedia Art Museum

"Night of Museums" at the Pushkin Museum. Pushkin

"Night of Museums" at the Museum of Cosmonautics

“Night of Museums” at the Museum of Decorative, Applied and Folk Arts

“Night of Museums” at the Andrei Rublev Museum

"Night of Museums" at the Bulgakov House

“Night of Museums” at the Ostafyevo Museum - “Russian Parnassus”

Exhibition of exotic animals, interactive lesson“Everything that is unknown is terribly interesting”, a meeting “Flower smells under a microscope” - such events will be presented by the State Biological Museum. K.A. Timiryazeva. Museum guests will guess the animals by their voices, learn the details of caring for subtropical and tropical plants, see what pollen looks like, and make a floral souvenir as a keepsake.

The review is compiled based on materials provided.

The “Night of Museums” event has been held in Russia every year since 2007. NSN I have selected several events on this year’s program that may interest even a sophisticated art connoisseur.

So, the capital's fashionistas and aesthetes will have a trip to the fashion museum. You can learn about all the trends and changes in the wardrobe of city residents, from the 1910s to the 1960s, as well as listen to a lecture on the emergence of the first fashion magazines, in one night by visiting the museum as part of an all-Russian event. There will be a show of vintage costumes, and in the evening there will be a symphony concert The Freemans Orchestra, where the entire range of masterpieces of world rock will sound, from Metallica to Bi-2.

Where and when: st. Ilyinka, 4. The program starts at 11:00, concert at 21:30.

And for the adherents classical art will open its doors state museum them. A. S. Pushkin, where this year, in addition to viewing the main exhibition, it will be possible to visit a number of thematic excursions - from the analysis of ancient ideals to short course tour guide. Also, everyone will be able to take a test on their knowledge of the history of the museum and its exhibits, and the most active ones are invited to film their own video version of a walk through the halls and take part in the “I am a tour guide” competition.

Where and when: Volkhonka, 12. The program starts at 18:00, the box office is open until 23:30. Details of the program can be found on the museum's website.

King of Pop Art Andy Warhol invites you to look at rare animals masterfully performed Darwin Museum. A series of silk-screen prints by the great artist of the 20th century, dedicated to rare species of animals that are on the verge of extinction, will inevitably attract the attention of visitors. And at 19:00 the author’s excursion of multimedia artist Nikita Scriabin will begin, who will conduct “Lessons natural history" Next, viewers will be able to look at the exhibition project “Fluffy and Dangerous!”, which will tell about the emergence of legends about such characters as Dracula, King Kong and the werewolf. And on the roof of the museum, which by the beginning of summer is gradually turning into a comfortable area with poufs, the exhibition “Secrets of the Darwin Museum” will open.

Where and when: st. Vavilova, 57. The program will take place from 18:00 to 00:00.

And for those who don’t like to stand still for a long time, looking at exhibits or waiting in line at the ticket office, the organizers have come up with a special way to experience art. Walking around the city, revealing the secrets of places that have already become familiar to Muscovites, will help brighten up the evening for lovers of walking. Thus, not every city resident knows that the Khitrovka district, located next to the Kitay-Gorod metro station, was once the center of crime in the capital. Guide Anastasia Chernyshova will guide the curious along this difficult stretch, glorified in famous book Vladimir Gilyarovsky’s “Moscow and Muscovites” will tell you how Saltychikha herself was imprisoned within the walls of the Ivanovo Monastery, and will explain why the descent to the square was popularly named Sviny.

Where and when: Gathering at house No. 1 on Zabelina Street. Starts at 18:00.