Theater scenery. What is scenery in a theatrical production?

Every person has visited the theater at least once. Such events fill with emotions and give spiritual satisfaction. Surely everyone knows what scenery is, but few can imagine what it would look like theatrical performances without them. But this element is mandatory to create the desired effect.

What is scenery

Each performance requires lengthy preparation. The scenery in the theater can be different, for example:

  • small fragments that create the right atmosphere;
  • large-scale compositions that give a sense of reality of what is happening on stage;
  • lighting effects created using spotlights and similar equipment.

In any case, it is not difficult to understand what scenery is. Thoughtful compositions can consist of various parts and elements, which in general makes it possible to create the picture that is needed for a full perception of the action conveyed by the actors.

Why decorate the stage

Knowing what scenery is, you can understand how necessary they are in any performance. Without certain props, the picture will be incomplete. And it’s easier for actors to convey emotions when the necessary atmosphere is created on stage. Even a child knows what scenery in a theater is, however, it is worth considering in detail the question of for what purpose and why they were invented.

Of course, professionally performing actors can convey the necessary emotions to the audience even without additional compositions on stage. But the scenery in the theater will help:

  • fully immerse the viewer in the plot;
  • to give the actors the opportunity to fully convey the essence of the production;
  • create the mood for the performance and open up the horizons of creativity for those who design the stage for performances.

Having learned what scenery is, a person will pay more attention to it when visiting the theater. And he will also understand how important stage decoration is. After all, we all want the actors to maximize their talents and inspire those who came to see their performance.

It is known that theater performances and festive performances are extremely rarely complete without special props and scenery. Do not underestimate the importance of this issue, because decoration is an integral element of a celebration or theatrical event, capable of creating a certain mood in the viewer and demonstrating the creative taste of its creators and organizers. Stage decoration for theatrical performance- a complex and responsible process.

Theatrical scenery should not distract the viewer’s attention from the action developing on stage and, at the same time, they should fit harmoniously into general idea performance or performance - our designers will help you correctly zone the stage space, as well as hide its possible shortcomings, which are often found in old buildings. In addition, we should not forget that the scenery for the stage should be as stable, safe and mobile as possible. Today, the most widely used materials for the manufacture of theater scenery are: various options: different kinds plastic, cardboard, MDF, profile, wood, as well as aluminum and other metals. The use of modern milling equipment makes the production of theatrical scenery an even more technological process and allows us to bring to life elements of stage scenery according to sketches of almost any complexity without any problems.

For decoration stage decorations use various types of printing on paper, fabric, special films, banners, etc. Also for theater stage quite widely used modern technology large format interior printing. It is possible to produce special stage decorations with corporate symbols, which will become an indispensable stylish and functional attribute of any corporate entertainment event held both indoors and outdoors. open air(sometimes special decorations are even used for so-called open air). To produce decorations for outdoor use, we use special, especially durable materials that have repeatedly proven themselves for use in city street conditions.

If you do not have sufficient time to produce decorations, NEWelements can offer a wide range of ready-made solutions stage decorations that you can buy or rent. At your choice of decorations for events of any theme: theatrical performances, children's performances and fairy tales, weddings, new year parties, ceremonies and corporate events. High quality and the affordable price for renting decorations in our company will pleasantly surprise you.

High-quality stage design: production of sceneryon an individual basissketch, production of decorations on time, as well asprofessionalinstallation of structures will convince you of the reliability of the NEWElements team. Our skillful works can the best way reflect the theme of the event and will become a real “highlight” of the performance. Your celebration will cause a lot of enthusiastic reviews and will remain in the hearts of the audience for a long time.

MasterScene Company - creative Group has been making decorations for over 15 years. Production of decorations has long been a part of our life. Decorating is fun creative process! From us you can order a full range of services for the production of decorations, starting with the development of sketches and ending with installation and dismantling work.

Making decorations is always an exclusive production. Therefore, any non-standard and creative idea can be brought to life. The decorations can be used for decorating holidays, events, clubs, restaurants, and sporting competitions.

Making decorations. Individual elements.

Set design is not just about large-scale projects for theater and television. Separate decorative elements are very often used.

Artistic works

Luminous designs

Scenes and backdrops


Presenter's stand

Making decorations for events and holidays

Decorations are made for various purposes. We bring to your attention decorations for city events, corporate events, off-site conferences.

When decorating events, you can use not only hard decorations. - Very effective method turn a boring room or stage into a real masterpiece.

Production of theatrical scenery

The production of theatrical scenery should be carried out by professionals. The success of a theatrical production largely depends on the scenery on stage. Theatrical scenery at MasterScene is designed by artists who have dozens of projects under their belts. Some of our works have been awarded by the Russian national theater award"Golden Mask".

Theatrical scenery can be of various configurations: rigid scenery (backgrounds, walls, interior items, decorative furniture); soft decoration (scenes, backdrops, stage backdrops, rug); props. We also produce multi-level theater scenery.

Stage decorations

Stage decorations can be used to decorate a stage of any size and configuration. The scenery for each stage area is developed individually. The construction of the scenery is carried out by experienced teams of installers.

TV sets

The production of television sets is always of the highest quality! Even small flaws under the camera's sights are very noticeable. Therefore, trust the production of television sets only to professionals!

Why do people go to the theater? To enjoy the wonderful acting, interesting story performance and... amazing scenery. Have you ever wondered who creates them and how much work it costs?

Theater set designers work tirelessly to translate the production designer's vision from flat sketch drawings to three-dimensional scenery. From this article you will learn about the profession of a decorative artist.

History of the profession

Decorators appeared in ancient world. It has to do with needs. high society- clergy, rulers - surround yourself with a rich, sophisticated interior made from unique and expensive materials, which would capture the imagination of the ambassadors of foreign delegations.

As old as the theater. She has come a long way of formation and development. Theatrical scenery was initially primitive and crude. Now representatives of the profession create everything for the highly artistic design of the stage.

Briefly about the profession

The name of this profession comes from English word decorate, which translated means “to decorate”.

Decorators are specialists in interior decoration and theater artists who, based on the sketches of other artists, write scenery for performances. One of their main tasks is to produce scenery that will create a unique look for the stage, which will reflect not only the tastes of the director, but also the spirit of the performance.

The set designer is a kind of stage architect. He needs to understand its structure from the outside and from the inside. The artist needs to know how to make scenery for the stage with his own hands in order to control the work process and monitor the competent implementation of the creative concept.

Theater artists work closely with the director: they must always take into account the creative concept and implement his idea. However, passive embodiment is not enough. If the set designer has sufficient experience and talent, he can enrich and expand the director's idea. By combining efforts, you can achieve incredible results.


The responsibilities of a decorative artist include supervising workers in the theater workshop, as well as personally performing the most complex painting works. In addition, the set designer takes part in the acceptance of sketches and models of scenery for performances and controls the artistic condition of the scenery for performances of the current repertoire. He provides guidance for restoration if theatrical scenery has fallen into disrepair. Works to preserve their original style and flavor. Stage decorations often require many various materials, records of which are also kept by decorative artists.

Mass character and uniqueness of the profession

Often, a decorative artist is equated with similar specialists whose professions are related to creativity, for example, with designers. However, this is not at all true. The work of a set designer is aimed at making scenery for the stage, which will help recreate the atmosphere of the work and help the actors play, while design work is aimed at mass production.

A decorative artist cannot be classified as a mass artist. It is not uncommon for the same specialist to work in the same theater for decades.

IN big city, where many theaters operate, it is quite possible for a young specialist to find a place in the decoration workshop and thanks to perseverance and creative individuality become a workshop leader.

The decorative artist must...

  • Be able to draw and think creatively.
  • Know the basics of composition, drawing and painting.
  • Understand the laws of color science and color psychology.
  • Remember the history of styles and arts.
  • Know the traditions of interior design, both modern and historical, ethnic.
  • Take into account the features visual perception viewer.
  • Navigate the market modern materials decor.
  • Understand the design and equipment of the stage, its characteristics.

Personal qualities

Personal qualities that a decorative artist should have:

  • Ability to analyze.
  • Creativity, resourcefulness and resourcefulness.
  • Flexibility of thinking and curiosity.
  • Developed spatial imagination.
  • Artistic abilities.
  • Performance and responsibility.
  • Attentiveness and accuracy.

Education: where to get a profession?

The profession of decorative artist can be obtained in secondary specialized art schools, architectural and art academies. You can improve your professional skills at various seminars, courses and master classes.

How does a decorative artist work?

So where does the work begin? theater artist-decorator? Like any director and actor, it starts with reading the script, because the scenery is subsequently designed precisely on its basis.

The decorative artist needs to understand the ideological message of the work, get acquainted with actors, get into historical era in which the action takes place, as well as feel its rhythm, dynamics and interweaving of the plot. This is where the work begins: the set designer presents the performance as if it were already on stage. Imagination at this stage is a very important part, as it works to clarify the concept of the future production.

The first condition for further competent work of a theater artist is a clear understanding of the production and its possible nature. artistic solution. Next, the concept is discussed with the director. In most cases, the interaction between these two people determines the success of the play.

After discussion with the director, sketches and models of the future stage design are developed, as well as the artistic design as a whole is thought through. Here it is necessary to remember that the stage is not just a part of the hall that needs to be forced. This is the space for acting, which is filled with its own emotions and has its own expressive power. The artist creates a layout of the scenery, forming the “style of the performance”, working out the design.

Next, after coordinating the layout with the director and making amendments, the set designer proceeds directly to creating the scenery. This is the period painstaking work over details, selection required material, texture and shade.

The color scheme of the scene should not be left alone: ​​it is coordinated with the director, costume designers and lighting designers. In addition, each work of world classics requires its own color palette.

At first glance, it may seem that there are too many little things in the work of a theatrical set designer, but it is from them that the complete image the entire performance. They help the viewer enter into the atmosphere of the production, and the actors - into their roles.

“Work for the actor” is one of the main commandments of the set designer. The artistic design of the production works to ensure that the actors build the plasticity of their character and find the most advantageous part of the stage for each moment of the performance.

The colors of the spotlights that can be seen during the production process can be very diverse. Paints electric lighting must correctly integrate into the overall outline of the artistic design of the performance.

All this time we have been talking about the theater decorator. But this profession is no less important in musical theater, and at the circus. A colorful and vibrant performance in the arena is created not without the participation of the artist. The creation of any performances, productions and concerts cannot be done without the help of a set designer.

All children are waiting for the holidays. Some dream of gifts, others rejoice at the approach of fun and joyful emotions. This expectation is especially felt in kindergarten And primary school schools. It is impossible to imagine holidays in children's institutions without matinees. And the preparation for them is an exciting process, during which all children receive roles in the upcoming production. In order for the performance to look “real” it needs to be staged accordingly. Decorations for matinees are created precisely for the purpose of organizing the appropriate surroundings for a festive production. In their environment, children will feel the importance of what is happening and their role. The Interdesign company produces scenery for children's performances and offers to purchase finished products or order its production according to your own design.

Floor decorations. Specifications

Each childcare facility must have a set of items to decorate the stage. It most often includes hanging and floor decorations. The first ones can be made of thin plywood or even paper, and are mounted on a wall or curtain fabric. Floor decorations have a stable base. It is around them that the action of the play unfolds. Therefore, the main requirement that is put forward for products of such a group is the safety of children who are on stage.

Floor decorations are made of MDF boards, 6 - 8 millimeters thick. The stability of the base is ensured by its sufficient area and the presence of supports (if necessary). The image is applied by gluing a full-color print. At the customer's request, it can be applied to one side of the decoration or to both. In the first case, the decorations need to be installed front side to the viewer. In the second, you can distribute the scenery around the stage in a free order. Double-sided floor decorations can be used in productions that take place in the hall. Children, being at the same time active participants and spectators of the performance, can go behind such decorations without the risk of seeing their reverse (unformed) side. The surface of the floor decorations is laminated with a protective film. This allows them to be used for many years. The edges of the decorative items are smoothly polished so that even by accident the child cannot get hurt.

Decorations for holidays. Varieties

With the help of decorations you can turn an ordinary event into a unique event. You can buy ready-made decorations or order them to be made according to your own sketch. The Interdesign company offers decorative items different sizes and with images:
- houses, huts and towers;
- Vehicle;
- cartoon and fairy-tale characters.

With the help of floor decorations you can create a feeling of the different seasons in which the action takes place. For autumn matinees Decorations depicting yellow leaves and mushrooms, withered forest and fruit-bearing trees are suitable. To put winter's tale, you will need decorations of snow-covered huts and trees. Spring mood will create images of wildflowers and lush grass. The lightness of floor decorations makes it possible to quickly change them. By closing the curtain, 2 adults can replace one set of scenery with another in 5 seconds, completely changing the stage image.

Double-sided floor decorations can be used not only for performances and matinees, but also for everyday children's games and competitions. They can be taken out into open areas while children are walking or installed in a playroom.

How to buy theatrical decorations for children's matinees?

On the Interdesign company website you will find a catalog of decorations in which they are divided into categories. This makes it much easier to find the item you need. Acquainted with technical characteristics and the price of each decoration you can find on its product page. You will go to it by clicking on the image of the item you like. You can send the selected product to the virtual basket in 1 click.

Once you fill it out, you can place your order at in electronic format or use the phone number listed on the site. The company manager will explain to you the rules for payment for goods and their delivery.

Many outstanding artists felt the magic of the stage on their first stage in childhood and decided on their future profession. Even if this does not happen, every child, participating in the performance, will be able to reveal their potential and learn to communicate with their peers. It is in such an environment that the child will first try to present himself. Without exaggeration, we can say that his future largely depends on how much he likes it.