Calendar-thematic planning for drawing (preparatory group) on the topic: Long-term planning for fine arts (preparatory group). Long-term planning for iso-activities in the preparatory group


  1. "How I spent summer"

Software tasks: teach children to depict impressions of summer in drawings. To develop children's imagination, the ability to come up with the content of their work, the ability to hold a pencil and brush in different ways for different drawing techniques. Cultivate interest in the drawing process, accuracy

  1. “Delicious gifts of generous autumn”

Software tasks: arouse children's interest emotional response on the proposed topic, the desire to depict fruits and vegetables. Develop creative activity, imagination, creative thinking. Strengthen the skills of drawing a variety of rounded shapes. To contribute to the formation of the concept of “still life”. Pay attention to the multicolored world around you. Introduce the concept of “tonality”


  1. Still life “Autumn bouquet”

Software tasks: teach children to draw autumn flowers (asters, chrysanthemums, etc.), admire their beauty, choose your own warm or cold range of colors. Develop in children a sense of color, shape, rhythm; cultivate interest in drawing. Continue teaching children how to mix paints. Make sure that the shades change as evenly as possible, not only in lightness, but also in color tone. Generate interest in the work.

2. “Round dance” autumn leaves» (drawing on wet paper)

Software tasks: cause in children emotional experiences associated with personal experience perception of autumn phenomena, interest in them. Develop Creative skills children, aesthetic perception of color. Continue to master the technique of drawing on wet paper. Learn to mix paints, get new colors and shades.


  1. Khokhloma painting. Drawing a pattern on paper of different shapes

Software tasks: introduce children to Khokhloma painting, with its elements, teach them to see the connection between the shape of an object, size and pattern, alternation of identical elements (berries, leaves, flowers, grass), their location

(A. A. Gribovskaya, p. 108)

  1. Khokhloma painting. Drawing a pattern on a strip.

Software tasks: teach to see main element paintings - a curl, how it curls, comes out one from the other and each is decorated equally (berries, leaves, grass). See the characteristic combination of colors of golden Khokhloma (red, gold, yellow and a little green), variability of berries, leaves, grass (eyelashes, antennae). Learn to make a pattern on a strip, alternating curls in different directions (up down), decorate them with berries, leaves, grass. Choose the color of the stripes and elements yourself.

(A. A. Gribovskaya, p. 110)


  1. "City Street"

Software tasks: continue to introduce children to their hometown. Learn to convey impressions of the surrounding life in a drawing, create a simple composition on the theme of a modern city street, find features one building from another (shape. Number of floors, color, material); establish dependency between appearance, shape and purpose of the structure. Develop children's visual skills in drawing buildings, their creative imagination, activity. Reinforce painting techniques with paint.

  1. "Who Lives in the Winter Forest"

Software tasks: learn to convey the texture of animal fur. Continue to develop visual skills.


  1. “How fun it was at the Christmas tree festival”

Software tasks: teach how to compose the plot of a composition, develop children’s aesthetic perception, emotional attitude to the image, and understand “happy” and “sad” tones.

  1. "Zimushka-winter"

Software tasks: arouse children's interest in depicting a winter landscape, an emotional response to poetic images. Teach children to reflect impressions received during observation winter nature, based on the content of familiar works; use a cold range of colors to convey winter flavor. In your work, use the unconventional drawing technique of “poke” and “spray”. Develop children's creativity.


  1. Khokhloma painting. Drawing a pattern for a dish

Software tasks: teach to consider new composition, arrangement of curls along the edge of the circle-dish. Select already familiar elements: berries, leaves, flowers. Grass, color combinations. Learn to make a pattern on a circle, highlighting the edges with curls and decorating them with familiar identical elements.

(A. A. Gribovskaya, p. 113)

  1. Khokhloma painting. Drawing a pattern on paper of different shapes.

Software tasks: consolidate knowledge about Khokhloma painting, variety of items (furniture, dishes, decorative panel) , highlight the brightness of the patterns, the tenderness and lightness of the curls-twigs, spots of berries, flowers, leaves. Make a pattern on paper of different shapes, determine the purpose of the objects, choose elements, color, composition.

(A. A. Gribovskaya, p. 114)


  1. "Portrait of a Mother"

Software tasks: to cultivate in children an emotional attitude towards the image. Strengthen the ability to draw a portrait. Learn to choose your own writing technique

  1. "Early spring"

Software tasks: develop children's powers of observation and aesthetic perception spring nature. Strengthen the ability to convey colors and their shades by mixing paints different color with whitewash. Learn to place the plot on the entire sheet of paper.


  1. Drawing the fairy tale “Kolobok”

Software tasks: learn to come up with a plot for a drawing, draw up a composition, and convey the character of an image. Strengthen your drawing skills watercolor paints. Develop figurative representation, imagination, observation, attention.

  1. “Let’s help grandparents remember fairy tales”

Software tasks: consolidate knowledge about fairy-tale genre, teach how to find it among other genres (portrait, still life, landscape). Teach children to independently choose an episode of a fairy tale, think through compositional structure drawing, select paper size, transfer character traits favorite character. To develop in children fantasy and imagination, the ability to convey the features of ancient peasant clothes, objects, utensils, using a variety of means of expression, improve technical skills in working with various visual materials.


  1. "Blossoming Spring"

Software tasks: teach finger painting techniques. Learn to observe color contrast, complement the drawing with compositional lines that create a beautiful rhythm and accent to it.

  1. "Land of Flower Dreams"

Software tasks: cultivate the ability to fantasize. Strengthen the ability to compose a composition on a sheet of paper according to plan. Getting to know unconventional technology drawing "scratch".

Forward planning modeling classes in a preparatory school group


Software tasks:

  1. "Basket"

Software tasks: teach children to make a basket in a constructive way (the bottom is made of a ball, the walls of the basket are made of strands, the handle is woven from a long strand). Develop children's creativity, aesthetic taste, neatness. Achieve expressive form.


  1. Decorative plate

Software tasks: teach children to sculpt decorative plates with centric patterns, using the techniques of rolling between the palms, flattening, pulling and leveling the edges. Elements of the ornament can be small balls, disks, flagella. Develop the ability to plan work to implement a plan, anticipate the result and achieve it.

  1. "Tea-set"

Software tasks: teach children how to make a tea set using a constructive method. To develop in children an aesthetic perception of form, to teach how to convey the shape of dishes, sculpt hollow forms, and use a stack to apply a relief pattern to the surface of an object. Increase sensory sensitivity, develop imagination, and general manual skill.


  1. "Snail"

Software tasks: improve the technique of rolling out a small lump of plasticine using longitudinal movements of the palms to obtain an elongated cylinder and cone; show the possibility of changing the resulting shape by flattening and twisting; maintain interest in finding ways to supplement (horns, eyes). Increase sensory sensitivity, develop imagination, general manual skill, fine motor skills hands

  1. "The fish are playing"

Software tasks: continue mastering relief modeling: create a flattened fish figure, teach how to attach to a base, decorate with moldings, focus on searching harmonious combinations different forms. Develop combinatorial abilities, improve the ability to decorate crafts with spots, dots, and scales. Develop the ability to plan work to implement a plan, anticipate the result and achieve it.


  1. Bunny

Software tasks: introduce children to several techniques for sculpting a hare. Create a desire to reflect the images of a hare in sculpting. Learn to control your actions when conveying the proportions of an animal’s figure. Cultivate a love for animals.

  1. "Herringbone"

Software tasks: teach children to sculpt a Christmas tree in a modular way. Flatten the balls into discs of a certain size. Place discs one by one (from large to small). To instill in children a love for the surrounding nature, to convey the beauty of the Christmas tree. Achieve expressive form.


  1. Santa Claus is hurrying to the Christmas tree.

Software tasks: arouse children's interest in fairy tale images, learn to convey them in modeling, using the acquired skills (sculpt from a whole piece, decorate parts of clothing). Develop children's creativity, aesthetic taste, neatness.

  1. "Hedgehog"

Software tasks: consolidate the ability to sculpt from a whole piece, correctly convey the proportions of the body, give smoothness to the lines, divide the whole into parts, connect elements together. Increase sensory sensitivity, develop imagination


1. “Generous Apple” (based on the work of E. V. Chestnyakov)

Software tasks: continue to introduce children to Chestnyakov’s work. Continue to introduce children to the new technique of sculpting and plastelinography. Learn to convey form and characteristics apples from a fairy tale when drawing with plasticine. Shape cognitive processes: perception, attention, memory, thinking.

  1. "Birds"

Software tasks: learn to sculpt birds from a whole piece based on folk clay toys. Encourage them to independently search for decorative techniques.


  1. Signs

Software tasks: teach children to “read” conventional images, understand symbolism (based on signs), create symbolic images on a specific topic.

  1. "Riddles and guesses"

Software tasks: teach children to create an image as a solution to a riddle without visual reinforcement. Develop imagination, develop the ability to plan your work to implement a plan, anticipate the result and achieve it.


  1. "Apple Tree"

Software tasks: to cultivate in children an interest in nature and a desire to sculpt it; develop aesthetic perception, the ability to convey the structure of a tree; develop fine motor skills, synchronous work of both hands.

  1. Bas-relief "Flowers"

Software tasks: continue to master the technique of relief modeling: create flattened figures of flowers, decorate with moldings and counter-relief designs. Develop the ability to plan work to implement a plan, anticipate the result and achieve it.


  1. "Berry"

Software tasks: learn to sculpt from salt dough different shapes, convey features. To instill in children respect for the work of adults who grow a large harvest of berries. Increase sensory sensitivity, develop the ability to anticipate results, and achieve them.

  1. “What we can and love to draw”

Software tasks: studying the interests and capabilities of children in modeling.

Long-term planning of lessons on application in the preparatory group for school


1. “What autumn brought us” (Teamwork)

Software tasks: to cultivate respect for collective work, to teach how to work in harmony, to position an appliqué compositionally correctly, to cut out symmetrical shapes from paper folded like an accordion.

  1. Dahlias

Software tasks: to cultivate in children a love of nature, to develop observation skills, to teach how to convey the beauty of flowers from life, to cut out symmetrical three-dimensional shapes


  1. Country house

Software tasks: develop children's imagination, observation, and interest in their surroundings, strengthening the ability to cut out various shapes, select paper colors, and create a simple composition.

  1. Tea-set

Software tasks: consolidate the application using the tearing method, learn to select cold and warm tones for a composition


  1. Asters

Software tasks: develop the ability to cut and paste multi-petal, voluminous flowers, activate observation skills, develop manual skills

2. Talking bird (invitation card)

Software tasks: develop children's imagination, the ability to make appliques using symmetrical cutting, train children to make small cuts and folds.


  1. The Forest Raised a Christmas Tree

Software tasks: consolidate the ability to compose plot composition from elements folded from paper (origami), develop fine motor skills of the hands.

  1. Snowflake

Software tasks: teach children to cut out a snowflake from paper folded several times. Use the product to decorate a group room


  1. Father Frost

Software tasks: develop children’s imagination, the ability to convey the fabulousness of an action, the image of Santa Claus, compare forms, and compose a composition through various means. Teach several types of bending and folding.

  1. Trees covered with fluffy white snow

Software tasks: continue to work to develop children's interest in working with different materials. Encourage them to take the initiative in searching for techniques and means of expression.

(Doronova, p. 49)


  1. Bullfinch on a rowan branch.

Software tasks: teach children to convey the structural features and coloring of the bullfinch using silhouette cutting with additional stickers. Practice creating a plot picture.

  1. It's snowing in the city of snowmen

Software tasks: practice children in depicting objects by tearing them off, teach them to tear small round-shaped pieces from a sheet of paper in the form snow flakes and stick them on the surface of the layout with the image of the city of Snowmen. Clarify children's understanding of the many colors of snow and encourage them to use paper of different shades to depict snow flakes.

(Doronova, p. 46)


  1. Flower

Software tasks: develop the ability to cut and paste multi-petal flowers, develop imagination, sense of color, and the ability to convey the beauty of flowers.

  1. White Lily

Software tasks: teach children to make their own stencils from cardboard and use them to make appliques. Develop fine motor skills and hand-eye coordination.


  1. Fairytale bird

Software tasks: consolidate the ability to cut out the image of a fairy-tale bird, notice its characteristic features in contrast to the real image, learn to stick on figured decorations.

  1. There was a birch tree in the field

Software tasks: develop children's imagination, consolidate all previously learned cutting techniques, develop a sense of color and composition.


  1. Butterflies in the meadow.

Software tasks: consolidate learned cutting and folding techniques (origami), learn to compose a composition according to plan, independently selecting material and color.

  1. By design
Long-term planning of manual labor classes in a pre-school group


  1. "Giraffe"

Software tasks: consolidate skills in working with natural materials, develop imaginative and spatial thinking, and cultivate a love for animals.

  1. Christmas tree

Software tasks: consolidate the ability to fold a sheet of paper into different directions, develop an eye, cultivate perseverance, accuracy


  1. Composition “Flowers in a vase”

Software tasks: expand your understanding of the world around you, develop the ability to work with dried plants, develop creativity, aesthetic perception, a sense of composition, color, and artistic taste.

  1. Whole shell toy “Fish”

Software tasks: develop imaginative and spatial thinking, encourage children to be creative and independent, and cultivate neatness.


  1. Braiding straw braids "Pleteshok"

Software tasks: Continue to consolidate skills in working with natural materials, develop the ability to work with your hands, and develop your horizons.

  1. Puppy

Software tasks: continue to consolidate skills in working with natural materials, improve the ability to independently determine the sequence of actions when making crafts and choose the appropriate material, and develop imagination.


  1. Kitten's face made of cotton wool

Software tasks: continue to consolidate skills in working with natural materials, develop imaginative and spatial thinking.

  1. Pincushion

Software tasks: teach children to work with a needle, thread, fabric; cultivate accuracy when working with a needle. Development of figurative and spatial thinking, motor skills of the hands and eye. Cultivating perseverance, accuracy and patience.


  1. Panel from shreds “Boat”

Software tasks: learn how to make appliqués from fabric, select colors and textures depending on the image being created, carefully cut them out, and assemble a picture from several parts.

  1. Soft toy “Fish”

Software tasks: continue to teach children the simplest techniques of fabric processing, develop the eye, fine motor skills of the hands, develop imaginative and spatial thinking, cultivate perseverance


  1. Bags for secrets

Software tasks: learn to make appliqués from fabric, select color and texture depending on the image being created, outline a stencil with chalk, carefully cut it out, assemble a picture from several parts.

  1. Checkerboard weaving "Rug"

Software tasks: continue to strengthen paper skills, develop self-awareness, encouraging children to be creative and independent.


1. Napkin (2 lessons)

Software tasks: teach children to coordinate the work of hands and eyes, improve coordination of movements, and develop creativity. Learn the simplest methods of embroidery on fabric (needle forward method)


  1. Origami "Amanita"

Software tasks: strengthen children’s ability to fold a sheet of paper in different directions, develop their eye, accustom them to precise finger movements under the control of consciousness, cultivate accuracy and perseverance.

  1. Rag doll "Twist"

Software tasks: develop imaginative thinking, develop the eye, fine motor skills of the hands, cultivate perseverance. Improve your skills in working with fabric.


  1. Origami "Kolobok"

Software tasks: consolidate the ability to fold a sheet of paper in different directions, develop an eye, accustom to precise finger movements under the control of consciousness, cultivate accuracy and perseverance.

  1. By design.

Goals and objectives: To make children want to convey in their drawing the joy of meeting their parents. Strengthen the ability to draw a human figure, convey the difference in the size of the figure of an adult and a child. Reinforce the technique using colored pencils. Create joy from the created image.

Progress of the lesson:

Hello guys. We have drawing classes with you. Let's sit down straight and take everything out of our hands for now.

Guys, listen to the interesting poem I have prepared for you.

Our favorite kindergarten

Our favorite kindergarten!
He is always very happy to see us!
Greets you cheerfully in the morning,
Invites everyone to breakfast
He takes us for a walk,
And dances and sings...

And without us he is sad, bored,
He forgets about toys.
Even at night - he sleeps and waits:
Maybe someone will come...

Well, of course we do
Let's not leave alone -
Let's just rest a little
And let's go to him again...
And we will be happy again
Our favorite kindergarten!

(E. Grudanov )

What is this poem about? Why, guys, do we go to kindergarten? (So ​​that we don’t stay alone at home; while parents work, to learn to write, read; to play with friends)

In the evening, mom and dad come for you. And you go home together. Mom asks what was interesting in the kindergarten? And listen to another poem:

About myself and about the guys

The sun disappeared behind the houses,
We leave kindergarten.
I tell my mom
About myself and about the guys.
How we sang songs in chorus,
How they played leapfrog,
What did we drink?
What did we eat
What did you read in kindergarten?
I tell you honestly
And about everything in detail.
I know mom is interested
Know about
How we live.

(G. Ladonshchikov)

You go home with mom and dad joyful. Tell us what interesting happened. Let's draw a picture of you and your mom and dad walking home from kindergarten. Who can tell me how the figures of an adult and a child differ? What differences in clothing will mom and dad have?

Guys, look at the board. I'll show you how to draw people's figures. We start with a rectangle of the torso, then draw the skirt, legs, arms, head and facial features. If this is dad, then draw the trousers (we don’t draw the legs with dashes. Then we draw a child’s figure, it will be smaller in size.

And then we decorate our drawing with trees, the sun, and a cloud.

Let's get to work. I approach each child individually.

Give notice five minutes before the end of class.

Guys, our lesson is over. You have a very beautiful drawings turned out.

Natalya Samokhina

Summary of an art lesson in the preparatory group« Sunset»

TARGET: Introduce artistic techniques; develop a feeling

composition and color and stimulate interest in visual creativity.

TASKS: 1. Teach to understand means of expression painting (color,

line, color, rhythm) Strengthen the ability to distinguish between types of landscape.

2. Develop graphic skills (select color scheme, corresponding to a certain time of day; use different painting technique when depicting the sky)

3. Promote the education of the individual, cultivate a reverent attitude towards native nature.

EQUIPMENT AND MATERIALS: Image sunset, reproductions of paintings with landscapes, musical accompaniment, paper, wax crayons, watercolor paints, brushes.

Progress of classes:

Guys, we have something unusual today class, we will go on an excursion to our unusual museum. Guys, have you been to museums where paintings are displayed, raise your hands, who has been? Let's imagine that we are in a museum where paintings hang different artists. Who are these artists? That's right guys, this is a man who draws pictures. An artist is like a wizard, a magician who admires the beauty of nature in his paintings; he depicts the splendor of the expanses of fields, meadows, lakes and rivers, and can show beauty in a drawing blooming garden or the majesty of a mighty oak tree, various animals, people, the sea and sunsets. Look how many paintings we have here and they are all different, but what unites these paintings. I'll tell you a riddle, and you try to guess it.

You warm the whole world

And you don’t know fatigue

Smiling at the window

And everyone is calling you.


Katya was very surprised

Looking out the window -

For some reason on sunset

It turned red.

Today we continue working on the landscape. But first, let's repeat what landscapes are (urban, maritime, rural):- all the pictures on my board are mixed up... Help me put them in their place. So today we will draw like real artists sunset, and we will draw wax crayons and watercolors. We have already drawn with wax crayons more than once, so we know various techniques for drawing with wax crayons. But first, let's see what different there are sunsets....Look at pictures from sunsets sunshine and listen to poetry


Sunset dazzling sun,

Playful with a radiant pattern,

It's amazing to watch in silence

Golden spill on the sea.

The crimson sky sparkles,

A million lit lights

It's in a new color every time,

It amazes with its palette.

A fireball in a bright train,

Plays in the seething wave,

Golden shimmering light,

The sun is reflected in the water.

Instantly the luminary sets,

Just touching the water with the disk,

The lightning disappeared from the horizon,

The rays go out in the abyss.

Flocks of seagulls circle over the sea,

The waves caress the surf,

On a wonderful evening, a huge sea,

Filled with blue again.

Maria Gordeeva 2

Sunset on the river

Having finished the day of the past accomplishment,

To give the earth a little rest,

Lord Sun with fiery glow

Beyond the horizon the path ends.

Painting the sky with bright strokes,

And saying goodbye to the passing day,

The golden ball melted in the stream of waters,

Leaving only memories of him.

Having accepted sunset into cool arms,

And dissolving his fire in the waves,

The river caresses the horizon with a kiss,

Spilling out tenderness to the skies.

IN sunset for an hour everything is shrouded in mystery,

Everything froze in anticipation of miracles,

And a shadow approaches unnoticed

In almost extinct sunset forest.

River… Sunset. … endless spaces….

And the sky is covered in fluffy clouds,

The sun tiredly disappeared from the horizon...

The Night has come, the Day has calmed in dreams....

We will draw with wax crayons on thick paper. Drawing a landscape with wax crayons is done using chalk of the same color as the sun. The teacher showed several ways to draw the sun, paint over it, leaving white gaps. Then, when working with paints, these gaps will be painted over, and you will get beautiful effect. It is better to apply strokes according to the shape. First, light colors, then gradually darken in the right places, creating volume with shadows.

Next we continue to paint with watercolor paints in several ways of tinting. sky: in a raw way, when paints carefully pour color into color, you can depict contrasting color transitions, you can paint the sky with separate strokes. Do not forget that the sky in our drawing is not separate in itself. It is reflected in the water, its reflections will be present everywhere, so do not forget to add the appropriate reflexes to your work. The teacher invites students to remember what they saw the sunset, observed in nature and draw it. Children work to music.

Everyone has their own unique sunset.

Let's look at what expressive works you got it.

You worked well today class. That's our class is over.

Sokolova Tatyana,


(preparatory group)



Pr.sod.: introduce the genre of “still life”, teach children to recreate in memory and name fruits growing in the garden, their color, shape, learn to depict various forms, while making a still life; give an idea about correct location Still life objects continue to be taught to sculpt different shapes (apples, pears, plums, grapes from a whole piece), convey the characteristics of each of them, and develop diligence.

Material: plasticine, stacks, planks, fruit models, vase.

Previous work: examining paintings depicting a still life, drawing up a still life from various items, conversation about fruits, where they grow.



Pr.sod.: continue to introduce the view visual arts– still life, learn to compare different methods of depiction volumetric shape(plastic and decorative silhouette), create a composition of 2-3 items. Continue to learn how to cut out symmetrical objects from folded paper (a vase), and several fruits (an apple, a pear), and add details to the composition; improve the skills of smoothly cutting out round shapes. Fix the “rules of scissors”: hold the sharp ends away from you and downwards, make sure that your fingers do not get under the blades, feed the rings forward.

Materials: a sheet of dark cardboard (purple, blue), colored paper blanks for a vase, orange and yellow paper for fruits, green blanks for leaves, glue, brushes, oilcloth, tray, scissors, a simple pencil.

Previous work: examination of still lifes, analysis of the arrangement of objects when performing a still life. Drawing and sculpting still life.

Literature: Shvaiko “Fine Arts Classes” p. 19


Pr.sod.: teach children to visually perceive and determine the genre in art - still life, teach children to independently compose a still life from the proposed objects, practice the ability to correctly arrange still life objects; learn to convey the characteristic features of fruits in drawings, teach new things technical technique- two-color side stroke.

Materials: table, tablecloth, fruit models, vase, kitchen utensils, flowers (optional), gouache paint brushes, watercolors.

Previous work: modeling and appliqué of a still life, learning the poem by A. Kushner “What have I learned?”, drawing up a still life from environmental objects.

Literature: O.A. Kurevina “Journey to the Beautiful” pp. 172, 181-184


Adv.: continue to teach children how to draw a still life, exercise their ability to distinguish the “still life” genre from other types of art, develop creation skills volumetric images, practice sculpting various shapes of mushrooms and berries, conveying their characteristic features. Cultivate the desire to do the work carefully and independently analyze the results obtained.

Material: plasticine, planks, basket, dummies of mushrooms and berries.

Previous work: examination of dummies of mushrooms, illustrations of mushrooms, berries, exercises in drawing up a still life.


Ex.: teach on the basis of impressions, knowledge and skills acquired in previous lessons, independently determine the content of a still life, its composition, the color scheme of objects, background, as well as methods of depiction, continue to learn how to symmetrically cut out objects in round and oval shape from paper folded in half, several times, teach to work collectively, coordinate your actions, cultivate tolerance, mutual assistance. Reinforce the “rules of scissors.”

Material: three large sheets paper, colored paper for cutting fruits, vegetables, mushrooms, green paper for cutting leaves, glue, brushes, scissors, a pencil, a tray, oilcloth.

Literature: Kazakova “Develop creativity in preschoolers” p. 150


Example: teach to convey in a drawing the characteristic features of a birch (white trunk with black spots, thin curved branches, light crown), autumn color of foliage, teach the right ways actions with a semi-dry hard brush when drawing vertical strokes to form foliage and horizontal strokes to depict black spots on the birch trunk; consolidate the skills of drawing thin curved lines with the end of a brush; through riddles, illustrations, and drawings, to form in children’s minds the image of a slender, white-trunked birch tree. Maintain proper posture when drawing.

Material: illustrations of a birch tree, a sheet of paper to show individual methods of depiction, two brushes - soft and hard, paints.

Blue paper of saturated color in the form of an elongated rectangle, additional sheets of white paper for practicing drawing thin lines and in different ways work with a hard brush; brushes are soft and bristly, paints are gouache.

Literature: Shvaiko “Fine Arts Classes” p. 29


Pr.sod.: introduce children to a new way of composing a three-dimensional mosaic - modular modeling, namely, composing from shapeless pieces, teach children to pinch off, tear off or cut in stacks small pieces and create an image of a decorated tree from them, show how to sculpt a tree, develop children’s independence in decorating crafts using natural material.

Material: sample, plasticine, stacks, planks, natural material.

Literature: I.A. Lykova “We sculpt, we fantasize, we play” p.27-29

APPLICATION “PATTERN IN A CIRCLE” (from leaves and small flowers) - decorative

Example: introduce a new type of applique - floristry, applique of leaves, flowers, herbs; learn to make a composition of leaves in a circle, carefully stick them on, develop creativity, hard work, and artistic taste.

Materials: tinted paper in the form of a circle, dried plants (leaves, flowers), PVA glue, brush, oilcloth, scissors, cloth, samples.

Previous work: collecting and drying leaves and flowers, making a composition of dried plants.

DRAWING “GOLDEN AUTUMN” (using natural materials) - plot

Example: introduce a new technique of drawing using dried plants - printing flowers and herbs (TRIZ), teach how to compose a composition, convey in it changes that have occurred in nature, consolidate children’s ability to distinguish and name genres of art - landscape, consolidate the ability to arrange objects of close, middle and distant plans, the horizon line, develop creativity, artistic taste, patience.

Material: sample, dried leaves various shapes, landscape sheet, watercolor paints, gouache, brushes.

Previous work: review autumn landscapes, conversation based on paintings, memorization of A. Kushner’s poem “What have I learned?”

Literature: O.A. Kurevin “Journey to the Beautiful” p. 132.

4. MOLDING “TEA SERVICE” (decorative)

Adv.: continue to teach children to sculpt in a constructive way (connecting parts),

receive from cylindrical cups, and from a large ball - a teapot, making indentations and evenly increasing the resulting shape (stretching and pulling with fingers, obtaining the same thickness of the walls of the dishes), smoothing and leveling the edges; decorate products with a ribbon ornament, having previously outlined the pattern of the ornament, learn how to make a ribbon ornament. Develop creativity, accuracy, and the desire to do work beautifully.

Material: clay (plasticine, salty dough), stacks, patterns of ornament, tablets.

Previous work: review ribbon ornaments, training in their sculpting.

Literature: I.A. Lykova “We sculpt, we fantasize, we play” pp. 40-42


Pr.sod.: introduce a new technique for making applique - tearing, continue to teach how to select cold and warm tones for a composition, continue to learn how to transfer a stencil onto a sheet of paper, develop independence, initiative, and do the work carefully.

Material: album sheet, tea utensil stencil, colored paper, pencil, glue, brush, cloth, tray.

Previous Work: repeat the topic “Dishes” with the children. Discuss the purpose of tea utensils. D/i “Assemble a whole from parts”, “The fourth odd one” on the topic “Dishes”.

Liter.: Malysheva “Applique in kindergarten” p. 98


Pr.sod.: introduce a new method of depiction - monotype (TRIZ), develop drawing skills using non-traditional techniques, develop creativity and imagination.

Material: gouache, sheet of paper, thin brush, sample.

Literature: Seminar-workshop on fine arts “Use unconventional technology drawing in preschool age"


  • Reinforce with children knowledge of the colors of the spectrum
  • Learn, experience, receive additional colors: orange, green, from primary colors: blue, yellow, red.
  • Conduct an experiment "Colored Rain"
  • Strengthen the technical skills of each child - the ability to draw with the end of the bristle of a brush and its entire surface, according to wet paper watercolor paints.
  • Teach emotional and figurative perception of color.
  • Promote attentive, sensitive attitude towards each other, aesthetic judgments.

Vocabulary work: Drawing on wet paper, blue, sunny, spectrum colors.

Preliminary work:

Drawing on wet paper, reading a fairy tale "Alice in Wonderland" , conducting experiments on mixing paints, looking at pictures of roses.


Drawings on A3 sheets: "Blue Forest" , "Castle of the White Queen" , "Red Queen's Castle" . "Magic Book" , three ribbons (blue – river, rainbow road, yellow road), for experiment: a glass of water, shaving foam diluted in water food coloring, pipette, or brush. Flasks and paints for mixing. For drawing: brushes, sponges, blue, yellow, red paints, palettes, A4 sheets for each child.

Progress of the lesson.


Educator. Guys, look in my hands magic book. Now I will open it, and we will find ourselves in a fairy tale.

(I open the book, on the first page there is an illustration for a fairy tale "Alice in Wonderland" )

Educator. Guys, what kind of fairy tale is this?

Children. This fairy tale is called "Alice in Wonderland" .

Educator. That's right guys. And you yourself would like to be in this mysterious country.

(A knock is heard and a out of breath rabbit runs into the hall.)

Rabbit: Hello guys.

Children. Hello Rabbit.

Educator. Rabbit, you're in a hurry again, what happened?

Rabbit: I'm in a hurry to go to Wonderland, I'm late. Alice is in trouble.

(The rabbit runs into the tunnel)

Educator. Guys, we need to help the Rabbit and help Alice out of trouble. Shall we help the rabbit?

Children. We'll help.

Educator. Then follow the rabbit into the tunnel.

(Children go through the tunnel.)

Educator. Here we are in a wonderful country. Rabbit, will you show us the way?

(The rabbit takes out a rolled up plan from his sleeve.)

Rabbit: I have a plan. We must get into the blue forest, and the blue river will lead us to the forest.

(Children walk along the tape blue color, imitating the movements of swimmers. They approach the easel, which depicts a blue forest.)

Educator. Guys, we found ourselves in a forest, but it’s somehow unusual and mysterious. What can you say about this forest?

What colors is it painted in?

Children. This forest is painted in cool colors.

Educator. What is he like?

Children. This forest is cold, transparent, blue, blue, violet.


There is simply beauty in the blue forest
The blue of lakes and rivers and water all around
Blue trees, blue sky.
Someone very strange lives in this forest.

(The caterpillar comes out.)

Caterpillar. Hello guys. What happened to you?

Educator. Dear Caterpillar, we are looking for a girl, Alice. Have you met her?

Caterpillar. I know how to find Alice, but first you have to help me. It’s so cold and chilly in my forest, I have a complete cold, but I really want warmth.

Educator. Guys, how can we help the Caterpillar?

Children. We can draw grass, flowers.

Educator. The Caterpillar has guys blue paint and quite a bit yellow. How can we get green paint.

Children. In order to get green paint we need to mix blue and yellow paint.

(The child takes a cone with yellow paint and pours it into a cone with blue paint, stirs it. It turns out green paint.)

Educator. Now we can draw the grass and yellow flowers.

(Two children come up to the easel and paint.)

Caterpillar. Thanks guys, I feel much warmer.

Guys, I have a magic glass. A little rain lives in it. When the raindrops touch the bottom of the glass, we will know where Alice is.

(The caterpillar conducts an experiment)

Experience "colorful rain"

  1. Place shaving foam in a glass of water
  2. Dilute gouache in water.
  3. Place a few drops of diluted paint onto the foam. The paint will slowly seep through the foam, and you will be able to watch colorful rain fall from the fluffy white clouds.

(It began to rain, the droplets touched the bottom, and the Caterpillar from under the glass pulled out a piece of paper on which the White Queen’s castle was drawn.)

Caterpillar. Guys, in order to find Alice you need to follow the rainbow path to the White Queen. Goodbye, guys.

(Children walk along the rainbow path)


Rainbow - arc
Hello, rainbow - arc,
Multicolored bridge!
Hello, rainbow - arc,

Welcome us as a guest.
We're running across the rainbow
Let's go for a run barefoot
Through the rainbow - arc

Let's jump over while running
And run again, run
Let's go for a run barefoot

(Children approach the White Queen’s castle. The White Queen comes out with an umbrella in her hands.)

White Queen. Hello guys. I am the White Queen.

Educator. White Queen, we are looking for Alice, she is in trouble. Can you help us?

White Queen. Of course, I will help, but first answer my questions.

(Opens an umbrella.)

What colors does my umbrella consist of?

Children: The umbrella consists of the colors of the rainbow. Red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet.

White Queen. Guys, what happens if I twist the umbrella?

Children: The umbrella will turn white.

White Queen. Let's check it now. (Twists the umbrella, the colors merge, the umbrella becomes white.)

White Queen. Guys, you are so smart. You know what White color includes spectrum colors (rainbows).

Guys, follow the red road and you will come to the Red Queen's castle. Alice is in this castle.

(Children walk along the red carpet and approach the Red Queen's castle.)

Educator. Look! What a wonderful castle.

What can you say about this castle? What is he like?
Children. Bright, warm, joyful, beautiful.
Educator. What colors is it made in?
Children. It is made in warm colors.

Educator. Tell me warm colors.
Children. Red, orange. Yellow.
Educator. That's right, guys.
Multi-colored, very delicate trembles in the wind.

This bright castle of colors stands on the way.

The sun paints the sand on the river with a warm color.

The mood became warm, like a forest flower.

Educator. Guys. Is it really possible that someone evil could live in such a bright, beautiful castle?

Children. No!

Educator. The Red Queen lives in this castle. She's probably kind, but someone just upset her.

(The Red Queen comes out with Alice.)

Red Queen. Hello guys. In fact, I am kind, not evil, but I asked Alice to plant red, yellow and orange roses, and she planted white ones, so I was upset. So what's now?

Educator. Red Queen, our guys can help you. They will paint the roses.

Red Queen. But I don't have orange paint. Only red and yellow.

Educator. It's no problem. Our guys are little wizards. They know how to do it orange paint.

Children. You need to mix yellow and red paints and you get orange.

(The child comes to the table and does an experiment with paints.)

Part 2. Independent work children

Educator. Alice, take the paints and paint the roses on the easel, and the guys and I will sit at the table and help you paint the roses.

(Children sit at tables.)

Educator. Guys, we will paint roses with watercolors on a wet sheet of paper. We have only three paints on the table: blue, yellow and red, but you and I already know how to get green paint to paint a stem and leaves. How to get orange paint to paint an orange rose. Start drawing.

Part 3. Analysis of children's works.

Summary of the lesson.

Educator. Guys, let's give our roses to the Red Queen.

Red Queen. Which beautiful roses. They are so gentle, warm, affectionate. You made me happy. Alice, go back to kindergarten with the kids. And you, Rabbit, stay in my kingdom and help me take care of the roses.

Educator. Guys, it's time for us to go back to kindergarten.

(They leave through the tunnel.)

Educator. Our fairy tale is over, our magic book is closing.