Paper for drawing with pencils. Types of paper for drawing and creativity Thick paper for drawing what is it called

Beginning artists rarely think about which paper is better for drawing with pencil, paint or pastel, and in the old fashioned way they use ordinary A4 sheets to sketch a fashionable dress or still life.

And it’s true: a scrap of any canvas will be suitable for such tasks, from empty margins on a newspaper page to a colored sticker. But if you are going to create a painting that will decorate the interior of a workshop, bedroom or office, it is important to figure out which pencil drawing paper is better for an artist than another.

Main characteristics

One of the reasons why craftsmen sometimes do not pay due attention to the issue of evaluating and selecting paper is that they do not have enough time. Pencil drawing paper for artists comes in a variety of options, and you only need to choose one.

There are several main characteristics that should be assessed first in order to: a) save time; b) choose a high-quality basis for a sketch of fashionable clothes or a future painting drawn in pencil:

    Density: as a rule, this indicator is indicated on the product card and indicates the weight of a paper sheet with an area of ​​1 square meter. For example, office paper has a weight of 80 gsm. m, and newspaper - 60 g/sq.m. The canvas intended for applying watercolors is considered the densest. Its density is 500 g/sq.m. A base with a density of 90 to 110 g/sq.m. is suitable for drawing with a pencil.

    Grain: This indicator is also often called “texture”. There are two options - smooth and grainy surface. The first is suitable for drawings and sketches of equipment, building plans, architectural objects, the second is for artistic sketches, since it gives the image volume and expressiveness.

    Color: the whiter the leaf, the better. This principle applies not only to office paper, but also to canvases intended for creating sketches, drawings, and sketches using pencils. This is the only way to get clear and bright lines.

In addition, if you are going to scan finished drawings, then it is better to choose a completely white canvas so that the details of the picture are expressive even on the copy.

Finally, there is a fourth indicator that does not relate to the characteristics of pencil drawing paper, but is used by artists to check its quality. We are talking about working with an eraser.

If there are traces on the paper after you erased it with an eraser, and even worse - holes, then it is better to abandon this option immediately. Otherwise, you will focus not on the final result, but on not damaging the paper. And even with careful handling of such a “delicate” base, stains, dents, and marks from strong pressure on the pencil may remain on it, which will make the drawing less colorful.

Types of paper for pencil drawing

Now a few words about which paper is better for drawing with a pencil - office paper or writing paper. These are the options that masters use for sketches and sketches:

    office: the main advantages of this option are perfect whiteness and smooth texture. The lines are clear and expressive. But there is one drawback - low density. If you often erase lines, there will be streaks and holes in the paper. It is also easily deformed. Working with such a canvas is suitable for experienced artists who make sketches with virtually no corrections. In addition, it is an excellent option for scanning.

    pissing: this is an option for beginners. It has a medium level of density, light yellow tint. It is comfortable enough to work with an eraser: when erasing lines made with strong pressure, you do not need to worry about cosmetic defects remaining on the paper. But keep in mind that it is not suitable for scanning: due to the yellowish tint, image details on copies will be blurry.

    Non-yellowing drawing paper for graphics: it is made from cotton and cellulose, it has a grainy texture and a white tint. Paper density – from 90 to 250 g/sq.m. It's easy to work with - it doesn't tear when you erase lines, and it doesn't wrinkle if you move the paper without a structured folder.

Another advantage of this option is that the original image is preserved. Non-yellowing drawing paper for graphics is suitable for both young artists and experienced painters.

The choice of paper for pencil drawing depends on your level of preparation and purchasing budget. The least expensive option is writing paper. You need to buy it if you are just mastering painting and actively practicing making pencil sketches.

For painters who have passed the preparatory stage, office or non-yellowing paper is suitable. But the price of these materials is much higher.

Review of branded painting products

If you haven't found the right drawing paper yet, take a look at the following samples. According to the artists, they are worthy of attention and will be an excellent basis for sketches made in pencil:

    Fabriano Academia: paper from the famous Italian brand is suitable for both beginners and masters who have been painting for several years. The base is made of cotton and cellulose, has a white color and granular texture, density – 200 g/sq.m. Does not wrinkle or deform after erasing lines with an eraser. Suitable for sketches, sketches;

    Canson: the products of the French manufacturer will appeal to beginners. This is white paper on which the pencil glides smoothly, and the lines are clear and expressive. Paper weight ranges from 125 to 224 gsm. By choosing the thickest option, you can work on the sketch until it is perfect, and not be afraid that stains and other defects will appear on the base due to the eraser;

    Daler Rowney: albums from the British brand are praised by both beginners and experienced painters. This paper has a white color and fine-grain texture, which is ideal for pencil sketches. The only drawback noted by the craftsmen is the low density. This means that you will have to work with the eraser extremely carefully, and it is better to think several times before applying another stroke to the sketch. Some may consider this a great inconvenience and a serious barrier to creativity.

This is not a complete list of products from foreign brands that can be used to hone your skills. We recommend finding and testing different samples to find the paper that will make your creative experimentation easier.

Buying paper for drawing with a pencil

If you have not yet found suitable paper for preparing sketches, sketches, or simple pencil sketches, we recommend selecting samples in stationary stores. Here you can clearly evaluate the color, density, texture of the paper and conduct a small test: draw a line with a pencil and erase it with an eraser. Pay attention to whether streaks have appeared or whether the top layer of paper has been damaged. If not, then the paper is high quality and worth buying.

Take note of our tips, and choosing paper for pencil drawings will become a fairly simple task.

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A wide variety of materials are available for drawing, although white drawing paper is most often used. It has a smooth surface and is suitable for most techniques, except pastel, which requires a "grain" or texture to capture its soft, chalky pigment. However, artists often choose a textured surface for other drawing techniques, such as colored pencils or charcoal, because the grain breaks up strokes or areas of tone, creating an attractive "broken" effect and adding expressiveness to the image.

Another practical benefit of textured paper designed specifically for color work is that it allows for more layers of color to be applied. If you work on too smooth a surface with too much pressure, the paper will quickly rub off, “resisting” further color application. When working with watercolor or pastel paper, it is almost impossible to completely fill the grain of the paper so that the surface remains suitable for subsequent layers.

In some cases, the color of the paper is also important. Pastel papers, which can also be used for colored pencil work, come in a wide range of colors from neutral browns and grays to vibrant shades. By choosing a paper that contrasts with the dominant color in the design, you can exploit the interplay of opposites, while a paper that blends into the main color allows you to leave surface areas untouched.

If you are using any of the techniques that involve liquid media such as watercolor or ink and wash, it would be best to stretch the paper to prevent it from warping. Wet the paper, then place it on the drawing board and tape it around the edges.

Italian Ingres paper is perfect for pastels.

Lorna Marsh. Sketch of a nude

The color of the paper gives this pastel design a warm feeling and serves a practical purpose. Because the paper matches the sitter's body color, the artist was able to limit her use of color, only lightly outlining the figure and areas of subtle toning.

A variety of sketchbooks.

Stretch the paper onto the base

1. Cut the adhesive tape to the desired length before dampening it or the paper.

2. Moisten the paper on both sides with a sponge (or quickly soak it in any container, even in a bath).

3. Wet the sticky side of the tape, then turn it over and adhere along the edges of the paper, smoothing it with a sponge. Leave to dry naturally.

Lines left on smooth paper (from left to right): 3B pencil, colored pencil, willow charcoal pencil, charcoal pencil, ink pen. The top half is a slightly reflective surface, the bottom is standard drawing paper.

From left to right: lines made by ink pen, graphite pencil, and colored pencil on smooth drawing paper.

From left to right: traces of an inked pen, graphite pencil and colored pencil on textured watercolor paper.

Each type of creativity has its own paper. The type of paper directly depends on the drawing tool and all your ideas. If you take regular printer paper and decide to paint with watercolors, you will get wet, transparent paper and the drawing will become unrecognizable, and it is to get the best result that special paper is used.

What is important to know about paper?

When choosing paper, you should pay attention to: quality, density, texture, thickness and of course the type of paper.
Today it is very easy to buy a certain type of paper, go to our website, you can find this or that paper in the assortment, or call, write to our managers and they will help you select and advise you on everything. From us you can buy high-quality paper and others.

The choice of paper depends on the material you will use to embody your ideas! After all, paper is an artist’s assistant in realizing creative ideas!

Paper types:

Watercolor paper is thicker, coarse-grained, white or egg-colored; this paper is easily recognizable by its thickness and texture. Paper for watercolors can be either individual sheets or glued together or in an album. There is professional watercolor paper containing cotton, which helps to better absorb pigments and air. The highest quality paper is usually marked with a certain distinction.

Pastel papers come in a variety of colors from neutral to bright shades and have a soft, pleasant surface. This type of paper is sold in sheets and in sets or in albums

Draft paper is thicker than regular printer paper and has a flat, smooth surface. If the sheet of such paper is too smooth, it will complicate the corrections, since the eraser will not be able to completely remove the pencil sketches. It is worth paying close attention to the surface and trying to draw on different types of paper in order to choose the ideal paper for drawing. This paper is used for drawings and for drawing, with pencils and oil pastels.

Kraft paper falls into the category of packaging paper and is most often brown or dark yellow in color. This paper is suitable for drawing with charcoal, pencil and pastel.

Embossed paper is used for drawing with pastels and charcoal. This type of paper comes in white and lightly tinted colors and can have various patterns. Patterns on embossed paper will help you achieve a more interesting and exciting result.

  • Handmade paper

This type of paper is one of the most expensive, since the sheet of paper is prepared by hand. This type of paper is used very rarely, since there are cheaper analogues, but on this paper your drawing will emphasize your individuality and professional approach. Paper is made from plant materials and the quality of the paper will depend on its composition. Handmade paper is pleasant to the touch and can contain flower petals in its texture, which looks very beautiful.

The choice of materials in fine art is very important. After all, the result of the artist’s work depends on this. First of all, you need to choose the right drawing paper, which corresponds to one or another technique.

Graphic paper

A good option for beginning artists is whatman paper. This paper is universal, has an almost smooth, even structure and sufficient density. Drawing paper should be selected in accordance with several basic criteria: composition, density, texture, ability to absorb (for a pencil drawing this is also important).

So, one of the important properties of paper is its ability to absorb. More suitable for this indicator is paper with a density of 200 g/sq.m. For pencil sketches or sketches, you can afford options with a lower density.

According to texture, paper is distinguished: fine-grained (“smooth grain” as a result of hot pressing), medium-grained (produced by cold pressing), and coarse-grained (“coarse grain”, Torchon).

The texture and grain of the paper determines many important qualities of the created drawing. First of all, this affects the overall style of the work - coarse-grained textured paper creates a sense of three-dimensionality of the image, in addition, the clearly visible texture gives the drawing a special charm and style.

Texture also affects the clarity of strokes. On smooth or almost smooth paper you can easily work out small details, but on paper with a pronounced rough surface this will be a difficult and futile task.

If the drawing is created with colored pencils, it should be taken into account that on paper with different textures, the pigment may appear differently. As a result, colors will be brighter or duller.

The quality of paper is undoubtedly determined by its composition. In graphic paper, the percentage of cellulose or cotton, neutral pH, lack of chlorine and some others are important. Correctly selected pencil drawing paper, which meets all the above requirements, will not only give pleasure to the artist, but will also allow him to fully demonstrate his talent and skill.

Watercolor paper

For painting with watercolors, there is a special paper with the same name - watercolor. Unlike the usual watercolor paper designed to get wet. Watercolor is a water-soluble paint, and the pigment in it is 99% water. Therefore o One of the important qualities of such paper is its ability to preserve the properties of the colorful pigment in the drawing and not allow the paint to fade over time.

As the French artist and author of the famous book “Painting and Its Means” Jean Georges Vibert wrote: “For watercolors, paper should be made exclusively from rags with pure (linen) thread and should not be bleached with anything other than clean water, sun and air; but that rarely happens.”

Wieber wrote these lines in 1870, since then technology has stepped far forward, but even today real watercolor paper is made only from pure cotton, impregnated with gelatin, does not contain acids and has a natural whiteness without optical brighteners. The best quality paper is produced and culled only by hand.

But, of course, there is also mass-produced high-quality factory watercolor paper. Today, good watercolor paper certainly includes natural cotton. The addition of cotton gives the paper the properties of fabric - it absorbs water well, dries well, holds color and does not warp.

In order to watercolor paper absorbed moisture and pigments well and at the same time retained the strength and intensity of colors, the paper is sized, i.e. special hydrophobic substances are added to the paper pulp or to the surface of a finished sheet.

There are also types of watercolor paper based on texture: smooth or textured. Like graphics, textured paper gives an optical three-dimensional effect.

Paper for pastels and gouache

Pastel paper usually very dense, has an embossed surface and comes in a variety of colors. Pastels need a textured surface that has the properties to retain pigment. On smooth paper, particles of material will simply slide off.

There are three most common types of paper for pastels: pastel board made from tiny particles of cork; sandpaper in large format sheets; velvet paper, which has a velvety surface and allows you to soften pastel touches. These types of papers make erasing pastels almost impossible.

Whatman paper is suitable for gouache painting. Gouache is not as liquid paint as watercolor and the density of whatman paper will be quite enough.

The choice of paper for painting depends on the tools you are working with. Different types of art paper differ in density, composition, texture and, sometimes, color. Paper for pencil drawing: density – 110-160 g/m2, with minimal or no grain.

Paper for pastels (colored pastel paper): density about 160 g/m2, there are different types of grain (egg shell, honeycomb, etc.). Available tinted to contrast with the pastel color.

Watercolor paper (watercolor paper): also suitable for gouache. Density is at least 200 g/m2 and reaches 600 g/m2, available in three textured types: smooth (hot press), semi-smooth (cold press), rough textured (dried without spinning).

Paper for oil paints, acrylic and tempera: the density of such paper is from 180 g/m2, often higher, up to 400 g/m2 - heavy oil, acrylic and tempera apply perfectly without deforming the paper. Marker paper: density starts from 70 g/m2. Available in two types: with special impregnation that does not allow ink to pass through to the other side of the sheet, and with lamination of the reverse side of the sheet. Allows you to save marker ink.