Who wrote the fairy tale Sunshine. Scenario of joint activities for young children “The Tale of the Sun” using ICT technology

Tamara Marshalova

A fairy tale about the clear sun

It's time for dawn. The sun woke up, but he didn’t want to get up yet.

It basked in a white fluffy cloud, as if in a soft feather bed, and dreamed...

And it dreamed...

Well, you never know what Sunny could dream of!

For example, I could turn into a big beautiful flower so that everyone would admire it, or into a goldfish swimming in water as clear as crystal, or...

You can turn into a ball! Yes, into a big yellow ball that bounces and bounces... And everyone is having fun. There is laughter and fun all around...

Crow!!! - sang the Cockerel. - Sunny, wake up!

“I’ve already woken up,” answered the Sun, peeking out from behind the cloud.

Yes, where did I stop? - Sunny continued to dream, combing her rays, which had become ruffled during the night.

So, the ball jumps and jumps on the green grass... And it is no longer a ball, but a large yellow flower, which with its bright color attracts bees and moths.

They fly around the flower ball and admire:

Just look how beautiful it is! What a rich yellow color!

It's the color of honey! - the bees are buzzing.

This is the color of the pattern on our wings! - colorful moths exclaim.

This is the color of my eyes! - a huge dragonfly intervenes in the conversation, flying past.

This is the color of... a goldfish, - the flower ball suddenly decides, rolling down the green slope into the stream.

And now the ball is no longer a flower, but a fish swimming along the stream.

The familiar dragonfly strives to land on this amazing fish, which until recently was a flower ball.

The water in the stream is clean, transparent, even tiny pebbles at its bottom are visible.

How good! - the ball-fish says to himself. - You float and float, and around...

And the inhabitants of the stream had already begun to gather around the fish-ball: small fish, green frogs, tadpoles...

What is this wonderful fish? - they are surprised. - She reminds us of something. But what? Well, of course, the sun. This is a sunfish. Sun! Where is the warm and affectionate Sun? Clear Sun, where are you?!

The sun woke up from its dreams and peeked out from behind the cloud again.

Who called me? - asked the Sun.

“We,” it heard in response and saw many questioning eyes.

Everyone was waiting for the sun! And flowers in the meadow, and fish in the stream, and children in the garden, holding huge colorful balls in their hands...

Oh, how good it is that I am still the sun! - thought the Sun, rolling out like a huge yellow ball from behind a cloud, and swimming across the endless blue sky like a goldfish. - After all, everyone loves me so much and is waiting for me.

Drawings by Maria Kogan-Lerner

Once upon a time there lived the Sun. Big - very big, kind - very kind, warm - very warm! The light of golden rays enlivened and warmed the space, everything around rejoiced at the appearance of the Sun, reached out to him, and smiled.
Only Sunny was sad. Strange Sun. It was frozen all the time! The sun dreamed of warming up, it extended its rays and said:
- Warm me up, please! I'm very cold! – as soon as Sunny uttered these words, everyone immediately ran away.
- It's abnormal! Stay away from him! You can expect anything from him! - I didn’t really want to be friends with the sick sun, and it was again left alone and cold. Well, how, tell me, how can you warm the Sun?
The sun's trouble was that it did not understand that it was the SUN! I didn’t understand that it could itself shine with a warm, joyful light, warm everyone around and not even the slightest decrease in the warmth in it, but on the contrary, it would increase. It’s such a sunny device: the more joy and light it gives, the stronger and brighter it becomes.
You could help Sunny and tell him about it. But it never occurred to anyone that the sun didn’t know that it was the sun. What a disaster! The sun was shining and shining and shivering from the cold. It dreamed of someone who would warm it. Every time someone, seeing the magical radiance, ran towards it, the sun rejoiced: now it will become warm!
- Warm me! Extending warm rays, the Sun asked, and again saw surprised eyes, and heard offensive words:
- Something abnormal! Crazy! Go away!
The sun wandered around the world in sadness and longing, lonely and unhappy. No one wanted to warm it, no matter how much it asked, no matter how much it begged. Sunny had to go through many difficult moments, many bitter tears shed from his golden eyes.
One day, the Sun found himself in the Valley of Permafrost. Tired, it sat down to rest and noticed a beautiful delicate flower frozen in the ice. The sun wanted to revive the flower and breathe in its aroma. It placed its warm palms on the eternal ice, and the ice began to quickly melt, the sun helped itself by blowing its hot breath over the ice floe. It breathed hotly, and soon the earth appeared in place of the ice block; it was still cold, but had already begun to warm up from the warmth of the sun. Together with the earth, the flower came to life. The sun carefully removed his palms, and a miracle happened!
- Thank you, Sunny! You saved my Life! – the Flower rang with a gentle voice.
- I'm not Sunny. - Said the Sun.
-Who are you? – Flower was surprised.
- I don't know. The suns never freeze, but I am always cold, and no one wants to warm me. – Sunny complained.
- You are the real Sunshine! – Flower laughed. - It’s just that no one ever told you that you are Sunshine! - It was a very smart Flower.
- How so? Is it possible? – the sun shrugged its sunny shoulders.
-Of course it happens! Many people live and do not know who they are, why they came into this world, and what they should do. They get very upset and upset others. But once they understand who they are, everything immediately falls into place!
- How do I know that I am Sunny? – the sun batted its red eyelashes.
“Very simple,” said the Flower. - Look around! This is the Valley of Permafrost! Where have the eternal ice, cold and melancholy gone? While we were talking, the Earth warmed up and woke up, grass and flowers grew on it, bees and butterflies flew in, grasshoppers jumped up, and even the birds sang songs. Look at the little animals snuggled up to your side! They are afraid to move because of happiness, look at their happy faces! - said the Flower. - And I? Was it not from your Love that I returned to Life? Wasn’t it you who warmed me with your warm palms, wasn’t it your hot breath that won my life back from the permafrost? You're sweet! – Flower said very clearly. – The Most Real Sun – bright, warm, kind and joyful! – Flower smiled and stroked Sunny’s palm.
- Am I Sunny? – Sunny asked incredulously. - I am Sunny. “It repeated a little more confidently, and it felt warmer inside. - I am Sunshine! - it became warmer. - I am Sunshine!!! - it became even warmer. - I AM THE SUN!!! Hooray! I am the sunshine!!!” The sunshine shouted joyfully, jumped, spun, and danced, rejoicing at its discovery. - Sun! Sun! Sun! – it hummed. - I can give everyone Joy, Light and Warmth endlessly! I can’t freeze, because I am the Sun - the source of Love!
- Yes! Yes! Yes! You're sweet! The most wonderful Sunshine in the world! - Flower was happy for his friend.
- Thank you, magical Flower! You created a miracle, you warmed me! - Embracing the Flower with its rays, the Sun said, and tears of joy glistened on his fluffy eyelashes.
- It only takes a miracle to understand Who are you? You did it yourself. – Flower smiled. “I just called you by Your name.”
“I will remember you all my life, and send you the light and warmth of my Love,” the Sun promised, setting off on the New Path.
- All the best to you! Thank you for giving me life again. I will always remember you, smelling fragrance in your honor. Let everyone know about your kindness.
The flower and the sun hugged and parted forever. But wherever the Sun was, the Flower felt his Light and warmth. No matter how high the Sun rose, the fragrance of the Flower reached him, and they both smiled, I remember a long time meeting.
The sun went for a walk around the world, performing many miracles. It smiled at everyone, and everyone smiled at it. It warmed everyone with its warmth, and everyone shared their love and joy with it. But the most important thing Sunny did was to help other freezing Sunny understand themselves. The suns stopped being sad and freezing, and there was more and more warmth, joy and light in the world every day. Do you notice?
This is a fairy tale about you, SUNNY!
04.08.11, Lokhvitsa

© Copyright: Liliya Akhmedova, 2011
Certificate of publication No. 21108041060

“Sunshine Boy” - A fairy tale for a 4-year-old boy who doesn’t want to go to bed.

Once upon a time there was a boy whose name was Sunny. This was an unusual boy. He lived high in the sky and was so bright that he illuminated everything around. Basking under its warm rays, the birds sang songs, and the trees joyfully rustled their green leaves.

The children loved the Sun so much that when he looked out from behind a cloud, they began to jump and cheerfully shout: “Sunny! The sun has come out!” Sunny loved to play with the children in the clearing. He let “sunny bunnies” come to them, the children joyfully caught them and released the bunnies back.

Sunny had a friend - Cockerel. He woke the boy up in the morning, bathed him in the evenings and read bedtime stories. During the day the boy was very busy, he played catch with the clouds, assembled a funny little train out of the clouds, swung on a swing and just ran around.

One thing was bad. Sunny, he really didn’t like to go to bed in the evening. As soon as the Cockerel told him that it was time to go to bed, the boy immediately had thousands of things to do. I needed to watch the cartoon urgently! Then rearrange all the toys! Eat again, and after eating, brush your teeth again.

One day, lying in his crib, the Sun said to Cockerel:

I won't sleep.

“Okay,” said the Cockerel, “If you don’t want to sleep, you can just lie down and rest.”

“I don’t want to lie down,” the boy said.

What will you do? - asked the Cockerel.

I will play! – Sunny answered cheerfully.

But you will be very tired.

I won't get tired! – the boy was stubborn.

Okay, you can play - the Cockerel sighed sadly.

Immediately the blanket flew off the crib, and Sunny ran to the swing.

How joyful and fun!

Finally, you can play as much as you want!

No more sleep!

The sun ran, jumped and had fun. Everything around him seemed to rejoice with him.

Oh, he did so many things!

He made a big tower out of toys. I collected all my lightning-fast cars and started racing. I read a book. I drew a funny picture about Cockerel and released “sunbeams” to the children... but no one began to catch them.

There was no one. The kids were sleeping. The cockerel had long since gone to bed. Even the clouds scattered somewhere.

The sun became sad. Now it's not so interesting to play. He decided to take the cloud train for a ride, but it didn’t want to go. He began to build a tower out of cubes, but the cubes kept falling down. This upset Sunny very much. He played and played and did not notice how he fell asleep.

In the morning the children woke up. The weather was cloudy and cold. The sun was nowhere to be seen.

The cockerel woke up and immediately flew to wake up Sunny. But the boy didn’t want to get up at all. He was in a very bad mood. He hardly opened his eyes and saw that it was dark all around.

What's happened? – Asked Sunny.

“You are very tired, so your light almost disappeared, and it became cold,” answered the Cockerel.

The sun jumped up and ran into the clearing.

The children sat at home and were sad. The boy really wanted to help them have fun, but he had no strength at all, and the “sunny bunnies” could not break through the black clouds.

The birds hid from the cold. The sun tried to warm them, but he couldn’t make his rays, which had almost disappeared, warmer and brighter. The trees swayed sadly in the cold wind. Even the toys lost their bright colors.

The sun rushed frightenedly across the sky and did not know what to do now. Everything around became gray. Dull. Melancholy and despair gripped my heart. Everyone suffered from cold and melancholy. The boy was completely desperate and began to cry.

The Cockerel consoled Sunny, but the boy cried for a long time.

“I will definitely save them,” Sunny decided, having calmed down a little.

When evening came, the boy bathed, brushed his teeth and immediately went to bed.

How pleasant it was to lie on a soft pillow and listen to the tale of the Cockerel! The sun wrapped himself tightly in a warm blanket and, smiling, fell asleep.

In the morning the boy woke up and looked around. It was light and warm around. The toys have regained their bright colors. The sun jumped out of the crib and ran to the clearing. The birds sang and the trees rustled green leaves. Children,

Laughing loudly, they shouted “Sunny! Sun!". The boy smiled and let out the “sunny bunnies.”

Since then, Sunny always went to bed in the evening, because it is so important to wake up rested and in a good mood.

On this summer day, the Sun burned so hot that all the animals and people hid in the shadows, and the water in the river began to evaporate so quickly that the water vapor rose into the Sky in a column. There they cooled and turned into small droplets, which were so small that they did not fall to the Earth, but gathered together, forming a snow-white Cloud.

- The world is beautiful! - it exclaimed. - I really want to watch it. But how to do that?

Then someone rubbed their cheek against his side. The cloud turned around and saw a mischievous boy with flowing long hair.

- Who are you? - Cloud asked.

- I am Veterok! - Veterok answered cheerfully.

-What are you doing in Heaven? - Cloud asked.

“I play with the clouds and disperse the clouds,” Veterok shouted, turning in all directions.

- Breeze, please help me see the world. He's so beautiful! “But I can’t budge,” Cloud asked plaintively.

- Of course, I will help you. You are so fluffy, snow-white, cool, like cotton wool, like fluff, like the whipped cream that people eat, like the most delicious ice cream in the world! “I will blow on you and move you across the Sky in any direction,” Veterok sang joyfully.

That's how they became friends. The breeze helped Cloud either quietly float over the Earth, then fly rapidly, or rush as hard as he could. He blew on it, now weakly, now a little harder, now with all his might. And Cloud was happy and surprised at his acquaintance with the world.

The first thing Cloud did was go to the sea, into which the river flowed, to admire himself in the reflection of the water surface. Cloud looked into the water, as if into a mirror, and saw herself from all sides.

- And I really am beautiful! - Cloud exclaimed.

But then it noticed that it began to gain weight and became larger. It was water vapor that flew to him from the sea.

- Oh oh! - Cloud was upset. - I don’t want to get fat! We need to quickly fly away from the water. Although the sea is so big! And there are so many clouds floating above it. Maybe they are my brothers and sisters? We need to swim closer.

The cloud approached the other clouds and began to get to know them. It didn’t even notice how, during the conversations, all the clouds merged into one huge Cloud. It rose above the Earth as a beautiful snow-white palace with silver lace on the columns. The breeze barely moved this Cloud from its place. It turned out to be just above the fields and vegetable gardens and was so heavy that it could not stay in Heaven and fell to Earth as a short, warm summer rain. It cried, and people rejoiced. There had been no rain for a long time, the grass in the fields began to turn yellow, and vegetables in the gardens did not grow without moisture. People danced and sang with joy:

Rain, rain, water!

There will be a grain harvest.

Rain, rain, let it come -

Let the cabbage grow!

The rain passed, and the hot summer Sun shone in the Sky again. It instantly dried up the puddles on the roads. Where is Cloud? Is his journey over? Yes, here it is. Water vapor from the moisture after the rain quickly rose into the Sky, forming a Cloud.

- How scared I was that it had disappeared! - it exclaimed. - But how many good deeds I have done. Everyone was happy: people, plants, and animals. It turns out that everyone needs me?! Great! I’ll swim further, maybe I’ll help someone else.

And Cloud went on with the Wind. It was late in the evening. All nature was preparing for bed. The cloud felt tired and began to yawn. And then the Sun, which was setting behind the horizon, illuminated it with its radiance. The cloud first closed its eyes from the bright light, and then slowly opened its eyelashes and looked around the sky.

- Fire! Fire! - Cloud shouted.

“Don’t shout like that,” Veterok reassured him, “it’s not a fire, but the Sun is setting.” It’s tired of warming everyone during the day, shining light for everyone, and now it’s going to bed.

The cloud looked around. It was quiet and calm in Heaven. Rare, unusually beautiful clouds spread over it like milk jelly. What colors did the setting Sun and Evening paint them with! Their dresses shimmered in pink, violet, crimson, gold, and smoky colors. Cloud looked at her amazingly beautiful dress. At least now to the ball! But what is this?! The bright colors have disappeared.

- Who stole my beautiful dress?! - Cloud exclaimed. - Give it back now!

“How funny you are, Cloud,” giggled Veterok, “no one stole your dresses.” The sun just went to bed and it became dark. Night has come. And at night everyone sleeps. And you lie down and rest. Tomorrow we will continue our journey.

The cloud closed its eyes and fell asleep. And Veterok stroked his head for a long time and protected his peace. Distant countries and long roads awaited them.

Questions and tasks

- What did the Cloud form from?

-Who did it make friends with?

- Why did the Cloud disappear when it communicated with other clouds over the sea?

- What useful thing did Cloud do?

- How did the Cloud end up in Heaven again?

— Why did the Cloud turn different colors?

— Draw illustrations for the fairy tale.

- Come up with a continuation of the fairy tale: where did Cloud go on a trip, who did he meet, what happened to him?

— Listen to the poem “Clouds” and tell how the weather can be predicted by clouds.


Clouds like sails -

The wind rushes them, drives them.

If there are a lot of clouds,

It will definitely rain.

Well, if there are clouds,

Like the feather of the Firebird,

There will be sunshine in the morning.

The birds will chirp.

And collide head-on,

They will turn into a cloud.

And then thunder rumbles -

These clouds are angry!

- Listen to the poem “Fidgety Clouds”, try to enter into a dialogue in the roles of a river and clouds. Tell me why the clouds are constantly moving?

Fidgety clouds

“Zhur-zhur-zhur,” the river murmurs,

I flow from afar."

Past, past, past, past

Clouds float by.

"Where are you going?" - the river screams.

Clouds: “There, there.”

“Perhaps you’ll sail again?”

And they: “When? When?

The dashing wind is driving us.

We only dream of peace.”