The fairy tale script can be used when preparing an extracurricular activity in biology, life safety, or a class hour on smoking prevention. Scenario for an extracurricular activity in life safety Extracurricular activities in life safety at school

Extracurricular event on life safety "SAVE YOURSELF!"

Topic: Fundamentals of human life safety in dangerous and emergency situations.

Objectives: to generalize students’ knowledge of the rules of behavior in extreme situations, to teach how to avoid and be able to prevent dangerous situations.

Preliminary preparation:

All competitions were announced to the children. Self-training was carried out


Today people live in comfortable houses, go to “hunt” in supermarkets, and the most terrible animals that come across on the way are the neighbor’s dog and the ubiquitous mosquito. But the modern world is filled with dangers, they just have become different. Pedestrians will not be eaten by a hungry animal, but they can get run over by a car. The cause of fatal poisoning turns out to be not a snake bite, but expired medicine from one’s own medicine cabinet. People have not built a safe world, but have only replaced some dangers with others. The competition begins with the selection of a captain and the introduction of participating teams.

So we met the teams. Now let's determine which competition will be the first.

    Captains competition

    Home Security

(the whole team participates)

Task: within 3 minutes, remember as many rules of safe behavior as possible in various situations: at home, on the street, in nature...


    Do not leave switched on electrical appliances unattended.

    Do not dry your hair over a gas stove.

    Don't play with matches.

    Do not pull the plug from the socket by the wire.

    Don't open doors to strangers.

    Don't walk on ice.

    Cross the road when the traffic light is green.

    Do not eat unfamiliar mushrooms and berries.

    Don't play on the roadway.

    Use the transition.

    Do not take or bring home unfamiliar objects.

    Don't tease dogs.

    When going to a friend's house, tell your parents.

    Don't stick needles into the chair.

    Be careful with medications.

    In the carriage, do not lean against the doors.

    Don't lean out the window.

    Don't get into the elevator with strangers.

    Do not touch exposed wires with your hands.

    Do not throw sharp objects unattended.

    Game “Tic Tac Toe”


Don't let your uncle into the house
If the uncle is unfamiliar!
And don't tell your aunt
If mom is at work.
After all, the criminal is cunning,
Pretend to be a mechanic.
Or he will even say
That the postman came to you.
He will show you the package
(And there is a pistol under his arm).
Or he put on a robe,
And under it there are about five grenades!
And the “old lady” hurries after him
She has a gun in her string bag.
Anything happens in life
With the one who opens the doors.
So that you don't get robbed,
Not grabbed, not stolen,
Don't trust strangers
Close the door tight!

1 student per team

And now we will remember how to behave with strangers on the street.

    A stranger approached you on the street and said that your mother had sent him to pick you up. What will you do?

    If a stranger approaches you, how will you talk to him?

    You are walking home from school. A stranger approaches you and offers you a ride in a car. What will you do?

    If a stranger took you by the hand and tried to take you away, what would you do?

    Describe what modern villains look like.

    If strangers come up to you and ask how to find a street or a house, what will you do?

    They ring the doorbell and say “Mom asked me to tell her...”. What will you do?

    It seems to you that someone is following you. What will you do?

    List the dangerous places on the street at night.

    Literary quiz

(the whole team participates)

Guys, you know a lot of fairy tales: original and Russian folk tales. But now you need to remember fairy tales where violation of life safety led to sad consequences. Explain why. Teams are given 2 minutes for this task, after which the captains answer.


1. “Kolobok”,

The Adventures of Pinocchio",

Little Red Riding Hood",

excessive trust in strangers

2. “The Wolf and the Seven Little Goats”

don't open the door to strangers

3. “Sister Alyonushka and brother Ivanushka”,

Swan geese"

listen to your elders

4. “Sleeping Beauty”

be careful with piercing and cutting objects

    The Snow Queen"

Don't cling to the vehicle ahead

Additional questions :

    Which fairy-tale character immediately violated 2 commandments of life safety, which, by the way, his mother reminded him of: walk along a familiar path, don’t turn anywhere; do not enter into conversations with strangers.

    Which of the fairy-tale heroes made several mistakes at once that were impossible for scouts and life safety experts: went into someone else’s house, sat there, ate from someone else’s dishes, slept on someone else’s bed?

    Which fairy-tale hero turned off the straight road to school and remained uneducated?

    How did the Kid cure Carlson?

    What was wrong with Ilya Muromets?

    Why did the Sleeping Princess fall asleep?

    What rule of personal hygiene did the hero of the fairy tale “Moidodyr” not observe?

    What prevented the princess from sleeping, and in what fairy tale?

    What hygiene rules did Masha break from the fairy tale “The Three Bears”?

    In which fairy tale does the princess die because of a poisoned apple and who is its author?

    Where did the ice shards get to Kai in the fairy tale “The Snow Queen” and who is its author?

    What did one of the fairy tale heroes turn into after drinking dirty water from a puddle? What kind of fairy tale is this?

    In which fairy tale was one of the heroes blind and the other lame?

    Rescue Competition

(3 participants from each team)

There are situations when a person urgently needs medical assistance, the state of his health in the present and future depends on this. Can we do this? Of course, we will provide first aid. The victims are team members.

Each team is given a “First Aid Kit”: bandage, cotton wool, iodine, boiled water, scissors. Participants must provide assistance to the victim within 1 minute. The jury examines the victim and draws a conclusion.

Every home has a first aid kit. Sometimes you need help, but there are no adults around. From the cards, select the means with which you will provide first aid.

    What remedy from the first aid kit will you choose if a person faints?

    How do you stop heavy bleeding?

    What medicine would you choose from your first aid kit if you cut yourself? (The wound needs to be disinfected and the bleeding stopped).

    What remedy from the first aid kit will you choose if you get an abrasion in a fall and the wound needs to be treated?

    What remedy from the first aid kit will you choose if your tooth or head hurts badly?


(ammonia solution)










(potassium permanganate)

    Firefighters competition

Listen to a humorous poem by G. Oster.

Matches are the best toy
For bored children.
Dad's tie, mom's passport -
Here's a small fire.
If you throw the slippers,
Or put a broom,

You can fry a whole chair
Cook the fish soup in the nightstand.
If adults are somewhere
The matches were hidden from you,
Explain to them that matches
For the fire you need.

G. Oster

The poem is humorous, but is it possible to joke with fire? What could this lead to?

(to fire)

Right. If handled carelessly, fire turns from a faithful friend into a merciless enemy.

What is a fire? And what can it lead to?

(the whole team participates)

(children's answers)

The houses we live in are provided with gas and electrical appliances. Fires occur in them much more often than in public buildings.

1. You are alone at home, watching your favorite show, and suddenly your TV starts smoking. What should be done?

a) Fill the TV with water

b) call someone for help

c) try to put it out, and if that doesn’t work, call the fire department

d) turn off the current, throw a thick cloth over the TV, call 01

2. You return home in the evening and smell a strong smell of gas. What will you do?

a) First of all! I'll turn on the light and use a match to check where the gas is coming from.

b) I’ll go and smell where it smells from

c) I’ll call the gas service and go outside to wait for them to arrive

d) I’ll open the window, try to turn off the gas and call 04. and all this

I will do it without turning on the light


(the whole team participates)

Brain gymnastics.

-Not a ship, but one that floats on water and doesn’t sink? (Raft, ice floe, iceberg...)

-Glassed opening on the side of the ship? (Porthole)

-Before sailing, Vasya helped his mother clean the house. What kind of soup did Vasya cook? (Vasya was just cleaning)

-Why is the stop valve red on the train, but blue on the ship? (There are no stop valves on the ship)

-Today is Monday, and Vasya bought a ticket for the ship for the day after tomorrow. On what day of the week does the ship sail from the port? (Wednesday)

    “Sit on a stump and eat a pie”

You need to get ready for a hike in advance, the main thing is to stock up on food correctly. After all, there, in the forest or by the river, there will be no store or refrigerator. Products must be high-calorie and non-perishable. Otherwise, you can get seriously poisoned.

Teams are offered (on sheets) a set of products; they need to select products suitable for further trips and mark them with a tick. The captain hands over the answer sheet to the jury.

    The jury sums up the results of all competitions.

While the jury sums up the results, the children perform ditties


So that you don't shed tears

By the rain stream,

Never meet again

You hold the hand with a current!

To be closer to the sun.

In winter I climbed onto the roof.

Slipped, slammed to the ground...

A big snowdrift saved me!

Everyone with a thimble needs to sew,

To protect your fingers.

Although he is unattractive in appearance,

He will tame the needle!

Don't yell in your friend's ear

He might lose his hearing.

You can't talk to a deaf person,

You will only write letters.

We can live with electricity

Fun, great!

But stick your nose into it

Scary and dangerous!

Wide open and without a hat

It's fashionable to walk like that these days.

Only fashionistas will have to

The injections bring tears to your eyes!

Run around the apartment with a fork

You can do hara-kiri!

You won't remember if it's

You will eat the cutlet with a spoon.

Fine! Spring is coming!

The ice is knocking us down.

Lift your nose higher

There's an icicle flying from the roof!

The most important thing, guys, is that you understand that many accidents can be prevented by following the most basic safety rules

Scenario for an extracurricular activity on life safety

In order to interest schoolchildren, teachers now have to resort to new forms of conducting lessons. One such form is an extracurricular activity. This allows not only to attract the attention of teenagers, it helps them remember and assimilate the material better than a simple lecture. Practice and an informal atmosphere are the key to a good lesson and strong knowledge.

One of the most vital subjects in school is life safety. It is for this lesson that it is necessary to create a scenario for an extracurricular activity on life safety.

1.Check the skills and abilities of students acquired in lessons.
2. Develop ingenuity and dexterity.
3. Unite the class.

And in order to achieve your goals, you should be well prepared and think through the entire scenario of an extracurricular life safety event in advance. To hold this event, you can choose an assembly hall, a gym, or it can also be held outdoors.

The guys are asked to conduct a search and rescue operation. The teacher makes an announcement in class.

Teacher: Guys, today’s lesson we will devote to testing your knowledge. But this test will not take place in the classical form of tests, controls and other written or oral versions. We have to conduct a search and rescue operation. We will look for good grades and, accordingly, save your quarter or year points.

Next, the guys are asked to distribute themselves. Since the operation consists of several stages, and each requires certain knowledge, skills and abilities, students need to determine who will get what role in the team. The rescue team should include:

Doctors are children who are best versed in fractures, bleeding, etc.;
topographers - children who are well versed in cartography, compasses and navigate the terrain;
rescuers are children who are the most physically developed, they will carry victims and help the team go through all stages;
military personnel who can protect the squad in case of threat.

And so, when the class has distributed all the roles (each student must decide which group he belongs to!) it’s time to move on to the lesson itself.

The following stations fit into the scenario of an extracurricular activity on life safety:

Map. At this stage, topographers must determine exactly where (if on the street), in which office (if at school) the next stage will take place. It is advisable to make a more complex map, using topographical signs - settlements - classes, bodies of water - toilets, etc. (if at school). A populated area - a house, a mixed forest, a field - a stadium, etc. (if outside). You can also add a descriptive part, for example, 10 steps to the northwest, and you should give out a pre-prepared compass, or stick inscriptions on the walls (if at school), on trees (if on the street) with some features that will help determine the future direction. For example, “moss”, “anthill”, etc. The main task falls on the cartographers, but if they clearly cannot cope, then they can turn to one of the team members, but in this case, the team that was approached is obliged to transfer this person from their unit to the topographic detachment. In the future, they will no longer be able to turn to each other for help. Once the team has determined the location of the next stage, the rescuers come into play.
Crossing. At this stage, the rescue team (if carried out outdoors) shifts logs from one point to another designated point, along which the entire team must pass, and rearranges chairs (preferably 5 pieces, since all participants must be on chairs) (if indoors ). When this stage is completed, the team finds itself at the next station.
First aid. It would be good if at the previous stage (crossing) one of the participants accidentally stepped on the floor. Then doctors are asked to provide first aid to the victim. If everyone crossed safely, then the teacher himself determines who will be treated. The easiest participant should be chosen. Next, the type of injury is determined. Open fracture with bleeding. It is necessary to apply a splint from available materials. It is further announced that from now on, every 3 minutes will be counted as an hour of ordinary time. This must be done so that the guys can remove the tourniquet in time and apply it to another place.
Military. Once the doctors have completed their task, the rescuers pick up the victim and carry him to the next point. There is an armed gang camp here. This is where the military comes into play. Their task is to quickly put on the existing gas masks (pretending that gas has been released), then quickly disassemble the machine guns. During this time, doctors should not forget to keep an eye on the time. Otherwise, the victim may be left without a leg, and thus the team will lose several points.
Tent. Next, you can invite the guys to put up a tent, since night is already setting in for the game. You should first prepare the tent. It is placed by rescuers and military personnel, while doctors, some of them remain sick, some go with surveyors to buy berries and mushrooms. It is necessary to prepare cards with poisonous and edible mushrooms and berries. Clinicians must be able to determine which of the proposed options can be offered to the team. At this moment, topographers can help and express their opinions. The night ends and it becomes necessary to remove the tent. The task of rescuers and military personnel is to correctly put the tent back.

After all the tasks are completed, the last thing left is the way home. We should not forget that there is a victim on the team, and we need to go the same way. Accordingly, the patient will need to be transported carefully through the “crossing”, making sure that he is not deprived of support from doctors; the military can also help. Having completed the last task, everyone can sigh and go to class for a “debriefing”.

After completing all stages, a short survey should be included in the scenario of an extracurricular activity on life safety.

Teacher: Well, this is where our exciting lesson comes to an end. Thank you for your active participation. Now the finish line remains. So, what did we take away from this event? What did you remember? What did you like? What were the main topics of life safety included in the stages? Should such classes be held more often?

After this, a discussion is held in the class; perhaps the children will want to create a scenario for an extracurricular activity on life safety. Such an undertaking should be supported, as it will be beneficial to both parties.

Well, at the very end of the lesson it is proposed to summarize and determine whether the goals were achieved. In this case, all the goals were achieved with the help of the selected tasks, since they were initially planned for collective activity and to highlight the strengths of each student. In this lesson, the teacher had the opportunity to evaluate all the students’ knowledge that was acquired during the school year. And also, each participant had the opportunity to show their personal qualities and try to act in a team, to feel like part of a large team, which in the future will give a good lesson about interaction between people.

This lesson can be conducted among both senior and middle managers, slightly changing the scenario of an extracurricular activity on life safety. Taking into account the specifics of age and class, it is possible not to divide the students initially, but to give them the opportunity at each stage to choose the children they think are worthy. Only then does the possibility arise that someone simply will not be able to participate in competitions, and someone, on the contrary, will participate in each stage because they are more self-confident or have the support of the class, since they are a leader. All this needs to be taken into account and based on this, draw up your own scenario for an extracurricular activity on life safety. And since teachers already know approximately the class and their children, it will be easier for them to correct assignments that are not suitable for this group.

The most important thing is to be able to interest the guys and meet their expectations. If at the beginning of the lesson it was stated that everyone is looking for good grades, then at the end, all the children must receive a well-deserved reward, otherwise further events will be held with minimal success, which will not be in the hands of the organizer. So go for it! Good luck!

Outline of an extracurricular activity on life safety

Topic: “Spark the carcass before the fire, avert trouble before it strikes”

Target : generalize knowledge on fire safety, develop safe behavior skills,


In a playful way, consolidate knowledge on the topic “Fire Safety”, instill the skills of correct actions in case of fire and providing assistance in rescuing people, teach how to quickly and correctly assess a dangerous situation, and make the best decision to overcome it.

- Develop the ability to anticipate possible extreme situations, develop the skill of correctly analyzing them and adequate behavior in them;

Develop a sense of responsibility and safe behavior skills

Preliminary preparation : Classes are divided into teams, which must choose a captain, name and motto. Each team is asked to draw several signs on a given topic. Only painted signs that comply with fire safety are counted:

Do not throw cigarette butts; do not hang laundry above the stove; don’t forget to put out the fire; fire extinguisher; smoking is prohibited, etc.

Cards that are distributed to children for winning a competition, the more cards, the greater the chance of winning

Progress of the event:

Teacher's opening speech

There is an ancient Greek legend. In ancient times, when Zeus ruled the whole world, people who had just settled on the earth were weak, powerless, and timid. They could neither think nor understand what they saw around them. They looked in horror at the storm clouds, the scorching sun, the endless sea and high mountains. From everything that frightened them, people hid in caves. At that time they had neither housing nor a family home: people did not cook food or warm themselves near the fire. And such a life was a miserable existence. The titan Prometheus took pity on people with his big heart, and boldly violated the prohibition of Zeus: not to give people fire. Having made his way into the palace, the titan took a small spark of fire and, hiding it in an empty reed stalk, brought it to the people on earth. Since then, the bright lights of the fires have shone on the ground. Whole families of people gathered around them, fried meat, warmed themselves, and danced. Now people lived more cheerfully and friendly, and the titan Prometheus sincerely rejoiced at this. He taught people how to tame fire, smelt copper, and forge weapons. Thanks to Prometheus, people learned to think and, probably for the first time, feel like humans.

Fire has become a reliable companion and helper for people. It is difficult to imagine a branch of human activity where fire is not used. Fire is subject only to skillful hands. If you handle him carelessly, he will become wild again, destroy literally everything in his path, cause enormous damage, and destroy people. Fire escapes from human control and subordination and turns into a fire. Fire is an extremely dangerous, cruel, hostile phenomenon to all living things. Today, all over the world, fires claim thousands of lives and destroy valuables amounting to billions of rubles. All of you have probably seen more than once how a fire truck rushes through our village, blocking the steady noise of the streets with alarm signals. This means that there is a fire somewhere.

A fire is a danger to the health and life of people, which means it is an emergency (emergency situation). And in case of an emergency, the main thing is not to panic and act correctly and competently.

Safety formula:

- Anticipate danger;
- If possible, avoid;
- If necessary, act

Fire safety rules must be observed both at home and at school; the participants in today's game will remind you of them. Two teams will take part in the game. I ask the captains to introduce the teams.

Ogonyok team

Motto: “Remember, friends, that you can’t joke with fire!”

Team "Firemen"

Motto: Every citizen knows firefighter number 01!”

Jury presentation:

So let's begin:

I. "Warm-up" I give each team a riddle in turn, they guessed the riddle - 1 card

    A hundred fires are kept in a small barn. (matches)

    The red cow ate all the straw (fire)

    Small, remote, but brings big trouble. (spark)

    Where people are careless with fire, there will definitely be a fire (fire)

    On the roof there is a pillar, and in the hut there is a tablecloth. (smoke)

    A coal fell on the floor,
    The wooden floor was on fire.
    Don't look. Don't wait, don't stand
    And fill it with: (water)

    If little sisters
    Lighting matches at home
    What should you do?
    Immediately those matches (take away)

    He eats everything without getting enough,
    And if he drinks, he dies.


    I chew – I don’t chew, I eat everything.


10. Wooden tail, sharp nose

Either I'm a pickaxe, or..... /axe/

    Ears and bow, above them a mug

The empty one rattles, the full one is silent..... /bucket/

    A metal neck is a pole,

Two hooks - no nose

When there is a fire

Boldly climbs into the heat..... /hook

    I'm rushing everywhere

And I call myself simply... /scrap/

    Ready to help everyone

And dig and fall asleep.

What's my name guys? Did you all guess? ..../ shovel/

    He’s in a hurry, buzzing: “Give way!”

Blinks blue eye

If he arrives on time - the trouble for children and adults is blowjob. /fire engine/

II "Call the Fire Department"

Help will come on time, |
If you make the right call.
Dial the required number
And show me how to do it:

Zero-One” be able to dial.
And name it later
City, street and house,
And the apartment where you live,
And what kind of lock she has.
And also say: “I give you my last name,
Also phone number,
Where I am standing.”

Two participants per team must correctly call the fire department by phone. The telephones are located next to the jury.
They pick up the phone, call 01, and run back. Who is faster and more correct?

III . Now we will test your knowledge and recall various situations with fire.

Who is not careful with fire?
There's a risk of fire
Children, remember
That you can’t play around with fire!

Your TV lights up. What should your actions be?

- de-energize;

- cover with a damp cloth;

- if necessary, call “01” and call the fire brigade.

Your clothes are on fire. How will you act?

- you need to fall to the floor;

- cover with a damp cloth;

- you can't run

How to overcome a smoky place?

- bending down;

- hold the breath;

- use a wet towel.

What to do when you notice fire ?
(Urgently notify the fire department, take measures to extinguish the fire, evacuate children and save property.)
Is it possible to break window glass during fire ?
(This is not possible, since the incoming air increases combustion. )
If your apartment smells gas , there is a leak, is it possible to turn the light on and off?
(This is not possible, since using the switch may cause spark , which will lead to fire or explosion .)
Name at least 5 remedies extinguishing fire.
(Water, sand, earth, branches, felt, asbestos blanket, fire extinguishers.)
Why do the exits from the premises in children's institutions open to the outside?
(For faster evacuation of children during fire. )

Is it possible to stew fire extinguisher live electrical appliance? If possible, then how?
(It is possible. Carbon dioxide, powder, freon.)

Can firefighter car drive through an intersection with an illegal traffic light? If so, how? If not, why not?
(May be careful when beeping.)
What are the rules fire protection What safety needs to be observed when setting up a Christmas tree?
(Proper illumination lighting. You cannot use candles, sparklers, firecrackers, celluloid toys. You cannot make costumes from cotton wool, gauze, or paper that is not impregnated with a fire retardant.)

How to get into a room filled with smoke ?
(Crawl, cover your face with a wet handkerchief, crawl along the wall.)

IV . Fireman's Helmet Relay

One of the team members runs to the fire helmet hanging on a nail, takes it off, puts it on and returns to his team, passes the helmet to the next player, who must run to the place and hang the helmet on the nail. This is repeated until the entire team completes the task.

V. Complete the sentence: “fire safety is...”

Choose the correct one from the given answer options

    Natural hazards (everything related to nature: volcanoes, swamp gases, peat bogs, etc.)

    Fire safety is events, situations, phenomena associated with fire or its derivatives (coals, firebrands, sparks, etc.) that can cause harm (physical injury, illness and even death)

    Man-made hazards (everything related to industry, transport, technology for humans and nature)

    Social dangers created by man himself (wars, conflicts, domestic unsettlement, carelessness, low temperature, etc.)

    Possible (potential) dangers: lightning strike, electrical short circuit, household items (electric razor, electric iron,..)

VI. Relay race “Firefighting”

To defeat the fire,

It must be put out quickly!

Buckets of water stand near the teams. Empty buckets on the opposite side. The presenters have disposable cups, which will be passed from hand to hand to the next participants. You need to take water with a glass and, without spilling it, bring it into another bucket. Who will bring more water and faster?

VII . "Secure Fire Hazardous Words"

Using the hints, turn the “fire hazardous” words given to you into “safe” ones by replacing, adding or deleting just one letter from them.

* FLAME - _ _ _ _ _ (primitive family).

* SPARK - _ _ _ _ (fish delicacy).

* CAMPFIRE - _ _ _ _ _ _ (Catholic church).

* GAS - _ _ _ _ (eye) - _ _ _ (noise).

* CIGARET BUT - _ _ _ _ _ _ (delicious meat product).

* GUNDUP - _ _ _ _ _ (mustache leguminous plant).

* LUCHINA - _ _ _ _ _ _ (an ancient name for a mask).

* BURN - _ _ _ _ (chest for grain and flour).

* PEAT - _ _ _ _ (the most festive pie).

* ALCOHOL - _ _ _ _ _ (a healthy activity).

* SULFUR - _ _ _ _ _ (mountain antelope).

* LOG - _ _ _ _ _ _ (leg joint).

* Gas leak) - _ _ _ _ _ _(Domestic bird).

*TRAUMA - _ _ _ _ _ (natural green carpet).

(Answers: pl A me - pl e me, and With kra - caviar, bone R - Kostya l , ha h - G l az - ha m , OK at rock - ok O rock, P nut - G nut, l at rank - l And rank, G ar - l ar, thor f - torus T , sp And rt - sp O rt, sulfur - sulfur n A, P deer - To oleno, ut e chka - ut O chka, herbs m a - grass

VIII. “Obstacle Course”

Strength, agility and dexterity,
And physical training
For a firefighter you need
Important for a firefighter.

Movement on a gymnastic bench. Crawling through 4 hoops. Jump over the bar without hitting it. Take an inflatable ball in the basket. Return to the team.

IX . “Checking commanders”

From memory, they must write a list of items on the fire shield and draw it on a piece of paper.

X. Homework “You give me - I give you”

Teams ask each other three questions.

Conflagration - it's very bigfire or the place where you werefire ?
(This is the place where pozha R.)
That, according to the Russian proverb,
on fire does not burn and doesn't drown in water?
(Is it true.)
What kind of wood is it made from?
matches ?


What did the old witch in Andersen's fairy tale ask the soldier to get from the hollow of the tree? Thisflammable the subject became the title of the fairy tale.
( Flint - a piece of stone or metal for striking fire by striking a flint. " Flint " - Andersen's fairy tale.)
Who's under your feet?
Fiery Earth?

(Some Chileans and Argentines. Archipelago Fiery Land in Chile and Argentina.)

For ophthalmologists, their favorite dish is fried eggs, drivers love to chew bagels, and what special dish do they have?firefighters ?


As you know, wishing good luck to sailors sounds like “Seven feet under the keel!” A similar wish to submariners is “So that the number of dives is equal to the number of ascents!” And to those in what profession, wishing them good luck, do they say: “Good luck to you”?
( Firefighter . A hose is a hose for supplying liquids. If the fire hoses are dry, this means that fire did not have.)
In Rus' it is believed that this icon protects housing from
fires and is the patroness of allfirefighters . What kind of icon is this?

(Icon of the Mother of God "Burning Bush".)

X. Relay race “Who can get dressed faster”

The teams line up behind the starting line, at a short distance from which two suitcases with the same set of items are placed: helmet, jacket, boots. At the leader’s signal, a player from each team runs up to his suitcase, opens it, gets dressed and runs to the starting line. There he takes off his clothes and passes them on to the next player, who, having dressed, runs to the suitcase, takes off and puts things back, returns to the team, etc.

XI. "The rescue"

Firefighters are brave people!
After all, what is most important to them?
Be able to work together
To overcome the fire.

When rescuing, firefighters have to move through a smoke-filled corridor. To avoid carbon monoxide poisoning, they use gas masks. Along the length of the hall, the presenter's assistants hold hoops - this is a corridor along which you need to run. On the opposite side there is a GP-5 gas mask for each team. The first participants have them too. At the leader’s command, you need to put GP-5 on yourself and run after another to bring it for the next team member, when the second student puts on GP-5, holding hands, they go through the hoops. The first one removes the gas mask to remain on the safe side of the smoke and hands it to the second one, who must pass it on to the third one. The action is repeated.

XII. Fan competition

Finish the proverb:

There is no smoke without fire... (there is no such thing)

Having burned yourself on milk and water... (you will blow).

From a small spark... (a big fire can happen).

Moscow from a penny candle (burned out)

The truth does not burn in fire.. (and does not drown in water).

If you miss the fire -... (you won’t put it out).

Beware of troubles... (until there are none).

The jury sums up the results of the competition (counting the number of cards and completed drawings)

Children perform fire-fighting ditties.

Once I threw it under the window

The firecracker spun,

I thought: “I’ll just joke a little...”

Suddenly the roof caught fire.

On a walk by the river

We burned a fire with friends.

If you follow the rules,

Then there will be no burns.

Always on vacation

“Television” is on for me,

Both the computer and the stove -

To one socket wire.

After any fire

The spectacle is terrible!

Burnt down houses -

The ashes are terrible!

We sang to you about the fire,

To save you from trouble.

We encourage you, friends,

You can't joke with fire!

Bottom line. Today you guys passed your first fire skills exam. We hope you can be young firefighters.


During drills, follow safety rules

- "Be ready"!

- "Always ready"!

To fight the fire

- "Be ready"!

- "Always ready"!

XIII . Scoring and awarding of winning teams.

Guys, thank you very much for playing today. I hope that after going through all the stations and completing the tasks, you have consolidated your knowledge about fires and now know what to do to prevent a fire!

Scenario for an extracurricular activity on life safety “Be careful in the forest!” for younger students

Bestik Irina Viktorovna, teacher of the Regional Special (Correctional) Boarding School for Children with Hearing Impairments, KSU, Republic of Kazakhstan, North Kazakhstan region, Petropavlovsk.
Description: The scenario of an extracurricular activity on life safety for the primary level is intended for teachers and educators working in primary classes. Helps to familiarize and consolidate the knowledge of primary-level students with the rules of personal safety in nature, introduces the rules of first aid. It is better to conduct an extracurricular activity in May before the summer holidays.

Target: consolidation of students’ knowledge about basic rules of personal safety in the forest.
- consolidate students’ knowledge about the dangers that can await a person in the forest;
- talk about the rules of personal safety in nature;
- develop cognitive activity in younger schoolchildren;
- develop independence in mastering new knowledge;
- instill compliance with the rules of personal safety in nature;
- to instill in students the desire to take care of their health and preserve their lives;
- cultivate a sense of teamwork, develop communication skills.

Equipment: multimedia installation, cards and signs for games, presentation, stereo system, musical accompaniment.
Preliminary work: preparing a script for an extracurricular event, preparing a presentation, decorating the assembly hall, making cards and signs for games, talking with children in groups about dangers in the forest, selecting musical accompaniment.

Progress of the event:

Presenter 1:
Hello, golden sun!
Hello, blue sky!
Hello school family!
We salute you!
Presenter 2:
All the children gathered in a circle,
I am your friend and you are my friend.
Let's hold hands together
And let's smile at each other!
Students hold hands and smile at each other.
Presenter 1: Dear guys, we have gathered in this hall today to have an exciting journey. But first, guess what time of year this poem is talking about.
Guess the time of year:
The weather is hot,
The river beckons us with coolness,
You need to go to the forest to pick berries.
Presenter 2:
Ripe the strawberries
Don't be lazy, collect!
In the field, the rye makes a noise like the sea,
Nightingales sing at dawn!
Presenter 1:
The grasses stand juicy
Mowers are rushing to the meadows.
And warmth and a lot of light!
So it has come... ( Summer)

Presenter 2: Guys, do you like summer? ( Yes!) Why do you love summer?
Children's answers.
Presenter 1: In the summer, many of you like to relax outside the city, in the countryside, at the dacha, and go on hiking trips in the forest. Communication with nature brings us a lot of interesting and educational things and, most importantly, a lot of benefits for our health.
Presenter 2: But, unfortunately, communication with nature is not always beneficial. No, no, and accidents do happen while relaxing outside the city or going to the forest. And today we will get acquainted with the dangers that may await us in the forest, and learn how to behave safely in nature.
Presenter 1: Guys, what dangers can await us in the forest?
Children's answers.
Presenter 2: Right. Firstly, you can get lost in a huge forest, and therefore, under no circumstances should children go into the forest without adults.
Presenter 1:
You must seriously understand:
You can't go into the forest without adults!
It's so easy to get lost:
Go far from home
And there is no way back...
And never come to mom again.
Presenter 2: Don’t think that you can only get lost in an unfamiliar place. You can get lost everywhere.

Presenter 1: You should only walk in the forest with adults. If you suddenly lost your parents, then you need to scream out loud to find each other in the forest by voice.

Presenter 2: If you are lost in the forest, first stop and calm down. You can't panic. Don't run wherever your eyes look. Listen, very often the sounds of a train, car or barking dogs help you reach people. Try to determine the sides of the horizon, remembering where you were coming from. A country road or car tracks may lead you to a populated area.
Presenter 1: In order not to get lost in the forest, you need to be able to navigate the terrain and correctly determine the sides of the horizon. And now we will check whether you guys know how to navigate in the forest well. The game is called “Determine the sides of the horizon.”
Didactic game “Determine the sides of the horizon”
Students must distribute various local signs (resin on the trunk of a coniferous tree, abundant moss on trees, anthills near trees, berries turn red faster, wide rings on stumps, snow sticks to stones in spring, snow melts faster in ravines) along the sides of the horizon (north and south )
Kids are playing.
Right answers:
From the north side: There is abundant moss on the trees; in spring, snow sticks to the stones.
From the south side: resin on the trunk of a coniferous tree, wide rings on stumps, snow melts faster in ravines, anthills near trees, berries turn red faster.
Presenter 2: To better find out what other dangers await us in the forest during a hike, we invite you to play another interesting game. The game is called “Say the Word.”
Didactic game “Say the word.”
Students must guess the word in poems about dangers that can be encountered in the forest.
Presenter 1:
In the soft grass
The boy is lying
He has a good finger
It will be delicious, that's a thing!
He will say on a walk... ( mite)
Presenter 2:
Look at this, guys:
Here are chanterelles, there are honey mushrooms,
Well, this is, in the clearing,
Poisonous?.. ( toadstools)
Presenter 1:
Those with whom I was buzzing,
Remember - I have a sting
And on the belly there is a stripe,
Because I... ( wasp)
Presenter 2:
The children came out into the clearing,
Dill grew tall there.
Don't touch him with your hands -
This is scary... ( hemlock)
Presenter 1:
Under the fence, at the gate,
Here, look and don’t breathe:
Like peas on a string
Little white ones... ( lilies of the valley)
Presenter 2:
Don't joke with me
I can bite sometimes.
I could easily offend
If you step on it without seeing it.
Because I'm dangerous, friends,
Because I am... ( snake).
Presenter 1: This means that we have found out what dangerous situations await us in the forest. This is poisoning from poisonous mushrooms and plants, snake and insect bites.
Presenter 2: The main reason for such accidents in nature is ignorance about natural hazards, excessive self-confidence, and sometimes complete disregard for the simplest rules of personal safety in nature.

Presenter 1: Guys, what plants are called poisonous?
Children's answers.
Presenter 1: That's right, poisonous plants are plants that contain chemicals that, when they enter the human body, cause poisoning.
Presenter 2: Guys, who knows what poisonous plants are found in our forests?
Children's answers.
Presenter 1: While walking in the forest, you probably love picking mushrooms. You all know that this must be done carefully and carefully so as not to confuse inedible mushrooms with edible mushrooms. Guys, what poisonous mushrooms are found in our forests?
Children's answers.
Presenter 2: You correctly named all the poisonous plants and poisonous mushrooms. Well, we will be introduced to them in more detail by the 4th grade children, who prepared an educational presentation about poisonous mushrooms and plants.

Speech by 4th grade students with a presentation about poisonous mushrooms and plants of Northern Kazakhstan.
Presenter 2: To avoid poisoning from poisonous plants and mushrooms, we must first of all know our native nature well, and then no poisonous plants and mushrooms will be dangerous to us.
Presenter 1: You can pick and eat only those berries that you know well. And be sure to wean yourself from the bad habit of putting the first berry or blade of grass in your mouth.
Presenter 2: When going to the forest to pick mushrooms, remember a simple rule - do not pick or taste mushrooms that are unknown to you. To be more confident in recognizing poisonous mushrooms, ask experienced mushroom pickers to show you poisonous mushrooms.
Presenter 1:
Never eat
Unfamiliar berries...
And toadstool mushrooms
No need to put it in your mouth:
Presenter 2:
Your head will spin
Stomach hurts
And from poisoning
The doctor won't save...
Presenter 1: Guys, let's take a little rest and go into the forest.
Physical exercise “Hike in the forest”
Green path ( walking in place)
We go out onto the highway.
Let's take baskets with us, ( tilts right and left)
And some just like that.
Then along a new path ( walking in place)
Let's turn into a huge forest.
Where the pines are tall ( stretch their arms up and stand on tiptoes)
Touching the skies.
Where fir trees whisper fairy tales, ( pretend to whisper with their hands, turning to the sides)
Birches and oaks.
Where the berries are ripe ( hands to the side)
And mushrooms grew. ( stretch upward X)
Presenter 1: We must not forget that another danger awaits us in the forest - insects that can harm our health.
Presenter 2: Guys, what insects should you be wary of in the forest?
Children: Ticks, wasps, bees, hornets.
Presenter 2: What danger does a tick pose to humans?
Student answers.
Presenter 2: That's right, they are carriers of dangerous diseases.
Presenter 1: To protect yourself from a tick bite, you need to choose clothes for the forest that completely cover your body, head, and neck. You can apply insect repellent ointment to your hands. At home, it is imperative to conduct a full examination of the body and clothing.
Presenter 2: Do not tear off an attached tick. To make it fall off, it is enough to burn it with a burning match and remove the proboscis with a needle. The wound must be treated with brilliant green or iodine.
Presenter 1: What danger do wasps, bees and hornets pose to humans?
Student answers.
Presenter 1: That's right, these insects have a sting and can sting a person.
Presenter 2: Guys, what will you do if you are stung by an insect?
Children's answers.
Presenter 2: That's right, you need to carefully remove the sting and wash the wound. Then you need to put cold on the wound.
Presenter 1: Guys, let's now try to provide first aid to the victim. The game is called “Help a Friend.”
Outdoor game “Help a friend”
Two teams take part in the game. At the leader’s signal, the children run to the victim and provide assistance to him (for example, the first draws a bite, the second wipes the bite site with cotton wool and water, and the third smears the bite site with brilliant green, the fourth seals it with an adhesive plaster).
Kids are playing.

Presenter 1: You can also find a snake in the forest. The most common snake in Kazakhstan is the viper. Most often, the viper can be found in burrows of various animals, rotten stumps, bushes, and crevices. A snake can bite a person if he steps on it or disturbs it. Therefore, in places where there are snakes, you need to be careful.