Entertaining history assignments. Interesting questions and assignments for extracurricular work on history Interesting material on history

Interesting questions and assignments for extracurricular history work


1. In which country did people first drink tea from porcelain cups and write on paper??

2. When did no one fight in Ancient Greece?

3. Which library had fireproof books?

4. When did the volcano help people?

5. When was the war won by just one horse?

6. Which countries had long walls?

7. When in history were shoes held in special esteem?

8. When and by whom was stupidity openly praised?

9. Where and when did the most peaceful domestic animals suddenly “devour people”?

10. Who “founded” a state that never existed?


1. Paper and porcelain were invented in China.

2. During the Olympic Games.

3. There were clay books in the library of the capital of Assyria, Nineveh.

4. During the uprising of Spartacus, gladiators hid at the top of the Vesuvius volcano, and then descended a steep cliff on ropes woven from the wild grape vines that grew there.

5. The Trojan horse alone did what an entire army could not do for a long time.

6. In China – GreatToChinese wall; walls connecting the Athenian port of Piraeus with Athens.

7. The Peasants' War in Germany in 1525, when the rebels marched under a banner on which a village shoe was inscribed. The uprising came to be called “Under the Banner of the Shoe.”

8. In the book of the medieval scientist E. Rotterdamsky “A word of praise for stupidity.”

9. In England, during the enclosure period, the saying “the sheep ate the men” arose.

10. Thomas More described the non-existent state “Utopia”


11. What is the distance between Constantinople and Constantinople?

12. What are the names of the numbers we use? Where were they invented?

13. Which of the rulers of England provided protection to pirates and slave traders?

14. Who was the inventor of the printing press?

15. Which staircase has no one ever walked down?

16. When in history did flowers fight?

17. What was the name of the longest war in the world?

18. Who was the first European to reach the shores of India by sea?

19. What was the name of the peasant uprising in France based on the most common male name?

20. Who owns the sayings: “The state is me”, “Subjects have no rights, only responsibilities?”


11. These are different names for the same city.

12. In everyday life, we use numbers that were invented in India, and they came to Europe with the Arabs, so they were called “Arabic”.

13. Elizabeth I

14. Johann Guttenberg.

15. According to feudalism.

16. In England, an internecine war between the feudal families of the White and Scarlet Roses.

17. Hundred Years' War between England and France 1337–1453.

18. Vasco da Gama.

19. Jacquerie.

20. Louis XIV.


21. Under whose leadership was the British siege of the city of Orleans lifted?

22. Were Jan Hus and the Pope enemies or allies?

23. What was the name of bread in ancient Slavic?

24. Every 10 thousand warriors were called “darkness” by the Mongols, and at their head was...

25. System of measures of the government of Ivan the Terrible, aimed at strengthening the autocracy and further enslaving the peasants?

26. Outerwear in Rus', called a word borrowed from the Tatars.

27. Which Russian city had an “evil character”?

28. Where did the word “trousers” come from?

29. Which blood vessel is the capital of a European state?

30. What surname did Peter I have?


21. Zhanna d´ Arc.

22. Opponents.

23. Zhito.

24. Temnik.

25. Oprichnina.

26. Armenian.

27. At Kozelsk, the Mongol Tatars nicknamed it the “evil city” for the desperate resistance they showed for 11 weeks.

28. The wool and cloth from which these clothes were made were produced in the city of Bruges.

29. Vienna.

30. He is from the Romanov family.


31. Who is it said about that he stopped the Sun and moved the Earth?

32. Which city is “worth mass”?

33. What is “Greek fire”?

34. Which Russian Tsar loved carpentry?

35. Which rocket was traveling at a speed of 6–8 km/h?

36. Who was the king of the “money bags”?

37. Which people had round heads?

38. Who and about whom said: “He walked on my left flank, but was my right hand”?

39. Which of the Russian tsars was nicknamed “The Peacemaker”?

40. Two historical figures lived in the same country, in the same century, became national heroes of their country and had the same names. Who is this?


31. The teachings of Nicolaus Copernicus changed the idea of ​​the world. Before this, it was believed that all planets, including the Sun, revolve around the Earth.

32. Henry IV said this about Paris when he moved from one faith to another in order to receive the throne.

33. A flammable liquid that the Byzantines used in battles against the Arabs and Slavs.

34. Peter I.

35. The first steam locomotive invented by Stephenson was called the “Rocket”, its speed was initially 6–8 km/h.

36. Louis Philippe in France expressed the interests of the financial bourgeoisie.

37. Supporters of Parliament in England in 1642 dressed simply, did not wear wigs, and were nicknamed “Roundheads” for this.

38. A. V. Suvorov about M. I. Kutuzov after the capture of Izmail.

39. Alexandra II.

40. In the Czech Republic in the 15th century, Jan Hus and Jan Zizka.


41. When was Russia ruled by the “money bag”?

42. When in military history was a pig dangerous?

43. How to get from Dorpat to Yuryev?

44. Which railway station in Russia is called by its patronymic name?

45. What was the name of the community in Slavic?

46. ​​Which of the Russian tsars was nicknamed “The Quietest”?

47. Who was called “a rebel worse than Pugachev”?

48. What was the name of the magazine whose editor-in-chief was Catherine II?

49. Where and when could you meet “the dogs of God”?

50. When in history was the broom held in special esteem?


41. In the 14th century - Prince Ivan Danilovich, nicknamed Kalita, i.e. “money bag”.

42. In the Battle of the Ice, the troops of the German knights were built in a formidable wedge - a “pig”.

43. Different names of the same city.

44. In Siberia, the Erofey Pavlovich station is named after the Russian explorer Erofey Pavlovich Khabarov.

45. Rope.

46. ​​Alexey Mikhailovich.

47. N. A. Radishchev for the book “Journey from St. Petersburg to Moscow.”

48. "All sorts of things."

49. This was the name given to members of the Jesuit order, founded in 1540 by the Spanish nobleman Ignatius of Loyola. They also appeared in Europe.

50. In Russia in the 16th century. under Ivan the Terrible during the oprichnina period. The distinctive sign of the guardsman was a dog's head and a broom, which meant: like a dog, he sniffs out enemies and sweeps them out with a broom.


51. Who ruled first: Henry IV Bourbon or Henry VII Tudor?

52. When did the Bloody Tsar rule in Russia?

53. The ruler of what huge state lived in a “barn”?

54. Where did the “rodents” and “ragamuffins” live?

55. What is “arabesque”?

56. Two historical figures of Russia were fellow countrymen and had the same fate. They are separated by a period of one hundred years. Who is this?

57. Which country had the longest legislature?

58. Who said these words: “Minerals do not come to the yard on their own”?

59. What does the expression “Hack on the nose” mean, what is its history?

60. In honor of what important historical events was the Cathedral of St. Basil and Christ the Savior built?


51. Henry VII Tudor ruled in England in the 80s of the 15th century, and Henry IV Bourbon ruled in France in the 70s of the 16th century.

52. Nicholas II, in 1894–1917. He was nicknamed so for the event of January 9, 1905, World War I, the events on the Khodynskoye field associated with his coronation.

53. The capital of the state of Khan Batu was located on the Volga and was called Sarai-Batu.

54. In the 16th century. In France there was a revolt of the crocans, or "rodents". The Gezes were called “ragamuffins” during the Dutch bourgeois revolution of the 16th century.

55. Arabic ornament of geometric shapes, leaves, flowers.

56. S. T. Razin and E. I. Pugachev. Both come from the Zimoveyskaya village on the Don. Razin was the leader of the peasant war in Russia at the end of the 17th century, Pugachev was the leader of the peasant war in Russia at the end of the 18th century. Both were executed in Moscow.

57. Long Parliament in England.

58. M. V. Lomonosov.

59. The nose is a memorial plaque, a tag for records. They carried it with them and made notches as a keepsake. Means “to remember for a long time.”

60. St. Basil's Cathedral - in honor of the capture of Kazan and annexation to Russia on October 2, 1552, and the Cathedral of Christ the Savior - in honor of the victory of Russian troops in the Patriotic War of 1812.


61. To whom and where was the monument “Grateful Russia” erected?

62. When and where was tea brewed directly in the sea?

63. Who did the Luddites fight against?

64. Tea, coffee, tobacco, corn. What do these items have in common?

65. In what country did the “mad people” live?

66. Soviet poet K. Simonov wrote in a poem that the battle took place

"on blue and wet

Peipus crackling ice

in six thousand seven hundred and fiftieth

from creation."

What battle was he writing about? Why was the ice “wet”? When did this battle take place? Why does the poet indicate a different date?

67. The national anthem of France was composed in one city, and received its name from the name of another city. Why did this happen? Where and by whom was this anthem composed? What is it called?

68. Who said: “Every warrior must understand his maneuver. They fight not with numbers, but with skill”?

69. What does the expression “Shout at the top of Ivanovo” mean, what is its history?

70. What does the name of American ballroom dance have in common with the rebellion of the North American colonies against English taxes?


61. In Moscow on Red Square there is a monument to the sculptor I. P. Martos in honor of Prince D. M. Pozharsky and citizen K. Minin. The monument states that it was erected by “grateful Russia.”

62. In 1773, English merchants brought a large shipment of tea to Boston, an English colony in North America, which was subject to a special tax by Parliament. Bostonians, dressed as Indians, attacked the ships and threw the tea directly into the sea. The event went down in history as the “Boston Tea Party.”

63. Luddites were called machine destroyers in England, therefore, they fought against machines and equipment installed in capitalist enterprises.

64. All of them entered Europe from the New World and were considered “colonial” goods in Europe.

65. In France during the Great French Revolution. In 1793, supporters of extreme measures, led by Jacques Roux, were nicknamed “mad” by the Girondins.

66. We are talking about the Battle of the Ice, which took place on Lake Peipsi. The ice had already melted a little, since it was spring. The battle took place on April 5, 1242, according to the chronology adopted in Russia under Peter I. Before that, in Russia, years were counted from the “creation of the world,” according to the old chronology and the date of the battle was indicated.

67. During the Great French Revolution, officer Rouget de Lille in Strasbourg composed a revolutionary song in one night. It was first performed by a detachment that set out from the city of Marseille. The song was liked, it spread, and the whole country sang it. After the name of the city where it became known, the song was called “La Marseillaise”. It became the national anthem of France. S. Zweig has a short story about the history of the creation of “Marseillaise”, it is called “The Genius of One Night”.

68. A. V. Suvorov “The Science of Victory.”

69. In the Moscow Kremlin, near the bell tower of Ivan the Great, there was Ivanovo Square. At it, all important sovereign decrees were publicly announced to the people. Used in the sense of condemnation when a person speaks too loudly.

70. The American waltz is called “Boston”, the uprising of North American colonists was called the “Boston Tea Party”


71. Who said: “Creating your own industry is not only a fundamental economic, but also a political task”?

72. What was the name of the capital of the Drevlyans, burned by Princess Olga as revenge for the murder of her husband, Prince Igor?

73. What did the word “kutafya” mean in Rus'?

74. What are “sulitsy”?

75. Who were the “youths” in Ancient Rus'?

76. About whom A.S. Pushkin said: “The ruler is weak and crafty. Bald dandy. The enemy of labor. Accidentally warmed by glory,” and Vyazemsky: “The Sphinx, unsolved to the grave...”? Who did they mean?

77. What was the name of the Bolshevik policy during the Civil War?

78. What does the expression “gibberish letter” mean?

79. What was the name of the king in Russia, who ruled between the Rurik and Romanov dynasties.

80. What do a natural phenomenon, I. Ehrenburg’s novel and the reign of N. Khrushchev have in common?


71. S. Yu. Witte.

72. Iskorosten.

73. This is what they called a sloppily dressed woman in Rus'.

74. In the XIII century. one of the elements of throwing weapons of Russian soldiers, which is often mentioned in chronicles.

75. Younger members of the prince's squad.

76. Alexandra I.

77. “War communism.”

78. A letter written in a special, secret way was used in secret correspondence of the 12th–13th centuries. In the 19th century Gibberish writing was used by officials, and at a later time by Old Believers. It means “to speak a language that is incomprehensible to most.”

79. B. Godunov, 1589–1605

80. They have the general name “thaw”, i.e. temporary warming, softening of the political regime: debunking Stalin’s personality cult, rehabilitation of the repressed, etc.


81. Who are dissidents?

82. Which bird in Rus' has become a symbol of courage and daring since time immemorial?

83. What color was the first naval flag in Russia?

84. What “exotic” animals did Peter I successfully field near Pskov against the Swedish cavalry?

85. Who is a cavalry maiden?

86. Who were the first to make a non-stop flight across the North Pole from Moscow to Portland (USA)?

87. When was the first salute given to the winners during the Great Patriotic War?

88. What is the Pashkov House famous for?

89. One source states: “The Battle of Borodino began early in the morning of August 26, 1812.” The French historian Rambaud, describing the battle of Borodino, wrote: “On September 7, 1812, the battle began at 5 o’clock in the morning.” How to explain this discrepancy in sources? Who is right?

90. What period of Russian culture does N.A. Berdyaev call the “Russian Cultural Renaissance” in his work?


81. People who spoke out for the observance of human rights and the democratization of social and political life in the USSR in the mid-1960–1980s.

82. Falcon.

83. Red-white-blue.

84. Camels.

85. Nadezhda Durova – participant in the Patriotic War of 1812.

86. The crew of the aircraft of Heroes of the Soviet Union V.P. Chkalov, G.F. Baidukov and A.V. Belyakov in 1937

87. August 5, 1943 Moscow for the first time saluted the winners with artillery salvoes. From that time on, every major victory was celebrated with fireworks in the capital.

88. Famous Russian architect of the 2nd half of the 18th century. V.I. Bazhenov built a private house in Moscow, in which the first public library in Moscow was located in 1861.

89. Both sources are correct; in one case the dates are indicated according to the old style, in the other - according to the new style.

90. Silver age.


91. What does the expression “Saryn, to the kichka!” mean?

92. Which animal served as a riding horse in the Swedish army in the 15th century, and then as a courier and policeman?

93. What historical events are captured in the paintings of V.I. Surikov “Boyaryna Morozova” and “Morning of the Streltsy Execution”.

94. How did the “prescribed summers” differ from the “reserved years”?

95. What was the name of the first printed book in Russia, published in 1564?

96. Who are Barma and Postnik, and what are they famous for?

97. Contemporaries called the internal political course “dictatorship of the heart”, “velvet dictatorship”, “policy of a bushy tail and a wolf’s mouth”... Who?

98. The Baroness was always faithful to her footman. And she even followed him to the scaffold. What events are we talking about? The Baroness and her lackey - who are they?

99. What did the phenomenon called Lend-Lease mean?

100. What does the expression “Red Thread” mean?


91. Cry when capturing ships. Saryn is a bastard. Kichka – the front part of the vessel. While robbing the rich, the robbers on the Volga and other rivers did not touch the poor. It means “to step aside, hide, not interfere.”

92. Elk.

93. Church schism 1653–1656 Peter I's reprisal against the rebel archers in 1698

94. “Fixed summers” - the period during which the owner of the land could return the serfs who had abandoned him. “Reserved summers” are the periods during which the peasant transition from one owner to another was temporarily prohibited on St. George’s Day.

95. “Apostle”, printed by Ivan Fedorov.

96. Architects of “St. Basil’s Cathedral” or the Intercession Cathedral “on the moat” in Moscow.

97. M. T. Loris-Melikov.

98. During the Great French Revolution, King Louis XVI tried to leave the country under the guise of a lackey. His wife, Marie Antoinette, had a foreign passport prepared in the name of Baroness Korff, who was traveling to Russia with a footman. At one of the post stations, the king was identified and returned to Paris, where he was greeted by the people with deathly silence. Later, in January 1793, the king was executed. Marie Antoinette was also sent to the scaffold.

99. Assistance provided by the USA to the USSR in the form of supplies of weapons, ammunition, and food.

100. The expression entered the speech of several peoples from the language of English sailors of the late 18th century. Since 1776, by order of the Admiralty, a red thread was woven into all ropes of the English navy. It could only be pulled out by destroying the rope itself. The British naval rope was recognizable everywhere. Used to mean the very essence, a constant sign.

Tsar Bell and Tsar Cannon

At the foot of the Ivan the Great Bell Tower stands the famous Tsar Bell. It was cast in the Kremlin by foundry worker Ivan Motorin and his son Mikhail in 1733–1735. In 1737, a fire occurred in Moscow, which also engulfed the Kremlin. Due to uneven cooling when extinguishing the fire, the red-hot bell cracked. A piece weighing 11.5 tons broke off from it. After the fire, it was in a pit, and only in 1836, according to a specially developed project by the architect Montferrand, it was raised and installed on a pedestal.

The Tsar Bell is the largest in the world. Its weight is 200 tons, height is 6.14 m, diameter is 6.6 meters.

Not far from the bell there is an interesting monument of the 16th century - the Tsar Cannon. It was cast in bronze by the Russian master Andrei Chokhov in 1586. Its weight is 40 tons, length is 5 meters 34 centimeters. Caliber – 890 millimeters. In terms of caliber it was the largest cannon in the world. It was supposed to be fired with buckshot. It met all the requirements for military orders of the 16th century and was intended for the defense of the Moscow Kremlin. The carriage and the cannonballs lying near it are decorative, cast iron; they were cast in 1835 in St. Petersburg at the Berd factory. The weight of each core is 1 ton.

Everything in the Kremlin attracts: golden-domed cathedrals, shining with their domes in the sun, and ancient stones, turned into snow-white lace in the old days by master wizards. And, walking around the Kremlin, we, of course, admire the walls and towers that protected Muscovites from enemies. Here, every inch of land is the history of our people, and therefore, viewing the sights of the ancient Kremlin, we feel a sense of deep pride in our people, our state and our history


1. You have no equal in the world,

Ancient Moscow!

The brilliance of days, forever glorious,

You will always be alive.

The city that Dolgoruky built

In the middle of deep forests,

Grandchildren lifted up lovingly

Above other cities!

Here Ivan Vasilich the Third

The yoke of slavery has been crushed,

Here, over a long series of centuries,

There was a source of our strength.

Here I found my obstacle

An army of arrogant Poles;

Here Napoleon had to

To unravel the fragility of happiness.

Here, as it was, so now -

The heart of all Rus' is holy,

Here are her shrines

Behind the Kremlin wall!

Here the paths cross

From all six seas,

Great people studied here

Trust your homeland!

Expanding, growing,

All in palaces and all in gardens

You are standing, holy Moscow,

On its seven hills...

You stand shining with gold

Immense domes

Over the east and sunset

The roof of the bells swells.

2. Moscow River, praise to you!

Over the centuries you have seen a lot.

Whenever you could speak,

You could tell me a lot.

You should tell us about

How did people start to settle?

Behind the tyn there is a tyn, behind the house there is a house,

Grew on your shore

The beginning of the future capital.

You reflected in the surface of the waters

That first Kremlin and the new city,

What did our Russian people build?

Under the first pine wall.

This is the first town

At the crossroads of all roads.

3. There was a terrible year when all countries

They were afraid more than fire,

Batu - grandson of Genghis Khan,

Cursing my proximity to him...

There was a terrible century when the Mongols

They went to Rus' like an avalanche,

On an autumn day across the bare steppe,

Trampling dry feather grass.

So it went like a monstrous stream

Mongol horde in Rus'

In one cruel desire

Burn and plunder cities.

4. In this memorable year - 1328

Muscovites for a reason

They gave the prince a nickname:

Ivan Kalita.

“Kalita” means a bag for coins,

And more precisely, there is no nickname for the prince!..

And from now on

The Khan did not send the Baskaks to their places for tribute -

Ivan Kalita sent his clerks.

And they brought all the goods not to the Tatars, not to the camp,

And to Moscow, straight to the Kremlin, so that he can decide

Prince Ivan -

What will suit the Tatars, what will suit him,

That the payment will go to those who need him...

So all the roads on earth led to Moscow.

The princes could not quarrel with Kalita.

Nowadays the princes cannot argue with Moscow -

After all, as soon as Prince Ivan assembles the shelves.

The heavier the yoke the people lift,

The faster the economy grows.

The richer Moscow is, the larger the economy,

This makes it easier for Ivan to reign over her.

And Moscow gathered cities around itself.

From now on the Horde considered only Moscow.

5. And here are the first hours -

Chimes of the Spasskaya Tower.

Huge millstone for beauty

Painted with blue paint.

The heavy dial creaks -

The plate is spinning

And the numbers glow like gold

Below the fixed arrow.

And the clock strikes loudly

Chimes over Moscow,

And the townspeople will know

Clock during battle.

We would all be amazed these days

The clock of the Spasskaya Tower,

And to our great-grandfathers they

It seemed like a miracle, a fairy tale.

6. Neglinka is fast and noisy

Spun around the city

At the Sviblova tower she

I became friends with the Moscow River.

Under this corner tower,

Which is still in place now,

Neglinnaya with the Moscow River

They always made noise together.

The management was not clever.

Both in summer and in cold weather

They dragged a bucket behind a bucket

Water carriers from rivers.

And with a yoke they went to the river,

And they drove up with a barrel.

A row of baths stood nearby -

The sovereigns held.

And here are the “thoughts” into that tower

They came knowing the science

And rose to the heights

Then the water is river.

Pumps, pipes, hoses

Adjusted, ready.

Mother Moscow can be proud

New plumbing.

To tell the truth, that water

It would not be enough for the city -

To the Kremlin and its gardens

There was barely enough water.

But in this smallness there is space

For the pride of the people,

And the Sviblov tower since then

They called it Vodozvodnoy.



The Slavs each went into battle with two small spears, and some had strong and heavy shields. They were also armed with a bow and arrows. Slavic warriors did not wear armor; in the summer, according to the Byzantine, they fought in only short pants.

In battle, the Slavs avoided open areas, preferring to meet the enemy in forests, gorges or cliffs; at the same time, they widely used the art of ambush, resorted to various kinds of military tricks, mastered many methods of fighting day and night, and were extremely skilled in crossing rivers.

The Slavs learned to hide well in the tall steppe grass, often unexpectedly attacking the enemy themselves and defeating even a strong enemy. They knew how to lure the enemy into the thicket of the forest by feigned flight and there, hiding behind the trees, they struck the enemies with arrows, the ends of which were sometimes smeared with poison.

Question: Suggest why the Slavs preferred to fight in the forest, avoided open areas and tried to lure the enemy into the forest or ravine.


According to the Byzantine author, the Slavs as a whole did not have a unified command and were not able to fight in the correct formation. Of course, the Slavs, who lived in separate tribes, were not yet able to create a strong army with a unified military command, similar to the army of Byzantium. This can explain, to a certain extent, the military tactics of the Slavs.

"Dwelling of the Slavs"

Byzantine sources provide valuable information about the life of the Slavs. Our ancestors were slender, fair-haired, and ruddy. According to foreigners, the Slavs were distinguished by their powerful physique, tall stature, great strength and extraordinary endurance: they could endure heat, cold and hunger for a long time, they were content with the simplest food, and sometimes, if necessary, they even ate raw animal meat and fish.

The Slavs liked to settle in forests, near impassable rivers, swamps and lakes, in high places, so that their homes would not flood during spring floods.

The Slavs did not yet know how to build reliable dwellings - they wove themselves miserable shacks from brushwood, covered them with straw, just to shelter themselves from rain and bad weather. In ancient times they did not know how to make stoves and chimneys at all - they built hearths in the middle of the home, where they lit a fire, and the smoke went out into a hole in the roof or in the wall.

The Slavs sometimes built their homes with many exits. Belongings and supplies were usually buried in the ground.

Question: Suggest why the Slavs built many exits into their homes and hid their belongings.

The Slavs arranged many exits in their homes to make it easier to escape in the event of a surprise attack. The centuries-old experience of their ancestors taught the Slavs to store supplies in hiding places and use only what was necessary.


In order to successfully fight the Slavs, the Byzantine author advises preparing cavalry and infantry, mainly lightly armed, against them, and preparing a large number of throwing weapons - not only arrows, but also various types of spears. The Byzantine also advises, if possible, to prepare material for the construction of so-called floating bridges, so that the crossing of rivers can be prepared in advance. After all, in the country of the Slavs there are many impassable rivers, the author points out.

Question: Guess what the author of the source means when talking about the construction of floating bridges.

“Fuck me!”

Almost until the end of the 10th century, our ancestors were pagans. Little information has reached us about the pagan faith of the Slavs. We know that the Eastern Slavs revered the thunder god Perun, as well as the god of the wind Stribog. The sun deity was called Dozhbog. The Slavs revered Veles, who was considered the patron of herds and therefore was called the “cattle god,” and others. In addition, the Slavs believed that in the forest (this is according to the very ancient belief of our ancestors) there lived a forest god - a goblin, in the water - a water god, in river beds - mermaids; They especially revered the home god, the brownie.

The Slavs, like other peoples related to them, thought that the souls of their dead ancestors did not leave their homeland. In the event of any trouble, they used to say in the old days: “Church, protect me!”

Question: Guess what these words meant.

Answer: The Slavs believed that the souls of deceased ancestors do not leave their homeland, which means they take care of their descendants, keep them from all sorts of troubles if they honor the memory of their ancestors. If not, then these household gods become restless and cause trouble. The souls of ancestors were listed under the name “domovoi”; they were also called “churs” or “shchurs”. This is what they used to say in case of trouble: “Church, protect me!”


The Slavs surrounded each settlement with a high log wall; the houses behind it were not visible. The huts were small, half of them went into the ground. The roofs were laid in two slopes with reeds or straw sheaves, and for strength they were coated with raw clay.

A watchtower was erected on the tallest pine tree in the settlement. They climbed it not by stairs, but by a pole with rungs. You can see far from the tower. If a vigilant guard noticed that unkind strangers were approaching the village, he immediately raised the alarm. A fire was lit on the tower and the neighbors were notified.

In a short time, all nearby villages learned about the danger, and people came together to repel the attack of enemies.

Questions: Why did they climb up to the watchtower using a pole with crossbars, and not a ladder? What should a signal fire be like?

Answer: The Slavs used a pole with crossbars, since it could easily be lifted up and hidden in the branches of a pine tree, the sentinel was like in a fortress. The signal fire was lit on a tower with the condition that it would produce thick smoke. It was the thick smoke that was a signal to neighbors about impending danger.


Novgorod merchants traded with Constantinople. They brought various goods there: furs, honey, wax, linen, yellow stone - amber, weapons, shields, jewelry.

First, the Novgorodians sailed along the Volkhov River. From Volkhov we sailed to Lake Ilmen, then to the Lovat River. But Lovat soon turned east, and the merchants had to go south. They had to drag the boats overland to the Dnieper. And the Novgorod merchant caravan sailed further down the Dnieper.

At the mouth of the Dnieper, where the river flows into the Black Sea, the Novgorodians camped to prepare for sea voyage. They set big sails and brought a lot of firewood. And the boats floated out to sea.

Question: Why did the Novgorodians need so many bundles of brushwood?

Answer: After the large sails were set, the Novgorodians tied bundles of brushwood around the sides of the boats so that they would remain stable on the water.

"Outstanding Commander"

Svyatoslav, the son of Prince Igor and Princess Olga, was a commander of great glory in Rus' in the 10th century. His campaigns, victories and deaths were known in countries near and far from Kyiv. His entire life, starting from childhood, was spent in the struggle with restless neighbors who threatened the eastern and southwestern borders of the Old Russian state.

The Byzantine historian left a reliable description of Svyatoslav in adulthood. After the battles on the Danube, Svyatoslav negotiated the end of the war with the Byzantine emperor Tzimiskes:

“He was of average height, not too tall, not too short, with thick eyebrows, blue eyes, a flat nose, a shaved beard and thick long hair on his upper lip. His head was bare, but only on one side of it hung a lock of hair... his neck was thick, his shoulders were wide, and his whole figure was quite slender. In one ear hung a gold earring, decorated with two pearls, with a ruby ​​inserted in the middle of them. His clothes were white, nothing different from others except cleanliness.”

Question: Guess what the lock of hair hanging on one side of the head meant.

Answer: Svyatoslav’s head was shaved, and a lock of hair signified the nobility of the family.

"Dyeing Eggs"

The custom of painting eggs and giving them to each other on the spring holiday existed among the Slavs long before the adoption of Christianity.

A special ritual was first performed over the festive food, with the help of spells they imparted powerful healing properties to it. The Slavs, giving each other colored eggs, mutually wished them health, kissed, believing that this ritual conveyed to their loved ones a piece of the supernatural power that entered them along with the festive treat.

Question: Suggest why eggs began to be painted.

Answer: When organizing multi-day and crowded spring holidays, feeding various deities and spirits, the Slavs usually smeared the shells of eggs with blood, because blood has long been considered an exquisite delicacy for spirits and gods. This later became the custom of dyeing eggs.


Negotiations between Svyatoslav and Tzimiskes took place near the river. The Russian prince was sitting on the bench of a boat moored to the shore, and the Byzantine arrived on a horse.

Emperor Tzimiskes wore gilded armor. Gilded harness adorned the horse. A large retinue shone with expensive outfits. The attention of the Byzantines was attracted by the hair on the upper lip, that is, the mustache, and the curl on Svyatoslav’s shaved head.

The Byzantines were also surprised by the fact that Svyatoslav did not differ from his soldiers in clothing, except for its cleanliness. Question: Suggest why Svyatoslav wore clothes that were no different from the clothes of soldiers.

Answer: It is no coincidence that Svyatoslav did not differ from his warriors in clothing. Apart from earrings with pearls and rubies, the rich prince did not want to burden himself with anything that could interfere with his camp life.

A harsh and simple way of life has always distinguished many famous military leaders. Long before Svyatoslav, Alexander the Great shared with his soldiers all the hardships of the campaign. Much later than Svyatoslav, Alexander Suvorov, even as an old man, slept on an armful of hay, covered with a cloak, and did not put on a warm uniform until his soldiers received winter clothes.

"In winter"

If it happened that the Slavs went into open battle, then with a cry they slightly moved forward all together. If the enemies could not withstand their onslaught, then the Slavs attacked harder, otherwise they simply ran away and were in no hurry to engage the enemy in hand-to-hand combat. They were heading towards the forest, where they knew how to fight well.

Firstly, the Slavs have few food supplies; secondly, their winter clothes are poor; thirdly, in winter there are footprints in the snow. The Byzantine gives five similar arguments.

Question: Name two more arguments in favor of waging war in winter.

Answer: Fourthly, the rivers freeze in winter, and therefore you can easily cross them; you don’t need to have floating devices. Fifthly, in winter, trees stand without leaves, and therefore it is more difficult for the Slavs to hide behind them


One summer day, the Slavs went into the forest to look for a suitable tree for a boat. They walked through the forest for a long time. There are a lot of trees in the forest, but not everything is suitable for use: one is crooked, another is rotten, the third is gnarled, the fourth wryly.

In the evening we came across a century-old oak tree. We measured the thickness of the trunk, it turned out to be more than three girths. Using a sharp hatchet, they made three notches on the oak tree: two along the trunk and one under it - across it. The mark meant that it was they who would cut down this oak tree, and no one else.

Summer has passed, autumn has passed. Winter has come and snow has fallen. They cut down the oak tree, took it out of the forest and brought it to the village.

We started to get along with the boat. First of all, the oak was sanded: the bark was removed from it. Then they began to trim the log from the top and sides. Day by day the pile of yellow wood chips grew and grew taller than a man. Day by day the oak deck became more and more like a boat.

Then it was time to decorate the rook from the inside.

Question: Guess how the Slavs did it.

Answer: The Slavs lit a fire. When the fire flared up, they began to take hot coals out of the fire with a shovel and put them on top of the log. The coals were burning and the breeze fanned them. The deck was smoking from the hot coals. The coals burned out, leaving a scorched hole in the deck. The Slavs put new coals in it, and the log began to smoke again. So little by little they burned the boat out from the inside.

"For guard"

Years passed, dozens of years, the Slavs already owned the entire arsenal of the then heavy weapons. This was especially evident in 597 during the storming of the Greek city of Thessalonica. The Slavs now had siege engines, iron battering rams, and huge mechanisms for throwing stones. They also had so-called “turtles” - movable towers. These formidable structures slowly moved towards the fortress. The warriors placed on them were hidden by wooden barriers - shields. As soon as the “turtles” approached the fortress, the warriors jumped out of cover and, showering the defenders with arrows, took possession of the wall.

The Byzantines recognized that the Slavs, by the end of the 6th century, “learned to wage war better than the Romans” (that is, than themselves).

The weak point on the movable tower - the “turtle” - was the wooden shields that hid the warriors; they could catch fire.

Question: Suppose what the Slavs came up with to protect these shields from fire.

Answer: To protect against fire, the Slavs covered wooden shields with raw skins.


Children suffering from dry fever are placed in a tree split in two by a lightning strike, then they are walked around the tree nine times and children’s shirts are hung on its branches. When returning home, the children are bathed in water taken from nine rivers or wells and sprinkled with ashes from seven furnaces. For fever and other illnesses, peasants bathe in rivers, forest springs and wells, and after bathing they wipe themselves with a clean rag and hang it on a nearby tree or broom bush; instead of a rag, they also hang a shirt or a piece of their clothing and leave it until they completely decay.

Question: Suggest the meaning of this ritual.

Answer: The meaning of the ritual is this: the patient washes away and erases the illness from his body, that is, he takes it off himself and, together with a rag and a discarded shirt, passes it on to a bush or tree as earthly representatives of that heavenly, paradise tree that exudes living water that heals all diseases. Just as a rag or a shirt decays, so must the disease itself perish. Later, with the loss of a clear understanding of ancient ideas, this ritual took on the character of a sacrifice to forest and water spirits.

"With myself"

Rarely can a person boast that he has seen a brownie. To do this, you need to put on a horse collar on Easter night, cover yourself with a harrow, the teeth on yourself, and sit between the horses the whole night. If you're lucky, you'll see an old man - small, like a stump, all covered with gray hair, even his palms are hairy. Sometimes, in order to divert prying eyes from himself, he takes on the appearance of the owner of the house - just the spitting image. In general, the brownie loves to wear his master's clothes, but he always manages to put them back in place as soon as the person needs things. If the owners love their brownie, if they live in harmony with him, then they will never want to part with him, even when moving to a new house.

Question: Guess how the Slavs transported the brownie with them.

Answer: When moving to a new house, our ancestors did this: they would scrape under the threshold, then collect the garbage in a dustpan and scatter it in the new hut, believing that the “owner” was moving with this garbage to a new place of residence. Just remember to bring him a pot of porridge for his housewarming and say with all possible respect: “Grandfather Brownie, come home. Come live with us!”

"Two Faces"

This Slavic god had two faces: one face was like the sun, the other was like a crescent. The priests of this god knew the secret, ancient sciences of counting days, months, and years. A great variety of different flowers were planted in front of the temple, which opened their corollas at different times of the day, from early morning to late evening.

Question: Suggest what this god patronized. His name? Why were so many flowers planted?

Answer: The Slavs revered Chislobog as the patron saint of the flow of time. One of his faces is like the sun because the sun measures the course of the day, the other face is like a crescent, for the moon measures the course of the night. The priests of Chislobog kept in order large sun and lunar clocks, which were dedicated to this mysterious god.

And you could find out what time it was by looking at the amazing flower clock. No one equal to them in beauty has yet been created.


N. Konchalovskaya

Our ancient capital

Near Moscow, on the roads,

Among the forests and wastelands,

In the old days there was a lot

Monastery guards.

Monks have always lived in them,

They drank, ate, did not grieve,

The land gave them everything -

Vegetable gardens and fields.

Monastic grounds

Immediately visible from afar -

So full of fertility

From the monastic land.

Monastery wheat

It spikes taller than it grows,

Above the waist - oats,

Knee-deep haymaking.

And he works in the fields

Not a bell ringer and not a monk -

Farmers are plowing the field,

Serf men.

Everything is ready for the monk:

And from the fish catch,

And income from the beekeeper

The people are carrying into the monastery.

Cattle are raised for the monk,

Pines are cut down for the monk.

In a narrow monastery cell,

In four blank walls

About the land about ancient Russian

The story was written down by a monk.

He wrote in winter and summer,

Illuminated by dim light.

He wrote year after year

About our great people.

About Batu's invasion

He wrote at a terrible hour,

And his words are simple

Through the centuries they have reached us.

Poem about St. Sophia Cathedral

He stood here for a long time

Golden in the heavenly cool,

In the middle of the village, or near those market rows,

He stood here no worse

Than the main cathedral in Constantinople,

And he would maintain his posture in the camps of any cities.

He stood majestically, well-groomed by the people's mite,

And, like a white Archangel,

Rising above the sinful earth,

Both in winter and in summer, flickering in the foul weather.

He kept his watch like a faithful fellow sentry.

And on days of celebration he is like a bird,

And proud and free,

And he reigned and soared, not sparing his wings,


And a tail of colored chimes blossomed with might and main.

And he stood, constant, at every invisible

And he sanctified any delight with his voice.

And under his sign they were born here, loved,

And under his sign they left this sad pier.


1. Your duty is: to preserve the laws,

Don't look at the faces of the strong,

No help, no defense

Do not leave orphans and widows.

Your duty: to save the innocent from harm,

Give cover to the unlucky;

To protect the powerless from the powerful

Free the poor from their shackles

2. While we are burning with freedom,

While hearts are alive for honor,

My friend, let's dedicate it to the fatherland

Beautiful impulses from the soul!

Comrade! Believe! She will rise

Star of captivating happiness!

Russia will wake up from its sleep,

And on the ruins of autocracy

They will write our names.

3. ...And we lived,

Like Christ in his bosom,

And we knew honor.

Houses with greenhouses, with Chinese gazebos

And with English parks.

On each flag played,

Played, beckoned warmly,

Russian hospitality and affection promised.

The Frenchman won't dream

In a dream, what holidays!

Not a day, not two - a month

We asked here.

Its own actors, music,

There's a whole regiment of servants.

There is no contradiction in anyone,

I will have mercy on whomever I want,

Whoever I want, I’ll execute.

The law is my desire

The fist is my police.

4. Go into the fire for the honor of the Fatherland!

For convictions, for love!

Go and perish impeccably.

You won’t die in vain: the matter is solid,

When blood flows underneath.

Believe in earthly Sunday.

In your descendants your tribe will come to life,

And my children are a holy generation

It will cover Rus' and flourish.

5. I know: destruction awaits

The one who rises first

On the oppressors of the people -

Fate has already doomed me,

But where, tell me, when was it

Freedom redeemed without sacrifice?

Prison is an honor for me, not a reproach.

I am in it for the right cause.

And should I be ashamed of these chains,

When do I wear them for the Fatherland?

6. Bogatyrs forged from pure steel.

Aren't you the decoration of our days?

Freedom sparks of fire?

Ryleev died like a villain.

So remember him, Russia.

7. It’s not the wind that makes noise in the damp forest,

Muravyov goes to a bloody feast...

With him the people of Chernigov go to stand in front of each other,

Lay down your head for Mother Russia.

And without a storm the strong oak fell to the ground,

And the traitorous worm undermined him.

The will-sun has set,

Deadly night fell on the battlefield.

Like a scolding horse stands on that field,

The young knight lies on the ground in front of him.

Horse! My horse! Ride to the holy Kyiv city:

There are comrades, there is my dear brother...

Take my last breath to them

And say: “I could not remove the chains,

It is impossible to survive sorrowful thoughts,

That he could not buy liberties with blood!..”

8. Believe in earthly Sunday,

In your descendants your tribe will come to life,

And my children are a holy generation

It will cover Rus' and flourish.

4th grade

1. Decipher ancient units of length in anagrams.

2. Draw a conclusion what occupation was most important in the life of the Slavs.

February - section(time to cut trees to clear land for arable land).
April - berezozol(time of burning trees and fertilizing the land).
August – sickle(time of harvest and removal of sheaves from the field).

3. Correct historical mistakes.

    In the Slavic dwelling, the floor was parquet (wooden), the roof was made of poles. The house is light (dark). In the corner there is a stove that burns white (black).

    In the spring of 1242, a battle called the Battle of the Ice took place. Alexander Nevsky defeated the Swedes (Germans).

    In 1700, Sweden went to war with Russia. In 1706 (1709), the Battle of Poltava broke out, and Russia lost (won) this battle.

4. Ciphergram.

Find hidden words.

Knango water la Perun shesz the devil nasok home ju

5. Connect the definition with its meaning.

6. Connect words that are related to each other. Explain the connection.

7. Puzzles:

Battle of Neva

8. Choose what applies to Moscow, Kyiv and Novgorod, and sign.

- Slavs, merchants, earthen rampart, artisans, prince, temple, Kremlin, veche, Mstislav, boyars. ( Novgorod)
– Slavs, merchants, Yaroslav the Wise, earthen rampart, artisan, prince, temple. ( Kyiv)
– Slavs, artisan, prince, Yuri Dolgoruky. ( Moscow)

9. By inserting two letters, you will find out the Greek word for “chosen by God.” ( Christ)

10. Crossword:

1. An ancient Russian city in which the prince was elected at a national assembly. ( Novgorod)
2. People's Assembly. ( Veche)
3. A period of time of 100 years. ( Century)
4. A painting painted on wet plaster. ( Fresco)
5. The ritual of accepting Christianity. ( Baptism)
6. A stick used to squeeze out letters on birch bark. ( Wrote)
7. Mongol Khan, who led his troops to Russian lands. ( Batu)

Working with dates

1. "Lotto"

The teacher shows a picture depicting a historical event, the students show the corresponding date. Or vice versa: the teacher shows the date of the event, and the children show a picture depicting the event. This work can also be done in pairs.

2. "Uha"

The dates are written on the silhouettes of the fish. The student “caught a fish” if he correctly named the event associated with this date. For a differentiated approach, you can make fish with one missing number.

3. Connect an event with a date.

4. Fill out the table.

5. Make up questions for the solved chronological crossword puzzle.

6. "Clean up the mess"

Two sets of cards are given - dates and events. There are two students at the blackboard. One needs to match the event to the date, the other - vice versa, since both have the same task - to bring dates and historical events into correspondence.

Purpose of the game: develop interest in native history, in the past of Russia.

Two teams participate in the game:

1st team - “Archaeologists”;

2nd team - “Restorers”.

Epigraph to the game:

History does not tolerate vanity,

The people's path is difficult,

Its pages, drenched in blood,

You can't love with thoughtless love

And it is impossible not to love without memory.

Yaroslav Smelyakov

Progress of the game

I. Teacher's opening speech.

Dear Guys! Today we will go into the wonderful world of history. You have already become acquainted with the “timeline”, with the history of the calendar, writing, and various things that we still use today. Today we gathered for the game “Lucky Chance”. The theme of the game is history.

Your task is to remember everything you have studied and read earlier and defend the honor of your team.

I present the teams:

1st team - “Archaeologists”.

2nd team - “Restorers”.

Who are archaeologists? Restorers?

The epigraph of the game will be these wonderful words of Yaroslav Smelyakov. (The teacher reads the epigraph written on the board or poster.)

Questions for the first team.

1. A period of time of 100 years. (Century)

2. 1564 - the beginning of book printing in Rus'. What century is this? (16th century)

3. What was the name of man's first house? (Cave.)

4. What century do you live in? (21 century.)

5. What were the names of the rulers of Egypt? (Pharaoh.)

6. What is zipun? (Cloth.)

7. Front side of the coin. (Obverse.)

8. What are hieroglyphs? (Egyptian writing signs.)

9. In 988, Prince Vladimir the Red Sun baptized Rus'. What century was it? (10th century)

10. Material for writing from sheets of reed. (Papyrus.)

Questions for the second team.

1. A period of time of 12 months (Year)

2. 1380 - this year the Battle of Kulikovo took place. What century is this? (14th century)

3. Palace and fortress of very rich people of the Middle Ages. (Lock.)

4. In what century were your parents born? (20th century.)

5. Who ruled in Rus'? (Tsar.)

6. What is a wardrobe? (Item of furniture.)

7. The reverse side of the coin. (Reverse.)

8. What are the writing signs called in Russia? (Letters.)

9. In 1147 Moscow was founded. (First mention in the chronicle). What century was it? (12th century)

10. Treated calf skins that were used for writing (Parchment.)

III. The second game “You - for me, I - for you.”

The teams ask each other questions that they themselves have prepared in advance.

IV. Third game “Troubles from a Barrel”.

In the box there are logo barrels with numbers 1, 2, 3, 4. The children take out the number, the teacher reads the assignment. 1 minute is given for discussion.

1. What subject are we talking about?

The square shape of this object was established by the French king Louis XVI, issuing a decree on September 23, 1784. According to the order, “the length of this object must be equal to its width,” since the previous oval shape was very uneconomical. And the very first information about this subject dates back to the 3rd century BC. Even then, the Greek and Roman patricians used them quite widely. In the 13th and 14th centuries, this item was in great demand among Parisian fashionistas, turning into a type of fan. And very often this item was soaked in perfume. (Handkerchief.)

2. This is one of the most ancient drinks: it was first mentioned in a manuscript dating back to 2700 BC. It came to Russia from Mongolia in 1638, when Atlyn Khan sent 4 pounds of “this” as a gift to Tsar Mikhail Fedorovich.

The drink is prepared from the leaves of a shrub plant, but wild varieties are trees up to 15 m high. In China and Japan, “it” is also used as a seasoning for dishes, and in Burma for making salad. The fruits of “this” are rich in oil, which can easily replace olive oil. (Tea.)

Eastern wisdom: “Fresh tea is like a balm, left overnight is like a poisonous snake!”

3. Sketch (performed by children).

It is only surprising to Prince Yuri Vladimirovich why Kuchko, the local prince, does not meet him and does not honor him. He sent a warrior for Kuchko. (Kuchko, a warrior, enters.)

Dolgoruky. Why don’t you meet me and show me honor? Aren’t you inviting me, the Grand Duke, to the mansion?

Kuchko. I didn’t know, sir, that you were coming, so I didn’t meet you. I don’t call you to the mansions, because the old mansions were torn down, new ones weren’t built, we live in a barn ourselves.

Dolgoruky. Your villages are good, rich.

Kuchko. Rich.

Dolgoruky. You know, the fields will give birth to burial.

Kuchko. Fine.

Dolgoruky. Is the river fishy?

Kuchko. And the river is fishy.

Dolgoruky. What is the name of the river?

Kuchko. Moscow.

Dolgoruky. What does this name mean?

Kuchko. It was not named by us, but by those who lived before us. We ourselves do not understand what it means.

As you know, Prince Yuri Dolgoruky founded our current capital - Moscow. We watched the meeting of the Grand Duke with Kuchko, the owner of the lands where the prince later built Moscow.

Question: What happened to Kuchko? What is his fate?

(Boyarin Stepan Ivanovich Kuchko was killed on the orders of Dolgorukov as someone who had not submitted, and Yuri’s son Andrei took Kuchko’s beautiful daughter as his wife.)

4. Ivan I Danilovich, Prince of Moscow was an intelligent and very cunning man. He was known as thrifty, even stingy. He accumulated a lot of wealth. In his will he pursued a policy of not splitting up the Moscow land. Let the younger ones bow their heads before one, the eldest prince in their family. In his wills, Ivan Danilovich listed in detail all sorts of little things - silk and other junk (fabrics, clothes), every single precious stone. Before leaving, he explained to his sons and wife in which casket what was stored, and where the caskets were, and what seals they were sealed with, and where the keys to them were, and so on and so forth... Here is a list of only the gold objects that are mentioned in the last will Ivan Danilovich:

gold chains - 12,

valuable belts - 9,

golden bowls - 6,

golden spells - 2,

golden dish, with pearls and stones - 1,

golden vessels - 4,

gold box - 1,

golden hat - 1.

And the people nicknamed Prince Ivan Danilovich Kalita.

Question. What does the word "kaliga" mean? (Bag or stone on a shoulder strap.)

V. Fourth game “Dark Horse”.

Questions are asked by another teacher or parents. Questions for both teams at once.

1 Solving a crossword puzzle. Students solve the crossword puzzle themselves; in case of difficulty, they can turn to the audience, but for this the team is deducted 1 point.

(For this competition the maximum number of points is 7.)

1) The name of Prince Dolgorukov, who founded Moscow. (Yuri.)

2) How many years is one century? (One hundred.)

3) Recording events by year. (Chronicle.)

4) The capital of Russia. (Moscow.)

5) A distinctive sign of a state, city, class, depicted on coins and seals. (Coat of arms.)

6) What did the Egyptians write on? (Papyrus.)

7) The hereditary name of the family, which is added to the personal name. (Surname.)

Keyword: story.

2. Determine where the ancient Greek vase, Russian ladle, and royal cup are.

3. Help these people sit in their chair. Connect the image of a person with a chair.

VI. Fifth game “Five Questions”.

One team leaves our class, questions are asked to the one in the class, then to the second team.

1. What is the name of the Greek large wine vessel?

Three answer options (on cards):

2) crater;

3) amphora.

Answer: amphora.

2. What was the name of the city of Volgograd before?

Answer: Tsaritsyn, Stalingrad.

3. What is the name of the inscription on coins?

Three answer options (on cards):

2) Legend.

3) Coin.

Answer: legend.

4 What are the Slavic brothers Cyril and Methodius famous for?

Answer: They created the Slavic alphabet, that is, the alphabet, in the 9th century.

5. In what year was the city of Tsaritsyn founded? Three possible answers:

Answer: 1589.

VII. Closing remarks from the teacher, awarding the winners.

All participants are awarded prizes and certificates.

“Development of logical thinking in history lessons through the use of logical techniques, tasks and exercises.”

Baishova Gulnara Urazgalievna

Atyrau region

Kurmangazinsky district

Shortanbai General Secondary School

a history teacher

Among the primary goals outlined by the Head of State

N. A. Nazarbayev in the Strategy “Kazakhstan - 2050”, an important place is occupied by the development of human resources. In this case, an important role is given to functional literacy.1]. In this regard, my pedagogical problem is: “Formation and development of students’ functional literacy in the process of teaching history.” As a result of functional literacy, the foundations are formedlogical, critical and constructive thinking that ensures the success of achieving educational results. Based on the fact that the quality of history education today is not associated with the assimilation of a large amount of material, but with mastering the skills of analysis, explanation, evaluation of historical phenomena, the development of the communicative culture of students, the problem raised by the rapid assimilation of knowledge and skills in the subject, I believe, is relevant. Features of the concept logical methods and teaching techniques are available in the works of M. A. Danilov, M. I. Skatkin, I. Ya. Lerner, A.T. Stepanishchevaand etc.

Activating cognitive interest in history through the use of logical methods and teaching techniques

The main task of the teacher is not only to give students a certain amount of knowledge, but also to develop their interest in learning. After all, interest, as we know, is an important tool that encourages students to deeper knowledge of the subject and the development of their thinking abilities.

Logical techniques are one of the means of achieving better assimilation by students of the material being studied.In this regard, it is advisable to develop and apply logical tasks in history lessons, which are a set of methodological tools focused on mental actions, as a result of which, on the basis of existing knowledge, new knowledge and thoughts are formed and their controlled growth occurs on a cognitive-productive basis.

An essential aspect in mastering the techniques of logical thinking is the students’ assimilation of program material through independent mental activity, as well as the problematic nature of teaching with the formulation of problematic tasks, the creation of problem situations in lessons, which are resolved by students as a result of the use of fiction and popular science literature, ICT, work with textbook, historical documents.

Using methods for developing logical thinking in history lessons, you can form a sustainable interest in subjects; critical (reasoned and open) attitude to historical facts and events, to social phenomena and patterns; the desire to carry out creative activity (creativity); develop the communicative and reflective culture of students and their intelligence (cognition). [ 3]

Expected results

    Formation of sustainable interest in the subject

    Effective assimilation of program material by students

    High-quality preparation for the UNT.

Technologists And and principles for developing logical tasks

brain teaser techniques training

Technologies for developing logical tasks

Principles used in the development of logic tasks








    Active learning methods

    Technology for developing critical thinking

    Problematic technology

    Developmental education technology



    Value-based attitude towards the world

    Freedom of choice

Logical atLessons can be used at all stages of the lesson, especially in repetition and generalization lessons; they are also an effective tool in preparing students for the UNT.

Options for using logical tasks

Logical techniques Logical techniques

through critical through post-

thinking. new problematic


Logical techniques through

Use of interdisciplinary connections.

Logical techniques through the use of critical thinking:

    Logical chain for correlating terms and definitions

    Logical chain for correlating personalities and their biographies

    Confused logical chains: determining the chronological sequence of events. (from early to late or low to early)

    Tasks to eliminate an unnecessary element.

For example:Determine the logical chain of sequence for the establishment of Soviet power in the cities of Kazakhstan, indicate the forms of establishment.


Verny, Tashkent, Perovsk, Uralsk, Kostanay, Semipalatinsk, Orenburg.

One and the same logical task can be complicated byevolume of required skills and abilities. For example:

Topic: "Kazakh rulersXVII - XVIIIcc."

Logical task:

8th grade . 1. Determine the sequence of reign of the Kazakh khans.

2. I bring together the two rulers and ask the students to explain my actions.

(On what basis did I unite the rulers?)

A) Aylay, Tauke -

B) Tauke, Abulkhair -

C) Abulkhair, Abylay -

10 -11 grades.

1. Determine the sequence of reign of the Kazakh khans

2. "The third wheel." Eliminate unnecessary items from the list of rulers.

I warn you that in this task there are several elimination options.

Logical techniques through posing problem tasks :

    Problematic issues

    Problem tasks

    Provoking questions

In 9th grade, when studying the topic “Famine in Kazakhstan 1931-1933”Students are asked to answer the question: What is hunger? .

What is pestilence? Combine these concepts and draw conclusions.

Hunger Pestilence

Feeling the need for food Massive loss of life


Mass deaths from starvation

The problem is posed:Was there a Holodomor in Kazakhstan?

In order to solve this problem, students are invited to watch the video “The Holodomor in Kazakhstan, which killed 2 million...” and Tatyana Nevadovskaya’s poem “The Kazakhstan Tragedy”

In 10th grade the subject is World History. When studying a topic

“Spain 1918 -1939” at the comprehension stage, students are given the task:

Determine on what principle the series is constructed:

Italy. Germany. Spain.

Answer: Countries in which fascist dictatorships established themselves in the 20-30s of the 20th century.

Students are asked to explain my actions.

Students offer various answers, sometimes the most unexpected ones, using their existing knowledge of the subject.

Examples of student responses:

a) Italy and Germany at the beginning of the 20th century were part of the same military-political bloc and provoked the outbreak of the First World War.

b) In Italy and Germany, the fascists came to power initially through the voluntary transfer of power into their hands. In Spain, the fascist dictatorship of Franco was established as a result of victory in the Civil War.

c) In Italy and Germany, the fascists hatched plans for large-scale expansion, while Spain had no such plans.

d) Italy and Germany In the 30s of the 20th century, they were part of the Anti-Comintern Pact bloc and became the initiators of the outbreak of the Second World War. Spain was not part of this bloc and did not take an active part in the war, sending only one Blue Division to the front.

In the process of teaching history, it is necessary to target students to accumulate vocabulary, encourage them to invent stories, fantasize, connecting them as much as possible with the content of the material being studied.

In this regard, provoking questions are constantly used in lessons, which teach students to think independently and draw conclusions.

The use of logical techniques through the use of interdisciplinary connections.

Functional literacy involves the development of students’ speech and mathematical abilities; therefore, in my lessons I make connections with literature, the Russian language and mathematics.

Option 1: “Digital dictation”.Students are given 3 statements. A correct statement is recorded with the number 1, an incorrect one - 0.

For example:

A) The Alash autonomy was formed at the 1st all-Kazakh congress.(1)

C) In the national liberation movement of 1916, the radical democratic wing of the national intelligentsia adhered to a policy of compromise.(0)

C) Period of publication of the newspaper “Kazakh” 1911-1918 (0)

Code of correct answers: 100

Option 2. Make up an expression, find the value

A) Find the differenceevents: Entry into operation of Turksib and entry into operation of the Orenburg-Tashkent railways.

Answer: 1930-1905=25

B) Difference of events: The beginning of the 2nd five-year plan and the beginning of the publication of the newspaper “Kazakh”

Answer: 1932-1913= 19

C) Determine the duration of the Weimar Republic

Answer: 1933-1919= 16 years

Such tasks can be complicated to a certain extent.

Compose an expression and, based on the value found, indicate all the events known to you in history.

Sum of events: The formation of the USSR and the duration of the existence of the Alash Autonomy.


Completing such tasks causes high activity among students.

Tasks are completed on cards or at the board. At the same time, students explain their actions in detail. Unlike test tasks, students do logical reasoning out loud, which is important.

Option 2. To understand the course of the historical process, as well as to test knowledge, you can use a certain group of dates to write a short essay or oral history on the topic. To do this, I write down the most important historical dates on the board, but do not name them. Based on this, it is proposed to determine the topic of the essay.

A) 1917 1920 1936 1990 1991

B) 1927 1928 1929 1931 19331 1937

To fulfill the tasks of developing thinking, especially since human thinking is conceptual, working on concepts plays an important role.

First step. I suggest students write down concepts starting with letters.co and ending withand I.

(Coalition, commendation, corporation, cooperation, consolidation, etc.)

I select one concept and organize work on it.

For example, the concept of coalition.

First step.

I invite students to name one or two words that would define the concept of “coalition”, and we get a list of words and phrases.

. Second step

Please select from the list the most essential features, without which this concept cannot exist.

Third step. We synthesize the essential and necessary features into

definition of the concept of “coalition”.

Coalition - union, voluntary association: states, organizations, political parties to achieve a certain goal


Thus, logical techniques, tasks and exercises:

    They help to cover a larger volume of material in lessons and reinforce it in an interesting way at all stages of the lesson.

    Develops students' attention, perception, imagination, and logical thought.

    They develop the ability to highlight the essence of historical events, find the main thing, prove the truth of their judgments, and express thoughts

    Contribute to the formation of a culture of speech and historical language.

    Increase interest in history.

In order to understand the attitude of students to the logical tasks and exercises used in lessons, I conducted a survey among 20 students in grades 9-11.

Question: “Do logical tasks in lessons help to better learn and remember the material in completing test tasks?”

Annex 1

World history lesson 9th grade Lesson topic: Japan in 1918-1920

The purpose of the lesson: To provide students with a comprehensive understanding of Japan's development during the interwar period.

Lesson Objectives :

Educational : Reveal the features of Japan's domestic and foreign policy in 1918-1939, reveal the reasons and factors for the manifestation of its aggressive domestic and foreign policy

Developmental : Development of analytical and synthesizing thinking. Develop the ability to search for a solution to a problem and put forward hypotheses. Develop skills to act in a group and independently.

Educational: Formation and rejection of any forms of aggression and violence, nurturing perseverance and determination.

Lesson type: Combined lesson

Methods : Verbal-visual, partially search, critical thinking, problem-solving

Form of organization of UPD : group

Educational technologies : critical thinking, problematic, developmental.

Visibility : Political map of the world, slides, diagrams

Equipment: Multimedia, handout cards, emoticons, signal cards.

Interdisciplinary communication: History of Kazakhstan, mathematics, Russian language

During the classes:

1st Organizational moment: Psychological training “Tree of Achievement”.

IISurvey - repetition of the studied topics:

1 task: Blitz poll:

1 group. Start… ( any event)

2nd group : A country -? (name a historical figure)

3 group How many? (determine the duration of the event)

2 Task : Work at the board for one student from each group.

Compose an expression, find the value and specify the events:

1 Sum of events: the establishment of the fascist dictatorship in Germany and the duration of NEPA

1933+ (1925-1921)= 1937 ?

2 Difference of events: 2nd Constitution of the USSR and the duration of the existence of the KASSR.

1936 - (1936-1920)= 1920?

3 Sum of events: Adoption of the GOELRO plan and the duration of the Civil War in Russia

1925 + (1920-1918)=1927

Task for other group members: 2 min

Write all terms starting withco and having endingsand I

Ko……….iya (the correct spelling of the term is also taken into account)

Move to a new topic.

Slide: Italy. Germany. Japan.

Question: 1 On what principle is the series constructed?

I emphasize Germany, Italy with two features, Japan with one.

2. The task is to explain my actions. Next I pose the problem:

What pushed Japan from opposition to an alliance with Germany and Italy?

III Learning a new topic

Topic study plan:

1 Government structure and political characteristics of Japan

2 Internal political situation

3 Economic development

4 Foreign policy. Memorandum from Prime Minister Tanaka.

1 question: Creative work of Mirmanov N: Presentation "State structure and political characteristics of Japan"

2,3,4 questions"JIGSO" method. Independent work with text and additional material

1st group: Japan after World War 1. Internal political situation.

Group 2: Economic development of the country

3 group : Foreign policy. Opponism

Groups fill out posters and defend their projects.

After the groups perform, a conclusion is drawn

4th grade

1. Decipher ancient units of length in anagrams.

2. Draw a conclusion what occupation was most important in the life of the Slavs.

February - section(time to cut trees to clear land for arable land).
April - berezozol(time of burning trees and fertilizing the land).
August – sickle(time of harvest and removal of sheaves from the field).

3. Correct historical mistakes.

    In the Slavic dwelling, the floor was parquet (wooden), the roof was made of poles. The house is light (dark). In the corner there is a stove that burns white (black).

    In the spring of 1242, a battle called the Battle of the Ice took place. Alexander Nevsky defeated the Swedes (Germans).

    In 1700, Sweden went to war with Russia. In 1706 (1709), the Battle of Poltava broke out, and Russia lost (won) this battle.

4. Ciphergram.

Find hidden words.

Knango water la Perun shesz the devil nasok home ju

5. Connect the definition with its meaning.

6. Connect words that are related to each other. Explain the connection.

7. Puzzles:

Battle of Neva

8. Choose what applies to Moscow, Kyiv and Novgorod, and sign.

- Slavs, merchants, earthen rampart, artisans, prince, temple, Kremlin, veche, Mstislav, boyars. ( Novgorod)
– Slavs, merchants, Yaroslav the Wise, earthen rampart, artisan, prince, temple. ( Kyiv)
– Slavs, artisan, prince, Yuri Dolgoruky. ( Moscow)

9. By inserting two letters, you will find out the Greek word for “chosen by God.” ( Christ)

10. Crossword:

1. An ancient Russian city in which the prince was elected at a national assembly. ( Novgorod)
2. People's Assembly. ( Veche)
3. A period of time of 100 years. ( Century)
4. A painting painted on wet plaster. ( Fresco)
5. The ritual of accepting Christianity. ( Baptism)
6. A stick used to squeeze out letters on birch bark. ( Wrote)
7. Mongol Khan, who led his troops to Russian lands. ( Batu)

Working with dates

1. "Lotto"

The teacher shows a picture depicting a historical event, the students show the corresponding date. Or vice versa: the teacher shows the date of the event, and the children show a picture depicting the event. This work can also be done in pairs.

2. "Uha"

The dates are written on the silhouettes of the fish. The student “caught a fish” if he correctly named the event associated with this date. For a differentiated approach, you can make fish with one missing number.

3. Connect an event with a date.

4. Fill out the table.

5. Make up questions for the solved chronological crossword puzzle.

6. "Clean up the mess"

Two sets of cards are given - dates and events. There are two students at the blackboard. One needs to match the event to the date, the other - vice versa, since both have the same task - to bring dates and historical events into correspondence.