Funny summer statuses. Cool statuses about summer

Topic: Beautiful short statuses about summer. I wish you good health, personal happiness, good weather and new meetings.

May your life always be warm and the sea splashing happily.

There is no time in life when one could completely surrender to rest; external efforts, and even more so internal ones, are just as, if not more, than in youth, necessary as we grow old. A. Tocqueville

Leisure is spending time between two television programs.

Happy first day of summer! Many wonderful and extraordinary events await you this summer!

The first day of summer has arrived. Now you can breathe a sigh of relief, the long-awaited rest begins.

Let only pleasantries, tenderness, love and hugs await you this season.

I wish you a good time, fully enjoy your vacation and replenish yourself with new strength.

In the summer you want to walk, have fun and dance, sing songs on the beach with a guitar until the morning, come home in the morning, sleep off and walk again.

May you spend this summer in intense emotions and on the best beaches.

This summer, take advantage of every opportunity to relax your soul and body, enjoy the sun's rays and have a good time!

So summer has come to us, and so our mood has risen to a new unattainable level.

For some people, Fridays are a bath day. Some people have a relay race of 3 x 100, or 5 x 100, or 150. Alexey Annenskov

I wish you to turn on complete relaxation mode, forget about alarm clocks and get maximum pleasure!

I wish you fun and entertainment, relaxation and good luck this summer!

Summer is full of colors, summer is the most wonderful time of the year! Enjoy, friends!

Congratulations on the first day of summer. Today is the first day of summer on the calendar. The last days of spring are in the past. Let only hot things await us in the future...

I want to congratulate you on this event! Give you more rest. Forget about the routine of everyday life, the usual bustle and plunge into the world of bliss and tranquility that will envelop your vacation days. Do not deny yourself anything, enjoy every minute and recharge yourself with new strength and emotions for the upcoming labor battles.

We wish that not a single cloud spoils your mood, neither today, nor tomorrow, never!

I would like to wish that everything you have planned will certainly happen, so that every day of your vacation will be eventful, interesting, unusual in its own way, fun and happy.

I wish that all your summer plans come true and that you will remember your vacation for many years to come!

Let this summer be interesting for you to do what you do this summer!

Happy first day of summer to you! Let these three warm months be bright, eventful and positive.

Summer breathes into us new life, new strength, new sensations! Let's take it all and use it!

We usually ask people how they spent their weekend for the sole purpose of being able to talk about their own weekend. Chuck Palahniuk

May the good weather this summer meet all your expectations. May warm days never leave you.

This summer, take advantage of every opportunity to relax your soul and body, enjoy the sun's rays and have a good time!

Urgently go out to celebrate summer and catch some sunbeams!

You need to learn to be happy in moments of relaxation, when you remember that you are alive, and not in moments of hectic life, when you forget about it. Ivan Petrovich Pavlov

Summer is here! You can swim, work in the garden beds, admire with all your eyes the blossoming world

I wish you to gain strength and health, get rid of all hardships and worries, and plunge into an atmosphere of inner harmony and nirvana.

His “resort romance” didn’t even amount to a story. B. Shapiro

Summer has no downsides! Hot? Take a cool shower or dive into a refreshing river!

I wish you to have a good time, enjoy your vacation to the fullest, replenish yourself with new strength, fresh ideas, good health and incredible energy.

Extreme fatigue is when you don’t even have enough strength to rest.

Meet the most beautiful time of the year with a smile, and summer will smile at you too!

Let no one and nothing stop you from enjoying your well-deserved vacation.

Smile and have fun, summer is here!

We wish you to relax more than to work, because the direct purpose of summer is to make your life as beautiful and carefree as possible!

I want to congratulate you on this event! Give you more rest. Forget about the routine of everyday life, the usual bustle and plunge into the world of bliss and tranquility.

Summer calls us to where the river and sea waves are excited by the fresh breeze, where the azure sand rustles, where the sun caresses us with its warm rays!

May the beginning of summer bring you a lot of hope and luck, may luck open the door for you.

On the first day of summer, I hasten to congratulate you and wish you to plunge headlong into this glorious time!

You can't work all the time. Everyone needs a little rest, and I believe the best time to do this is in the early morning hours, about five or six hours after you wake up. George Allen

Let your summer vacation be such that everyone just gasps from your stories!

Happy summer to you, friends! The time has come when you can safely put on a swimsuit and dive into the growing wave.

Down with sadness and boredom! Three months of hot summer and carefree holidays are ahead!

Let the sky be soft blue, the clouds snow-white, the sun orange, the grass green, the mood rosy!

Tourism is the best vacation, but vacation is better than tourism.

May this summer give Us the coolest summer entertainment and let Us fully experience the taste of life.

I wish this summer that your whole life will be like the first day of summer!

No one died from work, and there is nothing to say about rest. Przekruj

Let the azure sand gently caress your bodies, and let the sea water be warm and calm!

Summer is a wonderful time of the year and lasts only three months, and we wish you time to get everything you dreamed of!

Blue sky, water surface, azure sand, fragrant grass, green trees, fresh breeze! That's what I wish for you!

I wish you to have more fun and laugh more often, and indulge your whims, in a word, go as soon as possible towards the sun and adventures!

I wish you an exotic vacation in overseas countries! Let the summer leave only good memories.

We wish you this summer exciting conversations, games and activities, warm water and cloudless skies throughout the summer! Have a summer mood and a sunny smile! — Statuses about summer are beautiful and short.

Summer is special, summer is magical, summer is a fairy tale, summer is heaven on earth!

We wish that you have common interests, because in the summer you can find something to your liking and share this joy with a like-minded person!

This section contains beautiful, cool, funny short and not very long statuses about summer for social networks. It is in the summer that everything around blossoms and breathes life. To enjoy the summer mood, we suggest taking a look at the selection:

“A wonderful summer has begun: peace and tranquility in nature, the pleasant coolness of the lake, bonfires and songs and, who knows, maybe fleeting love”

Bright sun, clear blue sky, long hot days - the long-awaited summer has arrived...

We are waiting for warmth, love and light, we are waiting for flowers, smiles, summer!

Yellow sand and azure sea, what could be better after the stuffy embrace of the city.

Nothing pleases you more I’m like packing a suitcase for a vacation...

There is spring in the soul, and summer in the heart, bright colors, sunshine!

“The doctor gives me two weeks to live. It would be nice in August.”

“... in order to forget a person, you can’t think of a better time than summer”

"In the summer, leaving the room
you with air conditioning on the street - a transition from the “comfort zone” to the “burner zone” ... "

“We eat less - we’re waiting for summer!”

And somewhere there is the sea, beaches, macho... The sunset is intoxicatingly beautiful! Everything is simpler here - summer, dacha, Shovels, rakes, vodka and beer!

I'm running barefoot towards the summer...

It’s annoying when half of the summer has already passed, and the sea still hasn’t bothered to come to you.

The long-awaited summer has arrived! You can spend your free time in nature and enjoy the world around you. On warm sunny days you just want to leave the noisy city and go into nature to gain strength.

Everyone is actively losing weight, doing fitness, at worst half-dancing, learning Chinese and mastering a new type of extreme cross-stitching, and I... I fry cutlets for my husband in the most primitive frying pan and am quite happy with life. Happiness is in the little things.

Everything around has turned green, it’s summer!

My head is full of ideas, people have a lot of plans... Lots of sunshine... Summer... Summer... Summer...

Egypt, Turkey, Maldives... It’s good where we are not... Vegetable garden, potatoes, weeding - this is the harsh reality.

Wait for me, summer, I will be beautifully undressed!

Summer means waking up every morning to the bright rays of the sun and running to the beach! Hurry up and swim!

In summer the world becomes brighter! (statuses about summer are beautiful and short)

How nice it is to sit on the veranda on a summer evening; how easy and calm; If only this evening would never end!

When summer comes, you realize that it would be better if mosquitoes sucked fat rather than blood.

Summer nights are not made for sleeping.

Summer is a wonderful time when there are many reasons to feel happy.

Summer is frivolity, openness, tenderness, emotionality, in a word, childhood!

Summer is the most delightful, green-eyed time.

Summer is that time of year when you sleep with the blanket thrown back, but it’s always lying next to you in case you freeze.

Summer is an annual, three-month sweet slice of life...

Summer is a sea of ​​sun, light and warmth... This is the time for joy... This is the sun in the sky... a bright sparkle in your eyes.

Summer is not when it’s warm, summer is when there is money.

Summer is a kiss from a sunbeam, a salty sea breeze, strawberries and lots and lots of sun.

Summer means sunny happiness, good mood, an end to depression, a beautiful tan and endless joy!!

Summer means sunny happiness, good mood, an end to depression, a beautiful tan and endless joy.

Summer is the brightness of colors, a ray of sunshine on the wall.

Summer has not yet begun, and I’m already afraid that it will end!

Summer means breaking the rules, ignoring your head, and following where your heart leads.

Summer has come. Half the office reads “how to seduce a girl,” and the other half of the office reads “how to seduce a guy.”

Summer, which begins on Saturday, by definition cannot be bad!

Summer, sea, sun, beach...

Summer, kisses until dawn, and in sea-colored eyes I will drown in love.

Summer, sun and heat, you walk until the morning!

Summer, sun, heat, dance until the morning - as soon as possible.

Summer, for the first time I ask you, be unforgettable, be the most, the most, not only for me, but for everyone.

Summer: the time of year when mothers need the patience of teachers.

In the summer you can always see who is swinging on the exercise machines and who is on the bed!

In summer, a person consists of 80% kvass and 20% cucumbers.

Summer dreams come true!

People wait all week for Friday, all month for holidays, all year for summer and all their lives for happiness...

I think it’s time to ask June now. June, do you know that spring is over? And we want a summer kiss!

Sea, summer, sun, beach - a terrible face, makeup smudged.

Never mind your problems - June has arrived.

It's summer outside, the soul is warmed with warmth, I want light and ultraviolet radiation, on the seashore, with a glass of alcohol!

Enjoy the summer of your life - winter always follows.

One summer kiss with the taste of fresh strawberries replaces ten kisses with the minty freshness of Orbit without sugar.

There is nowhere to escape the memories... This summer is forever in my heart.

From dusk to dawn, this summer is our summer!

Open doors and windows are the most economical air conditioners from Skvoznyachok

The nights have come when the sand is your seat, the waves kiss your feet, your friends are more than the stars, and even the coldest nights are warmer than something cool in your hand.

Goodbye textbooks, hello SMS. Goodbye class, hello beach. Goodbye sneakers, hello flip flops.

Let the most beautiful fairy tale of love happen in your life this summer.

With a cool head and clean hands, hot on our heels - towards summer!

What time is it? -Wednesday! -Oh, summer is coming!

The sun shines directly into the eye. Tan my back!

I want to go where there is sea and heat... And no work! Sit on the seashore in the summer, admire the sunset and think about good things...

I want to bring back our happy spring, but I must move towards a new summer without you.

I want summer, money, fame... I can have fame now...

I want summer, I want warmth... that sleepless night... those walks under the moon and your loving gaze...

In three Saturdays we will wake up in summer.

I want summer not to end, which has not yet begun!

Beautiful and short statuses with meaning about summer, cool and funny expressions about the hottest time of the year.

And summer smells like barbecue smoke, raspberries, the sea, pouring rain, ripe cherries, sunscreen and the vacation we’re looking forward to!!!

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And all that will remain from this summer is a souvenir brought from the sea, a framed photo and memories....Probably the sweetest memories.

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Summer is a sea of ​​sun, light and warmth... It's time for joy... It's the sun in the sky... And a bright sparkle in your eyes.

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I want to go where there is sea and heat... And nothing to do!!! Sit on the seashore in the summer, admire the sunset and think about good things...

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Summer in the capital: the hot asphalt smokes from the heat, you can’t sleep at night, you can’t hide from mosquito bites, and no matter how much water you drink, you still can’t get drunk.

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There is nowhere to escape the memories... This summer is forever in my heart.

Cool statuses about summer

And somewhere there is the sea, beaches, macho... The sunset is intoxicatingly beautiful! Everything is simpler here - summer, dacha, Shovels, rakes, vodka and beer!!!

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Summer: - 3 months without textbooks, - 92 days of freedom, - 2208 hours of happiness, - 132480 minutes of bliss, - 7948800 seconds of brightness. Soon. Very soon.

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I propose to fine the summer for speeding!

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My head is full of ideas, people have a lot of plans... Lots of sunshine... Summer... Summer... Summer...

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Only on Russian beaches are buoys placed in several lines. The first ones are for which you can’t swim, and the second ones are for which, well, seriously, you shouldn’t!

I won't go to Cyprus this year. Last year I didn’t go to Miami, and the year before I didn’t go to Tahiti. Next year I don’t know where I won’t go...

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Nothing pleases the eye more than a suitcase packed for vacation...)

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Summer is a period when you can’t just open a window on a bus that didn’t close in winter.

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I used to love summer, but then I realized that summer could be at any time of the year, if only I had money... Now I love money

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- Dad, are we going to go to the sea this summer? - With your grades... your tutors will go to the sea this year!

Great summer this year! It’s just a pity that the tan doesn’t stick through the jacket!

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I’m just burning with the desire to go to the sea... I now have this tradition... Every year in the summer I want to go to the sea!

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Now I understand why in high school we stopped writing essays on the topic “How I spent this summer”))

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There are seas and beaches in the distance, the sunset is intoxicating and beautiful!.. It’s simpler here: in the summer - a dacha, in winter - vodka and beer.

Short statuses about summer

Some rest in the summer, others go where it is SUMMER.

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The last month of summer, we walk until dawn!

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And I’ll add salt to the puddle - and there will be a small sea))

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Summer is a small life!

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Your butt sticks to the stool - that means summer has come!

Summer has come.... Online friends dropped by 2 times))

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Summer is coming. Hello diet!

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Chronicler... This is when the end of summer... Completely...

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It’s good in Siberia in the summer - there is no snow for a whole month!

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Sea, summer, sun, beach - a terrible face, makeup smudged.

I want to go where there is no Internet, where the sea is agitated and where summer lights up.

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Summer nights, we are looking forward to seeing you))

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After reading this, you brought summer closer by 5 seconds =)

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summer means good night at six in the morning.

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We urgently need the fourth month of summer!

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I want a summer where there is no time for the Internet!

Statuses about the beginning of summer

Summer has come so quickly that there are winter boots, spring boots and sandals in the hallway. In one row.

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So summer has come and the struggle between those who feel the wind and those who are hot has begun))

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Guys, summer is coming, don’t upset the female psyche, don’t wear flip-flops with socks...

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The time has come when you stand on the bed at 2 o'clock in the morning in just shorts with a slipper in your hand... and look out for this buzzing bastard.

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Again, I didn’t have time to lose weight by summer. I need to fatten my husband. I will win by contrast.

Statuses about the end of summer

It's a shame that "500 Days of Summer" is only the title of the film.

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If winter jokes until April, I want summer to take revenge until December.

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August is like Sunday evening.

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If the calendar says August 31st, and you haven’t been on vacation yet, this is your holiday. Loshara Day.

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It feels like summer is going away very quickly. Please slow down a little - I can't keep up!

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I can't help but feel like summer is almost over. That's it, a couple more moments, and that's all: falling leaves, rain, hot tea, studying and melancholy.

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Let's have your September already, this summer everything is clear to me!

Summer is the unfulfilled promise of spring. Speaking of summer, everyone dreams of enjoying the blissful warm nights, but in return they get a fake

I love him, he makes summer even warmer. Not because it’s light next to him, but when I’m with him, there’s no need for even light

The smell of summer is very diverse. It can smell like barbecue, sea, rain, raspberries, cherries and, of course, a long-awaited vacation

If you go to your contact page and see the status of most of your friends: “left,” it means summer has come

Best status:
What do you do with your time when it’s summer and hot? It's a great time to relax at sea, but in return you sit in contact and read my status

Summer time is a time of incredible adventures and unforgettable night walks

Everyone is looking forward to my new status about how my summer is going. I'm incredibly interested in where I am, what's happening to me, how much I've drunk and what I've done.

Summer is associated with a light chiffon dress, your favorite heels, the sweet aroma of fresh perfume, a warm breeze and passionate kisses until the morning. And in the mobile phone there is a painfully familiar SMS addressed to my mother: “I’ll come in the morning”!

Summer... It’s stupid to wander the streets, hide from the sun and not know what day of the week it is...

Summer is this, summer is that, Summer is summer, L, E, T and O

Half a bottle of rum, two pistols. A bag of a change of clothes - and you're ready. This is what it is, our summer. Nothing is sacred at all.

Summer has just begun, and I’ve already lost myself in the days!

Summer...I'm fried like a cutlet.

Summer, sun, heat, dance until the morning - hurry up)

Some rest in the summer, others go where it is SUMMER.

The season for wet armpits is open 😉

And I need your eyes so that I can soar in them like a bird. When it's SUMMER outside, you need to fall in love!

I want summer and sun!!! AND MORE!!!)

Chronicler... This is when the end of summer... Completely...

I really want this summer to be unforgettable.^^

Summer has come... Online friends have dropped by 2 times =D

Then all autumn she will regret it, because this is the last summer in her life with him...

Summer. The air conditioners are in heat.

My status has gone to party in the summer!!!:-).

Probably in the life of every person there was one, that special summer that he will never forget!

Summer is interesting and fast or boring and long... the law of meanness!

As usual in summer, all the worthwhile events happen at night. Such a night lasts three months...

uh, I love summer)) Well, when, besides the New Year, when you send an SMS “Are you sleeping?”, you get the answer “No))”.

- Oh, dear, when will real summer come? – REAL summer will come when you earn it.

From dusk to dawn, this summer is our summer!

summer is a small life =)

Summer... the time when it’s easier to breathe, when it’s easier to love someone, it’s easier to dream about someone, it’s easier to desire someone

Summer: the time of year when mothers need the patience of teachers)

She loves hot chocolate, summer, the sea and him.... She is a little crazy... Every day I see her in the mirror waiting for someone... someone's ex... someone's future.....

The season of bloody feet from awesome shoes has begun!

Summer is the most amazing time, you dream of spending all 90 days in such a way that this summer will remain in your memory forever...

I want summer, the sea, the beach, a bottle of martini and a sign that says “DO NOT DISTURB!”

August is the month when it is impossible to open a window on a bus, which could not be closed in December.

It’s time for schools to think about renaming essays from “how I spent my summer” to “how I fucked up my summer”!

Summer broke everyone up into pairs, but I was just broken...

hot summer days)) and the water in the river is not yet warm enough to swim...(((it’s a shame(((

Summer is the time when you set your alarm for 03.00 so you don’t forget to go to bed

If you have lived for a year and seen the change of seasons - winter, spring, summer, autumn - then you have already seen everything.

Summer has its downsides. Sand in our shoes or mosquitoes annoy us all.

Every summer is one big murder of my body!

Now I understand why in high school they don’t write the essay “What I did in the summer”

I want summer... it’s summer that makes me happy...

The first sign of summer: “What day of the week is it today?”

In June I always ask myself the question: Is it the poplar fluff that flies so low, or are the dandelions completely crazy?!))

In the summer, borscht is replaced by okroshka!

...Summer is a sea of ​​sun, light, warmth... This is a time for joy... This is the sun in the sky... And a bright sparkle in the eyes...

It is better to relax in the summer than to work in the winter.

If the summer is as hot as the previous one, the most relevant pitch will be “Hey, I have air conditioning”!

Summer means “good night” at 6.30 am)

It’s so cool outside... cloudy, sunny, rainy and warm =))

Summer - kisses until dawn :).

in two Saturdays, we will wake up in the summer

I want to remind you that some people missed 27 days of summer. You still have 67. Good luck.

Summer has come! Long live the diet!

Dry summer... The knights went a little small.

Summer 2011: floor-length sundress, small denim and gladiator sandals, and a flower on the head... everyone))

It’s good in the capital in the summer, riot police are harassing brunettes...

Sun Air and Water are our best friends. Beer Sex and Anonism strengthens the body...

My boyfriend will be summer, a hot guy.

You wander somewhere until the morning - that means summer has come!!!

Summer. Sun. Sea. Beach. A Martini bottle and a sign “Let's all go to hell...”

Summer is when outerwear looks more like underwear...

summer..summer again..songs around the fire again..dancing from night until morning

I hate summer..everything is getting terribly sexy! =)

winter has come, winter has gone, and summer is summer.

It was summer here, but I was working that day. =)

What will you give me, summer?

Summer is when you don’t regret anything...

I believe in you, Summer 2011. You must be unforgettable...

It's better to be near a fire in summer than near a river in winter.

Our summer is just winter painted green.

Our summer, although short, has little snow! Eh... this can’t be returned... but it can be repeated!!!))

There is no escape from the memories, this summer is forever in my heart

And all that will remain from this summer is a souvenir brought from the sea, a framed photo and memories...Probably the sweetest memories...¦

[My summer wouldn’t work without you...?]

I want summer to last forever...

Summer is the best time of the year! Time to love and be loved!

Summer is when you don’t want anything and want everything at once)

Summer is the time when you set your alarm for 03:00 so you don’t forget to go to bed.

Do you want to ruin your summer? Fall in love in June)).

the time has come when you stand on the bed at 2 a.m. in your underpants and with a slipper in your hand and look out for this buzzing bastard

Forecast for this summer. The rate for online contacts has decreased by 3 times, but the dollar has increased! Heh...

The summer ended without fulfilling any of its promises.

Fuck, how I need to lose weight for the summer...

Summer is a kiss from a sunbeam, a salty sea breeze, strawberries and lots and lots of sun...

And I want summer not to end, which has not yet begun! 😀

Your ass sticks to the stool - that means summer has come!

The last month of summer, we walk until dawn!

I don’t care about everything, because now it’s summer, it’ll be autumn, I’ll think about it!

Summer: – 3 months without textbooks, – 92 days of freedom, – 2208 hours of happiness, – 132480 minutes of bliss, – 7948800 seconds of brightness. Soon. Very soon.

Let's make the phrase “summer 2010” synonymous with happiness.

I want summer. Stupidly wander the streets, drink Fanta, hide from the sun and not know what day of the week it is

my favorite time of the year... The time when dreams come true...

I touched the smell of dawn and realized that I would break all the nets. Thank you, life, for making it summer in the world! Thank you, life, for keeping me alive!…

The summer was cold, but with little snow.

For me personally, there are only 2 seasons of the year, these are “SUMMER” and “WAITING FOR SUMMER”))

If you are not confident in your own nerves, this test is not for you...


You need to love mom, dad, marmalade, chocolate and summer. The rest is just bullshit.

In two Saturdays we will wake up in the summer. =))

Kiss your lips and caress your heart. Give summer instead of me. But to love is higher than the sky, and to value more than life. Who can do this to you like me?

Summer will show who put cotton wool in their bra!

summer is ending, which means soon it will only be: I want to sleep, I’m cold and let’s get drunk on Friday...

Summer is a small life!

summer - just summer we sunbathe, rejoice, and hardly sleep!'s nice to take a walk in the sun in the summer...but at home there is air conditioning!

“Summer is coming. Hello, diet!” - the exam is approaching, but there is zero knowledge in my head

The deeper the summer, the more lush the garden.

Summer is when outerwear looks more like underwear.

Summer-oh-oh, there are no stops and turns, it flew by like a comet, you catch it by the tail...

It’s good in Siberia in the summer, there’s no snow for a whole month :)

Summer has not yet begun, and I am already afraid that it will end.

The most delicious kisses are in the summer, they taste like strawberries, cherries and blueberries!

Summer is my favorite time of the year... The time when dreams come true...

Summer is the time “I came home in the morning because I went out at night!”

Summer - kisses until dawn. :)

Summer is not necessarily just a time of year. :) Summer is a state of mind!

Summer - someone goes out for a walk, someone gets married, but I just can’t get out of the binge!

Summer is the kiss of a sunbeam, a salty sea breeze, strawberries and lots and lots of sun...

Summer is when outerwear looks more like underwear.

In summer, a person consists of 80% kvass and 20% cucumbers...

Summer is like a breath of fresh air, like a bottle of mineral water in the morning...

In the summer, borscht is replaced by okroshka!

Summer is the time when you set your alarm for 05.00 so you don’t forget to go to bed.

Summer - is it interesting and fast or boring and long... the law of meanness!

Summer is like beer. It seems like they took enough, but then it’s over.

Summer is when you don’t want anything and want everything at once.

Summer is the season of irresponsibility.

Summer is the only time of the year when people go to the store rather than to the basement to buy potatoes.

Summer is an annual, three-month sweet spot in life.

You can arrange a summer for yourself at any time of the year - if only you had the money.

Summer is a time of happiness, hope and drunkenness, which is better not to remember.;)

Summer means “Good night” at 6:30 am.

Summer is paradise, who knows - will understand...

Summer is a small life!

Summer is associated with the smell of Komarex.

Summer will be sunny and hot, the main thing is not to miss this day.

Summer - one short word, 92 days of happiness. Why isn't it rubber?

Summer is a season too hot to do things that were too cold in winter.

Summer is when you don't come home to warm up.

Cool short statuses about summer

Summer is frivolity, openness, tenderness, emotionality, in a word - childhood!

Summer... It's time to dress up mini-family suits...

Summer... I'm fried like a cutlet.

Summer is a time when you don’t want to wear headphones because they’re too hot! :))

Summer - another attempt to start a new life...

Summer is not when it’s warm, summer is when there is money.

We just need the fourth month of summer.

In summer you don’t want anything more - except summer itself.

How did you spend your summer? -With a glance.

If the chair rises with you, it means it’s summer.

The deeper the summer, the more lush the garden. Vera Inber

This summer will be ours!)))

Summer, sun, heat, walk until the morning! And I went to bed!

Summer doesn't happen twice a year.

If winter jokes until April, then I want summer to take revenge until December!

I'm sure to fill this summer with crazy things to do.

My dream for this year is to cover the garden with asphalt.

No one got tired of the red summer. Russian proverb

Stupid things done in the summer are more fond memories than mistakes.

Summer, please, can you slow down?

I'll probably quit drinking! -Why? -Do you remember last summer? -Certainly! -But not me!

I hope there will be less snow in the summer.

Bye brain, hello summer.

In the summer we'll see who pumped the press and who rocked the refrigerator door!)))

The summer was promised to be hot. The year was not specified...

As usual in summer, all the worthwhile events happen at night.

In summer there is no difference between outerwear and underwear.

Funny short statuses about summer

Cool short statuses about summer

Do you also forget in the summer what day of the week it is?

We urgently need the fourth month of summer!

Well, to hell with it, with this summer!... We will rock it in the fall!)))

Beer and summer... made for each other!

Ah, our northern summer is a caricature of southern winters.

Now the most important thing is that June is aware that it is summer!

Damn, we've been busy with these exams all summer!

Anyone who wanted to lose weight by summer - relax and eat! There will be no summer!

Oh, summer! At this time, I don’t want to earn money, but to drink!)))

I am a summer lover, a summer lover, a summer addict... And I have a great plan for this summer...

We have two holidays in Siberia: New Year and Summer. And both last the same.

It’s good in the capital in the summer, riot police are harassing brunettes...

I love ice cream so much, it looks like summer is coming!)))

Well, summer has come, but nothing has changed in my soul...(((

The season of bloody feet from awesome shoes has begun!

Now the season is open when the right hand does not freeze, but sweats. =)))

This summer is only a few minutes old and I already adore it.

The season “Everyone drinks on the benches” is open.

So these 92 days of happiness, sun and love have begun...=)

I'm tired of this crazy spring... I want a crazy summer...

I want summer and sun! And more!)))

Hooray! Summer! Sun! Sea! Beach! Boys!

The last month of summer, we walk until dawn!

Summer - just summer we sunbathe, rejoice, and hardly sleep!

Summer - life begins, people fall in love. It's always summer!

I hate summer... everything is getting terribly sexy! =)

There is a crisis in the country... Spring has been cut short... As if summer would not be fired!

Summer has just begun, and I’ve already lost myself in the days!

Summer has come! Long live the diet!

Funny short statuses about summer

Cool short statuses about summer

Never mind the problems - June has come.

First of June! Summer has come. And with the warmth of June the whole earth is warmed.

That awkward moment when you find out it's summer!

You wander somewhere until the morning - that means summer has come!

Your ass sticks to the stool - that means summer has come!

In 9 months we will have a new summer.

Do you dream of losing weight by summer? Relax, there will be no summer!))) Eat!

Better than Indian summer... there can only be Indian spring.

Soul on the sea, butt on a chair.

It seems I'm pregnant. I'm sick of work and drawn to the salty sea...

The higher the thermometer, the shorter the length of my skirt.)))

Summer! Looking at the shoes in the hallway, it seems that a 40-footer lives in the house.

Expensive! What should I take to the seaside to make everyone go crazy?!? -Sled...)))

Where are you going in the summer? -On a binge.

Sitting for an hour and a half to paint your eyes, and then putting on glasses - that’s what summer means!

Summer in the village - fresh air, river, heat, flowers... Dung!)))

Girl, you've put on so much makeup... aren't you hot?)))

Dear, I want to hear only three words this summer: “I love you!” I'll buy it! Let's fly!"

I’ll add salt to the puddle, there will be a small sea!)))

Fuck you, not summer! Father Frost.)))

Poplar fluff... heat... July...

A couple more degrees and the weather will turn to vodka!

Our summer, although short, has little snow!

I've been waiting for you so much, summer... but you're not at all happy with the weather...

Dry summer... The knights went a little small.

Summer will be sunny and hot, the main thing is not to miss this day.

It’s good in Siberia in the summer, there’s no snow for a whole month! :)

Funny short statuses about summer

Cool short statuses about summer

Our summer in Siberia is warm... You don’t have to wear a sweater under your sheepskin coat.

In summer, idleness has an excuse - the heat.

Dad said: -Damn, it’s hot, like in porn!)))

It seems that Rain didn't pay his taxes and lost his rain license!

A room with air conditioning is a branch of HEAVEN on earth.

We installed an air conditioner at home. I had an orgasm!

Damn, only I could do this: catch a cold in 40-degree heat...

I'll go south. It's cooler there...

This summer, the best attraction to shopping is not discounts, but air conditioning!

This summer burned us, dried us down to our very nerves.

I hate the heat! Attractions! Children! Signed: amusement ride operator...

It’s so hot in the apartment that when I turn on the light in the room, I hide in the shade! :)

On a summer day, after the sweltering heat, warm rain is very welcome.

What's good about a hot summer - not a single woman will say that she lacks warmth.

And now it’s a different summer - hot, merciless and different.

The heat will show who has which legs!)))

In summer everyone complains about the heat, in winter everyone complains about the cold. How else does nature even tolerate us?

I'll remove the shelf in the center of the refrigerator! Urgently!

In the summer it’s a pity to even sleep - when it’s still so warm around the clock.

Looks like a lot of people are getting sick from the heat!

Eh! It's nice to take a walk in the sun in the summer... but at home there is air conditioning!

The asphalt is melting under the hot rays of the sun today.

Lord, save and preserve the genius who invented air conditioning.

And outside the window it’s +39... Light clothing and a slight hope for rain saves...

Well, did everyone want a real, hot summer? Get it, sign it!:P

I want to be a boy. Summer. Heat. And you hop and took off your shirt.

Sun, summer, sea, beach - scary face, blurry makeup...)))

Expensive! What should I take to the seaside to make everyone go crazy?!? -Sled...)))

Funny short statuses about summer

Cool short statuses about summer

Let's go throw Viagra into the sea and watch the Sun rise...

Fell in love with you forever to the songs of the sea...

The soul is at sea, and the body... the body, damn it, is getting ready for work...

I was on my way to the sea, and suddenly... the alarm clock rang!

I've never seen the sea, and I'm just dying from the memories...

I close my eyes: The sound of the surf... freedom... I open my eyes: The fan. Job.

Summer is singing, the sea is calling, and we are like this... on the Internet...

"Good morning!" - this is when the clock says 11:00, summer is on the calendar, and outside the window is the sea!

I want to go to the sea this summer... It’s my tradition to want to go to the sea every summer.

Wonderful summer! The beach season has not yet begun, but the mushroom season is already in full swing!

Summer and the beach will show who stuffed foam rubber and cotton wool into their bra in winter!:D

The movement of men along the beach: look forward - two look back!

I took a day off and went to the beach. In the evening I will tell my family that I was on fire at work.

Great summer... It's a pity that the tan doesn't stick through... the jacket...

The tan will fade, but the memories will remain forever.

Here comes summer!))) Someone has snow, but I eat strawberries and bask in the sun!)))

Good girls sunbathe in a swimsuit, bad girls are topless, smart girls are in the shade.

It's a pity that there is so little left of summer... Fake tan and sandals.

If your skin doesn't come off after tanning, then you haven't sunbathed!

Vacation pay always ends faster than vacation!)))

The easiest way is to give up on the resort.

How hard you have to work to have such a rest! Alexander Mikheev

The sea is calling... The wave is singing... And here I am in the garden...

Sun, sea, beach... The smell of the sea wind and the kisses of a beloved man.

If everyone is naked on the beach, it means the time of year is summer!

I'm flying to where the sky merges with the sea...

Sea and sky are two symbols of infinity...

Summer... Sea... Beach... Crayfish... Beer... Top up...)))

Let's tell each other how much we want to go to the sea!

Funny short statuses about summer

Cool short statuses about summer

But someone now has the sea outside their window!)))

To go to the beach more often in the summer, you need to go to the refrigerator less often in the spring.:D

What can happen - there is warm water on the beach and nice guys.

There, on the beach, where summer is melting, it seemed like all this was forever...

I want summer, the sea, the beach, a bottle of martini and a sign that says “Do not disturb!”

SOMEWHERE is the most popular summer holiday destination...

Nothing pleases the eye more than a packed suitcase for a vacation...

Now my best friend is... a fan. XD

The best summer is when you spend it with friends!

My summer wouldn't work without you...

Love is transferred to the night - during the day it is very hot.

Let the most beautiful fairy tale of love happen in your life this summer.

Summer will happen again, but love is gone forever.

This summer you definitely need to meet the sunrise with someone you love.

You will make this summer the best if you are by my side.

Even in this heat, your icy heart will not melt...

In every girl's life there is a boy with whom she will never forget the summer.

Maybe we'll meet somewhere this summer...

I want nothing more than to spend this summer with you.

Summer is the best time of the year! Time to love and be loved!

I have a whole summer ahead of me. 92 days. Which I don't need without you.

Only next to you this summer will be unforgettable...

Summer - do crazy things for your loved ones.

We need to find eternal love for ourselves. For the summer.:D

If it’s July and I can’t stay warm without you, maybe it’s love.

You need to love mom, dad, marmalade, chocolate and summer. The rest is just bullshit.

From dusk to dawn, this summer is our summer!

Summer this year is like love. You keep waiting for it and waiting, but it doesn’t come.

That's all... this June is for you alone...

To June, to freedom, to the wind, to kisses...

Funny short statuses about summer

Cool short statuses about summer

Do you want to ruin your summer? Fall in love in June.

Girl of July, how I love you! And, probably, Julia, this is forever!

There are only a couple of months until summer, and the bone is still wide.

I'm a maximalist at heart, but with the arrival of summer I become an ardent fan of minis!

Haven't you found half of summer yet? I lost it recently.

Summer, summer again, songs around the fire again, dancing from night to morning.

The main sign of summer is mosquitoes.

There is nothing sadder on the planet than the thought of the end of summer.

Summer broke everyone up into pairs, but I was just broken...

The older I get, the more boring summer gets.

In my dreams there was a slightly different summer.

Plans for the summer remained plans.

You’re sitting there, thinking, it’s summer, yes, but everything is as usual.

It's a shame that 500 Days of Summer is just the title of the film.

It won't always be summer. Aesop

Summer flew by quickly... I want to relax some more!)))

And we didn’t even notice how quickly this summer flew by.

Summer ends with open dresses.

Summer, I really want you to come back.

Soon we will wake up, and summer will no longer be there.

It feels like the end of summer... but it feels like the end of the world...

Another summer has flown by... we'll be waiting for you...;(

Summer is not over, it has changed...

Well, What can I say? I'm screwed, comrades. All!

So the summer has passed, as if it never happened...

The summer was cold, but with little snow.

Summer is over, the dacha is over, the shovels are out of hand and the vodka is hamstered!)))

Chronicler... This is when the end of summer... Completely...

Only dreams of summer and a new life heal me.

Funny short statuses about summer

Cool short statuses about summer

I really want this summer to be unforgettable.

I dreamed of a summer full of adrenaline, but what I got was a summer on the couch.

How I spent summer!? - It's a sin...

My boyfriend will be Leto, a hot guy.

I don’t care about everything, because now it’s summer, it’ll be autumn, I’ll think about it!

I'm running barefoot through the night...

How little time until summer... How much fat on the sides...

I have 2 tickets for summer! Who's with me?

I urgently demand summer!

I wish everyone a summer with... no time for the Internet!

I want to go where there is no Internet... the sea worries and the summer lights up!

Summer! I'm leaving the Internet!

I want a summer where there is no time for the Internet!

Like if you want summer.

And all that was left from the summer were text messages...

Summer is not over... It is always with us... In photographs and in the soul...)))

Let this summer be without the Internet.

I want to go where there is no Internet, but only sun, waves and heat...

How I spent summer?! With regret... I met you at the computer!

Have any plans for the summer? -Real life without the Internet!

It was a super summer - on the Internet!)))

Summer, summer! Fuck people who spend days on the Internet.

Don't let summer go to waste, go have some fun - stop sitting at the computer!

In the darkness of the night, in the light of day I sit on VKontakte, and outside the window it’s summer.