The best diet: reviews and results. The best diet in the world

As soon as the problem of excess weight arises, the search begins to find out which weight loss diet is the most effective, which will allow you to get rid of the hated kilograms at home. Someone needs to do it very quickly, literally in 3 days. Others begin to think about how to build weight for summer as early as March. Some people need to lose 3-4 kg, and for others, 15 kg is not the limit.

All these factors must be taken into account when selecting the best nutrition system that will put your figure in order. They form the basis of ratings and TOPs.

Performance criteria

To determine which diet is the most effective, you need to rely on the following criteria:

  • basic and permitted products should be familiar to your diet and should not cause allergies;
  • without weight gain, i.e., consolidation of the result, the so-called exit from the diet, must be prescribed;
  • without harm to health;
  • efficiency: naturally, you want to get maximum results;
  • official: the best weight loss systems are those recommended by nutritionists;
  • minimum side effects and contraindications;
  • availability of detailed menus;
  • more positive reviews than negative ones.

Did you like any diet? Run it through this series of criteria. If most of them don't hold up, keep looking. And do not forget to focus on the timing of weight loss and the final result that you need. Special ratings will help you find the right option.

By timing

First, decide in what time frame you need to lose weight: in 1 day or in six months. The latter option, of course, is preferable, as it reduces weight slowly and without harm to health. But usually no one has such a reserve of time. Fasting days are also very effective, but only if 1-3 kg are preventing you from living.

  1. Water
  2. Apple
  3. Kefir
  4. On buckwheat
  5. Milk/protein
  6. On rice
  7. Oat
  8. Cucumber
  9. On cottage cheese
  10. At tea

These are the most effective and efficient fasting days, giving minus 0.5-2 kg.

For 3 days

Express diets for 3 days are usually needed for quick weight loss, when time is short and you urgently need to get rid of 3-5 kg ​​for some important event. The best of them are presented in the rating below.

  1. Kefir
  2. On a chicken
  3. Buckwheat
  4. Banana
  5. Egg
  6. Rice
  7. Apple
  8. Drinking
  9. On cottage cheese
  10. Chocolate

Remember that such short-term techniques give good results at first, but soon the lost pounds return.

For more information about express diets, see ours.

For a week

Weekly diets are considered the most effective, since the body does not have time to become depleted in such a period and detect a deficiency of some substances. But the kilograms disappear due to the change in diet. If you need quality weight loss, choose from the ratings below.

  1. Colored: each day's menu has a specific color in which all products must be painted
  2. Egg
  3. On buckwheat
  4. No carbohydrates
  5. Salt-free

The results are difficult to predict. Typically, you can lose from 3 to 10 kg in a week - this depends on the size of portions, calorie content of foods, accuracy of following recommendations, physical activity and many other factors.

For 2 week

Many nutritionists are sure that one week is not enough for quality weight loss. You must first prepare your body for such serious stress. Then strictly adhere to the chosen system. Finally, it is very important to get out of it correctly. All these nuances are usually prescribed in detail in diets for 2 weeks. The most effective of them are listed below.

  1. No carbohydrates
  2. Chemical
  3. German
  4. On porridge
  5. Fruity
  6. (can be extended for 15 days)

For 21 days

If you have time and endurance, any two-week diet can always be extended for another one. But some methods are initially designed specifically for 21 days. The most effective of them:

  1. Kefir
  2. Separate food
  3. American (no dinner and unhealthy fats)
  4. Japanese (no fat and no salt)
  5. Chinese (fish and meat)
  6. Institute of Nutrition of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences (fractional meals, low-carbohydrate foods)
  7. Buckwheat

Get ready for the fact that almost everything, even the most effective diets for 3 weeks, are extremely difficult to tolerate and require inhuman endurance. Result - 10-15 kg.

For a month

Those who are looking for effective diets for a month should be prepared for the fact that a lot will change in their lives: their daily schedule (due to diet), diet, well-being and, of course, appearance. With the right approach, you can lose up to 20 kg.

  1. Malysheva - for slimming the belly and sides (based on avocado, ginger and blueberries)
  2. For the lazy (water)
  3. Skinny
  4. Babushkina
  5. Kefir
  6. Vegetable

About 50% of people who reach the end of this type of diet remain committed to the principles of healthy eating. This allows you to improve your well-being and never again become hostage to excess weight.


And, finally, the most effective long-term diets, which involve not so much losing weight as changing your lifestyle through an updated, healthier diet.

  1. - 5 weeks
  2. German - 7 weeks
  3. Liepaja Diet Khazan - 3 months
  4. - about six months
  5. Michel Montignac - all his life
  6. Malysheva - all life (based on the principles of healthy eating)
  7. Doctor Bormenthal
  8. Fractional
  9. - 3 months

Each rating includes the most popular, tried and tested diets designed for different periods. Look for the time frame that suits you. Then run the selected systems through other TOP systems that match your needs.

According to the results

Without formulating a specific goal, which should be expressed in a real number when losing weight, you risk never achieving it. The most effective diets always spell out what results you can expect from them. So make up your mind and look for the one that suits you.

To lose weight by 5 kg

  1. No carbohydrates
  2. Protein
  3. Darling
  4. Malysheva for 10 days (with chicken and “Brush” salad)
  5. Low carb
  6. On a banana peel

To lose weight by 10 kg

  1. Kefir
  2. Salt-free
  3. Vegetable
  4. Maggi
  5. Vegetarian
  6. Teahouse

For weight loss of 15-20 kg

  1. Energy diets (in cocktails)
  2. Chemical
  3. Kremlevskaya
  4. Maggi
  5. Dukan
  6. Malysheva
  7. Protein

The lightest

Many people, knowing their weak character and love of sweets, are looking for which diet is the easiest and most effective. I want to avoid starving myself and lose weight at the same time.

It’s worth mentioning right away that the idea itself is somewhat utopian. Yes, there are weight loss systems based on chocolate, sweets, watermelons and other goodies. But without following certain rules (the same physical activity and limiting portions), even the most effective of them are unlikely to satisfy such requests. And yet there are some:

  1. For the lazy (water)
  2. Chocolate
  3. Watermelon
  4. Fruity
  5. Candy (on lollipops)
  6. Brazilian
  7. Hollywood
  8. Crab

The toughest

  1. Lemon
  2. Drinking
  3. Salt-free
  4. Model
  5. Rice
  6. Buckwheat
  7. On buckwheat and kefir
  8. Oatmeal
  9. On bread and water
  10. Only on the water

Diets are characterized by a strict diet and strict adherence to rules. Those who are weak-willed and weak-willed should not even take on them.

The safest

Many people are looking for diets to lose weight without harming their health - this criterion is a priority for them compared to all others. Indeed, any nutritional system that limits the consumption of a certain number of foods is always fraught with unpleasant consequences for well-being. Nausea, malaise, hunger, decreased performance, dizziness - this is not a complete list of side effects that almost everyone who loses weight dooms themselves to. But in modern dietetics there are techniques that allow you to avoid them.

  1. Skinny
  2. Babushkina
  3. Acting
  4. Healthy eating (Malysheva system)
  5. Vegetarian (although it has a lot of critics)
  6. "Forever"
  7. Alkaline
  8. Low fat
  9. Fractional
  10. Separate food

According to doctors, each of the presented diets is effective and safe for health. Almost all of them offer a varied and balanced menu, which eliminates the deficiency of individual substances necessary for the normal functioning of the body.

From the experts

Some trust their body only to professionals and look for diets developed exclusively by specialists. Well, that's a very wise approach. And our next TOP includes just such.

  1. Michel Montignac is a French nutritionist. Books: “Have dinner and lose weight!” (1986), “I eat, then I lose weight” (1987).
  2. Anna Johansson (-separate meals) is a Swedish nutritionist.
  3. Elena Vasilievna Malysheva is a Russian therapist, doctor and professor of medical sciences. She has developed a very effective healthy eating method.
  4. Robert Coleman Atkins is an American cardiologist and nutritionist. His most famous work is Dr. Atkins' Dietary Revolution (1972). The founder of the carbohydrate-free weight loss system.
  5. Hiroshi Watanabe is a Japanese doctor. The book “The Morning Banana Diet” brought him considerable popularity.
  6. Lev Yakovlevich Khazan is a Latvian nutritionist, author of the famous “Liepaja diet”.
  7. Anna Seiler-Haus, a Swiss nutritionist, suggested losing weight on vegetables and fruits.
  8. Kim Protasov is an Israeli doctor whose identity has been questioned in many sources. 1999 article “Don’t make a cult out of food. A skinny cow is not yet a gazelle.”
  9. Alexey Vladimirovich Kovalkov is a Russian nutritionist, author of a technique called “Minus Size”. The main product is vegetables.
  10. Vladimir Ivanovich Mirkin is a Ukrainian doctor, candidate of medical sciences, psychotherapist. Work - “How to lose weight once and for all.”

On the one hand, such diets are indeed distinguished by maximum scientific validity. Their main principle is not to harm your health and only then - to promote weight loss. And one without the other, as we know, is impossible.

In practice, these systems turn out to be the most viable and safe. Although keep your ears open: for example, there is an opinion that Kim Protasov is nothing more than a pseudonym for a Russian journalist who once wrote a culinary column in an Israeli magazine. The biography and photographs of Anna Johanson are also hard to find during the day. So check all the information more thoroughly.


Modern dietetics actively uses new developments in the field of nutrition. The results of many laboratory tests are innovative methods for losing weight. Sometimes very unexpected, they gradually gain recognition from ordinary people. Therefore, we cannot ignore the rating of the newest diets of our time, which have already proven themselves on the most positive side.

  1. Hypoglycemic
  2. By blood type
  3. Pulse
  4. Dynamic
  5. On sushi
  6. Bread units
  7. Shape diet
  8. Diet-light
  9. For the brain
  10. Scarsdale

Sometimes they cause bewilderment with their unexpected postulates, but at their core they are all scientifically based and, if followed correctly, should give good results.

Overall rating

  1. Kremlevskaya
  2. Malysheva (one that is based on the principles of healthy eating)
  3. Salt-free
  4. Protein
  5. Vegetarian
  6. Vegetable
  7. Atkins
  8. Energy diets
  9. Alkaline

At least one list from the above will definitely tell you the direction of your search. The main thing is to take into account as many factors as possible that are of paramount importance to you personally. Once you have chosen a diet, read as many reviews about it as possible, study as much information as possible, and adapt it to your lifestyle. If you feel that it does not suit you, move on to the next point in the rating. And so on until you find your own best method.

Is it possible to lose weight quickly and without harm to your health? How to achieve this and choose the optimal diet for yourself? What are the contraindications? Let's find out all the intricacies of this difficult matter.

The times of famous artists and buxom beauties have faded into oblivion, and they have been replaced by the era of catwalks and fragile skinny women. Slenderness or slight thinness is now considered perhaps the main sign of female beauty.

Naturally thin girls rejoice and pamper themselves with their favorite delicacies, while the vast majority of the fair sex carefully count calories, spend long hours in the gym and go to stores with baked goods and sweets on the tenth route. A healthy lifestyle and nutrition is, of course, good.

Its advantages are that the weight goes away once and for all. The disadvantage of this regime is that it takes a long time to see noticeable results, and such a diet is designed for life.

What should you do if the most important meeting in your life is about to take place, but your favorite dress just doesn’t want to be buttoned up? In such cases, quick diets help, which are famous for their effectiveness and immediate results. Read more about such diets in this article.

Regardless of what diet you choose, there is a set of rules that you need to adhere to for any lifestyle and diet.

The most popular express diets

The most popular and effective diets for quick weight loss come to the rescue in situations where you urgently need to get rid of a few extra pounds. Girls should understand that the kilograms quickly lost with the help of such a diet will soon and most likely return.

In addition, the express diet is called so not only because of the quick results, but also because the period of adherence to the diet, as a rule, is no more than a week; in the most extreme case, you can stay on such a diet for two weeks, but no more. The fact is that such diets are very strict, so along with a lack of calories, the body also receives a significant deficiency of microelements, vitamins and fats vital for brain function.

Think about whether you need thinness that comes with falling hair, ugly skin and constant fatigue? Of course no.

That is why the diets below are designed for a maximum of two weeks.

In quickly losing weight, your reliable assistants will be mono-diets, the essence of which is that you can only eat one type of product, for example, buckwheat, kefir or a certain type of fruit or vegetable.

Choose a product whose taste you like. A mono-diet is quite an ordeal, which becomes much more difficult if you have to choke on food that you cannot stand.

Hollywood Diet

This diet at one time helped many famous beauties, for example, Nicole Kidman and Catherine Zeta-Jones. The original version of the diet included foods such as oysters, shrimp, mangoes and pineapples.

Of course, for world-famous stars, spending hundreds of dollars on groceries every day is a normal practice, but more modest girls will have to use a slightly modified version of the diet.

Not allowed: sugar and salt in any form and in any products, alcohol, fried and fatty foods.

You can: food rich in protein: dietary meat, seafood, eggs, low-calorie fruits and vegetables, clean water in large quantities.

Restrictions: this diet should be followed no longer than two weeks and no more than four times a year.

Disadvantages: lack of vitamins and energy, mood swings, poor health.

Advantages: fast and impressive results, up to 10 kilograms in two weeks.

Sample menu:

  • tomato, chicken egg, tea;
  • quail or chicken eggs, citrus (except tangerines), black coffee;
  • light vegetable salad, herbal tea, boiled egg;
  • 2 quail eggs, fruit salad;
  • boiled chicken breast, citrus, cucumber, herbs and cabbage salad.
  • lean boiled, baked or steamed beef, cucumber or apple, green tea;
  • boiled or baked fish with lemon, greens and cabbage salad, herbal tea;
  • low-calorie fruit salad, egg;

These options can be combined as you like and even swapped, but the diet is still complicated.

This is one of the most popular mono-diets, the essence of which is clear and obvious. Before going on a kefir diet, you should consult a specialist about contraindications and possible consequences. This diet comes in two versions. The first includes only kefir and nothing else, the second is more gentle, it allows you to eat low-calorie foods that will give you strength and provide you with a minimum set of vitamins.

Not allowed: fatty, fried, spicy, salty, sweet, black tea and coffee.

You need: kefir 1% fat, fruits (excluding grapes and bananas), boiled chicken, baked potatoes.

Restrictions: the diet is designed for only 7 days.

Disadvantages: meager menu, lack of nutrients and microelements.

Advantages: if you follow the kefir diet, you lose 7 kilograms in a week.

Sample menu

The daily diet includes 1.5 liters of 1% fat kefir and 400 grams of any foods allowed by the diet, for example, boiled meat. You only need to eat one type of additional food per day, that is, if you ate meat today, you can only eat fruit tomorrow.

Cabbage diet

Another well-known and effective diet, the basis of which is cabbage. It is much more varied than the kefir diet, so it is much easier to follow, but your menu will be repeated from day to day. In addition, cabbage contains a large amount of fiber and various vitamins, and this is an undeniable plus of the cabbage diet.

Not allowed: fatty, fried, sweet, flour, alcohol, grapes, bananas.

You need: fresh vegetables and fruits, boiled or steamed meat, sea fish, chicken, duck or quail eggs, kefir.

Restrictions: duration of the cabbage diet is from 7 to 10 days.

Disadvantages: lack of carbohydrates can cause fatigue and poor health.

Advantages: as a result of the diet, up to 10 kilograms of excess weight can be lost.

Sample menu:

  1. Breakfast: green tea or coffee without sugar;
  2. Lunch: cabbage salad with cucumbers, carrots, tomatoes or herbs, seasoned with olive oil, 200 grams of boiled meat or fish;
  3. Dinner: cabbage salad, quail or small chicken egg;
  4. 2 hours before bedtime: a glass of kefir 0% or 1% fat.

Top most effective diets for weight loss

The buckwheat diet is very beneficial for the body, it helps the gastrointestinal tract and removes toxins from the body. In addition, buckwheat is rich in fiber and iron, so the risk of developing anemia on such a diet is reduced to zero.

Not allowed: fatty, floury, sweet, spicy, greasy, salty.

You need: buckwheat porridge, tea, lemon, honey, low-fat kefir.

Restrictions: the buckwheat diet should not last longer than a week, and it should be repeated no more than 2 times a year.

Disadvantages: Lack of proteins and fats in the diet can negatively affect your health.

Advantages: if certain rules are followed, 10 kilograms of excess weight are removed from the body.

Buckwheat diet rules:

  • do not eat 5 hours before bedtime;
  • buckwheat should not be boiled, but steamed overnight;
  • drink plenty of water or green tea;
  • in case of severe hunger, you are allowed to drink one glass of low-fat kefir.

Sample menu:

  1. Breakfast: a glass of warm water with a teaspoon of honey and two slices of lemon;
  2. Lunch: buckwheat porridge, water;
  3. Lunch: buckwheat porridge, tea without sugar;
  4. Dinner: buckwheat porridge, tea without sugar;
  5. You need to get out of the buckwheat diet gradually, gradually adding fruits, vegetables and protein-rich foods to your diet.

No carbohydrate diet

A no-carb diet is one of the most delicious diets, and it’s also easy and enjoyable. You don't have to starve or restrict yourself very much.

The main rule of this diet is that no more than 250 kcal should enter the body with carbohydrates. Otherwise, you can practically limit yourself.

  1. Fruits and vegetables with a high starch content (corn, potatoes and others);
  2. Sugar and sweeteners;
  3. Store-bought semi-finished products;
  4. Alcohol;
  5. Fruits other than apples, peaches, coconuts, berries and citrus fruits;
  6. Fatty foods.
  1. Dairy products: low-fat cottage cheese, kefir, natural yogurt, a little milk;
  2. Meat: chicken, turkey, rabbit, beef, veal;
  3. Seafood: sea fish, shrimp, crabs, lobsters, mussels;
  4. By-products: liver, stomach, heart, tongue, eggs;
  5. Nuts: almonds, sesame seeds, sunflower and pumpkin seeds;
  6. Porridge: buckwheat, oatmeal, pea.

Restrictions: the diet should last no longer than 7 days.

Disadvantages: the diet is quite balanced and rich in nutrients, however, due to the low carbohydrate content, you may feel fatigued, absent-minded, drowsy, and decreased concentration.

Advantages: in a week of following such a diet you can lose up to 10 kilograms of excess weight.

Sample menu:

  1. Breakfast: oatmeal with berries, boiled egg;
  2. Lunch: low-fat cottage cheese and unsweetened tea;
  3. Lunch: boiled meat or fish and vegetable salad;
  4. It is better to skip dinner and drink plenty of clean water throughout the day.

Fresh juice diet

This is one of the most difficult and strict diets; you should not use it if you have health problems.

Don't: any solid food.

Need to; freshly squeezed juices from oranges, grapefruits, grapes, cucumbers or celery. Broths made from green peppers, cabbage and tomatoes.

Restrictions: a diet on freshly squeezed juices should not last more than three days.

Disadvantages: this diet is very difficult to maintain, and it can cause health problems.

Advantages: 3 kilograms of excess weight are lost in 3 days.

Sample menu: there should be 3 meals a day, which consist of 200-300 grams of juice. During breaks, you can drink clean water.

The most effective diets for losing weight by 20 kg or more: rating

There are two effective diets that will help you lose 20 kilograms of excess weight in a short time.

Diet No. 1

The duration of this diet is 20 days, it is divided into 5 stages of 4 days each. To achieve optimal results, you need to adhere to the following menu:

Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Stage 4 Stage 5
Breakfast Have breakfast with apples and a small amount of grainy low-fat cottage cheese. You can wash down your breakfast with herbal tea. At this stage, breakfast is skipped, but a cup of unsweetened green tea will not cause harm. A very tasty and healthy breakfast - cucumber salad. For taste, you can add salt, olive oil, lemon juice and chopped herbs. After this, you can drink a glass of mineral water. Have breakfast with a portion of low-fat cottage cheese and green tea with mint or chamomile. At stage 5, you will again have to abstain from breakfast, however, if you are completely unbearable to endure a year, drink a glass of warm milk.
Dinner As a main dish, boiled salted rice with boiled or steamed chicken fillet is suitable.

You can also eat a light spring salad of cucumbers and tomatoes with the addition of olive oil, lemon juice and herbs.

You can wash down your lunch with a glass of milk.

Buckwheat porridge will give you strength and energy, and boiled cod and chicken eggs will become a source of protein necessary for the body.

A cup of green tea without sugar would be a good idea.

There is no need to have lunch today, you can only drink a glass of warm water with a tablespoon of lemon juice. At this stage, lunch will not be rich: boil yourself some broccoli, and after lunch drink a glass of mineral water. A delicious dish - boiled cod with herbs and lemon.

Cucumbers are perfect as a vegetable component.

Dinner At this stage there is no need to eat dinner at all. As a last resort, you can drink a glass of warm milk; besides, this has a beneficial effect on the quality of sleep. You can dine with a light and tasty cabbage and tomato salad, dressed with butter and lemon. This dinner is rich in proteins: boiled beans and steamed chicken. You can drink it with a glass of clean water. Again no dinner. But if you really want to, then you can. Treat yourself to an apple and water with lemon juice. Dinner will be delicious: boiled rice with parsley and dill, garnished with tomato slices. Wash it down with chamomile tea.

Diet No. 2

This diet lasts only 2 weeks, but the results are impressive. You just need to strictly follow the menu below.

1 Week 2 week
Day 1 Boil 3 chicken eggs and 5 jacket potatoes. This is all your food for today. On this day you can eat 1 boiled chicken egg, and 2 tomatoes with it. In addition, boil yourself some lean beef. You can wash everything down with a glass of mineral water.
Day 2 The body needs protein, so make yourself cottage cheese with low-fat sour cream and wash it down with a glass of kefir. For breakfast you can eat a light salad of tomatoes and cucumbers, have baked beef for lunch, and for dinner you will get 2 small apples.
Day 3 You'll have to go hungry, today's menu includes only 2 apples, 2 glasses of kefir and 1 liter of fruit or vegetable juice. We repeat yesterday, only instead of salad for breakfast there will be a slice of rye bread.
Day 4 Today you can eat 400 grams of boiled beef, veal or chicken, as well as 2 glasses of kefir and chamomile tea instead of dinner. We repeat yesterday again, only now we add to it another slice of bread and 2 glasses of kefir.
Day 5 Another hungry day: 4 apples and a liter of mineral water. On this day you can eat as much as half a kilo of apples. In addition, you need to eat 3 boiled potatoes and drink 2 glasses of kefir.
Day 6 Boil and eat 3 potatoes, and the lack of protein can be compensated for with one glass of kefir, milk or yogurt. For breakfast you can eat 2 boiled chicken or duck eggs, for lunch - a little boiled chicken fillet, and for dinner - 2 cucumbers and green tea.
Day 7 Half a liter of kefir and mineral water is your diet today. Today you can eat 2 green apples, 4 jacket potatoes and drink 2 glasses of low-fat kefir.

You need to combine such diets with moderate physical activity; it will help keep your skin toned and prevent it from sagging.


Any diet is a real stress for the body, which can result in unwanted health problems. If you suffer from anything from the list below, then it is better to avoid radical diets.

  1. Stomach ulcer, gastritis;
  2. Kidney diseases;
  3. Diabetes;
  4. Pregnancy or breastfeeding, as well as planning pregnancy;
  5. Hypertension;
  6. Allergies;
  7. Chronic indigestion;
  8. Atherosclerosis;
  9. Cholelithiasis;
  10. Severe metabolic diseases;
  11. Climax;
  12. Heart defects;
  13. Liver diseases;
  14. Depression.

Let's summarize. The most important thing is that you need to lose weight wisely. Consider your individual characteristics and the potential harm of radical diets.

The best solution is to consult with a specialist who will explain to you how to properly achieve the desired results.

Keep in mind that many diets reduce productivity and deteriorate brain function, so you should not lose weight during exams or preparing important projects. If signs that worry you appear during the diet, restore your normal diet and consult a doctor. Remember - health comes first!

This publication in a magazine for entrepreneurs may seem strange to many of our readers. In fact, it’s not strange that a website for entrepreneurs publishes weight loss guides and information about the best diets. Look at our page and you will see that even in the photo our editor-in-chief is shown in the gym. And this is no coincidence. Running a serious business means experiencing constant stress and serious workload. You can run a business without playing sports, without following a healthy lifestyle, without diets and physical activity. But not for long! This guide was compiled for women entrepreneurs, but we think it will be interesting for men too.

The most effective and fastest diet

Types of figures

There are 5 main body types; let’s look at each of them in more detail to be able to determine your own.

Body type: Pear (Triangle)

A prominent representative of this type is Jennifer Lopez. The Latin American beauty is absolutely not shy about her curves; on the contrary, she is proud of them! Features of type "A" are:

  • Narrow shoulders;
  • Slim waist;
  • Volume hips.

Women with such a figure, according to psychologists, are the most attractive to men. In Brazil, for example, wide hips can be found in most of the fair sex.

With the right clothes, suitable for this type of exercise and a balanced diet, every woman can be even more attractive.

Apple body type

Eva Polna is the owner of this type of figure, a shining example of an excellent sense of style. The apple girl is characterized by:

  • Large breasts;
  • The waist is the same in diameter as the chest.

The advantage of this type is slender, beautiful legs. However, apple girls tend to be overweight, which obliges them to daily exercise, proper nutrition and a healthy lifestyle.

There is one peculiarity: almost every woman during pregnancy belongs to this type of figure. So after giving birth, you need to get in shape using a special program agreed upon with nutritionists.

Body type Rectangle

Demi Moore, one of the most beautiful women in Hollywood, has an “H” or Rectangle body type. A characteristic feature can be called a smooth silhouette: the waist area does not have the usual feminine curves, it is equal in size to the chest and hips.

Body type: Inverted triangle

A striking representative of the V-shaped silhouette is the famous ballerina Anastasia Volochkova. The main feature is an athletic build. The type is characterized by:

  • Narrow hips;
  • Weakly defined waist;
  • Broad shoulders.

Girls with an inverted triangle figure look quite massive. You can hide imperfections only with the help of clothes, which should be selected according to all the rules. The main advantage of this type of figure is slender, in most cases even, legs.

Hourglass body type

An X-shaped silhouette is the dream of most women. Marilyn Monroe has ideal parameters. A feminine, sensual figure, a curved waistline, shoulders and hips proportional to each other - this is exactly what an hourglass woman looks like.

Representatives of the X-shaped silhouette have voluminous breasts. As you gain extra pounds, the weight is distributed evenly, making your figure even more feminine and attractive.

Surely you recognize yourself in one of the 5 body types. This will help you further figure out what clothes are suitable for this or that silhouette, choose the right diet and diet, and become even more attractive!

Watch a great video on Body Types. Workouts for different body types!

The simplest and most effective diet

Problem areas, reasons for their appearance

Every girl has problem areas. For example, in a woman with an Apple figure type, the upper part of the body is most prone to obesity. And the triangle girl has hips and legs.

Knowing your problem areas, you can develop an integrated approach that will help you get rid of excess weight, tighten muscles, and tone your skin.

Why does fat appear on the stomach, thighs and arms?

There are a number of reasons why girls gain weight. By removing bad habits, the result will be noticeable in the first weeks. Many people don’t think about what actually harms the body. Let us consider in detail the main reasons why body weight increases at a rapid rate.

1. Poor nutrition

The rhythm of life does not allow you to stop and have a normal lunch or breakfast. Constant snacking on fast food, quick sandwiches, and large amounts of coffee and carbonated drinks leads to dire consequences.

The body accumulates fat as a result of an overabundance of food, because the stomach simply does not have time to digest food.

In addition, the calorie content of foods in an unhealthy diet is off scale beyond the acceptable norm. For example, a hamburger has 481 kcal, and potatoes have 340 kcal. In order to use up the calories received during such a lunch, you should dig potatoes for at least an hour and chop wood for the same amount of time.
For a modern person, this is equivalent to 3 hours of active training in the gym. In addition, the stomach will digest the hamburger in 7-8 hours.

Nobody thinks about a healthy diet. If we talk about consuming healthy food, then 300 grams of boiled chicken fillet contains 510 kcal, and the digestion and assimilation of the product will occur in 2 hours. Cabbage and cucumber salad (200 grams) contains 41 kcal. There is nothing superfluous in such a lunch. It will saturate the body, give strength and vigor, and will not add pounds. To use up the calories you receive, you only need to spend 20 minutes in the gym.

2. Stress, worries

No less than poor nutrition, various experiences and nervous breakdowns, squabbles and scandals help you gain extra pounds. The body makes a “reserve” in the form of fat to protect a person from external influences.

This problem should be resolved during private consultations with a psychologist. You need to monitor your emotional state. In addition, stress often provokes constant consumption of high-calorie foods.

3. Lack of physical activity

As a rule, fat on the buttocks or abdomen appears due to a sedentary lifestyle. After 25 years, many already have an established schedule of work, family responsibilities, and so on, and only move from point “A” to point “B”.

By forgetting about the need for sports in every person’s life, you expose yourself to the danger of gaining extra pounds.

Separate programs should be developed for each body type. An apple woman needs to pay attention to her stomach and exercises to strengthen her arm muscles. A triangle girl needs to work on her hips and legs.

But those with an Hourglass figure type will have to take a comprehensive approach to physical activity, since the weight is gained evenly and is also distributed throughout the body.

Very effective diet

Diets by body type

The diet offered for different body types is more about proper nutrition than restrictions on any foods.

Exercising and eating healthy foods can help you lose weight in a matter of weeks.

Each body type is characterized by the consumption of certain foods, which will contribute to the loss of extra pounds.

Apple body type: changing your diet

You should start getting rid of extra pounds around the waist by cleansing your body of toxins. There are many recipes for this. Green tea and ginger root help a lot. You can also contact a nutritionist who will develop a unique program tailored to your health condition.

Add to diet:

  • Fiber (root vegetables, legumes or bran);
  • Fresh fruits;
  • Honey, fish and walnuts.

Sugar must be excluded. Just don’t resort to artificial substitutes. Honey is best. If eliminating sugar consumption does not work at all, reduce its amount.
Remove from diet:

  • Animal fats;
  • Fried foods in sunflower oil;
  • White bread;
  • Smoked hams and meat, salted or canned vegetables, bananas.

If you cannot exclude fried foods in the first stages, you can use unrefined olive oil. Boiled chicken breast or fish is best. White bread should be replaced with whole grain bread.

Hourglass figure type: nutrition rules

Since an even distribution of excess weight throughout the body is considered normal for this body type, weight loss needs to be approached comprehensively.
The diet should include:

  • Protein (chicken breast, lean meat, eggs);
  • Green leafy vegetables (asparagus, broccoli, etc.);
  • Natural juices.

At the same time, you should not eat too much the day before; for dinner you can eat lean meat and a vegetable salad. It is necessary to talk about fasting days only if you do not have bad habits such as smoking.


  • Sweets, including flour products;
  • Nuts (except almonds and peanuts);
  • Avocado and bananas;
  • Dried fruits.

For this body type, the diet should include daily consumption of 8 glasses of purified water. The intake should be distributed evenly, every 4 hours you should drink 200 grams of water.

Pear body type: diet for weight loss

A diet for a Pear body type should include the following foods:

  • Cottage cheese and dairy products;
  • Sea fish;
  • Tomatoes or tomato juice (natural);
  • Dark rice and greens.

Bread is acceptable only from wholemeal flour. Beans should be included in your diet.

  • Starch (potatoes, rice);
  • Pasta;
  • Carbonated drinks;
  • Products containing animal fats.

You shouldn't go to extremes. Boiled chicken and veal are acceptable. Tomato juice should be in your diet every day. You should also drink a glass of water 30 minutes before breakfast, lunch or dinner (before all meals).

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Rectangle body type: rational weight loss

The diet for this body type should include:

  • Protein;
  • Vegetables and fruits in large quantities;
  • Green tea;
  • Lean meat, steamed or boiled.

You need to consume at least 100 grams of cottage cheese (or a glass of kefir) per day. This will improve the metabolic process and bring your weight back to normal.
Eliminate completely:

  • Alcohol (let's just have a glass of red wine a few times a month);
  • Pastries, sweets;
  • Coffee;
  • Potato.

Morning coffee should be replaced with green tea. Almonds are ideal for snacking. This is a product with a negative calorie content, which means it will force the body to work twice as fast, while saturating it completely.

Effective diet for losing belly fat

Physical exercises to eliminate figure flaws

Problem areas are different for all body types. To eliminate them, proper nutrition and dieting alone are not enough. Those who want to lose weight should definitely include physical activity in their complex.

A sedentary lifestyle leads to sad consequences. For each type of figure, you should do the maximum load on the most problematic area. Let's take a closer look at the exercises that will help you lose weight.

Apple body type: creating a flat stomach

Exercises for losing belly fat should begin with a thorough massage. It can be performed either with your hands or with special massagers.

The first exercise for losing belly fat should be bending in different directions. Starting position: feet shoulder-width apart, hands free. When bending to the left or right, try not to move your legs and pelvis.

The upper body should bend under its own weight. This exercise will help you get rid of extra pounds on your sides.

To create a thin waist, a hoop is considered effective. However, be careful when choosing this miracle remedy. After all, hoops and hula hoops that are too heavy when rotated can negatively affect the health of the lower back and internal organs.

Press. It is important to ensure that the load is maximum. Many people believe that you shouldn’t do abs until your weight returns to normal. This is not entirely true.

With an integrated approach, the apple girl will lose excess weight in a matter of months. It is important to do abdominal exercises in large quantities – at least 3 sets of 30 reps for all muscles.

Triangle body type: removing excess weight in the pelvic area

The most effective exercises for the buttocks are considered to be squats. Starting position: arms extended in front of you, body straight, feet shoulder-width apart.

Bend your knees and begin squats as if you were trying to sit on a chair. The pelvis should be moved as far as possible. The number of repetitions of this exercise should be at least 8 times for beginners, and 20-30 times for more experienced athletes.

Jumping rope for 20 minutes a day will make your legs and buttocks attractive and slender. The main thing is not to break your training regimen. Classes are best done daily, but the break between them should be exactly 24 hours. Otherwise the effect will be much less. Muscles need to regain their shape after exercise.

Running in place with high knees in front of you helps a lot. Time for exercise – 1 minute run, 1 minute step. In this mode you should exercise for 16-20 minutes.

Inverted triangle body type: exercises for arms

For this body type, the problem area is the arms and shoulders. An effective exercise for losing weight will be flexion-extension of the arms while lying down. If it is difficult to perform the approaches fully, kneel down. This will lighten the load. Quantity – 3 sets of 10 times.

Exercises with dumbbells can also be called effective exercises. Take a sitting position, placing your hands on your hips. We begin flexion and extension of the arms. Repeat 10-15 times.

Exercises on the horizontal bar are great for all body types and problem areas. Pull-ups, bending your knees, alternating leg swings are exactly what you need. It is important not to overload yourself at first. Approach your workouts thoughtfully, increasing the number of repetitions for each exercise once a week.

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Effective diet for 2 weeks

Power scheme, variations

Regardless of your body type, you need to develop your own nutrition plan, taking into account the recommendations specified in the diet. Meals should be taken at a certain time, without any discrepancies with the schedule.

Diet schedule for all body types

Meals should be divided into 6-7 times. An approximate nutritional schedule looks like this (adjustments are allowed):

  • Breakfast – from 8:00 to 10:00;
  • Second breakfast – from 11:30 to 12:00;
  • Lunch – from 13:00 to 14:00;
  • Afternoon snack – from 15:30 to 16:00;
  • Dinner – until 18:30;
  • Second dinner – until 20:00.

You can adjust this schedule depending on your own daily routine. Breakfast should be about 30 minutes after waking up. But the last meal should be taken no later than 4 hours before bedtime.

This approach to your eating schedule will speed up your metabolism. Food will be digested faster. Be sure to have snacks between breakfast, lunch and dinner. But it is important to remember that it should be light food, for example:

  • Kefir or low-fat yogurt;
  • Green fruits (except grapes);
  • Vegetable salads;
  • Dried fruits or nuts (if your diet allows for your body type).

The main thing is that with this approach the body will have time to digest food, and you will not remain hungry.
In addition, before meals (20-30 minutes) you should drink 1 glass of cold water. It is important to remember that water is water, not tea, coffee or any other drink. After eating, you should not drink anything for 30 minutes (minimum).

Nutrition plan, planning

Planning is an important aspect in any business, including losing weight. You need to define a goal. It is important to know what weight is ideal for your body type. Let's take 55 kilograms as a basis.

The plan should be drawn up for several periods:

  • First and foremost: you should carefully think through the menu for the next day in advance. Every day, challenge yourself to not deviate from the plan;
  • Planning mini-cycles. Weight loss is normal if a person loses 2 kg per week. For 2 weeks you need to write down an approximate nutrition and training plan;
  • Month and cycle. You should plan different schemes for 30 days. In the first two weeks of the month, a person tries a certain diet and exercise. If the program does not work well enough, you need to include other exercises in your workouts and use a different nutrition plan. The effectiveness of such approaches will be an order of magnitude higher than following a strict diet alone;
  • Full cycle (3-4 months). For this period, it is necessary to think through a figurative plan-strategy. In the first month one program works, in the second - another, and so on.

The effectiveness of planning becomes obvious when you understand that diet alone cannot give full results. As well as the same physical exercises.

After all, the digestive system, as well as the muscles, get used to the same loads. By alternating exercises and menus (reducing the calorie content of dishes and returning to your previous diet), you will definitely be able to lose weight and achieve the planned result.

Effective diet for a month

Menu for body types

The diet menu must be thought through carefully. You should rely on the list of recommended products, in which case weight loss will proceed at a rapid pace. Let's look at the daily menu for different body types.

Diet menu for Apple body type


  • boiled egg,
  • whole grain bread (1 slice),
  • Mozzarella cheese (can be replaced with available one),
  • 100 grams of boiled chicken fillet.

You can replace the above list of products with buckwheat or oatmeal.

  • 2-3 walnuts;
  • Green apple.

Kefir or low-fat yogurt, any vegetables or fruits, except grapes and bananas, are an excellent substitute.

  • Chicken fillet – 200 grams (boiled or steamed);
  • Garnish – green peas;
  • Vegetable salad dressed with olive oil.

Light vegetable soups or boiled fish are excellent. It is better to use peas, broccoli, green beans, etc. as a side dish. It is better to exclude potatoes from the diet.
Afternoon snack

  • Pear;
  • Cheese or kefir.
  • Broccoli or green beans;
  • Boiled fish;
  • Vegetables;
  • Fresh juice.

You can choose the juice to your own taste. Pineapple is best. You can replace the juice with ginger tea with lemon.

Second dinner
Kefir or low-fat yogurt. Green apple or a few pieces of cheese.
Every day you need to drink at least 2 liters of water per day according to the schedule indicated in the previous sections.

Diet menu for Hourglass body type

For this body type, losing weight should begin by reducing portions. Sample menu:

  • Boiled egg – 2 pcs.;
  • Oatmeal (100-150 grams);
  • Fresh juice.

Kefir or low-fat yogurt

  • Light chicken soup or broth;
  • Green vegetables (you can have a salad dressed with olive oil);
  • Freshly squeezed juice (30 minutes after lunch).

Afternoon snack
Grapefruit or pineapple slice.

  • Steamed fish (low-fat);
  • Vegetable salad;
  • You can use any porridge as a side dish, with the exception of white rice.

Second dinner
100 grams of almonds or peanuts, a glass of kefir (low-fat).

Vegetables can be consumed in any quantity, but strictly according to the meal schedule. Don't forget about fasting days. They can be carried out both on water and on kefir (with the exception of girls who have bad habits, such as smoking).

Diet menu for Pear or Triangle body type

  • Oatmeal (200 grams);
  • Tomato juice (200 grams);
  • Green apple.


  • 100 grams of cottage cheese;
  • Green tea.
  • Boiled sea fish (2 small pieces);
  • Dark rice;
  • A glass of tomato juice (half an hour after lunch);
  • Vegetables.

Afternoon snack
Low-fat yogurt and apple.

  • Boiled chicken or veal;
  • Buckwheat porridge or beans;
  • Vegetables;
  • A piece of whole grain bread.

Second dinner
A glass of tomato juice or other freshly squeezed juice.

Menu for Rectangle body type


  • Cottage cheese (100 grams);
  • Green apple;
  • Green tea.

Low-fat yogurt or kefir.

  • Chicken and vegetable soup (potatoes must be omitted and replaced with beans);
  • Whole grain bread – 2 slices;
  • Light vegetable salad.

Afternoon snack
100 grams of almonds or peanuts.

  • Steamed lean meat (veal or poultry);
  • Buckwheat porridge;
  • Vegetable salad.

Second dinner
Cottage cheese (100 grams) or a glass of kefir.

You can adjust the menu in accordance with the list of allowed products for each body type. Develop an individual program, then losing weight will be easy and fast.

Diet effective for a week

When diet doesn't help or weight loss stops

At a certain point, the loss of extra pounds stops. Those who want to lose weight seem to be doing everything right: they follow a nutritional schedule, exercise, eat only the right foods for their body type - but there is no result. The scales treacherously show the same number every day. What to do?


“Plateau” – the moment when weight stops coming off – is known to everyone. A few decades ago, it was found that three days after starting a new diet, the body has enough calories consumed.

The result of this is a stop in weight loss. This discovery was made by Martin Katan. He created a new diet, which he called "Roller Coaster". The results of losing weight according to Martin's scheme are amazing. Let's look at the diet in more detail.

Roller coaster

The nutrition plan is designed for 7 days. During this time, the body receives a good “shake-up” and the person continues to lose weight according to his usual program, developed individually for each body type. The main idea is the different calorie content of foods.

The first three days you should consume no more than 600 kcal per day. Meal schedule doesn't matter. The main task is not to go beyond the established limits. With this approach, the body begins to get rid of water and fat.

For the next three days, the calorie intake should be no more than 900 kcal per day. This amount is not enough for the normal functioning of the body, so the weight will go away.

On day 7 of the diet, the caloric content of the diet should not exceed 1200 kcal. This is a sufficient amount to help maintain weight at a certain level. For many women, this calorie content is their usual diet. With this approach, you will be full, but you will not gain weight.

After the third stage you can return to the first. This process is cyclical and can be repeated until you achieve the desired result. Also, after completing the third stage, you can return to a diet designed for your body type. If suddenly the situation happens again, we try the “Roller Coaster” again.

Approximate diet

The menu of the “Roller Coaster” diet in the first three days is quite modest. In order not to go beyond the required 600 kcal, you should switch to vegetables and fruits. Replace white bread with whole grain bread (1 slice).

The only drinks allowed are water and green tea without sugar. Start the day with a light vegetable salad; you can have boiled vegetables for lunch. Dinner should also be low in calories. It is best to take your last meal before 18:00, but this factor does not matter as such. The main thing is not to go beyond the permissible calorie limits.

From the 3rd to the 6th day, you can add 100 grams of boiled lean meat, several boiled eggs, as well as river and oatmeal to the diet. To make it easier to monitor the calorie content of foods, you can find an online calculator on the global network, into which you need to enter the amount of food consumed, and it will give the exact result.

On day 7 of the diet, you can return to your usual diet, or continue the second course of the “Roller Coaster”. If you decide to go through one more stage, then you should add fermented milk products, fish and boiled potatoes to your diet. The main task is not to go beyond 1200 kcal.

The most effective diet in the world

When you want to eat

Diet is a certain amount of work.

Not everyone can easily “take the willpower” and stick to a new diet.

At first, you need to leave a little room for your weaknesses, but not to the detriment of your own program.

How can I do that?

Night snacks: how to deal with them?

The first step is to determine the cause of late-night snacking. The desire to eat after 20:00 appears in people:

  • With a metabolic disorder due to certain diseases;
  • With a disrupted day and night schedule, for example, those who work in shifts;
  • With certain psychological problems (stress, depression, etc.).

Obviously, in the first case, you should contact nutritionists or gastroenterologists. Having eliminated health problems, you can begin proper nutrition or diet.

Negative calorie foods: benefits
Late-night snacking is only dangerous if you consume fatty and high-calorie foods. But you can fill your refrigerator with healthy foods that do not contribute to weight gain.

If possible, in the first stages of the diet you should have at least half of the list of negative calorie foods in the refrigerator. But! This does not mean at all that you can uncontrollably consume everything on the list. There must be a measure for everything.

Zero calorie foods include:
1. Almost all vegetables:

  • Asparagus;
  • Carrot;
  • Cucumbers;
  • Beet;
  • Onion and garlic;
  • Tomatoes;
  • Cabbage (broccoli, white cabbage);
  • Radish;
  • Spinach.

2. Most fruits:

  • Grapefruit;
  • Apples;
  • Tangerines and oranges;
  • Mango;
  • Mango;
  • Melon;
  • A pineapple;
  • Papaya.
  • Blueberry;
  • Strawberries;
  • Strawberry;
  • Watermelon;
  • Cranberry.

4. Green tea;
5. Greens (any).

If at first you cannot follow the meal schedule according to the diet, you can treat yourself to the above-mentioned products. Arrange them in salads and desserts.

You can also place stickers with the calorie content of a particular product on everything in the refrigerator. Then you can immediately assess what you will get after eating: benefits and weight loss, or harm and another extra kilogram.

There are many diets that can work for you.

But most of them don't work as they should. Basically you lost weight, then gained it back.

Therefore, I suggest that you find not just a diet, but an eating plan that will not only help you lose weight, but that will become your habit.

And today I will point you to 4 healthy and effective diets that work and most importantly, they are scientifically proven and approved.

You will learn detailed information about the foods you should include and which you should avoid. You will also understand how they work and why they are good.

The most effective diet for weight loss

But before I begin, I warn you that you will not hear a word about the Malysheva diet, the Kremlin diet, the Japanese diet, and so on.

All of these diets are simplified and stripped-down versions of proper and healthy eating plans that do not always work and are not beneficial.

So let's start with a low carb diet...

1. Low carb diet

A low-carb diet is an eating plan that emphasizes protein and fats and reducing carbohydrates.

There are many different types of low-carb diets, and research shows that they actually work for weight loss and may even improve your health. And in one of the articles I wrote why this diet works and why it is included in the list of the most effective diets.

Let's briefly consider everything you need to know about it.

Eliminate the following foods from your diet

  • Sugar: soft drinks, fruit juices, candy, ice cream and all that.
  • Porridges containing a lot of gluten: wheat, barley and rye. This also includes products made from these cereals: bread and pasta.
  • Trans fats:"hydrogenated" or "partially hydrogenated" oils.
  • Highly saturated vegetable oils with omega-6 fats: soybean, corn, rapeseed oil and so on.
  • Artificial sweeteners: aspartame, saccharin, sucralose, cyclamates and acesulfame potassium. Use stevia instead.
  • Low-fat foods: many dairy products, cereals, crackers, etc.
  • everything not home-cooked

Include the following foods in your diet

  • Meat: lean beef, lamb, pork, chicken (it’s better to buy homemade meat).
  • Fish: salmon, trout, sardines, herring (wild fish is best).
  • Eggs: Buy homemade eggs, they are enriched with omega fats.
  • Vegetables: spinach, broccoli, cauliflower, carrots and many others.
  • Fruits: apples, oranges, pears, blueberries, strawberries (especially eat more of those that grow in your garden).
  • Nuts and seeds: almonds, walnuts, sunflower seeds, etc.
  • Dairy products: cheese, butter, cream, yogurt (preferably homemade).
  • Fats and oils: coconut oil, butter, lard, olive oil and cod liver oil.

If you need to lose weight, be careful with dairy products and nuts. They're just easy to overeat and are very high in calories. In addition, dairy products are not suitable for everyone and can cause allergies.

Also, do not eat too much fruit, you will saturate your body with fructose, which is immediately stored in the form of subcutaneous fat.

Add sometimes

If you are healthy, active and don't need to lose weight, then you can afford to eat a little more carbohydrates.

  • Tubers: potatoes, sweet potatoes and others.
  • Gluten-free porridges: brown rice, oats, quinoa and others.
  • Legumes: lentils, black beans, kidney beans (if you can tolerate them or cook them well).

You can have them in moderation if you want:

  • Dark chocolate: choose chocolate with a cocoa content of 70% or higher.
  • Wine: dry wines without added sugar or carbohydrates (you can make homemade dry wine if you know how to make it).

Dark chocolate contains a huge amount of antioxidants and will provide you with many beneficial properties. However, keep in mind that dark chocolate and alcohol will hinder your health and weight loss if taken in excess.

Drink more water and other drinks:

  • natural coffee (in moderation, 1-2 cups per day maximum)
  • green tea
  • water and homemade drinks (lemon water, cucumber water)

Sample menu for one of the days:

By following this plan, you will get at least 50 grams of carbohydrates per day and the right amount of protein.

  • Breakfast: omelette with various vegetables fried in olive or coconut oil.
  • Dinner: Greek yogurt with blueberries and a handful of almonds.
  • Dinner: chicken steak with herbs.

Of course, at first glance it’s meager. And if you're hungry, between meals you can eat some of these foods: fruit, yogurt, a hard-boiled egg or two, peeled raw carrots, a stick of celery, a handful of nuts, a piece of cheese or dried meat.

2. Mediterranean diet

The Mediterranean diet is based on traditional foods that people used in their diets in countries such as Italy and Greece back in 1960.

The researchers noted that these people were exceptionally healthy compared to Americans and had a low risk of developing many deadly diseases.

Numerous studies have proven that the Mediterranean diet is one of the best diets for weight loss. Additionally, it may help prevent heart attacks, strokes, type 2 diabetes, and premature death.

There are many countries around the Mediterranean Sea and they all eat the same thing.

Let's look at all of this as a quick guide. This meal plan can be adjusted to suit individual needs and preferences.

Avoid These Unhealthy Foods

Most likely, all of these foods are similar to those we mentioned in the previous nutrition plan, but you should still avoid them:

  • sweet carbonated drinks, candy, ice cream, sugar and so on.
  • refined grains: white bread, pasta made from refined wheat, white polished rice and so on
  • trans fats: found in margarine and similar processed foods.
  • refined oils: soybean oil, rapeseed oil, cottonseed oil and others.
  • processed meat: sausages, sausages, hot dogs, etc.
  • Highly processed foods: low-fat or diet products that seem to be designed for weight loss.

Foods You Must Include

You should base your diet on these healthy, unprocessed Mediterranean foods:

  • vegetables: tomatoes, broccoli, cabbage, spinach, onions, cauliflower, carrots, Brussels sprouts, cucumbers, etc. These are practically those food products that can grow in different latitudes.
  • fruits: apples, bananas, oranges, pears, strawberries, grapes, dates, figs, melons, peaches, etc.
  • nuts and seeds: almonds, walnuts, macadamia nuts, hazelnuts, cashews, sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds and more.
  • legumes: beans, peas, lentils, beans and so on.
  • tubers:
  • cereals: oats, brown rice, rye, barley, corn, buckwheat, whole wheat, whole grain bread and durum wheat pasta.
  • Fish and seafood: Salmon, sardines, trout, tuna, mackerel, shrimp, oysters, mussels, crabs, and some fresh fish are available to you.
  • Domestic bird: chicken, duck, turkey and much more.
  • eggs: chicken, quail and duck eggs.
  • dairy products: cheese, yogurt, Greek yogurt.
  • herbs and spices: garlic, basil, mint, rosemary, sage, nutmeg, cinnamon, pepper and whatever you like
  • healthy fats: olive oil, olives, avocado and avocado oil.

Whole and natural foods and ingredients are the key to good health and proper weight loss.

It is worth noting

Many of the foods listed are not part of the Mediterranean diet. At the very least, this is a controversial issue. This is partly because there is great diversity between the different countries in this region, and some were previously introduced to Europe.

This diet, according to research, is high in plant foods and fiber, but low in animal products.

Of course, a lot of emphasis in this diet is on fish and seafood. It is recommended to eat them at least twice a week.

The Mediterranean lifestyle also includes regular physical activity.

Water should also be your #1 drink. This diet also includes a moderate amount of red wine, about 1 glass per day.

However, wine is not a required product. Wines that contain a lot of alcohol and sugar should be avoided.

Coffee and tea are also perfectly acceptable in moderation. But avoid sugar-sweetened drinks and fruit juices, which contain a lot of sugar.

Sample meal plan for one day

This is a sample menu for one of the days. You can adjust portions and food choices based on your own needs and preferences. If you are active and exercising, you may want to increase your portions.

Here's the menu:

  • Breakfast: Greek yogurt with strawberries and oats (sesame).
  • Dinner: grain sandwich with vegetables.
  • Dinner: Tuna and vegetable salad dressed with olive oil.
  • Some fruit for dessert.

But at the same time, you can eat more than 3 times a day. And if you're hungry, snack between meals. Use: a handful of nuts, fruit, carrots, some berries or grapes, Greek yogurt, apple slices with almond or peanut butter.

3. Paleo diet

The Paleo diet is based on emulating the diet of our hunter-gatherer ancestors. It includes whole, unprocessed foods that resemble what they were then.

Our ancestors were the same as modern people. They were healthy and had a beautiful torso. They did not suffer from diseases such as obesity, diabetes, cardiovascular disease, or cancer.

Some studies suggest that this diet can lead to significant weight loss and health improvements. You don't have to count calories to lose weight, just like in previous meal plans.

And if you compare it with the diets that we talked about above, then it is somewhat similar, but there are also significant differences.

Avoid These Foods

Avoid these foods and ingredients:

  • Sugar and fructose: soft drinks, fruit juices, sugar, sweets, confectionery, ice cream and much more.
  • Cereals: including pasta, wheat, rye, barley.
  • Legumes: beans, lentils and others.
  • Dairy products: Avoid low-fat dairy products (in some versions of the Paleo diet you may even see high-fat dairy products such as butter and cheese).
  • Vegetable oils: soybean oil, sunflower oil, cottonseed oil, corn oil, grape seed oil.
  • Trans fats: margarine and various processed foods. They are usually called "hydrogenated" or "partially hydrogenated".
  • Artificial sweeteners: aspartame, sucralose, cyclamates, saccharin, acesulfame potassium. Use natural sweets instead.
  • Highly Processed Foods: all kinds of artificial food substitutes.

Does this look somehow familiar already?

But pay special attention to the fact that this weight loss meal plan completely excludes grains and legumes.

Foods you should eat

Your diet should be based on real, unprocessed foods:

  • Meat products: beef, lamb, chicken, turkey, pork and others.
  • Fish and seafood: salmon, trout, shrimp, shellfish and your own caught if possible.
  • Eggs
  • Vegetables: broccoli, cabbage, peppers, onions, carrots, tomatoes and so on.
  • Fruits: apples, bananas, oranges, pears, avocados, strawberries, blueberries and much more.
  • Tubers: potatoes, sweet potatoes, turnips.
  • Nuts and seeds: almonds, walnuts, hazelnuts, sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds and others.
  • Healthy fats and oils: Lard, coconut oil, olive oil, avocado oil.
  • Salt and spices: sea ​​salt, Himalayan salt, garlic, turmeric, rosemary and others

Try to choose grass fed, pasture raised and organic if you can afford it. If not, then just make sure to always go for at least the processed option.

May be

There are now several “versions” of the paleo diet. Many of them allow themselves some modern food products that were previously unknown and scientifically discovered.

These are some meat products, but from animals raised at home. Some allow more butter and even some grains, such as rice.

It is also possible to include dry wine and dark chocolate. They are completely harmless to health in small quantities. These are all the same digressions.

When it comes to drinking, water comes first. It's not exactly Paleo, but many people on this diet drink green tea and organic coffee.

Sample paleo menu

This sample contains a balanced amount of all paleo foods. Feel free to change it based on your own preferences.

  • Breakfast: eggs and vegetables fried in coconut oil, fruits.
  • Dinner: Vegetable salad with chicken, dressed with olive oil, a handful of nuts.
  • Dinner: salmon steak fried in olive oil, with vegetables and a little hot sauce, adjika.

4. Gluten-free diet

Many experts call gluten one of the most powerful poisons these days.

A study conducted in 2013 showed that 30% Americans are actively trying to avoid gluten. And this is not in vain.

In fact, the harmful effects of gluten are a major point of debate among health experts. They prove that your health greatly depends on consuming it.

Luckily, there are many healthy and delicious foods that are gluten-free.

What is gluten?

Gluten is a protein substance present in grains: wheat, rye and barley.

There are two main poisons in this protein: gliadin and glutenin. Gliadin is what is causing concern.

In simple terms, when you mix wheat flour with water, gluten helps you form that sticky mass. This is precisely the main property of gluten.

Gluten makes the dough elastic and allows it to rise during baking. It also gives good flavor and the texture you want.

Many people are sensitive to gluten

The most severe form of gluten intolerance is called celiac disease, which affects about 0.7-1% of the population worldwide. Not a lot, not a little, about 10 million people.

This serious disease is caused when gliadin passes into the gastrointestinal tract.

Next, gluten envelops the intestinal walls and food is not completely digested in it. Nutrients are not completely absorbed, which leads to severe digestive problems and, as a consequence, to other serious disorders in the body.

Unfortunately, most people with celiac disease do not know they have it. Because symptoms can often be vague and difficult to diagnose. You can walk around all the time with colitis and sometimes with abdominal pain and take pills, thinking that everything has gone away.

There are still a huge number of people around the world who do not feel these symptoms, which is even worse.

But, a gluten-free diet will help avoid many health problems. Some studies have proven that you can even get rid of schizophrenia, autism and many brain diseases caused by gluten.

You can go gluten-free and avoid many problems.

The goal of a gluten-free diet is complete eliminating gluten from your diet.

However, it may be main problem. Especially considering that gluten is present in various products.

In order to live gluten-free, you need to start reading the labels on everything you eat. You will have to make significant changes to your diet.

Foods and Ingredients to Avoid

There are several products that Always contain gluten and should be avoided:

  • Wheat: All forms, including whole wheat, wheat flour, wheat germ and wheat bran.
  • Rye.
  • Barley.
  • Triticale.
  • Semolina
  • Pasta
  • Flakes
  • Cakes, pies and pastries
  • Cookies, crackers
  • Sauces and gravies, especially soy sauce.

As for oats, they do not contain gluten and are well tolerated by people even with celiac disease.

Also be aware that some dietary supplements and medications may contain gluten.

Important: V You really should read the labels. Wheat and other gluten-containing ingredients are found in many types of foods.

Foods to eat

There are many healthy and nutritious foods that are naturally gluten-free.

  • Meat: chicken, beef, lamb, etc.
  • Fish and seafood: salmon, trout, shrimp and others
  • Eggs
  • Dairy products: milk, cheese, yogurt.
  • Vegetables: broccoli, cabbage, Brussels sprouts, carrots, onions and others
  • Fruits: apples, avocados, bananas, oranges, pears, strawberries, blueberries, raspberries and others
  • Legumes: lentils, beans, peanuts
  • Nuts: almonds, walnuts, macadamia nuts
  • Tubers: potatoes, sweet potatoes
  • Healthy fats: olive oil, avocado oil, butter, coconut oil.
  • Herbs, spices and seasonings: salt, garlic, pepper, vinegar, mustard, etc.
  • Gluten Free Grains: quinoa, rice, corn, flax, millet, sorghum, buckwheat, oatmeal.
  • Other:

They are all gluten free.

Sample menu for one of the days

This is an example of one of the days that you can easily follow. You can change it the way you need it.

  • Breakfast: scrambled eggs and vegetables, with fruit.
  • Dinner: salad of vegetables and chicken, with olive oil and a handful of nuts.
  • Dinner: ground beef stir-fried in vegetables with brown rice.

As always, you can add something healthy to your snack (see previous weight loss diets).

Final Thoughts

If you decide to lose weight and you are concerned about the question of what is the most effective diet for weight loss, then my recommendations are the right nutrition plan.

A plan that you can easily follow. Here is an overview of 4 truly healthy diets that work and are scientifically proven.

In the end, each of them will help not only lose weight faster, but also improve your overall health.

best diet

There is one very best diet which must be observed for seven days. In this week you can easily lose up to 10 kilograms. All this is of course individual and varies depending on your starting weight. If you weigh more than one hundred kilograms, then you can lose 10 kilograms in a week, but those who have very little excess weight will be able to lose up to 5 kilograms. The best diet will help you lose weight and also cleanse your body of toxins. This diet is nothing more than an effective diet, which you can find on my blog. It’s just that the article is the best diet, finalized on the basis of comments and questions that are left not only under the text of the article, but also written to me in private messages in contact. Since this effective diet helps everyone lose weight and already has more than 200 positive comments, I decided to give it the title of the best diet.

Best diet menu:

Best diet 1 day:

The first cleansing day is drinking. We prepare our body for weight loss. You can drink whatever you want. Water, tea, compote, coffee, mineral water, juices, milk, kefir and even broths. Rule 1, all drinks are sugar-free. Chicken or meat broth is possible, but in limited quantities and without salt. It’s better to avoid eating meat broths.

Best diet day 2:

The second day is simpler - vegetable. We eat vegetables in any quantity. The exception is potatoes (Rule 2, no potatoes). Add cabbage to salads, it is a fat burner. It’s better not to season salads with anything. Rule 3, salads without dressing. Mayonnaise, butter, etc. it is forbidden. You can only drink clean water. And nothing but her.

Best diet 3 day:

The third day is drinking again. Those. We repeat the menu of the first day. We drink water, tea, compote, coffee, mineral water, juices, milk, kefir, etc., but all drinks are without sugar.

Best diet day 4:

The fourth day is the most delicious - fruity. For me this day is a holiday. We eat all fruits except bananas (Rule 3, no bananas). Add pineapples and grapefruits to your diet, they are fat burners. You can only drink clean water. And nothing but her.

Best diet 5 day:

The fifth day is protein day. We eat eggs (boiled), chicken fillet, and yogurt. Yogurt is only natural, without sweeteners, dyes or preservatives. And don’t forget that you can only drink water.

Best diet day 6:

Drinking day again. We repeat the menu of the first and third days of the best diet. We drink whatever we want, but without sugar.

Best diet 7 day:

The seventh day is a way out of the diet. Breakfast - 2 boiled eggs. Second breakfast - any fruit (don't forget about rule 3). Lunch – broth or light soup with rice or buckwheat. Afternoon snack – any fruit. Dinner – salad seasoned with vegetable oil and salt.

The diet is easy to follow, despite its apparent complexity. This is truly the best diet I have ever seen. A huge number of positive reviews.

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