The outer world reflects the inner. Everything external is a reflection of the internal

It was the last day of the intensive course and I didn’t have time to get the direct experience of the koan: “What are you like when you’re completely alone?” And I was in a suitcase mood.

However, an understanding of two aspects of this koan immediately came to me as inner Knowledge. This is, firstly, the awareness of one’s Divinity, the achievement of Buddhahood. And secondly, it is the experience of a sense of the naturalness of one’s being and liberation from rules, labels and social conditioning.

But the intention to experience the koan evaporated, and I rather joked in couples sessions.

There was an amazing feeling of how we all became close during these 7 days of the intensive, and at the same time, most of the participants did not know each other’s names, because it was impossible to communicate during the intensive. And I like calling people by name.

Any couples session during the intensive began with the listening partner saying: “Tell me, what is Love or Freedom?”, i.e. called the partner's koan.

But I didn’t want to hear about koans at all; I wanted to ask: “Tell me, what’s your name?”

And after Shivani announced the end of the intensive, we all hugged each other and finally became acquainted.

The feeling after the intensive was strange.

For 7 days we lived in prohibitions, in restrictions, in every step, following strict instructions, while completely focusing on internal sensations, trying to convey deep-seated experiences in words.

Shivani warned us that there may be frequent and drastic changes in mood in the coming days. And that's okay.

The next morning, in an apartment in Kyiv, I woke up with the desire to go into isolation again and again tell others about what was inside me.

And I consciously made the Choice to get out of this state.

And what did I do to get out of this?

I put on my gold jewelry, which we were not allowed to wear during the intensive.

And I was immediately revived to life!

The small joys of the material world instantly restored me to further life in everyday life.

I realized that I needed to ground the powerful spiritual energies that I acquired during the intensive. A great way to ground yourself in spiritual gains is to go shopping!

Do you know how to determine that everything inside is harmonious, balanced, that everything inside has been worked out? - This is how external circumstances develop!

The luck that accompanied me was a Sign that everything inside had become even more beautiful.

Even before the intensive, upon arrival in Kiev, I could already observe these Signs, for example, in the fact that I saw the number “11” everywhere: in the flight numbers of the plane, and in the dates and times of arrival, and in the number of the passport control counter.

After the intensive, the events became even more wonderful!

I planned to rent a hotel in Kyiv for a couple of nights after the intensive to walk around the city. But I was immediately offered two wonderful places to choose from where I could live for free.

As a result, I lived in an apartment on the 21st floor, with an amazing view of the Dnieper, the Kiev Pechersk Lavra and much more.

Next to me was a man who gave me a wonderful tour of Kyiv and took me shopping, where I found exactly what made me happy.

In Kyiv there is a wonderful vegetarian cafe “Ginger”. After visiting such a cafe, the desire to become a prana-eater disappears. Here it is:

Walking around Kyiv, I saw Signs of the Universe even in graffiti. After Osho-Zen-Satori it was joyful to see such inscriptions on the walls of Kyiv:

And from here I shouted: “I love Kyiv!”

Author: Biryukov Yu. V.
At the beginning of all
Earthly Existence
From the depths of the Mirrors
I was born by the Light. Let's continue the conversation about our mirror world. There is an opinion that with our eyes we see only a reflection of what is inside us. This is very difficult to understand, much less take on faith, but I also believe that in fact everything is so.
One of the important evidence of “reality” projected from the depths of the soul into the “outer world” is the inability of a person to sometimes find certain objects forgotten by his mind.
Each of us is perfectly oriented in the surrounding space and discovers all the desired forms in it only when he knows and remembers them well. We find any once lost thing only after we see it for some small and elusive fraction of a second, first inside ourselves, that is, we see it a little earlier than outside. From which it follows that the mirror image or simply the mirror of a person’s soul is his world.
Even the ancient sages said that the world of God is the soul that is located in a person. The following words from the Bible testify to the mirror structure of the world:
“And the Lord God formed man from the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and man became a living soul.”
The Apostle Paul is trying to convey this same knowledge to people. In 1 Corinthians they are told:
“There is a spiritual body, and there is a spiritual body. So it is written: the first man Adam became a living soul; and the last Adam is a life-giving spirit. But not the spiritual first, but the spiritual, then the spiritual.”
In one of my articles about circumcision of the foreskin called “The Day of Circumcision” I wrote: “In the Acts of the Holy Apostles in the 27th and 28th chapters, the ripening of the fetus in the mother’s womb, filled with water, and its subsequent birth on Earth is allegorically spoken of the following: The Apostle Paul and with him 276 people were transported by ship to Rome (i.e., to the world).
“There were all of us on the ship two hundred and seventy-six souls.”
“On the fourteenth night, as we were floating in the Adriatic Sea, around midnight, the shipmen began to realize that they were approaching some land”...
Let me explain all of the above in my own words:
By and large, for the first time in the mirror world, the human body is born in the heavenly womb of the mother, where over the course of a certain time (276 days = 9 months) its shell will be filled with the first embryonic blood cells of the parents, just as the universe is filled with everything that exists in it (stars, flora , fauna) from God and the Holy Spirit. This period is described in detail in the Old Testament. It is called the prenatal or perinatal period of a person's life.
This means that through blood the child receives from his mother and father all the information about our world even in the prenatal period of life.
Then comes the postpartum period (the time of the New Testament). A newborn person soon opens his eyes and sees, as it seems to him, his inner world from the outside, while subconsciously feeling himself as the Creator of life.
Growing up and living among souls kindred to him, he marries one of them and creates in the womb of his head and at the same time in the womb of his wife a new person - his child, in his own image and likeness, genetically placing his spiritual world in him, as they did his parents before him. Then, having lived a certain period of life, he dies and his soul (mental body) is resurrected again in someone’s woman’s womb, that is, it comes to life in the next world.
Thus, in a circular chain of repeated births, what Paul told us about actually happens: “the first man Adam became a living soul, and the last Adam is a life-giving spirit.”
By the way, the first people were warned about eternal life. When the Creator forbade them to eat fruits from the tree, which is in the middle of paradise, and even to touch them, so as not to die, then the serpent said to the wife:
“No, you will not die, but God knows that on the day you eat of them, your eyes will be opened, and you will be like gods, knowing good and evil.”
Living in this world, each of us really acquires a lot of knowledge about what is good and what is bad. But it seems to me that those who think that it is not the inner, but the outer world that controls a person, have not fully understood the mirror structure of the world.
These people, as a rule, believe in a fatal accident and blame everything unexpected on fate. They believe that a normal person is necessarily attracted to what he does not like or hate, what he is especially afraid of.
By mentally creating and viewing various images of the inner world through the receptor feedback system in our body, we actually think that we are living outside ourselves. It turns out that the entire illusion of human life is directly related to the operation of this unique device. By sending electrical signals from the brain to the sensory devices of our body, and receiving them back, a unique impression of contact with the outside world is created in our head. We completely trust our senses and react accordingly to everything we see in this super-halographic pseudo-world.
The reciprocating work of our brain can be compared with the formula for converting energy into mass, known to many from the school curriculum, E = mc2, which also has a movement in both directions. This formula shows, on the one hand, how “something” can be obtained from invisible energy or “nothing”, and on the other hand, how this “something” turns into a corresponding wave, discharge, electric current, in a word, energy.
Surprisingly, probably without realizing it, the great physicist Albert Einstein, with his formula, reflected the main principle of the mirror world order model. Judge for yourself:
The explosion in which Light and the first sound were born - the Word, which the Bible tells us about in the Old and New Testaments, is written as. Bukh - Booh (English spelling) - Booh (Russian reading) - God. In mirror reflection, the word buh (god) is read as spirit (khud-bukh). Everything happened through this [Word]. “In Him was life, and the life was the light of men,” says Scripture.
The only thing that Einstein's formula does not reflect is form and content. It says that energy can be transformed into some kind of visible mass, but it does not explain how the orderliness of matter is created. In my opinion, in the energy (E) of Light there are all types of masses, and in the mass there are all types of energy, but each person and each particle chooses its own. Energy doesn't come from anywhere. All living organisms produce energy, including humans. His mind includes both the left and right sides of the formula for conservation of energy, i.e. Mind = E = mc2.
The mind creates the necessary forms and images, and when the energy of thought fills these forms with its content, then on the other side of the mirror world it manifests itself and materializes in sensations. I think that only with the help of the unique structure of the brain and the various thoughts that arise in it when energy flows from one cell to the next, from one hemisphere to another, each of us is able to reproduce in our heads various “realistic” pictures of the world.
I have long realized that, despite such, at first glance, plausible sensations, in reality, nothing exists beyond our thoughts. Everyone notices and happens to everyone “outside” only what is inside him, according to his worldview.
The entire inner world of a person is artificially or pseudo-really projected “outside” by him. Moreover, one person can be reflected and famous in this world for his kindness and good deeds, while another can differ from the first accordingly in his negative qualities and bad deeds.
The world of our soul sometimes coincides with the inner mirror world of other people. Similar views, first of all, are reflected in the same behavior, actions and all kinds of “accidents”.
But here, too, man and all people like him are again mistaken in that they are reflected in each other’s external world. The apparent external world is nothing more than a virtual continuation of one’s own internal world. Once again I would like to emphasize that the secret of existence lies in the fact that there is no one and nothing “outside” us! At the same time, each of us has everything and everyone about which we know very little.
The inner world of man is the world of man-God, where people live, each of whom also has his own exactly the same world within himself. And the external world, where the eyes of man-God open, is a world into which He, as it were, descends in a body from heaven and lives among these people already in their world.
Here it is important to see and understand the reason why God is not always kind and, as it seems to us, sometimes unfair to us. And the reason for our displeasure lies in the fact that God is the mirror of time, which always returns to us what we ourselves once gave to others.
Despite this truism, people trust more the “apparent” or deceptive external side of life. Therefore, they often talk about it this way: “it happens that a person, without wanting it, attracts everything bad.” I would say the following about this: “A person is drawn to bad things because he himself is bad.”
I have often observed in my life how some parents, turning a blind eye to many obvious facts, tried in vain to protect their dishonest and spoiled offspring from other poorly behaved children. I am convinced that in these cases the folk wisdom is appropriate: “There is no point in blaming the mirror if you yourself have a crooked face.”
It is a pity that in such cases the father or mother does not want to hear anything addressed to them about the improper upbringing of their daughter or son. And also that the external world is a reflection of the internal world. And they continue to see the cause of all family troubles in the street and in the random surrounding of their children by bad guys.
The connection between people occurs on the internal plane, so it is necessary to take care, first of all, not about the external appearance of a person, but about his spiritual level of development. In order for your children to have smart, decent and loyal friends who are drawn to goodness and light, your own life must be an example for them, that is, it must be clean and bright.
Know that only a magnet, with its negative pole, attracts positive charges, but a person with negative energy always recreates around himself only those similar to himself. Keep your soul pure and in this way you will save the souls of your children from all evil and dark forces.
Learning to look at the outside world as if in a mirror and be aware of it is not easy. But calm acceptance and understanding of what is happening in this mirror makes life much easier, dissolves grievances, and provides great opportunities for growth. The outer mirror only reflects what is in your mind and heart. If you are filled with love, then you will glow with it. The people around you will definitely notice this and will also reach out to you with love. But if you reflect fear, the outside world will irritate and frighten you all the time.
Happiness in the life of every person is directly related to the fact that he knows about it, how he imagines it. The more you find time for your children, the more often they see a good example of how happy you are to communicate with them, the more joy and success they and you will have, both inside and outside.
I wish you to reflect as much love and goodness as possible into the mirror of this world and, accordingly, receive the same from it. And let one day one of your family members, with warmth in their voice, quietly say in your ear: “Thank you for being so good or so good for us!”

Let's talk about how to cope with the grievances, hatred, and hostility that we experience towards people. In general, about mirrors.

Only in fact

This article is about what the external reflects the internal, is in the problem analysis section, because we will use it to work with grievances mirror method. Its essence lies in the elementary: you just need to remember this method at the right moment and the situation will immediately begin to change in the other direction.

The mirror reflects what we are. It cannot show a man when there is a woman in front of him and it cannot show an old man when there is a child in front of him. It always reflects whoever looks into it. This is why we have so many different points of view on the same things. It only seems to us that we are looking at the world, but in reality we are always looking only at ourselves.

Blind faith

Eyes are also a mirror, and not even in a metaphorical sense, but in the most literal sense. Sees brain, and the eyes only work as a tool for the brain, sending images for processing. If you think of yourself as an ugly, insecure person, you will see yourself that way in the reflection. And our world is also a big mirror, and every time you see it, you look into yourself, reflecting this or that thought in your mind.

If you believe in poverty, you will see beggars on the street; if you believe in betrayal, you will receive it at every step and confirm with your own thoughts the very fact of betrayal. This is why it is so difficult to convince us of anything. You prove to you that this may not happen if this do not believe. But you are see in their lives, therefore they are convinced of its existence. All you need to do is change the starting point: it is not the world that makes reality, but YOU and YOUR thoughts, which are then projected into the outside world, which is why the external reflects the internal. You can read something interesting about the mechanism of faith in the article ingredients to make wishes come true.

Another starting point

The next time you are offended by someone, angry, wishing him all the “good”, think that you have been treated unfairly, remember that you are just looking in the mirror and that right now you can change the situation only by changing your thoughts , because the external reflects the internal.

YOU created this world, YOU attracted resentment, YOU reproduce your troubles again and again. If you're already tired of it, change your attitude. Do things differently if it’s difficult to sort out your thoughts. This, by the way, is an easier option for solving the problem. Do something you wouldn't normally do. You got angry at someone, got offended, and then remembered about the mirror method and turned in the other direction, for example, smoothed out the conflict, which you had never done before, or invited the person to visit you, or expressed all your thoughts to his face. Do something that will be unexpected for you, and with this fact alone you will change reality.

Because if you continue to carry around your grievances or hostility, you will continue to go through life, trying to change others. But this is impossible! At least not the way you imagine it. You can’t look in the mirror and think that I’m so ugly and paint on the mirror a different hairstyle or a different figure. This is of no use to the mirror, and you, in the hope that you were able to at least slightly correct the situation, will move on in life, and there will definitely be a new mirror in which you will see the same hairstyle and the same figure.

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Let's talk about some laws of the universe that form the basis of all life on earth. Their knowledge will help you understand the causes of your illnesses, as well as any other problems in life.

These laws have been created since the creation of the universe. And they exist without asking whether you know about them or not, whether you believe in them or not. Everyone knows this saying very well: “ Ignorance of the laws is no excuse “Therefore, it is much easier and more useful to know these simple truths - it will help you see the reasons for everything that happens around you, even in matters of health.


This is one of the most important pillars to learn by heart. Then it will become clear that every person creates his own, unique world in which he lives. And it is created by our own thoughts, feelings... I.e. state of health, peace of mind, interpersonal relationships and social status - all this is a reflection of the internal state of a person.


Start applying this rule everywhere. Then you will see that you have the power to change your world at will, since you are the creator. Those. Each person creates his own destiny independently. He builds his life with his own hands. If the building turns out to be ugly and impractical, then demands can only be made on the builder. This means that you don’t have to look for someone to blame, but take it and rebuild it brick by brick, creating exactly the reality you want to see. You need to find in yourself the reasons that shaped the circumstances you are facing now, and begin to correct everything from the roots. First of all, we change our subconscious behavior program, i.e. myself. Because the external always reflects the internal.

The outside world around you is just your mirror, reflecting yourself, your state. That’s why it is said: “if you want to change the world, change yourself.” When changes occur in a person, then everything around him changes. Is there something you don't like about the other person? Remember that he is your reflection in the mirror. Create the image you would like to see there. The person will have no choice but to behave in accordance with this image, or he will simply leave your circle of communication. We use the same method in relation to any situation that does not suit you. Look at it differently, treat it differently - and the principle of reflection will work.

Thanks to this law, harmony is maintained in the world. The main thing is to realize that the world is perfect and fair, where EVERYONE IS REWARDED ACCORDING TO HIS THOUGHTS.

Any action stems from subtle matters, such as thoughts, emotions, and only then do we talk about the word. Thoughts are the most subtle form of energy. Only then do they take on a denser shell - our words, and only after that into even denser matter - the events of our lives. Those. You must always look for the reason within yourself, even if it seems to you that some kind of injustice is happening and someone else is to blame. The reason for your condition is always in you - just ask yourself, with what actions, thoughts, feelings did you create this event in your life, and for what purpose, what lesson does it teach you?


Every thought ever born forms a series of interconnected events in your life. Those. any energy produced tends to boomerang back into some acceptable form. LIKE ATTRACTS LIKE. Whatever energy you released into the world will come back to you. Creative thoughts attract love, joy, and pleasant experiences. Therefore, the choice remains up to you what thoughts to give birth to in your head.

REALITY AND OUR IMAGE ABOUT IT ARE TWO BIG DIFFERENCES. At a subconscious level, we scan Reality and create for ourselves some kind of vision of it, and consciousness, in turn, already evaluates this model.

That is why our models of the world are so different, everyone has their OWN MODEL OF THE WORLD, and it is laid down from childhood and is formed throughout life - that is why they say that the external reflects the internal.


The law of responsibility is the basis of any method of self-transformation. For many people, accepting it is very difficult because it is often associated with the concept of guilt. But that’s not what we’re talking about here. A person who has taken responsibility for his life refuses to search for the culprit (including himself), and removes such weapons as condemnation, criticism, and regret from his arsenal.

Try to take responsibility for your life, you will see how much it has changed and how much is under your control. The outside world will no longer be able to impose its views and atmosphere on you, or attack you with its negative energy. You will choose how to build your life. You will be able to form a field in which your loved ones and the people around you will begin to change.

Make it a rule to monitor your thoughts, words, and events. Approach every situation from the point of view of knowing yourself. Some event happened - look deep inside yourself. You will definitely find the reason there, the lesson that this situation brings to you.

The main lesson of this law is that not a single situation in this life happens for nothing. Each of them was created by your thoughts and subconscious programs. Always remember - the external reflects the internal. Change inside and outside circumstances and people will change towards you.

The law of reflection is one of the three most important points that you need to understand in order to be the master of your destiny.

What is the law of reflection? What exactly does the world around us show us and why? How can understanding the law of reflection help us become more successful and happier?

All true spiritual teachings carry within them the idea that if a person begins to change for the better, then the reality around him changes for the better, to the point that annoying neighbors leave, the new job brings more pleasure (or the old one became more joyful), and relatives suddenly begin to show more attention and acceptance (if, of course, acceptance and goodwill increase within the person himself), or, again, something else the place is being moved.
Yoga also clearly states that everything external is a reflection of the internal that the people around us, no matter how inadequate they sometimes seem, only mirror us and therefore changing others and the world around us is absolutely useless, because in order to change the reflection, you need to change the one who is looking in the mirror.
For me, this fact - that I myself am responsible for all the events, all the pleasant and unpleasant moments in my life - is very encouraging.

Yes, I can’t blame anyone for anything, because even if what seemed like an injustice occurred against me, I know that this is just an external reflection of some process that is happening inside me... and there is no one to blame, you need to find the reason in yourself and change it.

This does not mean at all, of course, that the offender will not get what he deserves)) Moreover, he will receive everything in full, in any case, and I don’t even have to worry about this happening, in the end, I am also everything for him only a reflection, and if he is dissatisfied with something in his reflection, life will eventually help him realize the simple truth - all your problems, my dear, are inside you.
This is how we all live here as mirrors of each other. If we are pure and happy, then in other people we see purity and a reason for joy;

if we are immersed in the swamp of our imperfection and sadness, then our thoughts show around even more things that can make us sad.
However, to understand how accurately this law works, you need to remember well:

the surrounding reality, the surrounding people, events and attitude towards them from the moment of our birth to the very last breath is a reflection of not only our consciousness,

Consciousness + subconscious = our entire external world and attitude towards it.

For example, at the level of consciousness, we can repeat for an hour that we are happy, even experience joy, we can visualize the fulfillment of our deepest dreams - but what happened before this hour of positive thinking? How many days, months, years, lives of doubt and discontent? Who knows…

What I mean is that we shouldn’t expect that from two or three attempts to change our thinking, our lives will be completely transformed. It’s better not to think about what’s going on in our subconscious in advance, but to solve problems as they arise, although an approximate report on the energies of those living there can be compiled from what surrounds us - what kind of things, what kind of people (especially how optimistic and spiritual they are ) and how much we are pleased with what we see in our reflection (how much it touches us when the people around us behave in some way that we think is wrong).

The principle of reflection - helps in practice

In general, yoga considers this principle of reflection as a very great help in practice. After all, it is precisely through observing what is happening around us, and how people react to us, how we react to the people around us, that it is easiest for us to understand does the practice bring the necessary results, are we developing in the right direction and is our subconscious being cleared?.

Even if outwardly nothing has changed yet, but if our attitude towards it changes, if we become happier, calmer, then it means we are going in the right direction and

Exactly according to the law “everything external is a reflection of the internal” people who have advanced far on the spiritual path are saints who have almost completely or even completely purified their subconscious. And although outwardly it seems that these great people live in the same world, in fact this is not the case. Their world is completely different - as if they lived on another planet, and the laws of their world are in many ways different - that is why the saints are capable of performing miracles. However, they know what kind of world everyone else lives in and it is not their goal to confuse the minds of ordinary people: everyone here is learning their lessons and many will not soon be able to realize that the chaos and injustice that seem so noticeable in the surrounding reality are noticeable to us only because they are inside us, inside our own subconscious.

For those who understand this, take responsibility for their lives, stop blaming people around them for their problems, and decide to change themselves, a wonderful prospect opens up.

The main thing is to have time in life.

Changing yourself is very important, and like everything important, it cannot be simple.
However, thousands of people have coped with it and are successfully coping with it; some of those who implemented it decided to help those who had just taken up this matter. They left recommendations, shared personal experience and created a more than scientific approach to make the period of working through the subconscious as painless and quick as possible. This is how the science of yoga arose.

It contains all the necessary tools for working on yourself, and diligently following its recommendations can even make the cleansing period joyful and enjoyable.
That is why they are universal recommendations and milestones on the spiritual path of any direction. No matter how outwardly people differ, no matter what beliefs swarm in their minds, Everyone has consciousness, subconscious and superconsciousness. Understanding their correct work is the key to achieving the most sacred goal of both yoga and all life - always radiant, incomparable happiness.

Can you, my dear reader, sincerely say that everything in your life, both good and bad, is a reflection of your consciousness in conjunction with your subconscious? Or maybe the desire to feel like an innocent victim of circumstances is still stronger than the desire to find indestructible happiness?
This is an important question that everyone needs to answer.

In order to change your life for the better, you first need to accept it as it is, accept all the circumstances of your life, and most importantly, accept yourself, and not just at the level of consciousness, but also with your entire subconscious.

This will be the fulfillment of the second Niyama - Santoshi (satisfaction), which is called the highest virtue.

I wish us all to always accept with gratitude and calmness even what we need to change.