Scene for March 8 for girls. Examples of funny scenes

The presenters promise the girls to make their most cherished dreams come true in honor of the holiday. But there are many girls, but little time to fulfill desires. Therefore, they decide to make happy only seven who will pass the most difficult tests.


Creating a festive mood and a friendly atmosphere.


Balloons, congratulation banners, statements by famous personalities about women, flowers made of paper, balloons.


  • Potatoes (hidden under some seats in the hall), baskets;
  • Vegetable peelers;
  • Wool threads;
  • Handkerchiefs, clothespins, rope;
  • Balloons, cocktail tubes;
  • Robes with buttons, mittens;
  • Cookies with wishes;
  • Typewriter, flower, pencil.


  • Leaders - young men

Progress of the event

Presenter 1: Hello girls and boys!

Presenter 2: Congratulations on your holiday!

Presenter 1: What are you doing? Happy holiday?

Presenter 2: Happy International Women's Day... Oh, really, what do boys have to do with it? We congratulate only girls, girls and women!

Presenter 1: We wish you a huge sea of ​​flowers, an endless ocean of smiles!

Presenter 2: And fulfillment of all, all desires!

Presenter 1: By the way, do you want us to fulfill all your wishes today? True true!

Presenter 2: We will only fulfill the wishes of those girls who turn out to be the most courageous, dexterous, and strong!

Presenter 1: After all, you girls have been tormenting us for many years now, testing us for strength and dexterity. Why can't we do the same to you at least once?

Presenter 2 (sarcastically): Then you will regret, Kulakova, that you held such fun competitions on February 23!

Presenter 1: Okay, we joked a little, and now let's get back to our rams, sheep, and in general - to desires!

Presenter 2: So, whoever dreams of having their most cherished desire come true - raise your hands!

Presenter 1: Look how many are interested! Even in a month we won’t be able to cope with everyone who wants to come!

Presenter 2: We'll be casting! Whoever wins will receive the right to execute one thing - no more! – desires. Are you ready, girls? Then let's go... to the garden to weed potatoes!

Presenter 1: It's March - what kind of potatoes are there?

Presenter 2: But we don’t care, because we are magicians! We can even conjure snowdrops in December, but grass and potatoes in March are a piece of cake!

Presenter 1: Girls, he's just joking! But seriously, it's time to start casting. So, whoever dreams of having a wish come true - we ask you to take the stage!

Several participants take the stage.

Presenter 2: Haha, I wasn’t joking about potatoes at all! Imagine, you planted it and didn’t weed it at all! Now you need to look for the harvest in the grass. The grass is the audience in the hall. There are real potatoes under some chairs! You need to find it and collect it.

Presenter 1: So, there is a first contender for the fulfillment of a wish. For now, please go to your place in the hall.

Presenter 2: Since we are wizards today, we will grant exactly... seven wishes!

Presenter 1: Why seven? After all, in fairy tales, 3 wishes are usually granted.

Presenter 2: Three is too few! They'll throw tomatoes at us if we don't perform aerobatics like magic! Seven is a beautiful number, and most importantly, it’s odd!

Presenter 1: Okay, let's make it seven. Then we are looking for the next candidate - she must be able to cook.

Those who wish come out.

Presenter 2: What can you cook (the girls answer)? Do you know how to fry potatoes? You know that you need to peel it first, right? Do you know how to do this?

Presenter 1: Now we ask those who know how to sew at least a little to come on stage. Need a costume for the holiday urgently!

Presenter 2: Now we will wash the sewn suits. I hope modern girls know that washing is not just about rinsing in water, it’s also about wrung out, hanging to dry, and taking off already dry clothes.

Presenter 1: Let's see which of our girls can handle all this.

Presenter 2: They did it quickly, hung it up carefully, but it was not a test, but a training session.

Presenter 1: Imagine that a heavy downpour is about to begin and it will ruin all your things. You need to very quickly remove things, fold them neatly, and collect the clothespins on a string.

Presenter 2: Hey girls, hey beauties! You definitely won’t be lost with you! You deal with all the challenges so masterfully that we are even scared to think what will happen next.

Presenter 2: The next competition is for those who stop a galloping horse and enter a burning hut...

Presenter 1: Don’t scare the girls - we’re not recruiting them to serve in the Ministry of Emergency Situations!

Presenter 2: Yes, just nurses. Who dreams of wearing a white robe - come out!

Presenter 1: And the last competition.

Presenter 2: The very last one. No longer! Last chance to make your dream come true! Who wants? Come on stage!

The “Flower Meadow” competition is being held.

Various flowers grow in the clearing: forget-me-nots, daisies, dandelions. Each participant receives an order - to make a bouquet of certain flowers. The girls collect the right flowers in the right quantity and glue them onto a sheet of paper. Whoever completes the task faster wins.

Presenter 1: So the tests are over. Seven candidates for magic, for a piece of happiness - go on stage!

Presenter 2: So, the time has come for the moment for which we have gathered - the fulfillment of desires!

Presenter 1: Before we can fulfill a desire, we must know it. And we will do this with the help of our special abilities.

Presenter 2: Now we will determine the desire of each participant. Attention - magic cookies to the studio, to the stage!

Cookies with wishes are brought onto the stage. Participants choose any one, break it apart, take out a wish, read aloud, as if voicing their own wish: “I want to be given a toy car (flower, pencil)”, “I dream of dancing (singing a song about friendship) on stage”, “I I want people to clap for me for exactly a minute,” “I have long dreamed of becoming a presenter.”

The presenters fulfill the “cherished wish” of each participant: they give a toy car, a flower, a pencil, they allow them to sing, dance, and ask the audience to applaud.

Presenter 1: Let's fulfill your last wish. Do you dream of becoming a presenter? Then over to you - our event is just ending. Say goodbye to everyone.

Participant: Goodbye! See you again!

Presenter 2: Well, all your wishes are fulfilled! And we ask the rest not to despair - all your wishes will come true. The main thing is to believe in them! And if they don’t come true, then the professionals will get down to business – that is, us! We look forward to seeing you on this stage next year!

Presenter 1: Goodbye!

Together: See you again!

Grandmother and grandson enter.

Grandma/concerned/-darling, why are you so sad? Something happened?

Grandson - Eh. grandmother, grandmother. if you knew.

Grandmother/frightened/ -What did you know?

Grandson / caringly / - Don’t worry, sit down, sit down.

/ sits the grandmother on a chair, she holds her heart, the grandson looks into her eyes, strokes her head

/sighs/ I’m suffering so much.

Grandma - Why are you suffering?

Grandson/rolls his eyes/ I am suffering. I'm dreaming. I do not know what to do?

/sublimely/ -What to my beloved grandmother. What to give for the holiday?

Grandmother /smiles joyfully/ - maybe a bouquet of flowers?

Grandson / screams indignantly / - No!

Grandma /thinking/ then a box of chocolates?

The grandson stomps angrily - No! No! and No!

Grandson / affectionately / On the day of spring and joy. We don’t need sweets!/licks his lips/

grandmother/ slyly/ yes, this task is not easy.

Grandson / remember, you had a dream. you have dreamed since childhood.

Grandmother/shrugs/but it was a big secret. shh! I’m a little ashamed even right

Grandson / with annoyance / -grandmother. fame will not pass you by, you still have a few years left /pause/

We will give you a gift / pause. moped!moped! Moped/chant

Grandmother/asks again in confusion/-Moped!

The grandson /convinced/ yes, a moped/ imitates riding a moped around his grandmother, who watches him carefully. stands up abruptly.

Grandson - so you agree. grandmother? /caresses her/

Grandmother/strongly/- I agree. honey. /pats his grandson on the head. grandson claps his hands. hugs her / I agree. grandson

Grandson shows thumb / - You are a true friend!

Grandmother proudly raising her head. with pathos -

I'll speed away on a moped/ makes a big circle with my hand

The grandson opened it in surprise. grandma casually waves her hand

I’ll only be back in the evening! /stomps/

grandson confused - What-oh-oh? Are you going to go for a ride yourself?

grandma nods her head in agreement

Grandson / angrily / And who. who will clean up?

the grandmother silently points to her grandson.

Grandson. stepping on grandma, “Who’s going to cook dinner for us?”

Grandma carelessly. with a smile. shrugs

Grandson /decisively/ I’ll tell you a secret. I don’t have enough money for a moped/it’s hitting my pocket

grandma makes scared eyes

Then will I wait for the sweets? I'm still a little old

I'll save up for a moped.

When you grow up later, we'll fly with the breeze

Hugging and leaving satisfied.

Publications on the topic:

Materials for the matinee on March 8. Song-remake of “Good Beetle” for the exit and skit MATERIALS FOR THE MORNING PARTY ON MARCH 8 OPTION FOR CHILDREN’S EXIT Under the backing track “GOOD BEETLE” (from the film “Cinderella”) Verse 1: EXIT: into the hall from the side.

New Year's scene Sketch “THE ANIMALS HAVE A NEW YEAR” Snow Maiden: A wonderful day is coming New Year is coming to us On the porch at the door The bunnies are waiting for guests. It comes out.

Sketch “I need physical education!” Host: The sun is shining. Children's laughter can be heard outside the window. The weekend has arrived for everyone, everyone, everyone, everyone! Dad and daughter gathered at the sports and recreation center S.

Scene for the New Year Ivan Tsarevich (adult) Ved appears: Who are you, good fellow? Ivan ts: I am not the only one with the Tsar, I am the third son. I'm called Ivanushka.

Sketch for Russia Day for a school holiday Sketch for Russia Day Participants: a girl in a Russian sundress (G.K., Genghis Khan (Sh.A.), Napoleon (R.A., Hitler (M.D., announcer (S.A., 3.

Scene “Forest School”“Forest School” - a skit for preschool children (A bear comes onto the stage to the music. There is a pillar on the stage and on it is a plaque, Bear. What kind of plaque is this?.

Sketch for March 8 “Old Grandmothers” Video Mitrofanovna: Hello, darling, light Ivanovna. Ivanovna: And you won’t get sick Mitrofanovna. Mitrofanovna: Oh, we haven’t met for a long time.

No supermarket has such huge queues as on March 8th. There is no such excitement even on New Year. They prepare in advance for the women's holiday, not only gifts, they prepare entire scenarios for celebrating this day. In our article, we propose to consider several types of scenarios, songs, jokes, skits that can be used to brighten up a corporate event for a female workforce.

Today we are pleased to welcome the friendly team of (name of organization). We are glad to introduce ourselves to you Presenter 1 (name) And Presenter 2 (name). Let's applaud the beautiful half of humanity, our wonderful ladies and their guests. It is to you, dear women, that our evening will be dedicated.

Presenter 1:

Presenter 2:

Presenter 1: Do you feel how the aroma of this hall is filled with spring? It is our charming ladies who attract spring with their traditional holiday on March 8th. Have you noticed how the sun is shining today? But the smiles of our ladies are much brighter! Each of you is a chatterbox, a coquette, a fashionista, in a word – a woman. And all of you, together with the valiant knights, need to be controlled. (The poem is read out).

The director (chief) name does an excellent job of this. The director says the word.

Presenter 1: Dear friends, we have already introduced ourselves to you, let’s all say your names in unison. 3-4! (On command, the feast participants shout names). Presenter 2: You can't hear anything, shout louder! (Everyone shouts out names again.) Presenter 1: Now it’s clear that nothing is clear, we can’t make out the names, but we see your radiant smiles and excellent mood. Dear women, despite your good mood, we will now reveal your secrets (the presenters read out the poems line by line):

Between phrases, laughter can be heard in the hall; one of the women found similarities with themselves. At the end of the list of secrets, the next presenter moves on to the next part of the congratulations and reads out the poem.

Presenter 2:

And we are sure that the engineer ______ (technical director or the next head of staff) possesses such qualities in the organization (name of organization). While a senior colleague congratulates the fair half of the enterprise, a few more words for toasts can be provided at the discretion of the presenter and management. And the program continues with a series of competitions.

Competition 1. Pantomime

The presenter makes an explanation before the competition: because. All employees interact with each other, then let’s check how men and women interact with each other. We will need 6 people (3 women and 3 men). If the organization is small, you can take one pair. Couples stand opposite each other. A man, without saying a word, must explain to a woman what she should buy in the store.

The host tells each pair in turn what they need to buy. Women listen carefully to the presenter and watch their colleague opposite:

  • A bottle of champagne;
  • Condoms;
  • Cigarettes;
  • 10 eggs;
  • Chicken breast fillet;
  • Beef tongue;
  • Bananas;
  • Cellular telephone;
  • Perfume;
  • Mascara.

Competition 2. Salad

Presenter 2: We all know about the Olivier salad. What products is it made from? (The presenter gives the microphone to one of the female representatives, she names the ingredients). Now we will prepare this salad. 5 ladies and 5 gentlemen are invited to the stage. Stand in a circle like a train. Place your hands on the shoulders of the colleague in front of you.
The train moves to the music, and the presenter periodically voices commands: cucumber, peas, carrots, etc. On command, participants make the appropriate movement:

  • Cucumber - move the right leg to the side;
  • Polka dots - bend forward;
  • Potatoes - a step back;
  • Eggs - 2 jumps;
  • Mayonnaise - rotate your hips.

It is advisable to rehearse this competition in order to remember all the “components” of the salad. For comedy, it is advisable for participants to wear funny skirts, hats, and vests.

Competition 3. Musical

To do this, you need appropriate music with a selection of cool distorted melodies. Several men are needed as participants. The presenter will conduct an imaginary casting for the Eurovision Song Contest. Each participant wears a clothespin on the nose, a gag, a bandage or any other attribute for the voice barrier. The contestant must “sing” his favorite song into the microphone. At this time, the DJ will record a melody and supposedly send it for audition. So, the DJ turns on the music, and the winner will be determined by the applause of the audience. At the end, the presenter reports the results and encourages the finalist to look for sponsors.

Video script for a corporate party on March 8 for adults

A fairy tale for March 8th for a group: script

Scene: The Tale of the Goldfish. The action takes place near the audience with the participation of guests of the event. The leader is pre-determined by the role:

  • Sea;
  • Seine;
  • Fisherman;
  • Fish;
  • Young woman;
  • Trough;
  • Grass;
  • Apartment.

The characters should say the following phrases as soon as they see the presenter’s command (for convenience, it is better to print out the phrases):

  • Sea— mind you, don’t shake me!;
  • Fisherman- I’m a man no matter what!;
  • Seine- I’m the only one working here, lazybones!;
  • Fish— I, like a fairy, am ready to fulfill 3 wishes!;
  • Young woman- well, just a Goddess!;
  • Trough— Indesit is generally resting!;
  • Grass- one is grass, two is grass. This is the grass!
  • Apartment- not just an ordinary apartment, but a mortgage!

Video fairy tale for March 8

Corporate event for teachers on March 8: scenario

Location: any school office/dining room;

Participants: school staff;

Presenters: school employees/toastmaster.

To hold a corporate event for teachers, several characters are needed: Agent 007, Carlson, Maxim Galkin, Conchita Wurst, Koschey. It is necessary to select costumes for the presented characters. Between congratulations from visiting “celebrities,” congratulations from colleagues are allowed.

The hall is ready, the tables are set, the guests are assembled. James Bond takes the stage:

Glasses are filled, the teaching staff greets their leader, and Agent 007 continues his congratulations:

Everyone present drinks the first toast. Additionally, the director of the institution speaks, after which Agent 007 continues:

The presenter distributes the details from a package or a specially prepared bag. Several ladies are selected. They are given pieces of paper with phrases; they cannot turn them over and read them yet. The phrases look like this:

  • I'll drink this in one gulp along with the champagne;
  • What do you mean why?! I'll wipe my nose with this!;
  • I will eat this in small portions;
  • I’ll wear this around my neck and go to the carnival;
  • I'll pin my hair up with this and be a superstar;
  • This is what I will put directly in each guest’s mouth;
  • I'll send it into the sky and see where it lands;
  • Everyone will know about this! I will show them how to protect themselves from gopniks;
  • I will take this into detail and distribute it to my students;
  • I’ll put this under my pillow and won’t show it to anyone;
  • I'll cover it with whipped cream, sprinkle it with chocolate and eat it;
  • This will be the most delicious dish at a Friday night bachelorette party;
  • I will rub this cheek and purr languidly three times;
  • Every time I see this I will bow;
  • It's decided! Now I will have this instead of a spoon;
  • Now I’ll brag about it to everyone, I’ll stick it on my forehead, you’ll be jealous!;
  • I will sing a lullaby to this;
  • With this I will jump and jump all day long;
  • I'll tie this to my leg and use it to trample.

The presenter also has gifts in another bag. Each selected participant must pull out one gift. The papers have not yet been turned over. As soon as all the participants in the competition have acquired the details, they turn over the piece of paper, as soon as James Bond comes up, they name their gift and read from the piece of paper what it is for them. The list of gifts is something like this:

  • Jameson Bond Poster;
  • Dark chocolate bar;
  • Wafer candy;
  • Pendant for a chain;
  • Hair clip/hair tie;
  • Mars Bar;
  • Candy on a stick;
  • Belyashi;
  • Shoe sponge;
  • Toothbrush;
  • Bottle of beer;
  • Flashlight;
  • Orange;
  • Wet wipes;
  • Children's toy;
  • Candle;
  • Maggi seasoning;
  • Lip gloss;
  • Cup;
  • Single use coffee.

James Bond's mission accomplished, he says his final line:

Had a lot of fun

Beautiful flower garden, daring

Gifts, candles, whites,

It's time for me to go home!

Maxim Galkin comes out to the audience with the words:

At this moment, the new presenter distributes gifts - pre-prepared mimosa branches (tulips, roses, daisies or other flowers). The banquet continues:

The presenter prepared the game “Name the body part by letter.” There are cut letters in the vase; it is necessary that the letters “C” and “P” be printed more times. Everyone who pulled out the pieces of paper is given the floor, and there is general laughter. Galkin receives recognition, applause and says goodbye to the beautiful ladies. He is replaced by Koschey:

The teaching staff drinks champagne, and Koschey the Immortal continues:

The presenter appoints game participants (2 people). Topics are chosen arbitrarily: “Flowers”, “Car brands”, “Handbag brands”, “Name of perfume”, “Shades of red”, etc. The help of the audience is welcome, and the lady who gives the last thematic answer will be the winner and receive a symbolic gift. Conchita Wurst takes the stage next.

Conchita prepared a competition for all participants. An identical sheet of paper with phrases for the ditty is placed on each table. In three minutes, participants must come up with a ditty that is funny or simply rhymes. List of phrases:

  1. Danced;
  2. Lost;
  3. Moon;
  4. Beauty.

After the game, Conchita collects the details and leaves, saying goodbye: Thank you my dears for your talents, and I’m back at Eurovision, maybe I’ll be lucky with your ditties and together we will become famous throughout the world!

Dear Carlson appears:

The new presenter awards the ladies with medals, showers them with congratulations and presents them with diplomas. The subjects of the diplomas are different: for valor and bravery, for beauty, for tenderness, for resistance to stress, a strong-willed woman, the queen of the land of Knowledge, the conqueror of Olympus, the muse of the Russian language, the mistress of numbers, etc. The main thing is that not a single woman is left without attention. And at the end of his congratulations, Carlson invites women to dance with a brutal man in the prime of his life!

March 8 video for teachers

Funny ditties for March 8th for a corporate party

Cool mini scene on March 8th for a corporate party

Two black angels come out into the hall and begin frantically fiddling with their pockets, looking for gifts for women in the table and nearby cabinets.

First angel: - What will we give to our ladies?!

Second angel: - Cake!

First angel: - Corny!

Second angel: - Shampoo!

First angel: - Last time they gave it!

Second angel: - Musical card!

First angel: - It sucks!

Second angel: - Shaving foam...

First angel: Pause... (embarrassed) No, so what, they need it too... Let's move on!

Second angel: - I won’t even continue (offended).

Here a third, white angel comes into the hall with a basket of gifts prepared in advance for the women.

White Angel: I heard your dilemma, and decided to please our women on this wonderful holiday. At this moment, the angels hand out gifts and say congratulations.

Games for March 8th for corporate parties

  • The game will be called “Guess me from the photo.” You need to get children's photographs of all the participants of the holiday in advance. The competition must be conducted by leading men. Photos are scanned and placed in the presentation. During the presentation, women selected to participate will guess their childhood counterparts. Next, a prize is awarded to the participant who guessed the faces from the photos to the maximum;
  • Toast. The presenter calls several people from the audience. You need to say the most original toast in the chain of participants. Everyone must continue the thought of the previous toaster. The presenter will show the words on paper, and in turn the participants must use them in their phrases. List of phrases: harvester, sociability, drink, sex, fire, old age, postcard, bomb, hair, intrigue, log;

  • Bank. The presenter calls two couples (2 men and 2 women) onto the stage. Women are given candy wrapper bills, they need to be placed in the partner’s secret places. A colleague of the opposite sex will be a banker. Banks operate for a short period of time and need to be dealt with as quickly as possible. At the leader’s command, we begin to lay out the bills. The host stops the game and asks the girls to exchange partners. Now the banks have opened and all deposits need to be withdrawn from them, let's start!;

  • Associations. The facilitator divides the participants into two teams. Each participant is given a card. You can't look into it without a command. The card contains a list of words that need to be explained without using cognates; it is allowed to use gestures, synonyms, and antonyms. Each participant is given 30 seconds. The opposing team records the number of words explained without giving their opponent any hints. At the leader’s command, the game begins, the first player’s card is turned over, and his team guesses the word. Once the word is solved, the next meaning needs to be explained. The team that solves the maximum number of words wins.

Jokes for March 8th for a corporate party

  • Establishments. The presenter invites several participants onto the stage; the contestants must sit on chairs that have their backs to the audience. There are signs attached to the backs, for example, “Ward No. 6”, “Brothel”, “Drinking House”, “Detoxification Center”, “Nurse Group”, “Sauna”, etc. All participants sat down. The presenter asks questions: how often do you spend time here?, is this your favorite place to live?, when was the last time you were here?, do you work here? etc.

  • Ball. Contestants sit on chairs lined up in a row. Without using your hands, you need to roll the ball from the first chair to the last. The one who drops the ball is out of the game;

  • Dances of peoples. The presenter hands out the names of dances of the peoples of the world on pieces of paper. For example: tap dance, salsa, twist, lezginka, etc. Participants can look at the cards. As soon as they hear the right melody, they dance. The best dancer is the winner;

Remade songs (text) for March 8th corporate party

You can perform a skit with the participation of several characters to the remade song. For example, for the song “Belle,” you will need three groups of characters for three verses: the Wolf with Little Red Riding Hood, Cheburashka with the old woman Shapoklyak, the Mole and little Thumbelina.

  • Cheburashka/Shapoklyak sing first;

  • The next verse is for Little Red Riding Hood and the Gray Wolf;

  • The last to sing are Mole and Thumbelina;

  • Reworked to the tune of the song “There is only a moment...” from the film “Sannikov’s Land”;

  • Rearrangement for the song “I’m already 18” gr. Hands up.

Funny competitions on March 8th for corporate events

  • Cat in a poke. We need 2 bags and 2 teams (women's and men's). The first bag, in fact, belongs to the men's team; it contains pliers, electrical tape, a multimeter, suspenders and other items. The woman's bag will contain a hair dryer, curlers, seasonings, highlighter, hair mousse and more. Before the start of the competition, the presenter changes the bags and gives the men's bag to the women's team, and the women's bag to the men's half. Participants must name the items from the bag without hesitation, the winner gets the contents;

  • Letter competition. The presenter shows sheets of letters. There will be 7 letters in total, the encrypted word is Woman. For each letter, participants must name a word. At the end, to the participants who have lost their vigilance, the presenter asks the most important question, which word is hidden behind the shown letters, the one who guesses wins a prize;

  • Smile. Participants in this competition need to smile as widely as possible. During the test, the presenter measures the length of the smile and converts it into millimeters. The owner of the widest smile receives a commemorative medal “Miss Smile”;

  • 12 chairs. 13 girls are called up for the competition. The chairs are arranged in a circle. Rhythmic music is playing. As soon as the melody stops, the chairs must be taken. The one who does not have time is eliminated from the game. At the same time, the chair is removed. The last player remaining is the winner;

  • Balloons. 5-7 people are needed to participate. The presenter gives each person a ball. Whoever fools him first and bursts him will win. The same competition can be used in M+F pairs; the inflated balloon must be burst between two partners without the help of hands and teeth. The winner is the one who pops the balloon first.

Chants for March 8th for a corporate party

Serpentine of ideas March 8th corporate party:

March 8 requires special preparation. Especially when it comes to a large team. You need to know where to celebrate International Women's Day, what kind of entertainment program to create and, most importantly, what to prepare.

where to hold a corporate party on March 8?

Most teams celebrate corporate events without leaving the walls of their establishment. Teachers, as a rule, hold it in the assembly hall, dining room, office for teachers' meetings, or some large office where the area can accommodate all the guests. Those groups that unanimously decided to allocate part of their budget often celebrate March 8 in cafes and restaurants. One of the suitable places for holding a teacher’s corporate event is a recreation center. This especially applies to the southern regions of the country, where nature begins to come to life and delight the eyes of holiday guests.

miniatures corporate party March 8

Comic miniature “Congratulations to the Italians”

4 men take the stage. 2 bodyguards, one Italian and his translator.

Comic miniature “Song of Two Italians”

Two men remain on stage, the translator and the Italian from the previous scene, singing a song to the tune of “Uno Momento”.

Comic miniature remade song to the tune of “Song about Hares”

The men line up. The main prop on the head is bunny ears. Each man's hand is rewound, like in the movie "The Diamond Arm". There is a glass in my free hand. The person behind stands without a glass, but with a bottle. At the end of the congratulations, the last man fills the glasses and everyone drinks the toast they just sang.

corporate buffet menu March 8

Buffet appetizers are one of the main components of a banquet. This point should be approached with a great deal of responsibility. As you know, a satisfied people is a well-fed people. Several dishes and drinks will complement the table and make the banquet more festive. These include light snacks from meat products, fruits, seafood, various types of cheeses, miniature cakes, and sweets. We offer a menu for a corporate buffet:

11.11.2018 | Looked at the script 42957 Human

The presenter (aka Choli's mother - a young man in disguise) says greetings to all the gathered girls and their girlfriends:

Hello, girls, today is our holiday, and we will celebrate it with an all-girl team. Hurray! Let's...

OH Good afternoon, dear wives, mothers, sisters, daughters, grandmothers, girlfriends, loved ones, colleagues, acquaintances and strangers, but who can be described in one phrase - dear women!

SHE We are glad to see you at our meeting today, a meeting with the beautiful...

“Oh spring, you have defeated me” (Script of a festive concert dedicated to women)

26.01.2017 | Looked at the script 27824 person

HOST: Good evening, dear guests! We are very glad to see you here today in this beautiful hall. Relax, enjoy communicating with each other, watch the concert.
The first days of spring have already arrived, the sun has appeared after a long and gloomy...

Scenario for March 8 “Oh, what bliss - to know that I am? - perfection!”

28.02.2015 | Looked at the script 36682 person

No matter how trivial it may sound, there is nothing better than a snow-white tablecloth and candlelight to add charm and some intimacy to the holiday. In a small company, congratulations sound less formal, compliments seem more sincere, ...

Scenario March 8 in the office “For lovely ladies”

28.02.2015 | Looked at the script 36927 Human

The scenario is designed for a holiday at work. The men take all the preparations for the celebration on their strong shoulders. There is no need to prepare some kind of extraordinary table; you can get by with light snacks and wine or champagne. However, the table...

Scenario March 8 “Everything for the Queen!”

26.02.2014 | Looked at the script 34293 person

O most beautiful of the beautiful! Oh, most venerable of the venerable! O noblest of the noble! Today we have gathered you to bow our knee before you!

All men present sit down on one knee in front of their...

"The holiday is not for yourself." An unusual look at gifts for teachers in four stories

23.02.2014 | Looked at the script 10818 Human

I have always liked the idea of ​​enlivening a holiday by the fact that you yourself give a gift to someone, you yourself strive to please someone. And you don’t expect joy for yourself. I supported in my students precisely this desire to create a holiday for everyone around.

Cool Script for congratulating Colleagues on March 8th

23.02.2014 | Looked at the script 38125 Human

With all my heart in the spring time
We congratulate you in fiery speeches,
After all, the work of Gidrostroy continues
On your fragile feminine shoulders.

For a kind smile or word
We will easily fulfill any whim,
We are ready to surprise and delight you,

"Two poems for February 23 and March 8"

24.02.2012 | Looked at the script 26716 Human

All women, in general, are Nice...
They are for men - gems -
Shine and move smoothly
To victories, sung by the poet...
All women, really, - Sweet... sweet, -
Like sugar, like ripe berries,
And we are all for dessert...

Script of congratulations on March 8

23.02.2012 | Looked at the script 68671 Human

O woman! From ancient times
Sonnets were dedicated to you,
Any of hundreds of names
Poets dedicated poems, -
After all, a woman loves with her ears -
She appreciates a kind word
And only kind words
We will contact you, of course,
Then, so that everyone falls in love with us...

March 8 is a unique bright holiday, when everyone around congratulates beautiful women, girls, girls. At the same time, congratulations and even “odes of praise” pour in on this day as if from a cornucopia. Women are congratulated everywhere: at work, in the store, in the beauty salon and other places. School teachers also pay special attention to this holiday. At this time, themed matinees and evenings are held. How are comic skits on March 8 organized and performed at school?

Scene 1: “Don’t forget about mom”

One of the simplest and most instructive game performances is the scene “Don’t forget about mom.” Up to eight people can take part. Starring: father, two sons and mother. For the scene you need to recreate the kitchen. Therefore, from the decorations you will need:

  • 4 chairs;
  • table;
  • an imaginary window with curtains and flowers in a pot;
  • several pots, plates and cutlery;
  • artificial or fresh flowers.

and plot

According to the mini-scene scenario, on March 8, a father, mother and two sons gather in the family circle. The action takes place in First the mother appears. This is a former primary school teacher who rushes around the kitchen, cooking, cleaning and setting the table at the same time. She constantly glances at her watch. Dad enters the kitchen. He sits down at the table. Both sons follow him. They also sit at the table. Mother gives everyone a plate.

Simulates pouring something from a pan onto plates. While eating, both brothers enthusiastically talk about how tomorrow they will congratulate their classmates and teachers on March 8th. Dad joins in and needs to choose a gift for his boss. The mother listens and gives useful advice. After eating, everyone gets up from the table and runs away. The woman silently removes the dishes, puts on an apron, and begins to wash.

Gifts for women from mother's hands

Further on, according to the plot of the mini-scene on March 8, one of the boys runs into the room, pulls his mother away from the sink and sits him down at the table. At the same time, he asks his mother to assist in making a postcard for his beloved class teacher. His mother drops everything and helps him. He runs away, jumping joyfully. The second one runs in and again distracts the mother from washing the dishes. He also needs help.

Mom helps him make a beautiful craft for his favorite English teacher. The child runs away. The third one to come out is dad, who brings a catalog of souvenirs and invites his wife to help him choose a gift for his boss. Then all three male representatives rush around the room looking for white, ironed shirts. Mom gives all three of them a shirt, and dad helps tie his tie. After all the preparations for the holiday are completed, according to the plan of the sketch for schoolchildren “March 8,” the three men leave. Mom is left alone. She finally finishes the dishes and sits down on a chair. A curtain.

“Don't forget about mom”: act two

In the second act, the children and father return home. All four meet again at the table. They sit down. The mother serves them food. Evening. They talk with inspiration about how wonderfully they congratulated their classmates, teachers and work colleagues. Mom listens and sighs. Suddenly the doorbell rings. A woman approaches the door. Behind her are the children of elementary school.

They hand flowers and sweets to the mother and read congratulatory poems. The sons and father come out to hear the noise. They see this picture and realize that on March 8th they managed to congratulate all the women except their spouse and mother. All three quietly take their jackets and silently leave the room. However, the funny scenes on March 8 don’t end there. To be continued…

A few minutes later they return with each of them coming up to the mother, handing over a sprig of mimosa and a bouquet. They kiss and congratulate. Then they all turn around to face the audience. And at this moment the author says that we should not forget that mothers are women too. He ends his speech with congratulations to all the mothers, teachers and ladies present.

Scene 2: “Magic from a Bottle”

Another variation of the script is a performance called “Magic from a Bottle.” The action of the March 8th sketch for children takes place in an ordinary courtyard, so for decoration you will need a large bench and decorative greenery.

In the story, a boy is walking down the street. He whistles and kicks an empty tin can. Suddenly he sees the following picture: an old man sits on a bench with a briefcase and a newspaper. He then gets up and leaves, leaving the case behind. The boy comes and opens it. A genie emerges from it.

He talks about how he will fulfill any three wishes. The boy, in turn, tells the wizard that today is March 8th, and he doesn’t know how to congratulate his classmates, teachers and mothers. Jin promises to help.

Actions in Scene 2: “Magic from a Bottle”

The genie claps his hands three times and says that he is moving the boy to the Rio de Janeiro carnival for the next stage of the skit. March 8 is an unforgettable holiday for high school students, teachers and parents, so the performance should be bright and memorable.

And therefore, then dancers in bright costumes with feathers appear on the stage. They dance a fiery mamba to melodious music. At the end, the dancing children bow and leave. Gene then claps his hands again and transports the boy to Mexico. The dancers come out again with large sombrero hats and maracas. They dance.

For the third time, Gene takes the boy to Texas, where they dance the cowboy dance. After the dance, Jin tells the boy that he has fulfilled all three wishes. The boy thanks Jin for the colorful excursion and the gift idea. Then he says that he decided to congratulate all women on the holiday, as they do in Russia. At this time, he recites congratulatory poems. A girl comes out with a large basket of flowers and, accompanied by music, distributes them to all the female guests. A curtain.

March 8th holiday: skits (primary school)

In addition to high schools, matinees and special events are also held in primary schools. For example, for this scene you will need:

  • 7 students;
  • 4 teachers;
  • leading.

The first student appears on stage. He says the following words: “Admire the beauty of nature! How bright and cheerful it is today. Winter snow and icicles have melted. The drops are ringing and the birds are singing outside the window.” The second student appears: “The month of March has come. The ice has melted. Spring has come and gives our mothers, grandmothers and teachers a sunny mood.” At the next stage of the holiday, comic scenes begin. On March 8, everyone at school should be happy and interested.

The presenter comes on stage: “The most beautiful and wonderful thing on earth is the word “mother.” In all foreign languages ​​it sounds equally beautiful and gentle. Mom has gentle and hardworking hands, a kind look and a smile. She has the most sensitive and big heart, so she loves everyone and never leaves anyone in trouble.”

Words from teachers in a congratulatory scene for parents

No one will argue that March 8 is an important holiday for all women. The skit for teachers and parents should be accompanied by dances, songs and poems. Therefore, the further action takes place in the circle of actors-teachers. The first teacher appears on the stage: “There are many good people on earth who know how to appreciate kindness and empathize with their neighbors. But mom does it best.” She then recites the poem "Eyes Wide Open."

A second teacher appears on the scene: “I always consult my mother on everything. I tell her about how my day went, about the children, about my colleagues. She always supports me in difficult times, gives useful instructions and advice.”

The third teacher enters: “I see you in the morning, mom. You wake me up and tell me it's time to get up. You are a wonderful advisor and friend, hope and support. You manage everything and love everyone. You are the best in the world". Now serious and slightly humorous scenes on March 8th are waiting for their turn. All the women close to the children gathered at the school - mothers, grandmothers, teachers, sisters, aunts. On this day, students dedicate their performances to all of them.

Congratulations to lovely ladies

The first student says: “We love you, dear mommy! Because you love and sometimes scold us. But your reproaches are always to the point. We remember and appreciate this. We can always turn to you for advice. You will answer us without guile: honestly and fairly.”

Second student: “In heat and cold, in joy and sorrow, our mother is always with us. She spends sleepless nights with us. Teaches kindness and tolerance, justice and nobility.”

Third student: “When mom is not at home, everything becomes sad and gloomy. But when mom comes, everything immediately falls into place.”

Fourth student: “Our kind and beloved grandmother. You are also a mother. You already have grandchildren. You are understanding and good-natured. You look after us and cook delicious pies.”

Fifth student: “My grandmother is the best! She will always invite you to visit, feed you delicious pastries, cookies and pies. He’ll give everyone tea, read them a fairy tale, and put them to bed.”

Sixth student: “Knock, knock. March is knocking on our doors. “He is in a hurry to congratulate all mothers, grandmothers and teachers on the spring holiday and International Women’s Day.”

Seventh student: “All the funny scenes on March 8 are not complete without songs and poems. Therefore, we will first tell you the poems, and then we will sing.”

One of the students recites a congratulatory poem. After this, a song about mother is performed by a children's choir. Presenter: “We congratulate all mothers, grandmothers, girls and teachers on March 8th. We wish you creative success and patience!”

In conclusion, let’s say that we have offered you sample comic scenes for March 8th at school. Based on them, you can create your own script and interesting production on the eve of this wonderful holiday.