Card index (junior group) on the topic: Musical and didactic games. Musical and didactic games for the 2nd junior group Musical game for children of the 2nd junior group

Umbrella game

The umbrella is jumping on its leg,

And we clap our hands.

Our umbrella will spin

And we clap and have fun.

The umbrella will squat.

Mice and cheese. A. Chugaikina

Children stand in a circle, the circle is cheese, their hands are clasped and their collars are raised, the collars are holes in the cheese. Children running through the gates are holding mice (soft toys) in their hands. The key word is “close” - the gates close.

Mice, mice, those rogues,

Real thieves.

We gnawed our favorite cheese,

Look how many holes there are!

We need to catch mice

Close the holes in the cheese!

Game "Hunter and Squirrels"

Tree hoops are laid out on the floor, squirrels are sitting on the trees. "Hunter" without a hoop. Everyone sings a song:

A hunter wanders through the forests,

I can't find squirrels anywhere!

Come on, squirrel, don't yawn!

Change the house quickly!

With the last word, all “squirrels” must definitely change their house. And the “hunter” takes the hoop.

A game "Snowflakes fly". Music by L. Oliferova

Children stand scattered around the hall, the teacher sings a song, the children pretend to be flying snowflakes. They easily run around the hall in different directions, smoothly swinging their arms.

Snowflakes fly, fly, fly.

Snowflakes fly, fly, fly.

Come on, everyone, quickly get up in pairs...

(Come on, hurry up and stand in a circle)

For part 2, the children find a partner and spin around. With the beginning of a new verse, they scatter around the hall again.

Game "Rooster and Children"

Children stand in a circle, a child wearing a rooster's cap is in the center.

Knock-knock, Knock-knock-knock,

A rooster walks around the yard.

Himself with spurs,

Tail with patterns.

Stands under the window

He screams throughout the yard.

Whoever hears it runs.

Everyone stops abruptly, turns to face the circle and lowers their hands. The rooster shouts: “Ku-ka-re-ku!”, spins in place, flaps its wings and runs after the children, trying to catch someone.

Train game Tryapitsina

The teacher sings a song. The child locomotive stands in the center of the circle and, accompanied by the singing of an adult, moves inside the circle with a stomping step. children forming a circle perform movements while standing still.

Here and there, here and there

There is noise and commotion on the platform.

Here's the horn calling you on your way:

The train will leave soon!

at the end of the part, the train stops, pairs up with the one it stopped next to, performs any movements together, and the other children clap for them. Next, the engine “hooks” the trailer to itself, and they move in a circle. At the next wager, both of them attach one more participant to the game, etc. Until the whole group is included.

Game "Hide and Seek with Mom"

Attributes: transparent handkerchiefs.

Mothers and children sing and walk in a circle. Children holding a handkerchief in their hands:

1. Mom and I are going.

Let's sing a song together.

La la la la la la,

Let's sing a song together.

Children sit in the center of the circle and hide under a scarf, and mothers walk in a circle.

2. I’ll hide under the handkerchief.

Mommy, find me!

La la la la la la,

Mommy find me.

3. Where is the daughter? Where is my son?

Where is my beloved friend?

La la la la la la,

Where is my beloved friend?

The teacher says: Moms, moms, hurry up and find your children.

4. Here is the daughter, here is the son,

I found you, buddy.

La la la la la la,

I found you my friend!

La la la la la la,

Hug me, buddy.

Mothers sing and spin in pairs with their children, hugging at the end.

The toys are dancing

Target: To develop children’s understanding of rhythm, teach them to remember and convey a given rhythmic pattern.

Game material:a set of small toys according to the number of children playing.

Game progress: 1 option

The teacher and children sit around the table or on the floor.

Educator: The toys gathered to dance,

But they don’t know how, where to start.

The bunny came forward

He sets an example for everyone

The teacher sets a simple rhythmic pattern by knocking the toy on the table. The children's task is to repeat the given drawing.

The game is repeated several times. The task can be given to the whole group of children playing, as well as individually. When the children have mastered the game well enough, one of the children takes on the role of leader.

Option 2

Option 3

Children stand in a circle. Educator: The kids gathered to dance

But they don’t know how, where to start!

I'll stomp once! I'll slam you once!

Look at me,

Together, do as I do!

The teacher claps his hands or performs footsteps. Children repeat the given rhythm.

When the children have mastered the game well enough, one of the children takes on the role of leader.

Option 4

The teacher plays with a subgroup of children, but sets the rhythmic pattern to each individual, in turn, asking the rest of the children to evaluate the correctness of the task.

Notes: For the game, small toys from Kinder Surprises, counting material can be used: mushrooms, nesting dolls, ducklings, etc. any plastic and wooden toys, as well as nesting dolls of various sizes.


Game to develop pitch sensitivity

Target: Teach children to distinguish sounds by pitch, show the movement of a melody.

Game material:Dolls by number of game participants

Progress of the game: The teacher sings a lullaby and rocks the doll: up for a high sound, down for a low sound.

Sleep, dolls, bye-bye,

The stars are shining clear

A shaggy oak tree looks out the window

Have all the guys gone to bed?

When the game is well enough mastered by the children, the leader, one of the children, can swing the doll, the rest conduct with their hands. Showing high and low sounds.

Quiet and loud bells

Game to develop dynamic perception

Target: Teach children to hear and distinguish between loud and quiet sounds. Coordinate your movements, achieving a quiet or loud sound.

Game material:Bells, bell bracelets, triangles, homemade ringers.

Progress of the game: Children perform game actions while the leader sings.

Ring the bell more quietly

Ring the bell more quietly

Let no one hear you.

You ring stronger, bell,

So that everyone can hear!

You ring stronger, bell,

So that everyone can hear!

For the first part of the song, the children ring quietly, barely audibly.

For the second part of the song they ring loudly and confidently.

The song came to visit

A game to develop musical ear, memory and performance abilities

Target: Develop musical memory, the ability to sing without musical accompaniment in choirs, ensembles and individually.

Game material:Magic bag and toys, heroes of children's songs.

Progress of the game: The teacher brings a magic bag to the group, examines it, and makes assumptions about what it could be.

Educator: The song came to visit

And she brought a gift.

Come on, Tanya, come over,

What's in the bag, look!

The child takes a toy out of the bag. The teacher suggests remembering the song in which this character appears: cat, mouse, horse, bunny. A car, a bird, etc. The teacher invites the children to sing a song individually, in a choir or in an ensemble.

Note: The song is not necessarily about a toy. The hero may simply be mentioned in a song.

Find a match

Target: Learn to compare the sound of instruments, find the same sound.

Game material:Homemade noisemakers with various fillings, two each sounding the same: ice cream molds, capsules from Kinder surprises, jars of coffee or vitamins.

Game progress: 1st option Noisemakers in a magic bag. The presenter invites one of the players to find two noisemakers that sound the same. The remaining players evaluate the correctness of the task. The child is allowed to compare each sample with a standard (noisemaker used to select a pair)

Option 2 The teacher invites two children to participate in the game: one of them takes out a noisemaker and “makes a sound,” and the second looks for a pair based on the sound. The difficulty is that the second child does not have the opportunity to constantly compare his choice with the standard. And the first evaluates his choice also from memory.

Option 3 The teacher invites the children to choose one noisemaker from the bag, listen to it and find a pair among the children. The game is fun with noise and running from one participant to another. Children also develop communication skills through play.

Musical hedgehog

A game to develop a sense of rhythm and dynamic perception

Target: Develop children's understanding of rhythm, teach techniques for playing the drum with one and two sticks, palms, and fingers.

Progress of the game: The child plays the drum according to the text of the poem (boom-boom-boom) with one stick.

The hedgehog goes boom, boom, boom with a drum!

The hedgehog plays boom, boom, boom all day long!

With a drum behind you, boom, boom, boom!

A hedgehog accidentally wandered into the garden - boom, boom, boom!

He loved apples very much - boom, boom, boom!

He forgot the drum in the garden Boom, boom, boom!

At night the apples were picked boom, boom, boom!

And the blows came boom, boom, boom!

Oh, how the bunnies got scared - boom, boom, boom!

We didn’t close our eyes until dawn, boom, boom, boom!

1st complication: The child plays the drum with two sticks alternately.

2nd complication: A child plays the drum with one stick, observing dynamic shades

The hedgehog goes boom, boom, boom with a drum! (loudly, joyfully)

The hedgehog plays boom, boom, boom all day long! (loudly, joyfully)

With a drum behind you, boom, boom, boom! (not too loud)

A hedgehog accidentally wandered into the garden - boom, boom, boom! (not too loud)

He loved apples very much - boom, boom, boom! (Loudly joyful)

He forgot the drum in the garden Boom, boom, boom! (not too loud)

At night the apples were picked boom, boom, boom! (Quiet)

And the blows came boom, boom, boom! (Quiet)

Oh, how the bunnies got scared - boom, boom, boom! (Barely audible)

We didn’t close our eyes until dawn, boom, boom, boom! (barely audible)

3 complication : The same thing is played with two sticks alternately.

4 complication : Plays with palms (one or two)

The hedgehog goes boom, boom, boom with a drum! (Palm loudly, joyfully)

The hedgehog plays boom, boom, boom all day long! (Palm loudly, joyfully)

With a drum behind you, boom, boom, boom! (Palm not too loud)

A hedgehog accidentally wandered into the garden - boom, boom, boom! (Palm not too loud)

He loved apples very much - boom, boom, boom! (Fist loudly joyfully)

He forgot the drum in the garden Boom, boom, boom! (Fist not too loud)

At night the apples were picked boom, boom, boom! (Thumb Quiet)

And the blows came boom, boom, boom! (Quiet finger)

Oh, how the bunnies got scared - boom, boom, boom! (barely audible with a finger)

We didn’t close our eyes until dawn, boom, boom, boom! (barely audible with a finger)

Note: You can play in an ensemble or individually.

Who sings

Game to develop auditory attention

Target: Distinguish by ear the sounds of living and inanimate nature, train auditory memory, enrich the sensory reference system of children

Game material:Cassette with sounds of nature.

Progress of the game: The teacher suggests listening and guessing whose voices are heard: it could be the sound of water, rain, birdsong, barking dogs, mooing cows, the noise of a running train. Children listen and answer whose song is being played at the moment. The remaining players evaluate the correctness of the answers.

Guess what I'm playing on

A game to develop timbre hearing and performance skills

Target: Develop the ability to distinguish the timbre of the sound of various children's musical instruments.

Game material:A set of musical instruments according to the number of children, a small screen.

Progress of the game: The teacher shows the children musical instruments and asks them to remember their names. He then demonstrates ways to play the instruments. Children are asked to determine by ear what kind of instrument it sounds. The teacher plays an instrument behind a screen - the children guess. To confirm the correctness of the answer, the teacher shows the children what he was playing at the moment, and invites one of the children to play the same instrument independently.

1 Complication: The teacher invites the children to guess which familiar character can characterize the sound of a particular musical instrument. The child is invited to invent and play as the supposed character walks, runs, flies, or jumps.

2 Complication: When children become comfortable with the game, you can invite them to voice the conversation between two proposed characters on instruments, for example, a bear talking to a mouse. Clarify that they speak in turns, which means that the instruments also sound in turns.

3 Complication: After the children have guessed all the instruments, everyone is invited to play together to the music in the audio recording.

Note: In order to make the game more interesting and attractive for children, you should introduce a game character: these can be animals, Clown, Parsley, Granny - fun, etc.

Where are my guys

A game to develop musical ear and pitch sensitivity

Target: Exercise children in the perception and discrimination of high and low sounds. Develop communication and creative abilities.

Game material:A set of toys or pictures depicting animals.

Progress of the game:

1 option The teacher shows a toy or a picture of a cat and sings in one sound in a low voice:

Meow meow meow!

Meow meow meow!

Children must answer: Meow-meow-meow! Sing in a high pitched voice. The game then continues using other animals according to the same principle.

Option 2 The teacher runs to the corner of the group room and sings:

Where are my boys, gray kittens?

Meow meow meow!

Meow meow meow!

Children sing: Meow-meow-meow! Sing in a high pitched voice. And they run to the teacher. The teacher praises everyone. The game then continues using other animals according to the same principle.

Option 3 The teacher offers to play the role of “Mom” to one of the children. They choose two or three and assign them roles: cat, chicken, goat. Each one sings his own song in turn, and the children answer him.

Option 4 Children are divided into pairs. Each person holds a toy or a picture depicting an animal or a baby. Everyone sings their own song in turn, the child in whose hands is a toy or a picture with the image of a baby “Singing Mommy” answers. The rest evaluate the correctness of the answer.

The doll is dancing, the doll is sleeping

Dynamic hearing development game

Target: To develop in children an idea of ​​the different nature of music (cheerful, cheerful; calm, sad)

Game material:dolls according to the number of children playing.

Game progress: 1st option The teacher plays cheerful, playful music using works from the group music library. Children dance with dolls. The teacher turns on calm music, the children rock and cradle the dolls.

Note: Instead of dolls, there can be any other favorite toys.

Option 2 The teacher plays cheerful, playful music using works from the group music library. Children dance, improvising dance movements. The teacher suggests what movements can be used and praises those who come up with dance movements themselves. The teacher turns on calm music, the children squat, put their hands under their cheeks, and “fall asleep”

Recommended music: (doll dance)P. Tchaikovsky “Children’s Album” “Polka”, S. Rachmaninov “Polka”, R.N.M. “Lady”, R.n.m. “Oh, you, birch”, etc.(doll's dream) P. Tchaikovsky “Children’s Album” “Doll’s Disease”, “Morning Reflection”, E. Grieg “Morning”, C. Saint-Saens “Swan”

Happy rain

A game to develop dynamic hearing and sense of rhythm

Target: Develop performing skills, teach how to hold a hammer correctly. Develop children's understanding of rhythm. Hear and be able to convey changes in the dynamics of sound.

Game material:Metallophones, bells, bells, triangles according to the number of children playing.

Progress of the game: The teacher tells a fairy tale and shows how the task is performed, the children repeat after him. "One day the Little Frog went for a walk. Suddenly a drop of rain fell on him (hit the metallophone plate once). A cloud covered the sun, it became dark, and a few more drops fell on the little frog (hit several times). At the beginning, the droplets dropped rarely (rare hits) , and then the rain began to fall in earnest and the droplets began to fall more and more often. The rain intensified (frequent blows). The little frog jumped into the lake and began to wait for the rain to stop, and the sun came out again.”

Who walks how?

Target: Hear and determine the nature of music, develop musical and associative-figurative perception and creative abilities of children.

Game material: Masks, animal costumes.

Progress of the game: Educator: “Oh, so many different animals around!And fish, and birds, and a horse, and a bunny! Listen to the music carefully, try to guess who it is coming? The one who recognizes his music is the one who performs!” The teacher turns on music that characterizes a particular game image, and the children guess. The movements of a given image are improvised to the music.

Sun and cloud

Game to develop musical ideas

Target: To develop children’s modal perception, to teach them to hear the ending and beginning of parts of a musical work, to develop children’s associative-figurative and musical perception.

Game material: Hoops, colored rings, flat silhouettes of flowers.

Progress of the game: Educator: “This is our clearing: look how many flowers there are! And you and I are butterflies. The sun is shining, we are having fun flying through the meadow! When a cloud appears, we will hide in the flowers and sit quietly! And when the sun comes out, we will fly and have fun again. And when the music ends, everyone will sit on the flowers again - the day is over, the sun has set.” Music sounds, children carry out the teacher’s instructions.

Owl - owl

A game to develop musical ear and figurative movements

Target: To develop associative-figurative and musical perception of children. Learn to move to the music and stop moving when it ends.

Game material: Owl mask

Progress of the game: Children run and dance to the music, pretending to be birds. As soon as the music stops playing, the birds freeze in place, and an owl flies out to hunt. She is looking for the one who moved. The game continues at the request of the children.

Parsley is a mischief maker

A game to develop timbre hearing and attention

Target: Develop the ability to distinguish the timbre of the sound of various children's musical instruments. Develop an attitude towards sound as a significant signal, and quickly respond to it.

Game material:Metallophone, tambourine, rattle, bell, drum, etc. at the teacher's choice. Parsley is a bibabo doll. A small screen.

Progress of the game: The teacher brings musical instruments, clarifies their name with the children and plays them, clarifying the sound, tuning the children. Then he says that Petrushka, the mischievous man, came running from the puppet theater to visit. He wants to play hide and seek with you. You guys, turn away, and as soon as you hear that Petrushka is playing an instrument, turn around quickly and name the instrument. If you name it correctly, parsley will appear on the screen and bow to you. The teacher behind the screen plays the instrument, and the parsley spins on the screen. As soon as the guys turn to him, he hides. Children name the instrument. If the answer is correct, Parsley bows and praises the children. If not, he shouts from behind the screen, “You didn’t guess!!!” At the end of the game, you can give the instruments to the children and invite them to play in an orchestra.

Note: The teacher himself decides how many instruments to use in the game.

Walk - dance

A game to develop timbre hearing and attention

Target: Distinguish the sounds of different instruments and act on each differently. To the drum - to walk, to the accordion - to dance.

Game material: Accordion (may not be voiced), drum.

Game progress: 1st option Children stand facing the teacher. The teacher says that he has two instruments: an accordion and a drum. You need to march to the sound of a drum, and dance to the sound of an accordion. Shows how it's done. Plays the drum and marches at the same time. Then he plays the harmonica (turns on the music in the sound recording) and dances. Then the children imitate the actions of the teacher: they walk to the sounds of the drum and dance to the sounds of the accordion.

Option 2 Children do not act by imitation, but independently. The teacher asks you to listen carefully to the music: if he plays the drum, you need to march, and if an accordion sounds, you need to dance. When the sound ends, you must stop moving. Before the sound of each instrument, the teacher pauses.


Game to develop a sense of rhythm

Target: To develop children's understanding of rhythm, to teach them to hear acceleration and deceleration.

Game material:Wooden cubes, sticks, spoons, shampoo caps, etc.

Progress of the game: Children, together with the teacher, repeat the nursery rhyme at a fast pace and knock with cubes (sticks, spoons, etc.):

On a young horse

Clack-clack, clink-clack,

Clack-clack, clink-clack!

For the second part of the nursery rhyme they knock at a slow pace:

And on the old one and on the nag


Yes, into the hole - bang!

Children crouch and fall to the floor. The nursery rhyme is repeated several times. Then the children are invited to ride a young horse: easy and fun. Everyone jumps to the music in the audio recording.

Obedient rattles

A game to develop a sense of rhythm and performing abilities

Target: Learn to simultaneously begin and end an action with musical instruments at the command of the leader

Game material: Rattles according to the number of participants in the game

Progress of the game: Children sit on chairs or on the carpet, facing the teacher. The teacher sits in front of the children on a chair, a rattle in his right hand.

Educator: Rattle, rattle

What a fun toy!

The rattles are so loud

All the kids are having fun!

While pronouncing these words, the teacher himself plays the rattle, striking the palm of his left hand on each syllable. Children play on rattles with the teacher.

Educator: Rattles don't rattle

They lie on their knees.

The children are all sitting quietly,

Rattles don't rattle

With these words, the teacher places the rattle on his lap. Children also place rattles on their laps.

Complication: After the children learn to play the game, the teacher does not play the rattle, but only says the words. Children learn to perform movements according to verbal instructions, and not according to a model.

Name of the game

Play like me


Noise or music

Musical package

Merry hammers

Listen and clap

Obedient tambourine

Quiet - loud - very loud

Walk - relax

Game with a hammer

Our orchestra

Owl - owl

Guess what I'm playing on

Musical hedgehog

The song came to visit

The toys are dancing

Musical ladder

Merry pipe

Sun and cloud


Play like me


Game material:tambourine, metallophone, musical hammer, cubes, rhythm sticks, etc.

Progress of the game: The teacher offers to listen and then perform a rhythmic pattern of five to seven sounds on any of the proposed instruments. When the children have mastered the game well enough, one of the children takes on the role of leader.


Game to develop a sense of rhythm

Target: To develop children's understanding of rhythm, teach them to remember and convey a given rhythmic pattern.

Game material:Rhythmic sticks, cubes, musical hammers, etc. according to the number of children playing.

Progress of the game: Educator: Once upon a time there were monkeys. They loved to play and repeat everything they saw and heard. They see that the mother is calling the girl: Ma-sha! (children play rhythm on sticks) Mashenka! (Repeat the rhythm). Be - gi do-my! (repeat the rhythm), etc. As the game progresses, the teacher can use various poems, songs, just words, pronouncing them differently, setting a different rhythmic pattern.

Sample literature material:

Va-si-lek, va-si-lek,

My favorite color!



U-ho-di-te, TU-chi!

We're better off without rain!

Pa-ro-ao-zik, pa-ro-voz!

Where did you guys go?

Sol-nysh-ko, Sol-nysh-ko,

Zo-lo-to-e do-nysh-ko!

Don't-let-tay, so-lo-vey, u o-ko-shEch-ka.

And-drey, vo-ro-bey,

Don't drive the hell out!

Noise or music

Target: Learn to distinguish between musical and noise sounds.

Game material:Cassette with sounds of nature and excerpts of musical works.

Progress of the game: Educator: Children know everything in the world,

There are different sounds:

Leaf fall, quiet whisper,

Airplane loud rumble

The hum of a car in the yard,

Dog barking in a kennel.

These are noise sounds,

Only there are others.

No rustling, no knocking -

MUSICAL there are sounds

The teacher asks you to listen and guess: the children hear noise or music. If children hear the sounds of nature, they stomp their feet. If there is music, they clap.

Musical package

Game to develop timbre hearing

Target: Develop the ability to distinguish the timbre of the sound of various children's musical instruments. Learn to sing to the accompaniment of noise instruments.

Game material:A set of musical instruments familiar to children.

Progress of the game: The teacher informs the children that the postman brought a parcel to the kindergarten and offers to see what is in it. Then the children take musical instruments out of the box one by one, name them and show how to play them. When all the instruments have been named, the teacher offers to sing any song the children wish, accompanying themselves on the instruments sent in the package. As the game progresses, children can change instruments and sing several songs. The game continues as long as the children are interested.

Note: The game can be used to repeat the song repertoire for the holiday or as a game moment of the lesson, as a surprise moment for a group holiday or entertainment for children or together with parents.

Merry hammers

Game to develop a sense of rhythm

Target: To develop children’s understanding of rhythm, teach them to remember and convey a given rhythmic pattern.

Game material:Metallophones or musical hammers, or rhythmic cubes, sticks, etc. According to the number of players.

Progress of the game: The teacher sings a song, sets a rhythmic pattern, and the child repeats it:

Educator: We, Vova, and you, will take the hammers

I will play first, and you will follow me.

1. Heavy hail over the oak forest: knock-knock-knock

(Child repeats) knock-knock-knock

Acorns fly from the oak tree: knock-knock-knock

(child repeats) knock-knock-knock

Repeat song - lead-in

2. The woodpecker lived in an empty hollow: knock-knock-knock.

The oak chiseled like a chisel: knock-knock-knock.

Repeat song - lead-in

3. Two beavers are building a hut: knock-knock-da-knock.

No nails. Without an axe: knock-knock-da-knock.

Listen and clap


Game material:

Progress of the game: Children stand on the carpet, facing the teacher. Children clap their palms on the carpet to loud music. To quiet music, lightly clap your hands in front of you or on your knees.

Note: A complication in this game will be the change in musical accompaniment. At the initial stage, the game is played to the music of “March of the Wooden Soldiers” by P. Tchaikovsky. The second stage uses Brahms' Hungarian Dance. It changes not only the strength of the sound, but also the tempo. A complication is introduced for children of the older age group.

Obedient tambourine

A game to develop dynamic hearing and sense of rhythm

Target: Learn to play the tambourine in different ways, learn to play loudly and quietly.

Game material:Diamonds by number of game participants

Progress of the game: Children sit on chairs or on the carpet, facing the teacher, a tambourine in their left hand. Educator: Beat the tambourine, beat it, beat it,

Hit the tambourine more fun!

While pronouncing these words, the teacher himself plays the tambourine and hits it with his right hand. The words are spoken three times in a row. Then there is a change of movement.

Educator: Let our tambourine rest,

Sings a song quietly

With these words, the teacher easily shakes the tambourine, the sound is light and quiet. The words are spoken three times in a row. Game continues.

Complication: As the game progresses, the intervals between action changes become shorter. If the first time the words are repeated three times in a row, giving time for everyone to get involved in the game, then the second time the owl is repeated twice, and the third time - once.

Quiet - loud - very loud

A game to develop auditory attention and sound power

Target: Learn to hear changes in sound volume and notice it while moving.

Game material: Tambourine

Progress of the game: Children sit on chairs or on the carpet, facing the teacher. The teacher knocks on the tambourine quietly, then loudly, then very loudly. In accordance with the volume of the sound, children perform conditioned movements. In response to a quiet sound, they tap finger on finger. When the sound is loud, they clap their hands. When the sound is very loud, they stomp their feet. As a figurative comparison, you can invite children to call the quiet sound of a tambourine “Light rain”, the loud sound “Heavy rain”, the very loud sound “Thunderstorm”.

Note: If children cannot independently assess the strength of a sound, they should be prompted at the first stages: “It began to rain lightly,” “It began to rain heavily,” and a thunderstorm began!” Subsequently, children themselves will learn to “prompt” themselves. And then complete the task without prompting.

Walk - relax

Target: Learn to hear and determine the mood and character of music, reflect it in movement.

Game material:Music center, cassettes, discs with musical works

Progress of the game: The teacher invites the children to listen carefully to the music. “Sleep” to a lullaby (sit down, put your hands under your cheeks), march to a march, dance to a dance song, run to light, fast music. The teacher includes musical excerpts in audio recordings. Children perform actions in accordance with the nature of the music.

Recommended music material:G. Sviridov “March”, A. Petrov “March”, S. Prokofiev “March”, Gavrilin “Tarantella”, I. Strauss “Perpetual Motion”, R. N.m. “The Smolensk gander”, “The Lady”, “Oh, you birch”, Gluck “Song without words”, P. Tchaikovsky “Morning reflection”

Game with a hammer

A game to develop auditory attention and sense of rhythm

Target: Learn to hear the metric pulsation, not to lose its sensation as the task changes.

Game material: Music center, cassettes, discs with musical works

Progress of the game: Children are sitting at tables. The teacher pronounces the words, and the children perform actions to any not very fast music. “Peter plays with one hammer” - Children bang on the table with one fist. “Peter plays with two hammers” - Children bang on the table with two fists at the same time. “Peter plays with three hammers” - Children simultaneously knock on the table with their fists and stomp their right foot. “Peter plays with four hammers” - The children simultaneously bang on the table with their fists and stomp with both feet. “Peter is playing with hammers” - the children simultaneously pound their fists on the table, stomp with both feet and nod their heads.

Our orchestra

Target: Teach children various techniques of playing instruments individually and in an ensemble. Reinforce the names of instruments and the ability to distinguish their sounds by ear.

Game material:A set of musical instruments according to the number of children.

Progress of the game: The teacher invites the children to play various musical instruments in the orchestra. To do this, children must correctly name the presented musical instruments. Then the children orchestrate a piece of recorded music. They can play simultaneously or with soloists. The teacher acts as a conductor. When the game is mastered by the children, one of the children can be selected for this role.

Owl - owl

A game to develop musical ear and figurative movements

Target: To develop associative-figurative and musical perception of children. Learn to move to the music and stop moving when it ends.

Game material: Owl mask

Progress of the game: Children run and dance to the music, pretending to be birds. As soon as the music stops playing, the birds freeze in place, and an owl flies out to hunt. She is looking for the one who moved. The game continues at the request of the children.

Guess what I'm playing on

A game to develop timbre hearing and performance skills

Target: Develop the ability to distinguish the timbre of the sound of various children's musical instruments.

Game material:A set of musical instruments according to the number of children, a small screen.

Progress of the game: The teacher shows the children musical instruments and asks them to remember their names. He then demonstrates ways to play the instruments. Children are asked to determine by ear what kind of instrument it sounds. The teacher plays an instrument behind a screen - the children guess. To confirm the correctness of the answer, the teacher shows the children what he was playing at the moment, and invites one of the children to play the same instrument independently.

1 Complication: The teacher invites the children to guess which familiar character can characterize the sound of a particular musical instrument. The child is invited to invent and play as the supposed character walks, runs, flies, or jumps.

2 Complication: When children become comfortable with the game, you can invite them to voice the conversation between two proposed characters on instruments, for example, a bear talking to a mouse. Clarify that they speak in turns, which means the instruments also sound in turns.

3 Complication: After the children have guessed all the instruments, everyone is invited to play together to the music in the audio recording.

Note: In order to make the game more interesting and attractive for children, you should introduce a game character: these can be animals, Clown, Parsley, Granny - fun, etc.

Musical hedgehog

A game to develop a sense of rhythm and dynamic perception

Target: Develop children's understanding of rhythm, teach techniques for playing the drum with one and two sticks, palms, and fingers.

Game material: Drums

Progress of the game: The child plays the drum according to the text of the poem (boom-boom-boom) with one stick.

The hedgehog goes boom, boom, boom with a drum!

The hedgehog plays boom, boom, boom all day long!

With a drum behind you, boom, boom, boom!

A hedgehog accidentally wandered into the garden - boom, boom, boom!

He loved apples very much - boom, boom, boom!

He forgot the drum in the garden Boom, boom, boom!

At night the apples were picked boom, boom, boom!

And the blows came boom, boom, boom!

Oh, how the bunnies got scared - boom, boom, boom!

We didn’t close our eyes until dawn, boom, boom, boom!

1st complication: The child plays the drum with two sticks alternately.

2nd complication: The child plays the drum with one stick, observing dynamic shades

The hedgehog goes boom, boom, boom with a drum! (loudly, joyfully)

The hedgehog plays boom, boom, boom all day long! (loudly, joyfully)

With a drum behind you, boom, boom, boom! (not too loud)

A hedgehog accidentally wandered into the garden - boom, boom, boom! (not too loud)

He loved apples very much - boom, boom, boom! (Loudly joyful)

He forgot the drum in the garden Boom, boom, boom! (not too loud)

At night the apples were picked boom, boom, boom! (Quiet)

And the blows came boom, boom, boom! (Quiet)

Oh, how the bunnies got scared - boom, boom, boom! (Barely audible)

We didn’t close our eyes until dawn, boom, boom, boom! (barely audible)

3rd complication: The same thing is played with two sticks alternately.

4th complication: Plays with palms (one or two)

The hedgehog goes boom, boom, boom with a drum! (Palm loudly, joyfully)

The hedgehog plays boom, boom, boom all day long! (Palm loudly, joyfully)

With a drum behind your shoulders, boom, boom, boom! (With your palm, not too loud)

A hedgehog accidentally wandered into the garden, boom, boom, boom! (With your palm, not too loudly)

He loved apples very much - boom, boom, boom! (Fist loudly joyfully)

He forgot the drum in the garden Boom, boom, boom! (Fist not too loud)

At night the apples were picked boom, boom, boom! (Thumb Quiet)

And the blows came boom, boom, boom! (Quiet finger)

Oh, how the bunnies got scared - boom, boom, boom! (barely audible with a finger)

We didn’t close our eyes until dawn, boom, boom, boom! (barely audible with a finger)

Note: You can play in an ensemble or individually.

The song came to visit

A game to develop musical ear, memory and performance abilities

Target: Develop musical memory, the ability to sing without musical accompaniment in choirs, ensembles and individually.

Game material:Magic bag and toys, heroes of children's songs.

Progress of the game: The teacher brings a magic bag to the group, examines it, and makes assumptions about what it could be.

Educator: The song came to visit

And she brought a gift.

Come on, Tanya, come over,

What's in the bag, look!

The child takes a toy out of the bag. The teacher suggests remembering the song in which this character appears: cat, mouse, horse, bunny. A car, a bird, etc. The teacher invites the children to sing a song individually, in a choir or in an ensemble.

Note: The song is not necessarily about a toy. The hero may simply be mentioned in a song.

The toys are dancing

Game to develop a sense of rhythm

Target: To develop children’s understanding of rhythm, teach them to remember and convey a given rhythmic pattern.

Game material:a set of small toys according to the number of children playing.

Game progress: 1 option

The teacher and children sit around the table or on the floor.

Educator: The toys gathered to dance,

But they don’t know how, where to start.

The bunny came forward

He sets an example for everyone

The teacher sets a simple rhythmic pattern by knocking the toy on the table. The children's task is to repeat the given drawing.

The game is repeated several times. The task can be given to the whole group of children playing, as well as individually. When the children have mastered the game well enough, one of the children takes on the role of leader.

Option 2

Option 3

Children stand in a circle. Educator: The kids gathered to dance

But they don’t know how, where to start!

I'll stomp once! I'll slam you once!

Look at me,

Together, do as I do!

The teacher claps his hands or performs footsteps. Children repeat the given rhythm.

When the children have mastered the game well enough, one of the children takes on the role of leader.

Option 4

The teacher plays with a subgroup of children, but sets the rhythmic pattern to each individual, in turn, asking the rest of the children to evaluate the correctness of the task.

Notes: For the game, small toys from Kinder surprises, counting material can be used: mushrooms, nesting dolls, ducklings, etc. any plastic and wooden toys, as well as nesting dolls of different sizes.

Musical ladder

Game for developing musical ear

Target: Learn to hear the direction of music movement, show it with a hand gesture and on a musical ladder.

Game material:A musical ladder of five steps (from any construction set), a metallophone, small toys corresponding to the size of the ladder.

Progress of the game: The teacher plays the song “Ladder” on the metallophone:

Here I go up!

Here I go down!

Then he shows the toy and leads it up the stairs, singing: Here I go up! Then he leads the toy down, singing: Here I go down! Then he offers to take the toy to one of the children. The teacher sings, the child leads the toy. The words can be changed, accordingly changing the pace and nature of the toy’s movement along the stairs: “Here I am running up!” Here I am running down!”, “Here I am jumping up! Here I am jumping down!” Then an excerpt of the song is performed on a metallophone without words. The child must understand where to lead the toy, up or down. The rest of the children evaluate the correctness of the task.

Merry pipe

A game to develop musical ear, singing breathing and creativity

Target: Improve the ability to take and distribute breathing, its direction and strength. Intonate simple melodies without words.

Game material:Vitamin bottles according to the number of children playing.

Progress of the game: The teacher hands out vitamin bottles to the children and asks them to imagine that they are pipes. Shows how you can hum in them. In order to achieve a buzzing sound, the lower lip must lightly touch the edge of the neck of the bottle, and the air stream must be strong enough. For training, children are offered an exercise: to sound like a large steamboat (low sound) and like a small steamboat (high sound). Then you can try to hum or play a simple song on the pipe, for example, “Jolly Geese.” Invite the children to come up with their own song (one at a time, if desired).

Notes: You can play the game starting from middle age and in older groups. It will become more complex along with the musical material performed by the children. As a complication and as one of the game options, you can invite children to play along with a piece of music in an audio recording.

Sun and cloud

Game to develop musical ideas

Target: To develop children’s modal perception, to teach them to hear the ending and beginning of parts of a musical work, to develop children’s associative-figurative and musical perception.

Game material: Hoops, colored rings, flat silhouettes of flowers.

Progress of the game: Educator: “This is our clearing: look how many flowers there are! And you and I are butterflies. The sun is shining, we are having fun flying through the meadow! When a cloud appears, we will hide in the flowers and sit quietly! And when the sun comes out, we will fly and have fun again. And when the music ends, everyone will sit on the flowers again - the day is over, the sun has set.” Music sounds, children carry out the teacher’s instructions.


Game to develop a sense of rhythm

Target: To develop children's understanding of rhythm, to teach them to hear acceleration and deceleration.

Game material:Wooden cubes, sticks, spoons, shampoo caps, etc.

Progress of the game: Children, together with the teacher, repeat the nursery rhyme at a fast pace and knock with cubes (sticks, spoons, etc.):

On a young horse

Clack-clack, clink-clack,

Clack-clack, clink-clack!

For the second part of the nursery rhyme they knock at a slow pace:

And on the old one and on the nag


Yes, into the hole - bang!

Children crouch and fall to the floor. The nursery rhyme is repeated several times. Then the children are invited to ride a young horse: easy and fun. Everyone jumps to the music in the audio recording.

Anna Melnik
Card index of musical and didactic games (according to the “Childhood” program)


Fists and palms

Musical material. "Fists and Palms" M. E. Tilicheeva, lyrics. Yu. Ostrovsky

Source. Vetlugina N., Musical ABC book

Sleep, dolls

Benefits. Doll

Source. Vetlugina N., Musical ABC book

Guess what I'm playing on (1)

Target. Game for developing timbre hearing

Benefits. Children's musical instruments: rattle, tambourine, bi-ba-bo dolls Parsley, bear, small screen

Musical material. "Parsley and Mishka" Russian folk melody

Guess what I'm playing on (2)

Target. Game for developing pitch hearing

Benefits. A pipe, a drum, a metallophone, a small screen

Musical material. "What do I play on" m. R. Rustamova, lyrics. Yu. Ostrovsky

Source. Vetlugina N., Dzerzhinskaya I., Komissarova L. First junior group

Bird and chicks

Target. Game for developing pitch hearing

Benefits. Picture with the image of a tree and birds

Musical material. "Birds" m. T. Lomovoy, "Bird and Chicks" M. E. Tilicheeva

Source. Vetlugina N., Dzerzhinskaya I., Komissarova L. First junior group

The doll walks and runs

Benefits. Doll

Musical material. "The doll walks and runs" With. Yu. Ostrovsky, m. E. Tilicheeva

Source. Vetlugina N., Dzerzhinskaya I., Komissarova L. First junior group

Cuckoo, bunny, bear


Benefits. Cards with the image of a cuckoo, hare, bear

Musical material. "In the forest" M. E. Tilicheeva

Source. Vetlugina N., Dzerzhinskaya I., Komissarova L. First junior group



Target. Character game music

Benefits. Two big ones cards with the image of a cheerful and sad gnome, sad-fun pictograms according to the number of children

Musical material. "Fun-sad" L Beethoven

Source. O. P. Radynova « Music in kindergarten» part 1

Pipes and drum

Target. Rhythm recognition game

Benefits. Trumpet, drum

Musical material. "Pipes and Drum"

Whose house?

Target. Game for developing pitch hearing

Benefits. Chairs according to the number of children

Musical material. “Whose house?” With. Yu. Ostrovsky, M. E. Tilicheeva

Source. Vetlugina N., Dzerzhinskaya I., Komissarova L. Second junior group

Quiet and loud bells

Target. Dynamics discrimination game

Benefits. Rattles according to the number of children

Musical material. "Silent and loud bells" With. Yu. Ostrovsky, m. R. Rustamova

Source. Vetlugina N., Dzerzhinskaya I., Komissarova L. Second junior group

Guess what?

Target. Game for developing pitch hearing

Benefits. Doubles cards by number of children (cow-calf, goose-gosling, ram-lamb, horse-foal)

Musical material.

Source. N. G. Kononova " Musically- didactic games for


Where are my kids?

Target. Game for developing pitch hearing

Benefits. Three big cards(duck, cat, chicken) and several small ones (ducklings, kittens, chicks) (by number of players)

Musical material.

Source. N. G. Kononova « Musically

Three little sisters

Target. A game to determine character, dynamics, register, harmonization music

Benefits. Cards with the image of three girls (crying, angry, playing)

Musical material. D. Kabalevsky "Crybaby", "Evil", "Rezvushka"

Source. O. P. Radynova « Musical development of children»

Guess what I'm playing on

Benefits. Musical instruments: rattle, spoons, tambourine, drum, screen, bi-ba dolls bo: hare, cat, bear, hedgehog

Musical material. Any Russian folk melodies

Target. A game to develop a sense of rhythm

Benefits. Images -"Hares are sleeping", "Hares are dancing"

Musical material music

Source N. G. Kononov « Musically-didactic games for preschoolers"

What do bears do

Target. A game to develop a sense of rhythm

Benefits. Cards"The bears are sleeping", "The bears are walking"

Musical material. Lullaby or dance music

Source N. G. Kononov « Musically-didactic games for preschoolers"


Find the puppy

Benefits. Puppy toy, 3 small barrels

Musical material.

Source. N. G. Kononova « Musically-didactic games for preschoolers"

Jump, jump, jump

Purpose Game for the development of rhythmic memory, metric sense

Benefits. Drum, bunny hat

Musical material.

Internet source

Cat and chickens

Target. Game for developing diatonic hearing

Benefits. Caps of cats, hens, chicks, kittens

Musical material.

Source. Internet

Guess what I'm playing on

Target. Game for developing timbre hearing

Benefits. Cards with the image of a triangle, tambourine, metallophone, pipe, drum

Target. Game for developing modal sense

Benefits. Cards with the image of a cheerful and sad clown, pictogram

Musical material. D. Kabalevsky "Clowns"

Source by O. P. Radynov « Musical development of children»

Target. Game for developing pitch hearing

Benefits. Cards with the image of a ladder with five steps. Little girl walking up and down the path

Musical material. "Ladder" E. Tilicheeva

Source. N. Vetlugina « Musical ABC book»

Target. Game for developing pitch hearing

Benefits. Cards, with the image of lost girls, metallophone

Musical material. "Echo" With. M. Dolinova, M. E. Tilicheeva

Source. N. Vetlugina « Musical ABC book»

Think and guess

Target. A game for the development of pitch hearing and consolidation program material

Benefits. Cards by number of players, which depict a bear, a bunny, a bird

Musical material. "Bunny" Russian folk melody, "Bear" V. Rebikova, "Sparrow" M. Krasev

Source. N. G. Kononova « Musically-didactic games for preschoolers"

Who's going how?

Target. Game for developing a sense of rhythm

Benefits. Cards with the image of a bear, fox, wolf

Musical material. "Who goes how" With. V. Stepanova, M. G. Levkodimova

musical kindergartens


Target. Character game music

Benefits. Soft toy hare, small gifts, pictures of"guests"

Musical material. "Hedgehog" D. Kabalevsky, "Royal March of the Lion" K. Saint-Saens, "Elephant" C. Saint-Saens

Source. Z. Ya. Root «»

Bird and chicks

Target. A game to consolidate knowledge about pitch, development children's creativity

Benefits. Picture with an image of a tree whose branches are arranged in the form of a staff, large and small birds

Musical material. « Musical chicks» Z. Root

Source. Z. Ya. Root « Musical and didactic games»

Three Bears

Target. A game to develop a sense of rhythm

Benefits. Flat figures from cardboard, painted in the Russian style - Mikhail Potapych, Nastasya Petrovna, Mishutka. Cards for children with the image of three bears and circles, metallophone

Musical material.

Source Z. Ya. Root « Musical and didactic games»

How many birds are singing?

Target. Game for memory and hearing development

Benefits. Cards with the image of birds, picture of a gnome

Musical material.

Source. N. Vetlugina « Musical ABC book»

Do you know music P. I. Tchaikovsky

Target. Game for development musical memory

Benefits. Images with the image of the heroes of the sounding works

Musical material. P. I. Tchaikovsky "Baba Yaga", "New Doll", "Kamarinskaya", "Waltz"

musical education of preschool children. A manual for educators and musicians. leaders kindergartens.

Fun Train

Target. A game to strengthen the ability to distinguish changes in tempo music

Benefits. Small toy steam locomotive

Musical material. E. Tilicheeva "Locomotive Wheels"

Source L. N. Komissarova, E. P. Kostina “Visual aids in musical education of preschool children. A manual for educators and musicians. leaders kindergartens.

The month of May

Target. A game to develop a sense of rhythm

Benefits. Rattles

Musical material. Nursery rhyme

Source. N. Vetlugina « Musical ABC book»

Senior group

Target. Game for developing pitch hearing

Benefits. Picture

Musical material. "Swing" M. E. Tilicheeva, p. L. Smoke"

Source. N. Vetlugina « Musical ABC book»

Guess who's singing

Target. Timbre recognition game

Benefits. Glockenspiel

Musical material. "Who sings" With. A. Gangova, M. E. Tilicheeva

Whom did the bun meet?

Target. Development game musical memory and hearing

Benefits. Pictures of kolobok, fox, hare, bear, wolf

Musical material. "Whom did the bun meet" m. Levkodimova

Source L. N. Komissarova, E. P. Kostina “Visual aids in musical education of preschool children. A manual for educators and musicians. leaders kindergartens.

Two reels

Target. Game for developing pitch hearing

Benefits. Big and small drums

Musical material. "Two Drums" With. Yu. Ostrovsky,

M. E. Tilicheeva

Source Vetlugina N., Dzerzhinskaya I., Komissarova L. Senior group

Amazing traffic light

Target. Character development game music

Benefits. Flannelograph, big traffic light, cards for each child with a picture of a traffic light and three chips. Inside the lantern circles at traffic lights, children perform three actions: sleeping, marching, dancing.

Musical material. Optionally music director

Source. Z. Ya. Root " Musically-didactic games for preschool children"

Fists and palms

Target. Rhythm recognition game

Musical material. "Fists and Palms" With. Yu. Ostrovsky, M. E. Tilicheeva

Source. Vetlugina N., Dzerzhinskaya I., Komissarova L. Senior group

Rooster, hen and chick

Target. Game for developing rhythmic hearing

Benefits. Images with the image of a rooster, hen and chickens.

Source. N. G. Kononova « Musically-didactic games for preschoolers"

We are military

Target. Character recognition game music

Benefits. -

Musical material. L. Sidelnikova "Trumpeter", "Infantrymen", "Cavalrymen"

Source. Vetlugina N., Dzerzhinskaya I., Komissarova L. Senior group

Funny nesting dolls

Target. Game to develop a sense of rhythm

Benefits. Flat figurines of nesting dolls, metallophone, wooden spoons

Musical material. Russian folk melody "The moon is shining"

Source. Z. Root " Musically- didactic games for preschool children

Find out what instrument sounds

Target. Introduce children to stringed, percussion, noise instruments, teach them to classify them, grouping them based on common characteristics; develop logical and imaginative thinking, attention, speech


Musical material.


Happy beeps

Target. A game to develop a sense of rhythm

Benefits. Drawings of a steam locomotive and steamship, cards(30*9 cm.) and three strips of cardboard: wide (3*6 cm)– long sound, narrow (1.5*6 cm)- short.

Source. Z. Ya. Root « Musical and didactic games»

Bird and chicks

Target. Game for developing pitch hearing

Benefits. Card with an image of a tree whose branches are arranged in the form of a staff, large and small birds.

Source. Z. Ya. Root « Musical and didactic games»

Find out the fairy tale

Target. Distinguish the contrasting nature of parts in music in connection with its content and development musical image.

Benefits. Cards with the image of a wolf and Little Red Riding Hood, a set of colored stripes in two different colors.

Musical material. "Little Red Riding Hood and the Gray Wolf" G. Levkodimov

Source musical education of preschool children"

Loudly and quietly binge drinking

Target. Game for developing diatonic hearing

Benefits. Any toy

Source. N. G. Kononova « Musically-didactic games for preschoolers"

Voice natural phenomena

Target. A game for the development of associative thinking.

Benefits. Cards for each child, Pictures with the image of tools

Musical material. Optionally music director

Preparatory group for school

Target. Game for developing diatonic hearing

Benefits. A hammer, a bun and several different small objects

Musical material.

Source. N. G. Kononova « Musically-didactic games for preschoolers"

Sun and cloud

Target. Develop children's understanding of different characters music/fun, cheerful; calm, sad/".

Benefits. Cardboard cards with the image of the sun, with a cloud, the sun behind the cloud

Musical material: D. Kabalevsky "Rondo March", S. Prokofiev “The moon walks over the meadows”, M. Krutitsky "Winter"

Source: L. N. Komissarova. E. P. Kostina “Visual aids in musical education of preschool children"


Target. Game for developing pitch hearing

Benefits. Cards by number of players, on each are drawn three rulers, colored circles, three musical bell, metallophone

Musical material. "Jingle bells" With. M. Dolinova, M. E. Tilicheeva

Source by L. N. Komissarov. E. P. Kostina “Visual aids in musical education of preschool children"

Three piglets

Target. Game for developing pitch hearing

Benefits. Cards with the image of three little pigs

Musical material.

Source. N. G. Kononova « Musically-didactic games for preschoolers"


Target. A game to develop a sense of rhythm

Benefits. Cards with images of short and long sounds

Musical material.

Source. N. G. Kononova « Musically-didactic games for preschoolers"

Determine by rhythm

Target. A game to develop a sense of rhythm

Benefits. Cards, on one half of which a rhythmic pattern of a song familiar to children is depicted, the other half is empty, Pictures, illustrating the content of the song, children's musical instruments

Musical material.

Source. N. G. Kononova « Musically-didactic games for preschoolers"

Guess what I'm playing on

Target. Introduce strings, percussion, noise instruments, learn to classify them, grouping them based on common characteristics, develop logical and imaginative thinking, attention to speech.

Benefits. Cards with images of musical instruments.

Musical material.

Source. Internet

Musical conversation

Target. Development of children's singing creative abilities.

Benefits. Picture

Musical material. Optionally music director

Source. Internet

Scientist grasshopper

Target. Development of pitch hearing

Benefits. Picture with the image of flowers and a scientific grasshopper, metallophone

Source. L. N. Komissarova, E. P. Kostina “Visual aids in musical education of preschool children"

Pick up picture

Target. To develop in children the ability to distinguish figurative characters music, correlate artistic musical image with images and phenomena of reality.

Benefits. Two winter landscapes with different moods.

Musical material. V. Agafonnikov "Sleigh with bells". Source: L. N. Komissarova, E. P. Kostina “Visual aids in musical education of preschool children"

Target. A game to develop a sense of rhythm

Benefits. Small flowers - daisies and cornflowers - two for each child, tambourine

Source: L. N. Komissarova, E. P. Kostina “Visual aids in musical education of preschool children"

Define the shape piece of music

Target: To develop in children the ability to distinguish contrasting parts in music, introduction and conclusion.

Benefits: Squares, triangles, circles of different colors.

Musical material: G. Levkodimov "Little Play".

Source: L. N. Komissarova, E. P. Kostina “Visual aids in musical education preschoolers: A manual for educators and musicians. leaders kindergartens

What musical the tool will tell you about itself

Target: Develop timbre hearing.

Benefits: Two identical sets musical instruments, box.

Source: M. A. Mikhailova “Development. A popular guide for parents and teachers

Listen, listen, discern

Target: Develop perception music, musical taste.

Musical material: P. I. Tchaikovsky "Polka", D. B. Kabalevsky "Clowns", S. S. Prokofiev "Fairy Tale".

Source: M. A. Mikhailova “Development musical abilities of children

Let's touch it music

Target. A game for developing creative imagination

Benefits. Plates that feel different to the touch

Musical material.

Source. M. A. Mikhailova “Development musical abilities of children. A popular guide for parents and teachers."

Wonderful ladder

Target: To develop in children the ability to correlate sounds in height, to distinguish the direction of movement of a melody.

Benefits: Thick cardboard card with the image of a ladder,

the steps of which are painted in different colors; five round chips,

corresponding to the color of the steps of the staircase.

Source: L. N. Komissarova, E. P. Kostina “Visual aids in musical education of preschool children. A manual for educators and musicians. leaders kindergartens

Anna Melnik

I'm constantly on in music classes I use musical and didactic games which she made herself. maybe someone will be interested.

Guess what I'm playing on (1) (1 younger)

Target. Game for developing timbre hearing

Benefits. Children's musical instruments: rattle, tambourine, bi-ba-bo dolls Parsley, bear, small screen

Musical material. "Parsley and Mishka" Russian folk melody

First junior group

Guess what I'm playing on (2)

Benefits. A pipe, a drum, a metallophone, a small screen

Musical material. "What do I play on" m. R. Rustamova, lyrics. Yu. Ostrovsky

Source. Vetlugina N., Dzerzhinskaya I., Komissarova L. First junior group

Pipes and drum (2 younger)

Target. Rhythm recognition game

Benefits. Trumpet, drum

Musical material. "Pipes and Drum" With. Yu. Ostrovsky, M. E. Tilicheeva

Source. Vetlugina N., Dzerzhinskaya I., Komissarova L. Second junior group

Bird and chicks (1 younger)

Target. Game for developing pitch hearing

Benefits. Picture of a tree and birds

Musical material. "Birds" m. T. Lomovoy, "Bird and Chicks" M. E. Tilicheeva

Source. Vetlugina N., Dzerzhinskaya I., Komissarova L. First junior group

Fun-sad (2 younger)

Target. Character game music

Benefits. Two large cards with the image of a cheerful and sad gnome, sad-fun pictograms by number children

Musical material. "Fun-sad" L Beethoven

Source. O. P. Radynova « Music in kindergarten» part 1

Guess what? (2 younger)

Target. Game for developing pitch hearing

Benefits. Paired cards by number children(cow-calf, goose-gosling, ram-lamb, horse-foal)

Musical material.

Source. N. G. Kononova " Musical and didactic games for


Three little sisters (2 younger)

Target. A game to determine character, dynamics, register, harmonization music

Benefits. Cards with the image of three girls (crying, angry, playing)

Musical material. D. Kabalevsky "Crybaby", "Evil", "Rezvushka"

Source. O. P. Radynova « Musical development of children»

Hares (2 younger)

Benefits. Images - "Hares are sleeping", "Hares are dancing"

Musical material music

Source N. G. Kononov «»

What do bears do (2 younger)

Target. A game to develop a sense of rhythm

Benefits. Cards "The bears are sleeping", "The bears are walking"

Musical material. Lullaby or dance music

Source N. G. Kononov « Musical and didactic games for preschoolers»