Outline of a lesson on speech development (preparatory group) on the topic: Summary of educational activities on the perception of fiction and folklore with children of the preparatory group. Summary of GCD in the middle group of kindergarten

Municipal budget preschool educational institution combined kindergarten No. 67


Directly – educational activities according to perception fiction and folklore with children preparatory group.

Compiled by teacher of group 6 1 qualification category

Ibragimova N. N.

Angarsk 2015

Subject: “Reading the Russian folk tale “The Snow Maiden.”

Form:literary and artistic living room.

Target: Introduce the Russian folk tale “The Snow Maiden”.

Tasks: To develop the ability to holistically perceive a fairy tale in the unity of its content and artistic form.

Develop the perception of the image of the Snow Maiden created by means of painting.

Develop coherent speech skills, the ability to express feelings clearly, using adjectives in speech. Enrich your active vocabulary with figurative words and expressions (kind people, beautiful girls, daring Russian fellows).

Learn to express emotional responsiveness to the image of the heroine through visual activity.

To cultivate a love for Russian oral folk art.

Materials, equipment:computer, text of the fairy tale “The Snow Maiden”, illustrations for the fairy tale, reproductions of paintings by V. Vasnetsov, B. Zvorykin, M. Vrubel “The Snow Maiden”.

Vocabulary work:“I’m not feeling well”, “I don’t have tea for my soul”, “it’s getting dark”, etc.

Preliminary work: viewing paintings, illustrations, reading Russian folk tales “Morozko”, “Two Frosts”, creating albums “In the world of fairy tales” (children’s drawings), “Write a fairy tale”.

Planned results:react emotionally to literary and artistic works; determine the mood and character of visual creativity.

Progress of the event:

1. Organizational moment.(Introductory stage)

IN.: - Say hello to your guests, guys! And I’ll say hello with words from a fairy tale: - Hello, good people!

- Hello, brave fellows Russians! (to boys).

Hello, red, sweet and beautiful girls! (to girls).

IN.: - I am glad to welcome you to our literary and artistic living room.

Part 2. Main.(Main stage).

IN.: - “There are many fairy tales in the world - sad and funny.

And we cannot live in the world without them.”

IN.: - Very often fairy tales describe the beauty, intelligence and kindness of young girls, let's remember these heroines.

2. Didactic exercise: “Name the heroine and the name of the fairy tale.”

IN.: - Today there are illustrations in the living room. Look at them and tell me what fairy tale they belong to? ("Snow Maiden").

3. Reading a fairy tale.

IN.: - Let's read the Russian folk tale “The Snow Maiden” together. “A fairy tale begins from the beginning, is read to the end, and does not stop in the middle.” Before reading, I want to ask you what the words “doting your soul”, “can’t get enough” mean? (vocabulary work).

Expressive reading of a fairy tale with a slide show.

Russian folk tale "The Snow Maiden"

Once upon a time there lived an old man and an old woman. We lived well, amicably. Everything would be fine, but one misfortune - they didn’t have children.

Now the snowy winter has come, there are snowdrifts up to the waist, the children pour out into the street to play, and the old man and the old woman look at them from the window and think about their grief.

  • “Well, old woman,” says the old man, “let us make ourselves out of the snow.”
    Let's make a daughter.
  • Come on, says the old woman.
  • The old man put on his hat, they went out into the garden and began to sculpt a daughter out of the snow. They rolled a snowball, fitted the arms and legs, and placed a snowy head on top. The old man sculpted a nose, mouth, and chin. Lo and behold, the Snow Maiden’s lips turned pink and her eyes opened; she looks at the old people and smiles.

Then she nodded her head, moved her arms and legs, shook off the snow - and a living girl came out of the snowdrift.

The old people were delighted and brought her to the hut. They look at her and can’t stop admiring her.

And the old people’s daughter began to grow by leaps and bounds; every day it becomes more and more beautiful. She herself is as white as snow, her braid is brown to the waist, but there is no blush at all.The old people are not overjoyed at their daughter; they dote on her. My daughter is growing up smart, smart, and cheerful. Affectionate and friendly with everyone. And the Snow Maiden’s work is progressing in her hands, and when she sings a song, you will be heard.

Winter has passed.

The spring sun has begun to warm up. The grass in the thawed patches turned green and the larks began to sing.

And the Snow Maiden suddenly became sad.

  • What's wrong with you, daughter? - the old people ask. - What are you like?
    became sad? Or are you feeling unwell?
  • Nothing, father, nothing, mother, I’m healthy.

The last snow has melted, flowers have bloomed in the meadows, and birds have flown in.

And the Snow Maiden is becoming sadder and more silent day by day. Hiding from the sun. She would like some shade and some cool air, or even better, some rain.

Once a black cloud moved in, large hail fell. The Snow Maiden rejoiced at the hail, like rolling pearls. And when the sun came out again and the hail melted, the Snow Maiden began to cry, so bitterly, like a sister by a brother.

After spring, summer came. The girls gathered for a walk in the grove, calling the Snow Maiden:

  • Come with us, Snow Maiden, for a walk in the forest, sing songs, dance.
    The Snow Maiden didn’t want to go into the forest, but the old woman persuaded her:
  • Go, daughter, have fun with your friends!
  • The girls and the Snow Maiden came to the forest. They began to collect flowers, weave wreaths, sing songs, and lead round dances. Only Snow Maiden is still sad.
  • And as soon as it got light, they gathered some brushwood, built a fire, and started jumping over the fire one after another. Behind everyone, the Snow Maiden stood up. She ran in her turn to fetch her friends. She jumped over the fire and suddenly melted and turned into a white cloud.
  • A cloud rose high and disappeared in the sky. All the girlfriends heard was something plaintively moaning behind them: “Aw!” They turned around - but the Snow Maiden was not there.

They began to call her:

Ay, ay, Snow Maiden!

Only the echo in the forest responded to them.

Conversation on content:

Did you like the fairy tale?

Tell us how the Snow Maiden came to be with your grandfather and woman?

How did the old people's daughter turn out?


What words do they use in Russian fairy tales to talk about beautiful girls?

Remember what words are used to describe the Snow Maiden?

Do you remember what mood the Snow Maiden was in in winter?

What was she like? Describe it.

The Snow Maiden was joyful, that's what it is.

Put joy on your faces, look how kind and joyful you all are. Well done.

- What did the Snow Maiden become with the arrival of summer? Describe it.

That's how sad and cheerless she is. Portray sadness on your faces - look at each other - oh, what unhappy, sad faces you have.

Why did the Snow Maiden become so sad?

How did the Snow Maiden disappear? What happened to her? (Melted).

What has the Snow Maiden turned into? (Into a cloud).

Think about whether the Snow Maiden disappeared without a trace, can she appear on earth again? (It will snow from the cloud in winter, and we will be able to meet her again at the New Year's holiday).

4. Outdoor game “Zarya - Zaryanitsa”.

IN.: - The Snow Maiden played with her friends, sang songs, led round dances, get up and join the round dance:

Zarya - zaryanika,

Red maiden,

I walked across the field,

Dropped the keys

Golden keys

Painted ribbons.

One, two, three - not a crow,

And run like fire!

(Children stand in a circle, holding their hands behind their backs. The leader - Zarya walks behind the players in a circle with a ribbon or handkerchief. Everyone says the words of the game. With last words Zarya carefully places the ribbon on the shoulder of one of the players, who, noticing this, takes the ribbon, and both run different sides round. The one who reaches first takes an empty place in the circle. The one who is left without a place becomes Zarya and the game repeats.

5. Game "Translators".

What does it mean? (passed from generation to generation fairy tale)

Since this is a fairy tale, there must be fairy-tale words and phrases, have you noticed them? (which?)

Are there any words that you don’t understand?

let's playto the game "Translators"- I'll call you unknown word or a phrase from a fairy tale, and you will translate it for me - call it differently, just so it’s clear!

  • We lived well - how is that?
  • We adjusted the arms and legs - what did we do?
  • Have you started to grow by leaps and bounds? - How is that?
  • Old men dote on their daughter - how is that?
  • The work in the hands is in progress -
  • I can’t -
  • It's getting late -
  • They began to call for the Snow Maiden -

That’s right, “the girls began to call to the Snow Maiden, but only the echo responded to them in the forest.”

Does this Russian folk tale have a sad ending?

Why are we sad? (Snow Maiden evaporated)

Is it possible to come up with something and make it so that the Snow Maiden does not disappear?

But as?

You and I are also Russian people, let's come up with our own, cheerful and a happy ending fairy tales "Snow Maiden"? (inventing)

6. Reflection.

Well done, what a great idea you came up with!

The work is over, and those who worked well - well done!

And everyone worked well! That’s why the Snow Maiden sent me to give you these beautiful coloring books - here the Snow Maiden is cheerful, beautiful, and pleased with your work everywhere.

Therefore, now we will say goodbye to the fairy tale, say goodbye to the guests (goodbye), and we will continue to play with you, color our gifts.

On the topic: K. Ushinsky “Blind Horse” for children of the preparatory group
(designed in accordance with theme week"Pets")
Compiled by:

Preparatory group teacher
Kataysk, 2013
GCD purpose: Leading children to understanding moral meaning works.
Kind of activity: Integrative (communicative-cognitive). Perception of fiction, productive.
Form: Frontal.
GCD tasks: Reading fiction.
Integration (educational areas): cognition, communication, socialization, physical education.
Objectives by educational areas:
Reading fiction: To cultivate children’s desire to listen to the work and look at its illustrations. Develop children's ability to consistently convey literary text, the ability to express one’s attitude to the events of the story.
Cognitive: Expand children's horizons and develop listening skills. Form in children positive traits: kindness, honesty, responsiveness.
Communication: Stimulate the development of initiative and independence of the child in verbal communication with adults and peers. Develop auditory attention. Enrich and activate children's vocabulary.
Socialization: To form ideas about the norms and rules of behavior, to cultivate the skill of a culture of behavior. To cultivate love for “our smaller brothers”, to evoke a desire to come to their aid.
Physical Culture: Foster a desire to maintain correct posture in various positions, interest in physical exercise. Develop fine motor skills and coordination of hand movements. Develop the ability to coordinate movements with speech.
Artistic creativity: Strengthen the ability to draw and paint them within the contour. Develop children's skills in working with brushes and paints.
Expected result: Each child’s complete answer to the teacher’s question. Children's ability to consistently convey literary text.
Ability to listen to peers.
Vocabulary work: Luxurious, sable, brocade, spear, bridle, three measures, ill, frail, haggard roof, prince, eaves, unanimous.
Preliminary work: Reading the works of K. Ushinsky. Preparing with children a story about K. D Ushinsky. Selection of proverbs about kindness, friendship, honesty (working with parents). Exhibition of books by K. Ushinsky (work with parents). Children's drawings based on the works of K. Ushinsky.
Equipment: portrait and exhibition of books, blank outlines of horses, wax crayons, colored green and yellow cardboard, Su-Jok rings, hearts made of colored paper with the proverb “Look for a friend, and if you find one, take care.”
Methods: Visual, verbal, practical.
Techniques: Display, riddle, verbal communication, encouragement, questions, children's messages about the author.
GCD move:
1. Organizational moment.
White sheets of books
Lots of black letters on them.
They are important to people
The guys should know them.
If you know the letters,
You can read a book.
And you will hear at the same hour,
Fascinating story.
You will find out how old
The sun gives us its light.
Why are there flowers in spring?
And in winter the fields are empty.
You will recognize your native land,
Peaceful, strong and big.
The book is a good friend to us,
Read it and find out for yourself!
2. Exhibition of books by Ushinsky.
- So at our exhibition, which you yourself compiled by bringing books from home, there are a lot of different works. What unites all these books and works? Who is the author of these books?
- Guys, did you find out who it is?
3. The story about Ushinsky.
- Today the girls Vera and Lisa Tyukalova have prepared for us a story about Ushinsky. Let's listen to them carefully.
Many years ago in the city of Tula, which is not far from Moscow. Ushinsky. His father was an officer, his mother was a housewife, raising children. Since childhood, Kostya was a very inquisitive and diligent boy.

I studied well and excellently. (Faith)
After school, he entered Moscow University and became a teacher. Konstantin Dmitrievich worked as a teacher in Yaroslavl, St. Petersburg, and even abroad. He had a dream: to teach young children to read and write in a way that would be easy and interesting for them. Konstantin Dmitrievich began to compose interesting stories for children, games, riddles. (Lisa)
- Guys, what works do you know? Who are these works about?
- Well done. How big and interesting exhibition, how much interesting books And creative works. And I want to add another book to our exhibition. Guess who it will be about:
4. Surprise moment.
Whose tail is there and whose mane is there,
Like they're flying in the wind?
Playfully under the hooves
Sparks shine bright...
He galloped and immediately disappeared!
How he fell through the ground!
Who is this? Here's a mystery...
This is a frisky... (Horse)
5. Vocabulary work.
Luxurious - characterized by luxury, wealth.
Sable is the fur of a predatory animal (sable).
Brocade is a dense patterned silk fabric with intertwining gold and silver threads.
A rod is a large stick with a fork at the end.
The bridle is part of the harness - straps with bits and reins, put on the head of the draft animal.
Three measures - a measure is an ancient Russian unit of capacity for bulk solids.
To be sick is to get sick, to be frail is to become frail.
A sagging roof is what they say about a person who has lost a lot of weight.
The prince is the ruler of the city.
Eaves - the lower, hanging edge of the roof of a wooden house, hut, as well as the roof itself, roofing, usually thatched.
Unanimously - complete agreement in opinions and actions.
6. Reading the fairy tale “The Blind Horse” by K. Ushinsky.
7. Physical education minute
The horse is waiting for me on the road,
Hoofs at the gate,
Mane plays in the wind
Lush, fabulously beautiful.
I’ll quickly jump onto the saddle -
I won't go, I'll fly!
Clack, clack, clack, clack.
There beyond the distant river
I'll wave to you.
8. Analysis of what you read.
-Who is this fairy tale about?
- Who was Dogoni-Veter for Usedoma?
- What once happened to the merchant?
-Who saved Usedoma?
- What did the owner promise to his horse?
- Did Usedom keep his word? Why? How did it happen that Catch-the-Wind remained blind?
- What did Usedom tell you to do with the blind horse?
- How did Catch-the-Wind feel? (Loneliness.) /How do you understand the word “loneliness”?/
“Loneliness” is when there is no one around, when you feel bad and there is no one to help.
- How did the fairy tale end?
- This is how we ended up retelling “The Blind Horse.” What did this fairy tale teach you?
9. Proverbs about friendship, kindness.
- What proverbs about kindness, friendship, honesty do you know?
“Friendship is more valuable than money”, “Whoever lied yesterday will not be believed tomorrow”, “Die yourself, but help your comrade.”
10. Finger gymnastics"The horse galloped"
The horse galloped
Across the field, across the field.
The horse galloped
In freedom, in freedom.
The horse galloped
And the wind flew behind the fast horse
I wanted to keep up!
Su-Jok from the little finger and stretch your fingers from the tips to the palm:
The horse galloped
Along a small river.
They ran after her (nameless)
A crowd of sheep.
Along the bridge (average)
Horse run
There are little frogs behind her (pointing)
We decided to jump!
Horse, horse, (big)
Enough to jump
Everyone comes together
It's time to rest!
11. Independent activity children.
- Guys, each of you has a horse on the table, you need to determine its color and color it, we’ll work wax crayons. Then, when your horses are ready, we will place them in a special large horse pen where they can browse the green grass. You will be surprised and ask, what kind of weed can it be? After all, there is snow all around, but since our horses are special, and we prepared a paddock for them in advance, there will always be decent food for all the horses.
Working with wax crayons. Coloring horses.
Compiling a collage “Horse Farm”.
12. Reflection.
- Which author’s work did we meet today?
- What is the name of the fairy tale?
- What does this fairy tale teach us?
- Guys, while you were working, I also remembered very good proverb: “Look for a friend, and if you find him, take care!”
- I want to give you these hearts with this proverb written on them.


Middle group

GOAL: Continue to develop children's interest in books.

TASKS: Continue to teach children to listen carefully to a fairy tale, help them correctly perceive the content of the work, empathize with its characters; answer questions about the content of the fairy tale with words and phrases from the text. Cultivate a sense of kindness and responsiveness.

DICTIONARY WORK: introduce the diminutive form of nouns into the children’s active dictionary.

PREVIOUS WORK: presentation of pictures - scythe, mower, forge, blacksmith, housewife milking a cow.

Examining beans, sorting legumes - peas, beans, beans. Reading Russians folk tales, exhibition of books in the book corner.


Introductory conversation: - Guys, do you like to read books?

Which works do you like best? (stories, poems, fairy tales)

If you like fairy tales, you can easily guess the characters. (showing illustrations of the book “What Fairy Tale Are We From”)

He came to us fairy tale hero. guess which one?






Showing a toy cockerel:

Admire how handsome he is! Petya the cockerel, we know a nursery rhyme about you.

Finger gymnastics:

OH, OH, WHAT THE THUNDER, children clench and unclench their fists


CHICKS ARE BUILDING A NEW HOUSE clap their hands, then fists


HAMMER KNOCK-KNOCK, hit the left palm with the right fist,

HAMMER KNOCK KNOCK! hit the right palm with the left fist

THE ROOSTER IS COMING TO HELP! index and middle fingers “walk” along the knees

Guys, in which fairy tales did we meet the cockerel, who remembers?

(“Winter quarters of animals”, “Zayushkina’s hut”, “Cat, rooster and fox”)

Listen to another fairy tale. It's called "The Cockerel and the Beanstalk"

Showing the book title page I'm reading a fairy tale.


Did you like the fairy tale?

Who remembers what it's called?

What happened to the rooster?

Why did such a disaster happen?

Who helped the cockerel?

What does a fairy tale teach us? How should you behave while eating?

Well done, you understood the fairy tale correctly and remembered its content.


PETYA, PETTENKA, ROOSTER! walk in a circle holding hands

WHAT THE FEATHERS, WHAT THE FLUFF! in a circle with your face, hitting your sides with your hands

MULTI-COLORED ALL, COLORED, walk in a circle, clasp your hands behind your back

AND SCREAMS LIKE A Clockwork! stop, turn around and face in a circle


Repeated reading of the fairy tale, looking at the illustrations on the interactive board.


Guys, have you noticed how many “affectionate” words there are in the fairy tale: hostess, cow...

Stand in a circle and let’s play the game “Name it kindly.” I will name the word and throw the ball to you, and you will return it to me along with the “kind” word.


Consolidate knowledge about the signs of autumn;

Bring up emotional perception paintings autumn nature;

Develop the ability to express your impressions in figurative word;

Preliminary work: Observation of living and inanimate nature in the fall, guessing riddles on the topic, looking at autumn leaves from different trees, learning imitative movements, listening musical works about autumn.

EQUIPMENT: ICT, illustrations with autumn landscapes(different in mood),looking at a reproduction of Levitan's painting " Golden autumn», music by Tchaikovsky “The Seasons. Autumn"


The teacher brings a maple leaf to the group and says that she found the leaf on the street in front of the kindergarten entrance, but this leaf is unusual: you will find out who sent it if you guess the riddle...

The field is empty, it's raining. The wind blows away the leaves.

The fog is creeping in from the north,

Sad clouds loomed.

Birds are moving south

Slightly touching the pine trees with my wing.

Guess Dear friend,

What time of year is it?...

Children answer: Autumn

The teacher draws attention to the path of leaves and says:

Guys, look what the laid out leaves look like...

The children answer.

That's right, you know that the path that leads into the forest is called a path. Let's go along this path to visit AUTUMN (children snake their way to ICT)

The ICT depicts a girl in autumn attire who meets them in the forest. Welcoming them (slides with autumn landscapes and seasonal changes are shown), the children go on a journey to autumn forest, a melody soundsTchaikovsky "Seasons. Autumn"

After watching, rain music sounds...

V.: - invites you to a physical education session

Physical education minute:

Between the soft spruce paws, the children alternately raise and lower their hands in front of them. The rain is quietly drip, drip, drip! palms up

Where the twig has long since dried up, Slowly they squat with their hands lowered and pressed to the body.

Gray moss, moss, moss has grown! hands. the hands are slightly laid out to the sides, the palms are facing


Where the leaf sticks to the leaf, the children slowly rise, holding their heads with their hands, like a hat.

A mushroom appeared, a mushroom, a mushroom.

Who found his friends? They stand straight, shrugging their shoulders.

It's me, it's me, it's me! They press their hands to their chest, nodding their head affirmatively

V.: Guys, occupy yourself in the forest comfortable places on stumps. Have you observed the changes that occur in nature in autumn? So let's remember and name them.

Children answer: (the leaves change color and fall to the ground, the sun heats less, often it's raining, blowing cold strong wind, birds fly away to warmer climes, mushroom and berry harvests are ripening, wild animals are stocking up for the winter).

V.: Autumn can be depicted not only with the help of colors, not only with the help of music and movements, but also with the help of words, as poets do, so listen to the poem about autumn for yourself.

The children answer.

V.: Listen to I. Maznin’s poem “Autumn”. Think about what period of autumn this poem is talking about.


Every day is sharper than the evening

Tearing leaves from branches in the forest...

Every day it’s evening before,

And it's still getting late.

The sun seems to be slowing down

No strength to rise...

That's why the morning rises

Above ground almost noon. I. Maznin

After reading the poem, the teacher asks questions.

Q: -What period of autumn did the poet write a poem about? Why do you think so?

How does the poem say this?

The children answer.

Q: - Remember what they say about the wind. What is he doing? How do you understand these words? What is said about the sun?

The children answer. The teacher reads the poem again.

Q: -What do you think is the mood of this poem?

Q: How should it be told?

The children answer.

The teacher reads the poem, giving instructions for memorization (later we will memorize the poem).

Educator: Now let’s try to tell the poem that we learned to AUTUMN.

The children answer.

Autumn thanks the children and goes on to decorate the trees in the forest.

V.: Guys, it’s time for you and me to return along the path to the kindergarten to tell everyone about our exciting journey.

Returning to the kindergarten, the teacher offers to remember what the children saw and heard during the trip.

Plan - outline

on the perception of fiction and folklore.

(Preparatory group for school)


teacher of the State Educational Institution for orphans

Petrova S.I.

Perception of fiction and folklore

Reading: K. Ushinsky “The Blind Horse”

I.O.O.: Speech development", "Social and communicative development", "Physical development"


OO Speech Development"

1.Form the foundations of book culture by introducing children to fiction.

2. Teach children to listen carefully literary work;

3.Build analysis skills work of art in terms of its genre;

4. Develop the ability to draw general conclusions and express one’s opinion;

5. Develop horizons, promote enrichment vocabulary, development of oral speech;

NGO "Social and communicative development"

1. Educate careful attitude to animals, kindness and sensitivity through the emotional perception of the work;

2. Identify children’s attitude towards such moral categories like compassion, good, evil.

NGO "Physical Development"

1. Form the need for physical activity.

Methods and techniques:

Visual: examination of fiction with fairy tales, stories by K.D. Ushinsky

Verbal: riddles, verbal communication, encouragement, question, messages about the author.

Practical: dynamic pause.

Materials and equipment: portrait and exhibition of books by K. D. Ushinsky, blank outlines of horses, pencils, presentation with illustrations for the fairy tale.

Vocabulary work.

Rogatina, bridle, three measures, ill, frail, prince, eagles, unanimously.

Logic of educational activities

Ih. Organizational moment

Voss makes riddles about the book and where the books live.

Offers to visit a group library, book exhibition

K. D. Ushinsky.

Asks questions: “What works by K.D. Do you know Ushinsky?”, “Who are these works about?”, “What unites all these books?”

They solve riddles.

Looking at books.

Answer questions.

Motivating children for upcoming activities.

Finding out about the initial ideas of children about the books of K.D. Ushinsky.

IIpart: Story about K.D. Ushinsky.

Vos-l briefly introduces children to the biography of K.D. Ushinsky.

Asking questions.

Vos-l invites you to get acquainted with another work by K.D. Ushinsky

"Blind Horse"

Listen to the teacher.

Answer questions.

They agree.

Acquaintance with the work of K.D. Ushinsky.

Showing interest.

Forming the ability to meaningfully answer adult questions

IIIPart: Reading the fairy tale by K. Ushinsky “The Blind Horse”.

Voss is reading a fairy tale.

Children listen to a fairy tale.

Formation of the ability to listen to a new literary work.

IVh. Dynamic pause

Organizes dynamic pause

“The horse is waiting for me on the road.”

Perform movements in accordance with the poetic text.

Activation of motor activity.

Vh. Conversation on content

Asks children questions about the content of K.D. Ushinsky’s fairy tale “The Blind Horse”

Answer questions about the content of the fairy tale.

Formation of art analysis skills. works from the point of view of its genre;

Developing the ability to draw general conclusions and express one’s opinion.

VIPart Reflection

Asking questions.

Invites you to remember what proverbs children know about friendship, kindness, and honesty.

Introduces another proverb: “Look for a friend, and if you find him, take care!”

Answer questions.

Children tell proverbs.

Get acquainted with a new proverb.

Formation of the ability to answer questions.

Memory development. Cultivating kindness, sensitivity, compassion.